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tv   [untitled]    February 21, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm EET

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complexes of our calculation of anti-aircraft defenses that destroy enemy aircraft. these are today's main military results of the day, and more international and economic news later on vasyl zima's big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. ihorts, thank his guest, these were the military results of the day. good evening, we are from ukraine. well, then the second hour of the great ether, there is a lot of interesting and important information ahead, the world about ukraine from yuri fizer, the inclusion after the trial in the case of serhiy pashinsky, which the judges decided, as well will be included, we will discuss the case of pashinsky in more detail on this topic, because there is something to really talk about here, and sports from today from yevgeny pastukhov and the weather from natalka didenko, most importantly during the next one. well, actually, everything that
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will happen during this hour, we will promptly inform you. the price of this grain is special for us, said president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi in his address to the government and people of poland. we value our relations and remember everything that the poles have done for us, but the situation is not the border is inadmissible, noted the head of the ukrainian state. i want to address polish society and testify. gratitude to anyone and everyone who shares political manipulation and fundamental issues of national security. i want to address the polish government, prime minister tusk and the ministers, i instructed our government to be at the border between our states in the near future by february 24. the head of the government of ukraine, our entire government from.
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of logistics to the agricultural sector, and of course, the minister of defense of ukraine, because this blockade is on the border, unfortunately, adds threats to the supply of weapons to our boys at the front. and i ask you, donald, mr. prime minister, to come to the border as well. andrzej, mr. president, i am asking you to support this dialogue. this is national security, we shouldn't drag it out. almost the coming days give us a chance to do this, i am ready to be also at the border together with our government, and i want to appeal now to the european commission: we must preserve unity in europe, this is a fundamental interest of the european union, that is why ukraine is appealing to the european commission, we have excellent progress regarding the screening process, that's very good, we're also still working on the negotiating framework, i guess it won't be ready for
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the european elections after, because i see the development of different negotiating positions, it's going to take time, but i think somewhere we will be ready at the beginning of summer. next: the european union approved the 13th package of sanctions against russia, this was confirmed by the head of the european commission urslav fonderlajen in his social networks. according to her , the package covers more than 200 people. measures will also be introduced to... reduce putinist access to drones, the sanctions will be officially announced on february 24, the second anniversary of the full-scale invasion. in fact, there are no sectoral sanctions in this package, the attention is focused on important, nevertheless , issues, such as the russian military-industrial complex, companies and individuals, er, as well. the issue of logistics
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is russian companies, but not only russian companies, we still have to study the final list, but also this time companies from third countries that help the russians in circumventing sanctions were also supposed to get in, so the package is modest, but symbolic and it is good that it exists. but we continue further, well, indeed, they are already preparing the 14th package of sanctions, and joseph biden promised on february 23... also sanctions against russia, it is more obvious that we will talk about it with yuri fizer, well, now we are moving on. the media initiative for human rights presented the analysis of what is happening in russian captivity and how to prevent the deaths of the ukrainian military in the mission to save the analysis. russia disregards all the rules of the geneva convention, does not officially recognize our people as prisoners, analysts said. in general, in prisons unfortunately, 49 ukrainians died in the russian federation. and this is not taking into account the victims of the terrorist attack.
