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tv   [untitled]    February 23, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EET

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to constantly elect new, young, beautiful people, because they will gain experience there, well, today experience shows that this is not the best practice, and the most important thing is to understand that the parliament is actually representatives of the people, not servants, but delegated by the people, not servants - people who serve in their work, that is, service in their activity. thank you, oksana savchuk, people's deputy of ukraine, was with us outside the faction, kateryna shirokopoya appears on your screens, which means that we are watching a fresh selection of news from her. katya, to you word, congratulations, colleagues, i will promptly tell you about the main thing for this hour. greetings, it's news time on the spresso tv channel, kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio.
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published the first video from the training of ukrainian pilots and engineers in denmark to master f-16 fighters. he thanked the countries participating in the aviation coalition for the training of our specialists and military, emphasized that all ukrainians are waiting for the day when the first ukrainian f-16s will appear in our skies and strengthen the protection of the city, communities and the defense capabilities of the army. our pilots and engineers undergo an intensive course on mastering fighter jets. military base in denmark, it is difficult to overestimate our combat experience, but it is still a very concise program, the biggest incentive for us to master it is the desire to return and fight, i would not like to talk about our migs, but v16 is more maneuverable, it encourages us to fight harder with the aggressor. at first, when we were just getting acquainted with this system, it seemed incomprehensible and unrealistic to us.
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integration in ukraine, but now i understand that it greatly simplifies work, saves time, this really worth it for us to move forward. ukrainian defense forces shot down 23 enemy martyrs this night, the air force reported. strike drones were destroyed in the sky over odesa, mykolaiv, poltava, dnipropetrovsk and kharkiv regions. in total, the russians launched 31 enemy drones over ukraine. in addition to drones. attacked the ukrainians with missiles, released three s-300 anti-radar kh-31 and two winged kh-22. in particular, in dnipro, an enemy rocket hit a high-rise building, eight people were injured, four apartments with seventh to ninth floors, - the military administration of the region reported. seven residents are in hospitals in the gutted house , rescuers are sorting through the rubble, still there.
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three people died as a result of an enemy attack in odesa. debris analysis is ongoing, the southern defense forces reported. late in the evening, the occupiers attacked the region with rockets and mortars. nine attack drones were shot down by our defenders. one of the affected drones over the sea fell on the building of the enterprise in the coastal zone of odessa, causing destruction and fire. during its extinguishing firefighter. saved security guard and found the deceased, the bodies of two more victims were pulled from the rubble in the morning. around midnight, russian invaders attacked the village of mokro mokro rokytna in the kharkiv region with five drones and settled in a private agricultural enterprise. at least 15 cows died, but there may be more calves under the rubble. enemy drones also damaged a warehouse hangar and utility buildings. and
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agricultural machinery, oleg synygubov, the head of the region, informed. he also added that in total, during the day, the enemy shelled two dozen settlements in the region. one one person died, two more were wounded due to enemy shelling in the kherson region. in the evening , the russian army set fire to the village of novotyaginka. a 72-year-old man was injured there, who was in the yard of his house. informed the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. in general, in a day, the occupiers settled a cell tower in the beroslav district, an archival institution and port infrastructure in kherson into residential quarters. also, in the regional center, shells damaged the contact network, due to which the movement of some trolleybuses was temporarily suspended. demidiv - a village on kyiv region, one of those that stopped the advance of russian troops on kymy. it was
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the shortest way, where the enemy could pass through three villages and end up on the capital's wall. in the first days of the air strike, the ukrainian military decided to blow up dumbo nearby. settlement, the high water stopped the russian convoys and at the same time flooded the demids, how the locals live now, we look further, and with a broom and rags, you see, it blooms, blooms, and at night the stench is so bad that i suffocate, i suffocate, and my head, i now i sit on such and i can't tell you how, this is raisa mykolaivna's house a year and a half ago, now almost nothing has changed, due to the flooding of dymydova, the ground under the house is still damp, so it is constantly cold in the house , i have to sleep in warm clothes under several blankets, i laid three rugs and
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you see, she laid them and her feet were freezing , the batteries are hot, and i'm cold, the walls have been moldy for two years. the woman heats the house around the clock, she tries to keep the temperature in the house at least 20°, to at least dry it a little, there is water, there is still water, you you see, it is still wet, everything is wet, on that side there is a sister half, so in general , all the walls are like that, and the corners are already starting, they are starting to ... slouch, it is already starting to settle down, when it rains outside, this is also a problem , because the water is starting to rise, the floor is rotting from humidity , cracks have formed between the plinth and the wall, the plinth has settled, and
