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tv   [untitled]    February 21, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EET

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comfrey - german ointment for pain in joints and muscles, comfrey restores movement from pain in the joints and muscles, a natural base with comfrey from dr. tice, try also warming cream with comfrey by dr. tice - a proven remedy, congratulations, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda, we have already arrived. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. open and unbiased. your conclusions do it yourself good evening, we are from ukraine!
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the seventh downed plane in a week, how the ukrainian army is giving nightmares to the russians in our ukrainian skies, president zelensky is calling president duda to the border, will duda say the border. yes, the legendary ukrainian dissident, politician and fighter for independence, stepan ilkovich khmara, khmara, died at the border. let us recall what he was for ukrainian history, for ukrainians. politicians, and also about the situation at the front and the deterioration of the economic situation, we will talk about this and other things today for the next hour 45 minutes, this is the velikiy eter program, my name is vasyl zema and as usual we start with the announcement of the collection, and you and i have to close this collection by the end of this week, there is less than 100 00 uah left, and i think we will succeed , so in order to move quickly and perform combat tasks, the 25th separate airborne brigade of sicheslav.
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needs a car, they are constantly under the sights, meaning the soldiers of this brigade, the occupiers try to storm every day, but despite everything, our defenders are firmly holding their formation in the eastern direction. we ask everyone who cares to join the fundraiser for the car, don't stay away , every hryvnia brings us closer to victory, our goal is uah 300,000 and already more than 200, uah you and i, well, we managed to collect here as moderators, please donate with the details, which you see on the screen. well, besides that, two more important events happened, shaigu reported to putin that the russian army treats ukrainian prisoners very well, this is against the background of the shootings that we saw, the russian troops managed to take the kryna, although again this is not true, and a russian shot himself a soldier who told the truth, the approximate truth about the losses of the russians in avdiivka, when they say that the russians don't care how many of their soldiers die, and they don't care about these tens of thousands, they don't care, it doesn't matter when they don't talk about it, when they don't know this when the ruffians...
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go all over russia, it's as if they are absorbed over a huge territory, apparently not much, and when they say 16,000 for one district center of audios, 20,000, 25,000, then people immediately shut their mouths, why ? because these numbers... should not sound informative russia's huge losses are still dangerous for the kremlin, we see it, in fact, it doesn't change anything, but at least it changes the biography of some warlords who for some reason thought that they live in a country where someone needs the truth, even if it is the terrible truth of war not needed, putin needs reports on captured krinkas, although, as we saw today a video where one marine in krinkas fought a battle against a group of russian invaders and managed to hold his positions, this is about the legendary skill of our military, in particular the marines, which, among others, holds this bridgehead on the left bank of the kherson region. taras shamayda, coordinator of the space of freedom movement, mr. taras, i congratulate you. good evening. and i congratulate you on
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mother language day. we will talk, well , let's start with the fact that the second, well, third year of full-scale war will soon begin. in general, are there any? data that record the fact that ukrainians began to switch more actively to the state ukrainian language, there are no complaints, perhaps from the service sector, from buyers, e, buyers of services, buyers of goods, so that everyone, everyone is fine, everything, everyone no one says anything, everyone implements this law on language, are there still any complaints, no, well, look, if there were no complaints, it would mean that we ended up in the situation of belarus, because there are no complaints in belarus. everything is fine with the belarusian language, it's just that it is no longer present anywhere, and that's why it complains to no one, everyone and so good , of course, there are complaints, but this does not mean that there is no stinginess, because in general, starting from
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the 91st year, since the declaration of independence of ukraine and even a little earlier, is happening the constant increase in the number of people who communicate in ukrainian, and... the expansion of the influence of the ukrainian language on various spheres of social life, but this process is not so linear, it happens more like a wave, yes, that is, the first wave happened just in the first years of independence, then there was a certain setback associated with the influence of russia and pro-russian pro-russian forces in the ukrainian government, then there was a wave after... the orange revolution during the years of yushchenko's presidency, the next wave was already after the revolution of dignity, yes, what intensified with the adoption of the law on language in the 19th year, and finally in the 22nd year, it was such a, uh, well, a huge wave of people also switching
