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tv   [untitled]    February 23, 2024 1:00am-1:30am EET

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for 10 years, they admitted their mistake in foreign policy, that they considered russia an element of european security, and not an element of threat to this security, they actually recognized angela merkel's policy as the one that was mistaken, well, that's such a diplomatic expression, in general, it was real trash, but not less, the germans know how to admit their mistakes and such statements were made today, that's why i pay so much attention to these news of the western partners, because it is very important for us. against this background, we see such winning relations of the green team and president zelensky about signing many security agreements with many countries. and here lapin sits like this and says: well, it wouldn't be lapin if he didn't remember for that. namely: what are these security agreements? well, the representatives of italy spoke very nicely about it today, they said that it is nothing, it is not called anything, it is an agreement about intentions, well, but no financial obligations.
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they do not carry an economic or military nature, well, i did not quote this now, i said so, my test of my understanding of the data. i want to add that any security agreement that has not been ratified, including by the parliaments of these countries, is a filk document, but zelenskyi and his team are trying to present it as some kind of great victory, probably against the background of the fact that they will soon announce the thesis that ukraine no one will invite nato to this future summit, but, but, in order to say... that we have signed security agreements and now we are ready to sit down at the negotiating table with russia, perhaps such an element will be used. well, i think on the 25th at the press conference of the country's military and political leadership, we will hear, so to speak, fake agreements, and we will hear why all this was signed. one of the signatories of the security agreement, such as france, blocked the allocation of funds for the purchase of 800,000 shells for ukraine. found by the president
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of the czech republic, well, i am now saying that the czech republic found, well , the president of the czech republic peter pavel announced it, it is more like 2 billion euros, thank god, today canada announced that they are ready to pay for this delivery, well, whether the delivery or the shells are still there i didn't understand because it was a translation provides information in different ways, but i think that connoisseurs of this diplomatic language will decipher it in the context, after all, that canada is ready to pay for it, so france has signed such security agreements. along with greece and cyprus, blocked the aid package for ukraine, which is bleeding. well, this is the international story. thank you, mr. major. let's move on to domestic politics, because today it became known that zelensky introduced a bill on the demobilization of conscripts to the verkhovna rada, he marked this bill as urgent, and it is proposed during martial law to release a conscript to the reserve after completing the term of military service.
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by a special decree of the president , i frankly do not understand why the dances around such draft laws drag on for so long, well, the same laws should be adopted much faster, and without any markings, well, in times of war, such things are done much more rather, since the law, by the way, is about mobilization, because 400 amendments have been submitted, and i imagine that zelensky does not take responsibility for this. well, political responsibility, he says: well, it's military the leadership there prepared together with shmygel, if both that law and that law, zelenskyi came and presented it in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, then obviously they would have adopted it in the first, second, and third reading and in general there throughout of a certain period, well , this entire procedure was shortened there a week ago, why is it not happening, why is everything being dragged out, the urgency of this draft law is shown, although it is already overdue. this
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urgency, no, mr. sergey, i will correct you a little, this bill, it no frills are needed, in our country conscripts were already demobilized after the end of the decree, i can’t understand the essence of this law at all, that it still needs to be introduced in the parliament, it’s so pathetic about demobilization, and conscripts were demobilized after the end of their service, not only that, to the best of my memory, i'm afraid to make a mistake in the numbers, but after demobilization for a certain period... of time they could not be mobilized to the armed forces of ukraine, well, on the basis of the law on martial law, what is this mobilization happening now, that is, in our conscripts did not go to war anyway, well , unless they wanted to, according to a report or under a contract, there are other stories, but i emphasize once again what kind of law on demobilization, in our country, conscripts were always demobilized after the end of their term of service, during of war, during martial law, mr. major, those people who... were mobilized before the great
