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tv   [untitled]    February 23, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EET

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the allocation of brussels investments and subventions to support polish agriculture, well, what, so extremely important news is also the arrival of american senators to ukraine, and this delegation will discuss with our authorities the importance of assistance from the united states. american senators led by chuck schumer started working in lviv today. this was reported by the ambassador of the united states. bridget brink. and this is an extremely important signal. chuck schumer is a great supporter of ukraine, a person who tries to help convince his republican trump partners of the need to unblock their initiatives. well, now we understand that a significant part of attention is focused on the border. yes, andrii zhuk, head of the association of retailers of ukraine, is in touch with us now. glory to ukraine, sir. andrei, glory to the heroes.
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well, let's explain to our tv viewers right away, so to speak, in simple language, retailers are those people who are engaged in the analysis and study of what is called the market, consumer goods and not only them. well , accordingly, the first question, in your opinion the situation at the border, on prices, is happening now. so the news has already arrived that the price has risen. gas for refueling cars, what about the rest of the range? look, it's true that retailers, they always study the market situation, analyze it, and we, as a profile association of retailers, have more than 100 retail companies in the association, of which more than 20 are ceil companies that deal with food, it's simple in words, it's great. and we
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are now observing a very bad situation, it is not critical yet, but it is very bad. the bad thing is that, firstly, it is growing in us the price of delivery of goods, and we have already recorded a price increase of 49%, this is only in the last month, well, this is not the worst, the worst is that there is no understanding of the delivery terms, and now, when the freight cargoes arrive with express port, these are the goods that quickly. tops, then we already see that there is product that cannot be put on the shelf, and therefore it is a loss now for the chains, and therefore the prices, of course, this can and will be reflected in the prices, but also i want to point out that the retailer he also, thanks to his marginality, he puts these on himself expenses, why, because if the retailer starts raising prices in the lop, conditionally speaking, then
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buyers will not be satisfied with this and will not come to these stores, because it will be such a certain consumer shock, without a doubt, mr. andriy, i am with you i completely agree , well, but logistics is growing, so we understand that if the polish-ukrainian border is blocked, we have to look for workarounds, where i don't know what the situation is on the slovak border or on the hungarian border, yes, but as if at the present moment the most favorable is the romanian one border, but this is a much more expensive logi'. for one flight, that is, it increases, accordingly it begins to affect the cost of products, that is, it should be assumed that the price will increase and possibly significantly in the near future, but something is in warehouses, something is not in warehouses and so on, share, be kind with your observations , let's, let's talk about it, it's very interesting, why, look, for example, now in the network. 3.5% of polish
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goods on shelves, supermarkets. and why did it happen? if you remember, two years ago, when a full-scale war began in ukraine, we had, unfortunately, a lot of closed factories, in the east of ukraine, in the south, there were a lot of closed factories, and retailers began to look very quickly for solutions to replace ukrainian manufacturers, and they found, including, for example, polish the goods that they began to supply to ukraine, it can be cheeses or juices, for example, and some other sauces, and now it is a very cool situation for ukrainian manufacturers, this is now a chance for ukrainian manufacturers, national manufacturers to increase their presence in ukrainian networks, and you and i will see that this is already the way from... is happening, and it is very
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profitable, and it is also very useful for networks, why, because there is no tie to international supplies, they decrease, and in this way you can cooperate with. by ukrainian producers, and that is why we also have a share of ukrainian producers in the assortment of supermarkets, it is much more than imports, and primarily these are socially significant goods, and therefore a disaster will not happen, on the contrary, it will be such a boom for ukrainian manufacturers, but i agree with you that the price of imported goods will increase, but i will remind you once again that the network, including due to its marginality, will take on itself, including these expenses. i also completely agree with you, an extremely important remark from your side, that is , ukrainian manufacturers are most interested, so to speak, from our side, but the issue of price is another issue, our
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consumers, on the contrary, are most interested in what, in cheap and quality products, and we understand when there is competition on the market, i am here at one time i still remember, you know, andropovsky. stores, yes, that is, in which there was nothing except counters, well , accordingly, here we have the opposite situation, that is, we can have our beautiful, so to speak, importers, who will set the price that is profitable for them, not there will be possible proper competition, do you have such a fear? and look, we don't have monopolists on the market, there aren't, on average in ukraine now... more than 5,000 specialized professional supermarkets, just always for some reason, you know, people went across the border, they bought some goods in the polish bedronka because it was profitable and cheaper for them , for example, for some reason it happened that way, although
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we really do not have monpole, but it was cheaper in the bedronka, look, the price really matters, but also the assortment and quality has. the value of the goods and i can omit that now ukrainians are very patriotic, and therefore we will be happy to give preference to ukrainian goods, and as for monopolies, i do not see monopolies that are currently on the market, and therefore we can choose both quality and assortment , and prices, it's ours, well, look at the number of supermarkets now, although i think that in the future the number of... supermarkets will be even more, and we also expect the same bidryonka, or lidl, these chains, they will come to us, they are already studying the ukrainian market, so the competition will only increase, and this will benefit consumers. thank you very much, mr.
