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tv   [untitled]    February 21, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EET

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i am not even all that i would like, but the main theses, in my opinion, are very clearly outlined by you, thank you for your work, i really hope that your colleagues, who are now interested in ukraine, will not just ask you to conduct a tour into the combat zone , and will rely, in particular, on your expertise, because it is very important now, when they are doing something related to environmental coverage in general. situation in our country. thank you. oleksiy vasylyuk, head of the ukrainian nature protection group. participated in a special project of the espresso tv channel to the second anniversary of the large-scale invasion. we continue the cycle of our interviews. please stay with us, my name is khrystyna yatskiv. till next time.
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it's time to find out about the most relevant events at the moment, i congratulate all espresso viewers: almost half a million soldiers, that's how much the land part of the troops of the aggressor country currently is on the territory of ukraine, said the representative of the main. intelligence vadim skibitskyi. he noted that this is without taking into account aviation and the navy, which are also involved before conducting operations and striking. at the same time, a new component of the russian military - the russian guard - appeared in the occupied territories. these are almost 33,000 servants who ensure the activities of the occupation authorities and the protection of strategic objects there. russia has sent additional forces to guard the border in three regions bordering ukraine.
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belgorod, kursk and bryansk. skibitskyi also emphasized that an important change in two years is the isolation of the black sea fleet. now all the main warships of the enemy are in novorossiya, and not in crimea. explosion in kalmius district, while occupied mariupol. as the mayor's adviser petro andryushenko writes, this is not the first time today, he promised all the details later. this is the russian world. the invaders mariupol port is scrapped for scrap metal , says petro andryushchenko, the mayor's adviser. he adds that the port has not received ships for the second month. in october last year , russian ships still entered there. they brought concrete slabs for the construction of firing positions by the occupiers. another 37 children were taken out of danger rescuers of regions of donetsk region. three of them were evacuated from the zone of active hostilities, the state service reports. from emergency
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situations. together with the child, the policemen helped two residents of the front-line village of novoselivka, the first of the pokrovsky district, to leave. also, during the past day, workers of the rescue service helped evacuate 150 people from pokrovsky and bakhmutsky districts. among them are children. and so that the children can return to their homes, we must expel the russians from our land. so... espresso tv channel continues collection for fpvons for a separate platoon of unmanned air systems sapsan of the state special service of transport. these courageous soldiers are actively fighting in the donetsk direction, attacking and restraining the enemy. thanks to drones, they successfully destroy a lot of russian equipment, fortifications and manpower. we also have a goal - to collect uah 1 million for flying weapons. the best investment in our freedom is a donation for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine. the general staff showed the work
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of engineering troops working on the construction of fortifications along the route front line they said that all possible resources for creating defense are being used to their full capacity, material resources and manpower have been brought to the maximum, and technical knowledge is being used. special forces create impenetrable barriers between our troops and the russian occupiers from behind... buried trenches to minefields, says the message of the general staff. unsuccessful crossing, another evader was detained by border guards, a group of men of draft age was spotted a few hundred meters from the ukrainian-hungarian border border, the state border service said. one of them resisted the law enforcement officers, it turned out that he was a smuggler, he was supposed to lead three men through the line for $600. near the border, the
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dealer's car was found, in the interior there was money that customers had paid him for such a trip. another organizer of a similar scheme was detained in transcarpathia, his... ents were exposed last year, and he was found only now and has already been sent to the pre-trial detention center. and the security service of ukraine stole five schemes for those who want to flee abroad. in poltava oblast, he offered as a soldier owners of agricultural enterprises to exempt their subordinates from conscription. in vinnytsia, two officials of the military medical commission sold fictitious health certificates to their clients. in dnipro, a lawyer for bribes. carried men to the lists of charitable foundations that are allowed to cross the border. in transcarpathia, three local people transported defectors to a neighboring country outside the checkpoints, and in lviv region, they detained two dealers who offered the fugitives to leave for the eu as drivers for a volunteer
