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tv   [untitled]    February 21, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EET

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than in 10 years, the ussr lost in afghanistan, and 16 thousand people died, and the equipment there, we will not even count, there are several hundred units. if we say, on the whole , it is indeed a tactical success, and indeed, if you look at it detached from, or rather, not detached, in the context of the entire panorama of hostilities, then... this is not a huge achievement, in general, it is, well, you can’t to say that this is such an achievement for which so many people could be sacrificed, yes, actually sacrificed, all this was done as a gift to putin to the second to the second to the second anniversary of the invasion, but many in the military, and i agree with them, believe that if russia had reserves, a reserve is enough. then she
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developed this success and it would have been, would not have been a tactical success, but actually an operational-tactical success and she could have continued, continued the offensive, but this did not happen, this did not happen not only because the third assault unit was there and they withdrew quite a bit organized and everything else, and also because there were no reserves there, and there were no trained soldiers, so it is really possible to state that at least in the near future before, i believe that before the presidential elections, or rather not the elections, but rather the staging of these elections, the production or advance of putin's, before that there will be no attempt to carry out an offensive, but after the elections... well, here
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we can recall mr. borel, who last week, it seems, said that in 3-4 months after the election, putin will try to attack and is preparing a major offensive, will he be able to do it, the question here is not that he, to say that no, he is not will be able to, or will he definitely go, a lot depends on how he will grind his army, and here the 23rd year is just right. remember, the kremlin was preparing, the kremlin was preparing for the offensive, it was definitely preparing, and not only did it spread fake documents here in february to scare, but it also prepared to a certain extent, but could not, because bahmud had spent most of his forces, and they recognized in the fall, let me remind you, under the guidance of the former chief of the general staff, colonel-general baluyevsk... there they
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conducted such brainstorming, let's say so, and they reached the expert level to the conclusions that 10-12 months are not enough for them to prepare such a shock fist, primarily personnel, not to mention the fact that they have equipment, they have old equipment, and they are trying to compensate for this now by receiving various portions of weapons from north korea and from... from north korea and from iran, and today it became known that several hundred ballistic missiles were received from iran, but in the end this indicates that huge technological and especially mobilization problems exist in russia , there are even those things which we can to consider obvious, the daggers are thrown flawlessly, yes, 10, 10 scientists were thrown into prison by putin.
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to give a little credit to the people for the fact that hypersonic weapons do not work, zircons, at least two rockets zircon, this is the same wonderful weapon that putin advertised together with daggers in the 18th year, hypersonics do not reach hypersonics, or rather 2,500 km per second can for an hour, i'm sorry, they can reach, but it's too little to consider this rocket there as a miracle weapon. let me, let me go back to avdiivka, because we started with that, we talked today about how much the information that up to a thousand prisoners were captured or missing in avdiivka may be true , western publications write about it, but for example, in the armed forces of ukraine it is called a fake and manipulation, and disinformation, more precisely, do you see the grounds of all the news and information that we have in public access about avdiyivka. do you see any reason
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to believe that this information about hundreds to thousands of prisoners could be true? i have a hard time imagining it to be true, maybe there is… some certain amount, maybe yes, but on the other hand, i can't know about it and can't claim anything here, i have another side, medals, so to speak, about it, during somewhere on the 23rd and the beginning of the 24th of the year, well, i always start every day with you all together by watching all the media, including all these westerns, yes, i... at first i counted, but when there were several dozen publications in which i saw a sign special operations, special information operations, then i simply stopped counting and believe that one of the huge problems of the ukrainian government is
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the fact that communication was entrusted to the western media, well, let's imagine with you that a desert storm is being conducted, and the americans put everything, for example, on the french. for example, yes, and everything goes through the french media channels, well, is this a normal situation or not, well, now the armed forces are told not to trust the western press, well, yes , why, and why does the western press have such, such the highest level of accreditation, so high that they slap the commander-in-chief variously, i mean that chuster over there and many others besides him that these are real slaps. who should teach the ukrainian authorities how to work in the field of communication, although they consider themselves to be such communication specialists, but here this communication is military, in my opinion, it is very lame on two legs, that is why we see such publications , when
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it is difficult to show something to someone, because access to information is also very limited, and on the other hand, we see operations and any specialist in information flight... from information operations will say that one audience reads these objections, and a completely different refutation, yes, we know everything, this is from the first steps in journalism, and therefore we understand how everything here is imperfect, unfortunately, but in the end, in the end , what is very important to say is that if we are already talking about avdiyivka, to finish pravdiyivka, the situation for me is this: i look at various statements of our specialists, well, officials, and this is one more reason for such dissatisfaction with the way information is provided, it has a certain indirect relation to whether we can
