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tv   [untitled]    February 23, 2024 4:30am-5:00am EET

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i will say the following line: bakhmut, marinka, lysychansk, sever, kurakovo, ughledar, step, kupyansk, avdiyivka, today i will not be positive, i will be negative, because those doubly commanders who, you know, are blind kittens like the krits, who do not know what the situation is in the positions themselves, and manage somewhere there from the headquarters. some such thing is being shut up, that i simply feel sorry for our boys, who simply give their lives and health, this should be finished, well, i do not see the prospect of a quick or imminent victory, as long as we are commanded by such hello, today i look very critical, very critical, i'm just mega critical, because you know, it reminds me of... here's an anecdote from the soviet union, when there's
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a slippery road, a galolot, as they say, a truck is driving that sprinkles , the inspector stops, says, fellow driver, you have sand pouring from your body, he says, it will freeze, i sprinkle, two hours pass, it changes again, again some dovben stands and stops again and says, listen, well, it's raining on you. says, i'll explain to you too, and yes every time our fighters are in their positions, they don’t change, they are there all the time, but the teams change, we only have rotation for commanders, we don’t have rotation for personnel yet, and there are no questions for commanders, well i remember when you and i spoke last time, it was a few months ago, we had the same problem, we also complained, you complained about the rotation, that there are no fighters. and somehow, judging by what you
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say, the situation has not eased in this regard , well, not only has it not eased at all, but it became more acute, because as you can see that the enemy began to use more and more kabs, but just so that we understand the realities of life, the enemy's kabs are endless, from the word simply never endless, they are... so many that will be enough for another 10 years of war, i am not sure that we will have enough personnel for 10 years of war, well, i would think that it is rather not a question of personnel, but rather a question of air defense, protection directly, no, this, this, this the issue of commanders, i tell you once again, our commanders change, we change commanders-in-chief, but it doesn't change in our country, any commander can influence the enemy's use of kabs, for example, but what about us, please?
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two units, gur and sbu, decide, they decided themselves without ground troops, they decided without air defense, they decided the issue of the destruction of the black sea fleet, do you think that we should go the same way, in fact, yes, we need to find non-mirror soviet approaches, i understand, that all our generals, who now head all of this, are from soviet schools, and i am too, unfortunately, well... i didn't study to be a soldier, i studied to be a doctor, but the question that you need to look for non-mirror ones and not, don’t repeat it after the enemy , you understand, well, we don’t have that many cabs, so you have to think about that , so, well, you say, what’s the matter with cabs, i would say, we don’t have that many cabs at all there are no cabs, because in order to use cabs , you need to use aviation, we practically do not have it, so you are right, i agree with... there is no possibility
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of using cabs, what was proposed by the general staff, what was proposed by our generals in order to counteract kabami, i would like to hear, no one will tell you about this, well you see, so far we have seen the downing of seven seven planes in the last few days, three of them were actually the carriers of these cables, yes, they have 1000 planes, how many will we shoot down after seven planes, multiply? for the number of successful days when we can shoot them down, that is , the question is, look, you can make a million fpv drones, but it will all be in vain if a million cabs fly at the expense of the operators , you understand, that is, we are waiting for non-mirror answers, unusual answers, which so far that there is no, i understand that, that, that it's just you you must also now... have heard the increase
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in bombardment with these dominant munitions in recent weeks of course, of course, that is , this story is not only about avdiyivka, it is, by all accounts, about your na... also so let's go back to the cabs once again, how many you and i have been hearing for months that it was proposed to regularly attack airfields at a distance of several kilometers, all airfields where tactical aviation is based, which can drop drones on us, do you remember how much we have already talked about this? well, we are every day we also see attempts to attack them with drones , and in order to attack them with missiles, for that, at least you need to have these missiles, b - well, to be able to use them, because again, discussions with
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our allies regarding the use are still ongoing actually a foreigner, well , foreign-made missiles at these objects, well , i tell you once again, i'm not, i'm not... i'm not a fan, i'm not a fan of the special services, but again i'll mention gur and the sbu, for some reason they can get angry and tense up and do a large number of good quality marine drones that impress and impress seriously, that's right, we can't make 100 missiles that will hit and seriously hit airfields, and it seems to me that the problem lies with the organization and the leaders. this is my opinion , well, you see, neither i, nor you, are not specialists in this, unfortunately, we cannot say anything intelligent, i have already become a specialist, because i communicate with drone operators, i communicate with combat medics, i am here, i i feel and see how it all
