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tv   [untitled]    February 22, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm EET

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thank you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, glory, congratulations, this is svoboda live, my name is vlasta lazur. russia has probably already received iranian ballistic missiles, and ukraine may receive f-16s in the summer. how new weapons will change the course of the war and how it is now after the capture. the front line changes with this avdiyvka, we will continue to talk. the russian ministry of defense reported on the capture of the village of pobeda in donetsk region. the armed forces did not comment on this information, and the ukrainian osind deep state project on its map has already taken the victory to the so -called red zone. this means that the territory is occupied. battles for the village, where a little more than a hundred people lived before the full-scale war, continued for several years. the victory
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is located 40 km from avdiyivka and 4 km southwest of maryinka, which russia reported on its capture at the end of last year, although the city itself has been in ruins since last year. and this is what pobyeda itself actually looks like now, photos are published by russian pro-war media, and in case of further advance of russian troops in this direction, there may be a threat to ugledar and kurakhovo. of these i will remind you that the evacuation of the bridge is not the first month. civilian population, but after the capture of avdiivka, people began to leave more actively. well, this is what avdiyivka herself actually looks like. these shots show a destroyed coke-chemical plant, covered with columns of smoke. the video was shot by fighters of the 47th separate mechanized brigade. they say that it is now calmer in the avdiiv region, but it is likely that the russian troops are simply gathering forces to soon resume the attack on the neighboring villages of zavdiiv.
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as they were, so i continue, continues, yes, a little less, but there are enough kabs , so yes, they still continue, as we can see, swallows, but they try to take it here and there, they go, little by little, i think, now they will take a little break, accumulate more. more forces and will continue to attack
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our positions again, they will now climb into their holes there, in general, they are a little recharged in the ruins, but one something like a jacket to the side along the course of 300, what’s next, well, i don’t know what ’s next, well, i live one day at a time, i'm trying so hard, i don't know what will happen next, that's why we work and that's all, it's ours, it's our duty if it's ours. everything, well and first of all we are waiting for a replacement, at least some percentage, to replace, and not just replenish, then it will be very bad, roman pagulych, a correspondent of radio liberty, has already joined our broadcast, roman, good evening, good evening, you, you have been working all this time in...
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well, right next to this village, but it is a few kilometers away, and i spoke with a soldier who, in particular , takes part in battles in that area, if today, on the day we were there, it was relatively calm, and the russian military, they tried in about that area to be pressed by infantry, well, without armored columns, without armor there, without bmp and so on, this does not mean, in fact, that the situation is stable, because conditionally...
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the day before, that is, it also takes time, a kind of regrouping, accumulation of reserves, pulling up those regulars , which are directly attacking, er, that is , it is a single settlement, like many others in other directions of the front line, simply if
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you look at the deep state map, which was already mentioned today, the armed forces are in such a small pocket, and often actions... the enemy, they are aimed at leveling the front line, and russia has a relative advantage, because they have the opportunity to hit not only in the front, but also a little on the flanks, since the front looks rounded, if we talk about that direction, but in at the same time, for example, in the direction of maryinka , which is located a little further north, but on the same front line, there is no such active fighting, that is, we alternated with... medics who are in this area, and , if from the evening, relatively speaking, when the tent was brought the wounded, who in particular were wounded in the morning, well, during the day, because evacuation is still difficult during the day, and in the evening those who were wounded were brought there with
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tourniquets that were hanging down, were applied for several hours, then in the morning they were on duty again and there were no wounded, medics remained without work, and this is actually an indicator of the fact that the assault actions by russia are not so intense. roman, according to your observations and information, how did the front line change after russia took avdiyivka? the military feel this, well, we just showed a video of the 47th brigade, they say that now it is more or less calm, but this does not say anything globally, maybe the russian military is gathering, if they will advance in force.
