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tv   [untitled]    February 23, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EET

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"for the first time, roman went to the maidan after that , when the students were beaten on the maidan, and he didn't tell anyone that he was going, he called straight from work, from his shift, and said, as always, as always, after, thanks to ukraine, i on the maidan, when we explained that they are beating there, well , they are beating there, really, the whole world has already seen that they are beating." said, well, you don't understand , well, i have to be here, they beat the children , whom they have the right to beat, that's why from that day on, he was always there, he lived on the maidan, as he said, the maidan is the country we are planning to build, and so they say, so many heroes of the heavenly hundred said, because families remember today, they created there... their
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laws, their rules, there was such an order, they understood each other, they stood with each other's chests, they , they underwent some kind of military training, they taught each other everything there, well, they lived on the maidan, it was their life, he could not live without the maidan, there were already constant conversations about the maidan. on january 21, he called me again, although before that he said that he would go to the maidan, i begged him for god's sake mercy not to go, and he just ran away from work again, just took the train and left, and on the 22nd, 21st he called me and said: glory to ukraine, i’m on the maidan, i’m on the maidan again, and we talked to him a lot long, it was evening.
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as he said that he stands as usual at night on duty, because he says: young people go to rest, they stand every other day, we older people leave at night. there are a lot of golden eagles, he said then that there are a lot of golden eagles, he says: i don’t know if we can handle them, well , but we have no right to retreat, we have to stick out. january 22. i couldn't call him in the morning, when i already saw that nigayan was killed, zhiznevsky was killed, and around the time we called him, his first words were: i received my first combat wound, my god, what a wound, and i'm not experiencing anything terrible , just a grenade exploded next to me, and the girls already got shrapnel in the leg, but the girls have already processed everything, everything is fine, i'm having breakfast now and i have to go again. we asked him again,
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begged him to go home, to come back, and he got even more angry, he says, but what you're making things up, you understand that i have to be here, roman, why are you standing there, well, go home, people are being killed, i'm standing here, those were the last words, i'm standing here for you, for your children, for your grandchildren, for ukraine, he was wounded by an armor -piercing bullet. a 12 gauge in the shoulder that went through, hit the carotid artery, went through the lung and lodged in the rib, it stayed there and on the operating table it was taken out, and from massive blood loss, and he died.
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further, further they told me, go to the morgue to the greenhouse, they will bring it to you, well, me too, you know, in such a shock, in such a trance , i left, i'm waiting, i'm calling the hospital, so-and-so , they will bring him to you now, they will bring him to you, almost two hours have passed, and a phone call from a completely unknown person, an unknown number, calls, says lesya, they want to steal your novel. i thought that the ground under my feet gave way, i was taking a taxi to the hospital, i thought that i would run faster on foot, for me those 15 minutes lasted a very long time, very scary, how to steal , how to steal, he is already dead, for what and when i arrived at the gates of the hospital, there was a bus with golden eagles, zabi. already saw
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a group of people standing under the hospital morgue, there were people in civilian clothes standing there, but... they were police officers, and there were guys, the afghan hundred, they were escorting roman to the hospital all day, and they simply closed, closed the morgue with themselves and they didn't give it, they didn't let them take it, if they hadn't summoned me, they wouldn't have done anything, they needed relatives, and he started yelling at me, you don't have any documents, you 're nobody, i'll take him away. i only have right, you see, it was a shock for me. who shouted like that? this is a policeman. my case started back in the 22nd, because it was before that time, when i took roman away, i was
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immediately called to the police station, the militia station, in this pechersk district. the investigator took all the testimonies, signed the documents for me, how i suffered from that time, well, during this month, while the maidan was still going on until february 20, the authorities at that time destroyed completely, completely everything that would be important for the investigation, then tatarov did a good job, it is to fabricate a case so that roman was allegedly killed by his own protesters, that he was shot in the back there from literally 3 meters away, and they made such and such a report from the trial of a tax expert and everything that he was killed by his own people, then many of them said that the protesters killed
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their own , they completely swept away their tracks, blamed their crimes on the maidan residents. the first investigator who was on my case, i remember it was may 2014, it was the first time we were at the prosecutor's office, and he simply told me with open eyes: well, you don't expect that someday they will find your brother's killer, it's practically unreal, it was very scary, it was very difficult, although, well, i didn't stop, i understood that i had to do something, well, it couldn't be like that. because that's what he said, that's what he decided, the investigators changed very often, in the first years, in general , almost every three months, until the 16th year, the investigators changed, probably six of them changed, from the 14th to the 16th, from
