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tv   [untitled]    February 23, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EET

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but there are many of them and the management does not care if they die. it is important for the russians to just keep moving forward and forward. i think we will soon see russia attack in a big way somewhere. i really hope that it is not in the area of ​​sumy or kharkiv. however, it is important to remember russia's penchant for unconventional tactics that always keep opponents guessing. we must be prepared for the unexpected and have enough reserves ready to deploy. contrary to popular opinion in our country. human reserves are scattered in different cities, in kyiv, in lviv, and it is very important to effectively train and mobilize them, because before the end of this war, a lot of them will be needed. it is important that everyone is aware of the potential need to be involved, even if they are currently in non-military roles. now the key story, the key strategy of the russian general staff is not in some high-tech developments, some wonderwaffes and so on and so forth. they are engaged in
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deploying a meat grinder, that is, infantry assaults, large numbers, and trying to tighten additional forces in order to try to develop certain offensive actions, they do not use anything particularly cunning , their technique has proven itself, but there is a question of quantity, there is a question of quantitative measurement and, accordingly, the so-called offensive impulse. russia is definitely not playing double. game, she begins her offensive with what she has and continues her offensive as she acquires more resources. russia knows that the ukrainian front line is stretched, so they are always looking for vulnerable places where ukraine is not strong enough to break through. it is interesting to report from america that russia may be considering the possibility of launching nuclear weapons into space. if they do it, and they are guided by the goal of disrupting communication, disabling gps, that is, actually reducing not only the ukrainian side, but also the west to the level of conducting hostilities.
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in other words, try to take technology out of the equation. this will force both ukraine and the west to move to a more primitive style of warfare that matches the tactics favored by russia. i think it's quite possible because with the development of technology in the west and in ukraine, it becomes increasingly difficult for russia to achieve its goals, and it is more likely to lose. therefore, we can witness how russia will take measures to equalize. technological capabilities, disrupting the operation of gps and satellite communication, so do not be surprised if such actions take place. well, in general, they strengthened the equipment of the land component of their offensive actions. on the other hand, we understand that their aviation is there, but it did not play a decisive role. we understand that in the black sea they have enormous problems. they did not expect that they could literally be knocked out of the black sea basin. yes, with the help
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of drones, and drones are technology, on the other hand, we understand that this is a mutual technology, ukraine can develop its fleet of drones at the same time as the russians will either purchase or try to develop certain drone installations , and here the key story is for our defense system to turn into a single coherent mechanism, and as far as i foresee, time for this is not very much. the first task is to create. of a coordinated army, i.e. not numerous separate units scattered everywhere, namely to organize the battlefield clearly and coherently by determining who is responsible for which area. this will greatly reduce the likelihood of friendly fire incidents and ensure a clear understanding of responsibilities across the front line. currently, if we look at the maps, we will see that people are scattered throughout the territory, it is not always clear who is responsible for what? regarding the responsibility of the 110th brigade in avdiivka, we have clarity, but... the subdivisions
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behind it, there is no such clarity. this coordination is critical and a top priority. the second priority is efforts to improve the health care system. despite some improvements that have already been made. the quality of the medical system still does not meet the requirements of an army fighting a war of this scale. more harnesses, the right harnesses, proper medical equipment and ongoing training are needed to meet the demands of the warfighter. the third priority is to focus on the controllable defense, which directly supports soldiers, especially infantry. the infantryman is on the front line and needs adequate support. you can't support a soldier with an f-16, it doesn't work. such support should include basic essentials such as infrared sights, assault rifles and their ammunition, mortars, mortar ammunition, grenade launchers, grenades and other necessary equipment. this is a real basis for conducting infantry combat. proper
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infantry support is critical to winning this war, but if you don't support infantry, many of them will die and you'll just give russia more chances to break through. it's not about any big things. and about people, so that they are properly equipped and trained to fight. this is the main challenge for syrsky, which consists in professionalizing the entire system, not just the front. this means improving the processes from recruiting to sending soldiers, officers and senior commanders to the front. at all levels of leadership, there needs to be a better understanding of how to fight this battle effectively. we understand, glen, yes, wars are won not only by commanders-in-chief, but primarily by personnel. and sergeants, we also understand that a very important story is the middle link, the middle link of logistics, the middle link of provision, development and support of certain operations, and in general certain changes. middle link. on the other hand, we understand that in order to train the middle
