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tv   [untitled]    February 20, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EET

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my heart is relieved, you understand, a little bit, that i, what i could, i am at such an age that i can no longer go somewhere there and look for those bastards myself, but at least in the court session not to smear their honor and dignity, not to smear us as relatives greetings to all who are from espresso, i am an anaevomelnik and this is news: the whole family died, according to detailed information from the sumy regional military administration, the russians hit a residential building with a drone. in the novoslabytskyi community.
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a mother and two sons, as well as their relatives, a grandmother and a woman, became victims of this terrorist attack. the tragedy happened this morning. polish farmers started a big protest, blocked railway traffic and dumped ukrainian grain from wagons. in response, ukrzaliznytsia stated that ukrainian grain is transported through poland in transit to germany. all wagons are checked and then sealed. therefore , none of the imposed bans were violated. ukrzaliznytsia is outraged by such actions and has informed polish railways and the embassy of ukraine in poland. let me remind you that the main demand of agrarians is to limit the import of agricultural products from ukraine, earlier, the poles announced a complete blockade of checkpoints at railway stations and seaports. they give an answer. according to public information, ukrainian carriers have started a peaceful action against the poles. drivers
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gathered at three checkpoints: rava ruska, grebene, kerkivets, korchova and sheghini medika. the head of the public organization ukrainian transport union in the lviv region notes that polish trucks will be allowed into the territory of ukraine with the same delay as poles allow ukrainian ones. they continue to be respected in the capital heroes of the heavenly hundred on february 20, 10 years ago on the maidan. bloody shootings of peaceful protesters took place. our correspondent, kateryna galko, currently works in the center of kyiv. katya, my congratulations, and tell me and our viewers how the capital honors heroes. greetings colleagues, greetings viewers of the espresso tv channel. so today in the capital, from the very morning , they pay tribute to our heroes, the heroes who stood for our independence. so right now on independence square. show
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a photo exhibition, which exhibits photos from the times of the maidan, the times of the revolution of dignity, the photos, which were taken from february 18 to 20, are post-dated, there you can observe the dynamics of events, what was happening here, how the peaceful march began and how later this peaceful march became the scene of a bloody shooting, also this morning on the alley of heroes they paid tribute to the heroes. .. their own hundreds laid flowers, lit lamps , ukrainians, residents of kyiv, guests of the city, people's deputies came to the memorial, the president of ukraine and the first lady were also there in the morning, let's hear those ukrainians who paid tribute to the heroes, it's even scary to imagine, what is here happened, it is very scary, it is very painful to remember it, because here... was the flower of our nation,
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today it is important to remember the heroes of the heavenly hundred, as those heroes who, thanks to which we won our first victory in this war with russia, just remembering this first victory, we will more confidently move towards our final victory over russia, we must remember them as long as we live and live, they protected us, our children, our grandchildren, us. the largest number of demonstrators were also hanged at the place of execution paper angels, which symbolize the souls of the fallen fighters for independence, so i will remind you again that here in the center of kyiv 10 years ago there were barricades, there was a bloody shooting, and on february 18, 19, 20, 2014 , at least a hundred desperate ukrainians died who did not were frightened and started a struggle for independence. country, such a struggle, which we
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are still continuing and now, this is all the information, as of now, colleague, i am passing it on to you, from the capital, my colleague, the correspondent of the sp. kateryna galko talked about how in kyiv honors the heroes of the heavenly hundred. ten people were evacuated by police and volunteers from kupyansk and surrounding villages. one of the women had to be carried in her arms from the fourth floor, she received multiple injuries as a result of the explosion of a russian guided aerial bomb. pensioners, people with disabilities and people with reduced mobility were brought to kharkiv. there they were provided with medical care, new housing and supplies. food, the situation in kharkiv oblast is becoming more and more difficult, so the local authorities ask to leave in advance to safer places. 10 years of russian aggression in ukraine, the path to justice, under this name