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happens, the lack of organization, and you know, we have the impression that our leaders are seals and cats that lie... only they watch and read the canals there, you know , the mongoose star, well, that’s what it’s called, forgive me, i think i won’t be fined for it from the air, or miller’s lawyer, they just sit and read, and instead of sitting and reading, they need to develop new approaches to the conduct of our war, that's all, and any commander of a combat unit that works in order will tell you this, mr. andriy, well, in our country... it is constantly being said that there is not enough artillery there now, that's all , but, well, you still practice medicine, tell me what what is actually happening with medicine in our country, that is, what is happening with so honey, what is happening with the supplies of this, is there,
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well, what can i say, how is it now? well, it is precisely medicine here that is demonstrably good, why, because, again, there is a little bit of medicine. even a little easier, because the role of volunteers is a little bigger, you know, if volunteers can't buy a cab, then believe me, volunteers are already buying armored cars, and somewhere, for example, our unit in early march expects a modified armored car to evacuate from of the front line of fire, which will be handed over to us by volunteers, so... i want to say that we also had a very good consolidation, for example, with different components of the defense forces, i mean the armed forces of ukraine, i mean the national guard, i mean , the special operations forces, the police, why, because
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now we don't need to open separately , for example, stabilization points for each... type of military, we have unified medical services, which, here i am now, for example, in i am currently at one of the points azov, my brothers are now at another stabilization point, closer to the front line , they are also in one of the stabilization points of the armed forces of ukraine, and the situation with takmed is as follows, which... it is basically a struggle, you know, maybe it is it's good that again today i'm just criticizing the commanders for their inaction and lack of initiative, and already the heads of these units, starting from rotny, themselves understand that the knowledge of takmed is their life,
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and it's an opportunity to win, because forgive me for putting it this way , as the russians might put it 30, 40, 50% of its personnel. and to think that they took avdiivka, we cannot afford it, because we need victory when we really defeat the enemy and return and rebuild. our life is on , because then it will be a victory, well, you said that, in principle, there is a lot, a lot of participation of volunteers, but, well, for six months, we have essentially had some kind of permanent blockade, at least of the polish border, and something is constantly happening on the border , the border has been completely blocked there for several days now, or something like that overall, do you feel that this will affect the medical supply in any way? some things, well, or maybe you just heard from your colleagues something that is happening there, or everything
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is being missed, not being missed, what is being said about it, well, what will i tell you is happening, you know that politics is built in such a way that it is political game, it's a political game, because if we talk about poland being a friendly country to us, i can't say anything and that's a lot. helps, but there is a dependence and a very serious dependence on our enemy, and it is precisely through this dependence that this happens the blocking of this border, er, the current leaders of poland are not so politically strong enough to explain in a clever way and enter into a dialogue, for example, with the same farmers, and they are not so strong. our politicians, unfortunately, to prove that this, this, this grain, it is strategic
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for our struggle, why, this is a very deep problem, i would not like to touch it now, because on unfortunately, ukraine does not receive the funds that other countries pay, we are not talking about that now, i am interested in the practical impact, do you feel it on medical, we feel it, we don’t feel it, that we have learned to work in different conditions, and when it comes to providing humanitarian aid, i don’t know, the border, the truth is, it was the slovak border, literally my colleague, well , one of our volunteers, passed yesterday no problems, huh, well, that is, it is possible to rebuild more flexibly here, sorry, i will say a very similar phrase now, well, if poland disappears from the map of europe, well, i think nothing will happen if ukraine. will disappear will happen, well , you understand what i'm talking about, no, well, i'm telling you about the fact that, economically, poland
