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tv   [untitled]    February 22, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am EET

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seven planes have not wandered badly in the last week, even the russians cannot afford to lose their aviation at such a rate, their front-line aviation actually has about 300 planes, but 300 planes would seem like a lot, but if you lose an average of one per day, then all their aviation will be finished in less than a year, so of course they are very nervous now, they are saved by the fact that we have very few of these wandering patriots, apparently we are still using one battery for such risky operations, because then they have to pull very close. to the front line , but even with this we have actually achieved a lot, remember that at the moment the troops left avdiyivka, the cabs were no longer flying, precisely because at that moment, just before the exit, this patriot worked and thus cleared the sky there, in addition, in the same way they covered the bridgehead in the wells, when the patriot hunted from the right bank, the russians lost three cars in one day, and there were an order of magnitude fewer cabs, well, remember the first time it was sumshchyna, here you are. read the news
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if you read the siter, i think you remember how many times you had to read that in sumy oblast they were hit again by kabama, and then once patriot was hunting near the border, there was a strange plane crash in bryansk region, four cars in a day, and how the fortune teller did, when you last read about the cabs in the sumy region in the news, so in fact, while even without f-16 we are learning what and how to do, how to get them, lo and behold, recently our air... forces are really showing a brilliant result, these are seven cars for week, it's actually fantastic, but of course the appearance of the f16 will radically change this situation. thank you , thank you very much for your comment, yevhen dykiy, veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, former company commander of the aidar battalion, was on radio liberty, we talked about how the front line is changing and will continue to change after the russian military captured avdiivka. thank you. iran started. supplying russia with a large
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number of powerful surface-to-surface ballistic missiles, reuters reports, according to three iranian sources, it is about 400 missiles that have a range of 300 to 700 km and are launched from an installation based on a truck. the final agreement on the supply of missiles was reached at the end of last year at the military meetings of the two countries in tigran and moscow, writes reuters. the first deliveries, according to journalist interlocutors, began at the beginning: january of this year. another interlocutor said that at least four batches of missiles have already been sent and that new deliveries will be made in the coming weeks. ministry defense of iran, russia, and ukraine, as well as the islamic revolutionary guard corps, which is engaged in the production of missiles in iran, refused to speak on this topic publicly. a source told reuters in the united states that american intelligence has data on russian-iranian negotiations regarding the supply of missiles, but they allegedly did not observe the deliveries themselves. the spokesman of the air force
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of ukraine, yuriy ignat, already after reuters published this material, stated that the ukrainian military has no information about russia's receipt of iranian missiles, especially as he said, in such great numbers. well, in the meantime, the sbu has confirmed that russia fired more than 20 north korean missiles at ukraine. one of the first facts of the use of ballistics from the dprk was recorded on december 30 last year, during the shelling of zaporizhzhia. i will remind you that in january of last year, the usa made public the dissection. chen photos of wagons heading to russia from north korea were presumably carrying weapons for the russian army. how the dprk and iran can further subjugate russia, in particular with missiles, and what is known in the end about iranian missiles, which according to the western press are already in russia. konstantin kryvolap, an analyst and aviation expert, joins the broadcast. good evening. good evening, i greet you. well , look, the western press writes that iran has already started supplying russia with ballistic missiles. officially, nobody
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knows about it, neither the united states nor ukraine. tell me, please, what is this, what kind of weapon is this? let's go, first, what kind of rockets are these? well, missiles, the iranians have a separate iranian missile program, it is very powerful, they initially started there with the same types of engines, yes so-called liquid-jet engines, and then they switched to gunpowder and work with gunpowder rockets. and they do it quite well, at first they have all the missiles in this line, there are more than 20 missiles, they were very inaccurate there, they were not reliable there, but in the last 10 years they have very powerfully increased the accuracy, reliability and efficiency of these missiles , and what i see now, what the americans write, they say that they really achieve an accuracy of 3-5% somewhere... at such ranges, the only thing
