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tv   [untitled]    February 23, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EET

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responsible for one or another delay in deliveries, the most important thing for us right now is that deliveries take place constantly, that there is a simplified system of replacement and rotation, which does not exist yet, and i would say that on issues, for example, the same training programs, trainings, now i don't see any problems, so much has already been developed together with the ministry of health and the ministry of defense. trainings, including on tactical medicine, if there was a desire, i recently checked on myself, on my colleagues, i wanted to undergo training on tactical medicine and to medical care, she did it without any problems, successfully passed the exams and received a certificate, well, that’s nice to hear, at least there is an area where we can say that we somehow, well , effectively move and something effectively happens, which is good. thank you, at least for these, this good
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news thank you, it was andrii huk, captain of the medical service of the storm offensive guards brigade. i will remind you once again that we have a collection for a car for the 25th separate airborne brigade of sichslavsk, look, this is the card number, qr code, so join us, we have nothing left there to collect a lot, i would really like to do it, so... i am really asking for your help, literally any, any help will be great, well, next we have news, so please stay with us, news!
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greetings, dear tv viewers, yana vamelnyk and it's time to learn about the most relevant events at the moment: the 13th package of sanctions against russia was approved by the european union, it included another 106 individuals and 88 legal entities. in the press release of the council of the eu, it was noted that these companies and people are related to the military and defense sectors. participation in supply arms from the dprk to the russian federation, deportation and hiding of ukrainian children. they also added 27 new entities that will be subject to tougher export restrictions. they support russia's military-industrial complex and help circumvent sanctions. some of them are based in india, iceland, china, serbia, kazakhstan, thailand and turkey. their assets will be frozen. natural persons were prohibited from entering or. or transit
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through the eu, additional restrictions on the export of transformers, components for the development and production of drones will also apply. defending independence, freedom and the future, the president of ukraine and the prime minister of denmark honored the memory of fallen soldiers on the field of mars in lviv. volodymyr zelenskyi and meta frederiksen laid flowers on the graves of those who died in battle. eternal glory to all those who gave their lives for ukraine, the president wrote. the leader of the majority in the senate of the united states of america, chuck schumer, also arrived in lviv. visit the testimony of support. schumer also wrote that he came to find out what weapons ukraine needs to protect democracy and national security. another act of destruction from the decree. agricultural products on the territory of poland,
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as reported by ukrzaliznytsia, in the morning at the dorogusk station, unknown persons opened the hatches of two grain trucks in a freight train and dumped rapeseed. this cargo, like other grain, was going to germany. ukrzaliznytsia is preparing an appeal to local law enforcement officers. as noted by the minister of intelligence for community development and infrastructure oleksandr kubrakov. criminals should be punished immediately, so that there is no more temptation to repeat these. palate actions, i note, are like this this is not the first case. poles dumped ukrainian grain from trucks and trains. the government is preparing clear steps and specific proposals for the polish side, - said the prime minister of ukraine denys shmegal, during the government meeting. according to him, ukraine is ready for reasonable compromises regarding unblocking the border. along with this, a new crossing for passenger cars will be opened on the border with hungary and
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the operation of the hluzhanka bereg shuran checkpoint will be expanded, empty trucks will be able to leave through it, as well as passenger and cargo vehicles cars we are preparing groups of ships with our products on the danube. we are talking about the so-called barge container ships that can sail to the danube ports of bulgaria, serbia, hungary, slovakia, austria, germany and to the romanian port of constanta. we are expanding cooperation with romania. our partners there proved their predictability in january 2024, 1.1 million tons of grain transited through romania. according to nato standards , czech brand-2 assault rifles will be assembled at the ukroboronprom enterprises - he said oleksandr kamyshchyn, minister of strategic industries. according to him, the agreement with the czech company on the transfer of the license will make it possible to arm the armed forces
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with proven high-quality firearms , which will strengthen their operational capabilities. chz brend 2 is used by the military. authorities and law enforcement officers around the world. they will be manufactured in ukraine under the sich brand. in addition, the czechs will help to set up an ammunition production line. the fourth suspicion was received by the metropolitan of the cherkasy diocese of the moscow patriarchate. a month ago, the clergyman recorded a video message calling for religious enmity and hatred. he expressed intolerance towards believers of other religious organizations. spread fakes about the seizure of temples, as well as discredited other denominations, posted videos on various internet resources, the prosecutor general's office noted. last year , the metropolitan was already charged three times for inciting inter-religious enmity and denying russia's armed aggression. currently, he is
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under night house arrest, he faces up to eight years in prison. he hid in the hearse ten-year-old boy in order to illegally... take an adult man to moldova, the priest took advantage of the child. the border guards stopped the car on the road odesa-reni, 45, a cleric of the moscow patriarchate, was picking up a resident of luhansk region, of legal age, he wanted to drop off a man near the border so that he could enter moldova illegally, and so that the number of people in the car coincided with the exit, the driver under hid the son of his fellow villager with winds, tires and a blanket. the state border service said. the law enforcement officers returned the child to the parents, the case sent to court. and again about the fugitives: border guards retrieved the body of a man from the tisza river, his mother reported his disappearance. according to her, the son was planning to illegally
