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tv   [untitled]    February 23, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EET

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they say the front line, because in fact it is the front, if the enemy is 5-7 km away, then it is not 70, not 50, it is very close, but now we will move on to a different topic, but today you wrote on your facebook page that you took participation in the online meeting of the municipal network of partnerships with ukraine, and spoke before 75 representatives of local self-government bodies of the federal republic of germany, well, actually, what they talked about, what they called for, and the result of these conversations. will there be any practical help for the nikopol community, please? yes, well, it was a very productive, effective meeting, uh, i could convey the position and the challenges facing the nikopol district and our country today, and we have been working with the heinsburg region, west germany for a long time, they are
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already for needs of nikopol communities , six cars were handed over, and computers, a clean station, and we are working to improve this assistance, we signed an agreement on cooperation with this region, and we talked about the challenges that the country faces, and we it is necessary to do so everything so that western partners do not get tired of ukraine and work. the appropriate direction, and we are not tired of helping people and the armed forces of ukraine on the ground. now let's go back to security issues, here , you know, in the kherson region, yesterday i spoke with representatives of the kherson region, and the people there, well , they have a certain concern about the fact that the enemy can dig this tunnel of his own under the dnipro, well , there is the dnipro shiroky, between the left and on the right bank of kherson, but kherson region, and here you have it... in nikopol, of course, the water went down and
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digging is obviously easier, but the enemy is digging something somewhere, at least certain information comes from the participants of this process themselves, that we are digging something somewhere, and well, there is a certain threat, because the enemy has already done this, at least in the avdiiv direction, or again without releasing any data there, i think that everything is being tracked, but is there such a probability that the enemy could resort to such an initiative, because they actually said about... in nikopol that the enemy would very much like to get out under nikopol, , as they say, unnoticed underground, or under sand, well, i think that after all, a certain part of the dnipro river is quite wide, that is, the kakhov reservoir is gone, but the old channel of the dnipro river remains, and in certain places it is quite wide and quite deep, and therefore i can say that this is the first still a sign, secondly... very naturally this
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is the enemy's ipso and incitement, which it constantly throws in order to, let's say, shake up the situation both in the nikopol region and in ukraine, and i think that it is in in this case, it may have prompted us to react to it, but given that we we live 7 km from the zaporizhzhya nuclear power station, and for a certain period of time it was burning, and the residents of our district saw it and... period, let's talk, when you see all this, you understand what it was like, the feeling on this side, how it was burning nuclear power plant, then of course, after that, the residents of nikopol, the nikopol region, they always already live in such corresponding fears, both regarding the situation at the zas, and regarding a certain territory, the attack of some certain, well, such informational throws, but i can say that the inhabitants of our region already have so much hardened, one might say, by these news
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, pilots, economic downturn, corresponding problems, which are, of course, already such, well, panic in nikopol about this information, it is no longer felt, we are confident, confident in the armed forces, and we are talking about it , what needs to be helped, we need to help the armed forces of ukraine for all these challenges, to support such gatherings that you announced before, and i will just be very brief on the issue of zaporizhzhia as, you said that it was on fire, people were watching it. and there is constant screening, as they say, or monitoring of radioactive content substances in the air, because in any case , well, there can be a fire, of course, in some room there, which has nothing to do with the content of radiation, but in principle, after such moments, when somewhere there is a fire on the side where the fire is, it is checked , as the air has not become more polluted, yes, yes, and periodically the local self-monitoring bodies of our district publish on their respective pages information that this whole situation. history, well
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, the situation is normal, at the proper level, well, and one more thing, in nikopol, public discussions regarding the renaming of eight streets and a park, particularly the street of afghan soldiers. to defenders of ukraine street, druzhba street, to dmytro yavornytskoy , yavornytskyi, lytopystka street, by the way, and dnipropetrovsk oblast, and zaporizhia cossacks in general, suharukova street, to stepan, stepan borozny street, unfortunately, i don’t know, and partisans, well, that’s how it is there further, how favorably it is perceived by the nikopol community now, and what do you think should be the results of this public discussion, how were people elected, i understand that among these people there are obviously and modern heroes or not, well, the process is for some people. street renaming, it has been going on for quite a long time in the territory of the city of nikopol, as well as in other territories of the nikopol district, so i can say that this direction is constantly moving, i can say that people perceive it differently, and of course people say that
