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tv   [untitled]    February 23, 2024 10:30am-11:00am EET

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and here it is, by the way, that's why it's very important to understand several consequences of this at once, the first consequence, extremely important, is that if everything in general in two years is one to five, it means that after the fall of the 22nd, the whole of the 23rd and now it is even much more, it is 1/7, 1:8, so that in general it is 1/5 on average, taking into account the terrible losses we suffered in .. and this is very important to understand now, in particular in the context of our conversations with you about mobilization. one of the arguments that have to be heard even from quite, say, adequate people, the fact is that the russians generally have a larger mobrezv, so, accordingly, no matter how much we mobilize, we will all run out, and they will remain. so this argument is deeply flawed, because it is based on the assumption that for each of our defenders , one orc lays down, and they... lay down 5 7
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eight, well, in avdiivka it reached 1:10, 1 to 12 in fact. in fact, with such a ratio of losses, the fact that they generally have a mobreserve about three or four times larger than ours, and it is completely leveled. sorry, if you have three or four times more mob reserve, you lose seven times more, so i'm sorry, who will run out first? this and this is very important to understand now, because they are trying to use this argument about the alleged fact that there are simply a lot of them. to convince us that it means we don't need to mobilize, it still won't save, no, it's absolutely not true, how can it save, mr. ivan, there is very little time left, in fact, not only, i'll briefly ask, we'll also talk about the book in the next with simon schuster's next guest, with whom we know in particular that in the office of president zelenskyi and zelenskyi himself, listen, come on , come on, come on, you will discuss with each expert what is necessary, give everything and... i just want to say that there is a
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certain logic that sounds, in particular from zelenskyi, that we need to show success , for example, the taking of kupyansk last year, the liberation of kherson, and then they give us more help, because then they believe in our victory, the truth is, we will find ourselves in logic, i said these things back in the 22nd year, i told this old joke back in the 22nd year about the madhouse, where they built a swimming pool, they said jump, and if you jump well, we will give you water, so actually, starting from the very beginning of this war, we are constantly forced to show that we are good at jumping, and then they add water little by little , it is not an easy situation, well, we will probably be more on the defensive now, however, stop, this is what is being decided now in the us congress, if we get shells again, that is, if we manage to unblock this trump block, in this case it is absolutely not profitable for us to become in defense, in this case we need to attack...
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in this case we need to finish off the russians, they are actually very bloodless by the battles of 23, and now they have also bled themselves additionally with these meaty assaults on avdiyivka, and it is far from the fact that they are still one such offensive , as in the 23rd, will be withstood, i.e. if only the shells hit us again, we need an offensive strategy, but the question of who will attack is again about our mobilization, and another thing, if it is not possible to unblock the trumpists, then of course we just have no choice, nothing... to discuss, then we definitely just dig sorovikin's lines for ourselves, dig into them and hold our blows, wait with him. thank you, mr. yevgeny, evgendyky, the former platoon commander of the aydar battalion, a public activist, the head of the national antarctic science center, was in touch with us, let's take a short break, come back, continue, we will continue to talk about the book by the american journalist simon shuster about volodymyr zelensky, who is called a showman, showman, stay with us. tired of
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talk now, the book was not translated into ukrainian and was not published in ukraine, but lidia smola still read it, carefully, analyzed it, in detail, in detail. made an analysis on the project how not to become a vegetable, you can find it on youtube, and now we will make a short overview, lydia smola, professor of kyiv polytechnic university of kyiv, doctor of political sciences, political analyst already appears in to our ethereum, ms. lydia, congratulations, er, ms. lydia, the book has not been published , somehow ukrainian publishing houses are afraid to publish it, but ukrainians are conjectures, conjectures, of course. an assumption, yes, but it is based on private conversations with some publishers, to be honest, so it is not exactly an assumption, it has some confirmation, meanwhile, ukrainians who know english still order this book somehow through amazon and read it, please tell us
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your impressions, are there any such facts that you paid attention to, but did not pay attention to people who have already written about this book on their pages on social networks, here are a few moments, things that were not talked about, and the first moment concerns such an emphasis on... soviet cohesion, because shuster writes about how much, how much people in elevators they left food and water when they turned off the lights, and there was no such attention paid to such a zealous attitude of the president to the information that came to the bank, regarding what a is collecting... materials and zaluzhnyi's assistant is collecting materials,