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, a media marathon, including four thematic discussion panels, started in kyiv before memorial day. our correspondent tetyana golunova has already listened to the first two. tanu, tanya, my greetings. and tell who participated in the discussions and what topics were discussed. greetings to anna eva, greetings to the viewers of the espresso tv channel. for 10 years now , ukraine has been continuing the struggle for its independence, which began with the revolution of dignity. therefore, the first topic of mediamaran's discussion was precisely the events on the maidan in 2013 and 2014. and i will remind you that february 20 in 2014. the largest number of demonstrators died on the maidan - 48 people. the events of the revolution of dignity continued with the occupation of crimea. this topic was also discussed in the media of the marathon. next to me now is the first deputy head
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of the prosecutor's office of the autonomous republic of crimea and the city of sevastopol, vitaly secretary. mr. vitaly, i congratulate you once again. please tell us what the main crimes and... violations of human rights were recorded during the 10 years of occupation of crimea, in what ways the occupation authorities persecuted ukrainians and were brought to justice, well, the persons who were, well, who were connected with these persecutions? of course, you know that there is no violation of the norms of international humanitarian law that the russian federation did not commit on the territory of crimea, it all started with the detention and murder of rishat ametov. continued with the prohibition of the mejlis of the crimean tatar people, the obstruction of various actions of the pro-ukrainian population of crimean ukrainians at rallies near the taras shevchenko monument, and so on, the free press was persecuted, your colleague , the journalist, mr. semena, was
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prosecuted by the occupation authorities for writing an article in which he stated that crimea is ukraine, therefore the russian occupation authorities did not neglect any violations... of a person on the territory crimea, as far as i'm concerned, all the exhaustion of all mechanisms, what crimes they committed further in donbas, and now during the large-scale invasion, they began precisely in crimea, including cases of torture, when we are now investigating our criminal proceedings regarding torture, we see what our colleagues from other prosecutor's offices from other bodies, from other territories in ukraine, are covering. and we specifically see that the ways and methods of quoting people are identical, so we can clearly say that russia is a country in which russian rights are neglected, and there, human rights, and where it appears, these rights indulge
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completely. today, of course, we are investigating both war crimes and crimes against the foundations of national security, which were committed on territory of crimea, as well as other violations of human rights, all this... information we send in the form of indictments to the national court, we have now sent more than 550 indictments to the court for the facts of crimes committed in the territory of crimea. in addition, we interact with the international criminal court, with our representatives at the european court of human rights, other ukrainian agents working in international institutions in order to provide information that has already been verified in the framework of criminal proceedings, which may be evidence and... and strengthening our position on the international arena, therefore we are trying to cover this activity as widely as possible and, accordingly, provide a legal assessment of the actions of the aggressor, including at the international level. thank you, thank you, mr. vitaly. well, i will remind you that there is a media marathon going on in kyiv, 10 years
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of russian aggression in ukraine, the path to justice. it includes four discussion panels: maidan, crimea, the east, and a full-scale invasion. participation. representatives of the authorities, human rights defenders and victims are received in the media marana. currently in i have all the information, so annoyeva, i will pass the ether to you. thank you for your work, tatiana. golonova, correspondent of espress, about the important highlights of the media campaign before memorial day. explosions thundered in the temporarily occupied donetsk, after which smoke rose in the area of ​​the building of the so-called government of the dpr. this is reported by local residents. according to them, projectile fragments also fell near the library named after nadezhda krupska. there, a large gap formed and the facade of the building was damaged. these are the cases for this one. a minute, i tell you, see you soon 16th, and you
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can always read more about important events on our website espresso tv, also subscribe to our channels in social networks, be there, information day of the tv channel in rozpala, thank you to our tireless journalists, there are so many events, ukrainian drivers blocked three crossings on the border with poland, the blockade is a mirror response to the actions of polish pseudo-activists. so, today, in response to the blocking of the border by the poles, our carriers staged a mirror action at three checkpoints rava ruska, krakovets, shegen. organizers control the order of passage through the indicated checkpoints, not allowing polish trucks to bypass the general queue. the action started at 12 o'clock in krakow. the participants of the action first drove through the colony, and later they lined up in front of the government and control
