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tv   [untitled]    February 20, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm EET

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10 years ago, the russian-ukrainian war began, and this was actually its first battle. 10 years ago, we entered the fight for freedom, for the future, for our existence. the fight continues, until victory. time to learn about the most important events at the moment, i'm anaeva melnyk, greetings to all viewers of espresso. they blocked railway traffic and dumped ukrainian grain from the wagons. polish farmers started a big protest. let me remind you that the main demand of agrarians is to limit the import of agricultural products from ukraine. earlier, the poles announced the full blocking checkpoints, railway stations and sea ports. and
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our correspondent natalya stareprava is currently at the check point of doctor shagini. natalya, i congratulate you and tell me what you know at the moment and what exactly the poles demand? greetings to anna eva, greetings to our viewers , i am just at the checkpoint, not far from the medical checkpoint, behind me is the railway, this track, where the grain was just scattered there, the polish police and poles are on the spot, and... as they assured took a handful of this grain for examination, because they assure that this grain is unsuitable and not for use for sale on the territory of poland and on the territory of other countries of the european union and does not meet the standards in general. now we see that the polish strikers have gathered, the strike itself has been going on for several hours, there was loud music, loud shots were fired from the firecrackers, we talked with the protesters themselves. someone
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expressed himself quite emotionally, assured that yesterday there was also a mess here, i cannot confirm the information at the moment, but they assured that one of of ukrainian carriers behaved quite badly with the polish flag, did a very bad action, i cannot confirm this at the moment, and they also assure that with such actions they call on the polish authorities to completely block... traffic, both by rail and by road for ukrainian carriers, because the poles themselves, the polish farmers are experiencing great losses, their prices, they are experiencing great losses in their enterprise, accordingly, the prices of polish grain are rising accordingly, let's listen to what the farmers say, in my opinion, first we need to close the border, organize the procedure, and then, perhaps, open it, but not according to the same rules. which are now there, because now
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you can bring anything and any way you want to poland from ukraine , as much as you want, as you want, and no one can control it, they keep talking about strengthening control, but it doesn't work. i work with my brother on the farm. we do not hire anyone and take care of everything ourselves, but we had to cut back on the purchase of equipment, plant protection products and fertilizers. now we need to cut costs to make it all pay off at the end of the season. so, the protest continues for an indefinite period, before that we also received information that the poles are protesting, they have completely blocked the borders, highways, railways, for an indefinite period. and while the action
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continues, the poles are in place, we will follow these actions, something is buzzing behind me again, that is, something is constantly happening, studio, thank you for the information, thank you for your work, natalya staraprava , correspondent of espress, about the blockade of the border by polish farmers and their requirements, give answer, ukrainian transporters started a peaceful action against the actions of the poles according to... according to the information of the public driver, they gathered at three checkpoints: ravaruska, grebene, krykivets, korchova and shegyni medika. the head of the public organization ukrainian transport union in the lviv region notes that polish trucks will be allowed into the territory of ukraine with the same delay as poles allow ukrainian ones. ihor serdyuk, one of the hundred heavenly hosts, hero of ukraine, standard bearer. of the ninth hundredth
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of maidan self-defense on february 18, 2014 life a 44-year-old man was killed by a sniper shot during a confrontation in a fortress alley in the government district. my colleague iryna skrypacheva met with the hero's daughter and found out the last words she heard from her father. oleksandra and i met at the memorial to the heroes of the heavenly hundred in kremenchuk. ihor serdyuk's photo is the first on the ceiling among the photos of fallen heroes. a free-spirited rebel in an ointment. the ones with the trident and the red scarf. oleksandra said that this photo was taken on the maidan, the daughter of her father's cousin. it reflects, perhaps, there the last six months of his life, when he was so stoic, such a life
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, he was the complete opposite, he was cheerful, smiling, he laughed a lot, joked, well, but the last six months he... changed, and he visually changed, he very old ihor serdyuk, the only resident of kremenchuk who was awarded the title of hero of ukraine during the revolution of dignity. since 2016, one of the city's central streets bears his name. a memorial plaque was installed on the facade of the building where he lived, and in 2020, on the corner of igor serdyuk and heroes streets heavenly hundred, a bas-relief of the hero was opened. this is such a reminder that such events happened, and unfortunately, everything continues , the war continues, people die, people have, people who are here, they should remember that