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to the ukrainian language, several million people switched to the ukrainian language in their communication in the 22nd year, yes, who before that communicated in russian, and to this day. we can say that firstly, the absolute majority of people in ukraine consider themselves ethnic ukrainians, that is, in the controlled territory less than 2% of people, for example, consider themselves ethnic russians, secondly, more than 85% somewhere, well, on average according to various studies, consider the ukrainian language as their native language and accordingly use it, it also dominates. of course, in all spheres of social life, but there are certainly complaints, because, as you know, these are traffic rules, that is, they work, but sometimes they are violated, and that is why there are complaints , there are, well, the state reacts to these violations, it is normal, we let's look now
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at the statistics for 9 months of 2023, an appeal to the commissioner for the protection of the ukrainian language, the cabinet of ministers, about the violation of... the law on language, well, that's just how to call it, about the protection and functioning of the ukrainian language, it is interesting that six percent mainly refer to goods and services, 16% to service, well, maybe we will show this picture now, education - 9%, health care - 4, government bodies 5%, other 18, signboard advertising 14%, and internet representation as much as 28%, what is most interesting in this story, well , one of the most interesting is that the most violations of the law on language were recorded in kyiv, 37%. kharkiv and odesa regions, which were previously considered to be outposts of those russian- minded people, 15-13%, now changes qualitative ones occur, dnipropetrovsk oblast eight,
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kyiv oblast -4, zaporizhzhia oblast 2%, mykolaiv oblast 2%, and so on. but here is kyiv, is it only because there are more people in kyiv, more just the movement of life, or is it something else? i'm explaining, because it looks a little strange like this: 23rd year, kyiv, which survived the enemy's onslaught, well, the question is simply that apparently the people of kyiv react more actively to these things, use more... tools of appeals, that is, it does not mean , that there are fewer violations in kharkiv or odesa, of course, i think that if city, then probably the most violations are all in reality, the law is violated in odessa, there and in kharkiv, this is natural, simply because of various reasons, fewer complaints are written on this topic, that is, firstly, perhaps a smaller proportion of people consider it important , there, especially if we are talking about kharkiv, which is usually when the city is located. constant shelling, some things fall into the background, but
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definitely, still a huge number of people in ukraine, the majority of the population of ukraine today, understand the direct connection between issues of language, issues of identity and this war, because actually, what is this war being fought for, this war is primarily a war for identity, why is russia at war with us, it means that it does not just want to invade our territory, it is fundamentally important for russia , so that the city... there would be a separate ukrainian identity, a separate ukrainian people, that is, the russians want to exterminate the physically active part of the ukrainian people, and the rest they want to push abroad or assimilate, to make part of the so-called united russian people, yes, that is , because they understand that just when ukrainians have their own identity, their own language, and language is the core of our identity and difference from russians, then... as long as this exists, ukraine will be independent and ukraine can always be reborn,
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so it is extremely important that people realized this, yes, and the way this path went, let's say, finland, which got its finnish identity after freeing itself from russia, and it completely overcame russification, there has been no russification for many decades, and the finns are a separate nation, the poles too, let's say in the first half of the 20th century, they took this path. in fact , ukraine is now going through this path of awareness, it is certainly not instantaneous, it lasts for years and decades, but i think that the point of no return has already been passed, unless, of course, well, unless such a catastrophe happens that ukraine, or its a significant territory will be occupied, because where the territory is occupied, there is a very tough process of imposing russian identity, russification, i.e., what exactly is it for. and is waging this war, that is , they are closed and translated into russian when, that means,
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ukrainian books are thrown out and burned, destroyed, the ukrainian language is removed from the media, from the media space, and so on, and there is definitely hunting and repression against any activists who try to defend some kind of ukrainian identity, so this is a very serious matter, of course, what happens to children, their russification, on the spot and up to the abduction and removal of children to russia, for what exactly, you know, the international arrest warrant issued for putin, that is, it is there in the occupied territories, of course, here in the ukrainian language is in a very difficult situation, and if these territories are not liberated, well, in some foreseeable future, the situation may be very difficult there, as it is difficult in the conventional sense, for example in crimea, you know, even now many ukrainians, especially children, well... there are millions of ukrainians of primary school , middle and high school age, some of whom have been living outside of
