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tv   [untitled]    February 21, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EET

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it can harm the defense industry in particular, because, let me remind you, serhiy pashynskyi heads the national association of defense industry enterprises of ukraine. serhiy vesotskyi is in touch with us, he is the deputy head of naudi for strategic communications, well naudi is the national association of defense industry enterprises of ukraine. mr. serhiy, congratulations. glad to see you. yes, we have sound, now let's check that everything is fine, but let's start. from the fact that today's court session, what were the expectations from him, a bail of 300 million, and the expectation that they will obviously push him to arrest, how do you assess the work of the prosecution and judges and the prospects of this court case? and look, as the deputy head of the national association, i would like, of course, first of all to talk about the consequences for the defense sphere that may occur in... due to the arrests of serhii
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volodymyrovych. ot. today, accordingly, the company of the association appealed to the higher anti-corruption court with a statement that the exclusion of the isolation of serhiy pashinsky from processes in the defense sphere, in production, which he does as the head of the association, can significantly affect and worsen our defense capability. as the chairman of the association serhii volodymyrovych is very. thoroughly and very seriously coordinates the production of certain types of weapons, i 'm not saying that he does it as some person who deals with it directly, but in fact he helps 50 enterprises of the association to coordinate their production programs, because we understand that in order to to assemble a certain type of weapon, it is necessary to make many components, moreover, some of these of components it... it can be obtained
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only from abroad, and in fact pashinsky is that person, well, such a coordination center, which helps all enterprises to unite in a joint effort to produce weapons and ammunition, moreover, helps them coordinates to coordinate with european partners and in general with western partners in order to acquire through his connections for his very extensive political experience for... a long time, that is, in order that all elemental and component bases, and the necessary materials, they were in our manufacturers. in addition, it must be said that the national association of defense sector enterprises , led by serhiy pashynskyi, is doing a great job and very active in order to improve working conditions and the conditions of functioning of the ukrainian military industry. every day there is work. on the implementation
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of the normative-legislative framework, we conclude, communicate with the relevant ministries, departments, and the verkhovna rada in order to ensure that there are more weapons, more ammunition, more drones in ukraine, that is why of course, again, his political experience, his political connections, they are so wide and deep that his exclusion from the process of this, that is, his arrest, isolation in the pretrial detention center, can... significantly worsen the conditions of the functioning of the military industry committee, in relation to the court itself, well what are the expectations, it has been postponed to friday, there will be a continuation of the review of the preventive measure, of course the expectation, as i said, in the members of our association, that they will be arrested, the investigation will work, he is not running away, he is not going anywhere, he is a fighter , he does not leave his post, but his the post is now a post with... with such functions
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of ensuring the functioning of the market and the sphere of the military industry, well, the prosecutor admitted it there at the court hearing that he did not leave anywhere and did not try to leave with the beginning of the war, so none, this is again, this not consideration of the issue on the merits, i am even sure, well , based on what i heard today during this preliminary meeting, that probably it will not come to the consideration of the merits there, because, well, according to the lawyers' opinion, well, it will simply be yes... proven complete , if, the complete absurdity of the prosecution's arguments, even those materials that they provided to the investigation, but the question is now in the arrest, of course, we believe that the isolation of serhiy pashinsky will have very negative consequences for the military-industrial complex of ukraine. as for the legal position, again, i want to emphasize , pashinsky himself has repeatedly stated that ... all
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the activation of this case, which took a very, very long time and not only under the previous government, for already five years has passed since at the time of the last elections, both the parliamentary and... well, the parliamentary elections were a little less and the presidential elections, or no one interfered, even if the investigative bodies there say that someone there once interfered with them, well, 100% in the last 5 years, no one interfered with investigating this case, and just now it appeared, as mr. pashinsky himself repeatedly emphasized, due to the fact that he in january went into communication with the national anti-corruption bureau and provided me with materials on how... in what way certain individuals and certain business entities will try to steal 240 million euros from the defense budget, well , i don't know what was in these materials, i think of course, if they are transferred to the nabu, then it is necessary
