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tv   [untitled]    February 23, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EET

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but, well, it's very good that it was successful, because this is such a training flight, so to speak, in the artemis mission, according to which in a few years nasa astronauts plan to land on a natural satellite of the earth, and it's also good that this is a successful lunar eclipse, due to the fact that literally a few months, a month or two ago, the russians did not sit down, look, but this is the first such publicized, advertised there and... you understand , the breeze blows moon dust from it and so on, do you think it was a production or not, so it's private, i'm curious myself, well, i don't know, antin, well, honestly, i don’t even know what happened back then , in those days there were tube tvs, you know, refrigerators, kharkiv refrigerators and so on, well, everything rattles there, and here they are, this space breeze blows away the dust, well, i don’t know, maybe they didn't fly then, maybe, maybe, who knows, although they want to, now for sure, now they will definitely fly, but maybe. well, they
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have already flown, and the astronauts will also fly. well, for today, i have everything in the world about ukraine column, everything not only for today, but also this week, we will meet with you in monday, but don't switch, because we still have a lot of interesting things to do. why am i here i have sensitive teeth, eat ice cream, pain, cold air - pain, sweet, pain. the dentist prescribed lacal sensitive, which effectively reduces tooth sensitivity. if i had known lakalut sensitive earlier, i would not have had to come here at all. lacalute sensitive - reliable protection against pain. there are discounts on penger and herpavir. 15% in podorozhnyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. there are 10% discounts on lactiale in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. oh, there are no potatoes
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volodymyr zelenskyi today in lviv, saying that shmyhal is leaving, and here shmyhal, denis shmyhal and the vice-premiers are already at the border, it is difficult to say how the situation will develop, but the polish side publicly announced in the end that it would not be able to go, and here they say poles, that this is not so much a matter of high politics as a matter of careful coordination of many technical details, well , let's see how the situation will develop. but everything is extremely serious, although not without, so to speak, not without rays of hope, now joining us on our evening broadcast, oksana yurynets, professor of the national university of lviv polytechnic, people 's deputy of ukraine of the eighth convocation, ex-head of the ukrainian delegation in the nato parliamentary assembly, a person who understands polish-ukrainian relations extremely well. glory to ukraine, professor, glory to the heroes, i congratulate you, so what, let's go now. out of the ordinary, so
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to speak, the prime minister of ukraine went to the border in order to meet with the delegation of the polish government, which did not want, well, in general , was not going to go there. something in us miscommunication is happening, that is , i heard that there are some telephone turntables there, you know, there are some special communications and so on, they are coordinating something there, we are going, we are not going, here we somehow got such a desynchronizer, but from the other side it is extremely good that the prime minister of ukraine and the deputy prime ministers will see with their own eyes what is currently happening at the border and it is possible that they will even cross the border in order to support our blocked drivers, you... my word, professor , thank you very much, yes, actually the topic is very relevant and you are right you note that it is necessary to communicate, of course, that our government officials need to communicate and explain to ukrainian drivers what happened to bilateral relations, but in addition, we also see that yesterday
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a number of events took place and the adoption of a law on the corresponding ban on blocking borders, in addition, technology , which he wants to... start, i understand, as for the exhibition in, to show how, in what way, in general, the grain is given to ukraine, in fact, this is absolutely a transit story, there is no threat, but today the information from the european to the parliament about the amount of funds allocated for a certain period of time, i think that they will calm down and we hope that this will be enough for at least six months, besides, the pro-russian and... the russian tour, which works in all those protests, this is repeated, all your colleagues talked about it, therefore, as of now , it is necessary to correct what was not done, and unfortunately, it is outdated, outdated since last year very actively, but when did these provocations begin, regarding civilian, ordinary
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buses, not business , even, and to children and to all the rest, we got a reaction right away, you also repeatedly informed the consul general in lviv, ms. dzvonkevych, about the statement, i... i will say: i have been receiving a lot of messages from my colleagues over the last few days, and these are professors, this people who react to these events in a completely different way, they are ashamed of the fact that this is happening, so in fact it is necessary to decide from two sides, i, like you , do not understand the communication at all , it is inadequate, i think, uh, that's why you probably have to go, but it's a big delegation, just too much it's interesting that i don't think that this... can immediately and quickly solve something, but at least there will be an understanding that attention will be drawn to this, because there is a decision-making mechanism in poland, and there is probably already some kind of life in ukraine, from the point of view of decision-making, which will probably not always be clear to our neighbors and other