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the 16th by the 19th, there was already one, and then we had a lot of experience, it was obvious that a person works and knows the business, is interested and any results it was with him that we got this correct so true those laboratory tests that the bullet was not from three meters away, he achieved this, although it was very difficult, because that examination is carried out in kharkiv, firstly, and secondly, her jacket , well, the clothes and the jacket, on which there were traces of this gunpowder, they were still there in the 14th and they cut out a large part, and first of all, it had been lying there for a very long time. two years there somewhere in some package, but he was still able to do that, he was still able to, he made everyone do it right, this it was after the elections, the top management
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made a decision to transfer all cases from the prosecutor's office to the dbi, all the investigators changed there, all the investigators who were in the prosecutor's office remained in the prosecutor's office, and with... who is in the dbi, i and i didn’t know her, it was even very interesting, i was there in the fall, when i arrived and called her to meet, she said: i don’t know anything about this case, i’m not involved in this case, well, i did break through to the manager on our cases on the maidan, i ask who my investigator is, i think, well, maybe he has already changed, again, but no, name i don't know her last name, since the 19th year, when the case was transferred to the sbi, nothing has been done at all, well, the impression is that she is lying there as a dead weight, no one is looking at her, they are not investigating, because i would even say that if they were interested, they probably would
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have contacted me as well, they would really like to see the victims, i communicated with the zhiznevski family, no one calls them, no one is interested in anything. well, no one is interested, and when the investigators change, we are not even informed about it, that you have a changed investigator, well, it should have been like that for a certain period of time, and when it comes to the sbi, well, we in general. what we don't know, they hope that we will simply suffer and we will surrender, they hope that the victims will simply die, honestly, because a lot of families, a lot of relatives have already left this world, young people, young parents, mothers, er, and those who remain, they are either sick and are no longer able to come either to the prosecutor's office, or to the state criminal investigation department, let alone to the court.
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with a lawyer, submitted an application to the european court of human rights, and we accepted it, registered it, and we are waiting for our queue, well, the murderers must be punished, first of all, the main one must be punished, the one who ordered them, yanukovych, he... must be punished, and the punishment must be so fair, but not such a punishment as what, what issued in the case on february 20, because it is very painful and very scary, i don't know how those families are going through it, well, i know, because i communicate with them, but it is very scary, to hear such a sentence, such and such with a mockery, this is such a slap in the face of families.
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them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskiy and invited experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them by modeling our future, every saturday at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. greetings, this is svoboda live on... radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political. the analysis is objective and meaningful, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, svobodalai's shot is frank and impartial, you draw your own conclusions. dear
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friends, we are back on the air, continuing our marathon, and then we will talk about the situation at the front. that now the key issue is the support of the ukrainian army with our western partners, in this regard i wanted to show you the results of a survey conducted and published by the cdf, this is the largest german channel, a public broadcaster, of germans asked whether western countries should increase military aid, as well as shells and ammunition to ukraine, and you see that it was a month ago, the last time they asked it. in the month of january, in the month until the end of february , the number of people who believe by 11 even that it is necessary to increase support, to provide more weapons to ukraine, instead of those who believe otherwise, who believe that it is not necessary to increase this option, has increased by 10% fell by 10%. these are such good and comforting numbers for us , in fact, that this is how the pendulum swings in
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the direction of support for ukraine, which is more determined among german society, and in particular it happened against the background of the vote. stasi, who decided to transfer long-range weapons to ukraine, but which ones, because the taurus was not mentioned separately, this is exactly what we, what we really want telekoby missiles from germany, now learn more from serhii zgurets, military expert, director of the defense express company , we will ask what exactly we can expect from our german partners, mr. serhiy, good morning, good morning, i congratulate you, therefore, as we can see, the majority of germans believe that insufficient support for ukraine, they call for more and believe that it should be increased. support of ukraine with weapons, shells, and what did the bundestag ultimately decide, what should we expect, in particular from germany? well, as we can see, there is a political decision from the bundestag on the transfer of long-range weapons to ukraine, now the chancellor has to sign such a decision. we understand that we are talking about long-range
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taurus missiles, that is, they are actually political... the scales have already tilted precisely in favor of such a decision, now everything will depend on scholz, but we understand that this is a political component, it looks quite positive, but there is also a technical component related to the expectation and use of tour missiles, they are really cool missiles, they have a range of 300 to 500 km, they are quite accurate, they are the most accurate missiles even compared to scalps there storm shadow, because... they have an improved guidance system there, but we know that the germans have about 500 of these missiles, they said that 250 are in an inoperable state, 250 can be reworked, restored and relatively speaking, that's the one the maximum number of missiles we can get from germany, although there may be