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war, before the invasion, they remained despite everything, no, they were also demobilized. we are talking now about conscripts, conscripts are those who were conscripted before the age of 27, those who they simply served in the army, they were in power units, they were not involved in military operations, no, at the beginning of the war, they were involved, well, that’s all there, there was moss and swamp, i can’t say that no one was involved, in our and cadets were recruited during a full-scale invasion, when a big boom had already begun, when there was already a threat of the loss of kyiv in general, and so on, but in general... from a legal point of view, we have conscripts and were subject to demobilization at the end of their term of service, i i can't understand, but i don't saw that law, well, i cannot understand, even based on these tests, which are already known in general, that is, what i have already read, then i cannot understand at all the logic of such and such
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pathos about where, i understand that there is a very good word yes, demobilization, it could be written in capital letters, and then in small letters those who were supposed to be demobilized, well, let's call them conscripts, well, that's right, friends, look, the law on mobilization during martial law, that , to whom it concerns everything that we have a war now, this it is completely different, this is a big, big process, which is regulated in our legislation, but in the realities of today's hostilities, some points need to be corrected, and the verkhovna rada has not been able to correct it in any way for two years, because unpopular things have to be prescribed. but you know what i'm paying attention to, you remember history recently, the military wants to mobilize half a million, well, that's what various publics said somewhere, well, they don't want the military, the state needs to replenish its armed forces by half a million, the state for the survival of nations, it is not the military wants, but zelenskyi shifted this responsibility to the unpopular such a request
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from the military, but i am against it, because they did not give me an argument, that the front is being exhausted, that it is necessary to put things in order, that it is necessary to understand: with the powers of the central committee, yes, for this we need a resolution of the cabinet of ministers, that ttskashnyk has such and such papers with him and has access to wherever he needs, without the police, and in case of resistance, he has the right to use forceful measures of influence, we have martial law , stop playing with this, you know, ala, pseudo-democracy, we have martial law, we are supposed to be ruled by the military in the country at the moment, but nevertheless, well, okay, they have already decided to regulate the law. okay, they did not want to take responsibility, mr. president , of course, he removed himself, it is unpopular, he is now, you understand, that he is preparing for elections, not that he is not going to be the father of the nation, he is going for one more term, that is why unpopular statesmen he does not want to start making decisions, then he continues to deal with
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ratings, well, okay, everything is chosen, eat, we have, today the law on mobilization provides for 400 amendments, well, this is trash , everyone will do pr, well, for example, someone will come out there and say: i will weigh dembel in 18 months, i think that yulia tymoshenko will say: no, no, no, this is unfair , let's say in 12 months, and some have already served 24, because this law should apply from the moment of mobilization, from the moment when a person was called up, and not from the moment of signing by a great leader, because that's how it should be logically written, and they are prescribed in this first reading, they talked about it exactly, and then you can say demobilization in 36 months, but for the one who is in the trenches - it is in 12 months, for the one who is further from the trenches in 24 months, and for the one who is far away, so, then it will be fair, social justice and justice in the armed forces, but the fact is that the green
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team managed to pit the military against the civilians, because you look at what they are doing with the representatives of the tsk in odesa, they are already beating them there, somewhere there the roma have beaten them. in chernivtsi or somewhere else, well, we see, that is, they managed during the war mix the military with the civilians, besides, contrast some military, those on the front lines, with other military, those in the tsk, for example, and mix six of these with each other, here are the results of the geniuses of communication , they gathered, now we don’t get dirty, thank you, thank you, mr. major, let's talk after the law is adopted, the most important thing is when it is signed, because i think the main intrigue will be whether the signature... this law is president zelenskyi, because he can also say, this law is mine not satisfied let's vote again with the amendments , re-vote, i didn't write it, he will say , the military wrote, shmyhal's government wrote, so excuse me, work on the draft law, thank you, mr. major, for the conversation, it was ihor
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lapin, a major of the armed forces of ukraine, a special agent, people's deputy of ukraine of the eighth convocation, friends, we work live and on our platforms in youtube and today we ask you this, do you believe that the war will end with the return of all territories? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube if you sit in front of the tv and have a smartphone in your hands, will you vote if you believe that the war will end with the return of all territories? 0800-211-381, no, 0800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, call, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, volodymyr omeliyan, former minister of infrastructure of ukraine, serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, will be on our air. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast. good evening, sergey, thank you for the invitation, i am glad to see and hear from you. you know that. what mutually, of course, you know, what is happening in poland and on