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not on time, some, but very many people support, always these renamings are a debatable issue, and of course there are instigators who say that it should not be done. but i always say that the power is for that and the power to do what needs to be done, thank you very much, by the way, by the way, in avdiivka, which the enemy recently captured, he did not capture it, i say so, he destroyed it and did not give the armed forces the opportunity to effectively defend themselves in these ruins, all the more so, using their own bombs up to 250 per day, it is clear that only robots could defend themselves there, but not people, well, in any case, after destroying avdiivka, in fact, they got in there and the first thing they did they start to do that, well, except... audacity, that's understandable, that standard, as they said that if moskal doesn't steal, he won't live, or whatever tozbresh says, but they started renaming the streets, i'm the one who said that it's important, thank you very much, mr. dmitri, for your comments, thank you, who joined, i wish
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you success in your difficult work, in a very difficult city and district, performing the duties of the head of the nikopol district council , dmytro bychkov was in touch with us, well, really, really... not just there, but here a colleague visited there, well, in these in this area, you fall asleep explosions, you wake up, explosions, at night, if i didn't hear the explosions, i was sleeping soundly somewhere, then thank god, this is roughly the life of nikopolshchyna, well, this part of dnipropetrovsk region, and now we will talk about such wider, political topics, even with reference to events outside the borders of ukraine, yevhen magda, executive director of the institute of world politics, mr. yevgeny, greetings, greetings, greetings. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. i would like, you know, i was a little amused today by this statement by donald tusk, the prime minister of the republic of poland, who told mr. zelensky on his, well a fair offer to meet at the border. he said that let's meet in warsaw, because the meeting at the border is about
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some symbols, but not about work. and here it is very good that europe is showing our government that it is not necessary to make pr out of everything. let's just talk and do. how much. in short, it's just me, it's not an insult to zelensky, i understand his emotions, i understand his understanding, but it's very good that such loud things somehow subside and a normal normal conversation and a normal dialogue begins, well, that is, what in ukraine, it worked like a stadium, a stadium , well, now you see, thank god, it is not working, well , first of all , there is still a week until the planned dialogue in warsaw, well, it is practical, it is true, well, on february 28, it is a pre-planned time. secondly, unfortunately, volodymyr zelenskyi's proposal demonstrated that he and his team do not fully understand the realities of polish politics, because to offer both duda and tusk to meet with ukrainian government officials at the same time is, of course, such hype, but
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then szyman gelovnia was needed , as a show star, he is just the marshal of the diet , inviting him would have more chances, but... the position of donald tusk is also interesting, because he does not want to be called an agent of kyiv, that is, he will not make any such concessions, which we will feel at once. accordingly, the promised decision that the checkpoints will become infrastructure objects where such actions will be prohibited, well, that's a plus, it's great, well, i think that just blocking... is carried, maybe a few kilometers deep into poland, but i don't think it will end completely well, another question is that all this will continue until the local elections in poland at the moment, i have almost
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no doubts about this, and accordingly we need to constantly offer some solutions, some options for action, until we offer them, well, in fact, nothing ... it won't happen , but still, it was an option to meet at the border and at least first of all , as they say, in the thick of events, in the epicenter of events, to resolve certain issues, i understand that volodymyr zelenskyi has his own story, as he sees solutions to issues, and his own understanding of their solution, well, he is still a politician with a little experience, although very, but why do you think they refused, well, at least at some stage it was possible to do it even demonstratively, so we met, and everyone could take their advantages from it and at least propose a solution right away, and then sit down in warsaw and there in the offices to negotiate, and if to get out of such a situation. then it was possible to grind the grain that was spilled into flour there, and from
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this flour mold the bread of understanding, then break it in two, well, in general, but the question arises, what do we need, some kind of performance, or certain actions that restore a normal dialogue between poland and ukraine, you understand what the point is, that literally two years ago, a little, well, maybe a little less. already when the russian invasion began, polish-ukrainian relations were exemplary in terms of strategic partnership, right? and now we see how these relations, well, they just fly into the abyss, i don't really like such, you know, very loud formulations, but well, it is very, very reminiscent of this process, that is, they are getting worse every day, and therefore we simply need. to look for some asymmetric actions, because it is very difficult for the citizens of ukraine to understand how