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what is being regrouped, where these forces will go, it is actually difficult to say, this is for the main intelligence agency, probably a question for the military who are there, because in fact there are quite a few points on the map where they can go, for example, the kupinsky direction, where we were also just a few days ago, spent the day together with fpv drone operators, which are the specifics of their work, after all, they hunt more for artillery, and that is , on the very day when we were there, there were also no mechanized assaults, in particular drones, the drones say, that decreasing intensity, it is also related to what is cut, artillery losses are set,
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artillery cannot support infantry, stormtroopers, armored vehicles and so on, and therefore at some points it becomes easier, there is still a lot of equipment, it is well hidden, you columns and three columns at once in the center and on the flanks and they are trying to squeeze out, because if it is possible to take bilogorivka, which is on a high ground, it is possible to reach siversk, which is,
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relatively speaking, in the depth surrounded by the russian front, if you look at the map globally. roman, thank you very much, roman pagulych, a correspondent of radio svoboda, who has been working all this time near the front line. shared with us his vision of what is happening there. thank you very much. the first f-16 fighters will be delivered to ukraine in the summer. this year, the international air force announced a coalition led by denmark along with the netherlands and the united states. the minister of defense of denmark said that it is difficult to establish an exact schedule, because there are conditions that must be fulfilled, but if the preparations go according to plan, then ukraine will receive fighter jets in the summer. i would like to remind you that the transfer of f-16 aircraft depends, among other things, on the terms of training of ukrainian pilots and support personnel, as well as on the availability of the necessary logistics and infrastructure in ukraine.
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secretary general, you just mentioned the f-16s, do you know when exactly will be delivered to ukraine and will they be accompanied by restrictions not to attack the territory of russia? it is impossible to say exactly when, because it is a dilemma. we all want the f-16s to be there as soon as possible, while of course the effect of the f-16s will be stronger and better with more trained and prepared pilots. then each ally has...
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has the right under international law, under international law, can strike, but he did not
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directly mention attacks on russian territory. yevhen dykiy, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, joins our broadcast. former company commander of aidar battalion. yevgeny, good evening. good evening, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. for a week now, apparently, we have been talking non-stop about avdiivka and about what changes the front will undergo after the capture of the city. therefore, i address you the same question, what changes do you expect after that. how did the russian troops capture avdiivka, or the state, will there be any strategic changes at the front? well, from the capture of avdiyivka itself, the russians did not receive great strategic advantages. well, some did, but it's not so much about our defense as it is about theirs. if we if we recall the map, then avdiivka was a protrusion deep inside the occupied territories. and of course, it is very beneficial for the russians that they leveled the front line, that they removed this ridge, which was very close to donetsk. and in general actually cut their occupied territories, but this is absolutely not
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the same as if they, on the contrary, advanced into the depth of our defense, they threw us out of the depth of their defense and leveled the front line, that is, in this sense, they won a little, but here there is another story, the matter is because avdiyivka tied up a group of at least 40 russians, and until they added avdiyivka, they did not move from here. all those reserves , they were all involved in the avdiyiv operation, now these reserves are being released, and you don't have to go to vorozhka to understand that no one will send them on rotation to russia, all the more to demobilize there, and they will increase the pressure in other areas of the front, and where they are now scattered, well, we will actually see, i do not think that it will be any one the point where everything released there will be sent, i think that they will be scattered, and of course i do not live in the head of general gerasimov, but i cannot know exactly how they will set priorities,
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especially since in russia itself the adoption military decisions are always a mixture of military and political factors, and if i am more or less able to calculate military factors, they are logical enough, then with political factors it is a completely different story, they are not listed, because they are often completely illogical, and even purely military are in conflict. logic, yes, but that is why i specifically want to say that the forecast is, to put it mildly, inaccurate, but based on what we have observed so far, and it looks logical, purely from a military point of view. point of view , i would say that they now have three main goals after the audio, somewhere in this order of priority: goal number one is kupensk, goal number two is to throw out our postdarm from the left bank, and goal number three is a robotic appearance, i would say somewhere in this sequence, and most likely, the reserves that they have now are released after the capture of avdiivka, so they
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will be distributed in some proportion to these three precincts. when you said: this is, after all, really the level of information that only the general staff possesses, this is what i can say at such a, let's say, grassroots level, at such a level as a simple former attack aircraft, when the third attack aircraft was introduced, the situation in the city was already practically hopeless, but it was, in fact, the third assault force was not introduced in order to take out
