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tv   [untitled]    February 23, 2024 3:00am-3:30am EET

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for uh, the best, most stable, longest flying drone complex, uh, and i think that's really cool, and it's also kind of a challenge for companies like ours , because despite the war, there's some competition , and this is also good, it does not let such companies sleep for many years, there are almost 10, for example, our company works. e-e does not let sourness and constantly keep its rents and units in good shape, and in fact, this is an additional motivation, but the main motivation, of course, is victory, it is effectiveness on the battlefield, so there are challenges, it is necessary to fly longer, to be more, let's say , integrated into the control systems, to transmit intelligence data quickly, to adjust the artillery, that's all, that's all the tasks that they were in principle. but the dynamics of events
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are completely different, so there are challenges not only regarding these, specifically, issues, but also regarding the fact that they must be implemented as quickly as possible, and also implement it in serial samples, which are not the same thing exactly what to do in the prototype, so these challenges gave a powerful impetus to the development of the industry as a whole and individual companies as well. that is, you allude to the fact that young companies need to enter medium-sized models, and then we will see who will be the leader in this market, but i would like to ask about the changes that are taking place in the ministry of defense itself in the armed forces, a new type of troops has been formed under by the name there, which relates to unmanned systems, what are your expectations from these structural changes, will a shorter, shall we say, chain be established? mutual understanding between the military and
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manufacturers, and what would you advise ot to the leadership of this new type of troops so that the process of interaction with manufacturers was faster? well, first of all, we need to wait until some governing documents appear that will actually organize and determine the place and role of similar, similar types of troops in the system of the armed forces of ukraine. because so far we do not see such documents, and they will be decisive, because all the tasks, structure, subordination, interaction, they will, in principle, have to be written out, on the one hand, on the one hand, on the other hand, indeed, unmanned systems, if taken broadly, have taken their rightful place in the weapons system, and of course, this initiative of the president, it is very correct. but
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again, you should not think that this new type of troops will take over all unmanned solutions, and they will only be there, i think that this is that this type of troops, it should actually take care of some systems that, let's say , are quite specific, well, for example, there are sea drones as means of attack, or for example, there are some ground robots that are used, let's say, in some certain special operations, but it seems to me that unmanned solutions, they penetrate into all branches of the military, and in principle you should not think that now, for example, there will be no drones in the ground forces or there will be no drones in the air force, this is me i think that all this will be all this.
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to combine harmoniously somehow, i hope so, but as for wishes or some advice, i think the best advice is to communicate with manufacturers, invite to the table in the working order companies who have experience, who are just starting to work, in order to actually build such an ecosystem, when there is a request from the armed forces and when there are industrial opportunities. and when all this, let's say, activity, it is coordinated , it, it is coordinated, and then it is effective, but i would not like to see, you know, how it used to be even earlier, that industry lives its own life, and the military lives its own, that this is this is ineffective, this is a very, well, bad thing, i hope this will not happen with the new type of troops, well, i also really hope for it, although. i understand that, relatively speaking
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, the commander of the naval forces now has naval drones , he, too, probably will not want to hand them over to another administration, there are naval drones in the sbu, but... the ground platforms are still without owners, yes that i think that perhaps the efforts of novohorodoviysk will be concentrated here, but i think that this is a certain half-joke. your company has been engaged in the creation and serial production of samples for 10 years, there is a proven technological cycle, i know the capabilities of your company, let's not talk about it now, but in terms of percentage, or relatively speaking, the growth in your orders for this year is greater compared to last year. of the year, do these orders correspond to the real capacities of your company, which you have achieved one by one during all this time of the company's development? well , the balancing of capacities , the balancing of needs and capabilities, it is also