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level, whether it is logisticians, whether it is communications workers and so on, it must take a certain amount of time. i believe the first step is to focus on recruiting people with experience. in the field of logistics to strengthen our logistical support. we need specialists who have many years of experience in logistics and can contribute to the improvement of this industry. such people can be found in various companies such as silpo. i mean people who know logistics inside out and have been doing it for a long time. some of them work on an international level with shipping companies on a daily basis. it is important to bring these professionals into the system so that they can help improve logistics capabilities. when it comes to the selection of sergeants, providing prioritizing combat experience becomes very important. starting at the military rank of soldier, candidates must quickly demonstrate their effectiveness on the battlefield and can then be promoted according to their achievements. after gaining enough combat experience, they
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can go through short but intensive training courses of up to, well , four days to improve their leadership skills and general knowledge, before returning to combat. not. you can simply recruit sergeants without understanding the realities of combat, so it is important that they first acquired relevant combat experience, and therefore it is necessary to make sure that they are able to perform the duties of sergeants. this approach ensures that there are competent sergeants who understand the situation on the battlefield and are able to effectively lead their units. for officers, this approach may also be appropriate. they must also have direct combat experience before further training. provided they demonstrate their professionalism. here it is important to strike a balance between experience on the battlefield, life experience and simple systems that facilitate quick decision-making and actions. we need non-bureaucratic systems that waste a lot of time waiting for someone's decision. our systems must be flexible,
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able to respond to challenges within days, not weeks or months, to reflect changes in approaches and thinking. unfortunately, i have to finish. our conversation, i am sincerely grateful, mr. colonel, for this detailed analysis of the situation, i would like to remind our tv viewers that a colonel was currently working on espresso british army retired glen grant. well, the time of our program is over, stay with the spresso tv channel. my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of this day. take care of yourself and your loved ones. see you on air. we are looking for dmytro lepkin. he will be 13 years old in april. the boy lived on the left bank of the kherson region in the village of yuvileyne and disappeared in february 23. during all this time
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, there was no news about dmytro. where he may be now, no one knows. that is why your help is important. look carefully at photo and remember the face of dmytro lyepkin, if you know any information about him, immediately call us on the hotline at the short number 11630. i remind you that calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free, if suddenly there is no mobile connection, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. believe me, even a small clue can become very important. i also want to remind you that we are continuing our search.
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despite all the horrors, the absence of 15-year-old serhiy samoilov was most disturbing the internet, that is why the guy wanted to leave mariupol, he was very interested in computers, studied programs, tried to develop them there, created a server, and why he actually left home, yes, because there was no connection at home, no internet, it is clear there there were already problems with water and food there, he... serhiy planned to go to his mother's acquaintance
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in pokrovsk, this is also the donetsk region about 200 km from mariupol, and the boy's family did not dare to leave the house. therefore , serhii went alone. this happened on the 6th march, 4:00 pm, my grandmother and i didn't let him go, because we were shooting around a lot, and to be honest, we didn't have anything to eat or drink at all then. meanwhile, serhiy's father, who has been living separately for a long time and is now
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in the territory controlled by ukraine, is doing everything possible to find serhiy, in particular, he turned to the office of the ombudsman. i understand that they want to contact that side, and find out if there is any information on that side, because many children were taken to russian territory in that moment, so now they will contact that country. maybe the guy was taken to russia? but it is possible that he is still somewhere in donetsk region, so i am appealing to the residents of the temporarily occupied territory who may see this program on social networks. look carefully at the photo of the child. if anyone knows where serhiy may be, do not delay, dial the short number of the magnolia children's search service 11630 from any mobile operator. calls to the hotline are free. if suddenly there is no connection and there is no way to call. write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram, any information is important. we have created
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a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcraim ua. there are 20% discounts on tyzin bio and tyzinc strength at psyllany bam and oskad pharmacies. 10 years of war, the war for freedom, from the revolution of dignity to today's battles. if with me something will happen, if i don't, they will know that i am dead.' for the truth, 10 years of war, the war for our existence, this is the path that changed
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us. in the conditions of occupied territories, de-occupied territories, we have losses of the order of potential 7 million hectares of land, which have not been cultivated for 2 years. 10 years of war, war for the future, what price do we pay for it? 200 of our citizens were taken to russia, depopulation is not inevitable. intellectuals, specialists, patriots, threat groups and our future in a special project for the 10th anniversary of the beginning of russia's armed aggression against ukraine's 10 years of war for independence from february 18 at espresso. exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings friends. politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, war in the middle east, crisis. on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that
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resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attack on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's you. help understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 on espresso. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson.