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there are several dozen protesters, they paralyze the movement and paralyze the ability to carry various cargoes, you just, yes, please complete, just like every day, the trust between poles and ukrainians , average, not between politicians, it decreases. and this is very, well, this is a very serious challenge, we have, at the moment, i am convinced that we have to take this problem inside poland, and not talk about it only in ukrainian media. in the ukrainian media, our position will be consolidated in one way or another, and it will depend on the extent to which the people who comment on it understand the realities of polish politics. but i want to tell you one unpleasant thing, which i also told our polish colleagues, we live in... that we know a lot about the poles, and the poles know a lot about the ukrainians, despite
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the fact that the poles know more about the ukrainians , because they have a study of ukrainians, it is in principle different analytical structures, it was delivered a long time ago, well, i would say on the assembly line, but not only poland remains an unknown neighbor, but now we are talking about poland, it is very, very tangible, i think you wrote it. the article was called 10 seeds of reconciliation, advice is not an agrarian, but by the way, i think that somehow you can work so remotely with the office of the president, give advice on such things as, say, unity bread, a very great idea, by the way, to make flour from this, i think that now they will hear about this idea to volodymyr oleksandrovich there, but here 10 grains of reconciliation, these, well, this is a continuation of the topic about the grain that you talked about, you can bake bread and break it, so that a person who travels to poland,
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as far as i understand, you speak, you communicate, you lead some dialogues , discussions, round tables, and you have an understanding , because it is necessary to have it, what would you advise, knowing the moods in poland, the prevailing moods and desires, expectations, fears of poles, from different walks of life, again, what would you advise, what asymmetric steps should ukraine take, asymmetric steps are in this matter. case work, well firstly, the work of the special services, because i do not believe that russian ears are not listening to these protests, they too follow a clear timing, at such a time, and you know, in such a format, when it is very difficult to oppose them, secondly, these are really joint actions of ukrainian friends of poland and polish friends of ukraine. we have to demonstrate ourselves as a sufficiently powerful, influential, real force. what are the people who are protesting, they are using their democratic right to protest, but
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other citizens of poland also have the right to use opportunities to convey information about what is happening, to tell about what is happening, as they see it, we should tell each other about what is the structure of the economy in our states, because poland is probably the key direction at the moment. .. connections, well, in any case, by land, grain is really exported now more by the sea corridor, but ukraine is not even among the top ten trade partners of poland, do you understand? that is, the average polish citizen there does not understand what the problem is. we have, well, if you want to get into the shoes of our neighbors and talk about these things as much as possible, as effectively as possible, then it will, well, give some kind of result. i understand that there is not enough time for this, that is, because the situation is really getting worse,
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well, constantly, every day, and here i think that i am still thinking. you see that it is worth, well, probably certain people, and even the president, well, because key decisions are made there, to take the view that you, too, may have to make concessions in some way, and not in the matter of transporting military cargo there or some other things, c issues of, well, let's say, excess profits for certain agricultural holdings, or those people who work with those agricultural holdings, who also have their own profit, because you have to somewhere, if you want to negotiate, you can't just blow your nose, well, it doesn't happen here another question, look... if we are talking about the current situation, now there is an embargo on the import of ukrainian grain in poland, there can only be transit, that is, the territory of poland further to the baltic, let's say, well, there is nowhere else that is logistically so, but this situation appeared last year, when in april volodymyr zelenskyi came to warsaw, you remember, with the first really official visit with pochet, with
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the first lady, at that time it was also violated, but i do not believe that... at least one grain truck or i don't know echelon with grain entered the not understanding where poland was at the time when there was no embargo, not understanding where it would be unloaded , business doesn't happen like that, business is not done like that, well, just simply enter further, drive around poland , look for somewhere where they will give a better price for grain. well, it's some kind of delusion, it can't be like that , that's why. it is necessary, and it is necessary to understand, it is necessary to understand that it is volodymyr zelenskyi who can pick up the phone and tell denys shmyhal whether to publicly entrust him with a conversation with donald tusk in a televised address. do you think that the tusk government does not understand the real political weight of denys shmyhal? i think that they absolutely