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organization. i offer my services from various sources regions was estimated at 10 thousand dollars. the sbi completed the pre-trial investigation in the case. regarding the illegal accrual by an official of the military unit in the sums of combat payments, the press service of the department said. according to their data, the suspect counted 600 hryvnias from a subordinate who turned out to be his acquaintance and had never been at the front. the extra also covered her absence from the part for almost seven months. the case materials will be submitted to the court, the perpetrator is suspected of abuse of office . he faces up to 10 years in prison grates ukrainian law enforcement officers exposed an international group of hackers. criminal cyber organization (lockbit) was the most powerful among extortionists. since 2019, it has carried out more than 3,000 attacks on
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private sector infrastructure in the us and europe. damages to companies are estimated at billions of euros. hackers created malware that encrypted the victim's data. the attackers then threatened to leak information and demanded a ransom. in ukraine, criminals were represented by a father and son, law enforcement officers blocked more than 200 criminal accounts and deleted dozens servers in nine countries. propagandist andriy morozov, nicknamed murs, went to the kobzon concert to reveal his losses and died in russia. the local media inform. it is known in advance that the pro-kremlin blogger shot himself and left a suicide note, in which he complains about his colleagues, the so-called warlords and the main kremlin operatives, as if they had harassed him for disclosing data on the losses of putinists near avdiivka. morozov stated that about
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16,000 soldiers of the russian federation died in the storming of the city. the polish government will hold negotiations with farmers, the meeting is scheduled for two. polish deputy minister of agriculture michal kolodzejczak said on february 26, the day before the mass action of farmers in warsaw, polish radio 24 reports. according to the politician, the goal of the ministry is to negotiate with farmers and establish a certain road map for solving problems, so that they do not arise in the future . currently, the department is collecting the demands of the protesters. let me remind you that the main of them is the restriction of the import of ukrainian goods to poland. detailed and quick steps, president volodymyr zelenskyy held a conference call, in particular , he discussed the situation on the polish-ukrainian
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border with ministers dmytro koleba, oleksandr kubrakov, mykola solskyi, and deputy prime minister olga stefanishyna. the poles do not let our grain and other goods pass, they resort to provocation and even spill grain from the wagons, as the head of state wrote, the situation. analyzed in detail and determined the next steps, they will be very quick. with a violin on the front line, a soldier and musician, moisei bondarenko played the instrument while standing on the roof of a military vehicle in donetsk region. donbass is behind the terekona fighter, and many ukrainians recognized today's situation in the song, which is what they wrote to the musician in the comments to the video.
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this is how things are at the moment, i tell you , we will see you at 17, the news team is working, we are monitoring what is happening in ukraine and the world, in the next issue we will tell you about the most important things, we will continue to work. for you, my colleagues marta oliyarnyk and antsin burkovskyi. information day of the tv channel in rozpala sila defense forces hold bridgeheads on the left bank of the dnieper, the operational command south reports this and clarifies that the russians are falsely lying to their leadership about the destruction of the corresponding bridgeheads. we officially inform - quoting the operational command south. this information is not true. the defense forces of southern ukraine continue to gain occupied positions, inflicting significant losses on the enemy, carrying out during the day, the only assault attempt, due to significant losses, the occupiers retreated to pre
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-prepared positions, from which falsely report on the destruction of the bridgehead, important news. well, i will complete you, if you allow me, tavri commander oleksandr tarnavskyi says that the russians are now trying to attack in the orichiv direction near robotino, but our armed forces are destroying the enemy, although the enemy is trying to move personnel not only with small infantry. in groups, and on high-speed quadricycles, but fire damage is inflicted on the enemy, says tarnavskyi. about, actually, the situation with the front and about what is happening in parallel, yes, because because today we have again received information about the destruction of another su-34, this is already the seventh, i think, in recent days, that is, we understand that the enemy's tactical aviation is being destroyed, and this is important, and also. today there was an attack not far away in donetsk region, when
