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tv   [untitled]    February 23, 2024 1:30am-2:00am EET

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or without medvedev, that is, there is no such goal to, well, at least remove these two, because what they say is real fascism, and racism, and this is a misanthropic ideology that they are trying to broadcast to the whole world, that is, they do not deserve for nothing but destruction, mr. serhiy, the western world's relations with russia were negative... the experience of the western world in the early 1990s was trying to advise russia on how to develop and become part of the civilized world. russia even received the status in advance, well, let's say a member of the big seven, that is, in russia it was called the big eight, although in the world it was perceived as 7+1, that is, among the seven largest democracies of the world, russia suddenly found itself. russia was even created from there after
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absolutely inhumane attacks on ichkeria, like carpet bombing, putin's regime exterminated almost 200,000 ichkerians, even this did not force the partners to remove putin from the g8, only aggression against ukraine, even aggression against georgia , and it did not affect, that is. only the aggression against ukraine forced the western world to look at russia as an absolutely hopelessly fascist territory, and now to offer it some recipes for democratic restoration simply does not make sense, for a certain period the western world is ready to surround it with a thorn and let this pseudo-federal formation develop its growth. even now
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, people from the russian side who are quite progressive from a western point of view, mainly political refugees to the west, say that russia should be allowed to develop for a certain period in various formats, that is, from, for example, kadyrovsky feudalism to some kind of democratic norlandia, that is, the former st. petersburg, and in this sense, it’s the same, that is, in one, within the current geographical boundaries, it cannot exist, mr. volodymyr, anna lena berbok, this is the leader the german foreign ministry announced just before the g20 meeting in brazil.
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that the world will not forget who is responsible for the war in ukraine, and reminded putin of his responsibility for the consequences of the war against ukraine, sergey lavrov flew there, he is there met with some ministers, but not with the first persons of the united states of america or there, well, i mean the ministers of foreign affairs and state secretaries, well, since brazil is the host country, as far as i understand... lavrov could not even fly on a state plane to brazil, he was delivered by the plane of the minister of foreign affairs of brazil, and this is another additional insult, that is, the place of russia is indicated very clearly, the fact that simply the western world still institutionally leaves a channel for the minister of foreign affairs of russia federation, as the only possible way for communication , in principle, we... see that no serious
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contacts, for example, representatives of democracies with russia have had in the last year and a half, and somehow at one time we were disturbed by the desire of president macron to talk to putin all the time, as we are watching, even macron signed some security commitments to ukraine and headed an artillery coalition in support of ukraine. that is, in fact, the last case of the liberation of ukrainian children with the participation of qatar, you can say, proved it one of the few channels of communication with putin, that is, oil satrapies from the middle east, qatar, for example, or saudi arabia, they can talk to putin on behalf of a civilized person. of the world, but putin
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is no longer able to negotiate, so as we can see, even the chinese side has already very, very... limited its contacts with russia, it has minimized them simply to, one might say, comical proportions , well, that's the end, a short question, i hope for a short answer, the big seven, according to bloomberg, will refuse to recognize the elections in the new regions of the russian federation, well, on march 17 , putin's elections are to be held there, or is this a prologue to the recognition of the illegitimacy of putin as the president of the russian federation? yes, in addition, there is a decision, for example, by the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe on non-recognition of the election results in the occupied territories, that is, in essence, after march 17, putin finally turns into a usurper, with whom
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one cannot speak as a representative of the state. well, and the big seven, i will remind our viewers that the meeting of the big seven should be held for with the participation of zelenskyi in an online format. february 4, it's in two days, and we'll see what the results will be, obviously, on the day of the start of a large-scale offensive of russia against ukraine, obviously there will be some statements, declarations, maybe even some decisions, we will hope for that, mr. volodymyr, thank you very much , mr. serhiy, so that the ukrainian side also emphasizes the recognition of the results, all our diplomacy was directed towards this, thank you, mr. volodymyr, for the conversation, it was volodymyr. political expert, friends, we work live and we are conducting a poll, we are finalizing the poll , we are asking you today whether you believe that the war will end with the return of all the territories of ukraine. 63% yes on tv, 37% no, these are the results, polls on tv