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the traffic passing by. well, in fact, the polish farmers who are protesting now say that if the ukrainian side will block the border from their side, they mean a mirror protest, then they threaten not to even let them through passenger buses and continue their blockade until april, which is currently happening at the border, our correspondent nataliya is currently at the medica shagina checkpoint. right, which is already in contact with us. natalya, we congratulate you, and we want to ask about what is currently happening at the medikashagyna checkpoint, where, in particular , the poles are also currently protesting, whether the degree of tension, as they say, is growing, and there is some possible communication between the protesters, maybe the authorities have already contacted them , are there any updates from there? greetings mart, anzhena, greetings to our viewers. and now the protest action continues, earlier we learned that the action and
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the traffic restrictions themselves have increased, except for the railway, highways, and we can see that buses are not allowed on the highways, here is one of them , passenger cars with ukrainian license plates have to go around , i don't know in which direction, as i can see, i... i am directing, there is a detour somewhere, just behind me there is a railway, where ukrainian grain was scattered on that side, polish strikers, the police were working on the spot, they took a sample of this grain to check for presence prohibited substances, to check whether it complies with the norms, because, as the polish strikers themselves assured, they did it because they were sure that ukrainian grain passing through poland cannot be sold. not to use it, we also know, it became known that it was moving in the direction
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of germany in transit, and therefore such actions are in principle illegal on the part of poland, from time to time, now we see such a situation where some people have already separated, it was somewhere around two o'clock in the afternoon and it was loud here, there were gunshots, occasionally a car drives by. with a siren, in fact it may remind ukrainians of it somewhat, and it looks, maybe even i don’t dare to say so, like a certain mockery of ukrainians, we talked to the polish farmers themselves, some react quite outrageously, some react calmly, they say that demand from the polish authorities to completely prohibit the transportation of ukrainian... grain through poland, because this prevents the polish farmers themselves from doing
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their own business and selling their own grain on the territory of poland, because it increases competitiveness in this way, let's listen to the words of the poles themselves. in my opinion, first you need to close the border, streamline the procedure, and then it is possible to open it, but not according to the rules that are in place now, because now to poland from you can run whatever you want and how you can control it, they continue as long as you want, as you want, and no one talks about increasing control, but it doesn't work. "i work with my brother on the farm, we do not hire anyone and take care of everything ourselves, but we had to reduce the purchase of equipment plant protection products and fertilizers, now we need to cut costs so that it all pays off at the end of the season, because if wheat, rapeseed or other grains continue to come from ukraine, then after the harvest we may have problems
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selling them, and we only what we heard ourselves, also from other polish farmers , we heard that the prices for fuel, for machinery, for the acquisition of fields are rising accordingly, the prices for these things are rising, instead , polish grain is being sold cheaper, and they are accordingly dissatisfied with this, and that is why they are conducting these shares according to them, this is the situation. accordingly, we would like to ask natalya about the situation with passenger transportation, whether there are any chances. residents of ukraine and poland can cross the border without hindrance, yes, because the news arrived that there were already attempts to encroach on the railway, well, at the moment it is very difficult to say, because everything changes quite quickly and is not determined, we do not even know how long
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the blockade will last here for buses, for cars, what? will be by train is also unknown, but i must note that we were also on the side of shagyna, where ukrainian carriers are currently holding a peaceful action to call on the poles to end the blockade, and accordingly the poles also reacted to this, noting that if the blockade continues, if ukrainian carriers block the way for the poles, then they will cross and to the tough ones. forms, in particular, the blockade of railways, highways for buses, for civil transport. natalya, we understand that the situation is escalating now, because ukrainian carriers, as they say, cannot simply look at this observe, they are also trying to express their point of view in some way, but we understand that this whole situation can
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be solved by the authorities, yes, in particular, the polish authorities, which should... and adjust all the norms that do not suit those polish farmers , in fact, they say that their government does not hear them , if we understand correctly, then they have a main claim against their government, yes, which does not hear them, or are we misunderstanding something, because we understand that a lot is happening now everything, and to understand whether it is a political component or that indeed, the economic component becomes more and more difficult, in the end they themselves... admit that it is still political, it is more about politics, and they also say that after all, what can help this situation is the polish government, our question is why while the claims, claims against ukrainian carriers, against ukrainian farmers, the answer was unclear, somewhere on this point they
