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tv   [untitled]    February 20, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EET

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the black sea fleet, losing its planes and so on, and its face, in fact, in front of the world community, achieves some small successes, that is, to washington, to berlin, to the english channel, such a russian army is still very far away, and it seems to me that these european and american elites, they have not yet entered the turbulent zone. which would make them give the kind of reactions that we hope for, of course, that there is a completely different mood in lithuania or in latvia or in estonia or in poland and even in finland, but this is not yet the general opinion of europe, the general opinion european elites, in fact, today the reaction of the west looks like it was in the cold days. war, actually
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navalny, the reaction to his death in prison , all this reminds us of the times of the cold war, when some dissidents tried to say something against the regime, but the regime either ignored them, so to speak, or simply destroyed them, as happened with navalny , and europe, america, they do not see, on the one hand, they do not see a great threat to themselves. real, and on the other hand, they do not see the chances and tools to change the situation inside russia, uh, so your question about, when , it seems to me, it is just about this, this inertia, in fact, the evolution to is quite fast, uh, european elites, european and western opinion, because for two more years... that is why it was believed that it is possible
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to negotiate with putin, it is necessary to agree that russia should be integrated into the free world and so on, there are problems, there is putin's resentment towards the west, but this can be done solve the problem somehow. today, everyone sees what needs to be decided it will not be possible, there is no one to negotiate with, but there is such an acute threat and the need to act immediately, it seems to me that in... europe and america there is no such awareness yet, they are waiting, especially since russia is rapidly losing its positions, in fact, the nuclear blackmail is the last thing she has left, and uh, that's why they're in such a hurry, medvedev, patrushev, that's why they're in a hurry to somehow remind and maybe somehow apply this blackmail, but... i think that
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the western elites have some data of their own special services and evaluate these threats and these threats quite realistically, and we can judge this from their reactions. mr. igor, we witnessed how the munich security conference began with information about the murder of oleksii navalny , the wife of oleksii navalny spoke there, today she... has already announced that she will continue the case of the russian opposition figure, and accordingly, a large part the munich security conference came under the sign of navalny, everyone was thinking about how to actually punish russia, although punish russia our western partners have already been trying quite actively for the past two years, sanctions of various kinds, but putin is demonstrating that... but what is he, more sanctions,
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less sanctions, in principle, it does not solve anything, that is, putin defiantly defies the munich agreement security conference, although he could probably say about what happened to navalny a little later, and it is in his power, and putin, medvedev are talking about nuclear weapons again, that is, they are behaving like two st. petersburg goons from the backyard and trying to... just put the whole world in an uncomfortable position, when in principle two or two leaders of racism are simply trying to sway the whole world, to recognize their conditions and to go to the agreements they want, why do you think the west is swaying for so long, well , in this situation, the answer seems to be... .
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is obvious, why is it not obvious to western partners, if medvedev is so afraid of the collapse of russia, he says that if we go to the borders of 1991, it will fall apart... the russian federation, then it will fall apart one way or another, do you understand whether it is already it's absolutely obvious, it's only a matter of time well, all empires sooner or later fall apart, and russia is a classic empire of the 19th century, that is, it is not the latest neo-imperial empire, but the one that was founded on the worst foundations, and it is clear that sooner or later the end will come, but you understand, in there is one fundamental problem of the event today, regarding the attitude towards the russian federation, well , colleagues, in principle, everything is absolutely correct... they said about there also a certain fear regarding the spread of nuclear weapons and a general lack of understanding of how to carry out these processes demilitarization , denuclearization, de-nazification, or de-racialization, these are the kinds of issues that require, well , direct presence, at least on
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the territory of the russian federation, well , roughly speaking, some troops there that will carry out this policy, or at least observe how this policy will be carried out, but the west now has a different fundamental one. the problem that is related to russia, they don't know who to bet on at all and whether there is anyone to bet on in russia to implement these changes and changes in the system of the regime that exists today in the russian federation, the fact is that classically you can bet on either the elite, there on a part of the elite, or massively on the people, that's how it happened, for example, during of the cold war, which primarily had an impact on those people who were. citizens of the soviet union, and already in the 1980s they understood all the advantages of living in the west in the west, and this very much shook the middle regime in principle, and then it collapsed so quickly and relatively painlessly, relatively painlessly, but well, there is a colossal problem with the people in russia now, they are either apathetic, or
