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tv   [untitled]    February 20, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm EET

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a lot of money and equipment in order to overcome the influx that we faced on february 24, 2022, and here is the 23rd year, july, a very serious, well, i would say dispute, to put it mildly, dispute , ben wallace comes out and makes this statement, i 'm going to quote him now, whether we like it or not, but people want to see a little bit of gratitude, sometimes you ask countries to give up their own stockpiles of weapons. "sometimes you have to convince the legislators on the capitalist hill in america, you know, we are not amazon, for that, president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi answered that exactly, let's hear it in direct language, it just seems to me that we have always been very grateful to the united kingdom, always grateful to the prime minister, or rather , to the prime ministers, as well as to the minister of defense, bolis, because indeed, people
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in britain have always supported ukrainians , we thank you very much for that, i just don't know what he means, how else do we need to thank, well then, well, let him write to me, how i need to thank people, so that that we may be fully thankful, and may still be in the morning to wake up and thank the minister personally. my personal impression, i expressed this impression back in july of last year, is at least an uncultured reaction to that statement by the british defense minister ben wallace, but mr. vadim, how can you explain such an aggressive, really aggressive attack by the ukrainian president towards a person who repeatedly proved that she is not only on the side of ukraine, she is an ardent friend of ukraine, there is an interesting aspect in this, what happened, actually, ben wallace says. about amazon
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is not public, and unfortunately, his colleagues overheard, somewhere he was expressing this emotionally to someone, and i understand why, because ben volos was known as a minister who demanded from his government, from the minister of finance, from the prime minister more money, more money to help ukraine, more money to rearm his own army, and having rather limited supplies for land forces , and you know that britain is a great sea power, we just needed land armaments behind ... he had this problem before him, and he sincerely believed that our gratitude, not even personal to him britain unties his hands and allows him to operate, and he told me about this more than once personally, that i am helping you with weapons, you have to help me, to explain in my own society that helping ukraine is critical for us, for everybody, we have to take even things that we would never get from our own reserves, and i want to remind you again, i know your audience knows, but britain was... the first country in
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everything, tanks, missiles, helicopters, learning, all that can be said, the first can safely say great britain, and we will not be mistaken, and it is obvious that they need, at least their own people, to hear every time from the leader of ukraine, who was very popular in britain, thank you for these simple things, and i want to say that recently, this year we see that president zelenskyi has taken on arms and every time we are there we thank everyone we can, maybe this played a role in this... an unpleasant incident, which, by the way, ended with ben volos also resigning, losing ben volos, you know, he survived four prime ministers, i already am gave an example that when boris johnson was coming, ben wells, as the most popular conservative, was offered to lead the british government, and he said that i have not yet decided one very important issue: the war in ukraine. imagine a man who refused, a professional soldier who became a professional politician, a very tough scotsman, has the same clan. the name, like this hero, remember,
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this is the heart, like mel gibson's movie, because it's just, this is the hero of the scottish epic, and it's the same, this same voles, it's very proud, a strong man who gave up the position of prime minister because he said, i have to solve a more important issue, ukraine, and definitely for him it was, to put it mildly, i listened to a lot, if i say so, you can believe it, as an ambassador, i listened to a lot after that, well, it 's hard to keep it to yourself later, when you are questioned especially by journalists, you said at that moment, mr. vadim, let's, you know, go back a little bit now from ben volos, anyway to boris johnson, honestly, i forgot to ask you about that when i said what you have developed good friendly relations with boris johnson, but here, it seems to me that the story of very warm friendly relations between president zelensky and boris johnson is somewhat propagated, is this true? this is absolutely true, and they started not only with the war, and the visit of president zelensky to britain before the war.