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the second time i walk, the floor creaks like this , it moves like an accordion, shur-shur, shur-shur, there is still water in the well too, drink it is forbidden. therefore, local people buy cleaned or look for wells that have not flooded. raisa mykolaivna recalls that at that time the water arrived very quickly, in about a week and a half, all the streets closest to the dam were flooded, the yards were also flooded, food was cooked on the road, and water was collected from the dam, where russian troops were constantly seen. the dog's brother fed everyone here, he brought water from the dam, because he was there before. started to get up to boil potatoes in the mandirs, so they asked, why is it you, grandfather, who carries water, he drinks, he says, yes, he drinks, because of you, he says, we don’t even have water, isn’t the biggest problem the flooded gardens of the peasants, these pieces of land
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they literally fed the residents of demydov, local people sold the remaining crops on the market, now the soil is moist, there is still water in some gardens, where was the water? white and now, the water will go down, then it will rise, it has already gone down a little, it was all flooded here, it disappeared into the sea, four or five buckets took out, because we did not immediately rush, we did not think, we were saving the potatoes, and then when they rushed, the water was already full, it was already leaking, the woman... that the russians did not touch the locals, they went from house to house and offered food. residents refused. back in the summer of 2022, raisa mykolaivna was afraid that the dam would not hold up and the village would be washed away by high water, but now she is busy with other things. we are afraid that they will not
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come back here. this is what we are afraid of now. dmytro didora, oscar jansons, espresso tv channel. today in new york, minister of foreign affairs dmytro kuleba will take part in the debate of the un general assembly, they will talk about the situation in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. the head of ukrainian diplomacy will also attend the ministerial meeting of the un security council dedicated to russia aggression this was reported in the press service of the ministry of foreign affairs. espresso tv channel will broadcast on our youtube channel and facebook page from the session of the general assembly with simultaneous translation at 5 p.m., so stay tuned for our broadcasts. today, the united states will introduce sanctions against half a thousand russian companies and individuals, us deputy treasury secretary voli adeyemo said in an interview
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with reuters. the new restrictions will come into effect by the second anniversary of the aggressor country's invasion of ukraine. they will act in partnership with other countries. sanctions are primarily aimed at... the russian military-industrial complex, as well as foreign companies cooperating with the kremlin. two years after the russian invasion. to ukraine is a strategic failure for the kremlin, not only america is doing it, you should expect sanctions from the countries that are also part of our coalition. we must make sure that russia cannot get access to the goods necessary to build weapons. sanctions will be directed against the military-industrial complex in russia, as well as third countries that help facilitate russia's access to military goods. this is all the news of this hour.
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dear friends, once again good morning to all, to all those who have been watching us for what hour now, to all those... those who have just joined us, we have two interesting guests ahead of us, this is yevhen dykiy, former platoon commander of the aidar battalion, public activist and the head of the national antarctic science center, and we will also have lidia smola, a professor at the kyiv polytechnic university, a doctor of political sciences and a political analyst who has read the book of the american journalist simon in detail shuster, which is called showman, showman about volodymyr zelenskyi, this book has not yet been translated. in ukrainian and did not come out as a book in ukraine, but mrs. lidia read it
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in english and analyzed it in detail, let's talk about it, now we are already adding yevhen dyky to the conversation, we are glad to see and welcome him on our air, mr. yevhen, good morning, glory to ukraine, glory , mr. yevgeny, well , our marathon has been going on for two years, and i remember our first editions as well, you were a guest of these marathons and... helped somewhere by candlelight, but they helped, a little, inspired and gave faith that ukraine will not fall, and tomorrow will be two years, two years, like a big war, which of your predictions came true, no, how would you evaluate those two years of war and what prospects do we have ahead of us? well, it's easier with forecasts, because i almost didn't give them, i tried not to give forecasts, but said what's happening now... and what we need to do, here's where we are now , in fact