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got stuck, to put it mildly, and therefore yes, they have the main claims against the polish authorities, they have.. .a number of their demands, so that the polish authorities would react and fulfill their demands in this way requirements, made such an open path for polish farmers, this and accordingly the closing of the green path for ukrainians, this and accordingly subsidies for fuel and other things. thank you natalya, natalya stare pravo , espresso correspondent, who is currently on the polish-ukrainian border, at the check point of the doctor shagyn, was in direct contact with... us, and we understand that the farmers' protests in the last few weeks have been going on not only in poland, but also in other eu countries, what people are demanding and also what political interests are defending organizers of such actions in our next story. these shots shocked and outraged many ukrainians. ukrainian grain was scattered on
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the polish highway, it was done by polish farmers. near the checkpoint. yagodin dorogohusk, they stopped three sealed ukrainian trucks that were going to lithuania and intentionally dumped grain. we in ukraine perceive as an obvious violation of the principles of solidarity, what happened and continues regarding our citizens and ukrainian goods. ukrainian grain on the asphalt is not just a few dramatic ones personnel this is evidence of how emotions can become dangerous. emotions are really enough. from both sides. radical right-wing politician rafal mekler, one of the organizers of the protests, first by polish carriers, and now by polish farmers, is proud. published a video and photo of the incident on his facebook page, to him, as well as to the polish authorities, taras kachka, deputy minister of economy and trade representative
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of ukraine, responded in absentia. the only thing that can save now is to remove all blockades and guarantee the safety of ukrainian goods in poland, otherwise tomorrow mekler and his gang will start killing ukrainians because they are ukrainians, and if the indifference to violence against ukrainian goods in poland continues, then i will not be surprised by the destruction. with polish cheese or simply destroyed polish goods on the shelves of ukrainian supermarkets. warsaw's official reaction to the provocation with ukrainian grain was restrained. minister of agriculture cheslav sekerskyi apologized for the incident, but emphasized that the farmers who committed it are in a difficult economic situation. like, for cheap ukrainian grain is not the main threat to them. the farmers did not control their emotions, but it should be remembered that they... are in a very difficult economic situation, on the eve of spring field work, they have no money to buy fertilizers and plant protection products, it is difficult not to understand their despair. farmer
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protests have been going on for several weeks not only in poland, but also in other eu countries, they are united by two common demands: the first is to soften the european package of environmental laws, which in particular limit the use pesticides and fertilizers. the second is to increase subsidies. in different countries to the list of requirements. local ones are also added. currently, it is actually forbidden to supply ukrainian wheat, corn, seeds, sunflower, rapeseed, bran and flour to poland. however, polish farmers complain that in reality some of the cheap ukrainian grain still ends up in the country, so they have already made it difficult for trucks to move at six checkpoints on the border with ukraine. next tuesday, they promise to block all checkpoints without exception. in addition, interchanges and driveways. ways to railway stations and seaports. the blockade of ukrainian grain was started by the polish government in the guise of the law and justice party. its leader, yaroslav kaczyński
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, claimed that small farms, and the average allotment in poland is up to 10 hectares, cannot compete with large ukrainian agricultural holdings that cultivate hundreds of thousands of hectares. now the new prime minister, a staunch opponent of kaczyński, echoes this opinion. donald tusk. the fact that several hundred or thousands of people in ukraine want to earn huge money is not our problem. we want to help ukraine as a state, ukrainians as a people in armed confrontation with russia. undoubtedly, here our position does not change in any way, but it cannot be that because of the war and because of our empathy and openness to ukraine, someone will take advantage of this for unfair and unequal competition with our companies, our farmers. if the blockade of the border, as promised by polish farmers... will last at least a month, then only in february the ukrainian budget will not receive more than uah 7.5 billion. this assessment was voiced by the chairman of the financial committee of the verkhovna rada, danylo