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, you know, bilateral, it cannot be in the format of as much as you can, and as much as you can tomorrow, for this you need to coordinate your actions again and... take decisions about the need not only for tomorrow, but also for a year, two, three, we talk about it a lot and every time we talk about it, but i emphasize that in fact it is a key thing for development, if there is no long-term planning, it is impossible to talk about any capacities, for today we can to produce even at those capacities that are significantly more than we have orders. it is not clear why we do not have orders until today, for example, from state special communications, with the newly formed agency, we have started cooperation and hope that we will be on time already this year let's talk about contracting, for example
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, in the 25th year, and preferably in the sixth and seventh, because it should provide a certain impetus and confidence for... planning and personnel, for personnel planning, that is, personnel policy, and for planning your financial resources and production capacity, because today, let's say, the conditions in which manufacturers exist are very specific, to put it mildly, let's say, now the concentration of production in one specific place is simply unacceptable for serious companies and that is why all this logistics and production and all the bareness of production, it , let's say, quite significantly affects production in a negative sense, and therefore requires even more planning of the organization and
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forecasting of one's life for two or three years ahead, so i hope that the new the new agency accepts this rhetoric from the manufacturers... and we will enter into long-term contracts, but again, increase capacity, we can infinitely, in fact, and we have proven it, but under the condition of forecasting and defense planning for several years forward. we have 3 minutes left, we had a whole unit on pricing there, i 'll probably take it to our next conversation with you, and now i'll ask about something else, if your team has time. engage in r&d , because, relatively speaking, now you can hear a lot about the need to engage in artificial intelligence, computer vision for targeting, it is not necessary for fury, but perhaps these new solutions are needed for processing large data sets, which is gathered
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there by the same fury in which direction you are now are making major efforts in terms of r&d, what interests you, what is relevant, well absolutely all those things. which you have listed, they are relevant both for our company and for rent, i believe , today, this is the most important thing that manufacturers should pay attention to and pay attention to, because the battlefield is changing significantly and quite dynamically, and we have not only react, we have to be proactive, that is, to propose those solutions that can be, let's say, a change. rules of the game on the battlefield, implementation only some new technologies, ideas, solutions, it can give us such a result, we cannot stand still, therefore arrendi is precisely the most important, the most important activity in
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our company, and i am sure and i can see from the results in other companies that are engaged in unmanned systems today. mr. artem, thank you very much for including the work your company is doing to equip our armed forces with high-tech fire control and intelligence systems. let me remind you that it was artem vyunnyk, the director of the company. avia, what supplies the furi a1sm complex to the armed forces. so, these were the main military results of this day, and more international and economic news later on vasyl zima's big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. thanks to sergey, thanks to his guest, these were the military results of the day. good evening, we are from ukraine, hello, this is svoboda ranok,
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an informational project of radio svoboda, top guests every day, this is the shipping district of kherson, live broadcast, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we show the main thing on weekdays at 9:00 a.m., then the second hour of the big ether, the world is waiting for you a lot of interesting and important information about ukraine with yuri fizer, we will also talk today with the lawyer of serhiy pashynskyi to understand what is happening there in the case of serhiy pashynskyi and in general this history with the defense industry, biblina chechenina has another story for you from the tsarina culture, and the weather from natalka didenko, all this during the next hour, now about the naked. i will tell you the news in detail. great
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britain introduced more than 50 new sanctions against russia. this was announced by the minister of foreign affairs affairs david cameron. the restriction applies to individuals and legal entities that support dictator putin's war in ukraine. russian metals, diamonds and energy resources were banned. among the companies on the list are manufacturers of missile launch systems and explosives, as well as key russian importers of machines for... manufacturing rockets and engines for military equipment under british sanctions, as well as several large diamond and oil companies. by the way, it is interesting that these supervisors and the leaders of that colony were also sanctioned polar wolf, where alexei navalny was apparently killed. britain has announced a new package of military aid for ukraine, among other things, ukrainian defenders are receiving 200 brimstone anti-tank missiles, said the minister of defense of the united kingdom grand shabs.