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the ukrainian-polish border, this is precisely a question for both the former minister of infrastructure and the current serviceman of the armed forces, because in this situation we are talking about infrastructure, but also about infrastructure during the war. yesterday, volodymyr zelenskyy invited the poles to meet at the ukrainian-polish border and discuss all the questions that are in response. on zelenskyi's proposal to hold a meeting between the two governments and also with representatives of the european commission, donald tusk offered to hold such a meeting as early as march 28 in warsaw. let's hear what tusk said. the ukrainian side also understands that it is better to conduct these negotiations at the technical level so that the government meeting has a non-symbolic value, because we do not need symbolism in relations. the whole world sees. as we are determined to help ukraine and there is no need for further flamboyant gestures
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of solidarity. i would like us to separate these two issues in the domestic and international discussion. the first is an undoubted help ukraine in its resistance to russian armed aggression. this is not subject to discussion. the second question is how to protect polish farmers and the polish market from the negative consequences of trade liberalization, that is, opening up. for trade in agricultural products, this is what hurts us the most. mr. volodymyr, obviously, the current conflict between ukraine and poland is one of the biggest in the modern history of ukraine with the poles. well, i remember, there were still conflicts with the russians, but there the initiators of these conflicts were always russians who waged trade wars with ukrainians. what is happening now, is it the economy, politics or the influence of other states? on certain groups of people blocking the ukrainian border? well, there are several factors or
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layers here, right? the first factor is that tusk relies on a coalition, he does not have a monopoly in poland, poland, which has been under the leadership of pis for a long time for 8 years, needs a serious transformation, this is a mega task for tusk, especially considering that this year's local elections. the second story is that definitely. polish business, the polish elite, positively assess ukraine's entry into the european union and nato, but have certain reservations, because then ukraine itself will become the main contributor to european funds and transatlantic funds. in the horizon of 20 years - this is a serious story for polish business, how to compete with ukrainian. unfortunately, the ukrainian authorities have not yet offered alternatives, synergies, cooperation and interactions. that we jointly enter foreign markets, jointly solve our economic, political, and security issues. and there is a third factor
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certainly, you know, there is a certain coldness about the relations between the leaders of the two states, poland and ukraine. this cold has not yet been overcome. apparently, it seems to me that president zelensky still needs to have a confidential conversation with the prime minister of poland, tusk, in order to clarify all the issues. the past there have been some tantalizing moments and what we will do in the future. formula yesterday evening stadium so the stadium at the level of interstate relations did not work. tusk gently but firmly rejected this offer, and clearly stated that we have a format for negotiations, we are waiting for ukrainian proposals, they should be worked out at the technical level and until the meeting at the political level at the end of march this year, in the best case. therefore, i would very much like the ukrainian side to take these signals seriously, because we have
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daily damage from this situation that is happening on the polish-ukrainian border, we cannot afford the luxury of ignoring poland or considering it some kind of outsider. poland played a key role for ukraine next to the united states at the beginning of the great war in 22, poland took in millions of ukrainian refugees, asked for help, and poland is ... a member of the european union and nato. it is extremely important for us that poland not only voted for our membership, but was an active, good lobbyist on this path of ukraine to the euro-atlantic structures. because , unfortunately, there is no shortage of ukrainian skeptics, and in the midst of western countries, we cannot afford to have poland among them. mr. volodymyr, could this have been avoided? of a big conflict, because, well, when they start spilling ukrainian grain from trucks and wagons going to
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germany in transit through poland, then of course it's quite serious. hits ukrainians in the past, ukrainians survived the holodomor, and it looks like blasphemy that our polish neighbors are doing this to ukrainian grain, and it is clear that in conditions when we have one western border, through which a lot of non-civilian products pass , and military products, it looks like the poles are trying in some way to... harm, prevent this and to do everything so that these products do not arrive here, as in this situation, whether the ukrainian, ukrainian authorities, foreign policy authorities have made enough efforts, and how to explain the actions of the polish side, because it is clear that