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reach romania and was not in touch. law enforcement officers searched for him for almost a month. the body was found only yesterday. as noted in the department, this is already the 20th. the case of death in tisza from the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the russian federation into ukraine. the situation at the front is tense. the process of evacuating wounded soldiers can last for hours. volunteers invent new solutions to save as many of our defenders as possible. about one of these projects further in our material. these shots of the stabilization point of the third assault brigade, which courageously held avdiivka, flew around the network, however , the task of transporting the wounded to such a point is difficult, because the evacuation has to be carried out under fire in extremely difficult conditions, the decisive
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factor is time, according to the estimates of the medical teams, almost half of the fighters die halfway to the fixed stop. armored medical equipment, it is destroyed, it is fired upon, i don't care... or on marking the red cross, you know one of the priority targets today unfortunately is the combat medic, it 's the one that provides assistance on the battlefield and it's the main one with the target, stealthy and fast, such a mobile stabilization container is able to give a chance for life, because it is the so-called intermediary between the stationary stop point and the battlefield itself, in order to stop the blood, a tourniquet is needed, in order... to intubate the patient, the anesthesiologist needs a ventilator and a laryngoscope. container equipped with everything necessary to provide both first aid and resuscitation measures. there is an operating table, a manual defibrillator, a portable ultrasound scanner
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and much more. all the equipment you see here is taken into account so that the entire algorithm can be performed from intubation, ventilation. ventilation of a person, lungs, and blood transfusion, taking into account all these points, the minimum smart is reduced, but so that it is as much as possible. compact, compressed format, but all options are taken into account. another advantage is mobility and autonomy. such a container weighs only 3 tons and can be transported by any four-wheel drive car or van. it can work around the clock, because it is equipped with a system of double inverter generators, and also has improved thermal and acoustic insulation. such containers are produced in ukraine. we build it completely ourselves, even the trailer, it is not for sale. we cook it completely, put it together, assemble it ourselves, design it, we already have such experience and it was there even before the war, we
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just decided our expertise now with the war to take part in the military direction to help the boys. one fully equipped mobile stabnet costs €45,000. french colleagues help with the purchase of medical equipment. the first pilot stab container will soon go to save the lives of our defenders. our plans. currently, this container will go to the front line for testing in the coming days. next, the second phase of this project is to deploy 10 such containers very close to the contact line. at the same time, combat medics have comments on such development. chassis is not adapted to off-road, and the container inside can be cramped for the operation of the madrigada, and such a capsule is also vulnerable to enemy attacks. this zone is dangerous, go. unmanned aerial vehicles, drones are used for shelling, so for me one of the most
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important things was safety. unfortunately, this container has not yet been equipped with appropriate protective armor by the manufacturers. the manufacturers note that they are ready to improve the mobile container and take into account all comments. while the first stub goes to zero, the stabnet project has a global goal: deploy at least a hundred stabilization containers along the entire front line. i will meet with you already at 3 p.m., then meet marto olyarnyk and antin borkovskyi. information day of the espres tv channel in glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, we will inform you about many events, they simply cannot even fit into
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one news release. event by event, marta oliarnyk and antin borkovskii work live for you in the espresso studio, and we remind you, first of all, about our collection, the espresso tv channel and the iryna koval charitable foundation asks you to join the collection for the 141st brigade, which is currently serving in the orikhiv direction of the zaporizhia region, our goal with you is to collect a million hryvnias in order to buy them everything they need, so remember that every hryvnia of yours important , there are no small donations, and in fact we know that with joint efforts we can close more than one collection, which we have successfully done in previous times, so this time we count on your help and support, if you have the opportunity, please join now you see qr codes and bank card numbers, where you can actually make your contribution to help our armed forces, well, in the meantime , the verkhovna rada. today , the presidential law on the release of conscripts into the reserve after the end of
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their military service during martial law was voted. i am now quoting people's deputy zheleznyak. the parliament approved draft law 11035 on conscripts immediately as a basis, and in general we give the right to the president to release them. the bill was introduced ad hoc. 319 people's deputies voted in favor. extremely eloquent. is a telling number of people's elected officials, and also today president volodymyr zelenskyi is on an official visit to lviv, together with the prime minister of denmark, he is now in lviv, mete frederiksen, the prime minister of denmark. we will remind you that yesterday, denmark announced a new aid package and also said that it would do everything possible to facilitate the fastest delivery of the f-16 to ukraine, and ukraine as well. denmark signed a security agreement, perhaps today's meeting between the prime minister and