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he was just imbued with such, you know, sincere sympathy, love, probably on valentine's day, we have a slightly different connection, but there was sympathy between politicians, i won't say that president zelensky and boris johnson. these are similar people, we had such a theory that president zelenskyi, who came from the media and became the president, this is not quite the case, that is why boris johnson went through another, his career is built in a different way, the mayor of the city, and so on, and so on, and so on, although he such a very easy person, you know, he has a lot of love, that's why he has many wives, many children , many contacts, but just as he is loved, there is also a very large part of the population of britain who cannot stand boris johnson, he knows it and accepts calmly. and look, one more question, i know that there is no conditional way in history, but there was another prime minister during that time in great britain, lee strass, who also strongly supported ukraine in the position of foreign minister. and your view, if there was, i'm not saying instead of richie
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sunak, between richie sunak and boris johnson for a while, would that add to that support or not? i think we are overestimating. the role of each personality in history, in particular in britain is important to us, in other countries that hesitate, and you know, the role of each leader is to move to one side to drag the whole system, in great britain, even when the crown has already said that we fully support the activities of the government, that crown, which for hundreds of years does not interfere and stays away from politics, it has already become clear to everyone that, well, probably the consensus in society itself, not even the state ukraine must win, look at what is happening now with the current minister of foreign affairs, who was the prime minister before that, he is known for the fact that brexit took place under him, he does not search for words, he does not choose terminology, he says ukraine must win and russia must lose, and it is the only state that so simply and clearly formulates, they formulate
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not only for us, they formulate for themselves, that this is our position, well, it must have been interesting to work in the country, just at this moment, when this country so supported us and be. ugh , this is a process, and in particular, our work, and every ukrainian, and those soldiers who are training there, you know, british officers approached me and said that i, we know that our politicians do not want us to fight, but it would be an honor for us to fight alongside yours soldiers, you saw how they see them off, they all stand next to each other and salute those soldiers who are leaving, and that's true, mr. vadym, let's talk about diplomat vadym prystayk. but i really want to ask you one moment, we mentioned, i already mentioned, we already talked about the vilnius summit, it took place on july 11-12 last year, that is , in 2023, first this statement by ben johnson, the minister of defense of great britain, then this
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very bad the reaction of our president, and on july 12, july 21, the ambassador of ukraine in velyka vadim's britain. dismissed from the position, why and when vadym prystayko became objectionable, because i am me, it seems to me that this is precisely the objection to the ukrainian authorities, or maybe you will change when and why, i do not think that political competition, unfortunately, it remains competition even in peaceful wartime, that is, no one takes it away, i am a former minister of foreign affairs, who was in office only for... in office, six months, and by the way, in our government, having a mandate for a year of work, we had a protected program , well, everything is as it should be, he, if you remember, very quickly derailed his work, we did not have time to do anything due to many reasons, in particular because the prime minister
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was recorded, as you remember, in his own office, yes, knowing how effective our special services are, especially now you and i can see, listened to, how much experience they have gained, i still expect that sooner or later. the answer to this question will be given, who broke the law and recorded the prime minister in his own office, which cost our government, relatively speaking, the end of our mediocrity plans and everything else, without this, i believe that ukrainian political life should have, you know, such vaccination against such scandals that we agreed that we give the right to work as a government, we came, we were the first government with president zelensky, and we have there were many plans, of course. for my trip in six months, on the one hand, britain was pleased that they were sending a minister, they perceived it as a sign of respect for this country, but a little remained in the plans of unrealized ideas and all inclusion with me, and of course we tried and i, in particular
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, to implement those ideas, those plans, but britain was a good place where, thank god, these plans could be implemented, there was power, there was support, there were some, you know, at least opportunities, did these opportunities correspond? expectations, or what are the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the ambassador, well, well, relatively speaking, british farmers do not block ukrainian shipments, the british parliament votes to increase to... aid to ukraine, british weapons continue to arrive, what is criterion for evaluating the activity of our head of our ukrainian diplomatic mission in each individual country. i believe that thank god, i will not say that it was done by us, by my embassy there, by my people, but we brought our branch into the common nest of that british-ukrainian friendship, which, thank god, allowed us to win and survive this war. then, when and why? well, because it really is what you say, it really is. i agree 150% and just like our viewers, i
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hope we understand that firstly, we need to rely on professionals, we can try as much as you want to creatively change ambassadors in different countries and this has been discussed 100 thousand times, there is no point in going back, i have devoted almost 30 years of my life to this career, i have not done anything else, and i expected that i knew something about it and can be useful. it seemed to us that this benefit was transferred and the result was just for the whole public to evaluate, it was done, it was not done, just like the commander-in-chief of the armed forces , the ambassador is a person who resigns, is appointed personally by the president, there are no trade unions, no competitions, it is his a direct decision, and to be honest, i was always surprised by this debate in ukraine, does the president have the right to dismiss, he has, as everyone has the right to dismiss, yes, by the way, as ukrainians also have the right to change the president in elections, that is, the right is . the question is wrong, the question is expediency, and it would be good in principle to understand why something happened and