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, to some extent, we are now, well, i wanted to say that we are in a more difficult situation , than it was in the 22nd year, it would be untrue, we are in an easier time situation, but if we assess the threats, then they are no less than they were then, but in the 22nd , the question of ruba was whether ukraine would exist at all or not, so i don’t want to upset anyone, but it is absolutely the same now... : our enemy has not gone anywhere, our enemy has absolutely not changed its goal, and this goal is by no means the borders of the donetsk or luhansk regions and not even the border along the dnieper, the goal of our enemy was, is and remains, the occupation of the entire territory of ukraine and complete liquidation of ukraine as a state in general, and ukrainians as a nation, and well, about the occasion i do not exclude the territory, although there is one exception, but judging by a number of signs, we can assume that the transcarpathian region was promised to orban, as is true. ally , but, but as for everything else, everything else is already clearly defined as a federal district, but here,
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by the way, in this sense it is worth listening, sometimes to the enemies, because if two years ago they were telling some tales about a special operation and there is the kyiv regime, now they have long since removed their masks, now they are already saying in absolutely direct text that their the goal is the final solution of the ukrainian question, at the same time... this final solution is used exactly in the sense in which it was introduced at one time by adolf hitler, and that is , they do not hide that they came for genocide, so you and i live in a temporary russian cities occupied by ukrainians, and as far as i can judge lviv is absolutely the same, well, kyiv, for example, is simply named in direct text, but i am talking to you now from a temporarily occupied russian city, that's why actually. i.e the enemy's goals have not changed , meanwhile the enemy's capabilities have changed, because if two
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years ago the enemy launched a special operation and had absolutely no plans to fight a major serious war, and this is what saved us then, because we were actually completely unprepared, two years ago we were completely unprepared, because we didn't prepare, but we didn't believe that they would attack us, we were going to grill kebabs, because we liked it better, and we paid a terrible price for this unpreparedness. price by the best of us, but at the same time the enemy paid his price for underestimating us, the enemy then did not believe that we were capable of real resistance, and he paid for it... but then the enemy believed in us, then the enemy saw us as a serious opponent and that is how he began to fight with us, russia unfolded for a great war , russia conducted the largest mobilization since the second world war, i absolutely say this responsibly, i checked a lot of world sources, i absolutely say this responsibly, i checked a lot of sources, for no war neither the soviet union nor
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the russian federation, so many people and close did not recruit, i.e. the largest mobilizer after the second after the bighorn. well, they did it and they moved their defense there to seven seven days a week three shifts and so on, they strain their economy as much as they can, and they got involved in this big war and already this big horde is crawling on us with absolutely that with the same goal, complete occupation, complete liquidation, meanwhile, in the 22nd, we won the first bright, serious victories and , unfortunately, relaxed after that. for some reason, we came to the conclusion that if we principles began to win, then we can only win. after that, it will somehow roll, we can relax and , most importantly, those people who then went to fight in the 22nd, they are already bringing this war to us, and they are not just bringing it to the end, but to the victorious victory , but after a while we
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even started to ask them so critically that hey, you are at the front, and why are we still... repenting in lviv and kyiv, and not in yalka, what, what, what are we doing, what are you doing there, yes, i am a little confused, but unfortunately, no strongly, i still hear this screen saver from kyivstar on my phone from time to time, which just , excuse me, turns me on, so what, your caller is talking, and while he is talking, victory is approaching, but for some reason we decided that we can drink coffee, talk on the phone, and the victory itself will approach, and therefore in some time it began. approaching in the wrong direction, therefore, after some time it began to approach the russians, and at the moment we are in a situation where we can still absolutely win, we have absolutely not exhausted our capabilities, but the russians actually are grinding, the russians are actually wasting their opportunities, and from the fact that we have a lot of problems, one should not draw the false conclusion
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that they are all in chocolate, they are very much not in chocolate, but in other words, we can still really win. but no one gave us any guarantee of this, in order to win, we have to behave again the way we behaved in the 22nd year, but in the 22nd year we all lived this war, some with weapons in their hands, some did something in the rear, someone helped each specific fighter with a weapon, but we all lived this war and since then we began to win, in on the 23rd, we relaxed, on the 23rd we decided that it was enough for you and me in the rear to simply repeat our faith in the armed forces, and then... and you see, the situation began to change, and even now , not everything is lost for us, i say, we can win, but if we change our attitude towards this war, we will mentally return to the 22nd again, we will again realize that either we are all working for this war, or we will be beaten, that's how i assess the situation at the moment , mr. yevgeny, the world is at what point, at the beginning of the world community, world leaders us