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to hope that the national anti-corruption bureau will still get involved from that side, so i think that no one will disclose those materials. but a very strange coincidence happened , which coincided with the fact that in january a person provides evidence of systemic corruption in the field of defense procurement and in the field of arms and ammunition contracts to the national anti -corruption bureau, and after that the national anti-corruption bureau begins to very quickly activate the case that is there lies in it for 5 years already, and to which they didn’t come, well, why in 5 years , these are the previous ones, the important thing here is that, let’s say , british intelligence reports that this is, well, a quarrel, let’s call it linguistically, or a possible conflict between zelenskyi and zaluzhny, it was as a result of the russian ips , to which ukrainian officials , ukrainian officials fell, and here the question arises , perhaps this case, which arose
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in fact, well, it can paralyze the work of naaudi, arose in fact, well, weapons manufacturers, arose in fact at a critical time for the ukrainian front, yes it can also be a dog or direct work in the fields. rose, that's why, well, i, vasyl, am sure that the penetration of and, accordingly , the presence of a network of employees of enemy special structures in ukraine remains very, very dense, but let's put it this way, there is
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such a suspicion that, of course, it was not without some influence of the enemy, but in we have the corresponding special. services, the sbu is also actively involved in this criminal case, well, not in a criminal case, in support of this criminal case, as we were told, the prosecutors pointed out, well, actually it is about suspicion, well, there is a counterintelligence department in the sbu, it is their functional duty to investigate, investigate such circumstances, that is why i say, well, this situation already exists, we believe that pashinsky's arrest will have a very negative impact. will have a very negative effect on the coordination of the production of weapons and ammunition, we are sure that pashinsky will not leave his combat post, as a person who helps implement, implement many defense programs, therefore there is no reason for arrest, and
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again would love to see some cases on the materials that serhii volodymyrovych provided to the national anti-corruption bureau, and of course we would like to see the corresponding activity. the existence of the ukrainian security service to detect the possibility of enemy influence on certain state bodies, judicial bodies, investigative bodies, etc., i do not claim that it exists, we do not know it for sure, but of course, when it comes to such a sensitive sector at the moment , as a sector of the defense industry, which, of course, putin is trying to simply destroy with missile strikes and organizational and political. with blows, one must examine all the circumstances and one must really see whether there is no presence of the enemy here, that is the basis of such actions. therefore, i just hope, of course, the special services are completely closed, closed structures, but i really hope that they will fulfill their functional and investigative duties. thank you
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for your comments, we will wait for the continuation of this meeting. serhii vysotskyi, deputy chairman of naudi, is a national association of defense industry enterprises. of ukraine, he is the deputy chairman for strategic affairs communications, we will monitor, in any case , the defense industry should not stop, if so, they get out from under the table somewhere. behind the drawers of cases on the extraction of russian oil there five or ten years ago, there are so many urgent cases that can also be retrieved, but for some reason, well, now we have a plot for your attention, i suggest you watch and listen, demid a village in the kyiv region, one of those that stopped the advance of russian troops on kyiv, it was the shortest way, the enemy could pass through three villages and end up on of the capital city, in the first days of the february attack, the ukrainian military made a decision. to blow up a dam near the settlement, this is the so-called dam in kazarovychy, the high water
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stopped the russian columns and at the same time flooded the demids, how the local residents live now, we look with a broom and rags, you see, it blooms, blooms, and at night it stinks so much that i i'm suffocating, i'm suffocating, and... head, i 'm sitting on such pills now, i can't tell you, this is raisa mykolaivna's house a year and a half ago, now almost nothing has changed, due to flooding dymydova soil it's still damp under the apartment, so it's constantly cold in the house, i have to sleep in warm clothes under several blankets, i laid three rugs and you can see, i laid them down and my feet are cold, the batteries are hot, and i'm freezing. there has been mold on the walls for two years, the woman heats the house around the clock, she tries to keep
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the temperature in the house at least 20°, to at least dry it out a little , the water is standing there, the water is still standing there, you see, it is still wet, everything is wet, on on that side there is a sister half, so all the walls are like that, and they are already starting ... the corners are starting to sag, it is already starting to settle, when it rains outside, this is also a problem, because the water is starting to rise, the floor is rotting from moisture , cracks have formed between the plinth and the wall, the plinth has sunk, and the second time i go, the floor otako creaks, walks like an accordion, shur-shur, shur-shur, still in the well. therefore, local people buy cleaned or look for wells that have not