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which causes such a remark there that these two missiles, fateh 110 and zulfikar, this is actually zulfikar - a further development of the same fateh, but it has an increased range, because they increased almost there by 1 m 400 mm, they increased the very length of this missile , and supposedly this is enough for it to fly there for 700 km, but if you compare it with other types of weapons there with other missiles, then it seems to me that this is a slightly increased range or. in fateh 100, it was reduced, well, it does not matter much, because these missiles, if they're going to be standing there around our territory, then they're going to be able to hit our facilities pretty far and pretty seriously, because each of those missiles, they've got 500 plus
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kilograms of explosives in there, and they can do pretty significant damage if they're hit accurately enough . and now what concerns themselves, the very number: 400 missiles, it seems to me, i have not heard this yet, there is ignat's remark, but in general, the iranians had about 3,000 ballistic missiles, on powder engines, at the beginning of the 23rd year, and of them, and they supplied there to the houthis, and to the syrians, and to think that they... allocated 400 missiles to russia, well, it seems to me, it seems quite too much. and here is another short remark that it says that russia will supply iran with su-35. these negotiations, they are being conducted all this time, which are negotiations
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regarding iranian missiles, that is, this kind of barter. but the russians in the contract with the indians were supposed to produce 500 there and hand them over. they have 500 135 fighter jets, they have handed over only three and they will not be able to do more there in the near future, and the same is probably the case with the delivery of such aircraft according to the contract with iran, that is, on the one hand, there is such a picture that the russians and the iranians are drawing for us with the help of the americans, who may have some goal to raise the level. of this tension on this issue, and on the other hand, it is russia's inability to fulfill its obligations, that's what i want to say, obligations to whom, to iran, to iran in relation to and to and to india in relation to the supply of su-35- h. in general
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, the russians cannot produce more than 10 su-35s and su-34s there per year, they cannot, they produced the 14th, 15th, 16th, somewhere around 18 cars, 20 cars. but starting somewhere from the 17th, 18th, 19th, they produced there in very small quantities, and the 134th was not produced at all, but look, the ukrainian side says that iranian missiles have not yet hit them eyes, reuters writes that moscow has already received them, please tell me when, in principle, firstly, when we will understand what will be the signs that iran already, that russia is already using iranian missiles, how... easily they or it will be difficult to knock down, or does ukraine have sufficient forces and means? well, the first thing is that, in order to launch these iranian missiles, you need appropriate launch complexes, they are located either on 6x6 trucks, and moreover, fateh is a 6x6
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and it is a mercedes-benz, and the 8:8 is not indicated on which platforms, they will transport them there, but... in any case, in any case , it will be noticeable, because satellite intelligence sees such things and it is there, it is not enough to bring the missile itself, it is necessary to bring this launch complex and it is necessary train crews to use these complexes, as far as korean complexes are concerned, i have a feeling that they gave one launcher for the kn-23 and one launcher for the kn-24. and, most likely, something like this will also happen with iranian missiles, but let's see, let's see, what concerns, let's say, the possibility of defeat, well, the shooting down of these
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missiles, then it is not significantly different from the defeat, the possibility of defeat of iskander m, these are rockets of the same class, they are produced almost according to the same and... the same schemes, they have enough similar characteristics, quite similar guidance systems, and iskander probably has even more countermeasures. actions , that is, it is capable of supposedly working against the slave there, it is capable of throwing out some obstacles in order to deceive our air defense system, well, here, by the way , it is about an ambulance, not an air defense system, and as for iranian missiles, it is not known about this, that , that north korean missiles do not have this at all, then it is already clear to everyone, because there is no accuracy there, we have. these missiles can shoot down the patriot, can shoot down the samti,
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and if there, take into account how many of us are there 134, 135 fighter-bombers have already been defeated there in the north and east, so you can say that we have some systems there, not exactly patriots, but what concerns the frankinsam project, when the asset of our... old radar systems, which are quite they can see far, and on the other hand, american missiles are used, which allow you to shoot down, well, in this case , airballistic targets, and these are not airballistic targets, but simple aerodynamic targets, and this is an airballistic target, and it can be shot down only by patriot, however, well, if we had was tat, then... itat would be capable of shooting them down, that is, these are some western