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warned that an invasion was possible , looked at the reaction of ukrainian... leaders and accordingly gave ukraine a little time, then mobilized, helped, now the world seems to be tired of the war in ukraine, so you are trying to generalize the world, here, even within the borders of ukraine, you forcefully generalize everyone, within the borders of ukraine, excuse me, someone is in the third assault room, someone is at least like you and me, someone, excuse me, is in space, but the world is even more diverse, but the world cannot be generalized . in the world for this one many different processes took place over time, and the first wave of, shall we say , deep empathy for us , this kind of sympathy, on which we were forgiven for everything, they were ready to open their arms and so on, passed a long time ago, it is good that this phase was at all , it could not have happened at all, you and i, for example, at least did something for the syrians when they were being carried away, but they did it for us,
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but it is clear that this phase of great love, you know, er, they say that even in married life, this is a honeymoon, it is still a honeymoon, you see, this is it the honeymoon in relation to the ukrainians , it has long passed, but then different things began, partly pragmatism began, partly fatigue began, partly, by the way, the very active work of the russian agents began, and we see very opposite processes, on the one hand, in the states you shot unexpectedly, trump did what the russians could not even hope for, they dreamed: that at the end of this year trumpushka would be elected president, and then he would cut off the supply of bull to us, he managed to do it a year earlier, long before election, you know, now it is customary to use this term that... a black swan, yes, a big , fat black swan in the form of donald trump flew in and, unfortunately, descended on our side , that is, paralysis in the states, in fact, in
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at the same time, on the contrary, europe began to wake up, yes , it takes time for them, they slept in very comfortable and very warm baths for 30 years, but it dawns on them that they are next, it dawns on them that as long as we hold on, they have a chance to at least prepare, that is, there are a lot of opposite processes going on and it seems to me that we with you... although, of course, we have to monitor all this, we have to see it, but you and i have those people who can somehow participate in this, these are our diplomats, this is our diaspora, as it were, including the same refugees who have now been accepted by europe and who are currently not forging and grinding there in order to somehow try to influence these processes taking place there, well, they have to do their own thing, and you and i here in ukraine have to do what depends on you and me, that's why i still always emphasize that if, for example, the issue of shells is... a showdown between biden and trump, but what is being worked on in platoon positions now, let me remind you that for civilians, a platoon is 30 soldiers, so when there are now five or eight
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soldiers in platoon positions, this is sorry, not to trump, not to biden and not to scholz, it's to you and me, the question is that mobilization in a totalitarian country is simply a question of providing some logistics, a question of mobilization in democratic societies. it is also certain, that is, it is the presence of citizens who are ready to go to fight for our country, no, that is a very wrong position, a very wrong position, and it is precisely on such a position that we have already lost our first attempt to gain statehood, but the ukrainian people's republic was such a very warm, light-hearted democratic state that did not know how to carry out forced mobilizations , well, that's why russia came, which carried out a very forced mobilization, that... a million red army men, who then literally flooded ukraine with themselves, they were not people who dreamed of coming there to rob, rape the khokhlas, yes, when, when they already came, then they
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robbed and raped, but they would rather sit at home in their razina , well, only the bolsheviks mobilized them, and besides, they not only put squads behind the fence with machine guns, but also their families were like hostages, if any part fled from the front, their families were shot, and that's how they recruited a million people and flooded the unr with this million people, but the unr did not... mobilize anyone, hoped for volunteer heroes, well, for some reason there were not enough volunteer heroes against a million mobs, so, so, so they never enough, but nowhere in history has a single great war been won purely by the forces of volunteers, or motivated people, but they always survive, there is such a terrible darwinian selection going on, and those countries and those nations that are able to organize forced, yes i insist on this word, mobilization, those who survive and remain on the world map, and... those who are not capable of this, are captured by totalitarian neighbors and simply erased from the map, that is exactly the situation we are in right now, and it goes without saying that democracy does not involve forced mobilization , just in general
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democracy is mature and adult, it clearly assumes that a person has rights, but there are also duties, and one directly flows from the other, you use your rights all your life, the enemy has come, excuse me, do your duty, and that's what they stand on just democratic societies and... if we consider a democratic society to be one where you can enjoy rights all your life and think that you have no responsibilities, sorry, no, this is not about democracy and not about society at all, absolutely, if you say now about this second year of the war, many, of course, too is trying to assess where ukraine is now and make some summaries, for example, the london edition of the evening standard came out with a cover... a ukrainian soldier is depicted, and where they are just trying to summarize what has happened in two years, where ukraine is now, but on the cover , the english-speaking editors may not have noticed, but