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and on youtube 60%, yes, no, 40%. i will put an end to this, tomorrow at 20:00 we will have valery chalyly, a diplomat. and the former ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america, there will be a big foreign policy evening, come, it will be interesting, that's the end of it, goodbye, there are discounts on acc long, 15% in psyllium, pam and oshchad pharmacies offer a 15% discount on urulisan at psyllium, bam and pharmacies. professional cream against fix is ​​an extra strong fixation for all types of dentures. it is applied to wet prostheses. against fix - german quality at an affordable price. there are discounts on mukaltin. 15% in pharmacies plantain pam and savings. there are 10% discounts on tantum verde in
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psarynyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. exclusively on the air of our channel, congratulations, friends, on the air politclub on the espresso tv channel, the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against of ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine. drones on moscow and other cities of russia, analysis of processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's get out, help understand the present and
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predict the future. second for the world trump's presidency will be terrible. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10. on espresso. channels espresso and ukrainian pen present a project of their own name with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. we will find out exactly what news the guests of the project will analyze this week and who will be the guest of the studio this sunday. definitely. will be relevant, guests, special. proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday: 5:10 p.m espresso. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's go, the best roads
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will be even better here. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world does norman dream of, can we imagine it? all that. informational marathon with mykola in september, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. more more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey , turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. greetings, i'm olga len, this is a chronicle of hostilities,
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and, actually, two weeks ago we, in a conversation with oleksiy hetman, he talked about the fact that as soon as the supply routes are cut, our the garrison will be forced to withdraw from avdiivka, this actually happened last week, and now we can only talk about the consequences of the capture of avdiivka and, in fact, how events will develop. well, today we have ivan as our guest, ivan stupak, a military expert, an employee of the sbu in 2004-2015, i congratulate you , mr. ivan, congratulations, judge, thank you for inviting me, and thank you for joining us, and you know , well, it seems to me that we have already talked a lot on the air about how it happened, what happened, but just in your opinion, which on here are perhaps one or two main reasons that... nevertheless led to the loss of avdiyivka, the lack of provision of our troops
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with shells and the presence of russian aviation, that is , these two factors, which, in my opinion, they did not provoke, but led to the fact that well , i had to leave this city. i think that if the provision of shells was at a much better level, plus the absence of russian aviation, well, of course with the help of our military, then of course the situation would be much better and it is possible... to hold povdiivka, well, it seems to me that i will not say there for years, but, well, on a certain horizon of events, for sure, they could not agree in the united states on aid to ukraine, the shells did not arrive in the amount that was needed, the provision was, well, minimal compared to the russians, of course, the russians had much more provision better, plus the russian aviation with these heavy bombs under 1.5 tons, well, they dropped 1.5 tons for a ton, they really did. they did their job, they really cut through our defense like a tin knife, they simply destroyed the positions, and this helped
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the russians pass where they passed, so i think these are two key factors, well , as far as aviation is concerned, it's generally a , you know, a factor that i think can play for some time, because uh, well, judging by what uh, how our enemy describes it in general , they also understand that this... is precisely what is now their advantage, because it must be said, of course, the general underestimation of the factor of russian aviation, well, most likely not only, not so much by us, but by our allies , really led to the fact that the russians began to fly too close to front, moreover, if they did not have these planning aerial bombs before, they have had them for more than a year, and now they are using them. already systematically, more than once , not as you know, they dropped one or two there, no,