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their farmers are much closer than any , but still, they understand that if ukraine will... lose in the war, then they will be next, well, look, in order to cook a delicious zhurik or borscht, you need to know how to cook it first, how to secondly , to choose the right ingredients and thirdly put your heart into cooking this dish. unfortunately, all these three components are missing in the current ukrainian-polish relations, and the dish does not work. in order for it to work for us, i emphasize once again, we do not have it. alternative, some other, yes , we will be forced to leave, we have to make a lot of effort, at the expert and public level , to convince the poles from all the mouthpieces we have, journalists, experts, politicians of all calibers, all camps that have to go to poland and speak to every pole literally, at the government level, we have to offer
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poland a clear vision of why it is beneficial for them to be with ukraine, i... i recall a recent formula that ukraine decides whether the united states will be a strategic partner, and likewise there ukraine, maybe thinks that it can decide at the official level, which partner or non- partner poland will be. in fact, we have to look at things realistically, it is not for us to decide yet, we are surviving, we are fighting only because of western support. polish support is an important component of this support support, we don't have the luxury to just... get rid of it, so we have to find a solution, and in fact, when the situation at the border started, i only see the lonely figure of the deputy minister of infrastructure, who was there running along these crossings and the same border and tried desperately to do something, it was obviously not enough, we still have to take sides, we communicate more with president duda or with prime minister
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tusk, they are from different camps, and the concept of bipartisan support does not work here. and uh, we haven't done that yet either, me after all, it seems that the intensity of polish-ukrainian dialogue at all levels, be it political, economic, social, cultural, is the key to solving this problem, otherwise we will return to the dark times peace, remember what was done when the ukrainians announced there, no i even want to mention all these stories, we were all their witnesses, that is, we must not allow the repetition of these situations already in the economy and in relation to the future, not just the past. mr. volodymyr, in zelensk it was announced that february 25 will be a sunday a conversation about the future with the participation of the leadership of the ukrainian state, what kind of conversation do you think it will be, and what kind of conversation is currently lacking in ukrainian society, not
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just a conversation between those who rule ukraine, but obviously it is about then tell. people about what we are going to do and where we are going. well, look, president zelenskyy dismissed commander-in-chief zaluzhnyi with the wording that the army and war need the latest modern approaches. it seems to me that state administration has been in need of the latest for a long time modern approaches. as in the context of getting rid of corruption and ineffectiveness. management, as well as in the context of creating a clear vision for ukraine, what will happen after, after the war, after overcoming the devastation, where we are going, which is... the key to the door of success and prosperity, if the president of ukraine can formulate it in his sunday address to nation, well, this is a significant step forward, but it also involves
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personnel changes, changes in those people who drag both the president of ukraine and our ukraine to the bottom. i 'd like to believe that courage is enough this personal courage, which was lacking in the presidential decree. and about awarding valeriy the brave as a hero of ukraine, well, that will still be on the political agenda, because if we really want to win, then radical changes are needed in politics, it definitely needs updating, as well as in the internal dimension, as well external dimension. i am not talking about these security memoranda, about which we talk so much, today's answer from the italian minister was more than telling about the nature of this document, so it... means it's a beautiful story, but we can't bet on it, similarly sunday's press conference is a beautiful story, it's an important story to
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speak to the nation frankly, but if there's no response about the future and the vision of the country's leader, where he is leading it, i think that the consequences of this press conference may be worse than if it had not been held at all. thank you, mr. volodymyr, it was... volodymyr omylyan, serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, former minister of infrastructure of ukraine. friends, we are live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our platforms on youtube and facebook, and on youtube and on tv, we are conducting a survey, today we ask you this, do you believe that the war will end with the return of all territories? yes, no, it's quite simple on youtube, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote, if you believe the war will end with the return of all territories, no 0800 211 382 all calls to these numbers are free, call at the end of the program we will summarize this