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a book will probably be published, and i will venture here to suggest that after all, this book will come out, and that the fund, which was created by the hard worker, his team to support the armed forces, this fund was closed at the insistence of the bank, one more point that was not... it was mentioned that after that , as the authorities recovered from a full-scale understanding and vision of the horrors of a full-scale invasion, they began conducting closed sociological polls in the spring, and then they were happy that zelenkivskyi's support was significant, which was not mentioned in the material. there is such a part in the book about zelenskyi's wife and what happened before
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a full-scale invasion was conducted by closed focus groups and where the wife stood behind the mirror, that is, she was not visible, and she listened to what the participants of this focus group said, and this negative perception of her, as much as it was for her... well, unpleasant to listen, of course, and how much people underestimated the efforts that she made, because in fact , shuster emphasizes this, she tried to repeat michelle obama's program, and there were also some of those speeches that talked about the book, and there is one section, it is called churchyard or yard church, as could be laid. and where again, uh, about the horrors of the massacre, about the killing
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of peaceful people, and about this common grave, uh, the reader, the western reader, will be able to remember again and about how russia tried to hide it, uh, that is, these moments, i think western readers will pay attention to them. what does volodymyr zelenskyy look like in the perception of simon shuster, because... still, this is a slightly subjective view, so definitely subjective, any view is subjective, but he is still a shuster, you know, he warns himself a little bit , he says that here it's a pity there were no documentary materials, as when they write about a certain figure, so that he used information from third hands, from the president's accounts, from his accounts of his entourage, or from mobile phone records, he appears. a somewhat controversial figure, at the beginning of the book shuster tries to portray
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him as, you know, a dreamer, a truth-teller, and the ukrainian reader, when he reads it, will be a little surprised when he reads that president poroshenko imposed censorship there, it was sometimes impossible for him to reach , reach to the viewer, well, we know that this did not happen and... and what kind of support was 1+1, and not only 1+1, in the beginning of the book they even talk about how patriotic he was there zelensky, well, again, we know from reality what happened, but there are moments when even shuster writes with a little surprise that actually after buchi, when he communicated with the president, and the president assumed that putin might not know this, and that ... mourning, he even has such a quote there that he thought that if zelensky took putin for
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hand and led to the pit where people who were residents of buchi were shot, maybe he would have stopped the war, but at the end he talks about the changes that have taken place in zelensky, that he would hardly want to lead putin to the pit, but in him, if at first he is such a dreamer, a person who wanted to change, a person who was even afraid. because he writes about the fact that he saw fear in zelenskyi's eyes, he writes about this bandit city of kryvyi rih, because about 30-40 percent of it, well, 30-40 in the book, are events that happened. in the life of zelenskyi before the war, before the full-scale invasion, let's say so, here he goes on to write about how he acquired such courage, and again he is surprised when, he asks if he would like to be compared to churchill, and zelensky preferred chaplin and orul, at the end of
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the book he has a certain, no doubt, a certain anxiety about what a huge power. has zelensky in the country, and in fact, it is such a one-man power, because the other branches of government in the country do not work, and he expresses such hope that zelensky will still be able to the democratic way of giving up this power, and not trying to use it, and why does he raise this alarm and such a definite assumption? because there is a moment when he compares his meeting, one of the first meetings, where at the bank, where zelenskyi feels very uncomfortable in this office and shows this discomfort in the office, and at the end, this is already the 22nd year, when zelenskyi became angry with this cabinet, he got angry with this
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government, and here he shuster expresses such hope, and what... zelensky will not try to hold on to this power, but zelenskyi is not such a single figure in this book, there is a very clearly written line of the industrious, and such cute moments where he describes in words, even talking about a photo that was taken of one of the subordinates of the industrious, who ran out there with of the ministry of defense and... plucked flowers , daisies in the yard, because he found out that his wife was coming to see him, that is, such a warm relationship he describes, and on the contrary , such a rather complicated relationship, not so close relationship, between zelenskyi and his wife, and there also we can talk about a er that the people
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he talked to, the people who expressed to... er talked about the mistakes of the president, such rather fatal mistakes of the president, and what caused such huge losses in the war, so i i would say that this is not just a praise of the president, but that this is a book with open questions, he will be able to find his own, let's say so, and this, for sure, has such an advantage, but i will say that this is only the first book, i am convinced. .. that a book about zaluzhny should be published soon, and i am convinced of this, because it is such a massive figure at the beginning of the war. the book ends in the 22nd year, and therefore there will certainly be those who will write about zelensky in the 23rd year and in the 24th year, but this book is the first to show the world another