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the russians were looking for their soldiers at the training ground, two hymars missiles flew at them, how exactly it all happened and what happened there, as a result, we will also try to understand with mr. ivan kyrychevsky, whom we are trying to add to our teron, but parallel to we inform you, we inform you about the most important things, and among other news we understand that now... the situation on the polish-ukrainian border is not easy, and actually there is information from our ministry of infrastructure that we plan to develop a new export route through the danube to the east of poland, about this was stated by minister oleksandr kubrakov to the bloomberg agency. and he says that our plans for this year are to remove all artificial obstacles for exporters, and we are working on improving internal logistics. we plan to transport containers through lower danube as romania is more predictable. than the polish border - stated kubrakov. and according to him, the additional
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route should increase ukrainian exports to the level that was at the beginning of the war. currently , the volume of exports through the danube for ukraine still amounts to 1.2 - 1.8 million tons per month. we understand that the situation with the polish-ukrainian border is currently unstable, and we can only incidentally say that only 5% of ukrainian grain is currently transported in transit through the territory of poland. although we understand what our government officials are thinking about alternative ways, how can it be done completely bypassing poland, well, but we are actually returning to the situation with the military, as they say, with military topics. ivan kyrychevskyi, defense express military expert, is already in touch with us. mr. ivan, we welcome you. good day. glory to ukraine, mr. ivan, well, first of all, we would like to ask you about the offensive potential and offensive momentum of the enemy. yes, we understand that the enemy has lost many. manpower and a lot of equipment, in particular, when we talk about avdiivka, at the same time we understand that
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their offensive activity on the front line has been intensified, several hot areas, so how much is the enemy enough, is this a story in your opinion, local, it is meant, are they trying to maintain the degree on the front line until the elections, or are they still preparing on a somewhat larger scale, well here, in fact, several of your... definitions, which they made, will be suitable at once, but the most important thing is that it should be conceptually clarified here, the ability of the russian army to conduct offensive actions does not mean that the russian army is able to achieve all of these offensive measures, roughly speaking , regardless of what happened near avdiivka, how it happened, let's note that for the beginning , even for the russians themselves, the campaign for avdiivka is not finished, they expected that they would be able to enter the settlements around the city there. reported that the russians
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are trying to attack the swallows, well, that is , one of the surrounding areas, where, according to some data, there are positions of the defense forces of ukraine and there are ongoing battles, well, somehow the russians could not advance there, on the contrary, there are new ones episodes of the defeat of russian armored columns, which concerns other directions along the front. here and there, for example, what should be assumed in the direction of kupyan, perhaps even the russians themselves understand that they do not have enough potential there to advance in the kharkiv region and go there to... the banks of the oskol river and there to the city of kupinsky, and they can set themselves a more local task, because the raids of the russian armed opposition there on the territory of belogorodsk of the people's republic, they, that is, the russians with their offensive activities in the kupinsky direction, for example, may simply try to prevent
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the russian armed position from being re-entered, especially since according to some data even such units are known there. under whom they are subordinated, that is, the units of the russian opposition, well, they were involved in defensive battles near avdiyivka, and they showed themselves effectively there. in principle, the story is similar for the south. the offensive potential as such to try to achieve something in the russians in the zaporizhzhia direction, it was observed in october, in november, just when our troops there were objectively forced to stop some actions, and they just, well, the enemy was just in a certain tone. now they can simply do what you outlined, to support there. the degree of action, there is the expectation of the presidential elections, and simply to keep in tune from what is currently clear, the russian army is not capable of effectively conducting offensive actions as it would like, well , that is, you know, a strategic offensive the second operation in the style of the second world war, but unfortunately it has the resources to maintain such offensive activity, combat activity, well,