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all the others, it was her, so to speak, plan b, which, by the way, they were. the plan has been fulfilled a lot but it was still possible to unblock the road , that is, to push the orcs away from the road, if it had succeeded, then it would have been a different story, the defense of avdiivka could have been continued for several months , but it did not succeed, no miracle happened, but i will tell you frankly , i would have tried too, i would have tried too, the attempt was desperate, the chances were few, but if, but not zero, the chances were few, but not zero. and if this attempt had worked, it would have been a completely different story, so they moved on to plan b, precisely to an organized undercover withdrawal of the third assault division, all the other units that had previously held the defense in avdeivka, the 110th brigade, in particular, but not only it, were withdrawn in an organized manner, so it must be said that they withdrew brilliantly, in fact, they withdrew brilliantly, in general, a way out of
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the semi-encirclement , from the fact that it is generally more difficult to retreat than to advance, i may be surprising someone now. well, believe me, i've had both. retreating is much more difficult when the enemy is on your tail - it's a completely different story than when the enemy is in front, and you yourself determine when and how to storm him, but to get out of a semi-encirclement when the enemy is from three sides is one of the most difficult operations that there are in the war in general, only a breakthrough from a complete encirclement is more difficult, and that , by the way, even the representatives of the third assault military unit, they said that in at some point they even got surrounded, they had to leave. no, this is a classic example of journalists distorting quotes, i just saw these headlines too, and you go to the headline and see the original quote, and it says that certain units are the third assault force in some quarters were surrounded , well, if not, then you don’t understand that you have now asked the question in such a way that they were all
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surrounded, well, this is a fundamental difference between a city surrounded and a separate subdivision on the outskirts of a city surrounded, well, ... dear media people , i respect you very much, but you are very careless with such things, and this is actually, it distorts the picture from the word go, yes, when an entire city is under siege, it is logical that individual units during street fights can be in local environments, but this not at all the same as the whole city in the surroundings, in fact, we have something to compare with, we, unfortunately, we are enough, let's say, painful, well, like any army, in fact, we only learned from our mistakes. what is the organization of the withdrawal, we had the ilovai cauldron, this was when we did not know yet, unfortunately, no one and nothing, and that is why it was tragic, so when leaving the ilovai cauldron, you remember, more than 500 were killed in one day, more than 500 prisoners in one day, then debaltseve was next, it was already an order of magnitude better, but there were a number of actually still rough mistakes, in particular, they left warehouses with weapons
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, which absolutely cannot be done under any circumstances, but most of the personnel have already been withdrawn, there were also losses, but they are not comparable to ilovaiskyi, and now the exit from avdiivka, well, i would call it exemplary demonstrative, and yes, now i will explain some, let’s say , inhumane, unpleasant things, the fact is that such an operation is without losses at all, well, it is simply technically impossible, especially this applies to those units that have the most terrible and most heroic mission, to go last and cover the departure of comrades, such units always bear losses, unfortunately, well, war is generally about losses. it is impossible to fight without losses, so i very responsibly tell you that the number of losses we left avdiivka was an exemplary and demonstrative operation, but we do not know the number of losses, we do not know the number. we know the order of magnitude, no, sorry, we do, and we also know that the new york times bresh, you know, i don't often use such
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categorical wording when it's not about russians, but this time, i will add the context, i will simply add the context that the day before the new york times reported that 850,000 ukrainian servicemen were captured or missing in avdiivka, the armed forces also call this disinformation. and i am guided in this case, my friends came out of the audiobook, my friends personally came out of the audiobook, sorry, i have information from the first sources, so this is the case when i risked a solid well-known publication, in fact it is a solid well-known publication new york times, it this whole war shows both a tendency to dramatize and bias, but one thing, well, a tendentious selection of facts or a certain coverage of them, and an entirely different matter - an outright lie, here we are dealing with an outright lie.
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fighters, and there were only 200 in the assault unit just now, not to mention all the units that were there before when several thousand fighters leave, and at the same time the losses are counted in tens, and according to the technique the losses are counted in units, well, sorry, this exactly, well, this should be given in the textbooks, how to get out, if you are already semi-surrounded, or it was possible not to be in it, well, for that you had to pass avdiivka much earlier, and that would be... not profitable. the fact is that avdiivka worked for four months, again, i will say very inhumane things now, but war is not about humanism at all. and by the way, war is
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not about where the front line is at all. war is primarily about who killed whom more. so, for four months, avdiivka worked as a terrible meat grinder. this does not mean that ours was there light. when you are inside the meat grinder, even if you work in it with a knife and not minced meat, then... it is still difficult, you are still inside the meat grinder, ours fought there in terrible conditions, but at the same time the efficiency was very high , the ratio of losses during the four months of fighting in avdiivka is 1:10, 1 to 12, and again, i am not a gift from our general staff, i have the data from primary sources, and uh, well, it doesn’t sound terrible, but it was profitable for us, it was also profitable for us to tie up a group of forty people there, which in this way could not to storm other areas of the front. it was profitable for us to inflict such losses there, after which , as you remember, one of the russian soldiers even shot himself from above, yes, there is such a scale, he published the date,