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andrii, it was extremely nice to meet you, we were contacted by andrii zhuk, head of the association of retailers of ukraine. well, i will keep you informed, dear viewers, thank you for inviting me, yes, yes, yes. thank you for working and monitoring, well, as they say, the opinions of our consumers are divided, some people urge not to buy polish goods, others, on the contrary, say that they will buy, because the poles already helped us extremely powerfully, well, but in any case - in any case, we keep a sober and cool head and do not succumb to emotions, an important signal from the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, an interview with fox news, and there is a chapter. of our country stated that a diplomatic end to the war is possible only on the basis of the ukrainian peace formula, the liberation of all ukrainian territories, quoting volodymyr zelensky: my signal, we do not want to repeat the minsk agreements, but regarding the other part of our territory, no new frozen conflicts, we do not believe in this, and
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i do not trust him, the russian dictator, about the negotiating table, when we prepare, when there is a document based on our peace formula, our main document and when we have the support of the world, then we can look. how to talk to representatives of russia but in any case we can only speak from a strong position. well, now we will sum up the military, geopolitical and military results of this era. serhiy zgurets, director of the defense express consulting company. in our studio. traditionally, at this time, glory to ukraine. sergey, congratulations. glory, i congratulate you. greetings to our viewers, today we will really talk about what happened on the front line. during the week, the week was difficult for our armed forces, it was not easy for the enemy, even worse, we will also talk about what our partners promise us in terms of supplying new types of weapons, and of course we will mention the interview of the president of the fox agency, where he talked about the next counteroffensive, about that in
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a moment. that avdiivka and the consequences of avdiivka, on the one hand, it is extraordinary. it is important that we managed to keep our military units combat-ready, we understand that the enemy's plan was not only, so to speak, to give putin a symbolic gift, that is, to put it conventionally, that the russian generals wanted to capture something symbolic, so until the moment of putin's self-appointment to the position of the russian president, so to speak, an important moment, they wanted, perhaps, to take in a cauldron, to surround a significant number of our fighters. and the key story is that the enemy failed to do this, the second, in my opinion , extremely important point is that
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our defense did not collapse, because we understand, yes, in classical russian thought the idea is written that on the shoulders of the retreating enemy, it is necessary to continue the offensive, they were not in a position to do this, because our fighters competently built positions, so on and so forth, serhiy, so absolutely in... you draw the right conclusions, the enemy really tried to surround our units, for this he spent four months of hostilities, but he himself lost 47 thousand personnel and a significant amount of equipment, but due to the superiority, first of all, in aviation, in artillery, in manpower, the enemy managed to push our units out of avdiivka, and in fact attempts to surround our enemy garrison failed. and now we know that our troops occupy another line of defense 10 kilometers deep into
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compared to the positions they occupied before, and this line of defense in our country passes along the line of the steppe there, lastochkino, to the north, this is exactly the area that is now being defended by the brigades that fought with the enemy in avdiivka itself, this is exactly 47 brigade. the 110th brigade, the third, separate , third brigade, and there is the first tank brigade, that is, in fact, all these military units of ours are restraining the enemy’s offensive, which is actually stopped, but we can say that the enemy still has a certain inertia, and despite our active actions, now trying somehow in a way to push through a new line of our defense, now he is pressing on... the steppe was fighting in front of lastochkino, there was a vivid video where
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the third separate assault brigade, using precisely the cluster ammunition at night, destroyed a large group of the enemy who tried to break through to lastochkino, and in fact today was there information yesterday that the enemy had approached the northern one, this is just another settlement that is held on... we are there with troops and the enemy still pushed our troops there and a little, let's say, well, 400 meters into our territory, that is, in fact, now we have a period when our troops are holding a defense line, the enemy, using the advantage in aviation manpower, is trying to move this defense line, we understand that this new defense line, it is actually worse than the positions in avdiivka, because avdiivka was so powerful... but we remember that the enemy created the possibility of encircling our troops, 3/4 was a threat,
