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tv   [untitled]    February 21, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EET

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16, their training should be completed between may and august, and another four of our pilots are currently studying english and will complete their full training cycle by september 30. an important point, in fact, the training will last longer than previously announced, and the americans say that this is due to the fact that it is necessary to train a fully combat-capable pilot, and not for a limited functionality, as planned at the beginning. so. also , about 40 dozen, about 40 technicians who will serve f16 fighter jets, they are currently only engaged in language training, but later they will learn to maintain aircraft at one of the bases of the american air force. in addition to the united states , studies are currently underway in a number of other countries, and i think that this process will still be intensified.
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expanded and just in time for the arrival of f-16s with telecabin systems and new air defense systems, which are extremely necessary for our armed forces , because a new threat has appeared. today , reuters reported that iran nevertheless transferred short-range ballistic missiles to the russian federation, the total number of such interceptor missiles is 400 units, these are missiles of two types, fatih 110 and... from olfahar, these missiles are launched from mobile launchers, in particular, fatih 110 ballistic missiles iran has been producing in series for a long time, they have a range of 300 km there, the weight of the warhead is 650 kg, and another war missile from olfahar has a range of up to 700 km, the warhead is a little less than 500 kg, and in fact the main intelligence department of the ministry is about such a threat. defense still spoke in ee
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november 22, but then iran was afraid to transfer such missiles to the russians, now, as we see, such a transfer has taken place, at least, according to reuters, so in any case there is a serious threat, we understand that the same the fatek-110 missile with such a speed, it covers about 300 km in 300 seconds, that is, in fact, the countermeasure can be either an increase. air defense complexes that can fight ballistic missiles, including the same patriots or sumpti, or the same use of long-range atakams systems, or the use the same taurus missiles that we finally hope to receive from germany with a range of 500 km, which, when used from our aircraft there, or from the same ones in 16 , can hit the bases and placement of these new iranian missile launchers in the hands
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of the russian aggressors, and now we understand that the enemy is trying to take advantage of the possibility of a certain, certain superiority in artillery means, given that the supply of weapons from the americans is slightly delayed, and is now trying to just, well, squeeze in various parts of the front, like this is happening in separate directions, we will now talk with our next guest, and we will be joined by: denys nagornyi, major of the national guard of ukraine, chief of staff of the artillery of the 4th rubizh brigade, which is currently operating, if i am not mistaken, in the bakhmud direction. mr. denis, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear the espresso channel on the air. good evening, studio, good evening, dear viewers. i would like to ask you about the area where your brigade is currently stationed. as i understand it, you now feel the enemy's efforts to advance there from bohdanivka, khromovoy there and... ivanovsky on
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ivanovsky and then on chasiv, what is happening there right now, have there been any changes in the actions of the enemy, after the enemy did manage to push through to avdiyivka there, perhaps some of the equipment and personnel were transferred to your direction , what can you tell our viewers? of course, you are absolutely right that the western allies are certainly trying. pass endurance to look at our strength, because at the moment, if we take the artillery, so is the direction of our fourth brigades for the operational assignment of frontiers, the number relative to the use of artillery increased quite a bit after avdiivka, that is , we can draw a certain conclusion that the enemy is transferring forces and means here, after he had already directly used them in the avdiivka direction. that is, he made a certain
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redistribution, and of course, such hot areas as bohdanivka, as ivanivska, as klishiv heights. as exactly the direction of the times, he, the russians are concentrating some certain main efforts there, that is, we see that the number has increased by a large amount, which the number of applications of tactical aviation has increased, that the number of applications of unmanned aircraft has increased, especially of means such as fpv drones, such means as lancets, that is, it has passed, we see that... a certain redistribution, and we understand that from mass media you can plus- minus to find out where their main blow will be, that is, we see that before they were shining completely in the avdiiv direction, now they are beginning
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to highlight that they have taken certain settlements there, such as zaliznyanske, such as disputed, such as the same khromov with bohdanivka in the bakhmut direction, i.e. directly, uh, the russians will most likely concentrate their efforts here, i.e. for the start of the chasovoyar operation, for offensives for large offensive operations, and this can be known from the number of use of fabs and cabs, i.e. if we take for example that as for avdiyivka itself, there were almost 200 cabs per day, so the number... the use of aerial bombs in particular is increasing, despite the fact that our defenders of the sky shoot down these flies that constantly drop all this evil on us, roughly speaking, that is, now you already