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less than 250 of them, and the second component is that there are german politicians. and in part the military stated that the issue of programming these missiles must now be resolved. the question of programming is somewhat strange to me, because as i understand it, it is either about ensuring that they do not fly further than 300 km, and that the question is whether it is possible to launch strikes on the territory of the russian federation? i hope that against the background of gentsek nato's statement, this issue has already been resolved, that it will be possible to use western weapons to strike ukraine, but the second component of the technical question, why should they be used? of course, we think that it is possible ... to do the same as it was with the british missiles, to use su-24 aircraft that use stormshadow scalps there, and we hope that it is possible to use touwer from f-16 aircraft, because there are also technical nuances, usually these missiles are not used for these aircraft,
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but there is hope that there will be fewer technical problems here than with the conversion of 124 to taurus. er, there is also information that there may be a critical shortage of ammunition for the ukrainian army since april, if the american aid is not restored, nevertheless the pentagon and its spokeswoman seem to have made a statement that the most critical needs of ukraine will be closed, in particular in shells, as well as missiles, ammunition for air defense, well, these are obvious things are connected. with the fact that in view of the delay in american aid, stocks of ammunition and , above all, missiles to the patriot complexes , they are slow. decreases, the question is when it will be there, may, june, other months, i think it is rather a guess on the part of
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journalists, because it is possible that even such publications will have a positive effect on the american political elite, on european officials, in order to fulfill the obligations that were previously foreseen, in particular, we know there about the promise of the transfer of shells and now on... a more realistic prospect is to dig up those shells that exist in other countries, which the president of the czech republic, peter pavel, said about 800 shells of various calibers, so relatively speaking, 800,000 shells, if relatively speaking, they can even be used there at a rate of 5 00 per day, this is within the limits of 5-6 months of hostilities there with sufficient effectiveness. protective fire, i.e. actually 800 thousand shells , it would be an extremely good support for ukraine, now then it is important that the european , american, and canadian partners
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buy those shells that exist in other countries, in particular, the countries of africa were mentioned there, alluding to turkey , on e-e south korea, that is, in fact, this compensation potential exists, the question is that decisions were made more quickly, and then there was an apocalypse. there are alarming forecasts of journalists, they receded into the background and remained just such certain assumptions, because we remember the history when there were showers of this information or through other resources, when the data of american intelligence was publicly available, that in ukraine anti-aircraft means are being completed defense, and then there were active actions on the part of the partners to compensate for these losses and even transfer a significant amount of weapons. which neutralized this threat, for a week already, in fact, how ukrainian troops withdrew from avdiyivka, and then a publication appeared in the new york times that this retreat may have been chaotic,
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while up to a thousand, for example, servicemen could have been captured, we still do not see any confirmations or any videos i don't know where the evidence is, convoys of ukrainian prisoners are being escorted somewhere, so we don't actually see confirmation of this information. and now we are once again falling into the trap of those tracks that are being played by western media, and we are trying to take them as a basis perception of the situation, indeed, in any case , withdrawal from avdiivka is extremely difficult from the point of view of carrying out a military operation, if there were significant losses, significant prisoners, i think that russian propaganda, well, to the full , it would take advantage of such an opportunity, let's remember this story, when they declared that they had conquered the crimea and when they put this... their aquafresh on the territory of trynok, how their military ran, fearing our fire from our
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drones, in fact , they are trying to raise such propaganda things on their flag, but when there were significant losses in avdiyivka, i think that the russian propaganda would have crawled out of the skin to show how we left avdiyivka, and now our troops actually retreated to the enemy 47 thousand. are there losses now along the line there in the steppe orlivka swallows in the north , hostilities continue, the day before yesterday there was a video of the third assault brigade at night with the presence of just the right amount of cluster munitions destroying the offensive of the enemy group, so i think that now the issue of information countermeasures there should be information sobriety well, tangentially and parallel in our consciousness. to exist with the reality that our armed forces demonstrate, protecting our borders, why, by the way, there is evidence, this evidence is actually the losses of russians, which the russians themselves teach arkady
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babchenko, for those who follow him on twitter, literally about half an hour ago, i posted a video that we cannot show, because there is simply an incredible number of russian corpses, but actually these are eyewitnesses who occupied some territory from avdi, they talk about how they got into an ambush, and it's... unbelievable, that is, they had 48 of them, there were 30 russian corpses, none of ours were there, not a single one was wounded, nothing, all of ours left, and there, well, they just hang around endlessly and say everything, that god anointed that we stayed alive , we don’t understand how it happened, well, that is, and now even they are afraid of the perpetrators to move, because now, relatively speaking, our drones are continuing, well , actively tracking those russian soldiers who are currently spending there, as they say that the events in avdiivka have taken place and now the situation is there for the occupiers in this area is not easy, although we understand that now the enemy is trying to press on ours there.