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that is, 3/4 of the perimeter was under the control of the enemy, we understand what is being said and above all about fire artillery positions, of our units without significant losses indicates that the military leadership actually succeeded with all the risks of such a maneuver and managed to ensure the withdrawal of our troops to new lines. defense, the threat of a breakthrough may have been, we understand that, well, what about the enemy as well, this third aspect is extremely important, they would like to break through the front line somewhere, it was not possible, our general staff monitors such things, but, but there is also the issue of the enemy's resources, we understand that they would like to gather an extremely large one on one or another part of the front the number of manpower, to stretch the equipment , to make... a faker distracting attention and trying to advance, well, these are generally all those
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christian tricks, well, they are more or less known, but the threat of the enemy advancing in the direction of the same steppe swallow and so on. well, when we talk about the steppe lastochkina, i already said that during the last two days there have been active hostilities, lastichkina is covered by a third separate assault unit right there. i guess, and there, in fact , the enemy was not given the opportunity to advance, given the effectiveness of ours defense, when we talk about the steppe were. active attacks, this evening there is conflicting information about whether our troops are holding the steppes or not, i cannot comment now because i have little information, but we understand that now the enemy is still using the accumulated strength and despite the loss
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, he secured a certain replenishment in a couple of days, still he is trying to press the steppe and the northern... to try to push our troops to the next lines of defense, these next lines of defense are in depth, at a certain distance, they are actually much better prepared there than this line on which our military is standing, so i think that the dynamics here will be extremely difficult, in particular our military, in particular there, the deputy commander of the third separate assault brigade maksym zhorin said that the enemy retains the potential to try to advance deep into ours. precisely due to the accumulated equipment, personnel and the main advantage in aviation, because the use of aviation is preserved both in this area and in others areas where the enemy is now trying to put pressure on our defenses. well, sergey , let's move to the south, on the one hand, the enemy's extremely high activation, the direction of work, but yes, on the other hand
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, the situation with the bridgehead on the left bank of the dnieper, our fighters who are there and are grinding on... extremely tough battles shoigo has already lied more than once. well, here he once again reported to the führer about how they, so to speak, destroyed this bridgehead. well, a lie. but the battles are going on, the battles are difficult. the south, wonder how high it is there intensity of fighting. well, indeed, the enemy wants to ensure such a political effect by displacing our units from those areas that we captured during the offensive. the robotyn wedge is such an area , roughly speaking, it is 10x10 km held by our military, last week and this week the enemy carried out offensive actions on robotyn from the west from the south, from the west he advanced there probably 400 by 500 m, but literally yesterday
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there were counterattacks by our military in this area, and actually one of the strongholds. who was captured there by the enemy, was returned to our control, so relatively speaking, the second day, which is happening now, they are more related to the counterattacks of our units, and in fact we understand that, by the way, we have a sufficient amount of air artillery in this area, we we have seen many examples of effective enough use of means of impression, which precisely leads to significant losses of the enemy. and we understand that, after all, the enemy will continue to somehow try to create conditions for us to leave this area, he tried to do it through flanking strikes, but, probably, the military leadership of ukraine made certain conclusions and the flanking directions around robotyn are quite firmly fortified, he then resorted to frontal attacks on robotyn, but as we can see
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there are no positive results for the enemy, there are positive results for our armed forces. kryna kirinky, cossack camps , what is the intensity there, how difficult is the situation there, we understand, well, the key story, in addition to fire support, is also logistical support, so we understand that the enemy works with artillery, works with aviation, works with drones, accordingly, we also work with uav artillery, well, with aviation it is much more difficult for us, but the supply to our fighters, they really wrote absolutely accurately the situation that concerns the peculiarities of maintaining our... plasdarmon in the krynks and in other directions related to this segment, now the enemy first of all , he tries to complicate logistics, he tries to read at night for those periods when we use our boats to transfer reinforcements to our marines, he tries to sink these boats, and actually this is