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find out about the prisoners, and whether they were killed there and so on, and look, the minister of foreign affairs kuleba says that we... had to withdraw from avdiyivka due to the fact that there was a shortage of ammunition and that the united states did not have time to supply us, yes there, well, western partners, i understand the minister who wants stimulate the event, and maybe this new york new york times and other publications stimulate and exaggerate, but this is not a complete picture, or, for example, the secretary of the national security council. says that we had to leave because there was no, there was no parity in the sky, yes, i also understand that he is implying that we are getting waves ammunition, including for anti- aircraft missile systems, anti-missile systems, and that is why
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the russians smeared this spot, yes, a hole in air defense, and were able to take advantage of this opportunity, but there are already two more very big problems for them, one of problem is that the fact that the third assault brigade was transferred late is some kind of evidence, evidence that there were not enough reserves, and not enough reserves, why is it the same for ukraine, not only the second one, that we don’t have much time, but the second problem - these are the second and third lines of defense, which must be built by construction workers companies to be run by the government, a government that has not gone on the war rails. which deals with everything in a row, but not the war, well , for example, by february 24 , as far as i understand, the full government should be at the polish border and solve other issues, thank you very much, thank you very much, valentin badrak, director center for army research, disarmament conversion, we talked about how
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the front line can change after avdiivka, thank you, for the first time in two years, volodymyr zelenskyy is gathering his own servant of the people faction with a high... degree of probability, their meeting is happening right now, at least that it is scheduled for tonight, a number of ukrainian media wrote the day before, as written, for example, ukrainian pravda, the servant of the people, they have been asking for a meeting since last year . with the president, but zelenskyi did not have time for that, and as radio svoboda told, one of the deputies of the majority, he asked not to be named, the topic of the meeting is unknown, why the president is gathering his deputies, as evidenced by the very fact of such meeting, oleg sahakyan, political scientist olezhe joins our broadcast, good evening, glad to see each other, why did volodymyr zelenskyy decide to meet with all his deputies, in order to prevent a systemic gap. left in relations with the parliament. we see that the old model , in which the parliament exclusively
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received the will from above and had to vote yes or no, and accordingly the instructions on how to vote, this time has faded, and the last decisions around the mobilization with maryana bezuga, it was almost demarche factions, after which arahamiya came out and said that approximately 17 deputies are ready to draft mandates, which can undermine them at all. decision-making by the faction of servants, this statement , i think, was not made for the general public, but first of all was sent to the office of the president, all this indicates that inside the parliament, first of all, in the pro-government political force , irritation has accumulated that their role was reduced exclusively to extras and, accordingly , the subjectivity of deputies was simply trampled while we lived in the regime of short war, all this was perceived as something extraordinary and accordingly they gritted their teeth. and to bring this wagon to victory, which is just around the corner almost in the 23rd year, should
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take place, as soon as it does not take place in the 23rd year, we are building now for a long time, this also involves, let's say, the manifestation of all those issues that accumulated, which were simply not spoken out loud, in particular about the role of the deputy corps, but perhaps volodymyr zelenskyi too, he is interested in such a meeting, he wants to enlist the support of deputies, he has a bill on his nose mobilization should be decided on... example, including, but he needs a working relationship with the parliament, and the parliament actually showed its honor and told the office with a series of votes that no, they do not put up with their subjectless position. it is unpleasant for the deputies that, considering them not the lowest link among the management vertical, some deputies were openly offended when president zelenskyi said that he only had 5-6 managers, that is, they saw in this that the parliament... a faction, the presidential they almost don't think anymore part of the team, and thirdly, they are worried
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about the fact that they do not have access to the office of the president, even indirectly, and arahamia has lost some of his influence in recent events, and accordingly, the parliamentarians feel that they are simply living in some encapsulated state of their own, where orders are issued and they have to carry them out under cover, this does not suit them, while this was a temporary phenomenon with this peace... as soon as the question arose that it will continue like this now all the time throughout the war, it is clear that this created tension on background changes in the military leadership, possible changes in the government , this problem with the parliament is actually on fire now and gaining momentum , the president meets preventively, listens to the parliamentarians, because of this there is no agenda, it will be formed by ad hoc questions from the deputies, to demonstrate to them his openness to them, to demonstrate the pointers that he saw on... the near future to involve their support on key issues and relieve some of this tension,
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and in the end, whoever disagrees with volodymyr zelenskyi always has the opportunity to state that if it were not for him, in principle, most of those people would not be deputies at all , it seems that at one of these meetings he told them something like that, in any case, we will monitor and we will of course monitor how this meeting will end, for the first time during a full-scale war, volodymyr zelenskyi meets with deputies from the servant of the people, but... sahakyan, a political scientist, was on radio liberty. that's all for today, i urge you to subscribe to radio liberty's website and like this broadcast. in this way you will support our program, our work and independent journalism in ukraine, and svoboda live will return to the air tomorrow. there are discounts on sinus hot and sinus cups 15% at