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defense around avdiyivka, but we can see that the situation is not easy for the enemy, he has really released part of his forces, but there are actions under ivanivka there and in other directions, well, with a sufficient amount of power from our side, we see that these the enemy's losses are significant, but it must be understood that the subsequent periods of hostilities will be quite difficult, what is happening now in the maryansk direction? mariyanka is indeed one of the most difficult areas, if we even look at the reports of the general staff today's report of 101 combat engagements - this is a significant number, it is almost the peak for a certain period of time, 44 of them are just around mariyanka, what is the enemy doing , well, now kabami is hitting the bullseye. which
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is evidence that this tactic of destruction and then advancement, it is now the enemy is trying to scale, the enemy is moving in the direction of georgievka there, there was information that another direction is victory, that he completely destroyed the victory, this is true in fact, and what captured the victory , the russian media reported, today the most recent information is that he is really there on the... er, eastern outskirts of the destroyed village and is trying to advance further. pobeda is important because it is actually close to two settlements, namely novomykhaivka, which is now holding an almost circular defense, and the movement on kostyantynivka and vogledar will continue there. in other words, the capture of this part of novomykhaivka, the victory of kostiantynuk there, i think that is one of the such, well, priority tasks for the enemy
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at the time, as well as the advance at the time of i. our armed forces and our command this, understands the advance of the enemy, well, is connected with significant losses on his part. from our side, it is important that we have a certain reserve, i repeat, of ammunition, so that yesterday's combat operations, in particular at the same, under the same ivanovskii, showed that we have reserves of ammunition that allow us, well, to deter the enemy, to inflict he has significant losses, i hope that such a situation will be well and in the area. around novomykhaivka, where the enemy is trying to attack our garrison, i hope that we will have enough resources and, above all, supplies to hold back the enemy's offensive. there is less than a minute left, the day before there was information that iran provided russia with 400 ballistic missiles with a range of 300-700 km. the pentagon denies this information, should we be calm or should we still worry about this? well, actually, the pentagon
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says that there is... there is a negotiation process between the russians and the iranians, that's what we're talking about we know, but the russians still do not have any facts about the appearance of these missiles, because even the main intelligence agency said just yesterday that there are no confirmed facts of the transfer of these short -range ballistic missiles, but in any case , even such a political or informational big let's put it this way, publicizing the cooperation between iran and... russia , i think, has a certain benefit and effect, because, relatively speaking, on the one hand, it pushes our partners to think more actively about supporting ukraine, on the other hand, it may even act as a deterrent to iran , who understands that the transfer and the well-known fact of the transfer of missiles to the russian federation, well , can cause even more pressure on iran for sanctions, although iran at a certain time, we see
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, is developing its defense effectively enough. industry in the conditions of sanctions, that in any case we understand the risks that it exists, we must look for political and military ways , zarets was with us, and now there is a moment of silence for the ukrainians who died due to russian aggression. let's honor the memory of ukrainian soldiers and civilians with a moment of silence of ukraine who died in the war that started it. see up.


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