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every day someone pays a price for their freedom, for their relatively carefree lives. 10 years have passed already, and that tragic day of february 18, the girl remembers, as if in... yesterday nothing foreshadowed trouble and you can't be ready for the news about dad's death - says oleksandra, and here are his last words will remember all his life. it was a little strange that he said it when he said it: if anything happens to me, if it doesn't happen to me, then i know that i died for the truth. iryna skrypacheva nikita litskevich for the espresso tv channel from kremenchuk. worked for the benefit of the enemy. the security service of ukraine kidnapped a blogger from the capital. in his videos for social networks, the attacker spread misinformation about the political situation in
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ukraine and discredited the command of the armed forces. in addition, he participated in the broadcasts of russian tv channels, where he spread the word pro-kremlin narratives: a traitor faces up to eight years in prison. battleships and underwater weapons. sweden will provide ukraine with its largest package of military aid, its value is 630 million euros, defense minister paul jonsson said. ukraine will receive 10 amphibious assault boats, mines and torpedoes. the package also includes artillery ammunition, anti-aircraft systems, anti-tank robots and grenade launchers with shells. we release the most urgent needs of ukraine in air defense systems and artillery shells. we continue to develop our support by entering the naval arena in the form of warships. our message is that we will support ukraine as long as necessary. and
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the espresso tv channel continues to collect fpv drones for a separate platoon of unmanned air systems of the state special sapsan. transport services, these courageous soldiers are actively conducting combat operations in the donetsk direction, attack and restrain the enemy, thanks to drones, they successfully destroy a lot of russian equipment, fortifications and manpower, so we have a goal - to collect 1 million hryvnias on flying weapons. the best investment in our freedom is a donation for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine. here's what's going on at the moment, the news team from... espresso is back on the air, already at 3 p.m. we'll be following what's happening in ukraine and the world, we'll talk about the most important things, then meet my colleagues, marto olyarnyk and antin borkovskyi.
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information day of the tv channel in rozpala. glory to ukraine. dear tv viewers, we work for you and inform you about the most important things. the third separate assault brigade on the situation near avdiivka. assaults of russia. doesn't end in fact, the occupiers never use chemical weapons, but these actions have a rather limited effectiveness. mykola volokhov, the commander of the third separate assault brigade, stated this on the air of the telethon. i quote: mykola volokhov, how difficult is it? let's compare. at one time, i thought that the bakhmut direction, which is extremely difficult, is the most difficult place of the russian-ukrainian war, but when i came here, it is about avdiivka, this bar was raised. i think that i won't lie if i say that the avdiiv direction is the hottest spot the russian-ukrainian war and the hottest
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point in the world. we will now attract oleksandr kovalenko to our teru in order to discuss with him everything that is happening now on the front line and the military-political observer of the information resistance group is already in the etheris, mr. oleksandr, we congratulate you, glory to ukraine. glory to the hero, have a good day. well, let's talk now about the situation at the front. yesterday we have seen maps, heard statements from military analysts, and seen an extremely serious revival of the enemy, in particular, it is about their offensive actions. so, mr. oleksandr, first of all , we would like to ask you whether their offensive activities are currently supported by an appropriate amount of resources that could be directed, let's say, an attempt to break through, well, the question here is not the amount of resources, here... it is the russian occupation troops , what is the capacity of the defense forces of ukraine to hold their lines, and because avdiyivka, by the way, everything
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started with it, it was lost due to the fact that we did not have enough tools to repel and block the russian offensive assault actions, first of all artillery, we did not have enough ammunition, ammunition for artillery, therefore... we, if we are talking about any area, any location where the intensification of russian offensive actions begins, then the relevant question arises: is it enough there is currently munitions, the proportional distribution of munitions among the artillery in order to repel these offensive actions, yes, indeed, we are not only talking about artillery, we should not only talk about artillery, there are other problems, there is also the problem of the dominance of russian occupiers their tactical aviation constantly uses, corrected aerial bombs on
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our positions, but mainly the first aspect, if we are talking about repelling such waves, offensive waves, then this is a matter of the artillery component, if there is really a correspondingly proportional number, then we will be able to respond effectively and block any offensive movement from the side. the russians, and if there is any weakness, if there is something missing, then the russians will have the opportunity to gain a foothold in a new position, advance behind the line of battle is already on our territory. mr. oleksandr, we understand that now it is difficult to talk about equal resources, we understand that due to certain objective or subjective circumstances, ukraine now has a certain shortage of one or another weaponry, but... the intelligence of great britain says that after the capture of avdiivka, the russian forces also need time for re-equipment and
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rest, and in fact they say that in the coming weeks, perhaps, they will try to expand the territorial gains, it is said that, relatively speaking, a few weeks for the russians to take a break and start again, do we also have the opportunity to use this time to the maximum benefit, and what do you think should be done? so that these few weeks there could be used as efficiently as possible by us and our allies, in particular, because we understand that we also depend on them to a large extent, and if we really act according to logic and rationality, some rational scenario and military science, by the way , then after such exhausting battles as for an audio game, it is necessary to take an operational pause, it... is needed in order to restore the combat capability of units, to compensate for losses, that is, to have some kind of conditional