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hero of this book, that is, ukrainians, and there is a lot about that too, does this book show confrontation? between volodyr zelensky and valery zeluzhny, who is being talked about? and it is so clear, shuster writes, that at the beginning of the full-scale invasion there was such confusion that zelensky was essentially left alone, that there were brothers, chiefs, others, and his wife was taken out for the sake of safety, that his family would be like this, and sapiga and several other people were there, and they were his subordinates. and not close people, and that at this moment the foreigner was completely engaged in the defense of the country, that is, that they were clearly divided, he even has such points written there that zelensky was engaged in communication, requests for weapons, communication with foreign leaders, that he did not intervened in matters
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of the country's defense, and zaluzhny carried it out, and there is also written such a latent... elbow between zaluzhny and zelensky, when zaluzhny spoke about the inevitability of war, about the need to arm the country, to change the defense system, and zelensky was opposed to this, and even shuster says that from the words of the old man, that there were political barriers, there even put political barriers in quotation marks era, and that the hostage had to hide. from zelensky, strengthening the country's defense capabilities, that zelensky's assistants shouted at the generals, that they are creating a panic here, and so on, but he is already talking about... the conflict, when the authorities recovered and sometime at the end of the summer, zelensky decided interfere in military affairs, and here
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conflicts already began to arise, because zaluzhnyi did not get along with these things, then there was a second accent, this is when this fund was actually created, when they learned about the desire to write a book about zaluzhnyi, about the war, and about these moments, they were perceived. and negatively, then there are a few more moments where there is a demonstration of this zeal for the hard-working, because shuster writes that this telethon, the kind where many different military men were invited, but places, he even has such and such a point sentence that places useful in this telephone telethon. there was no, uh, you know, on the eve of the publication of this book, simon schuster gave an interview, and i remember that this interview caused a panic, in particular in the office of the president and people
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associated with the office, as one of the actually, the worst thing is that there is a lot of truth in this, and they will use it against us and weaken ukraine, first of all, its internal unity, or is this book what is called out of date. because i, on facebook, simply reminded of the tsn interview three days before the minister's invasion reznikov, already the former, who said that he does not see any signs of the accumulation of russian troops on the borders in shock formations, there is also a case, by the way, about reznikov, and about how much they convinced society that there will be no hostilities, you know, i think that this book can do no harm, and what's more... i will say that it was a wrong decision from the point of view of strategic communications, there should be resistance, on the contrary , it would have to be published, then there would be no interest in it
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was like that, you know, because what is forbidden is what that which is not accessible, it causes greater, greater interest, and this book, you know, in my opinion, it shows that despite such criminal, stupid, wrong actions. government, which is bound to be asked, when we win, despite all these things that are described in this book, we rejected the enemy, i would say that this book, you know, could be like that, like that even support, and when today we have a lot of this beloved betrayal-treason, then you could look in this book in what circumstances we were, because it describes that various ... and others went to the united states, before a full-scale invasion, and asked for weapons, and were told that in case of an attack you would be there for 72 hours, and
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schuster writes that the americans did not want to provide weapons , because they were convinced that the situation that was in afghanistan could be repeated, and according to american analysts, the united states lost there, providing weapons to the afghan army, more than 7 billion dollars, and that here... the situation could be repeated, so this rather, the book talks about the resources, the power that we have, that we, through informational influences, through russian agents, through useful idiots, we forget, that's why, that's why it's quite difficult to talk about unity when we don't have a government of national unity, to talk about unity when we don't have a... proposals from the opposition government jointly to fight on such a front, it appeared to us , if i may summarize, if i may, we simply do not have time, without
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inclusion, relatively speaking, it is certainly impossible, and i would know, i would add one more thing here, that this book the world will be surprised by what a unique nation we are, ms. lidia, thank you to you, lidia smola, professor of kyiv polytechnic. a person who read simon shuster's book about volodymyr zelenskyi. thank you, dear viewers, for being with us. lesya vakluk, andriy seichuk worked for you. see you tomorrow, stay with the espresso. tired of heavy and bulky saws. then pilka strong from unpack tv is just for you. with it you can easily cut trees and bushes. it is so convenient to use it for carpentry. it is the perfect tool for your home or garden. and the price... of everything from uah 1,499, a reliable battery is also included, call now and order, free delivery is possible, check with consultants, cut
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