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he noted that these missiles often have a decisive effect on combat operations, at one time they have already driven the russians back, and they force the russian occupiers to retreat in key areas of the front. shaps also added that his country would train an additional number ukrainian military. together with other allies, it is about 10,000 fighters in the first half of this year. having refused zelensky's offer to meet at the border, polish and ukrainian government officials will discuss the border blockade in warsaw on march 28. this was reported by polish prime minister donald tusk. he explained this by the fact that at the border of the two countries, the conversation would be symbolic, and specific proposals on market and agriculture issues are needed. at the same time , the head of the polish government assured of full military support for ukraine. for him in his words, poland will add all border crossings with ukraine to the list of critical infrastructure objects, which will allow the border to be unblocked for the supply of military
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and humanitarian equipment, as well as ammunition. i would like us to separate these two issues in domestic and international discussion. first, the undoubted assistance to ukraine in its resistance to russian aggression is not subject to discussion. the second and second question is how to protect polish farmers and the polish market from negativity. consequences of liberalization trade, i.e. the opening of the border for trade in agricultural products, this is what hurts us the most, nine people were injured due to an enemy attack on kurakhov, this is in donetsk region, the regional prosecutor's office was informed, the russians hit the territory of a local enterprise with guided air bombs, employees were injured , two women and seven men, all of them were hospitalized. the police evacuated a woman who needed medical help from ugledar, again in donetsk region. as
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the national police said, she has the legs failed. later, doctors diagnosed inflammation of the lungs. a few more days and she could die. ugledar is a ghost town. his ovshchen was destroyed by the russians. 111 civilians continue to live there. they settled in basements, go outside in between shelling. the road to ughledar is also constantly attacked by enemies. guided aerial bombs, this time the law enforcement officers were lucky to break through to the people unharmed, even now, when i left volodar, you understand that it is working. you are in the police force in donetsk region, this is when a colleague tells you in front of you exiting the hot spot, that the keys to the car are in his right pocket, no other comments, just mine in the right pocket, ugh, plus, in wetsuits with inflatable rings and children's armbands, this is how men
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of draft age try to escape from ukraine to romania through the tisza river. how border guards detain violators and why... it is worth refraining from such a deadly extreme, our correspondents will tell. transcarpathia attracts ukrainians not only with tourist locations, but also with the border across the tisza river. in november 2023, the border guards detained him two men of military age, with a full circle and children's armbands. the violators were just about to swim across the river when they were seen by military officer yuriy. za noticed the movement of two people towards the state border. that's why i accepted it. the decision to disguise themselves, to wait until the persons came closer, and when the persons began to overcome the barrier fence, together with the youth of the border outfit, they detained these persons. another extremes wanted to reach romania on inflatable donuts. have you seen what that yew river is like? no i don't see i don't
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i see do you know how many lives she has already taken? well, they didn't know before that. the border guards of the hrushevo branch say that they are literally being attacked by men who are trying to escape from ukraine to romania from the other bank of the tisza, about 40 m away. neither the depth of the river nor its rapid current stops the violators. at its bottom, there are more large, large stones, with some sharp elements, and getting into the water in such conditions, especially if it is... dark time of day, a person does not have many chances to stay alive there. for effective observation from a height bird flight. border guards use drones. at night , a thermal imaging camera helps to detect trespassers. as soon as we observe a person who looks like a trespasser. we will immediately report on the tsus line. a response team is then called,
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leaves and detains her. border patrols are also rescuing fugitives who are already submerged in... and in need of help, pulling six people out of icy water in the past two months. directly, if the violator is already in the water, but allows the water level to go up to his waist, then the composition of the outfit can to get this person, if there is no such possibility, the emergency department is called, we are already observing the person, after which the emergency department helps. after the arrest, the men are taken to the department of inspectors of the state border service. there are different excuses for detention, some say they just got lost, but it's very hard to get lost here, near the tisza river, well, most of them have their own valid reasons, which they are guided by at those moments, some have a family there, some need to earn money , someone is running away from war. the law does not provide for criminal responsibility for the attempt to escape from ukraine,
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however, the prison threatens the organizer of illegal crossings, and it is more important for us... not only to prevent illegal crossing of the border, but to go after the organizer of such illegal crossings, because then, if we were to kill an entire network, for in 2023, our operatives eliminated 56 such channels, and this work continues. since the beginning of the full-scale invasion in transcarpathia , 25 cases of death of conscripted men who tried to... illegally cross the border, with 19 of them drowned while crossing the yew, another six died while crossing the snowy highlands. kateryna uliynyk, oleg palyamar, espresso tv channel. well, i really want to urge the citizens of ukraine not to risk their lives just once. in any case, there are always other options. i, we have now prepared a video,