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air defense systems, well, this is the most modern system, which was there when in december or january shot down a missile that was launched by jordan against israel, and thanks to that the fact that there was a locator in the american desert, israel was able to hit it with its he system and then they were able to hit it, and also the question about missiles from the dprk, you... today the sbu showed photos, fragments of these missiles, how large are the stocks of missiles in the dprk and for how long will they still be able to supply them to russia? so, if i'm with a big one like that, with great effort extracted information about the number of iranian missiles, these are several american agencies that monitor the entire military market for the entire military situation with iranian weapons. and there i found such a number, then what concerns north korea, there is nothing there at all, well
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, nothing anywhere, well, even something close to somehow have the ability to understand something there, to derive some analytical figures, i did not find anything there, but i don't want to fantasize somehow, very briefly, if possible the last clarification, it actually turns out that now the dprk and iran are the only two allies of russia that are already supplying it, or in the future will... put missiles, that's right, but you have to understand that these north korean missiles are missiles , which were developed with the help of the russians and the chinese, and i do not think that the iranian program, it existed without the influence of the russians and the same chinese. thank you very much for joining our broadcast, konstantin kryvolab, analyst, aviation expert, we talked about russia's use of missiles from iran and north korea. thank you. and finally, i want
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to share with you the news, which we may discuss later on tomorrow's broadcasts, in particular, it is reported that the german parliament bundestag voted to provide ukraine with long-range weapons, in this document, which german deputies voted for, not it is about the taurus, but military experts point out that probably, although they... there is no mention of them, but they are probably meant, of course, this is positive news, which we will discuss in the next broadcasts, and about the prospect of obtaining taurus by ukraine. that's all for today, i urge you to subscribe to the radio liberty website , like this broadcast, in this way you will support our work and support independent journalism in ukraine. see you tomorrow. there are 10% discounts on bronchialik in
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of the espresso tv channel are asked to join the collection of funds for the crown and technical wealth. thank you, glory to ukraine, to the heroes, glory, exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, on the air politclub on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and... topics that resonate in our society, drone attacks on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are
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bored, because there is nothing to quarrel about, let's invent, help to understand present and forecast. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrible. project for those who care and think politclub. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. the war created many challenges for us ukrainians. and even more - for ukrainians with disabilities. but we know that we can only be together, united. stronger friends, welcome. friendly online community enable me ukraine. this is the first platform in ukraine for people with disabilities to communicate. here you can get any information about disability and medical services and relocation. free consultations of a lawyer, psychologist, doctor,
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employment specialist, volunteers from all over europe. here you get advice and true friends. together we support each other, share useful information and learn new things, together we grow. join us, become part of our enable me family. with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine, enable me ukraine. greetings, we are asking for your help in the search for two children who disappeared in the temporarily occupied territory. this girl's name is niyola doglyada. she is 12 years old and disappeared in november 2023 in temporarily occupied donetsk. it is unknown what happened to her and where she is now. also,
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at the end of last year , 13-year-old renat went missing in temporarily occupied donetsk. i ask everyone who sees this video to look carefully at the faces of miyol and renat. if you know about these children, any information, report to the hotline of the child tracing service at the number 11630. calls from all mobile operators are free. and as always, i encourage you to repost on your social networks. sharing can help find the missing boy and girl faster. it is possible that, like many children from the temporarily occupied territories, the boy and girl could have been taken or deported to russia. however, even in such difficult situations , we do not lose hope and do everything possible to find the child, in particular , we use osint methods of information search. in short, autumn investigation is the search and analysis of information available in open sources, for example, in zmi, on