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prisoners of any international organization do not allow prisoners of war to die, do not provide medical care and torture. some of ours died from improper maintenance, and the words confirm it. witnesses, we had statuses precisely there in russia, we were detained, that is, we were, well, not suspects, well, just detained, and articles were sent to us that if we were to obstruct their special operations, that is, ordinary, well, soldiers, there are two or three articles, they they printed it, you looked there, signed and that's all, that is, you were already detained by them. but not accusations, it does not matter from the point of view of whether they , our prisoners of war, do not really have such a status and do not have legal ones, it is not true, they have such a status, but that is what they think, and this allows them to have no restrictions officially
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at the official level, and this has the consequence of this treatment, which we are talking about today, torture and death in captivity, the threat of shelling along the ukrainian border deployed by the russians. 48 iskander launchers, this was stated by the deputy head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, vadym skibitskyi. previously , it was known about 46 such complexes, he recalled. in this way, the enemy made an additional tactical group that launches ballistic missiles from the territory of the country, the aggressors. and we also heard today that there is a message from reidters that iran is allegedly transferring its ballistic missiles to russia already in the north. korean, russian, and now it is also possible that there will be iranian ones, so far this has not been confirmed. more 37 children were taken out of dangerous areas of donetsk region. rescuers evacuated three of them from the zone of active hostilities, the state emergency service reports . together with a child, policemen helped two residents
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of the front-line village of novoselyvka, pokrovsky district, to leave, and during the past day , rescue service workers helped evacuate 150 people from pokrovsky and bakhmu. districts, including children. the russians wounded three people in the berislav district, in the kherson region, the regional military reports administration, terrorists hit it from a drone in the village of rakivka, berslav district. two local people, 32 years old and 56 years old, suffered explosive injuries, and in the morning , the enemy set fire to a residential building in the village of duchany. a 42-year-old man received an explosive concussion and brain injury. the highest anti-corruption court chose a preventive measure against serhiy pashinskyi, the former people's deputy of ukraine and now the head of the national association of the defense industry of ukraine. he is suspected of misappropriating
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oil products and defrauding the state of almost losses of almost 1 billion hryvnias. our correspondent tetyana golunova followed the meeting. now she is in direct contact with us. i congratulate tatiana, tell me, please. details of this case. i congratulate vasylya, i also congratulate the viewers of the espresso tv channel. today, serhii pashynskyi arrived at the higher anti-corruption court, where a preventive measure was chosen for him. however, i will note that the precautionary measure was not chosen. the judge adjourned the hearing to friday. it was the prosecution side that spoke most of the session, and the side. had no protection so many many times to tell your point of view. i note that the meeting started at 12:00 in the afternoon and lasted until 70:00 in the evening, so a preventive measure has not been chosen for serhii pashinsky yet,
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this case will be considered again on friday. i will also note that the meeting was open, the press was allowed to watch, however , we were not able to be in the hall with serhii pashynskyi and where... the meeting was held, the press was in the adjacent hall and was able to observe everything, everything that takes place from the broadcast, and i will also say that at the beginning of the meeting, the prosecutor stated that the suspicion of serhii pashynskyi was well-founded, therefore he is asking the court to keep him in custody for 60 days, and in the case of making bail, the amount of this bail is 300 million hryvnias, in turn, the defense side stated , that the suspicion is not justified, that the evidence is insufficient, and the investigation did not provide any, well, any evidence. i also want to remind everyone that the national association of the defense industry of ukraine also
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appealed to the higher anti-corruption court with a request not to keep serhiy in custody pashinsky. this appeal was signed by the heads of large and well-known defense companies. enterprises of ukraine. also, i would like to remind you that an article was recently published in forbes ukraine. it stated that if serhiy pashynskyi is kept in custody, then this... may complicate the supply of weapons to the armed forces of ukraine in general, and if the accounts of companies that are part of the national association of defense enterprises of ukraine are seized, then this may stop the supply in general . i would like to remind you that on february 12, the acquired security service of ukraine conducted a search in serhiy's office pashynskyi, he was declared suspect as part of a ten-year criminal case . it concerns the nationalization of oil products of the oligarch serhii kurchenko,
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as if the law enforcement officers say that because of this the state suffered losses of almost 1 billion hryvnias. well, i will also note that after the court session we had the opportunity to talk with the lawyer of serhiy pashynskyi, he said that, unfortunately, he is sure that he is still his underling, he thinks. that he will still get to play, but we will find out what will happen next friday, so for now i still have all the information, vasyl, i'm passing on ether to you. thank you very much for your work, thank you for your comments. our correspondent is tetyana golonova, she followed today's court session. i will say that we will discuss this topic later with serhiy vysotsky, he is the deputy chairman of the national association of defense industry enterprises of ukraine. let's talk about it in more detail so that you understand, actually, well, now. let's talk in detail with yuri fizer, the world about ukraine, yuri, good evening, please, good evening to you vasyl,