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have the feeling that the enemy has begun to redirect part of its forces precisely in your direction, it is precisely felt in the direction of the pressure on ivanovsk, and the movement from... danivka in these, well, several directions for the time being, it is already you feel in your own positions, so i understood what you said, correct? yes, it is absolutely true, why, because, from such observations that are quite interesting, before there was no mass use of technology, at the moment, we can say that barrels and drones, they do not stop, do not shut up, some don't. do not stop, others do not shut up, because a very large amount of obsolete equipment appeared, which was not observed here before, that is, we can testify that forces and means are being transferred, forces and means are being redistributed from
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certain directions, we are of course on this we are reacting to the redistribution, the same thing happened recently... recently, with our own eyes, our copters, several infantry rebu stations were discovered, which directly began to place such and such types of rebu, er, we call it a chandelier, which began to be placed directly in the trenches, it was previously used closer to turetsk, it was observed closer to donetsk, and now it began to be observed precisely in... in our areas, it is possible that the russians can simply use bakhmut as one of the logistics, one of the logistical chains, to make, for example, the main efforts in the lyman direction or in the kupel direction, that is, again, use bakhmut
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as a certain such distracting blow, blow at the same time, on which directly ee... now a defensive operation of the defense forces is taking place, sir, yes, somewhere yes, mr. denys, literally yesterday, it seems that the commander of the ground forces pavlyuk said that in the last months there 70% of targets are destroyed due to unmanned systems, previously we were all convinced that at least 80% - it should be good work. well, such were the previous statistics, like yours, can we really say that drones have already begun to supplant artillery in terms of the number of destroyed targets in the form of artillery or mortars fired there, what
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can be said about the example of your brigade? eh, look, if you take our fourth line brigade, our beloved artillery, yes, at the moment, the destruction of targets is taking place approximately. yes, it is 70 to 30 in favor of unmanned aircraft, we have a critical shortage of ammunition, especially artillery, that is, precisely for, for example, repelling the offensive of certain defensive actions there, the minimum amount of ammunition is sufficient in principle, but if any major actions are carried out there, some tactical maneuvers to carry out or, for example, to destroy a group of infantry there, something else, then at the moment everything fell on the shoulders of unmanned aircraft, that is, the war went into such a mode of a certain symbiosis, when at the expense of what is missing because... it is the drones that save us , fivishniks, it is our scouts
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on quadrocopters who are watching the front edge, in symbiosis with the same anti-aircraft defense equipment, with electronic warfare equipment, by the way, for which we are gathering, if there is an opportunity for a television studio, to place a qr code , we are now we collect at reb stations, because they also run out. due to the shelling of the russian artillery, which, by the way, has no shortage of ammunition, here is the observation that the number of shelling began to increase, by the way, in the direction, most likely due to the fact that the avdiivka ceased to be a priority direction for them, and they began to distribute ammunition evenly in directions, that is, do not concentrate them on one of the main blows. now we will try our directors to find the qr code, if it fails then let's
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tell our viewers where to find a link to this code to support your collection financially, where can i find it , i will provide it in the studio after the broadcast, okay, and i would like to ask one more component then, in one of your broadcasts, when you commented on the situation, you categorically said about what really fpv drone. even without artillery, they can provide support for the execution of tasks, when our unit can knock the enemy out of the lines it occupies and ensure the maintenance of this line, that is, infantry and fpv are quite enough to perform such missions, it depended on the skill of the calculations of fpv, is it actually a system that can be, well, regularly scaled to the tactics of combat operations, a little bit wrong, look, because... that the infantry cannot act without, for example, without mortars,
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the battalion commander cannot provide e a normal defense without its own artillery , i.e. mortars, as well as battalions, must be supported by the same artillery, even in the minimum amount, in the amount of ammunition that is available, but at the moment the situation is that the artillery, since there is not enough ammunition , then this is all... this this is not a complete set, let’s say, let’s say, it is replenished by fpvvishniks, it is replenished by aerial scouts who observe, and different ee bombers, different ee bombers, that is, the list of the use of unmanned systems in particular, it increases every day, for example, take the same to begin with, how was it done , let's say, the mining of access roads, from their side, from the side of the russians, from
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our side, if we also take the direction of our brigade, that is, thursday, then the mining itself, it prevented certain, in certain, in a certain variation of logistics, on which they began to install means of reb, which directly affect aviation, on which tactics began to act. of small groups, which directly fought there with such large targets as lancets, as eagles, as well as with the same small targets that operated in our village, because every day such an interesting fact that unmanned aviation is further, further and further it flies deep into the position of the defenses of both ours and the russians, i.e., if earlier we could fly there 2-3 km, then