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forums, sites, in messengers, and, of course, in social networks. yes, precisely with the help of osin specialists. the children's search service managed to learn very important information about the missing sisters sasha and nastya liponovy. the girls disappeared in mariupol in the first days of the full-scale invasion, and for a long time nothing was known about their fate. we suspected that sasha and nastya were no longer in ukraine and ended up in russia, and this version was confirmed during the autumn investigation. we managed to find out that the girls are really in russia. sister before the war. studied in one of the boarding schools mariupol after a full-scale invasion , they ended up in donetsk. here is a photo from social networks, in which sasha and nastya are actually in the temporarily occupied. this is most likely the spring of 2022, already in the summer of 2022 they were taken to nizhny novgorod. again, there is
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a matching photo on social media, and here the sisters are still together. however, after that, joint photos of sasha and nastya did not appear again. we found out that sasha liponova lives in the city of lukhovitsa , moscow region, and on september 1, 2022 , she even entered a local technical school. and here for example, a photo of sasha with a diploma for an award in a poetry competition, here the girl is reading poems in one of the city squares. there is also information that sasha lives in a foster family or in a local hostel. as for her sister nastya, thanks to the autumn search , we learned that she most likely lives in the city of kasli, in the chelyabinsk region. and here, for example, is her photo, which nastya posted on may 30, 2023 on her page in the social network. and this photo was published. namely july 24, 2022. of course, everything we learned about girls, we were immediately handed over to the police, but until these data
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are officially confirmed, sasha and nastya will be considered missing. but the most important thing is that the received information inspires hope that the girls are alive, healthy, and everything is fine with them. at the moment, we do not know under what circumstances sasha and nastya lipunova ended up in russia and whether they became... average victims of deportation. in general, the deportation of children is a component of the crime of genocide, so i want to note that if you personally know about any crime against a child, in particular about kidnapping or deportation, do not remain indifferent and immediately report it to the police, or report to our website you can even do it anonymously. and finally, please go to the website of the child tracing service. all these boys and girls are missing, so if you recognize any of them, please inform us on the hotline by dialing the short number 11630. calls from
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all mobile operators in ukraine are free. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, in anytime. just go to the site and let us know, and we'll get it up and running. all possible mechanisms of punishing the criminal. stopcrime ua. welcome to espresso. my name is khrystyna yatskiv and this is a series of interviews for a special project dedicated to the second anniversary. of the russian federation's large-scale invasion of ukraine, we decided to talk with the best experts of our country, on topics that concern each
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of us, on topics that concern our partners, which, by the way, is directly related to the topic of our conversation today, which they also look closely, and how actually, ukraine is coming out of the crisis that the russian federation created for it, although sometimes we participate in the creation of this crisis, as they say, with our own hands. and about this and not only, we will talk today with serhiy fursa, an extraordinary investment banker and economic expert. greetings serhiy. congratulations. so. let's start, probably, with the most acute information reasons, some of which have already faded into the background, and this is good, it means that, in principle, those things happened that we were waiting for and without which economic training of our country would be in great question. one of the last ones is the allocation of 50 billion from the european union. for us, yes, for the long term, under specific conditions, in fact, money for reforms, nothing new than what we have had in the last 10 years has happened here. well, if we recall the end of december, we
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were in a state of limbo regarding the 12th package of sanctions, and it has been approved, and we see how various countries are joining the norms prescribed in this package. in addition, germany itself declares, now such a frontment in... the front man in europe of aid for us and declares that he will increase it in the future, but only the united states is still in an elevated state, is it possible, taking into account all the positives that i have just mentioned, to imagine the existence in the economic sense of our country, without aid approved by the states, well, i think that the states are more important to us, more like military aid, financial yes, very important, 11 billion dollars, but imagine how we pass this year. without help from the states , you can, well, without an economic disaster, with economic problems, with tensions and so on with very gray hair at the ministry of finance, but somehow