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live inclusion. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00 a.m., the verdict with serhii rudenko is now in a new format in the two-hour format, even more analytics , even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day by phone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday. from 20 to 22 for espresso. congratulations. on february 21, russian propagandists
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rejoiced at the news, which once again proves that staging a famine is so real. scrap of the russian dimension. the russian state duma also terminated the soviet agreement with great britain regarding fishing. but the motivation is interesting. it is not about doing something useful for the russians. the main thing that pleases all propagandists is to leave the british without food. deputies of the state duma adopted the law on financing the agreement with great britain on fishing. this allowed the sailors of the kingdom to engage in fishing in our sea waters. for almost 70 years, they have been leading for the last year alone, they have caught more than half a million, millions of tons of cod alone, they use it, as well as haddock fillet to prepare the main british dish fish and chips. putin returned crimea to russia. and he will forever go down in history as the president who returned our territory, protected
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novorossiya, and this is him again, this is his decision exclusively. and returned our fish to us, because it is 68 years old, the british unscrupulous have barely announced sanctions on us, and they themselves have 40% of their own, the ration, menu, fish, forms from our cod, now let them lose weight, well here it is interesting, of course, what ... the speaker of the state duma, you know, it seems that he is already waiting for some gagakh tribunal, and just in case says: well, it wasn’t me at all, we didn’t vote with all our minds here, it’s personal, everything was decided by putin, no, friends, it won’t be like that, you voted for it, so of course the termination of the international agreement, this is a big hello to all those who think , that the russian federation is
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such a legal successor of the soviet union, and it should be treated like that there, here you are... a seat on the un security council, no, you know, people should tie it with a seat on the un security council as well, russia - this is no legal successor for a long time, you see, she breaks agreements for which she should be responsible, violates international law, well, that is, the russian federation is a separate , you know, tyranny, and actually it is necessary to introduce it into the un or withdraw it from the un in a new way, well, to do something with it, because in fact. this is really a very stupid and not very understandable decision, well, this is only to show something to the british, so that they really eat less there, and i say, they are happy, happy about this, that finally, finally, from london, where now there will be no russian white fish, in 1956 for
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some reason we allowed london to fish in... other waters, why, how many of our fish did the british eat during this time, how much during this time did the europeans and even the same british burn russian gas and oil? well, you see, a country that sells only resources, well , at the same time, telling how many fish someone ate there is ridiculous, just ridiculous, but here it is, i say, there is only one conclusion from this: russia... cannot to be considered a normal country that simply normally cooperates with others, is an absolute violator now, and which should be treated exactly like that, that is, exclusively. chase him everywhere, drive him out everywhere, and in the end, again, i i think that the british will finally understand that maybe it's time to start transferring
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russian assets that are in britain to ukraine, because actually there's not much to lose, and it's time to punish russia for real, and not within such limited limits, well , that's it, this week there is another very significant event for russia. happened, it was not discussed mainly there in some such broadcasts, but it was very actively discussed among, i would say yes, that part that directly participates in the war and aggression against ukraine, namely on the morning of the same february 21, you know, this day in general was such a, well, stellar day for russia, several sources immediately reported that... such and such andriy morozov, who worked under the nickname murs, is one one of the most famous warlords in russia, war propagandists, he
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himself fought, well, these are the occupying russian armies, he fought long enough, by the way, and he committed suicide, and explained it by the fact that he was harassed from the mountain because of his critical posts about losses of the russian army under avdiivka, morozov's obituary was posted on his telegram channel, we are writing from yanina and are informed that morozov shot himself and in the same obituary he wrote that he was harassed by political prostitutes led by volodymyr solovyov. what exactly happened? on february 18, morozovo published a post in which he mentioned the death of 16,000 russian soldiers in the battles for avdiivka with...
