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tv   [untitled]    February 21, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm EET

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woman, entrepreneur and investor. on thursday, february 22, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatiana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with help. phone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko every weekday from 8 to 10 p.m. espresso. information day of espresso tv channel in rozpala. well, now we will analyze the internal ukrainian situation , in particular legislative initiatives and not only them , people's deputy of ukraine oleg synyutka live in the espresso studio. glory to ukraine, mr. olezh. glory to heroes. well, what marta announced a couple of minutes ago, the situation with the amendments to the law on...mobilization is yes, well,
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more than 1,300 is planned, more than 2,500 already, when , when, they just had time, well, roman kostenko reports on more than 2.5 and also says about the fact that the amount may still change, therefore to yours opinion, what will happen to that bill, well , because if not 25, then 1,300 amendments, it is still an extremely large number, they need to be worked on, or by a willful decision, so to speak, to block them, february 21 is the last day when you can submit amendments to the second reading, after that the committee on national security and defense should work, and after that this bill can be brought to the floor for a vote, i cannot say that it is bad that many amendments have been submitted, rather i can say , what it is means that the draft law, which was introduced , unfortunately, not by the supreme commander, was introduced... and the promoter of this
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draft law was the well-known mariana bezugla, it is not perfect, and this indicates that such an imperfect document , it gives rise to such a large number of opinions and corrections, because i want to repeat again and again that if this document, firstly, according to the law, was introduced by supreme commander-in-chief zelenskyi, and secondly, it was discussed at a closed meeting of the nsdc, at a closed meeting rates. jointly contribute this draft law to the verkhovna rada, then there would not be 1.5, 2.5 thousand amendments today, otherwise we will have to work, because i am convinced that the deputies here did not want to spam, here the deputies actually want to improve this draft law, which caused a very mixed reaction, can be considered, oleg mykhailovych, on the other hand, we understand, well, such a number. edits, edits, perhaps
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serious, perhaps even justified, this can drag the process simply to infinity, and here, for example, the new commander-in-chief of the armed forces can go to the verkhovna rada there of ukraine, to present sirskyi there and so on, to apply there and ask for an accelerated procedure, or if there will not be an accelerated procedure now, well , i am convinced that the president of ukraine, the supreme commander-in-chief should come to the parliament and present his own vision of changes to this draft law . of course, it is correct if the supreme commander makes a presentation in the presence of the minister of defense, the commander-in-chief, and the chief of the general staff, it is very correct. i think there are a few key points around which all spears and discussions will be broken. and the first moment is of course, there is demobilization and rotation. we have a very clear position, and we actually also submit our amendments, we believe that people who take up arms and...
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will defend the country with arms in their hands should know very clearly the period for which they are being mobilized, this is not can be ad infinitum, or very often from the military, especially those at ground zero, they have this dumb question, this is where we came, and when are we going to be able to go back, when there will be changes, this is the key question that concerns us today, i am convinced of everyone. the second issue, which is very important, is social. the protection of servicemen, i am convinced, at a minimum, this is the state insurance of each serviceman, and at the maximum social protection of both the serviceman and his family, which should take place, well, everyone, and those who are fighting today, and those who are and help in the rear our army, because everyone must work for the army, he must understand that this law is fair, that he has one... the same treatment no matter
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whose son you are, where you work, what your connections are, these are the three key points that this bill should reflect, all i want to say is don't be... afraid to work on the law, here we have an example when the united states senate, which voted to allocate funds for ukraine and passed the bill to the house of representatives, worked until 6:00 a.m. and the vote took place at 6:00 a.m., so it is necessary for the committee to go through it carefully as soon as possible corrections and, of course, what to bring into the session hall and it is very important to really take into account the comments that are there, if he did this... the president would also introduce this bill, believe me, the situation would be completely, completely different, but now the president will be meeting with his servant of the people faction, well at least this information was announced last night, maybe you have information about what the president would like to talk with, well, with the majority
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of people's deputies of ukraine, i think something serious is happening, in general, it would be very important for the president, after two years of full-scale aggression, to at least... meet with the leaders of the factions, the question here is not that it should be some kind of open public discussion, he should definitely invite the leaders of the factions and have a conversation with them about the real situation and the help that the representatives of all the factions should give him, maybe he starting with the servants of the people faction, by the way, tomorrow, i understand, one more deputy from the servants of the people will resign, that is... the number of deputies will be one more deputy smaller, and i am convinced that the president should also be very aware of this frank conversation, what and how is happening, because we we understand that draft laws that do not find consensus and public support
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are now being adopted by the votes of the people's servants and former members of the opzh, and what the former opzh can vote for, well, you and i definitely understand, especially in the tenth ... shootings on the maidan and especially after that, when the prosecutor general is telling the whole world that he did not manage to see the racist mercenaries there, who i am sure were working in kyiv that day. mr. olezh, we would also like to draw attention to the current situation in the polish-ukrainian region border, we understand that there is already an unhealthy atmosphere there, and today, just a few minutes before you came to us, president zelenskyi's address to the authorities in... poland appeared, which offered until february 24, in the near future on the border between our states, if i interpret the president's message correctly, he offers to come personally to the border together with the prime minister and our government officials and invites his