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one of those vulnerable elements related to the defense of this bridgehead, but now... the marines are still getting sites on the krynky, yesterday there was information that they were destroyed there, in particular , torym1 and osa-10, i.e. those samples of equipment that the enemy there was trying to tighten up to ensure his air defense against our drones, and in fact now this kind of systematic duel using our potential from the right bank, primarily artillery and... means of reb allows our marines to hold this extremely difficult section of the front, we also know a story that happened literally there yesterday, when due to the strikes... in hymers , an attack was made on a cluster of russian troops who were training there on the oleskiv sands of training on this training ground, there were significant losses of the enemy
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and then they had to go just for attacks on the krynyks, now we see that then the potential from the right bank of hymers allows us to significantly negate the potential of the enemy, how long will we receive this bridgehead, it is still of significant importance from the point of view restraining a significant enemy force. although we understand that after shoigu's lie that krynk was captured, now teplinsky and other military leaders must probably bring reality to shoigu's lie, and this creates an expectation of risks that now the enemy will still try to intensify attacks on this area and try to push our infantrymen into the river, but this is not the first such threatening situations that have occurred. in this section, our soldiers heroically endured even more difficult periods in maintaining this bridgehead. yes, serhiy, so what, i would like to now to move to the beginning of the third
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anniversary of the full-scale russian invasion , a tragic anniversary, we understand that few people took the kremlin's threats seriously. first there was the kremlin ultimatum. subsequently , there were kremlin communications at various levels , starting from the president of the united states, in conclusion, we will not list them all, but the third year of a full-scale invasion of a full-scale, heavy, extremely unprecedented in the history of europe after the 45th year of the war. accordingly, now medvedev, so to speak, does not hold any significant position positions, but he regularly voices the kremlin dark-rooms, well, if not the dark-rooms, then at least voices the position that was delegated to him. well, now he spoke again about odesa and kyiv, well, people are tense accordingly, so we understand that the situation is difficult, there kyiv is
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a border city, let's say this, taking into account what is happening in belarus, odesa is under regular shelling, on heavy fighting is going on in the south, the third year of the war, and here is all medvedev's delusion, on the one hand, you can speak of medvedev... there, i don't know, spit on, criticize, on the other hand side, well, he expresses a hostile position, so what are the realities? well, indeed, we have entered the third year of the active phase, the hot phase of the war with the russian federation, the situation on the front line is not simple, the front line, and within 850 km, is the most active, and the enemy is actually trying to carry out offensive actions along all these areas , this is actually the third attempt of such an active offensive, and this... the third offensive can be counted since october of last year, when the attacks on avdiivka just began. now the enemy has an advantage primarily in the living
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forces and equipment, but when we talk about the enemy's ability to carry out some more powerful offensive operations there or on kyiv or on odesa, i think that this is a significant exaggeration. now the forces that the enemy receives on our territory are 470 thousand people. composition, if you do not count the guardsmen there, they are mainly directed to, first of all, holding captured territories and carrying out offensive actions, but the pace of enemy destruction is now such that, in principle, we have somewhere up to 30,000 enemies destroyed per month, and in fact, the same number in the enemy is mobilizing, that is, now there is a certain parity in manpower capabilities . and one way or another, we understand that rather the main risks relate to the fact that it is necessary to ensure the support of our armed forces at the expense of ammunition and equipment, which depends
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on our partners, and with regard to ukrainian society, it is a question of mobilization, but everyone connects the strengthening of our of the armed forces only when the new law on mobilization comes into force, this is not quite the case, because the current law on mobilization is in effect now, and everything is equal our troops are being replenished. mobilized, there are brigades that are already being formed for the needs, the question is that these brigades are provided with the necessary weapons, and this is just such a complicated process against the background of the fact that indeed the supply of foreign weapons is somewhat slowed down, but today and there this week we already have many such positive moments related to the promises made by germany, the decision of denmark and the decision of canada to buy ammunition and the statements of the president of the czech republic that there are 800 000 ammunition that must be bought, so that in any case there are conditions to ensure the support of our armed forces