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it was not for nothing that the president of ukraine volodymyr zelensky visited the kupyan area the other day, is that what you said? that the enemy there may not have enough resources for any wider, full-scale actions, but it is extremely difficult and extremely hot there, if we talk about the prospects, for example, the transfer of manpower from one direction or another, as far as you think we can fix, well more precisely our relevant services can record similar things, if, for example, this whole thing was done through the territory of the russian federation, yes, that is, they took someone there and... then a rocket road and transferred, for example, something additional to the kupyan region? well, first of all, now the russians do not practice such a thing as to simply move large masses of troops from one direction to another, from the other side, if the russians were to do this even through the territory of the russian federation, and not through the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, it would be noticeable , well, because even the column is 10
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trucks, linguistically speaking, this is such a thing that is very visible from space, here in essence it would be about the fact that... throw units in regiments, brigades or maybe even divisions, unfortunately, the russians have the possibility of their groups on the front line to be replenished with so-called marching reinforcements, that is, when recruits are sent directly from the territory of the russian federation, here is this figure that circulates in various of our sources, that the russians can mobilize 40 thousand bayonets every month, this, unfortunately, is exactly what it is, not it's just about the competition of mobilization potential, rather about the extent to which they have opportunities. replenish their losses in manpower, already directly shifting to one or another direction of the front, and i think, in this case, the choice of the kupyan direction, as there for the visit, it could have been dictated not so much by the real level of threat from russian troops there, rather about the fact that there is a sharp direction, so it is necessary to pay attention to the troops there. mr. ivan, today we
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learned that our air force has already landed the seventh su-34 in a flash, was the fourth, the 35th in the previous days, in total we are now talking about seven droughts in the last few days, and we understand that this is quite a powerful work by our air force, i would like to know from you how this can even be possible, and if this could mean, that the enemy will still hold back its tactical aviation for a certain period of time, because seven planes is quite a lot, but you know, first of all, i don't know for sure, secondly, if i knew, i wouldn't say it, thirdly well... so why should the russians know about it, well, so that they can, so that they don't could just do some real things, all the more so we can note, with your permission, i just had a conversation with an aviation expert, who already, well, this is already officially public information, this is not some secret information, he interviewed me personally spoke about the fact that valery romanenko was his name, he told me personally that it could most likely be the work of our
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patriots, ivan kyrychevskyi won't tell you, but i can already see that expression on his face. beautiful, well, mr. ivan, i would, you know, still prefer here, well, let's say this, it's all right to go with the hit refusal, because i think each of us can note that in the air force statistics every morning , not only, for example, shaheds, but various missiles of the kh-31 and kh-59 types appear, and they are not aimed at any there objects of critical infrastructure, such missiles, usually the russians use precisely to extinguish our air defense, what does it mean at the same time? that the enemy is not just waiting for something blocking to come at him with a scythe, unfortunately, he is trying to work preventively on this blocking, therefore, in our interests, you know, it would be a pretense to do... so that, well, the russians somehow allowed themselves a phrase that the plane is heavier than air, well, to do so, well , to declare that it's just their eyes -35, the air becomes heavier, well, they become heavier, heavier
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than air every day, well, even more so, and such, you know, literally on an industrial scale, because why does seven su-34 and su-35 per week matter here, and because the russians last year they made only 16 of these planes for the whole year, well, that is, yes, mr. ivan, but look, ignat, the spokesman... of the air force says that russia has as many as 1,500 combat planes, they also have enough helicopters, and this is what he said, fortunately not all, no, not all of them are involved in the war against ukraine, approximately a third of them are involved, especially since the number, the number is actually 1,150, and these 1,150 include even anti-submarine aviation in the pacific fleet and, let's say, planes, flying command posts, and may even formally include promino civil aviation. defense of the russian federation, not to mention about doomsday brothers, so here is the story, let's say this, according to western estimates, which look more realistic,
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300 combat aircraft of all types and 200 helicopters were involved in the war against ukraine, including 110 hit, so on this body, uh, well, the replenishment of their fleet is , to put it mildly, not at the pace it should be, well, mr. ivan, returning to the topic of the prospects of relevant offensive activities on the part of the enemy, it is important... a message from the deputy chief of the main intelligence department of the main defense minister vadym skibitskyi, i quote an excerpt from his interview with interfax ukraine. when we talk about conducting a strategic operation, russia is clearly two- pronged, it cannot be carried out now. what categories do we operate in? first, before the start of the war, strategic directions for the troops of the russian federation were defined, which in principle remain, and what a strategic operation is defined as. to date, - says deputy head gursky, russia continues strategic operations on only one direction it has no troops, no forces, no