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visavi duda and also donald tusk, the new prime minister of poland, in order to directly on borders to solve this issue. we would like your comment on this matter, don't you think , perhaps this reaction is a little late, because a long time has passed since the polish farmers started the blockade. you know, this is what the world calls the diplomacy of emotions. if this diplomacy of emotions in relation to ukraine worked very well after the start of the full-scale invasion, because it really caused a lot of opposition around the world, then it is time to really move on from the diplomacy of emotions. to the professional conversation of diplomats, i i am convinced that it is not possible to simply invite the prime minister and the president to meet and talk, such things are definitely being prepared, the ministers of agriculture of the agro-industrial
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complex must meet before such things, the vice-prime ministers must have communications before such meetings, so let's come, and what to go out to the crowd, i am convinced that among those who are blocking the border today, there are definitely those who are determined, absolutely and subjugated by russia, we saw an inscription on the infamous tractor with by the name of the kremlin dictator, and this suggests that there is definitely russia there, which is present with its resources, its spies, its spheres of influence, the presidents' approach to these people will change something, of course not, but the key problem remains. on a completely different level, we need to look for an economic solution to this problem, because polish farmers are blocking not only the ukrainian-polish border, they are also protesting in gdańsk today, there are protests on the polish-czech border, that is, we must understand that it will not work out like this that we will come
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let's say something and the problem will be solved, no, it's time to apply professional approaches, professional approaches, i think one of the most... likely approaches is compensation for polish farmers for the losses they have today, they should be compensated by the european commission, of course, which is must be done not only for one country, it must be done. at the level of the entire european union, and for this there must be very active communications, we have already added to the fact that the leader of hungary, who is definitely not pro-ukrainian, is talking about, let's let's ban the export of agro-industrial products from ukraine to the european union, these are very dangerous trends, and i would think that president zelensky should stop these emotional appeals, which only stir things up, he should... move to real diplomacy, to real negotiations, to real politics , which on the contrary unite, i
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am and have been and will be convinced that both president duda and prime minister tusk are definitely supporters of the victory of ukraine, but we understand very well that they have local elections in april, we we understand that these are two competing structures, one of which lost a majority in parliament, the other gained, but enough. shaky majority in the parliament, and we cannot pretend that we do not know what is happening, and we do not understand how limited politicians in democratic countries are in making certain public decisions, we have already added in the united states that ukraine has become a subject discussions between democrats and republicans, we want to achieve in poland that ukraine becomes the subject of a discussion between law and justice and... a civil platform, this is a very dangerous,
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irresponsible, unprofessional policy on the part of the ukrainian authorities, yes, mykhailovych, well, you are an experienced administrator, yes, well, accordingly, i would like to question you, and what effective, real mechanisms should be implemented, perhaps they should be strengthened institutionally , that is, not just to work out the mechanism there, but to create some kind of joint working group there, and it is also possible that the legislation of ukraine would have to be adjusted. polish legislation, to develop one or another model, yes in anticipation of a major agricultural earthquake in the european union, because this story is not only about polish-ukrainian relations, it is generally about the innovations that the agricultural market, the agro-industrial market of the european union is undergoing, so we understand that today it is polish farmers, tomorrow it may be spanish , italian, we understand that a large part of farmers who are sitting on subsidies from brussels officially, they will need. what is the increase in money, well, our song is good new, and accordingly, it will always be
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taken out on the street and in an appropriate way, they will react, yes, but the mechanisms must be implemented already, whatever you think, however, first of all, the ukrainian authorities are already late, because these decisions and these negotiations and working groups should have been created last year, when only this problems began to appear in the communicative space. secondly, it is necessary to divide the problem into two stages: these are quick solutions for unlocking, which must be taken and applied immediately, and the second - these are medium-term and long-term solutions that require changes to the legislation. let's be realistic, we will not accept changes to ukrainian and polish european legislation in a day, a week, or a month, that is, today we need to very clearly regulate the... problem of ukrainian exports, but we hear accusations from our european and
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polish colleagues, and this accusation that ukrainian grain is dumping, that ukrainian grain very often enters the european market without reaching the destinations that were foreseen before the documents, this problem must be removed and removed very quickly, it should be done by the ukrainian authorities from the side of completely ukrainian business and... the polish authorities, which should follow the logistics very clearly, so that no one has any doubt that if the destination port is a transshipment base, gdansk or any other port, that it arrives and is unloaded somewhere near lublin, warsaw , krakow or any other city of ukraine, that is, there are short-term decisions that must be made at the ministerial level very quickly, and there is a really medium-term, long-term perspective that requires working groups. discussion and changes to the laws, now we will go to a short break, after which we
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will return to our broadcast, so be on the espresso, the minutes are counted, we will return to the discussion and will add taras kremin, the authorized representative for the protection of the state language, to our thread, because today is the international day of the mother tongue and we have something to talk to him about. usual tasks become unreal, heavy bags are not for my patient. for back pain, try dolgit cream. dolgit cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. long live kremm if you want, i'll pick it up. dolgiit is the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. average price. 82 hryvnia for muscle spasms, dolgit anti-spasm tablets, dolgit anti-spasm tablets, to relax muscles and calves, there are 15% discounts on mukaltin in pharmacies, plantain, remember and save , damn stairs, my legs can't walk anymore, wait, i'm dying that there is no health, and what kind of health is there? i am in my sixties and i thought so until i tried
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always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like? in the project close to politics, close to the world with maria gurska, every sunday at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. in collaboration with sisters. vasyl zima's big broadcast, two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what life is like world? two hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours that have become familiar to many, as well as honored guests of the studio: the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso.
