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tv   [untitled]    February 21, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm EET

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in general, in principle 47, oh, by the way, you show this person in this way, yes, because there is an epic story in fact, so in general, so you can 47, it is put somewhere plus or minus, but once again, who is included here, completely lost, there is no wasp, the injured are lightly, moderately, severely, and the missing are missing , those who were captured by the ukrainians, i.e. plus or minus such a figure can be drawn, it is important to note and say so as not to introduce your viewers to... listeners in oman so that they would correctly assess the situation, but the situation is really very difficult in the absence of ammunition , because the united states has already informed ukraine that if it is not possible to agree on help, you ukrainians will have to decide which cities the russians will have to leave, because help is not coming, as if, if we, excuse me for interrupting, as if, if we leave the cities, then the russians will not move further, well , that's it... you see, the problematic situation since
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october, president biden has been telling the congressmen, let the congressmen vote, but we expected in december, december 4, 5, 10, on the eve of the christmas holidays, then right after the new year's holidays, i'm already looking at the month of march in 10 days, that is, there's no help yet, and they're still on vacation, not on vacation, but there's a break that was planned until the 28th, that's... . the house of representatives, the lower house , the upper house voted, the lower house says, we will lie down, we will not vote, maybe somehow the fact that we left avdiyivka will affect the americans, plus maybe the story about the murder of navalny will be superimposed here, maybe it will work on us, although well, in this way , the russian opposition politician has already died will help ukraine, he did not help with crimea then, we remember this story about the sandwich, but nevertheless, well... we see that,
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for example, the abandonment of avdiivka, in fact, did not stop the russians' efforts to advance further, on the contrary, rather, it inspired them , for some additional ones, that is, it was there before that, how many times they were going here and there, in the kupyan-liman direction, their efforts continued, around the coal miner, and now they were still scrambling near the work, that is, look, they take advantage of the opportunity, the window of opportunity while on... well, that is, they, they simply shoot from the video recorders, take them to other places, i don’t know, only our military can say this, intelligence officers, once again it is difficult to say what is happening there, because the situation can change, in the morning - it one situation, in the evening is a completely different situation , five of these active directions were called, no one knows where the main direction is, where is such a fog of war to create an impression, or all the fog of war, or all the main directions, no one can yet say, but the russians themselves. once again, they are in
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to their public, they, well, russian warlords , they, like the one who committed suicide, they are not happy about taking the audio recorder, propaganda is happy, kremlin officials are happy, who can earn good dividends from this, in front of putin, putin is happy, that is, the effort to create such a holiday is great, but those who took part in this massacre are not happy at all, they say that those losses, well, well, they are multiples of bahmud, that is, that they... suffered, that the ukrainians, the military were able to leave, they were not crushed, as they themselves say, at the same time all despite the fact that, unfortunately, we are, well , there are losses among our soldiers when they were leaving, they were dropped en masse by our groups at night from drones, under the pretext of night vision, they threw grenades, there are shot, captured, wounded, unfortunately, this all this is there, but they are not satisfied with the fact that there are no russians, that there are no columns of ukrainian smoke. that there are no
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thousands of ukrainian soldiers killed, because they were simply, as they say, allowed to leave, and what is next, they themselves will ask such a question, what is next, to go to these fortification lines again, again to lose many of their, as they say, fellow soldiers and so on, that is, once again there is no great joy there, well, but despite this, we can say that there are some points where they will most likely make efforts, no matter how you rated, wherever you are, i am not ready to say again, it will be a finger to the sky. we don't know where it will be, once again only the military can tell, only the scouts and that on their maps, because once again, well, i don't want to mislead your viewers and you personally, then let's say a little about something else, where or what should we pay such urgent attention to when we look at the actions of the enemy, so that we have the opportunity to make a forecast. some of these actions, some
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movements are specific to them, or for what? well, listen, wait, you don’t need to pay attention , we can’t influence it at all, but you and i are on it, where... they don’t move, it’s important for our military, well, okay, they moved, for example, from the zaporizhzhia region near avdiivka, well, if we talk to you, then it is clear that our military saw it, i don't know, a week ago, or as soon as they started downloading or got information from there mobile intercepts or something, so they understand it, we're talking about it after the fact, we have to pay attention to a lot of other things, there on the line of fortifications, fortifications that they have only just begun to build in separate directions, they did not exist before. colleague yurii butusov , the editor-in-chief of censor, constantly draws attention to this and says: well, listen, what is happening there, in general, i apologize for messing with these fortified districts, the russians were able to build insane fortifications in 3-4 months , but we have had almost two years and we haven't gotten to that point yet. last week