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what it will lead to, but the answer to all these questions is a shame to me, as a former ambassador who has been gone for six months, this is the second question that i wanted you are right but i will tell you more if we don't start the election today, he will go there in another six months, huh, that is, we won't have a year, and it's very difficult not to have an ambassador in a country that is helping us so much right now, it can go, you know, so volatile. spin and the fact that someone who wants to say that ukraine has lost interest for great britain will be able to point a finger at it, and look at it, here is the attitude towards this country, here is the attitude towards you, thank god we don't have to know save the situation in this country and knock on the door in the middle of the night and demand from something, although definitely britain , well, it's not automatic, it's painstaking daily work, even the best of our partners will be forced, because they have a lot of other problems that they need to solve, apart from us and you. thank you for this answer, mr. vadim, i know, i read your interview, i watched the interview on different tv channels, on
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different these, because i was preparing for this interview, but i know that you did not receive an offer from the ministry of foreign affairs to continue the work, so i had communication with dmytro kuleba and mine successor, i appreciate the work that is being done, well, you didn't get, i don't work in the ministry, if that's the case, my question is different, if that's the case at some point a diploma. mother vadim prystayk will be offered to work in the ministry of foreign affairs, or in the ministry itself, and somewhere as an ambassador abroad, our viewers may wonder that we conspired with you and engaged in the employment of a specific former diplomat, you know, it’s like asking, not just me, why is it i ask, sorry for interrupting in order to understand you know the depth of what is happening in our country, in particular, we will not yet have questions about the ministry of foreign affairs, because i have many questions , i want answers from you. get at them, childish insults, they are all somewhere in the past, now, well, absolutely not, not
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to the point, and one day we will be offended there, when we defeat the russians and everything else, if there is any proposal that seems to me that well there i can add, i was, you said correctly, i was in the united states, in canada, in nato, these are important partners, where i know, i i'm not going to do anything i'm not good at, i'm still trying to hold on, anything is possible and that's cool, i thank you for that, because well... the fact that you're not working now, unfortunately, on the diplomatic front, let's call it the front, someone will be offended, say that it's not a front, i'll still call it the diplomatic front, so far ukraine is losing a lot while you're not working, but let's go further, i said that there will still be questions about the ministry of foreign affairs, say whatever you want please, the ministry of foreign affairs has an address near st. michael's cathedral, it is beautiful, it is a beautiful building, which our viewers, as we speak, may even be able to... see now on their screens, but it seems to me that the post office is from the current ministry of foreign affairs business is now not at
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this address, in the president's office. in this building there was once a city party, and diplomats joke that the communist past is still welcomed in the corridors of the ministry of foreign affairs, but jokes are jokes, you know, in principle i can too, again to answer this question professionally, i was, i worked, as in the office of the president, i... from the fact that i helped president zelensky to take the first steps in the office, and then i moved, and this problem, which is a confrontation, it is not is even related to personalities, maybe. to add or reduce the level of emotionality in the relations between the office, i think that this is a consequence of the system of statehood that is built in our country, i mean, our president, he just conditionally heads the direction of foreign policy and security, that is why he proposes the minister foreign affairs and the minister of defense, although all other ministers are elected by the parliament on the proposal of the prime minister, these are two
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unique ministers who emphasize the special role of defense and foreign relations as verticals controlled by the head of state, obviously those people who work with them every day, they have a great influence on foreign political decisions. another specificity is that none of the heads of offices or administration or whatever they were called were ever interested in andrii yarmak, but i asked because i'm sorry to interrupt, i'll just insert my own, because ukrainian delegation arrives in washington, andriy yarmak communicates at the meeting. with mr. sullivan, dmytro kuleba is sitting on the side, well, if we say so, then for the sake of justice , we must admit that salvan is not a member of the department, as a state department, he is an adviser to the president of the united states on matters of security and national security and foreign affairs, that is, it is the counterpart
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of andrii yermak, or that person, as i was the deputy head of the office, who was traditionally involved. of foreign policy and security, and by the way, blinkin, as secretary of state , was such an adviser to vice president biden before that, so the connection is always strong, and that, by the way, when i worked in both offices, it was my idea to try to connect in the position of the state secretary in this and to destroy this opposition is not necessary, there is any ideological competition, but to destroy the opposition, which does not allow us, conditionally speaking, to determine who in our country rules and determines this, i think that... you know, with the war, we will come to a change in the state system, and it will partly affect diplomacy, diplomacy, probably, as an operational body, should still be very close to the president, the minister should be his first point of contact that gives recommendations, because the minister has a hundred embassies, the minister has daily contacts not only with the advisers of the presidents, but with