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ukraine for two years, some a little less, in fact, i think there are millions of children, and they are now learning german, english , someone there is dutch, someone, maybe flemish language, well, there is czech, polish, and also, they , perhaps many of them did not speak ukrainian very well, but they communicated, well, they studied at school, but their parents are russian-speaking, the environment is russian-speaking, now these children will be... bilingual, but it will be the language of some european union country. secondly, i, well, this is also a problem, that later these children will return and it will happen, and secondly, i watched a video of a resident of odesa, who says, well, i will be ukrainian, because they say, russian is the language of the occupiers, but i communicate in russian, a young girl, my parents communicate, grandfather and grandmother are communicating, we are not occupiers, i am leading to the point that the war will end, the time will come and they will say, why can't we communicate in russian? or as yulia mender said, there is no russian, this is ukrainian russian, and they will say, well, we are not the occupiers, why is it the language of the occupiers,
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let us continue to communicate in russian, and simply, well, there is no need to condemn us, how about this, well, as if the message is like this, well, we are not occupiers, but why can’t we , as i answer here, look, the state certainly cannot, cannot and should not condemn its citizens for the language of their private communication, it must ensure presence and dominance. in the public space, regarding the language of private communication, raising children, the language of consumption of a cultural product, this is, of course, on the one hand a private matter of people, on the other hand, the ukrainian state. rights should conduct an active explanatory policy in order to explain to people the simple connection between the language in which they raise their children, in which language they consume a certain cultural product, books, films, there is information in the internet, and therefore, how the influence of the ukrainian state, ukrainian culture, yes, the country, in general,
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ukrainians as a nation increases or decreases in themselves, on their land and in the world, and vice versa, whether the influence of russia increases or decreases, this is directly and absolutely directly related to language. if we are talking about ukrainians in western europe, then there is no problem in the fact that children or adults learn the languages ​​of the countries of residence, german, polish and other languages ​​there, if they return with knowledge of these languages, it will only be beneficial to ukraine and to them as people. the problem is different. if a significant transition took place in ukraine during these two years, a new wave. the arrival of people to communicate in the ukrainian language, then precisely among our refugees abroad such a transition took place to a much lesser extent, precisely this russian-speaking of ukrainians abroad, it is conserved to a large extent, and more than half of all our people in general, for example, in the european union, they communicate in russian, problems, and it creates a whole series of problems actually, because we have 30 seconds,
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mr. taras, 30 seconds, so be it, because instead of, let's say, spreading... in ukraine, yes, in europe, in fact it turns out that these people involuntarily, they are posy, together with russians and other russian-speaking people, they involuntarily strengthen russian influence in europe, and besides besides, of course, this is a question of children, that is, it is very important that children grow up learning the ukrainian language, knowing it, and it is the task of the ukrainian state to ensure, including abroad, the education of children in the ukrainian language, thank you very much, first of all, for all that , what have you done to... protect, spread, popularize the ukrainian language, studying it, and of course for comments. taras shamayda, coordinator of the space of freedom movement, was in touch with us. by the way, i would also like to congratulate you on mother language day, because language is, as maksym tedeyovych rylsky wrote, the life of the spiritual foundation, and we will, we will remember it. well, now
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we will talk about the south of ukraine, kherson oblast. today we have yevgenia virlych, the main one. let me start with the fact that over the last day , the enemy fired 150 artillery pieces on the territory of the kherson region, and the power grid suffered there as well. cars, houses, if you could so briefly describe the key consequences and destruction from enemy attacks, please, well, lately kherson and kherson oblast as a whole have been suffering a lot, and if... that in the morning, for example, they provide data on how things will be how will public transport work, during the day due to shelling , traffic changes a lot, public transport comes under fire, although not only public transport, from what we noticed and noticed by our readers and those with whom we communicate, i.e. this not only my opinion