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flooded. raisa mykolaivna recalls that then the water arrived very quickly, about a week and a half, all the streets closest to the dam were flooded, the yards were also flooded, food was prepared on the road, and water was collected from the dam, russian troops were constantly seen there. the brother of the dog, we fed everyone here, brought him from the dam. because earlier she started going up there to boil potatoes in manders, so they asked, why are you bringing water this week, he drinks, he says, yes, he drinks, because of you, he says, we don’t even have water, aren’t the flooded gardens the biggest problem peasants, these scraps of land literally fed the inhabitants of demydov, the remnants of the harvest were sold by local people on the market, now the soil is moist, on in some cities it still stands. the water is here until now the water has been where it will go and now
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the water will go down then it will rise it has already gone down a little everything here was flooded the sea has disappeared four or five buckets because we didn't rush at once we didn't think we were saving the potatoes and then as the water rushed here, it was already full. leaked out the woman recalls that the russians did not touch the locals, they went from house to house and offered food. residents refused. back in the summer of 2022, raisa mykolaivna was afraid that the dam would not hold up and the high water would wash it away village, but now it is taken over by another. we are afraid that they will not come back here. this is what we are afraid of now. dmytro didora, oscar jansons, espresso tv channel. by the way, in the book
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he described these events near kyiv, at the beginning of the invasion, and regarding the food that the enemies brought, well, they distributed, they really offered it to the locals, but the fact was that the food, mainly, that the russians offered to the local residents , it was food stolen from neighboring villages or in neighboring towns, where they not only stole food, but often killed workers those establishments where they stole food, broke windows, beat doors and... then, of course , they offered this food to local residents, in other villages they did not offer food, but took what was there and killed people, this was the story of the hero from the village dymydiv, well, now i invite you to a conversation. the verdict program starts at 8 p.m. on sunday, serhii, let's talk about something today, please. good evening, vasyl. for two hours we will talk about the situation on the ukrainian-polish border. polish farmers continue to block ukrainian farmers carriers and prevent them from delivering goods to europe and, accordingly, to ukraine. who and why
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in poland wants putin to intervene in the situation, well, at least yesterday. the appeals were at the protest action of polish farmers, on our broadcast will be a diplomat, the former ambassador of ukraine to the republic of poland, andriy deshchytsia, military expert serhiy grabskyi and diplomat oleksandr hara. in addition to the situation in poland, let's talk about the situation, the current situation on the eastern front, after the withdrawal of the armed forces of ukraine from avdiivka. about five possible directions the offensive of the russian occupation forces, i hope that serhii grabskyi will make an accurate analysis of what putin's army is currently preparing for, and what ukraine is actually preparing for. oleksandr hara and i will talk about the situation, which consists of
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financing with aid, international aid to the ukrainian state, that is to say. on the part of the united states of america, as well as how the assassination of alexei navalny will affect the future presidency and the general attitude towards the russian federation on the part of the united states of america and leaders the world by the way, today sergey lavrov is at the meeting of the foreign ministers of the g20 in rio de janeiro, why is he being received there, why else? until now, russians are accepted at such important events, let's talk with oleksandr khary. in the second part of our program, which will start at 21:15, we will have two political experts, serhiy taran and oleksiy koshel, who will analyze the ratings of our main
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political players and not only political, but also military leaders. and in particular the history of by the fact that many ukrainians do not want zelenskyi to run for the second term for the presidency, whether zelenskyi should run for president at all, does that mean after our victory over the russian federation or not, and how all the conflict fields that the office of the president of ukraine is currently creating and zelenskyi's team, how do they affect... on the credibility rating of zelenskyi, today in the judge they chose, they tried to choose a preventive measure for serhii pashinsky, a person who was involved in the work on the supply of weapons and ammunition during the great invasion of russia to ukraine, and of course, we will talk about
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pashinsky's case, about who is trying to revive the case against him, about... the ten-year-old case, in short, there are a lot of topics, there will be a lot of guests during these two hours, stay tuned to our channel, then the big winter broadcast continues, and we will go on the air in literally 11 minutes. vasyl, thank you very much, serhiy, we are waiting for serhiy rudenko at 2:10, here you know, when they talk about certain reforms that should speed up or simplify the path of ukraine to the european union, and it is so often beautiful. it sounds, but then the european bodies are certain, well, in particular, the ambassadors of the big seven begin to study these mega-reforms and say , what about europe, european values, european rules, well , that's what they said when they saw the draft law on the reform of the economic security bureau, baby , which is supposed to fight economic crimes, the ambassadors of the group of seven states in a letter to