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literally a few moments, and we will show what is happening on the border of ukraine and poland. well, before that i will say that the mother of oleksii navalny from... is being forced to secretly bury the body of her son, the actual russian oppositionist oleksii navalny, who was apparently killed or brought to death in prison by an arctic wolf in labetnang over there in russia, well, this is about how the russian regime willy-nilly turn navalny's grave into some kind of pilgrimage or protest city, it's about the fact that they are not afraid nothing at all in russia, everything is fine, that's the story, here they will tell me whether they are ready or not, and we will show what is now up to the border. of ukraine and poland, i understand that this is the checkpoint of medic shagyni, or well that, or medic shagyni, they bring a broken equipment at the front, and it will be unloaded there in order to... demonstrate first of all to the protesters who are from the polish side, or to sincere protesters, or to people who, well, you see there carrying machinery, i understand that it is agricultural
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machinery, yes or well, obviously, or well, in any and yes, combine harvesters, tractors, these are the agricultural machinery, ukrainian, which blew up or were shelled and burned, just on the harvest field and on the battlefield, in order to demonstrate in this way, what price ukrainians pay agrarians today for this grain and... to the west. the world about ukraine. yuri fizer is next to me. yury, good evening. please. good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us. about this time today about how joe biden correctly called putin: orban is waiting for trump's victory in the us presidential elections, and medvedev revealed the true face of russia. about this and other things in a moment in the rubric world about ukraine. well, i'll start with this, well, finally, although no, not finally, because this decision still has to be ratified by the country's chancellor, olaf scholz, but
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there are shifts and the shifts are obvious. the german bundestag has obliged the government to supply ukraine, a quote from the bundestag website: additionally necessary long- range weapons systems and ammunition. the word taurus does not appear, but in germany only one is far away. missile war this proposal of the ruling coalition of the highest legislative body of germany was supported by 382 deputies today. this is stated in a message on the website of the bundestag. according to its text, the federal government must provide military assistance to the extent necessary for defense and restoration of full territorial integrity and sovereignty of ukraine. it is also interesting that vasyl would have been put to the vote before that. by the way, they voted on a bill submitted by the ruling coalition, the traffic light coalition, and before that the opposition, and there
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the word taurus appeared in the opposition bill, that is , they said: give ukraine taurus missiles, olaf scholz is very afraid of this word, and in the law, and this bill of the opposition, it obviously did not pass, and olaf scholz is so afraid, afraid of this word that everyone who was in favor of... the adoption of this ruling bill of his, no one said a single word about the tauruses, not a single one, they just called it a long-range weapon, and everyone guesses that, well , the only long-range weapon they have is the taurus, but well , it remains a mystery how olaf scholz himself will react to this decision, because earlier he repeatedly insisted and emphasized that he does not want to give taurus. i mean, i think you didn't plan. talk about what is in the federation council, in the russian federation proposed to de-announce the 1990 agreement, it began to work in 1991, it is called the 2+4 agreement, these are countries such as
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the soviet union at that time, they supported this agreement to recognize the sovereignty of germany over its entire territory, after germany was united, but they say, let's denounce it, that is, in this way we do not recognize the sovereignty of germany over its territory, because part of germany was previously under the soviet union, well, in fact. occupation, this is such a signal for germany, i think it is also, well, for now, they only offer to support the denunciation, but i think that the germans should look at such wishes of the russian deputies and say that they should no longer hide that they will give the taurus, but simply take and give that taurus, and give. yes, and even now there will be quite a lot about the help that we receive and will receive from our partners from all over the world. ukraine concluded another security agreement, this time with denmark. the prime minister of the country, mette frederiksen, said this during the press conference. according to the agreement, denmark is obliged to provide military support to ukraine over the next 10 years. in addition, the head
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of the danish government also reported that official copenhagen allocates another, and this is already the 15th package of military aid in the amount of almost 230 million us dollars. and the ministry of defense of the kingdom also announced the good news that the first f-16 fighters will be delivered to ukraine by the summer. well, this is very good news. japan tightens the screws on all those companies that continue to sell weapons to russia, products , goods of russia, precisely those goods that russia then uses in its military-industrial complex. the government of the country of the rising sun banned the export of another five categories of goods to the terrorist country. this is stated in a message on the ministry's page. economy, trade and industry of the country. in particular, now russia is banned, the prohibited list includes electronic parts for circuits and transistors, walkie-talkies and...