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psyllium pam and ochd pharmacies, there are 10% discounts on quiet soothing at psyllium bam and ochd pharmacies, there are 10% discounts on zzilor at psyllium bam and ochd pharmacies. 10 years of war, war for... freedom from the revolution of dignity to today's battles. if something happens to me, if it doesn't happen to me, then i know that i died for the truth. 10 years of war, war with... our existence, this is the path that changed us. in under the conditions of the occupied territories, de-occupied territories, we have losses of the order of potential 7 million hectares of land, which have not been cultivated for 2 years. 10 years of war, war for the future, what price do we pay for it? 200 of our citizens were taken to russia. depopulation is
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not inevitable. intellectuals, experts, patriots about challenges, threats and our future. projects for the 10th anniversary of the beginning of russia's armed aggression against ukraine 10 years of the war for independence from february 18 on espresso. a separate platoon of unmanned aircraft complexes of the state sapsan special transport service. the viewers of the espresso tv channel are asked to join the collection of funds for... and technical equipment for our unit, thank you, glory to ukraine, to the heroes, glory, the war created many challenges for us ukrainians, and
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even more so for ukrainians with disabilities, but we we know that only together we can be stronger. friends, welcome. friendly online community innable me ukraine. this is the first platform in ukraine for people with disabilities to communicate. here you get any information on disability, medical services and relocation. free consultations of a lawyer, psychologist, doctor, employment specialist, volunteers from all over europe. here you get support, advice and real friends. together we support each other, share useful information and learn new things. together, we grow! join us, become part of our enable me ukraine family. with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities
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of ukraine, enable me ucraine. greetings, we are asking for your help in the search for two children who disappeared in the temporarily occupied territory. this girl's name is niyola doglyada. she is 12 years old and disappeared in november 2023 in temporarily occupied donetsk. it is unknown what happened to her and where she is now. also , at the end of last year, 13-year-old renat tuktarov went missing in temporarily occupied donetsk. i ask everyone who sees this video to look carefully at the faces of miyol and renat. if you know any information about these children, call the hotline of the children's tracing service on 11630. calls from all mobile operators are free. and as always, i encourage you to repost on your social networks. sharing can help
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find the missing boy and girl faster. it is possible. that, like many children from the temporarily occupied territories, the boy and girl could have been taken or deported to russia. however, even in such difficult situations, we do not lose hope and do everything possible to find the child, in particular, we use osint methods of information search. in short, the fall of investigation is search and analysis information available in open sources, for example, in zmi, on forums, sites, in messengers, and of course, in social networks. yes, i myself... with the help of autumn specialists at the children's search service managed to find out very important information about the missing sisters sasha and nastya liponovy. the girls disappeared in mariupol in the first days of the full-scale invasion, and for a long time nothing was known about their fate. we suspected that sasha and nastya were no longer in ukraine and ended up in russia, and this version was confirmed during
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the investigation. i managed to find out what the girls are really in russia. before the war , the sisters studied in one of the boarding schools in mariupol. after a full-scale invasion , they ended up in donetsk. here is a photo from social networks, in which sasha and nastya are actually in the temporarily occupied donetsk. this is most likely the spring of 2022. and already in the summer of 2022, they were taken to nizhny novgorod. again, there is a matching photo on social media, and here the sisters are still together. however, after that, joint photos. sasha and nastya did not appear again. we found out that sasha liponova lives in the city of lukhovitsa, moscow region, and on september 1, 2022 , she even entered a local technical school. and here, for example, is a photo of sasha with a diploma for an award in a poetry contest, here the girl is reading poems in one of the city squares. there is also information that sasha lives in a foster
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family or in a local hostel. as for her sister nastya, thanks to the autumn search , we learned that she most likely lives in the city of kasli, in the chelyabinsk region. and here, for example, is her photo, which nastya posted may 30, 2023 on his page in the social network. ah... this photo was previously published on july 24, 2022 . of course, everything we learned about the girls we immediately passed on to the police, but until these data are officially confirmed, sasha and nastya will be considered missing. but the most important thing is that the received information inspires hope that the girls are alive, healthy, and everything is fine with them. currently , we do not know under what circumstances sasha and nastya lipunova ended up in russia. and whether they were direct victims of deportation. in general, deportation of children is a component of the crime of genocide, so i would like to note that if you personally know about any crime
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against a child, in particular about abduction or deportation, do not remain indifferent and immediately report it to the police, or report it to our website . you can even do it anonymously. and that's the end, please go to the site. child tracing services. all these boys and girls are missing, so if you recognize any of them, please inform us on the hotline on the short number 11630. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time. just go to the site and report. and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua.