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is a country completely pumped up by donors, which has not had its own production for a very, very long time, well, but for us it is actually the biggest way , in fact, well, the transportation of everything, well , that is also not possible, because hungary is next to us , which simply blocks the supply of military goods, and the border with romania is... not so big , so frankly speaking, well, okay, i will say it in a non- literary language, poland wants to wave, let it wave, i think it's more than two - three weeks will not last, please tell me, you already said that there is quite good cooperation here, but what concerns the stabilization points there, and how do you assess it, it is an influence, well , there they changed the medical, well
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, what are expressed by those people who directly there are people in the army and in the ministry of defense in the general staff, they will listen to whether there is really a direct connection, so there is an opportunity to convey my point of view, here i can say that it is unequivocally yes, the changes that have taken place have taken place for the better, especially regarding medical care , why, because first of all we have, i would said, absolutely direct connection. with those whom i still knew from the revolution of dignity, even before the revolution of dignity, who now work in
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the ministry of defense, and with whom we can communicate directly and talk about our problems, you know that there is and remains a problem of write-offs, material values, lost values, now this problem is being solved, because excuse me for making a paper army, this is also a kind of delay in the process in order to always... always find the culprits for one or another delay in deliveries, in the most important thing for us right now is for deliveries to take place constantly, for the system to be simplified. replacement and rotation, which is not yet available, and i would say that on the issues of, for example, the same training programs, trainings, now i do not see any problems, trainings have already been developed together with the ministry of health and the ministry of defense, in including tactical medicine, whether
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there would be a desire, recently i checked on myself, one of my employees wanted to undergo training in tactical... medicine and medical aid, she did it without problems, successfully passed the exams and received certificates. well, that's nice to hear, at least there is an area where we have, you could say, we are somehow, well, effectively moving and effectively something good is happening. well, thanks for that at least, it's good news. thank you, it was andrii huk, captain of the medical service of the storm offensive guards brigade. i will remind you once again that we have. there is a fee for a car for the 25th separate airborne brigade of siacheslav, look, this is the card number, qr code, so join us, we are left there wrong to collect a lot, i would really like to do this, so i am asking for your help, literally any, any help will be great,
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well, we have news next, so please stay tuned, news! see this week in the collaborators program. fake ministers, how a journalist headed the propaganda department in the kherson region. we are again fighting for the right to be russians. but as a pseudo-minister of labor, she deported ukrainian children to russia. we will continue our work. i'm olena kononenko and this is a collaborator program about traitors who are called upon hearts and wallets went to serve the rashi occupiers. livoberezhna kherson oblast has been under occupation for two years. during this time, the russians , with the help of local collaborators, created occupation administrations, pseudo-organizations tried to attract local residents to new fake russian institutions, offered
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money, positions, and prospects. those who were pro-ukrainian were kidnapped and tortured. and even killed. while the russian boot pats the ukrainian land, there are also those who lick it deliciously. today's issue is about traitors who chose the tricolor a rag instead of a blue-yellow flag in the left bank kherson region. the hope that odessa remains, is and remains a russian city. so. she said that odesa is waiting for the release and supports the holding of the svo in every possible way. this is kateryna viktorivna hrybovska , born in 1983, from the city of nova kakhovka. psychiatrist by education. after graduating from mechnikov odesa university, she stayed by the sea and got a job at the regional psychiatric hospital number 2, where she was the head of the children's psychiatric department. and to a full-scale invasion quietly worked there. when putin's army occupied the new tile house, the woman returned to her parents' house and started
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working for the occupiers. on june 16, 2022 , hrybovska was appointed to the position. chief physician of the novokakhovka central district hospital. after that, all the russian media began to write about how she is restoring a hospital abandoned by ukraine and about the destruction of the medical system in ukraine. well, how about without typical phrases that it is our military that is shelling the hospital. for such an anti-ukrainian campaign, the traitor received an award and badge of putin's team from the hands of united russia party deputy ihor kostyukevich. according to my political beliefs, i was against the maidan for years, i was always on the side of the russian side and believed that we are a brotherly people and should always be together. having received an award, you can start performing tasks from the kremlin, for example, robbing. according to journalists, hrybovska sold all mri, ct and ultrasound machines to the simferopol central district