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understand, yes, everything is fine, i think that our connection was broken, i am still literally three minutes short, i am one short one. these security agreements that are multiplying now, wait a minute, with denmark, italy is offering us an agreement there, germany, they will be ratified by the parliament, or whatever take place so that they work, whether or not ratification is necessary, please, these are tactical steps that allow us to demonstrate that they support us, but nothing more, well, i would, i would not devalue them completely, because ukraine is thanks to them. will receive financial aid , military aid, that's good, we need that, especially in light of the fact that we have delays in funding from the united states, but to say that these are agreements that will determine our strategy for our life for the rest of our lives, no, i don't even see how they last 10 years will exist, for which they
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sign up, this is a tactical step, this is, in my opinion, an attempt to sweeten the bitter pill that is in our eyes. during the nato summit, where we will not be given any guarantees or certain clarity about our euro-atlantic future. yes, unfortunately, mr. yevgeny, thank you for participating, i wish you success in your work, yevhen magda, executive director of the institute of world politics, was in touch with us. well , really, from the question oleksiy goncharenko, people's deputy of ukraine in munich of the security conference, i asked dignitaries and scholz, for example, i asked, how? regarding nato, there will be a nato summit in washington in the summer, well, they are avoiding, avoiding this question, but we have to do our part, we will donate to the armed forces of ukraine, and let's learn about the situation more related to the war. serhii zgurets, director of the defense express agency, host of the military summaries of the day column, serhiy, congratulations, please, i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, today in our column we will talk about systematic destruction
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enemies, about ammunition for the armed forces, and about the production of our own unmanned systems. forces, what is being done for this, about all this in a moment. i will start our column with three good examples of high-precision destruction or even burning out enemy forces in an extremely effective combination of intelligence and impression tools. the first example: the south's defense forces released a video of strikes on a cluster. of russian servicemen next to the village of podokalyvka, this is in the occupied part of the kherson region, this is actually the oleshkivsky sands, where the enemy decided arrange a training ground. according to natali gumenyuk, the spokeswoman of the southern command, there was a training of assault groups, during which they practiced coordination of actions. now maybe we will see this video, it is precisely these
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sands of oleshkiv, where, after detecting the enemy with the help of our unmanned complex, the defense forces made two strikes with hymars, and according to preliminary data , about 60 russian soldiers were killed, this is a horse. khalynivka is located in a straight line 27 km from krynyk, these are the places of fierce battles, where our marines will receive planzdar on on the left bank of the dnieper and those wells where the russian minister of defense falsely stated that the russian army had already managed to capture this bridgehead there, of course, this is absolutely not true. the second story. - this is a blow to the formation of the russian military, which the armed forces inflicted on february 20, this is already a different training ground, near the occupied village
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of trudivske in the volnovai district of the donetsk region, there are three companies of the 36th motorized rifle brigade of russia, there they were looking for a high-ranking commander, but ukrainian shells hymers was flown in much faster, and the russian edition of the important story verified it. the names of 68 dead russian soldiers, although of course there were more wounded. this is precisely what speaks of the effective work of the means of impression and intelligence, in particular, the same strikes on the kherson region on the training ground were the integrated work of hymars and our domestic uav shark. but just a couple of hours ago, i became aware of another good example of the use of hymars, artillery and drones. as a logical continuation of these two previous ones examples this morning, the enemy launched an attack on ivanovske, this is near bakhmut, as we
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know. in the morning, somewhere in the first group, there were five bmps with landing forces, they somehow slipped through the changing fields and flew into the village. they began to suppress them there with drones, more artillery. the lion's share of this russian group was entrenched in the school on... our military called for emergency assistance in the form of hymers, an accurate strike was made on the school and there were many enemy losses, the enemy still did not calm down, there were still armored, two armored groups tried to storm ivanovsk once again, and all these nine bmps of the enemy were destroyed, in general , about 100 russian infantrymen tried to attack ivanovsk, in fact the same... of them were killed, the rest were wounded, none of the enemies from ivanovsk came out, so these are the events that took place today, i think