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, there was a scandal in the zaporizhzhia region that there is no money in the budget for fortifications, or rather, the cabinet of ministers did not allocate it, and then it is given in a day and a half. message again, everything is money, yes, wait a second, yes, there is money or there is no money, well, it is not completely clear what is preventing us from building concrete structures, we need to pay attention to this, because it is now the main thing for in order to forestall the possible advance of the russians, we understand that sooner or later they will try again to test the strength of our concrete structures, well, as far as i'm concerned , they're already doing it, so here it is, the process is happening now, okay, we have it now the need... to commercial, let's go to commercial, and then we'll continue the conversation a little bit and we'll have another guest join us. there are 10% discounts on lactial in psyllany bam and oskad pharmacies. laughter, physical activity,
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with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. we are continuing the chronicles of the war, and i want to ask you to join us in our gathering, which we are currently doing. this is a collection for the 25th separate sicheslav airborne brigade, which needs a vehicle to carry out combat missions, they are constantly under the sights, constantly on the front lines, the occupiers are trying to storm every day, but despite everything, our defenders are firmly holding their formation in the eastern direction, so we ask everyone who cares to join in collecting these funds for the car, don't stay away, please, because here... every hryvnia is important, and our goal is 300 00 hryvnias, we have already
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managed to collect most of it, well , we really hope that with your help , maybe this week, well, somehow, we will finish this collection and our fighters will have something to ride on at the front, so please look, there is a map number, there is a qr code that you can go to, join us, please... we also have a new guest, andriy huk, captain of the medical service, offensive guards brigade buryviy, neurosurgeon , candidate of medical sciences, i congratulate you, mr. andriy, i congratulate you, i congratulate all our listeners, and well, as far as i know, you are, well, relatively speaking, in the liman direction, tell me , has somehow now changed the nature of the battles there, or do you feel an increase in them? are there russian efforts, or are they, well, because
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there were periods, there were more offensive actions , there were fewer, now, as is happening, well, it is going purposefully, so i will say, such a line, bahamud, marinka, lysychansk, the north, kurakovo, ugledar, stepove, kupyansk, avdiyivka, today i will not be positive. i will be in the negative, because those dubious teams , you know, blind kittens like cats, who do not know what the situation is in the positions themselves and manage somewhere from the headquarters, they hide some such thing, that i just feel sorry for our boys, who just give their life and health , we have to finish with this, well, i don't see the prospect of a quick or... imminent victory, as long as we are commanded by such people, well , today i look very critical, very
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critical, i'm just mega critical, because you understand, it reminds me of a joke from the soviets, when there is a slippery road, a hololot, as they say, a truck is driving that sprinkles, the inspector stops, says a fellow driver... sand is pouring from your body, he says: yes, it will freeze , i sprinkle , two hours pass, it changes again, again some dovden stands and stops again and says: listen, well, it’s pouring with you, he says, i also explain to you, and so every time our fighters are on the positions , they do not change, they are there all the time, but the teams change, rotation in our country only exists for commanders, in our country there is no such thing as rotation for personnel. and there are no questions for the commanders, well , i remember when you
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and i spoke last time, it was a few months ago, we had the same problem, we also complained, you complained about the rotation, that there is no fighters are exhausted, and somehow, judging by what you say, the situation has not eased in this regard, well, absolutely not only has it not eased, but it has become more acute, because as you can see, the enemy has started to use all... more more cabs, but just to we they understood the realities of life, the enemy's stock is endless, just never... valid, there are so many of them that there will be enough for another 10 years of war. i am not sure that we have enough personnel for 10 years of war. well, i would think that this is rather not a question of personnel, but rather a question of air defense, defense, directly. no, it, it, it's a matter for the commanders. i'm telling you again. our commanders change, our commanders -in-chief change, but they do not change,