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we could fly, for example, 500 m, there up to 5 km, then now it is not a problem to fly 20 to 30 km and express certain targets, due to which the bulk of the so-called counter-battery fight is taking place at the moment, due to the fact that they fly into... and directly destroy guns with calculations precisely in positions, that is, i understand that now , in fact, then all these methods of counter-battery struggle, discovered an entire enemy at the expense of. precisely these counter-battery radars, soundometric intelligence stations, they have already faded into the background, because in fact, drones and detect the location of enemy positions and drones destroy, so that these old models using these, radars and noise-metric intelligence stations have already faded into the background, so it turns out, no, absolutely not, there are no bad types of development, let's say
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this, any type of development, any kind of information about the enemy, which... there is, he, well, this is one of the development complexes, that is, the same counter-battery radars, the same sound-metric intelligence, it detects exactly where it is coming from, and it visually detects precisely the calculations of drones that to calculations, to clarify, in many respects calculations, but the quality of calculations depends on education, if, for example, they are cerebral. on the trees and forgot about them, for example , we have been preparing calculations for quite a long time, we will not call it that time, safety purposes, and these calculations precisely affect quality, that is, the better they will work, the better it will be damage
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to the enemy, respectively, so we bet more on quality than on kip. if we take the russians, then we know that all their tactics are based more on numbers than on from the quality, as well as the use of their artillery, which does not change, as they continued to pour ammunition quantitatively, the tactics will not change. mr. andries, thank you very much for the inclusion, thank you for what you and your comrades do for our defense, for our defense, and i will remind our viewers... that this was denys nagornyi, major of the national guard of ukraine, chief of staff of the artillery of the 4th rubizh brigade , which is currently operating in the bahmud direction, as we can see that technology in war is extremely necessary and necessary training in order to effectively use these technological things against the enemy, the fourth brigade demonstrates this in combat, as well as our other military units, which
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destroy the enemy and the complexes of our counter-attack defense calculations, which destroy enemy aircraft. these were today 's main military results of the day, and more international and economic news later on vasyl zima's big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. gurts, thank his guest, these were the military results of the day. good evening, we are from ukraine. good evening. there are discounts on pairs of villages of 20% in pharmacies psylshynyk, vantazhd, there are discounts on acc long, 15% at pharmacies psyshynyk, pam and oskad. well,
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what would... it seemed that words, words and a voice, nothing more, but the heart beats, comes to life when it hears them, god knows, and that voice and those words go between people. taras shevchenko. a separate platoon of the sapsan unmanned aircraft complexes of the state special service of transport appeals to the viewers of the espresso tv channel with a request to participate in the collection of crown funds and technical equipment for our unit. thank you, glory to ukraine! heroes!
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10 years of war, the war for freedom, from the revolution of dignity to today's battles. if something happens to me, if it doesn't happen to me, they will know that i died for the truth. 10 years of war, the war for our existence, this is the path that changed us. in the conditions of the occupied territories, de-occupied territories, we have losses of the order of potential 7 million hectares of land, which have not been cultivated for 2 years. 10 years of war, war for the future, which. the price we pay for it? 200 of our citizens were taken to russia. depopulation is not inevitable. intellectuals, experts, patriots about threats. and our future in a special project for the 10th anniversary of the beginning of russia's armed aggression against ukraine 10 years of the war for independence from
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february 18 at espresso. he left crimea in 2014 and saves ukrainian soldiers in a hospital in lviv. hryhoriy prokhorenko is the leading surgeon of the military medical clinical center of the western region. served until march 2014. in sevastopol, and when the russian aggression began, he remained loyal to ukraine. we met with the command of the russians, that is their doctors, the head of the medical service, i don't know what that grouping was called, it was bigger than crimea, i think it was the southern district or something like that, but there was a georgian colonel, and when we talked with them... then he said that, in principle , the situation is similar to the one that existed at the time of the collapse of the union, when everyone chose the side for which he would serve in the future, where he
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would remain, ukrainians in ukraine, russians in russia, or vice versa, and so on then simply in conversation, we asked me how he would behave if such a situation happened with exactly the opposite, we offered him to go to the side of ukraine, he remained silent and there was no further conversation on this topic. the russians denied their participation in those events , then there were ichthomnets, yes, there were little green men, but well, we had security at the checkpoint, we were not able to take out any equipment, equipment, etc., but russian, yes, well, i do i understand. that they were russian servicemen, but without identification marks. we were not able to take laparoscopic racks, computer tomography, or anything else, but i had a chair