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now they already dropped them, well, if they dropped 250 of these aerial bombs on one audio unit there within a very short time, well, it was called the number 50-60 on a day could be dropped, i.e. just imagine that your viewers, if they do not have understanding, then at a distance of 15 tons when such a story arrives, then at a distance of 100-150 m our military could get concussed by the blast wave that flew off this one. bombs, that is, this is a crazy story, the russians have a lot of this good in their paws, unfortunately, and they will be able to use these bombs in the future, they want to do it, but thanks to the last work, in the last week, the air defense forces have the ability to grow the russians got less, i mean, in the last week , under seven units of russian aviation equipment were destroyed, we do not count the cost of this equipment, because it is a thankless business, russians money doesn't count, why... count their money , we count exactly capabilities and pilots, there
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someone died, someone is alive, but then again those who died, they will not come back, they are irreversible losses, and pilots are so piecemeal goods, there aren’t many of them, you can’t replace them with some buryat or kadyrov fighter, sit down and train, well, it’s a long period of training, at least 5 years, at least 5-7 years there is still practically... experience and only then does it start to become, well, so normal , a normal pilot, that is, this is good in them not so much, but still interesting, if 50 aerial bombs, how many? there were supposed to be planes involved in such operations, but they just work like this one, like a conveyor belt, i can’t say how many were there, five or seven planes, but one took off, disembarked, the second, the third, and the first two have already left for landing, these bombs are hung again, that is, they really worked according to the convertible type, you know, it is desirable that it was, as
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they say now, a wandering patriot, well, i don’t know, a patriot, not a patriot, but of course it will solve this problem... you can when he will not to nomads, after all, each of such a shade will have its own systems that can impress, but unfortunately, the russians are chasing this patriot, they must understand that this is a blocking patriot, i call him that, he is now a fixed idea for the russians, and well, not yet in the 16th, that is, for them this patriot is just a fixed idea, he must be found, destroyed, and they spare no effort, no money, for any information about the matter. the crew of this patriot, well these personnel, where he is, plans, where he is hiding, it is clear that he is advancing, well in a limited period of time, so that it will not be seen by extra eyes, and the russians in the front-line territories are ready to pay crazy money once again, they are trying to infiltrate people into the ukrainian army
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, that is, the russian, well, the agency, not the agency, okay, those who sympathize with the russians, who live on the territory. of ukraine, they are tasked to go, sign up for the ranks of the armed forces, say you want to serve in the air defense forces, or somewhere, well, in certain locations, your task is to calculate, identify, determine where the patriot is, who is his serves, one, two, three teams, it is possible to get access to this person, who, in order to somehow be able to predict where he is, conditionally, let's fantasize, poltava region, not a military unit, but something i don't know , a farm there, some old hangar, maybe he doesn't hide there at night, so that he can organize an arrival there, that is, he is trying to find out based on such signs, plus he is once again trying to calculate the people who work with this patriot, so that he can then calculate their mobile phone, email to
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then it was possible to use geolocation to somehow find out where they are at night, where they are during the day and thus find out the places. displacement of this system, that is, many different tricks, and the russians are very actively working on this. well, we have to be very attentive and careful to our people who work with these systems. now we have a map of combat operations, let's look at it and continue our conversation after reviewing what actually happened in the last days at the front. map of hostilities for the period february 14-21, 2024. the occupation of avdiyivka, which cities the following the shell hunger of the armed forces of ukraine allows the russians, after the occupation of avdiyivka, to continue their offensive and expand it to all parts of the front, preparing to capture new territories. this is one of the most dangerous situations since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. the occupation of avdiivka: the large-scale offensive on avdiivka lasted just over four months for
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a victory gift to putin on the eve of the so-called elections the armed forces of the russian federation, despite frantic ... losses, constantly attacked the city with more than 40,000 military according to the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, the defense forces destroyed no less than 47,000 invaders and 364 tanks, i.e. at least 7.8 rashist brigades lost their combat capability. for three months, the russians tried to surround the city, but for this it was necessary to ensure the advance of the army on open ground. with the availability of ammunition and drones, the defense forces were able to completely execute this plan, after that the headquarters of the invaders went to storm the city of vlob, laying down a significant number of their people in meat assaults, but this human shaft managed to break our defense, losses of russians in manpower are measured 9-10 to one ukrainian in technique 1:17. the armed forces of ukraine withdrew most of the troops to pre