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partners, well, look, well, an important point, so on wednesday the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, made a video address. to the polish authorities regarding the meeting, both between us and the polish government, yes, well accordingly, the next day donald tusk , the polish prime minister, answered publicly, well, that the meeting will take place on march 28 in warsaw within the framework of intergovernmental consultations, but i am most interested in something else, the real mechanisms, so we understand that it is not just about... grain, it's not just about the border , it's about hundreds, maybe tens of billions of euros, that's how we understand when we talk about a free trade zone, a free transit zone and so on and so forth . what are
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the peasants talking about, whether there are farmers or transporters, well in fact, they are talking about money and the market here , yes, the story is about ukrainian-polish relations, in this prism, it is also about money, well... we get money there under some programs, the poles get money under other programs, and we understand that , that polish peasants, well, in general, like most peasants of the european union, they are subsidized, that is , they receive funds, maybe they want to receive additional money, on the other hand , another wave of political hysteria is now being witnessed in poland, which is called self-governing elections, you know, that's it all the strength who butted heads in the previous elections, well... the people's platform won the elections, tusk became prime minister, then now, as they say, the same phase, but of the old game, a new phase of the old game. well, in fact, if we talk about the elections, you can see the trends yourself, and many analysts emphasize this, that
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the previous government's own sense of losing its position due to the fact that they lost the parliamentary elections, it actually drives into this story, because the coalition , together with the confederation such a pro-russian force as we are today we all understand that even these protests are, perhaps, parts of the real actors there, as the poles say in their own words. there are farmers, but the provocations that are taking place with posters and other things speak of something completely different, that there is a destabilization inside the country, after which our neighbors will be very sad for us, because we had this in our country 10 years ago, such destabilization, anti-nato , anti-european and so on, that is, about the fact that we do not need anything, but we have one tamaidan, and actually, we experienced all this, and now looking at what's going on, it's very... very scary, you know, because the biggest thing is that it's being rebroadcasted very actively,
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and it has a history where everybody will forget when it's over and where it all started, but they will just hate each other, and this is a very big trouble, because actually our enemy, who is fighting a real war and very aggressively for the last two years, actually it is 10 years, he has learned these methods that it is better to divide and rule, that is and this method worked, and now we... see on the border, this is the right of force, not force rights, yesterday they corrected this situation by adopting a law on the ban, the actual blocking, due to the fact that the borders were not in strategic objects until now, and now they have become them, well, and i will tell you frankly, there was a lot of talk about this and at the munich security conference, and these moments of threats, that is, in fact, when i will say so frankly about the eastern flank on... when to stir up this story, this situation, it looks very dangerous from the point of view of the supply of weapons, and in fact, all
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borders are like this, a large part of them is in lviv regions that help our armed forces to hold all this, that is, as of now, we need to be in a permanent state of constant negotiations, so that these things can start to be actually resolved, although it has already dragged on a lot, we thought that everything would be resolved when there were parals. elections in poland and it will end, unfortunately , waiting for something to change after the elections in april is also very difficult, today i had a conversation with my colleague, who is also participating in the elections in olsztyn, and in fact, well, she is a person , which is teresa asramovich lake, who speaks, who is a professor and who was thanked for her speech is very correct, because he helped, to make statements accordingly when all our judges gathered there. it was a special event of solidarity in and and when
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this issue was being considered in the hague, the actual speech, this one was key and important, for which she was thanked, that is, today we have a situation of different platforms, you correctly spoke about local elections, and public elections - this is important, and it is important to establish contacts now, just as you literally have two minutes, look, i wanted to clarify, but are there such real mechanisms that would allow you to calculate everything publicly? because the polish farmers are pulling their weight there, our government accordingly transfers a lot of things into the emotional sphere, and i really wanted ursula funderlajen to come with a calculator, so to speak, and sum up publicly, because when we say that it is ukrainian, it is without i doubt it is ukrainian, but it is exported by very specific traders, that is, it is not the state of ukraine that sells it, so to speak, certain financial structures, that too. the truth, this is the absolute truth, i can tell you such things, well, firsthand, the meeting was at