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clinical hospital, leaving the occupied new building without medical equipment. this story rash tried to silence with numerous news in zmi about shelling of the hospital by the ukrainian side. guess who was commenting all this on camera with a sad face. there was shelling of the building. this happens repeatedly in our hospital. but for some reason , it is the hospital in nova kakhovka that attracts the most attention from the kyiv regime. when there is no electricity, it is also associated with shelling and airstrikes. well, of course, such a valuable... cadre of the kremlin propaganda machine could not remain aloof from the fake elections that were held by russia in the occupied territories in september 2023. at first, hrybovsky secured a victory in praiaries, and later a place in the party list of united russia. of course, she passed and did not become a deputy of the so-called kherson regional
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duma. thank you very much to our president. now she is happily walking around with a mandate, she started a telegram channel. we advise her to conduct it more actively, so that our law enforcement agencies have even more materials for the announcement of a suspicion, well, a court verdict. this is another one. laboratory assistant and part-time minister of labor and social protection, kherson region barkhatnova alla viktorivna. she is 51 from the oryol region. how she ended up in donetsk, why she supports the dnr and thanks to whom she became a minister, i will now tell. as a child, alla moved with her parents to the city of druzhkivka, donetsk region, where she graduated from school. she went to russia to study, received an education at the all-union research institute of automation. metrology tools. after receiving her diploma, she returned to the donetsk region again. at first she worked an accountant, then a deputy director for commercial issues, and later an entrepreneur.
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and it can be said that her career began to develop precisely from the 14th year. why? well, because alochka understood who should be served, what should be said, whom to thank, who to betray. in the 14th year, she organized a pro-russian referendum in donetsk. she worked as an accountant in the so-called ministry of social policy of the dpr, was elected a deputy to the parliament of the terrorist dpr from the free donbass party, at the beginning of the full-scale invasion she went to kherson, where she was appointed an executive duties of the head of the fake ministry of labor and social policy of the kherson region. in order to submit an application, a citizen must bring a certain list of documents, this is a passport of a citizen of the russian federation. even during the occupation of kherson. but as the fake minister told the russian media, how ukraine economically destroyed the kherson region for 30 years and how now people are returning to the russian kherson, standing for
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11 days at checkpoints. well, how about without acting? barkhatnova cried on camera, telling how she survived the shelling, allegedly from the armed forces. we will continue our work, no matter how scared we are, we are also... scared, but we came here so that russia was here, and russia will be here, and this blood, it will not go unpunished, i swear, everyone will answer for my actions, i am not afraid of death, i want russia to be on the lands of kherson region, and it will be, russia will never be on ukrainian lands, pigs should stay in the swamps, but after this video, alla did not stop, she then posted on.. warning that ukraine is going to blow up the kakhovskaya hpp. according to the ministry of defense of the russian federation, ukrainian militants are preparing to commit
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a terrorist act on the kakhovsky hes. if this criminal plan is carried out, all residents of coastal settlements downstream of the dnieper will be in serious danger. and after the russians blew up the kokhovskaya hpp, barkhatnova took part in the rescue. people, however, not all, but only those who have a russian passport, and of course, they kept silent about it tactfully. according to barkhatnov's media also engaged in the deportation of ukrainian children. today, we evacuated in an emergency order, and organized a psychoneurological dispensary. when the traitor felt that our armed forces were close, she attacked the left bank of kherson region, and now she pretends to be a minister already there. in july 2023, the sbu completed investigation of the case of this traitor, she was charged with collaborationism, for which the traitor faces from 5 to 10 years in prison. the case is currently being considered by the kherson
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city court of the kherson region. in the kherson region, in the neighboring mykolaiv region and even in principle in odesa. as far as i knew, the mood of the people was the same at that time. people wanted to go to russia before the common past. yevhenii brykov, 36, a former journalist from kherson, tells about the common past of our regions with... russia on camera. in 2012-14 , he held the position of press secretary of the head of the kherson regional state administration. in 2015, brykov became a co-founder of the beloved city news agency, which owned the beloved kherson website. february 23 in 2022 , yevgeny brykov's interview with the kherson collaboration was published on the youtube channel "favorite city". who in april 2022 was appointed by the russians as the head of the occupation administration of the kherson region. are you somehow planning your honor and dignity?