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info day of the tv channel in rozpala, well, not a day without a good one. of the legislative initiative , the deputies propose to introduce a total system of video surveillance of citizens and the collection of their personal data, so the corresponding bill number 11031 was registered by the people's deputies from the servant of the people faction vyacheslav medyanik maksym pavlyuk serhiy kuzminykh oleksandr bakumov and so on has the name unified system of video monitoring of the state of public security, so to speak, biometric data, video analytics, video monitoring, means of video monitoring. incident users of the video monitoring system of the state of public security, well , i saw it somewhere in some movie, 1984 or something, forgive me, but i will say, you know this, it is as certain as the soviets used to say in the army, the dembil chord of the medannik deputy, registered bill and submits the credentials, it is a pity that he did not submit
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the credentials last week, so that no one regrets them. taras kremin, commissioner of state protection... mr. taras, we are glad to see you, we congratulate you on international mother language day. thank you, glory to ukraine and glory. well , we understand that the muscovites tried to destroy the ukrainian language with the em decree, the voluiv circular, and the physical famine in 32-33 , but they didn't succeed. if we are talking about the prism of those who actually consider the ukrainian language to be their native language, so... how many ukrainians now actually believe that their native language is ukrainian? i think that every citizen of ukraine has clearly defined what the ukrainian language means to him. the ukrainian state and the armed forces of ukraine, but instead i would like to emphasize that the essence of the international mother language day is precisely designed to preserve and
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protect those languages ​​that need additional attention from both the specific state and the international community, so i emphasize once again on the fact that the facts of linguicide in the temporarily occupied territories, and if you look at the previous centuries in ukraine, these are the crimes that russia has carried out without... of russian aggression, against every criminal who must bear his responsibility. i am also convinced that to communicate in ukrainian is to be in solidarity with ukraine, speaking for the world community, to communicate in ukraine - including identifying oneself with infamy of our nation, there is still a law on the civil service, and there are civil servants, yes, we remember that a couple of weeks ago there was a rather loud story when
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people, while performing their official duties , used the language of the aggressor, and we understand that the story is not just about the non-fulfillment of the state law and about language, about language history, it is a little, a little deeper, there is already... feedback from the dbr, mr. taras, we actually started state control measures, and we hope to receive the relevant materials, the procedure is as follows , which within 30 days we should receive relevant materials, or rebuttals, or to confirm, well, and then i think we 'll report on the following things, actually violations by public officials, they're critically small these days, and those who violate the language law, they're actually.. . as language dinosaurs, they almost do not exist, because the system works in such a way that there is total control, and we do not need additional video surveillance cameras, because
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the language sensitivity of the citizens of ukraine has sensibly increased during the years of full-scale invasion, we have evidence and one hundred percent we are right when impose fines on violators of the law. oleg mykhailovych, in your opinion, or maybe we should somehow, i don't know, still adjust the existing legislation regarding. observance of the law on language by civil servants, well, because, well, this is not a real thing, that is, it is certain, it is a certain demonstration, well, first of all , we must thank mr. taras, because as a person today, as a person authorized by the state to carry out the functions of ensuring control, he really does a tremendous job, and we have such two very big stages, her commitment is primarily state device to the ukrainian language, to ukrainian culture, this is the 19th year, when the law on the ukrainian language was adopted, i am convinced that it was really both the parliament of the previous
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convocation and president poroshenko, who signed this bill, they took a huge step in the popularization of ukrainian language, and then full-scale aggression, war, i have already seen with my own eyes the voting in the parliament, just even those who... are quite intolerant of the use of the ukrainian language, they in the parliament could not not vote when the aggressor entered the territory of ukraine on a full scale with tanks, armored personnel carriers, and hails, and this was the moment when pro-ukrainian forces, including those in the parliament, were simply able to make the decisions that the country had been waiting for for decades, but most importantly, probably, today in popularization of the ukrainian... language, this is truly a ukrainian soldier, this is the armed forces of ukraine. according to the story we hear from the soldiers, that they withdraw when they have no opportunity to see the person who