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hetmantsev. and this will be felt in conditions of a record budget deficit and a delay in american aid, although for ukrainian farmers themselves, the export of grain by road transport is not critically important. according to agricultural consulting companies, in july 2020, the second year when ukrainian ports were blocked, it was about 17%. however, with the launch of the grain corridor through the mediation of turkey, and then the ukrainian temporary sea corridor, it was reduced by more than three times, because sea transportation is significantly cheaper however, the threats from the actions of polish farmers are more significant, disputes over grain trade may become perhaps the biggest obstacle to ukraine's european integration. because ukrainian agricultural producers claim the lion's share of european subsidies, so the negotiations with poland and other eu countries on accession will probably be
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extremely tough. 10 years ago, in an interview with a german publication, ex-president of poland lech walesa said: "god gave ukraine such fertile land that it could feed all of europe." we have to tell ukraine, it can supply europe with grain, but... not cars, cars can be produced in poland. nowadays , it is obvious that even for the right to become the breadbasket of europe, ukraine still has to fight. meanwhile, the ukrainian carriers, which suffer the most from the protests of polish farmers, have decided to show their character. several dozen vans and passenger cars stopped on the ukrainian side of the border in yagodina in order to complicate traffic and delay polish trucks for at least an hour. bypass the general queue, ukrainian carriers do not rule out that their promotion will last a month. well, we thank our colleagues for their work,
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we are now adding serhii to our review. glory to ukraine, mr. serhiy. glory to the heroes, studio. well, today, in response to the blocking of the border by the poles, our carriers staged mirror actions at three checkpoints: ravaruska, krakovets, shegen. accordingly, we would like to ask you how long such actions will last and what is currently happening on our side of the border at those three checkpoints. well. so that happens at checkpoints, on the road in general, the crossing for trucks is blocked , where non-ordinary cargo, no, dangerous cargo and humanitarian cargo, i have now agreed with the police, the police have agreed with the protesters, and right now i am accompanying four trucks with humanitarian
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cargo, there to the orphanage and ... and help is going to the hospital, because they didn't want to let the protesters in at all, eh, yes, yes, yes, yes, you hear me, yes, yes, they didn't want to let anything in, so we still, little one, but won the victory that one truck per hour goes to us, and the humanitarian one - it goes out of order, that is, how did our border guards recapture what was done before that, well, we understand, the border strip, wartime and so on, how did our border guards react to this action? before this action, well, i don't, i won't tell you, because i don't know, i didn't communicate with our border guards, because i didn't cross the border into ukraine, now i do. mr. serhiy,
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we talked with you last week, i remember you told us that our drivers have been standing for 8 days because they are not allowed to pass poles, they cannot return home, have at least some of these drivers been able to return home? well, at the medical checkpoint, the traffic there is generally very heavy, the protesters sometimes let cars in, sometimes they don't let them in, well, some of the drivers who were there in 8 days crossed the border, yes. part, but it is a small part, the situation is generally very difficult at that checkpoint, er, they are there completely, in the first days they did not even let buses to ukraine at all, and today we know that buses they pass, and the traffic is generally closed, and there is no time, how long will they stand,
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what is the situation overnight? for drivers, blockers and so on, how long can this promotion last? well, they officially have a registered action until march 10, but from march 1, as far as i know, the strike of polish carriers begins again on march 1, also at the very borders where polish farmers stand at checkpoints. and ours, ours are also planning to do it all the time. protests, when they are there, as far as i know, that is how they will stand until this issue from the border is somehow resolved, mr. serhiy, look, in fact, the poles, who declared that because the ukrainians started doing a mirror action, they are threatening to block the possibility of even allowing buses to pass, you heard about it, no, i
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don’t have such information yet, because... i don’t have time with all the flow of information that comes to me, to capture, or rather, to process all the information, i don’t know yet, but maybe, maybe they, you you see, their reaction, it will be like this, of course, indignation at what, well, they got the answer is worthy of their protest, well, if you understood the studios, if they blocked and fought only there about the grain policy. ok, let them sort it out with the authorities, with their own, with the european parliament, but they just block ordinary people, they block cargoes that are important, strategic, for example, fuel, the same food, humanitarian cargoes, they they are also blocked, and you understand, well, it's not me , i think that...


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