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means to carry out a powerful offensive operation in the western strategic direction. there is no strategic reserve in russia now, they are trying to create one. everything that was created was immediately reduced to our territory. and the enemy is not capable of attacking kyiv, kharkiv, chernihiv and sumy. this is extraordinary. an important signal, but in any case, mr. ivan, we understand that we also have to prepare, build fortifications, but a couple of days ago we talked with the mayor's adviser mariupol, as he said, excavators and concrete, concrete and excavators - this is what we need to bleed from the nose, but to organize at the proper level, what do you think, fortifications on the type of russian fortifications on... temporarily occupied our territories or some such others, how long can this whole business be built and how resourceful is this business? well, this is a very resource-intensive business, firstly, secondly
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, if we proceed from known rates, well, to build, let's say, first of all the so -called surovikin line, well, now they are already trying to say that this is just a fake putin's line, well, it took the russians approximately eight months, this is primarily, i mean, when it became known that the russians managed to build a 1,300 km long fortification here. then somehow it happened that in four months this figure for the russians grew to 600 km of active fortifications, which were used by the russian occupying forces also along the entire front line, not counting the fortified areas in the temporarily occupied donbas, or rather the fortified areas of the russians, already on the border with our districts, that is, it is very labor-intensive thing was, and you know, taking into account the fact that the enemy showed an example, how can the defense be so deep and crazy, that according to... the classics of the genre, it would be necessary to break through with tactical nuclear weapons, i am not hyperbolizing now, in the times of the cold war , these are the fortified areas that nato planned to interrupt by first using tactical
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nuclear weapons there, then by sending troops to break through, well, that's just in case, suddenly, who among the western commentators will want to tell again that somehow the counteroffensive went wrong in the summer of this year, accordingly we need to build the same density of the depth of the fortification, well, as the russians did it, that is, with such a depth you know up to 30 km. and even what we see now, these pyramids and barbed wire, you know, this kind of tip, not even just a tip, but just a tip, the tip of the iceberg, which in theory should be there due to the density of fortified areas, in our theory, once we had a lot of, let's say, logistics infrastructure companies that were engaged for various kinds of large constructions, which are still there somewhere continue, well, we definitely have the resources, there are definitely issues with concrete, and even obviously , hardly with the personnel. there are problems, well, if we found people to repair the roads and lay this brokivka already during the war, but obviously there will be opportunities to dig there too, here the question is more
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about political will, because we... you can do as much as we can to discuss as much as necessary, how necessary, in what volumes and how quickly and that not a single day should be lost here, but, well, unfortunately, decision-making does not depend on you and me, even not at the level of regional military administrations. thank you, mr. ivan, ivan karychevskyi, a military expert from defense express, was on the air of espresso and we talked about the important situation that is happening at the front, and in addition, what concerns the successful work of our air defense, our air... forces. then we will have a short break, and after it we will return to our studio, we will talk about the situation with the draft law on mobilization, so the main update on mobilization, say the deputies, in particular roman kostenko, about what has already deputies made more than 2,500 amendments to the government draft law, the number may still change. we will talk about all this in more detail with our next studio guest,
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her character. successfully buy real estate, i am a successful woman, entrepreneur and investor. on thursday, february 22, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. verdict with sergey rudenkom, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and even feedback, you can express. your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. information day of espresso tv channel in rozpala. well, now we will analyze the internal ukrainian situation, in particular legislative initiatives and not only them in the espresso studio live, people's deputy of ukraine oleg synyutka. glory to ukraine, mr. oles. glory to heroes. well, marta
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announced this a couple of minutes ago. the situation with amendments to the law on


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