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with me, but i hung him up. after the beginning of russian aggression in crimea, military doctors dispersed to hospitals in different cities of ukraine. hryhoriy prokhorenko continued his service in lviv. we were simply expanding our arsenal, i.e. if we performed, say , laparoscopic appendectomies or chalicectomies in peacetime, then... we began to introduce laparoscopy in military trauma, vascular surgery, traumatology, severe injuries with soft tissue damage, i.e. they required revision tactics, that is, the use of devices fixed records, the material base improved, i.e. new methods of research, ultrasound machines, portable ultrasound machines, endoscopic studies appeared. x-rays, digital x-rays that allowed taking pictures, receiving images right away, one could have the opportunity to consult them with
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specialists, let's say, being in a mobile hospital, those in the center or in kyiv. there are constant evacuations to us, from us. these are new patients, new injuries that need to be examined, investigated, helped, operated on, and these operations are not the same as with appendicitis, you operated, discharged all of them, these are staged surgical procedures that constantly need to be repeated, reassess the situation, reassemble the same vacuum systems, look for debris, but for traumatologists it is a wound dep, it is work with stumps, it is work with stomachs, breasts and so on, i.e. one patient, unfortunately, it is not possible to recover from one surgical intervention, this is
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a set of measures that must be carried out in order to stabilize and enable this wounded person to stand on his feet. all efforts with side of the wounded and surgeons and nurses and all the staff, they gave their positive result, here is a boy who came to us at the beginning of the 22nd year, with an amputated limb, with a severe wound in the stomach, and we fought for quite a long time with complications from the side of the abdomen, then he went through a long path of prosthetics, this is the upper third of the thigh, it is... well, quite high, but now he has a biomechanical protest, he continues his service, he came to us now, we dissected him for hernia, which developed after. on his stomach, and
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he is very motivated to serve, and he does not plan to stop his work in the army, it used to be that surgeons worked 24/7, so in principle it continues now, especially. those surgeons who are now directly near the contact line in the east , there is really work there, you don't have time to rest, you don't have the opportunity to go out, firstly, it's dangerous, and secondly, at any moment it can create a situation where your help will be needed, that's why these guys and girls work literally every second.
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there were several mobile hospitals under my command, specifically surgical ones, and that was that it was both practical work and, again , organization, and rotations, evacuations, admissions of seriously ill patients, provision of this or that, that was personnel policy, again anyway, that is, this is life in cages. the care provided in mobile hospitals is of a high level, the modern equipment we have here is often also available in mobile hospitals, we are talking about x-ray complexes, we we are talking about endoscopic racks, laparoscopic equipment, an artificial kidney , that is, cell savers that allow you to take blood, filter it and give it back to the patient under certain conditions, stapling devices, modern suture material, instruments, microvascular surgeries.
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er, vascular surgery, again, traumatology, the difficulty is that, firstly, we have a lot of this work, but secondly, it, ah, you never know what you will encounter, so predict the nature of the injury, er,... severe and when to you a difficult patient arrives, then you have a short time to orient yourself and little time to help him, stabilize him, if we are talking about mobile hospitals, operative surgical teams, then help, stabilize, evacuate, and this happens all the time, that is, it's a job here, ah, accepted. we looked at the patients and
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again we are not able to bring them to the logical conclusion, to the removal of the suture, we have to stabilize them again, make sure that everything is more or less okay with them, and send him to another hospital, someone comes, curses, why, well, because... he believes that he cannot serve, and according to our canons, he is fit for military service, someone comes with thanks, that's the main thing that they get in line, for us it is the greatest comfort. thanks to extensive experience in military surgery, hryhoriy prykhorenko's team was able to set up successful work in the hospital during the war, and thus save hundreds of
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lives of our soldiers. christina nazar malnyk, espresso tv channel. greetings, this is svoboda live, my name is vlasta lazur. today we are talking about the situation at the front and how the front line is changing after the russian military captured avdiivka. during the retreat of the ukrainian armed forces from avdiivka, donetsk region , several hundred ukrainian soldiers could have been captured. the publication writes about it. new york times with reference to the assessments of the military and western high-ranking officials. according to the interlocutors of the newspaper, the loss of avdiivka in itself was not a great strategic defeat, but the capture of a large number of prisoners can change, so to speak, this schedule, as the morale of the military drops after the failed counteroffensive, and because of this, the ukrainian army has problems recruiting new soldiers. estimates of the number of ukrainian military personnel who...


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