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that the shelling became more frequent than, for example, there two weeks or. a month ago , i will not comment on the weapons that are being fired at, because i am not an expert, however, they continue to aim at transport, residential areas and infrastructure, very badly damaged schools, kindergartens, they occasionally hit the places where storage is carried out humanitarian, humanitarian aid. in beryslav and in the beryslav region, in the beryslav district, in some communities there has been no electricity since october, somewhere since december in bereslav itself there are very big problems with electricity, however, residents continue to live, survive, humanitarian aid is delivered, but it is very, very dangerous, if it is so short, but please tell me, in kherson, i think it is also in
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other cities, but those apartments that suffered, somewhere there they sew them together with boards, nails, staples, maybe some kind of iron , well, they are trying to put them in order so that people can live, thank god, winter is ending, it is already warm ahead, maybe it will be easier, but those apartments where people do not live, where people have left , their repair works are also being carried out, or they are left for later, if there is an opportunity, the smallest repair work is carried out, at least the window is closed, the entrances are closed, these works can be done from the outside, that is, it is not necessary to enter. inside in order to do this, in constant communication, well, this is actually what worked during the occupation, it works even now, with many residents who have left, maintaining contact with... and therefore communication they talk to people who have left, inform them that they have been hit somewhere, well, in fact , it is the same in my family, that is, if i am not there
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at the place or my relatives, if something happened to us, then someone must inform the neighbors about what is happening, with the consent of the people, windows or doors must be sewn up, if it is, let's say, damage that can be done easily. .. close from the outside, i.e. it is not necessary to enter, if it is already some significant damage or destruction in general, then communal services and emergency services do everything possible to at least secure the premises very often friends, for example, or relatives have the keys to their apartments , that is, these problems are decided on a point-by-point basis, now i will ask the question about the occupied territories, there now ... these brigades and organizational groups are actively preparing for the elections, well, pseudo-elections, pseudo-president, because we don't know whether it is putin or his double, so we we don't know who they will elect, but in
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any case, this is, as they say, a manifestation of will, and there campaign teams travel around the region and also in various ways force people to vote as they should at the time, is it monitored , maybe you know who does it, what it is does, because even now a resident of ternopil oblast has been detained. with these, with the enemies , well, just now, how far she has gone, i am leading to the point that these people will also be restored later, we believe that the armed forces of ukraine will go through further barriers, and these people will end up with ours, or somewhere will try to leave somewhere , is it possible to fix them in some way, well, don't say how, maybe there are opportunities there, please, you know, the whole process is happening constantly, from the first days of the occupation, it seems to be constantly to this day. they catch these people, of course, but no, let’s not, thank you for saying this, and it is important to talk about it, no one spreads information about how it happens, this is how such people are caught both in kherson and
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beyond, sometimes people it is possible to go quite far into the territory of ukraine, but the services deal with it, the law enforcement officers control it, and well, unfortunately, yes, i think that we will see many more such cases, because they coordinate, know, and unfortunately about.. ... work for the enemy, in particular in kherson itself, but people are working on it, and it's nice here sheigu, the minister of attack of the russian federation, told putin that they had taken the krynks, and we saw a video today, how one marine held a position, fighting off a whole group, invaders, enemies, he succeeded in principle, also the armed forces of ukraine installed a ukrainian flag in the cossack camps on the water tower, well, i want to prove something, and at the same time, the enemy. thinks how he will still get somewhere in the kherson region, and there is such information that they want to repeat the success of their avdiiv operation and are digging a tunnel on
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kherson region, they already said about the tunnel under the dnieper, they didn't talk about anything there, but one of the russian invaders, he is an engineer by education, a construction worker, gave a secret that supposedly the work is going on, it doesn't stress you, you know, somewhere there it didn't happen like that, that on the right bank they will suddenly climb out of the sand, god forbid. orcs, well, the locals talk about it, the locals know about it, moreover, there are such rumors in nikopol as well, if you look at the map, it seems that something is being dug up in nikopol as well, yes, there are also such rumors, and i think what about it it is necessary to speak, the law enforcement officers should also know about this, i think that the armed forces of ukraine knows better than us what can happen, and such rumors are really circulating, as far as i understand, that... it is purely theoretically possible, they are talking about it, but i am sure in the fact that everything will be fine, no one will get out of there, or at least they will meet their death there, but there are such people,