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our president is actually related to all these announcements, so they actually had the opportunity look at the footage, today zelenskyi and frederiksen were on the field of mars of the lechakiv cemetery, they honored the memory of the fallen defenders of ukraine, i am quoting the president now, we will never forget the heroes who defended our independence, freedom and future. eternal glory to all who gave their lives. for ukraine, this is stated in the official message on the president's page. well, according to preliminary information , a number of official meetings are also planned in lviv, in particular, when, when we talk about... regulation of the situation on the polish-ukrainian border and not only on it, but we will inform you in more detail as soon as we receive official information. well, let's also note that the leader of the democrats in the united states senate, chuck schumer, also arrived in lviv today for a visit, there are even photos with him on the internet, and there is also in
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this photo bridget brink, ms. ambassador of the united states to ukraine. we understand that at the highest level today there will be meetings, we will wait for their effectiveness first of all, and we can already include ivan tymochka in our conversation, servicemen of the armed forces of ukraine, chairman of the council of reservists of the ground forces of the ukrainian armed forces. mr. ivan, welcome to veteri espresso, glory to ukraine. glory to the hero, glad to see you, comrade. yes, well, ivan, first of all we would like to ask about your vision and the vision of land tails, in particular , it is about the situation on the eastern front of the russian-ukrainian war, right? avdiivka, postavdiiv syndrome, the enemy's efforts to advance, regroup, accumulate resources from the enemy, and in general, your vision of what may be happening now in the east? in the east about the process of fighting , as it happened and is happening, our troops held the defense, and they are holding absolutely
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any enemy breakthroughs, or let's say, there are no enemy successes, the situation is tense, there are positions. at the tactical level, they change hands there, there is a situation when, say, the enemy tries to break through, yes, unfortunately, we have losses, but this is not a situation that can be called critical, the struggle is serious, after the withdrawal of our fighters from avdiyivka , as we can see, the enemy was still unable to move the line front, was not able to break through it, because the attempt to occupy avdiivka for the russians was a political issue, and here is the question... let's say, to advance, so to speak, on the backs of our soldiers, as the russians understood it , deep into our territories, or to break through the line of defense, or not to allow new frontiers to be occupied, as we can see, did not justify itself to the russians and in the grand scheme of things, along which line our fighters retreated, along such
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and such the front is held, and of course the loss of avdiivka, as well as any populated place , this is our loss. territory, but it is always better to withdraw troops, rather than losing them on the territory, we are retaking the territory, yes, we understand that ukrainian citizens live there, yes, but we must understand that the fighters who defend these populated areas of the territory are also ukrainians, the key story, mr. ivan, and the main fear of ukrainians, lest our fighters fall into a bag, a cauldron, and so on, and we saw this, this frightening message, the office reacted. from our obbutsmen, that is, criminal cases were initiated, a crime, a crime, a war crime according to all canons against all possible geneva and non-geneva conventions: the killing of prisoners of war, the wounded. in general, how far did the enemy go in this regard ? well, this is the fact that we see, but
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we also see that there are, unfortunately , moments when the enemy... puts out videos, photo videos, when our fighters are captured, and that is , videos when people there give comments, so we understand, under the barrel of the enemy, yes, under machine guns, but people are alive, that is, here everything depends on those units that are fighting with our soldiers, and the actual question here is illegality for them, the question is theirs, their personal preferences, desires, unfortunately, yes, russians do not follow geneva. conventions, no one demands this from their soldiers, and simply and sometimes it happens that the russians really lose their nerves or simply the strength of human character, bloodthirstiness, they kill prisoners, but we must understand that in any case it is necessary to defend, and if there is an opportunity to keep
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the fighters, they need to be kept, and here, you know, the question of surrendering, it is also on... in fact , you have to be a very brave person, because you understand what challenges await in captivity, how difficult it will be, it is actually also very strong willpower of a person, and but on the other hand , willpower is also a positive thing to fight and defend, defend, but actually this position of the zenith, which i think antin actually meant, was there the situation is somewhat different, there was no possibility to evacuate our wounded, so unfortunately, unfortunately, they were actually there... those russians who came to this position instead of, and despite the fact that, as far as is known, there was preliminary agreement through the headquarters, on issues of exchange of prisoners, they communicated and actually agreed. about those who remained there are essentially trapped, they will be, if they are considered prisoners of war, and they will be exchanged accordingly, but russia did not keep its word and actually
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did what it did, mr. ivan, but look, there are certain not very positive signals from the united states, but actually it is about the fact that they are predicting a rather catastrophic, i quote, direct shortage of ammunition in ukraine since april, at least this is what the abc tv channel says, with reference to unnamed e... officials, well, this is also, by the way, the question of why these are not named that way american officials who are talking about this, and they are talking about the fact that the end of march could be a particularly decisive time for ukrainian forces, if congress does not approve a funding project for ukraine, what could be the consequences of such inaction? in any case, america is not the only country that supplies and helps us with weapons, besides that we have them. in part and their well-established production, some will still be supplied, as we can see, even the czech republic has stated there that it has prepared certain supplies plus the countries of the european union, we also have great hope that