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came only because they hear the native language, they are probably the best argument, actually, for popularizing the defense of ukrainian. mr. taras, and here, by the way, we will casually mention the courses for military personnel to improve the state language. we know that the first class actually took place today, but we would like to ask you more about these courses. at the request of servicemen of the 150th training center of the territorial defense of the armed forces of ukraine. today, we launched the first language courses in ukraine for everyone who wants to improve their language skills, as well as for those who would like to prepare for exams on the level of proficiency in the state language. in fact , we expected that there would be a huge response, because i spoke with dozens of military commanders today. divisions that are ready to provide similar conditions for their subordinates, so i call on higher education institutions, local communities, and public organizations to join this very
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important thing. of the strategic process, because the language of communication of a serviceman is the language of communication of their families, their environment, and ultimately, the ukrainian state, thanking armed forces, we have the opportunity to develop the ukrainian language, restore the ukrainian economy and ensure the proper advancement of our troops until the complete liberation of the ukrainian territory. i hope that such projects will be spread in other parts of ukraine, especially where we see and feel problems, but also from the outside. of the military, i will hope that there will be proper control over the environment in which they are, so this step is a gesture, including against russian propaganda, which, unfortunately, is rebroadcast in ukraine as well, as they say, there is a russian language for military personnel, military personnel are citizens of ukraine, and they do everything to ensure that the ukrainian state is monolithic and indomitable, well, we understand that if there are courses, then it is possible that there will be some kind of feedback, well, in particular
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, we are talking about the verification of the received knowledge, and in general, who would pay for these courses, whether it would be at the level of volunteers or initiatives of higher educational institutions or teachers of the ukrainian language, in general, history can be significantly cheaper if you do some widespread, for example, internet courses or google courses, well, according to the dictates of national unity, i think that we have just now moved to the stage when volunteer initiatives should be replaced by... state steps, as far as i know, a government meeting is scheduled for this friday, on which must approve the state language program, which will include resources to provide the first free state courses in the entire history of an independent state, which will be aimed at military personnel and members of their families, as well as for that category of citizens who previously did not have the opportunity to master
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the ukrainian language, this is article 5-6 of the law on language, which should have been implemented by hand earlier, but i hope and believe that the decision will be positive, and in fact in the near future we will see such implementation in all corners of ukraine. this is extremely important, because today we have about a hundred local language programs, about half a thousand free language courses that have been started on my initiative since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, and these are precisely the necessary efforts that contribute to the establishment. which languages, which means and protection of national interests. ugh. thank you, mr. taras. taras kremin was in touch with us. commissioner for the protection of the state language. in the espresso studio, oleg senyutka, people's deputy of ukraine. well, president volodymyr zelenskyy appealed to poland in connection with the blocking of checkpoints by farmers. so. and, i am asking you, donald, mr. prime minister, to come to the border as well. andrzej, mr. president, i am asking you to support this dialogue, it is national security, we should not delay it. what do you
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think? symmetrical actions on the part of the ukrainians carriers who started their actions yesterday, this can be a plus or a minus, and how is everything going to be, a minute before the transfer, i think that, first of all, you know, i don't like this populism, the president openly addressed himself, he what can't dial the president of poland or the prime minister over the phone and really talk about the problem, what's the point of exacerbating the situation even more, i invite you, you came, you... didn't come, i believe that such things should be agreed, as things between states that help each other, well, so what blocking the border, the most stupid thing you can come up with is to start blocking the border from the ukrainian side, because rasho wants to block the border, only the kremlin benefits from any blocking of the border between ukraine and the european union, we should not fight and
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fight, but we should do ... all to unlock. thank you thank you, oleg synyutka , people's deputy of ukraine, was in the spresso studio, antin and i are already saying goodbye to you until tomorrow, we will pass the baton to our colleagues, take care and see you in this studio tomorrow. greetings to all viewers of espresso, says valnyk and this is the news. the price of this grain is special for us, said president volodymyr zelenskyi in his address to the government and people of poland. we value our one.


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