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what is obvious to us, it is written there , there is such an interesting inscription on the chest, that there is no worse enemy than the commander, well, an idiot , let's put it this way, i conclude from this that freedom of speech in the ukrainian army is so , but also... they are not simple happen, listen, and what do you think, and how could it be otherwise, ours, we have a million-strong army, we had an army of about 100 thousand before the war, but even if all those who served before the war were military geniuses, what too not true, but even if it were so , then when the army is scaled up to a million, professional, military personnel simply get lost in it, there are not so many of them, you know, when sociologists conduct surveys, then for a country like ours, with a pre-war population of 40 million, for of such a country , it is believed that somewhere between 4,000 and 4,000 respondents, in principle, this is already a sufficient sample to
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represent the entire spectrum. there are opinions, views , options, there are a million, this is an absolute sociological cross-section of our society, and among this million there are absolutely all psychotypes of people that only occur in us in general, there are all options in the world that only occur in us, there are all options for welfare that we have, that is , this million is an absolutely representative sample of ukrainian society, including with a corresponding percentage of idiots. actually volodymyr zelenskyi in an interview again foreign media fox news told the american tv channel that he explained why he fired the employee and said that we have to be faster, that means we have to cut all the bureaucracy that we have, we have no other chance, we have to to be smart, technologically equipped and fast, time is money, in our case it is not money, but people's lives, are there already any of these changes in the army that speed up the process and...
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deprived our army of the soviet one, you know, there are some but in fact, they started still in their infancy, that is, some processes were just going on and even the changes take a lot of time , thank god, the law has finally entered into force , which greatly changes a number of nuances in the accounting of personnel, that is, in fact, in the transfer of personnel from one part to another, now we are still waiting for a very important moment : the law on the write-off of army property was very important, because it was one of the most terrible problems, that's why the commanders, not even idiots at all, but the commanders were simply afraid to take on the balance, they said a lot, but we are better will fight without it, than we then we will try to write it off for years and be held criminally responsible for the fact that we allegedly lost it somewhere there, during the war, sorry, property is terribly
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lost, it will be spent there, yes... thank god, finally this huge fireplace moved, well, we are really waiting now for a certain reform of the armenian bureaucracy, because many people still think that the magazine accounting for magazines is an internet meme, but no, it really exists, i am holding it in my hands, and this is the magazine itself accounting journals - this is a beautiful symbol of how the office management in this post-soviet army is built in general, in fact it is simply translated into the ukrainian language into the soviet office management. and supposedly a very significant reform in this regard is expected now, well, but i would not tie it here to the specific names of the commanders, especially since we also say so, come on, we did not bring a new commander-in-chief from the street, general number three rose to the position of general number one, that is, we are actually talking about reshuffles within the same command command team, sorry for the toftology, which in principle has been in charge for two years, well, in this interview... also
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, which lesya mentioned here, president zelensky was asked about what ukraine's losses are, and zelensky avoided a direct answer, but said , that the difference is in losses ratio 1 to 5, if compared with russian losses, for one ukrainian soldier, there are five dead russians, and eh, well, the ratio is confirmed, this is a total of two years, and this, by the way, is very important , which is a total of... years, the ratio is one to 5, because actually it changed a lot, and at the beginning of the war, because we planned to barbecue instead of fighting, we paid a terrible price at the beginning of the war, we paid then the best of us, and then the ratio was not in our favor at all benefit, then we died more than the russians, but then everything changed, because we learned to fight, but starting from the fall of the 22nd , the loss ratio was always in our favor, and this is here... by the way, that is why it
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is very important to understand right away several consequences of this, the first consequence is extreme the important thing is that if we have everything in total for two years one to 5, then this means that after the fall of the 22nd, the whole of the 23rd and now it is even much more, it is 1/7, 1/8, but with the fact that in general it turns out to be 1/5 on average , taking into account the terrible losses we suffered on the 22nd, that is very ... it is important to understand now, in particular in the context of our conversations with you about mobilization, one of the arguments , which you have to hear even from quite, let's say, adequate people, is that the russians generally have a larger mob reserve, so accordingly, no matter how much we mobilize, we will all be finished, they will remain, so this argument is deeply flawed, because it is based on the assumption that for every one of our defenders , one orc goes to bed, and their...


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