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voting. next, we have volodymyr tsybulko, political expert, deputy of the fourth convocation of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you and thank you for being with us today. congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. let's start our story with how biden emphasized his attitude to vladimir putin, because today he said that putin is a crooked son of a bitch, i apologize to our tv viewers, but this is a quote: during a fundraising event in san francisco, let's listen to how it all went, and we don't have it out of sync, i'll quote, we do twisted son of a bitch, that guy, putin et al, and we have to worry about nuclear conflict, but the existential threat to humanity is the climate. the kremlin responded that the united states should be ashamed of such language of the president of the country, and
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putin, who is currently traveling on his tour, somewhere in tatarstan or somewhere he is there, well , in a word, outside the borders of moscow, said that it is biden he said so, because i said that we support biden, and biden said that i am a son of a bitch, how do you... evaluate biden's words and whether these words will be followed any additional actions, if he calls him a murderer and a crooked son of a bitch, or whether biden will take any tougher measures against putin, and not just on the basis of some lexical signs, well, putin, the fact is that putin has already irritated biden, not joking yet after. of this geneva meeting, it was then that putin was a murderer, yes, a murderer, and in fact
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we heard no, no remorse for these words, which means that biden has a very tough, such, well, classic attitude towards authoritarian leaders as scumbags and murderers, and in this he represents the old woman american political school. where all enemies or vagrants are called enemies or vagrants, in this sense it is old school, there is no ambiguity here, it is an unambiguous position, and as we recall, after geneva, biden's aides there tried to soften this putin-killer formula, but biden himself rejected it he did not deny her, another... son of a bitch, forgive me, i will use vocabulary, joseph biden, dmitry medvedev today stated
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that he believes... that kyiv is a russian city and that in order to achieve the goals of the svo , russian troops will have to go again to kyiv and talked about the fact that odesa in general is also a russian city, because everyone there speaks russian. let's listen to what medvedev said. i don't know where to stop. i think that, taking into account what i said, we still have a lot of hard work to do. if it was kyiv, yes, it should probably be kyiv, if not now, then after some time, for two reasons: firstly, kyiv is a russian city, and from there comes an international threat to the existence of the russian federation. european commission spokesman peterstano did not comment medvedev's statement, but advised him to see a doctor and receive psychiatric treatment. well, in this case, the psyche of putin and medvedev can
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be cured. only a guillotine, that is, these are two racists who threaten the whole world, who threaten ukrainians, who want to destroy ukraine, in front of the eyes of the whole world they are doing it, well, it seems that yesterday they came out of the st. petersburg gate, well, they started threatening everyone, why , in your opinion, our western partners do not have a tougher conversation with him, why do they not resort to tough actions in order to put them on place, because... they talk a lot, but they also bring a lot of trouble, do a lot of bad things. well, mr. sergey, how, how can they not do it? well, the bundestag voted to provide ukraine with more long-range weapons than the ones it provided before. this is a direct reaction to these absolutely, well, beastly statements, either by medvedev or putin. this is a direct reaction.
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the fact is that... they are actually encapsulated, they are separated from conscious people, they are not talked to as conscious people, because it makes no sense to talk to them as conscious people there are no people, and in this case, the fact that , for example, the ukrainian authorities forbade direct negotiations with putin itself, it even looks humanely kind and justified, because... these are not capable of negotiation , first of all, it is not known at all about their , so to speak, mental state of these people, because they do such things that a conscious person and a responsible person, well at least a socialized person, would hardly allow themselves to do, but look when i say that the insufficient reaction, what i mean is that our western partners do not speak and
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do not articulate how russia should be without putin or without medvedev, that is, there is no such goal to remove at least these two, because what they say is real fascism and racism, and this is a xenophobic ideology. which they are trying to broadcast to the whole world, that is, they deserve nothing but destruction, mr. sergey, in relations with russia... the western world had a negative experience. in the early 1990s, the western world tried to advise russia on how to develop and become part of the civilized world. russia even in advance received the status of, well, let's say that, a member of the big seven, that is, in russia it was called the big eight, although in the world it was perceived as 7+1, that is, among the seven...


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