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tv   [untitled]    February 22, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EET

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even this can happen at the end of february this year, at least that's what their publication bilt wrote, maybe in october, at the end of this year closer to what this hybrid war will look like, is it some kind of cyber attacks, it 's about that, we don't know, they're not afraid in poland, they do not feel this threat, as far as in principle the european union really feels the threat of russia's invasion of them, i think that the threat of russia's invasion is primarily felt by nato. and that is why nato representatives
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have begun large-scale exercises in which they simulate a possible invasion of the levers, that is, it is such a painful point that separates and allows to cut off a large piece of the territory of nato and the european union at once. it is modeled that the strike could be from the territory of belarus, but i, for example, at today's moment, knowing a little about how the russians act, their psychology, assume that as soon as these exercises are completed, russia can strike at this time, why ? this is reminiscent of the situation that was in ukraine in 2022, almost two years ago, when the training was apparently on the territory of belarus, when tens of thousands of russian soldiers were sitting in tents under the snow and apparently conducted training.
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here, well, the exercises are simply large-scale, because there is a sea component, land, air, and then they will return to their places of deployment, in fact, after 2014 , there was a slight increase in the presence of nato, that is, nato, in particular, american units, they are what is called show the flag. as for poland, the possibility of creating, for example, a rational alarmist mood, it faces rearmament, the fact that poland has actively ordered, for example, 500 hymars installations, she ordered and received a significant amount of south korean equipment, there are tanks, howitzers, and planes, why?
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not as rational as it should have been, but similar things do happen in arms procurement, that is, it is difficult, difficult to convince representatives of poland and ordinary citizens and representatives of the ruling elite that they are facing a threat, especially since the threat from kaliningrad, it seems that for 10 years the possibility of an attack on the levers has been discussed, and it would seem that nato, well...
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just has to prepare for all options, this is the 25th year, that’s right , they are announcing these trainings faster now, yes, because i read a lot more about the 25th nato training, now the training of the russians with the belarusian russians there , and the minister of defense has also already announced the nonsense that in the 25th year there will be a big one, well, it is traditional for training in the west, they have been going on since the time of the soviet union and these are mass trainings that are held on the territory of belarus, it is just the 25th year of waiting for trump, there is also a lot. in the 22nd , they were called union determination, and by the way, lukashenko announced them in january 22. that the poles are building factories there right away to make spare parts for the military equipment they buy in south korea, very, very globally , very seriously. and the story with transnistria, there was information that the self-proclaimed authorities of transnistria on the 28th... to russia and allegedly then there should be
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an appeal. from the meeting in russia about their accession, we can see a quote from the deputy of their parliament of transnistria, vadym kravchuk, admitted that the purpose of the congress was to confirm that teraspol still wants to join the russian federation and says that it makes no sense to hold another referendum, but to confirm the previous decision, it is appropriate that transnistria determined the vector of unification with russia and eurasian in 2006...
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days, for it simply requires the consent of moldova, moldova does not give consent, it is in, well, well, it is a pig's voice, it does not give anything, they do not have military power and the ability to influence the course of the russian-ukrainian war. if the russians want to light another small fire in transnistria, well they can definitely push them to such a decision, but i don't see any, no, any valid arguments here. that they can influence in some way, there are no armed forces there, this is a small strip of land, and if as soon as they were to imagine the worst option there, that they start some kind of hostilities against ukraine, well, in this way, ukraine simply gets an excellent reason to close the problem of transnistria in a few
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days, and it will close it, let's go militarily, mr. smilka will listen, because these conversations, and now there is already information that seems to be a message that transnistria will announce. about his desire to join the russian federation may not be entirely reliable, but i am still convinced that there is no smoke without fire, and knowing our enemies in the russian federation, they can resort to various provocations, but from the point of view of military , what can this mean for us, if transnistria begins to collect some kind of weapons there, i hear that there are large warehouses with weapons on the territory of transnistria, and they are somehow moving in the direction of odessa, which the russian federation dreams of. well, you see, the picture looks quite interesting here, i remember it, do you remember when nuclear weapons were brought to belarus, lukashenko was running around there, promoting that we are now a nuclear, nuclear state, we can, we can even have a triad, well, although they don’t have a sea , so there are only two systems, so we submitted it as what
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it can now to the nuclear club, well, what kind of nuclear club, the launch codes in moscow, you don’t have access to the launch, you don’t have anything, they you just have it, if you have it... those warehouses are interesting precisely in our country when we still don't have a shortage of shells, but there is a shortage, that 's true, but those shells would help us, i'm simulating the situation somewhere, for example, my sandu, i appeal to the state of ukraine, to the government