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-prepared positions, but having assembled a large offensive fist, the russians continue to attack. in particular, the last ones. recently , the fiercest battles are taking place for the village of lastochkine, through which the logistics highway to avdiyivka used to run. over the course of two days , russian propagandists repeatedly announced the capture of the village, but at the moment this is only their fantasy. the rashists also managed to break through to the foothills of the village of nevelske, which is south of avdiyivka they do not stop their attacks on pervomaiske and georgiyivka, through which the road to the next major enemy targets of the cities of pokrovsk and kurakhove passes, respectively. at the same time, the haste and massiveness of the russian offensive allowed the armed forces not only to destroy a record number of more than 1,200 invaders for several days in a row, but also to shoot down six of the newest ones within three days. su-34 and su-35 fighter jets. ugledar is the next target of the occupier. the storming of the village of novomykhaivka significantly
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intensified during the week. from the northern front. the rashists managed to push back the defense forces near the village victory the village itself, in which 114 people lived before the war, fell into the gray zone and will probably be occupied soon. from the southern front , the enemy also broke through several kilometers in the direction of the village of vodyane. in this way, the russians are trying to take novomech. in the pincer, increasing the pressure from both flanks. in the village itself, fighting continues on the eastern outskirts, in case of further advance of the enemy to the west in the direction of the villages of vodyane and kostyantynivka, the ugledar will be under the threat of a rear strike, which has repelled more than one mass assault of the invaders since the middle of the 22nd year. near himself ughledara, the occupiers also began to go on the offensive with mechanized columns, but rather not to storm the city, but to disperse the forces of our military. in addition, if the enemy manages to push back the defense forces to the west by 15 km, it will protect the main railway line from donetsk to mariupol, and
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thus to the southern front in zaporizhzhia, from our artillery. chasav yar is preparing for defense. the invaders are getting closer and closer to the time abyss. currently, there are two villages on the way to the siege of the city: ivanivskyi and bohdanivka. in a week , the enemy managed to push back the armed forces here by several hundred meters in two locations, battles. have been going on for a long time in the eastern outskirts of these villages. however , the presence of defense forces in klishchiivka does not give the rashtists the opportunity to advance with a wide front. klishchiivka and neighboring andriivka are under daily attacks, however, advantageous defensive positions give our soldiers an advantage, but after the occupation of avdiivka, the russians can transfer new reserves to bakhmut and from the spring begin an even more intensive offensive on yar times to open up prospects for themselves. kramatorsk-slavic campaign. robotine zaporozhye front. on the southern front the rashists concentrated a significant amount of reserves. one gets the impression that until the next election
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of putin as the tsar of russia. the armed forces of russia want to give him another gift: to eliminate the robotynsky salient, which the armed forces of ukraine managed to break through during the summer counteroffensive. between robotyn and verbov, the occupiers also managed to penetrate a few hundred meters deep into our defenses. over the past few days , the russian navy has attacked robotine from three sides and pushed the armed forces of ukraine to its outskirts and in some places even deeper. then later the defense forces carried out a counteroffensive and partially repulsed the invaders. active fighting is currently taking place near the village with variable success. on monday , the general staff reported that the russians lost more than 150 soldiers and 18 pieces of equipment in the attack on the robot. we win daily, death to enemies. well, this is the situation, and in fact , the offensive potential of the russians has not been exhausted, so we have
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not only those points that were already so active, where the russians were already active, they have now also tried to make some progress there, well, actually, here you are saw how our analysts see this picture, and mr. ivan, how do you see it? this picture, where we can expect some main efforts, secondary ones, what, how can the situation develop, actually? come on, well, i saw, well, too optimistic, well, very, once again, i’m not instilling fear in your viewers, but it looks, well, very optimistic, which confused me, why i don’t agree with the losses of the russians near avdiivka, they are definitely not 47, well , they probably belong together, well, heaven, together with the wounded, that. it is important to say, because many of our citizens may have such thoughts, wow, that is, they put almost 50,000, that is, 10% of what is in them, well, it will
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be wrong, it will be misleading, with there are such, such two numbers that are possible three numbers that are called, first, very conservative , very careful, these are 400 russians, i beg your pardon, they are simply buried in ukrainian soil with reinforced concrete, that's all, they will not return, even if... there are holy water and some places of russian saints laid to them, they will not return anymore, but there are this number is more optimistic, it is 13 00 russian military, i.e. 400, 13 00, it it is clear that it is impossible to count, because the hostilities continue very actively , well they continued actively, and now there is no way to analyze everything, the russians themselves, the russian military commander who is leading introduced... i am asking the public to write to us from yanina, he committed suicide today , before his suicide, called the number of 16 thousand russians who laid their