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that tomorrow we may see an increase in the number of enemies killed in the statistics of the general staff, and interestingly, i was told that our military has ammunition. .. they destroyed it today offensive groups of the enemy appeared near ivanivskyi, i do not know where they appeared from, but in any case we understand that it is possible that these are certain reserves that were transferred to our military in order to prevent the enemy from advancing until the time of the yar, to which the enemy is extremely eager, but ammunition , of course, could have been more, if we take into account the fact that just a couple of days ago the president of the czech republic , peter pavel, spoke about the fact that... that he can supply ukraine with 800,000 ammunition, of which 500,000 - this caliber is 155 mm, another 300, 122
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mm, but these munitions can reach ukraine within a few weeks, if other countries finance the supply of these munitions, in particular the usa, germany, or sweden, will pay for the supply of these munitions, which peter... pavel found somewhere, in fact, the czech press a little earlier i wrote about the fact that countries such as turkey, south korea, and other countries there have a certain stock of ammunition, which, conditionally speaking, can be delivered to ukraine or to other countries, and which will then be received by our state, so this process is already underway, and today it became it is also known that canada volunteered to find 22 million dollars there in order to buy some of the ammunition that
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peter pavel probably talked about. but it should be understood that 22 million dollars is, from the point of view of ammunition, it should be understood that if now the projectile costs in the range of 5 thousand dollars, as an average figure, then these 22 million will be enough for about 4,500 ammunition, of course, well , but not enough to take this entire amount in... if we really get 800,000 ammunition, then with an average rate of fire in the range of 5-600, for 5 months, it is possible to effectively conduct defense with our weapons, conduct defensive operations with our armed forces, because now we fire somewhere in the range of 2-3 thousand per day, which is about three times less than the enemy uses in certain areas. and
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then we'll talk about the fact that when we wait for ammunition, now, relatively speaking, both fpv drones and reconnaissance drones actually create the opportunity to use other means of impression in order to hold the enemy's advance. during the 23rd year , the ministry of defense talked about the fact that the number of ukrainian companies that manufacture fpv drones and other types of drones has increased significantly, but we have companies that... have such a stable history and a stable product, an unmanned product that has already proven itself well in combat operations, and when conditionally say, the ministry of defense or the ministry of statistics say that they make decisions related to the improvement of certain procurement procedures, accelerate variations in the supply of components or simplify the supply of these components, then all these statements
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ministries is very important. analyze through the examples of specific companies in order to understand what the reality really is, and now we will talk about it, we are joined by artem vyunnyk, this is the director of the research and production enterprise athlon avia, this company supplies the armed forces with the unmanned aerial reconnaissance and fire adjustment system furia a1sm is a complex that is well known to our military, it has proven itself well on the battlefield, mr. artem, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear the espresso channel on the air. congratulations, sergey. i have already started talking about yours complex, i know that your company has such a long history of creating unmanned systems, but on the other hand, the war of 2014, the war of 22, the war of 23, it is different because, relatively speaking, a certain combat experience, the actions of the enemy there, who are trying to counter our drones, are changing.
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systems, and, of course, the question arises, how these changes in the reality on the battlefield affect the improvement or change of the complex itself, which your company manufactures and supplies to the armed forces. well, of course, the dynamics have changed in recent times, and precisely such dynamics require manufacturers, not only us, but all ukrainian manufacturers, to quickly implement some new ideas, new solutions. which should , after all, make our products even more effective , even more resistant to the means of radio-electronic warfare and the enemy, because they are very powerful in them, and it is necessary to talk about it, it is not necessary to minimize their capabilities, so today, in fact, everyone already such more experienced companies, and young companies,
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all... joined a kind of race for the best, the most stable, the longest-flying unmanned complex, and i think it's very cool, and it's also a kind of challenge for companies like ours, because despite the war, there's some competition, and that's also good, it doesn't let people sleep companies that have been there for many years... 10, for example, our company works, does not allow divisions to sour and constantly keep their leases in good shape, and in fact this is an additional motivation, but the main motivation, of course, is victory, it is efficiency on the battlefield, so there are challenges it is necessary to fly longer, to be more, let's say , integrated into the control systems, to transmit intelligence data quickly, to adjust
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the artillery. these are all the tasks that they were in principle.


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