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ministers, his people, consuls deal with every fate of every person that happens and solve 7 million non-issues that arise for our citizens abroad, that is , the ministry of foreign affairs still has a lot of information. and tell me, please, is there any moment, well there is, let's be honest, our ukrainian diplomatic service, in what way is it losing to the russian diplomatic service? the resource that the ukrainian diplomatic service has, it can be compared to our army in the same way, if we gave our army such a resource as russia gives its own, we would have leveled them a long time ago. and threw it out because we fight more effectively, probably because we are smaller in size, in terms of financial power, we have to be creative, aggressive, active, and so is ukrainian diplomacy, we did not have such a long history, we do not have such professional training, we had a small ministry of foreign affairs, soviet times, it was represented in two countries, in principle
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only at international organizations, that is , we had very little diplomatic experience, and people like me, for example, i am a programmer by education , in general, i... was driven to diplomacy, and there are a lot of such people, my friend and predecessor, pavlo klimkin, a theoretical physicist, and that is, these people were needed when diplomacy was just being born in our country, and that is why we, although and brought something creative, something new to diplomacy, we definitely still have to, you know, build up our muscles as a diplomatic service, this is probably the main part of why we are not effective enough, moreover, do not forget that diplomacy is just a scalpel, the last, the last, you know, the touch of the master, the power of the state, economic. her connections are hundreds of years old, there are all these leaders who studied at your universities when they were students and now became leaders of their countries, millions of economic connections, when your companies are represented all over the world, creativity and statements alone will not get you far, the whole system needs to work and realize what we need from this world, that is, i understand correctly that we still
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lose in something to the russian diplomatic service, because we are still too young, we state of youth. ours is all of us, not only diplomacy, we are now talking about diplomacy, i understand why you ask the question like that, it is difficult for all of us, because we, you remember how many of our best people went to moscow, because they saw there this is the future for myself the previous generation, we are only from the provincial center of the good, nice ukrainian city of kyiv, we are becoming our own state, it is very painful, very difficult, some do not believe that we can become one of the forces, some scoff when ukraine becomes a regional leader, some block ours... and grain, because they understand, yes, ukraine is a powerful partner and a powerful competitor in the future. and it really is. look, two words about putin's interview with such. carlson, a famous, really famous american a journalist, someone says about that, and why are you speaking to me in particular, and why are you talking so much about him, someone says that no,
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on the contrary, it is necessary to talk about it a lot, because tucker carlson has a multi-million audience, we know already that this interview came out, how it came out, personally it seems to me that it is not the way putin would like it to come out, but in any case the question is not whether we should now somehow ask carlson for interview, although this is also a question, right? please, although this question is also there, should i give an answer to the same carlson himself, yes or no, i have already learned many ideas, and i have discussed more than once with your colleagues and my colleagues, there is one very clear idea, well, there are standards of journalism, it’s true, and many of your colleagues wanted would interview the leader of a country that is heard, negatively, positively, it is completely different, for journalism very often the very popularity of your personal. behind which is your personal name, as carlsen has it, now if we give to such a person, we are supporting those people who are ready to forget who he is a leader simply
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for the sake of his personal popularity as a journalist, do we still support people who take a responsible approach to this, and understand that one cannot interview the leader of the leaders, cannot popularize his opinions, because well, duranty is a typical example, when for the sake of an interview with stalin... he forgot about the holodomor in ukraine, because otherwise he would not have gotten an interview with stalin, it is history that repeats itself, if someone has forgotten it, it must be reminded, but i think that it is not necessary to give him an interview specifically but demonstratively, maybe it should be given to someone else who has the same powerful opportunities to spread information, maybe a presenter from the bbc, i forgot what his name is corbyn, it seems, who interviewed the post-pred of russia in un, there were cases when people traveled, took from hamas, there were cases when people took from some dictators around the world, obviously bloodthirsty, whose hands are not yet dry in blood, but over time , journalism, like diplomacy, everything well
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, he understands if you feed a troll, a troll gets bigger and more powerful, what do you count on? 100% well, mr. vadim, due to lack of time, we have to finish this interview slowly, and not even slowly, but finish this interview, the last question for you, your vision of the future of ukraine and the world in a big way... of which ukraine is a part, this question, which is painful for all of us, and i'm not going to lie, i don't have a clear, you know , some kind of crystal ball that i can see in, i'm the only thing i'm saying honestly, and it's not a call, i 'm saying that we don't even realize how much we have already won, we have endured, we are with you we are talking in this studio, you are being listened to, we are speaking in ukrainian, not russian anymore, our country survived, the tragedy, these people, i just came back from the hospital here in lviv, where these people... are undergoing rehabilitation, wonderful, wonderful efforts , wonderful people, doctors who with hot eyes are trying to save these boys and girls, but despite all the grief and tears, we
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have already won, our task is to clean as much as possible, everything we can do, having the support of not losing the support of our friends and partners, and this recipe is ours future victory. thank you very much, mr. vadim, for visiting our studio today, thank you for your answers, honest answers to my questions, and thank you for your work. thank you, it was vadym prystayko, a professional diplomat, ambassador of ukraine to canada and great britain, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine for a certain time, worked in the office, in the ukrainian government, worked in the office of ukraine under nato, a person who did a lot for ukraine , today he was a guest of an interview on espresso, well, i say goodbye to you, my name is yuriy fizar, see you soon.
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