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they are imperialistically inclined, that is, they are chauvinistic, they absolutely share the policy pursued by the russian government, and they do not have, well, do not see more precisely now. there are no, well, serious advantages in the same event, because they have, well, a small, but acceptable enough standard of living there and some other things, well, which they can keep for a sufficiently long period of time, and in the summer the situation is even worse, because 20 years in fact , putin's regime fired all this elite, no there is no alternative, and the story is there with the same navalny or his wife's statement that she will continue her husband's business, well, sorry, maybe it will sound cynical, but it is absolutely. but it’s funny from a political point of view, she can continue his case from the point of view of shooting films there, some documentary investigations about putin’s next estates or mistresses, but she will not carry out any other struggle, because the so-called russian opposition has not
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done, the secret is actually not in russia, the only thing they could do is to donate to the armed forces as much as possible or to come and join the ranks of the rdc and really fight putin's regime with weapons in their hands, and take a different position. there is no, and you understand this, a fundamental problem that the allies did not even have during the second world war, because they could count on the remnants of some opposition that sat in the concentration camps, which, by the way, later came to power to a large extent, for example in the western germany, and was at the basis of the already democratic country that was being built, or on the remains there, well, the wehrmacht, which opposed hitler and believed that the situation must somehow be changed and the country must be preserved, let’s say the regime, today there is essentially no such elite or people in russia, and therefore the west, it is in such a
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. them or it is necessary to find, try, at least, well, or look for some other options, but i am afraid that another option will be chosen, it involves at least a few more... years of such a situation of uncertainty, and the hope that the russian-ukrainian war in itself will lead to to some changes in russia, will launch some processes, and the west will simply join them, that is, it will ride this wave there to some extent and will act according to the circumstances, in the end they already succeeded once, for them the collapse of the soviet union, well for many was certain by surprise, well, at least not as quickly as they hoped for it, but they were able to ride this wave very quickly and very effectively, maybe they... such hopes remained regarding the current russia, the only problem is that this russian regime has a margin of safety, and at least as long as putin lives, he remains large enough, that could stretch for many more years. thank you gentlemen, we will be back in the studio after a short break, don't switch, i
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protects the liver and gallbladder, alohol with care and respect for the liver and gallbladder. i'm here temporarily, i'll be back home soon. live now where you are. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters of all kinds. became similar, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for
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smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion. to spite the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 for espresso. 10 years ago, during the revolution of dignity , mass shootings of protesters took place in the center of kyiv. 10 years ago, on february 20 , 2014, the largest number of protest participants died - 48. 10 years ago , the russian-ukrainian war began, and it was actually its first battle. 10 years ago, we entered the fight for freedom, for the future,
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for our existence. the fight continues, until victory. this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy ordenko, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our platforms in youtube and facebook. for those watching us there now, please like this video and vote in our poll. today we ask you about whether you trust the information of the united television. yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube , if you have your own opinion, a separate opinion, please write in the comments, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphones and vote, if you trust the information of the only telethon 0.800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, call. i remind you that vitaliy kulyk, ihor reiterovych and maksym are on our air today. smart, and gentlemen, i wanted to move on to another important topic, the topic of our relations with the poles, because during
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the last few months we have observed that polish transporters and polish farmers are trying to block the routes by which we transport various goods, in view of the fact that that we have problems with access to... the sea, we have problems with various borders, but the ukrainian-polish border is important enough for ukraine, and president zelenskyi today, in his address, he criticized the blocking of checkpoints on the border with ukraine by polish farmers, let's hear what zelensky said. and regarding the situation, unfortunately, not a similar situation, which demonstrates the erosion of solidarity every day, what is happening in our country. the border with poland cannot be perceived as something normal or commonplace, simple and
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clear justice is needed, only 5% of our agricultural exports pass through the polish border, so in fact the situation is not in zirgnia, but rather in politics, and near kupiansk, not far from the border with russia, where the enemy artillery does not stop, the news from the border with poland looks just... a mockery, we need joint solutions, rational solutions to get out of this situation, our solutions with the poles, above all, so everyone in europe , who is concerned about the fate of europe. i thank everyone who fights and works for the sake of our state and people, thank you to everyone who, mr. vitaly, the president said that it is not the economy and it is not the interests of certain groups that are blocking the paths to ukraine and, accordingly, from ukraine to europe , and politics, what is this politics consists of there are three components here, i agree with