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it is possible, but without eyelashes. military aid is much more difficult, although again here europe also sees that it is necessary to seize the initiative, and, for example, the military aid of europe for 2024 already amounts to 24 billion euros in dollars, that will be how much there is, well, somewhere around 26 already works out, almost 27, which is comparable to the help of the americans in the first two years, in fact, so here europe intercepts, but 10 billion dollars, always 10 billion dollars, and compensate it completely. it will not work with any other money from the outside, and then we will have to, well, first of all, put a lot of pressure on ukrainian banks, because they have a lot of money, a lot of free liquidity, half of these banks are state-owned, and therefore they are doomed in this case to buy more vdp, but we will not completely close this hole in this way, and perhaps, if there is no american money again, the national bank will have to be reprinted, and
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the emission in our situation... is it as scary as it was when you and i met in this studio a few years ago, well, a few years ago in everything was in principle relatively not as scary as now it's not scary at all, to be honest, yes, that's why it's all now, many things that are happening around now, without the war, you could criticize, for example, there are talks about the need to raise taxes, well that always a bad idea, yes, but we have a unique situation so far in that we have not raised taxes since the beginning of the war. never in the history of mankind has a country been in such a war with such aggression and taxes have not been raised, it is impossible, it is all thanks to our western partners, so if suddenly the aid is not fully received, then it may be necessary to raise taxes and emissions , the question is how much, yes, i take into account that our national bank reserves have grown significantly over the past year, thanks again to western support, there is some slack to be printed during the year 2- we
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can afford $3 billion. it is better to do it last , yes, it is better not to refer to it, but here are two or three, i think that we can print and not feel significant pressure on the hryvnia, first of all, taxes, but with this word, i think that many people could get stressed, and in general , the dilemma of what to do, whether our society, the participants of economic processes in our country, have, you know, a fat one more, so that we can talk about... changing the system of taxation in general, because with on the one hand, purely formally, judging by all official data, we are quite poor people, but let's be honest, well , everything is not as bad as even in many countries, no, we are a poor country, and even if all the money of many people is taken and divided, we will still remain a poor country, first of all, it will not work, and secondly, it is not even possible
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it will do nothing, but we are all poor. in the 22nd year, for example, a house is opening in front of my house where there was a restaurant, this is a typical example of how the average check decreases, yes, relatively speaking, how people spend, before it was some kind of restaurant that was not cheap , but the restaurant , now let's take a break, so let's all take a break, thank you for your work, you are wonderful, if anything, thank you for existing, in principle, in my opinion, it is a unesco heritage in the future, so in principle, people have become. poorer, but again anyway, first of all, the war began at the peak of our gdp for the entire history and at the peak of wages for the entire history, that is , there were never such high incomes and such a high gdp, so this blow came at the moment when the fat was already there and was accumulated, plus all this money from our western partners, which has been pouring in here for two years in a row, it is really very, very much, and it is somehow distributed here, yes, it is not always fair, we can see it in expensive cars that are imported, but still after all, they are here,
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so... well, we pay our taxes, well, first of all, we can allow it, and secondly, it is not out of desire, yes, it is or maybe some business will not even be able to withstand this, but i can withstand the question , will people die, will some business die , so-and-so, this is such a dilemma, it is not that someone wants to introduce more taxes , no one wants it, but sometimes there is simply no way out, and again, we have a unique situation so far, which has greatly relaxed ukrainians, but if all these measures of the plan were strictly introduced in the first one. months of war, then people perceived it as natural, well, war, yes, food cards, they remember how england was, and what happened in the united states, and now the war has been two years, nothing like this has happened, people are sitting, well, yes, it is still normal, and now, if it is introduced, it will say , ah, these officials are bad, yes, ah, this government is bad, who else is bad, investment bankers are bad, yes.


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