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now protect when the occupation of the region began, brikov disappeared. suddenly, in september 2022, information appeared that he headed the occupying ministry of information policy of the kherson region. you and i are in the studio, which will soon be operational and has been created practically from scratch. not there was nothing but the room. well, how is it created? rather, looted. this traitor talks about the launch of the tv channel tavriya kherson on the left bank of ukraine. where did all the collaborators, traitors and other russian filth go? i think i understand what brykov is doing in office, fueling the propaganda machine with selected fakes about ukraine, glorifying the russian army and the boys in the trenches, and is currently preparing a media campaign in support of putin, because elections are to be held this year. today we fight again. today we are again fighting for the right to coexist together in one great country, when we are again fighting
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for the right to be... russians, we will definitely return to kherson, restore the monuments to ushakov, soborov, prince patyomkin, the founder of kherson. brykov has already developed two suspicions. the first was reported to him in february 2023, when he became the so-called head of the information policy department of the kherson region, and the second was already reported in the summer for his involvement in attempts to reshape the information field in the kherson region from ukrainian to ukrainian. russian, oh, i feel that soon he will create an informational space already in the ukrainian prison, as well as hundreds of other traitors, whose activities against ukraine did not go unnoticed. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin's progenitors, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors after the russian ship. see you in a week on
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spresso. see this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. apple from an apple tree, what did the judge's children scandalize? ivan ablov, celebrating new year's eve, killed a person. but as the daughter of a supreme court judge, she inherited a knack for successfully buying real estate. i am a successful woman, entrepreneur and investor. congratulations, the court is on air. control, institutional reset and personnel renewal of the judiciary based on the norms of professional ethics and integrity, this is the basis of the judicial reform currently being carried out in ukraine. its successful implementation is the main requirement for our further path to the eu. about how well things are going transformation and whether the moral and professional qualities of justice officials correspond
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to the high. we will talk about standards today, but first to the news. pavlo vovk, the former head of the scandalously liquidated district administrative court of kyiv, will not become a judge of the cassation administrative court. the higher qualification commission found him unsuitable for this position. despite the fact that this qualification evaluation should have helped vovk avoid dismissal, he obviously, realizing that the chances of getting the position were not enough, did everything to prevent the evaluation from taking place. through their own vovk's lawyers sued... the objections of the majority of the members of the vkks and, in general, of the entire composition of the commission, but the commission rejected the objection of each member present in turn. ahead of vovka is a basic check for compliance with his current position. according to its results , the higher quorum commission either recognizes him as suitable or recommends to the supreme council of justice to release him. it will be recalled that the ex-head of kyiv district administration, pavlo vovk , appears in the case of interference in the work of the court and influencing the adoption of certain decisions for money.
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in 2020, naboo was announced by the wolf, his deputy yevhen ablov and five more judges oask were suspected of creating a criminal organization and captured by the authorities. oask itself was liquidated at the end of 2022. however, despite all this, the wolf still remains the judge. moreover, he continues to receive wages. for the past year, he received more than uah 1,600, doing absolutely nothing. andriy leonov, former judge of babushkinsky district court of dnipro. cannot accept the verdict of the court for a bribe of 15 00 $. filed a cassation appeal last year in march, the higher anti-corruption court recognized leonov guilty of extorting $30,000 and actually receiving $15,000 in bribes for issuing a judgment in criminal proceedings. leonov was sentenced to 11 years of imprisonment with deprivation of the right to hold office.


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