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for help to finally restore order, you have us , and we have everything for this, we have the means, we have the strength, we have troops after all with a huge combat experience, and the question is correct, mr. setskov said, the question... transnistria would be closed, well, i don't want to talk, you know, like someone there kyiv in three days, but it would be closed very quickly, if it started quickly, it would be closed, as well as the fact that they want to announce that they are part of russia there, you know, it reminds me to enter into the intention to enter into a married state, it does not mean to get married, it is the same here, you understand, you can declare a lot, you can say a lot of different things, but in fact all that remains is that... there is, well, elementary, if they announce, block all ways of exit and entry, even peaceful way to transnistria from the side of moldova, similarly from the side of ukraine, then they will face the question of not joining russia, the question of survival, food, light, gas and everything
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else, then everything is blocked, i think, even without an armed conflict, it would be possible very quickly to put everyone there in their place, evgeny magda, i will try such a short excursion. so, the warehouses in the sausage factory are 2 km from the border with ukraine. according to official data, about 20,000 tons of ammunition were removed from warehouses in central europe when the soviets were withdrawn troops, no one knows for sure the condition of these ammunitions, i personally do not believe that for more than 30 years they have been stored there in such a condition that there is no corrosion and everything else, well, of course, since transnistria has been a gray area for 30 years, where traded arms, there were different options, there is another interesting fact that is often overlooked by the leaders of transnistria. so-called, they have ukrainian passports, and ukraine
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looked at it through the fingers for a long time, thought that it had its own resources, indeed transnistria, like all of moldova, it has borders only with ukraine and romania, and this of course saves it from large-scale russian provocation, but to inflame the situation. why is it beneficial for moscow? because at the end of this year there will be elections, presidential elections, and the position of president maia sandu is not as good, i think, as i would like, because in the local elections at the end of 23, and here is a sausage and immediately the border of ukraine, well, so that we understand , what you talked about, immediately, that is, it is on the cordon, 2 km really to... you know, they pump up and we pump up the answer, well, just simply the question, the question is that this is being broadcast
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to moldova in order to show the ineffectiveness of the authorities, that even after the arrival of their current prime minister dorin rychan, who has such a strong component, they are not able to restore order, because sandu's party lost the local elections. in most of the big cities of moldova, including chisinau, and therefore its positions, well, they can, can shake, there it lost to whom it lost to various forces, they banned the party of shor, such ilan shor, who is involved in the theft of a billion euros, the biggest scam in history moldovans, but shur is a citizen of moldova and israel, and he was literally in russia recently, that is, well, that too.
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how they accepted a large number of our refugees, here we must give them credit, rockets and drones began to fly there and they began, well, excuse the words to itch, and now the countries of the european union will give this year, well, they will buy a radar to the armed forces of moldova, next year they will buy means of air defense, i.e., well, this is actually the army of transnistria and moldova , there are no... people there, i.e., it is in compared to the defense forces of ukraine, this is indeed
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a very small number, but everything depends, well, in any case, on the situation, and ukraine without actions, without sanctions by the moldovan authorities, i think, simply for political reasons, will not be able to actively act on the territory of transnistria 'i. everyone on whom the life of our country depends , and we were promised to speak honestly, i understand
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what it is about, it is about the fact that, after all, i understand that the authorities have finally recognized it, this is a message from nikiferov, the press secretary of the president , he is very clear, we will to be honest, and we have said many times before in our studios as well that these rose-colored glasses were often put on us, we lived with them, we hoped in them and then... we were disappointed in them, that we are waiting , what theses we want to hear from, and not only from the president, but from everyone, because we have a lot of questions now, we have a year in defense. said mr. smilka, and budanov said about this before, that in the 24th year, if we persevere , such in the 24th year, then in the 25th we will attack again. tarastetskiv, this sunday, what do you think you want to hear and will we hear
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something that could, excuse the pathos, change the course of history? i want our viewers to understand that on february 25, says serhii nekyferov, the press secretary of the president of ukraine, we are preparing something special, it will be a conference, an honest conversation about our way forward, our way in 2024, all the top speakers from the government will be there. , military and political leadership, prime minister, chairman of the verkhovna rada, sbu gur, min, strategprom, future first lady, future miu, office the president and of course the president himself, well, such an intriguing idea. yes, from what i understood that the president is gathering power, yes, all branches of government, all representatives, such a big forum where there will be a conversation about the 24th year, well, probably, well, good idea, let’s not guess, what will the president say, i would like to say that probably we are in the situation in which we are now, we are indeed in a very difficult
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situation, maybe not the most critical, but not the easiest, and it has been going on there since the middle of autumn. last year, and at first glance, as if about the world is not so much, yes, we lost avdiivka, the russians are advancing in five directions, the american congress does not give money, we have a terrible shortage of ammunition, the law on mobilization, the verkhovna rada gives birth for two months, the number of amendments is already 4,000, the presidential version has already appeared, and there are misunderstandings between the president and the chief of staff, which led to a change in the military leadership, as if everything is in so... those black tones, but some circumstances lead me to believe that the 24th year will not be so so pessimistic, and there are just a few facts that we have to look at , by the way, this was prompted by the munich conference, which had such a symbolic name, everyone is at a loss, but the general atmosphere, well, i