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rest, to provide it to the units themselves, but the russians, as we can see, will not do this, and they are now on the courage, they are moving exactly on the basis capture of avdiivka , and they will soon try to expand the security buffer around ovdiivka, and... they are trying now to storm lastochkina, which is west of avdiivka, and this is one of those strongholds, locations that they consider as an element creature safety buffer around the corpse, only after the safety buffer is created, it can be 2-3 km, and depending on how much this depleted resource will last, only after that they will restore it, most likely they will transfer it under control of the first army corps in its entirety, and
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part of its units will be returned to the areas of responsibility after restoration. well , these are, for example, units of the second combined arms army, the 41st combined arms army, which are part of the group the center of troops operating in the luhansk region, in the lyman direction, and after that we can expect the next wave of offensive actions, or activation, catalyzing the lyman direction, or the reinforcement of a group of troops west, because in the kupin direction, because kupin'. for the russian command, this is one of the priority directions today, just like in the bakhmut region, it was during the yar, so they have two main directions that they will keep at a sufficiently high level, there the intensity of conducting offensive actions, in addition to everything else, they became more active in the zaporizhia region, but the zaporizhia region
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is already a completely different group of troops, and therefore there is no such thing before avdiyivka. relationship, although they can reorient the focus of their tactical aviation not so much to the east itself, but also to the zaporizhzhia region. mr. oleksandr, well, look, the enemy's activation in the donetsk direction is extremely large, extraordinary, right? and you rightly noted that, well, one desire will not be enough for the enemy to develop your certain ones. offensive activity, this concerns both avdiivka and not only avdiivka. on the other hand, we understand that we have already actually entered spring, and we should prepare, perhaps for even more large-scale actions. it was hellishly difficult for avdiyivka, well, the key story is that we managed to withdraw our fighters. on the other hand, we understand, well, what is a textbook classic, it tells us that the enemy would like
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to develop certain offensive actions, after the dispositions were changed, the parties from what was... in this case, we are also talking about avdiivka, the development of offensive actions, you do you see it or not, because it can be not only the avdiiv direction, but ugledar there , the enemy would also like to strengthen, well, we understand that ugledar is also an extremely important direction, well, i have already announced the main directions, they are kupyansk and chasivya, they will be exactly them with... to deal with, especially the pressure, it will increase, it will increase quite seriously after the elections, the so-called elections of the president of russia, and this is due to the fact that after the elections they will start a more intense mobilization, this mobilization will allow them to recruit
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the appropriate number by september human resource to to significantly strengthen the capabilities of their main... new offensive forces in kupyansk, as well as in temporary yara, in addition to everything else, you mentioned ugledar, that's right, they are not very active there now, but they are concentrating forces and means, there was an opinion, that they can even begin offensive operations in the direction of the coal mine before the beginning of the new year, but they have not done so, they are waiting, they are waiting for what, they are waiting for that... when novomykhaivka is completely captured, then they will continue to advance from the northern direction to coal miner, so we are talking about what is a priority for them in the near future is not only the capture of novomykhaivka, but also from the village to the village from the direction of the village of solodkogo
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to the water, the cutting of the general route 0532 and that's it... that's when they will start, taking in such pincers, peculiar, they will carry out offensive actions on ugledar quite powerful, and besides novomykhaivka and ugledar there is one more location, this is the zaporizhia region, in the zaporizhia region they are now trying to restore the positions they lost in the summer of 2023, that is, it is about this pocket , and... robotic, willow, well, in the direction of novomykhaivka, and if they succeed in this, then they can try to move in the direction of walnuts, and also... and the field, but mainly walnuts, so today we have quite a lot of such ee extremely threatening
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locations, but on the other hand, we hold them, despite the shortage of ammunition, the russians are putting quite a lot of pressure on them, but you and we in any of these attacking actions of theirs, we repel them, mr. oleksandr, but we understand that now. .. the enemy has an advantage in the sky, in particular he uses tactical advantage aviation, which ours are trying to destroy in every possible way, in the previous days 6, su 34 and 35 were destroyed, can we hope that our armed forces, despite the shortage of ammunition, have something to shoot down the tactical aviation of the enemy, and whether and whether this is the result will not lead to the fact that the enemy will use it less because he will be afraid that he will lose planes. well, this is a very important point, because the russians are primarily betting on cabs, for them it is the most important