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any commander can influence the enemy's use of kabs, for example. as well as? tell us, please, how our two divisions, gur and the sbu, decide, they decided by themselves, without ground troops, they decided without air defense, they decided the issue of the destruction of the black sea fleet, do you think that we should go the same way, in fact, yes, we should to find non-mirror soviet approaches, i understand that all our generals who are leading now are all graduates of soviet schools, and i am too. unfortunately, well, i didn’t study to be a soldier, i studied to be a doctor, but the question that you should not look for mirrors and no, don’t repeat it for the enemy, you understand, well, we don't have only cabs , so we have to think about, so, well, you say, what's wrong with cabs, so i would say, we don't have cabs at all, because
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in order to use cabs, we need to use aviation , we practically don’t have it, well then... you’re right, i agree, we don’t have the opportunity to use kabs, what was proposed by the general staff, what was proposed by our generals in order to counter kabs, i would like to hear, no one tells you about it won't tell, well, you see, so far we have seen the downing of seven seven planes over the last few days, with in principle, three of them were just the carriers of these cabs, yes, they have a thousand planes, how many will we shoot down seven planes? multiply by the number of good days when we can shoot them down, that is, the question is, look, you can make a million fpv drones, but it will all be in vain if a million cabs fly at the operator's expense, you understand, that is, we are waiting for non-mirror answers, unusual
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answers, which not yet, i understand that, what, what just with... you also probably now felt the increased bombardment with these planning munitions in the last for weeks, of course, of course, that is, this story does not only concern avdiyivka, it apparently also concerns your direction, so let's go back to the cabs once again, and for how many months we have been hearing that it was proposed to regularly attack airfields at a distance of several . all airfields where tactical aviation is based, which can drop drones on us, remember how much we already talk about it, well, every day we also see attempts to attack them with drones, and in order to attack them with missiles, in order to minimum
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it is necessary to have these missiles, b, well, to be able to use them, because... again , there are still discussions with our allies regarding the use of actually foreign, well , foreign-made missiles on these objects , well, once again, i tell you another option - it is to have our own such opportunities, i don't know if we have them or not, i'm not a fan, i'm not a fan of the special services, but again i'll mention the gur and the sbu , for some reason they can get angry, tense up and do a lot of good. the quality of marine drones that amaze and impress seriously, that's right, we can't make 100 missiles that will hit and seriously hit airfields, and it seems to me that the issue is in the organization and in the management, that's my opinion, well, you see, neither i nor you are specialists in this, unfortunately, not we can't say anything smart
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, i've already become a specialist because i talk to drone operators, i talk to... we're medics, i'm here, i feel and see how it all happens, the lack of organization, and you know, we have that impression , that our leaders are seals and seals that lie down and only they watch and read the canals there, you know , the mongoose star, well, that’s what it’s called, forgive me, i think i won’t be fined for it on the air, or miller’s lawyer, they just sit and read, and instead of sitting and reading, they need to develop. new approaches to conducting our war, that's all, and any commander of a combat unit that works in order will tell you this. mr. andriy, well... we are constantly talking about the fact that there is not enough artillery there now, that's all, but you still practice medicine, tell me what what is actually happening with our medicine, that is
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, what is happening with takmed, what is happening with the supplies of this, is there, well, what can i say about it, how is it now, well, medicine here is demonstrably good, why, because again... in medicine is a little easier , a little easier, because the role of volunteers is a little bigger, you know, if volunteers can't buy cabs, then believe me, volunteers are already buying armored cars, and somewhere, for example, our unit at the beginning of march expects a modified armored car for evacuation from the front line of fire, which will be handed over to us by volunteers. therefore, i want to say that we also had a very good consolidation, for example, with various components of the defense forces,
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i mean the armed forces of ukraine, i mean the national guard, i mean the special operations forces, the police, why, because we now do not need to separately open, for example , stabilization points for each. kind of troops, we have joint medical services, which, here i am now, for example, at the moment i am at one of the points in azov, our also, my comrades are now at another stabilization point, closer to the front line , they are also in one of the stabilization points of the armed forces of ukraine, and with takmed. the situation is as follows, that in principle it is a struggle , you know, maybe this is a good thing, that again today, commanders are simply criticized for their
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inactivity and lack of initiative, and already the heads of units, starting from rotny, themselves understand that knowledge of takmed is their life, and this is an opportunity to win, because, excuse me, put it as they may the russians put 30, 40, 50 of... their personnel and think that they have taken avdiivka, we cannot afford that, why, because we need victory when we really defeat the enemy and come back and build further our life, then it will be a victory, well, you said that, in principle, there is a lot of participation of volunteers, but, well, for six months, we have essentially had some kind of blocking, at least. of the polish border and something is constantly happening at the border, the border has been completely blocked there for several days now, or somehow it came to pass, well, do you feel that