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good evening to everyone who joined us today, in particular, it will be about the following: american congressmen are called on to unblock aid to ukraine as soon as possible, trump, donald trump was not a joke in his statements and whether europe needs its own army, about this and other things in a moment in the rubric world about ukraine. well, let me start with this: the ambassadors of the european union today agreed on the 13th package of anti-russian sanctions. this is what is being said, after all, this was first reported on the page of the belgian presidency of the council of the european union in microblogging network x. this is the former twitter. this list includes 193 natural and legal entities, not only from russia, but also from a number of erefia partner states. septos china, iran and north korea. the eu accuses all of them of participating in
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helping moscow circumvent the sanctions policy of the west. the package must now go through a written approval procedure by the council of the european union and will be formally approved by february 24. unfortunately, the white house does not have a basket of money for ukraine. therefore , the american administration is waiting for congress approval. of the project on additional funding for assistance to kyiv, us president's national security adviser jake sullivan said during a briefing. according to a representative of the white house, lawmakers must , quote: fulfill their constitutional duties as soon as possible so that president joe biden can approve the shipment of weapons made in the united states by american workers to ukraine. well , the adviser criticized the proposal that washington would be better off providing... kyiv's military aid in the form of a loan, calling it not the best
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option well, he motivated it by the fact that in this case, if it is a mistake, then on the shoulders of ukraine, that is, on our shoulders and yours , new debt obligations will fall, which we do not need at all during the war, and therefore, he said, it is worth continuing to provide aid in the form of grants, as it is going now. in... the detachment called on the house of representatives, the lower house of the american congress, to immediately unblock the allocation of aid to ukraine. this was stated by the deputy official representative of the ministry of defense of the united states during the briefing united states of america sabrina singh. she also urged the house of representatives, following the senate, to approve the white house's request for more than $60 billion for ukraine, without which the united states will not be able to continue military posts. here is her short quote: we will not be able to provide these critical aid packages to ukraine, and
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she will, unfortunately, have to make choices and make decisions about what cities and settlements they will be able to receive with what they have and with by what partners continue to send them. hard listening to this, it is difficult to listen to it from the mouth of a representative of the pentagon, but it is clear why she says this. because they really have no money, why no money? because the congress does not give them this money. he is actively harming national security, according to white house spokeswoman karinzhan. pierre commented on the delay of the speaker of the house of representatives, mike johnson, in approving and voting on the bill on unblocking aid to ukraine, which passed the senate last week. ms. jeanpierre emphasized that bipartisan support for him approval in the house of representatives is there, but it is
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the speaker who continues to bend his line, calling the bill dead. and then a quote from mrs. jeanpierre. he didn't even try to go through the process, see how it could be passed through the house of representatives. and where is the seriousness? he is mike johnson, speaker of the house of representatives. it is dangerous. so. last week's statement by the 45th president of the united states of america, donald trump , that if he wins the elections in november this year, he will... withdraw the country from nato and stop helping allies in if they are attacked by russia, the current owner of the white house, joe biden, commented and added that the allies would not do that. in addition, the american leader once again called on trump's fellow members of the house of representatives to finally vote for the unblocking
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of aid to ukraine, israel and the countries of southeast asia. a little later already during a meeting with supporters. joe biden added a quote: trump is dragging us back into the past, not into the future. we stand for the truth and are going to defeat him and his lies. well, i would very much like to defeat this lie, trump's lie. and another interesting moment, the cnn channel, citing its own sources in the white house administration , reported the day before that us president joe biden even asked his advisers to... more actively monitor everything that donald trump says behind these strange statements of his, for to be able to use it later, to be able to use it against him during the election campaign, well, there are many statements and there is a reaction to them, well, there is something to react to.
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lately, donald trump has not been joking in his statements, the day before. during a meeting with supporters on the air of the american tv channel fox news, he once again emphasized that if he had been the president of the united states in 2022, putin simply would not have attacked ukraine, but trump continued. since the war is already ongoing, the main task of the president of the united states of america should be to force the europeans to give ukraine more money and at least match the amount of aid from the usa. and added that russia is a great military machine, then trump's quote: they beat hitler, they beat napoleon, it's a war machine. so what, well , it is possible with a military machine, a military machine can also be defeated, but to win, if america gives money and the corresponding
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military equipment, ammunition, weapons necessary for us, then can it be defeated? it is also interesting that donald trump commented on the issue of the death of oleksii navalny in russia, i will quote him further: the situation with navalny is very sad, he is a very brave guy, he returned, to be honest, it would be better for him not to return, but speaking from abroad, people thought that it could happen, and it happened, and it's terrible, but in our country it also happens, well, you understand. donald trump, in his usual style, somehow indirectly made it clear that he is somehow similar in the united states of america to navalny, against whom many criminal cases were opened in russia, and many of the criminal cases against donald trump were opened in the united states of america. well, trump is trump.