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managed to communicate with those who were there , what kind of atmosphere interested me, and and the atmosphere is actually like this, and... europe is gradually beginning to realize the danger of a great war. and this is a good signal. this is a good signal. they behave approximately as most ukrainians did on the eve of the russian invasion. everyone saw that it could happen, no one wanted to believe. and i think that europe the current european political system is on the way, oh so painful, the dynamics there. now watch what happens. let's take financial aid. great britain in the 24th year gives us almost 4 billion dollars, the germans give seven, france gives three, that 's already 14. the european union with 50 billion in the 24th year will give us 10, that's 24. sweden - little sweden - almost 800 million, that's a billion. other countries will give a total of about five more. japan
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decided on 12 billion dollars for ukraine, half of which is a grant, half of which is a grant. state the fact: the prime minister of denmark stated that denmark is transferring all its artillery to ukraine, it 's only 72 installations, the important thing is not the number, the important fact, and she calls on other european countries to take similar steps. now we are taking drones, the president set the task of making one million drones in 24th year, in 23rd ukrainian
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manufacturers made and ukrainian volunteers delivered 600,000, so this year ukrainians are able to make this million independently, but another million is given by the drone coalition, headed by with latvia, great britain, it is 2 million. these facts, these facts alone, are enough to draw a cautiously optimistic conclusion that the 24th year may be a turning point in terms of the technical and military potential of ukraine and russia. i would very much like to hear something similar from the president of ukraine, and whether we will hear it, we will all see, mr. mirny, well, here is not only what you want to hear on sunday, what you expect, but in general, how you are this year are you expecting i would very much like the country to unite, and it is absolutely logical that
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this initiative should come from the authorities, because, as the bible says that a kingdom divided within itself will perish, there is no need for the stories we see now. with the hard-working and not only the hard-working , in my opinion, the government should involve professionals in what is happening in the country, regardless of party affiliation, i know a lot of politicians, i can tell a lot about all those who are currently on the political stage arena, and i don't know them from the verkhovna rada, i've known them since the 90s, i know how they started, because we... started together, and if you tell all this, then all of them it is necessary to remove them from this field and forget about them
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, but this is what was, and now is what is, we have no others, we all together have, if these people are really ready, can and will work for the victory of ukraine, we have involve everyone. people to the process, those to those processes that are taking place in the country, what else would i like, that in the first place, for me, this is very important, in the army they put a soldier, not officers, not generals, not awards for taking something incomprehensible, to the first place the soldier, the preservation of the soldier, because... this is the most what we have is effective. the drone will not fly by itself, the gun will not fire by itself. if we transfer, roughly speaking, grenade launchers to the infantry, the infantry somewhere else,
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nothing will happen. we have to turn our faces to those people who gave their health to protect our country. we must not put them through the seven circles of hell. the state of the rear must remember that if it really forgets about the front, then the front will be where the rear is, all this must be cleaned up, all this is bureaucracy that destroys the belief that the state cares about citizens and, in particular, about the military to clean up, and the most important thing, in my opinion , we should remember, not the territory, but the people, any, because...
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we were waiting for the president to sign the bill, which you probably all heard about 1039 on the write-off of military property, this more about the military, but due to the fact that volunteers help the military a lot and document and work very closely with them, of course we thank him that he signed it, but by the end i see that nothing has moved, and besides, that signed, it stopped there, as well as 91. 111, it seems, if not i'm wrong, it's about how we can import military personnel, vehicles for the military and not transfer to the balance of the military unit, because the majority
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wants to transfer to the military, the law is signed, everything should work, but unfortunately nothing works, there is no such import procedure cars in order for us to transfer them to a military one, well, if there is a law, then why is it somehow the way it is in our country. that we first fight, sign, ask, create petitions, write constantly about it, then he signs it, we are all happy, we think, well, everything will finally change in our country, and then some time passes and nothing changes, so somehow we would like to convey to the president that if he is already doing something and finally signed it, then somehow we need to further promote it so that it works , and not just signed and forgot, put it off further and... we start creating a million petitions again, i really support you for what you said about the soldier, because in fact, in the armed forces of ukraine, we must first of all,
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surely think . to deliver, therefore the president should also do this to do, in command, they should do it, not simple volunteers, you see , this is clear, absolutely, you know, this is a call from the conversational studio to stop talking and act more, it may look quite illogical, but nevertheless, that what our speakers are saying, i hope that the government offices also hear it, it was a project says velikiy lviv, on espresso, we say to everyone until next week, thank you that... you are with
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technical equipment for our unit, thank you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, glory, i congratulate you, this is svoboda live, my name is vlasta lazur. russia has probably already received iranian ballistic missiles, and ukraine may receive f-16s in the summer. how will new weapons change the course of war? just like now, after the capture of avdiyivka by russia, the front line is changing, let's talk further. the russian ministry of defense reported on the capture of the village of pobeda in donetsk region. the armed forces did not comment on this information, but the ukrainian project deep the state has already moved the flag to the so -called red zone on its map. this means that the territory is occupied. battles for the village before
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full-scale war. there were a little more than a hundred people, it lasted for several hours.


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