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element for influencing our positions, and this is the main toolkit for opening up our borders and in the crip-areas, and if they will really reduce the number of use of their tactical aircraft due to the threat of their destruction, because they have... well, they have like garbage since the soviet union, they have tens of thousands of free-falling aerial bombs left over there fab-250, f500, fap-1500 are tens of thousands, but for them it is the carrier that is important, first of all the su-34, then it is the su-35, su-30 and su-24, but mainly the su-34. they have few such carriers, and the fewer they have, the less opportunity they will have to dominate the airspace of ukraine in
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the temporarily occupied territories in order to use cabs, and this very tactic, the destruction of their tactical aviation, it can really bring a corresponding profit, we hope that what we could not do in avdiivka, because it is avdiy. mainly and constantly razed to the ground with cabs, we will be able to do it in the near future. look, sir, mr. oleksandr, here is a message from commander tarnavskyi, commander of the operational-strategic grouping of tavriy troops. yes, says commander ternavskyi, what the russians resumed the use of poisonous substances. a total of four drops of a grenade with a chemical substance with a tear-inducing suffocating effect were recorded. this is up to a certain reflection , we understand that in principle, it would not have any extremely serious consequences, well, because it is like dropping four grenades, it is not so
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much, on the other hand, we understand that maybe they are just trying on and preparing for large-scale use of poisonous substances, and they are not using poisonous substances for the first time, if they have already done so, then they they were used for the first time during assault operations in the district. mariupol precisely on zovstal, it was the first, the first such, the first attempt to use poisoned substances against the defenders of azovstal, and from time to time they use them, in one or another quantity, for us it is no longer any wonder, in the use of these means there is both pros and cons, of course it is dangerous, but in general it does not take a massive amount of you now... and most likely it can be seen as elements of using these tools when traditional tools are not enough dropping, well, that is, explosive, conventional,
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the same, or anti-personnel means, grenades, or some thermobaric means, then they switch to chemical weapons. thank you, mr. oleksandr, what would you like to clarify about the help from sweden, sweden. announced the 15th package of military aid, it includes artillery shells, manpads rbc70, anti-tank missile complexes, tau, and so on, and there is also information that germany is already allegedly preparing a plan to transfer long-range systems to ukraine, but about tauros they don't mention how much this help can be helpful to us now in a global sense? let everything be helpful to us, everything that is given to us, it will only be a plus, the main thing is to use it. according to its functionality, because when we, for example , germany, now we see a scandal with armored cars from germany,
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which... allegedly do not meet their functionality, they were sent to the front line, this is an armored car for a police mission, it is not a full-fledged bbm, it all depends on of how to use it if it hits a tm-62 anti-tank mine, of course there is nothing left of him, if he is fired upon there by small arms, light small arms, then he will save the lives of those who are in it, the same with any other help, we need everything, the main thing is you.' that's right, but as for taurus , there's another interesting point here, and what other long-range means of defeating the enemy in germany, besides taurus, well , it seems to me that there is still a little intrigue here, so we'll wait until we find out what exactly we need handed over look, mr. oleksandr, i would like to ask you about the left bank of the dnieper, our bridgehead, we understand
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that... there is fighting going on there, well, the main focus now was on avdiyivka and the avdiyiv direction, but we also understand that the situation there is extremely difficult, and we hear a little less about it now that your opinion is happening there, we are now continuing to receive plasdar, and the situation is really difficult because we are acting there exclusively as an infantry component, there is nothing more powerful there than an infantry component with limited functionality, the enemy, moreover, at the same time has a full a complex of all means that he can use against our units, we only have protection from the right bank from the right bank of the kherson region, with artillery, as well as drones, the drones there are really the masters of the air on the 22.06 route, in general, it is already
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a graveyard for the russian topic. but still, the situation is very difficult, because we are acting against a numerical enemy, which numerically exceeds us, both in terms of human resources and in terms of the technical component, especially since now the dnipro group of troops, the russian one, has united with the group of troops zaporozhye, them combined into one group of troops, and this suggests that they will try both to act centrally in the offensive in the zaporizhzhia region, and to try centrally... to use this resource in order to put pressure on our klatzdarms on the krinkas and not only on the surface, that's why the situation is complicated. thank you, mr. oleksandr, for your expert opinion. oleksandr kovalenko, a military-political commentator of the information resistance group, was on espresso's airwaves. next, according to the plan, we will have a short break, after which we will return to our studio, we will have to the included kharkiv region, to ask what is happening there, so stay with us,
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