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they talk about it, it causes concern, because the russians really do not give up hope of taking the right bank again, going to nikopol, for example, this is dnipropetrovsk region, in general, they find... well, the distance to kherson through the former antonivskyi bridge is not so great, that is why they shoot from there, and there was information that they allegedly took krynks, this is not true, this has already been denied and the video is prove, but here is this idea of ​​going through a tunnel under water or under a former reservoir , they have the kakhovsky reservoir, and they even talk about it too, probably somewhere the russians were bitten by the hamas and they also built tunnels, but on the other hand, on one side in nikopol there. .. the current of the dnieper was very muddy there as well it is possible to do it easier, they will see you from the other side, well, that is, you will not dig a tunnel with shovels, it must be a certain technique, it can be
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seen, i think by drones, especially, from the left to the right bank of kherson oblast, that is where the wide dnieper flows , i think that it is the same as it once flowed, and there too, well, you don’t decide so easily, so we will believe in it, but in any case, we believe in the armed forces, in our intelligence, which will be able to make this tunnel mass grave suddenly, thank you very much for your comments, evgenia virlych, editor-in-chief edition of cavuon city, well, the russians are really trying to resort to non-standard moves, such a dug tunnel gave a certain advantage in a certain period. combat operations in vavdiivka, the enemy, and this tunnel, well, it actually went behind the rear of our troops, but again they say that they are allegedly trying to dig something similar under the dnipro, well , again, we believe in the armed forces, in the intelligence of the armed forces forces of ukraine, the krynka both stood and stand, although again let's say that this is a huge price, and this is heroism, self-sacrifice, the skill and professionalism of our army, which holds the krynyk, this bridgehead in order to...
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under good conditions, spread the offensive to the south, to the left bank of the kherson region. well, now serhii zgurets, which will be discussed today in the military results of the day. serhii, please give me the floor. greetings, vasyl, greetings to our viewers, today we will talk in our column about the destruction of another russian su-34 aircraft, about the training of our pilots on f-16 fighters, about a new threat, about these iranian missiles that have been transferred to... of the russian federation, as reported by reuters, and about the situation on the front line in a conversation with our military. more on that in a moment. so, this morning our military continued a good tradition. our armed forces destroyed another russian su-34 fighter-bomber. this was reported by the air force command. knocked down in less than a week.
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already seven aircraft, five su-34 bombers and two su-35 fighters. destroying enemy aircraft is a kind of active way of our countering the attempts of the russians to use these aircraft to drop cabs, which significantly affect the situation on the front line, in particular, during 8 months of hostilities , the enemy dropped about 5,000 kabs weighing 500 kg or more. maso. but the use of cabs really affected the situation, in particular during the defense of avdiivtsi, so to destroy these enemy planes, now our air force command, as we can see, uses anti-aircraft defense systems with a range of more than 100 km, they are talking about either the wanderer or the sumpti, or about some version of the modernized complex there
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, it is possible for frankins in combination... it becomes american and ukrainian air defense systems, it remains a mystery , but we can see the result: russian fighters are destroyed, and this is a good, positive result of such concepts that our armed forces are implementing today, of course, there will be fewer of these enemy aircraft when we wait for our own f-16 fighters, and right now the process of training our pilots is underway, but new details have appeared regarding the terms of our training... in particular, one of the american publications, in particular the air space force magazine , has published a publication detailing the time frame the training of those pilots who are currently being trained in the united states, and there, with reference to a representative of the us national guard, which is the body that is currently responsible for training our pilots, it was said that
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eight are currently being trained in the united states. pilots already flying the f-16 are due to complete their training between may and august, and another four of our pilots are currently learning english and will complete their full training cycle by september 30. an important point: in fact, the exercises will last longer than previously announced, and the americans say that this is explained by the fact that it is necessary to train a fully operational pilot, and not for a limited function. as planned at the beginning, about 40 dozen or so technicians who will service the fighters in the 16th are undergoing language training, so far they are only engaged in language training, but then they will learn to service aircraft at one of the american air bases forces other than the united states are also currently training and


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