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phew, excuse me, published the figure, while he claimed that it from their absolutely reliable internal sources, about only 16 00 killed , so he made these numbers public, and apparently these numbers are really true, because they immediately began to press hard on him and he shot himself, yes , yes, well, it was you. we need them to grind, we benefit from all those situations in which their losses are greater than ours, here they were several times, or even by an order of magnitude, 10-12 times greater at the height of the fighting, so it was necessary to hold it, that is, one can argue there about the last week, should we have left a week earlier, but definitely not months, but about this last week, and about this last, and about this last week, only those who have a really complete amount of information, which you and i have, should judge no, evgeny? and what kind of victory is this village, you can say today the russian side very solemnly reported about the capture, well, of course, the village has one name, about a hundred people lived there even before the full-scale war, and probably
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nothing remains of the village even now, yes, but maybe it has some significance, well, everything matters in fact, the victory in itself , well, it does not represent anything terrible, but this direction, now you just have arrows on the map, now novomykhaivka is holding, but now she is holding... already, already now it will be possible to beat her only in the forehead and also from the side, i.e. from the north, if novomykhaivka falls, then it will be very difficult to hold kurakhov, but kurakhov is already strategically important, so what is the victory, that novomykhaivka is , let's say, their main importance, what is happening there now the front line, that is, there are already prepared positions there, after all , they were won there a long time ago, well, it would be important to hold, but kurakhovo is strategically important, but god forbid the orcs will take kurakhovo, the road opens. ugledar, there is a really great danger, both from kurakhovo, and from ugledar, and from selidovo, i i'll just remind you, such an active evacuation of the local population has already begun, it was going before that, but after
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avdiivka was captured, it... honestly, regarding kurakhov, i 'm a little surprised that it started only now, the fact is that artillery kurakhovo has been being demolished for more than a month, it is not meant to be flown in, but to be demolished methodically , well, of course, it started, it was officially announced much earlier, it’s just that people were in no hurry to leave with shells, people are not leaving, it amazes me, to be honest, well everyone has different circumstances, planes fighters, today was such a powerful statement, one can say from yes. it is said that the first fighter jets may already be in ukraine this summer, jen stoltenberg made an important statement, he admitted that ukraine can hit targets in russia, what do you expect if ukraine gets fighter jets, how radically will it change, change war? well, i will start by saying that i will disappoint those who live in a fairy tale world. only in a fairy-tale world there is any, it doesn't matter, f-16, atkams, taurus. but
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only in the fairy-tale world there is such a thing wunderwaffe, which alone can turn the tide of such a large-scale war, but no single type of weapon can turn the tide of such a large-scale war, this does not mean that it is not necessary, the fact is that it is simply not about a turning point, but it is about, you know, it like the slides that are placed on terez shawls, there are slides that are placed on the russian teres shawl, and there are slides that are placed on our shawl, and it will be a very heavy, very serious slide on our shawl. she she strongly sways actually these libras in our direction, more specifically, well, first of all, let's start with the quantity, we were promised a few dozen planes, it’s supposedly not that much, the russians were generally laughing there without such a number, well, but let’s take into account that we now generally have fifty combat planes in our wings, and we are trying to do a lot with these fifty, so the delivery of f16 to us immediately increase our aircraft fleet by a factor of one and a half, and
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if all the promised quantity is carried out, something this year, something will probably come even next year, but in general it is about doubling our aviation, and then the quality of the planes: yes, they are handed over to us planes of the 80s, but i'm sorry, what we are fighting on now was made exactly then, but now we are fighting on what was made in the same 80s, but in the soviet union, we also like the 80s, but the american one, it's almost like an option to change from old zhiguli to an equally old one, but not a mercedes, but anyone... who drives a car will understand this analogy, but it is exactly the same in aviation. well, in the end, the deciding factor in how much it will affect will be what missiles will be equipped with the f-16, that is, if they will be equipped with anti-aircraft missiles air-to-air with a range of at least 200 km, this will be fundamental, because it will mean that the russians will no longer have any chance to drop cabs with impunity, they drop cabs 50 km
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closer to the front line. received the f-16, we did for the first time in the world what no one had done before us, that is , we taught the patriot to be a traveling system, in general, contrary to the ideas of the developers, the patriot was basically developed as a stationary system, which of course can to be transported, but it was brought, unfolded in one place, it stands there and covers someone for years object, and we were the first in the world to make the patriot just such a wanderer, and he
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hasn't wandered very well in the last seven weeks. planes, even the russians cannot afford to lose their aviation at such a rate, they actually have about 300 front-line aircraft, but 300 planes would seem like a lot, but if they lose an average of one per day, then their entire aviation will end up less than in a year, so of course they are very nervous now, they are saved by the fact that we have very few of these wandering petrovets, apparently we are still one battery use for such risky operations, because then they have to be brought very close to the front line, but even with this we already...


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