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the leadership of the ukrainian authorities warned against the adoption of the reform of the economic security bureau, which does not correspond according to the requirements of the hebrew integration and programs of the international monetary fund. in particular, the letter is addressed to the speaker of the parliament ruslan stefanchuk, also addressed to prime minister denys shmyhal, head of the president's office andriy yormak and several other government officials and parliamentarians from the law enforcement and finance committees. what is not to like the ambassadors of such countries as the united states of america, germany, great britain, japan, france and there are some italy. the j7 ambassadors emphasize that the reforms of the bureau of economic security should contain four key ones position: open and about this bond. immediately an open and transparent competition, and here i bang my head against the wall, well, what an open and transparent competition, if you have to squeeze one of your own there, someone is not noticed, well, this is simply a reality of ukrainian life, unfortunately, they say an open transparent competition. for the position of the new director of beb, not his own person, but an open and transparent competition, a proper audit of the activities of beb 1.3 years after the appointment of the new director, in order to then check what he did there, after that
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the possibility of dismissing the director of beb for based on the conclusions of the audit and the impossibility of dismissal by a decision of the government based on unsatisfactory work results, well , like how it turned out with the hard worker, well , he didn’t like it, he left, here they say that you can’t just leave, there must be an audit, and then he just left , well, let's see how they will react to... will react to these proposals of the countries that , by the way, today hold the ukrainian economy, let's be honest, and now we have the plot for your attention, i'll find it for a second, and immediately to you, yes, now, the situation at the front is tense, the process of evacuating wounded fighters can last for hours, volunteers come up with new solutions to save as many of our defenders as possible, about one of these projects further in our material. these shots of the stabilization point of the third assault brigade, which courageously held the widow, flew around the network, however
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, the task of transporting the wounded to such a point is difficult, because the evacuation has to be carried out under fire in extremely difficult conditions, time is the decisive factor, according to the estimates of medical teams, almost half of the fighters die halfway to a fixed stop. armored medical equipment, she is destroyed it is shelled, despite the marking of the red cross. you know that one of the priority targets today, unfortunately, is the combat medic. it's the one that helps out on the battlefield, and it's basic with a target, sneaky, and fast. such a mobile stabilization container is able to give a chance for life, because it is a so-called intermediary between a stationary staging point and the battlefield itself. to stop the bleeding. a tourniquet is needed to intubate the anesthesiologist's patient a ventilator and a laryngoscope are needed. the container is equipped with everything necessary to provide both
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first aid and resuscitation measures. there is an operating table, a manual defibrillator, a portable ultrasound scanner and much more. all the hardware you see here is taken into account so that the entire algorithm can be executed from incubation. ventilator for artificial ventilation of a person, lungs, and blood transfusion, taking into account all these points, at a minimum, smart is reduced, but to make it as compact as possible, in a compressed format, but all options taken into account another advantage is mobility and autonomy, such a container weighs only 3 tons, can be transported by any four-wheel drive car or van, will work... around the clock, because it is equipped with a system of double inverter generators, and also has improved thermal and acoustic insulation, such containers are produced in ukraine. we completely build
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it ourselves, even the trailer is not a purchase position, we completely cook it, assemble it, assemble it ourselves, design it, we already have such experience and it was there even before the war, we just now war decided to use their expertise in the military direction to help the boys. one fully equipped mobile. stabnet costs 45 00 €. french colleagues help with the purchase of medical equipment. the first pilot stab container will soon go to save the lives of our defenders. our plans: for now, this container will go to the front line for testing in the coming days. next, the second phase of this project is to deploy 10 such containers very close to the contact line. at the same time , combat medics have remarks about... such developments. the chassis is not adapted to off-road, and the container inside may be cramped for the operation of the madrigada. and such a capsule is vulnerable to enemy attacks. this is
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a dangerous zone, there are shellings, unmanned aerial vehicles and drones are used, so for me one of the most important things was safety. unfortunately, this container has not yet been equipped with appropriate protective armor by the manufacturers. the manufacturers note that... the container is ready to improve and take into account all comments, while the first bar goes to zero, the project stabnet has a global goal of deploying at least a hundred stabilization containers along the entire front line. indeed, we wish success to the manufacturers and our soldiers, most importantly, natalka didenko will tell us about what the weather will be like in ukraine tomorrow, let's listen and watch. synoptic greetings to all, our dear viewers, we will start our meeting today with another information about meteorology, about ukrainian.