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the secretary general of nato also spoke about navalny today. jens stoltenberg. but he did it in the context of ukraine, answering a question about whether the activation of the russian army in ukraine, as well as the death of a russian oppositionist, could somehow affect the acceleration of financial assistance to kyiv, mr. secretary general of the north atlantic alliance answered: what exactly, we are listening in direct speech. at least these two events demonstrate the urgency. it is necessary to support ukraine, partly to prevent further russian gains, and at the same time to give ukraine the opportunity to liberate more territory. i'm deep convinced that the best... way to honor the memory of oleksii navalny is to ensure that president putin did not win on the battlefield, but that ukraine did. very good advice, respect
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navalny, give money so that ukraine wins and putin loses. it is simply impossible to create a european army now, because there is no chance of uniting the armed forces of the member states of the european union. the minister of foreign affairs of the commonwealth of independent states, radoslav sikorsky, said this on the air of the polish television channel tvn 20. instead, according to him, in addition to the national armies, europe should create its own response forces, and they will be staffed by volunteers, and not by military personnel of eu member states. the head of the polish foreign policy department added that the states that are part of the european union have already discussed the creation of a reinforced brigade for action on the borders of the eu . just wanted to say that you know, they say it is impossible to create an army in
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europe, i think that it would be much easier to create an army in europe if people could just roughly imagine russian troops on the borders of the european union, and immediately the processes could go much faster, and many nuances that are important, well, became simply unimportant, by 100 % agree with you, and this is the question of creating a european army. has been hanging in the air for the last decade, and this issue was especially relevant when donald trump was in the white house from 2016 to 2020, when he already said that he would take the united states of america out of nato, and if it withdraws from nato, the united states of america will not be able to defend the countries, members of the alliance, in the event that someone attacks them, that's when this issue began to be discussed more actively, but as we can see, well, anyway, and in conclusion, i will finish russia , but i conclude with a look at russia from our friends from
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the baltic countries, in particular from estonia. russia is no different from the soviet union in that it continues to pursue its colonial policy, and the west continues to be afraid to openly talk about it, condemn it and act on it. about this prime minister esto. kaya kalas spoke during a speech at the annual matthew dinner in the large ballroom of the city hall of the german city of hamburg. the head of the estonian government emphasized that europe should now build a new strategy and do it with optimism, confidence and true faith. well then, the first direct speech of kai kalas. i am constantly asked about what putin will do. if russia loses, and my answer to that is yes, we should be more concerned about what he will do if russia wins. does not make sense talk about who will be next, estonia
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or poland. in fact, the question is whether nato will be next. we are all participants in this game, and if russia loses in ukraine, the need to ask such questions will disappear. therefore, let's not blur the focus, but do everything to support ukraine and displace russia on its territory. it is clearly stated and understood, there is no need for all this chatter around, it is necessary to understand that the main thing is the loss of russia, then all other issues will fall away, and by the way, the prime minister reminded not to be afraid of russia in this hall, in who is she spoke the day before, the first president of independent estonia, lennard meri, called, and even then he warned about the threat of colonialism. ism of russia, and what is most interesting, vasyl, among the guests, the deputy mayor of st. petersburg, vladimir
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putin, was sitting in this hall, and when the president of estonia lenard meri spoke these words about russian colonialism, putin stood up, stood up defiantly and left defiantly, and so did kaya kalas, considering this historical fact, ended her speech yesterday. this is how we listen, listen to putin's steps when he came out, listen carefully, are we going to let him roam all over ukraine, are we going to let dictators feel power, are we finally going to draw conclusions from history, for this we need to stop being afraid, together we can help ukraine win the fight for freedom. not everyone in europe drew these conclusions from history, thank god there are friends. there are many countries in the baltics, eastern europe that understand this, and eventually even great britain, but many have not yet come to these conclusions. well, for today i have everything in the world about ukraine section, that's all
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the defense industry itself. because, let me remind you, serhii pashynskyi heads the national association of defense industry enterprises of ukraine. serhiy vesotskyi is in touch with us. he is naudi's deputy head of strategic communications. well, naudi is the national association of defense industry enterprises of ukraine. mr. serhiy, congratulations. tv viewers, glad to see. yes, we have sound, well, now let's check that everything is fine, but let's start with the fact that today's court session was held. the expectation of a bail of 300 million from him, and the expectation that they will obviously push for arrest, how do you assess the work of the prosecution and judges and the prospects of this court case? yes, look, i, as the deputy head of the national association , would like to speak first of all about the consequences for the defense sector that may occur in...


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