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it will not be this time and like the last time, when they promised a million and barely gave 300. we understand that for... now the countries of the european union will greatly strengthen our artillery with the actual production of drones, again we will see how many of the promised million will come, but we even understand that if at least a third of them arrive in the near future, this is also a big reinforcement , because up to these 800 thousand projectiles, which the czech republic is ready to supply us, which we definitely already have, are already ready as a product, and the addition of at least 3,000 drones there , taking into account... what we also produce, produce, and we already have a separate type of troops, under this there is hope that after all it will not be catastrophic, as it is presented, but on the other hand, if these applications
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help to put pressure on the american congress, if the sleepiness of the situation or the danger of such threats can be due to, say, irresponsibility or political internally, internal political struggle of the americans congressmen, then at least... they should know that there is such a trend, there can be such a threat, and political games are one thing, and a country that believed america, that believed and considers it its ally, to lose the support of a guarantor, an ally that guaranteed to provide this assistance, well, this is also a matter of the political responsibility of those politicians who block the supply of weapons, and the supply of weapons, because the funds that they have allocated to themselves... the funds are there, they will be used for the production of weapons, but mastered at american plants, they will be built american workers, that is, it is internal
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, internal funds for them in fact, and the finished product they will sell, and not to mention how much in fact, if this is their weapon will be effective, how much it will add to their image and give them the opportunity to influence or expand the range of services actually on international weapons. arena, what if we take into account that , let's say, the republicans really have more lobby of arms manufacturers, well, these are such things that will have a very serious effect on the internal life of america in general, but we are observing a moment when one person, one person can because of her political ambitions, she can not only , let's say, lead us to serious problems, but... she can actually kill the reputation of the country she wants to become president of, an important message from the head of
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the arahamia presidential faction, that the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, colonel-general syrskyi is currently conducting an audit of the defense forces, i am quoting arahamia now , for two years in a row, they say that there are brigades or units that are at war without rotation, there are units that have never been in... at all at the front, as you think now will this audit take place? look, as a military man, i look at it somewhat differently, i would generally advise politicians who are not attached to the army, or to whom the army does not concern, as the main type of employment , not to rush to the army at all, that is, in general, not to comment, not to rush , do not speak, because they lead to more, this applies absolutely to the politics of all factions, they cause more trouble than. benefits, first of all, when changing positions, this is standard standard work when accepting a transfer of position to such, say, state
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especially structures. there are such mass ones that there are categories that cover the entire state, or its entire sectors, directions, audit is mandatory, this is not a unique thing, besides that, it is not declared by syrskyi, directly by the commander-in-chief, it is what politicians allow themselves to declare , who for some reason really want to influence the life of the army or influence to take a part of the image of the army, and the army is the only organism that works most efficiently so far. according to military positions, military specialties of persons who have to carry out a combat mission directly on the front line, whether they should perform combat missions, it depends on their military specialties, on their duty, it is not that they were not, because they did not want to, we will not land all the fighters of the air defense systems on the front line, it is important to understand, trying to please politicians on some such things leads to harm, for example, i have already
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seen a lot. applications and even ukrainian politicians, bloggers, among other things, this was also picked up by russian propaganda, they say, why mobilize people, why to make changes to the legislation , as if the army has hidden resources, well, we already had some politicians who shook their heads and told us that we have hundreds, hundreds, hundreds of thousands of policemen, then it turned out that there are many times less and absolutely not hundreds of thousands, yes no, at least not there three... five times repeated, the same situation, here you need to enter into any applications very carefully, about the results of the audit, this is essentially an interdepartmental commission, and it should be announced, familiarized and then , if the commander-in-chief considers it acceptable it is appropriate, he can voice some points, until then, let the politicians better do their work, everything is perfect in our economy, everything is perfect with our neighbors,
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our budgets are all perfect, have all our problems been solved, that is, i what do i say to all politicians, of all factions, it doesn't matter what they have preferences, what they do , to do their purpose, what they were appointed or elected for, the army will cope, we have coped until now and will cope now without them, but here are the threats , it is very dangerous, thank you, mr. ivan, to sharply enough, but honestly, ivan tymochko, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, the head of the reservist council of the soviet union. of the armed forces of ukraine of ukraine was eteri espresso. we're going to take a short break now, and then we're going back to the espresso studio, so stay tuned. tired of heavy and bulky saws? then pilka strong from unpack tv is just for you. with it you can easily cut trees and bushes. it is so convenient to use it for carpentry. it's
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