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he says goodbye and says, does this not fall under the article about discrediting the armed forces of the russian federation? doesn't that look like incitement relatively soldiers of the armed forces to go and write to... all the projectiles that the ministry of defense of the russian federation produces,
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it produces in milk. he understands that in the days of the ardently adored comrade stalin, he would have been pinned to the wall without a last word, for such a post, for such a punishment. after this monologue, some people will speak , you can believe the ministry of defense, here we have morozov, he is a light, he opened everyone's eyes, this is a real person, they lost navalny, they got morozov, and for that you have to beat them in the leg, there is such a rabble, that you definitely won't miss, well this is a beautiful story, yuliya vityazana, ermen gasparyan, who work for solovyov, they arranged all this, but of course they did not limit themselves to that, because it is obvious that there is some kind of conflict about ... the same solovyov says something about others there, well, it does not lead to anything in particular, but here in this case it simply, you know,
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literally undermined the basis of the entire propaganda narrative of russia regarding their capture of avdiyivka, because they said that there were no casualties, they said literally thousands the ukrainian army lost there and was captured, here... on his way out, murs says: you know, they just got together and washed up, we didn’t even manage to capture anyone there in particular, some isolated people who by chance and who just couldn’t get out , but the cauldron, which the russian propaganda talked about for so long , did not happen, here they are trying to tell it, moreover, even the aliens, the russians abandoned it all, and here again the russian propagandist comes out and says: nothing... this it wasn't, it's not easy began to take an interest, the superiors with whom he worked, well, he is a military serviceman besides, they literally began to harass him, they
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er... threatened the units with which this murs worked that they would not supply them with shells at all, bmp , they will not supply anything, no equipment , they will fight with shovels, they threatened him, well, as i understand it, in general, to throw something there, to kill something else, as a result, he decided to self-clean, well, for us, in principle, it is not bad, because man was straight let's say active, and maybe if he shouted more... they would start correcting some mistakes, but no one corrects anything, well, on february 20, he deleted this post and wrote a post that literally this, that , that he is being forced, that he is being ordered, some varich colonel, who is pressing a lot of this on him, complained, complained, and actually shot himself, well , another one is the same as he is a fighter and such a warlock, too... he literally
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arranged a whole song of weeping for him there. andriy mursa, a militia member, shot himself today russian spring, a front-line soldier, one of the first to volunteer, like everyone else, what happened to him, i believe that solovyov, vytyazev and all these people can be blamed for his death. i believe that the investigative committee should initiate a criminal case for evidence. to suicide, and you know, this is a sign of such an absolute discrepancy between reality, which is also what is happening not only on tv, but, judging by everything, in the head of the russian leadership, because literally at the moment when he was shooting there, shaigu met with putin, where shaigu told, here is that literally without losses, that they captured, everyone
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was captured, everyone was destroyed, everyone was surrounded, right there, well, literally other military personnel who somehow have some idea of ​​what was happening there , they said the exact opposite, and besides, well, it's not just this unfortunate murs, in fact, everyone somehow reacted with enough, well, with such, you know, skepticism to this epic victory, which they tried to tell the russians. through the television. the avdiiv operation lasted a little less than four months. it started on october 10. i do not a supporter of estimating large numbers in ukrainian losses. because this is such a patriotic hat-tossing story. then it turns out that there are still many enemies. the enemy is still strong and it is too early to say that the front has moved. we took an audio player under the audio player.
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this is literally undermining the authority of the russian armed forces, because he says that it turns out that the ukrainians are sitting in the wells, and this is at the moment when the same shoigu comes and tells everything, everyone was kicked out of the wells, with these wells, well, some interesting story also came out , shuigu also decided to tell putin
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about the fact that we won not only in avdiivka, but also in krynky, and now we will show you how it happened, because to tell, they told how they hung the flags there, but you can see how it was it looked like it was from a ukrainian helicopter , let's look at everything, we marines of the guards 810th brigade, together with our paratrooper brothers, officially declare that our blades are not cleaned, as of today, there are not only observation points there, troops are stationed there, well so ours came to...


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