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president zelensky that this is not about any interests. not socio -economic interests over the interests of certain groups, because there is an official response to any comments of polish farmers, there are expert opinions, there are explanations, and they are also in the polish press, and they have already poked their noses repeatedly, about product quality certificates and grains, about examinations, about the fact that we are far from monofundists. and the main arable land in our country is used by micro-farmers, and 74 thousand micro-farmers provide 40 or more percent of our agriculture, that is, to all these comments that polish farmers articulate, which constantly sound from them, from them, from the initiators of these blockades, there are answers, they are obvious, if,
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if, indeed, someone wanted to understand, then it was possible long ago already draw certain conclusions, and this is politics, it consists of... things: the first thing is related to the fact that there are contradictions within the ruling political force and the coalition of ruling political forces, and there the relations between different groups are clarified, the second position - that's what each of these is trying to gain a favorable negotiating position to put pressure on its partner, on the other hand , the opposition in the form of peace and... the confederation that joined peace, it is no secret that in separate, in separate by-elections, the former ruling party, the right justice, the confederates form a coalition, even joint lists, if you consider that these confederates are the largest ukrainophobic political force,
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which not only surfs on phobias, on anti-ukrainian sentiments, but... has direct connections and touches on russian narratives, their leaders, the initiators of the blockade, go to crimea, so it is obvious that there is no external heating here, but the direct source of this tension is in the internal polish agenda, it is the confrontation of different groups of influence, ruling. political party and between the ruling and the opposition, and until there is no consensus on the ukrainian issue, until a unified policy is developed, and the government or the ruling political force cannot or does not want to implement it, accordingly, we will have constant problems, so it is not about the economy, it's not about the interests of farmers,
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it's not about quotas, it's not about subsidies, it's politics, first of all. domestic polish , but this domestic policy, it becomes foreign policy and affects whether we have this window to europe or not, and how we use this window, because it is clear that in wartime, any logistical route , it is important for ukraine, and it provides opportunities for waging war with the russian federation, in this case, mr. igor, will poland play along? of russia, and today kubrakov spoke with the head of the bureau of the national security of poland and said that listen , well, this is a security issue not only of ukraine, but also of poland, because if you will slow down the supply of products to us across the ukrainian-polish border, of different, different nomenclature and different values, then one way or another you
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play along with russia and play on the side of the russian federation, well, that's it. because we see a lot of photos from the border posted by our carriers, in them there are trucks carrying goods, well , let's say, military purposes, they are generally related to armed forces forces, they are needed by the armed forces, and these trucks , although the poles promised, they also do not let them pass, and it is a very big problem, to import components, to import the same medicines that are used, well, in the army, then this is an important component of national security in general and of the defense of ukraine , so there is no... there is russia's complicity , by the way, i am far from the fact that russia had a hand in this story, well, in the sense that it almost finances some polish farmers there, although we know that some small connections... representatives of the same confederation with representatives of russia, russia uses it more for information purposes and simply disperses these protests, but here you know, it should be noted
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that these same protests also have a pan-european political component, farmers are primarily protesting against the european green course, not only, by the way, in poland , in many other countries, but they use the issue of ukraine here in order to , with the help of non-competitive methods, essentially preserve their... its position on the market, and this violates all the principles, standards, and most importantly, the values ​​of the european union, because you can defend your position, but in the conditions of a free, open market, well, with compliance with all the requirements that are there for, say, products, but you cannot use some purely political component in order to gain a non-competitive advantage , and the poles now, by the way, with these protests, creating a very dangerous precedent for the european union as a whole, because they are being watched very carefully... farmers from other countries, they are also, well, first of all, adopting this technology, and second, they also start to use some political slogans, well
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, regarding, for example, grain from ukraine, although everyone knows very well who brings what grain to where and who, for example, buys ukrainian grain in the same poland, well, if there was no demand for it, then probably it did not get there, but in these protests there are only producers of agricultural products, but there are practically no livestock farmers, why, because they... in fact, ukrainian grain is profitable, they bought it, did it officially, and had no problems with it , so this story, well, it should already if well start to decide why, because this creates problems not even in polish-ukrainian relations, it creates a problem including at the level of the european union, and the european commission should already intervene, they have moved away from it so far, they hope that tusk will be able to settle this the problem, using his experience and opportunities, well, if... start everything from a clean sheet, but tusk, in turn , is pressured by certain domestic political issues and confrontations with law and justice and other parties, which in essence