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it has an effect on the supply of some medical things, well, or maybe you just heard from colleagues about something that is happening there, or everything , or they miss it, they don’t miss it, what they say about it, well, what do i i will tell you what is happening, you know that politics is built in such a way that... that this is a political game, this is a political game, because if we talk about the fact that poland is a friendly country for us, i can't say anything, and a lot helps, but there is a dependence and a very serious dependence on our enemy, and precisely because of this dependence , this blocking of this border passes , the current leaders of poland are not strong enough in political terms to explain intelligibly and enter into a dialogue, for example, with the same farmers,
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and our politicians are not so strong, unfortunately, to prove that this, this, this grain, it is strategic for our struggle, why, this is a very deep problem, i would not like to touch it now, because... unfortunately, ukraine does not receive the funds that other countries pay, we do not now about this, i'm interested in the practical impact, do you feel it on the medical side, we don't feel it, we don't feel it, because we learned to work in different conditions, and when it comes to providing humanitarian aid, i don't know, the border, it's true, it was the slovak border, literally my colleague, one of our volunteers, passed yesterday without any problems. uhu, well, that is , it is possible to rebuild more flexibly here, sorry, i will say a very similar phrase now, well, if poland disappears from the map of europe, well, i think nothing. it won't
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happen if ukraine disappears, it will happen, well this, you understand what i'm talking about, no, well, i'm telling you about this, that poland, in economic terms, is a state completely pumped up by donors, which did not have its own production for a very, very long time, well, but for us, this is actually the most ways in fact , well, the transportation of everything , well, that is also not possible, because next to us is hungary, which simply blocks the supply of military cargo, and... the border with romania, well, is not so big, so frankly speaking, well, okay, okay, i will say, in literary language, that poland wants to swing is waving, i think that this will not continue for more than two or three weeks, please tell me, you have already said that there is quite good cooperation here, but as for the stabilization points, and how do you assess it, it is influence, well, they changed
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the medical one there. well, responsible people in the ministry of defense for this medical field, they changed something else there, this is the result of these actions, or, well, that is, is there a direct correlation, well, so far, so far i cannot say that it is a direct correlation, but uh, well, at least you can say that to... the needs expressed by those people who are directly in the military, and in the ministry of defense, the general staff listens to whether there is really a direct connection, so it is an opportunity to convey their point of view, here i can say that it is definitely so , the changes that have taken place, they have taken place for the better, especially in terms of health care, why, because first of all we have, i would say, absolutely
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direct. er connection with those whom i still knew from the revolution of dignity, even before the revolution of dignity, who now work in the ministry of defense, and with whom we can communicate directly and talk about our problems, you know that there is and remains a problem of writing off material values, lost values, now this problem is being solved, because excuse me to make a paper army, this is also a kind of delay in the process for ... in order to always, always find the culprits in this or that delay in deliveries. the most important thing for us right now is that deliveries take place constantly, that there is a simplified system of replacement and rotation, which does not exist yet, and i would say that with issues, for example, the same educational programs, trainings, now i don't see any problems, there is already so much together with the ministry
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of health and the ministry of defense , trainings have been developed, including on tactical medicine, would there be a desire, recently i checked for myself, one of my employees wanted to undergo training in tactical medicine and medical assistance, she did it without problems, successfully passed the exams and received a certificate, well, that’s nice to hear, at least there is an area where we can say that we somehow, well, we move effectively and... something good is happening, well, thank you, at least for this, this is not bad news, thank you, it was andriy huk, captain of the medical service of the storm guards offensive brigade, i will remind you once again that we have a collection for a car for the 25th separate airborne of the syacheslav brigade, look, this is the card number, qr code, so join us, we
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don't have much left to collect there. i would like to do this, so please help me, literally any, any help will be great, well then we have news, so please stay tuned news. how many ballistic missiles did russia receive from iran, how is the evacuation from the most dangerous areas of donetsk, and additional iskander installations deployed by the muscovites, has the threat of shelling increased in ukraine?


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