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logy and also about the ukrainian meteorological service, i have already said that this and all these subsections will be devoted to the global meteorologist's day, which is celebrated every year on march 23. so, today we will talk about the pezhezhevsk meteorological station. in general , there are 186 weather stations in ukraine, but among them there are such unique, so to speak, exclusive ones. and here is this station pozhezhevska meteorological station, it is the highest... the highest meteorological station in ukraine and it is also called snow avalanche, because it is obvious that avalanches are studied and recorded there, it is clear from the name. it is located at an altitude of 1450 m above sea level, in the territory of ivano-frankivsk region, not far from hoverla. this highest weather station of ours works all year round, absolutely without days off, and in the summer, of course, you can get to the station
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by car, but in the winter. mainly or even exclusively on foot, on the meteorological site there are various special booths, thermometers, all important scientific instruments and everything is measured here, but necessarily of course the avalanche watch, a good name would be, by the way, for a book or for some rock group, specialists walk along the ridge of the mountain and observe the snow eaves, well, there are no weekends and holidays, that's understandable. omissions work is not allowed, even if someone is sick, then they work for a day , and maybe more, until people are replaced, work is 24 hours and also, albeit in shifts, but special attention at this weather station should always be to meteorological phenomena, and especially to avalanches , this is the pazhezhevsk meteorological avalanche station, we go further and talk about the behavior of the earth's magnetic field,
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a small active one will be observed tomorrow. ness is quite small, i would say so, so we simply miss this moment, simply we are watching, and as soon as there is any message or forecast about an increase in magnetic activity, of course we will talk about it, i will inform you, and we move on to the weather forecast and start traditionally from the western regions of ukraine, tomorrow the weather will be the warmest in the west of ukraine, because the temperature the air will range from 7 to 11°c, in places... there is a chance of a little rain in the surrounding carpathian regions, but in the mountains it is clear with wet snow. in the north of ukraine, it will also rain in some places tomorrow, in the sumy oblast possibly with wet snow, air temperature +2-+6°, sumy region will be the coolest. it is cloudy in the east of ukraine, wet snow in places in kharkiv and luhansk regions, no precipitation in donetsk region. the air temperature in the east is the lowest, 0 + 3 0 + 4°. in the central
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part of ukraine, tomorrow and on. day without significant precipitation, although cloudy weather will prevail +4 +7°. in the southern part of ukraine , there will be no precipitation and even probable sunny clearing +7 +10° to 11, probably in the crimea. well , in kyiv, in the capital tomorrow, the air temperature will be quite high, about 5-6, and even higher degrees. there is a chance of light rain in places, although the precipitation is really quite insignificant, it will just be cloudy . in the future , warming is expected in most regions of ukraine, and the air temperature is expected to range from 8 to 14 degrees celsius on weekends. thanks to natalka didenko, be with espresso so as not to miss the most important of what will happen, because we constantly report about it live, in fact, and also to understand what happened today during
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the day in this. the verdicts program will help you serhii rudenko, literally in a few moments, we watch together. good evening, we are from ukraine. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about the war, about our victory, about ukraine and about... the world is on the program today. strategic defense operation. after the withdrawal from avdiyivka, the armed forces of ukraine is settling on new frontiers, on which areas of the front is the greatest threat? the us and the eu are introducing new sanctions against russia, but long-range weapons are still under question: why the west is losing faith in ukraine's victory. thousands of trucks in...


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