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cameras, as well as equipment and machines for their development and production. i read that taiwan and south korea are now very actively tightening these nuts. well, very much i hope that at some point in russia, russia will come to the point when it will have nothing to manufacture some very important parts for it, which are used in missiles and from what? i really hope for that. and here is new zealand, which is located. further from japan, also does not think that it is inappropriate to introduce sanctions against russia and continues to do so, the government of this island state in the pacific ocean will allocate us another 16 million us dollars for the purchase of weapons for the armed forces of ukraine, the minister of foreign affairs announced this
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new zealand winst. peters , he also emphasized that the country's government is developing new restrictive measures against russia, which are planned to be aimed at counteracting and evading the already introduced sanctions. next is a short quote from the head of the new zealand foreign policy department. this demonstrates our unwavering support for ukraine and our serious commitment to protecting the rules-based international order. far in the pacific ocean, but... this country also shows that it lives in a world, wants to live in a world that is based on rules, and for this it is necessary to introduce sanctions against russia, and by the way, the new package that will come to us from new zealand for 16 million american dollars will increase the total amount that we received from this country to more than 62 million dollars, let me remind you, that it is far, far too much time.
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belts from ukraine in the pacific ocean. the president of the united states of america, joe biden, once again does not regret and does not choose his words when he speaks about the president of the terrorist country, putin. during a fundraising campaign for your own presidential campaign in san francisco, california. the current owner of the white house said this about the kremlin criminal the day before. we have a crazy son of a female dog, like that guy putin. others, and we should always worry about nuclear conflict, that's the end of his quote , of course he used a completely different term in the quote than the one i used, son of a female dog, i replaced it so we don't get carried away , however, the president of the united states still considers climate change to be a bigger problem, the statement of president biden in russia everyone who is not lazy comments, and everyone in unison claims that how is it possible, putin himself never allows himself to be against it. for example, joe
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biden, and here it is important that putin really wants to be the number one problem for the world in general globally, but he was shown that of course the problem is you, of course, well, who you are, but the climate is a more serious problem, we, that is, we are your we can solve the problem, but we need to work with the climate, yes, well, now the most important thing is that the american congressmen help solve this problem, this is the most important thing, and until things, the continuation of joe biden, so there was information that joe biden under... receives the candidacy of the acting prime minister of the netherlands, mark rutte, for the post of secretary general of nato. this was reported by politika newspaper with reference to a source in the american administration, and even earlier the german newspaper welt amzon reported with reference to sources in the diplomatic circles of the european union that rutte is the favorite for the post
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of nato secretary general. his support is growing, well, i have to say that mark rutt is a good option among those offered. in nine months we will be stronger than now, this is a quote. this statement was made the day before during a closed meeting with fellow party members from the fidesz party, hungarian prime minister viktor orban said. journalists of magyar nemcet found out about it. thus, he openly admitted that in the presidential elections. in the usa , donald trump is wished for victory and is even waiting for it. according to the head of the hungarian government, trump's victory will help to resolve some, as he called it, as soon as possible problems in the world, in particular, ending the russian war in ukraine, although he usually called it a conflict. because, says mr. orban: "no one in europe believes in the victory of ukraine, but it has achieved."


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