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. only at the expense of the personnel and courage of our soldiers, and at the expense of the equipment of weapons, which is no less important. well, art shells are an extremely important thing. yes, we understand that the british promised us 200 units of brimstone. missile is important, these are anti-tank missiles. so at one time, storshadow was also made, they made more than one small, well , in fact, a huge miracle, thus hitting those or other enemy military targets. but, the key story is the pace, the pace, that is , the hundreds of thousands of shells promised there, when they are promised, when they start to be produced, delivered and so on, now we have a really serious situation on the battlefield, the same thing applies to manpower resources , we understand, when we compare the available and the available number of personnel on the front line - this is one story, but there is another question, so to speak, of the mob reserve, and accordingly
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, the population in the russian ... federation, well, mathematically just more, let's not try, and accordingly we need some additional solutions, they would be very useful, maybe there , i don't know, heavy armored vehicles or something else, well , when we talk about solutions, they are actually spoken, it means that we we have to spend this year in conditions of active defense, when we have to ensure a sufficient level of fortification. this is what is happening now, secondly, to ensure the retention of those territories that the enemy is trying to attack, to ensure the enemy's losses on at a sufficient level, and under these conditions, if this year we can not give up territories that the enemy is currently trying to bite off in various areas, it will actually be a success this year, but this success this year must also be supported by the pace, absolutely certainly by the supply of weapons, and i now hope...
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conditionally speaking, these 800,000 shells that peter pavel is talking about will be, let's say, an important factor if our partners find money, and i really hope for the unblocking of american aid, because we heard statements from representatives of the pentagon that atkamsi with a longer range and other types of weapons will be transferred there, and by the way, there are 3 million cluster munitions that we can get from the americans, but for now this decision is blocked by this general framework political battles of the united states. so, in any case , the potential of an ambulance in ukraine exists, we hope that we will really be able to, well, keep the format as it is, and the help will come on time. thank you, thank you, serhii sgurets, director of the consulting company defense express, about the most important, such extremely important topics, thank you serhiy, and important news, the good news came to a polish schizophrenic, well, by chance he was still working as a farmer, suspicions were announced for
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rude provocative slogans on... painted on banners during the border blockade, well, this patient, so to speak, is accused of inciting an aggressive war against poland, praising russian aggression and propagating communist ideology, you see how the poles are good at legislation, well, he called on putin to make things right with ukraine, brussels and the polish government , well, everything reacted accordingly, the prosecutor's office of the city of gliwice suspects this dude of... inciting an aggressive war, and the police detained the tractor driver, took photos and video recordings, removed the rules banners, and today they summoned him for questioning and applied preventive measures in the form of police supervision and property bail, he faces up to 5 years in prison, well, let's hope that the polish court will also be the most humane court, court in the world and they won't give him less than 5 years,
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well, jokes are jokes... it's news time, anna and eva melnyk, now i will present all the most important events today, really a lot. glad to see anya. so, inform the viewers of espresso. i will tell you about the most important thing for the moment. be with espresso. a man's body was recovered from the rubble in dnipro, the head of the regional military administration, serhiy lesak, said. the search for the woman who was likely at home at the time of the drone attack continues. let me remind you, tonight the russians hit the house. high-rise buildings in city ​​of dnipro. the elimination of the consequences of the strike is still ongoing. about 500 tons of grain were destroyed by the russians during the night shelling of the kramatorsk district of donetsk region. the enemy attacked the territory of the agricultural enterprise with shahedas. destroyed warehouses, workshop, garage and damaged machinery. part of the stock is also damaged.


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