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glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about the war, about our victory, about ukraine and about the world. today. in the program. strategic defense operation. after the withdrawal from avdiivka, the zsu settled in new frontiers. in which areas of the front is the greatest threat? the usa and the eu introduce new sanctions against russia. but long-range weapons are still in question. why is the west losing faith in the victory of ukraine? thousands of trucks in queues. the grain blockade of polish farmers continues. zelenskyy proposes a meeting of the governments of the two countries at the border. we will talk about this and other things during the next hour with our guests, the former head of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine
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andriy deshchytsa, military expert serhiy grabsky and diplomat oleksandr khare. the second part of our program, which will start in an hour, will feature political experts serhii taran and oleksiy koshel. however, before we start our big talk, let's see. video of two enemy t-72 tanks flying into the air. artillerymen of the 71st separate hunter brigade stopped the movement of enemy equipment, and fpv drone operators finished the job with an epic explosion, let's see.
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friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube platforms and facebook, simultaneously with the live broadcast and its broadcast on these platforms, we are conducting a survey, we are asking you about this, should polish trucks be blocked in response to the actions of the poles? yes, no , please vote on youtube with the yes, no buttons, or write your option in the comments below this video, if you watch us on tv, take your smartphones and vote if you think that polish trucks should be blocked, 0 800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the program we let's sum up the results of this vote. we are in touch with andrii dyschitsia, diplomat, former extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine in poland and former head of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine,
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mr. andrei, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. a rather difficult situation, mr. andriy, is taking place in poland and on the border between ukraine and poland. on wednesday , february 21, polish farmers continue to block traffic on the border with ukraine. as of this morning , approximately 2,500 people were waiting in line to enter our country from the republic of poland trucks, this is... a message from the state border service of ukraine. today , president zelensky announced that he instructed the government to be at the border with poland by february 24 and asked the polish prime minister donald tusk to come there as well, and also called on president andrzej duda to support the government dialogue. let's listen to what zelensky said. i want to address polish
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society and society. read ukrainian gratitude to everyone who shares political manipulations and fundamental issues of national security. i want address the polish government, prime minister tusk and the ministers. i instructed our government to be at the border between our states as soon as february 24. the head of the government of ukraine, the whole... of our government from logistics to the agricultural sector and of course the minister of defense of ukraine, because this blockade on the border, unfortunately, adds threats to the supply of weapons to our boys at the front. and i ask you, donald, mr. prime minister, to come to the border as well. andrzej, mr. president, i am asking you to support this dialogue. it's national security, we don't have
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it's a drag. the coming days give us a chance to do this, i am ready to be at the border together with our government, and i want to appeal now to the european commission: unity in europe must be preserved, this is a fundamental interest of the european union, so ukraine is appealing to the european commission to participate in this meeting representative of the european commission also for common interests and termination. political manipulations, mr. andrii, now president zelenskyi is acting as a fireman, could this development of events and the mass blocking of our border have been avoided, well let's say two, two months in advance to schedule such a meeting, or lead negotiations, and not call on duda and tusk to come to the border literally on february 24? well, look, actually two months ago or
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even... a month ago, we still expected that the polish government, the new polish government, which declared its readiness to help ukraine, which declared its readiness to develop relations with ukraine, and the prime minister of poland donald tusk visited kyiv and made these statements also in kyiv and showed his openness to such cooperation. in fact, the government did not react in any way to the protests of polish farmers that began. well, on a larger scale, these larger-scale actions started about two weeks ago, and of course it was impossible to predict this two months ago, but i believe that this statement by the president and the address to the polish government is very timely, because the polish government, well if one might say, a little self-absorbed from solving the problems of polish farmers, they
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declare: that they are conducting a dialogue with polish farms, they are trying, they declare that they are conducting a dialogue with the ukrainian side, they are trying to find some kind of understanding also with brussels, because these demands of polish farmers also apply to the european agricultural policy, but nevertheless nothing is actually happening, and the protesters are putting forward new and new demands, expanding their protests to everything larger area new professional groups are joining them, and if the polish government does not respond, then it is actually a good time for the ukrainian government to pay attention to it, because it is not only about solving the problems of the polish farmers, we are talking about an attack on the security and defense power of ukraine, and these
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protests on the border'. border blocking and international blocking.


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