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heads on the lands of ovidiv. they could not even show this area on the map until this moment, this city without a mistake, here they still put their lives there, and in general in principle 47, by the way, you show this person this revenge, because there is an epic story in fact, so in general, so you can 47, it is added plus or minus somewhere, but once again this includes who is completely killed, there is no body, wounded easily , it is average, it is difficult, and the missing persons are missing ... like those who were captured by the ukrainians, that is, plus or minus such a figure can be drawn, it is important to note and say so as not to mislead your viewers, dear listeners, once again, so that they correctly assess the situation, but the situation well, really very difficult in the absence of ammunition, because the united states has already informed ukraine that if it is not possible to agree on aid, you, the ukrainians , will have to decide which cities will have to be left to the russians, because the aid is not... as
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if, if we, excuse me, i interrupt, as if, if we leave the cities , the russians will not move further, well, that’s it, that’s the problem, you see, and the situation is problematic, since october , president biden has been calling out congressmen, let’s let the congressmen vote, but we expected in december, 4 december, 5, 10, on the eve of the christmas holidays , then immediately after the new year holidays, already and well, i'm already looking at the month of march in some... days, that is, well, there is no help yet, and they are still at the festival, not on vacation , and there is a break , which was planned until the 28th, this is the house of representatives, the lower house, the upper house voted, the lower house says, we will lie down, we will not vote, maybe the fact that we left avdiivka will affect the americans in some way, plus, maybe the story about the murder of navalny will be superimposed here, it is possible will work for us, at least, well, in this way
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a russian opposition politician. already dead will help ukraine, he did not help with crimea then, we remember this story about the sandwich, but nevertheless, we see that, for example, the abandonment of avdiivka, in fact, did not stop the efforts of the russians to advance further, on the contrary, it rather inspired some additional ones, i.e. how many times had they been going there in the yar before that, in the kupyansk-limansk direction they continued with... efforts around the coal miner and now they were still scrambling near the work site, i.e. look, they take advantage of the opportunity, there is no window of opportunity yet, they , they simply shoot from the video recorders, take them to other places, i don’t know, only our military can say this, intelligence officers, once again it is difficult to say what is happening there, because the situation can change, in the morning - it's one situation , in the evening it's a completely different situation , five of these active directions were called, no one knows
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where the main direction is, where... and such a fog of war to create an impression, or all the fog of war, or all the main directions, no one can say yet, but the russians themselves, yet since they are in their public places, they are, well, russian warmongers, they, like the one who committed suicide, they are not happy about taking the audio recorder, propaganda is happy, kremlin officials are happy, who can earn good dividends from this in front of putin, putin rejoices, that is, the effort to create such a holiday is great. but those who took part in this massacre are not happy at all, they say that those losses, well, well, they are multiples of those of bakhmut, that is, that they suffered, that the ukrainians, the military, were able to leave, they were not crushed, as they they say themselves, at the same time all despite the fact that, unfortunately, we are, well , there are losses among our soldiers, when they were leaving, our groups threw them en masse at night from drones from a powerful
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vision device, threw grenades. there are shot , captured, wounded, unfortunately, this is all there is, but they are not satisfied with the fact that there are no russians, that there are no columns, burned ukrainian equipment, that there are no thousands of killed ukrainian soldiers, ah, because they are just like them they say, they were allowed to leave, and what's next, they themselves will ask the question, what's next, to go on these lines again fortifications, again losing many of your fellow soldiers there, as you say, and so on, that is , once again, there is no great joy there, well, but despite this... we can say that there are some points where they will most likely be make efforts, no matter how you evaluate them, wherever you are, i'm not ready to say again, it will be a finger in the sky, we don't know where it will be, this is once again only the military can say, only scouts and then on their maps, because once again, well , i don't want to mislead your viewers and you personally, eh then let's...


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