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are in the opposition, therefore, most likely, we will have to involve european institutions, which will also either give certain benefits to polish farmers, or will demand from them the implementation of those agreements signed between ukraine and the eu, and for ukraine in this situation, well, we probably already we need to stop being afraid and... as long as the situation somehow resolves itself, we are in an absolutely legally defined position, then perhaps the time has come to at least start turning to european institutions again, if we we do not see any effective actions on the part of the polish authorities, in principle they already had enough time to find a way out of the situation and propose to offer some compromise solution, and ukraine, by the way, was ready for compromises and remains ready today day. well , the minister spoke about this today. of infrastructure oleksandr kubrakov, by the way , he said that only 5% of the export of agricultural products passed through poland, and that the poles
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accuse the ukrainians of sending grain somewhere on the territory of poland, does not correspond to reality, and it is not even about grain, but about the roads, about the infrastructure that is used by this ukrainian transport community, mr. maksym, or? why do poles in two years of the great war turn from people who helped and met ukrainian refugees at the border, there they gave everything for women and children who fled from the war in ukraine, and met ukrainians quite well, turn into people, i understand that this is a conditional small group, that it is not all polish. society, but it is all polish society tolerates, and the government tolerates, why do they not respond to the challenges that are facing, which threaten bilateral relations, well, in fact
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, we must understand that our optics, our vision of the situation, our priorities, they are very significantly different from how the situation can be seen from the polish-ukrainian border, from the territory of poland. not to mention brussels and so on or from spain, where the farmers are also on strike there, uh, they have a completely different agenda, uh, and most importantly, they have other phobias, that is, until er, that's it poland was seriously afraid, er, of a possible attack by russia, it seems that it is still afraid and preparing, until... er, this fear, it fueled this solidarity with ukraine and the desire to help ukraine by all possible means and possibly there the feeling
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of some kind... has obviously already receded into the background, and here i agree that domestic politics, polish domestic politics had a very significant influence, society was warmed up by the past elections, and how our politicians are used to warming up society, how our politicians are used to motivating their voters , they used to... to scare them, that is, to put in front of them, in front of people's eyes, some threats, some enemies, and in this way stimulate them to vote for a certain party, for certain leaders, this is a big problem, this is a big problem of democracy, that political elites and political technologists have learned
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to operate with these. people in order to achieve a political result, and in poland we have consequences, we have, well, yes, it is impossible to organize such a situation there, for money, it is clear that in society, society is heated by certain phobias, expectations and so on, and the search for enemies, and this enemy, potential or real,... ukraine is currently recognized there in some form, whether there are tycoons there, or whether it is just the export of ukrainian grain, it doesn’t matter there 5%, in social mythology, it lives as a big and terrible monster, and of course it is very difficult to fight with it, you can fight with it only with some kind of psychotherapy, that is, changing the agenda
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. none of our concessions, none of our explanations will solve this situation, it can obviously only be solved by some internal polish internal-polish dialogue and switching to more real problems, to the problems of the country's security, to the problems of its economic, so to speak, well-being of the population within the framework. of the european union, before trade with the european union and so on, it is simply necessary for polish society to cool down and stop seeing ukraine as a potential enemy. thank you, thank you mr. maksym, maksym rozumny, ihor reiterovych and vitaly kulyk were guests of our program today. thank you, gentlemen, for participating in the program. during the entire broadcast, we conducted
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a survey and asked you about such things, whether you trust them. you information of a single telethon , let's look at the results of the survey on the telecast, 10% trust and 90% do not, such results of the telethon on youtube we also conducted a survey, now i will see what the final numbers are here, since we had two broadcasts, and during we had two broadcasts, well, approximately the same numbers, yes. 14%, no, 86%, about the same numbers as on tv. on this, friends, i put a full stop, i wish everyone good health, take care of yourself and your relatives, goodbye. 10 years ago, during during the revolution of dignity , mass shootings of protesters took place in the center of kyiv. 10 years ago, on february 20, 2014,
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the largest number of protest participants died, 48. 10 years ago, the russian-ukrainian war began, and it was actually its first battle. 10 years ago, we entered the fight for freedom, for the future, for our existence. the fight continues, until victory. time to learn about the most important events at the moment, yanaeva melnyk, greetings to all viewers of espresso. they blocked railway traffic and dumped ukrainian grain from the wagons. polish farmers started a big protest. let me remind you that the main demand of agrarians is to limit the import of agricultural products from ukraine. earlier, the poles announced the complete blocking of checkpoints, railway
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stations and sea stations.


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