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the security conference in munich between vitaliy klitschko, rosuna fordden and jens stoltenberg, where they talked about many things about threats and about these issues, which will have to be solved very quickly, why, because as of now, ukraine's support system will consist only of when we act adequately and in a coordinated manner. and when the european union wants to settle the situation so that there are no refugees to feed, and that is decided at the expense of ukrainian grain, it is very important to include in these negotiations all those who will solve these issues, that is, conditionally today there is a very correct visit of mykola knyazhytskyi to warsaw and a meeting with a new group, which will be a friendship group, but it is also necessary for everyone levels, in fact, everyone should work, and now after the local... elections, the local self-government itself must be involved in solving these issues, because it will not end
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even after our victory, these issues of ukraine's accession to the european union and issues specific to the agricultural sector, and these issues are key, thank you, professor, an extremely interesting and productive conversation, oksana yurenets, a professor at the national university of lviv polytechnic, a people's deputy of ukraine of the eighth convocation, as the head of the ukrainian delegation in the nato parliamentary assembly, was currently working on the spresso broadcast. and attention another extremely important piece of news: today the president of ukraine, well the former one, viktor andriyovych yushchenko, is going around his hometown for 70 years, firmly, willingly. good health, fortitude, and everything the best, the ukrainian president was beautiful. well, now let's move on, i will pass the floor to my colleague serhiy rudenko, and he should present something important, but i also have one colleague, one colleague, besides serhiy rudenko, kateryna ohalko, and now i
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will ask her about the situation in the trial of the former people's deputy. the coordinator of various weapons programs serhii pashynskyi, today was the court, so kateryna, glory to ukraine, congratulations and i would like to share all the news of the pashynskyi trial right away. glory to the heroes, congratulations antina, so the court session paused, it happened recently, in fact, it lasted almost seven hours, the meeting is promised to be continued already. the following monday, two technical breaks were announced during the session, the session was in an open format, however, we, representatives of the mass media and free listeners watched it from a separate courtroom through a special broadcast, actually several dozen free listeners attended the first part of the court session, they came
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mainly with posters in support of serhiy pashynskyi, so today for almost 7 hours we... listened to the arguments of the defense side, they claim that the suspicion is not well-founded, the case is falsified, they also called to listen to tetyana chornovol as a witness in this case, later one of the defenders of the lawyer felt sick, so she withdrew from the consideration of this case, she was replaced by another defender of mr. serhiy pashynskyi, actually the last defender also claimed that femi. will not hear him, let's hear the defender's comment. rossnafta's property passed through ukraine in transit. the fact that someone may have brought her in transit to ukraine for the fact that they wanted them, as they say, well then they said that they were communists, that's
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another story, but legally so. and now. i have, well, because i, as they say, i will first wrap if the products, the owner of which is anastrak, yes, and where are the materials, why is this, we are going through a lot of waste paper here, but for some reason we do not see any of the documents where it would be what
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and there everything is on the surface, everything is already clear there, they, without documents, without customs, without registration, they could not, even in transit, they could not be allowed into ukraine, yes, i definitely won’t get it, i definitely won’t screw it up, i’m a human being, as they say , i’m not young anymore, i’m middle-aged, i still have... a man has enough spirit and strength to prove that this is complete , thank you to everyone who watched, thank you to everyone who came to support me, secondly, i think you saw yourself, my defense attorneys completely destroyed all the pseudo-evidence of the prosecution, the absurdity
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of this case, the falsity of this case was seen by everyone, so that i in principle, i say. on monday i will have the opportunity to express my position, and i want to say once again, i am not i know, there will be an arrest, there will be no arrest, but we have to fight the aggressor, the occupiers, and whether i am free or not, i will do everything possible and impossible so that we win, and then we will deal with the counterfeiters of this case. so actually, we also heard the reaction of serhiy pashinsky himself to this meeting, it is also important to note that at the end of the proceedings today we managed to listen. and a major general who is ready to take serhiy pashynskyi as a surety. in general, let me remind you that serhiy pashynskyi is suspected of illegal activity the seizure and sale of almost a hundred tons
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of petroleum products, once confiscated, which were supposed to be used for the needs of our armed forces, as a result of which ukraine suffered losses of almost 1 billion hryvnias in 2014-2018. therefore, the prosecutors are asking serhii pashynskyi to be detained. worth 60 days with the possibility of depositing a bail in the amount of uah 299,999,100, so i would like to note that the consideration of this meeting for the selection of a preventive measure for serhii pashinsky will be continued on monday, february 26, we will continue to monitor the situation, this is all the information as of now, antina , i pass it on to you. thank you, thank you, katerina, you are a steadfast leader and soldier of the journalistic front, it is clear, it is clear, well , we will wait on mondays. although 300 million bail for a person who is in ukraine , did not intend to flee anywhere, went away , was fulfilling his duties, well, a bit strange story, well, but we will wait until the court, now
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i will hand over the floor to my colleague serhii rudenko and he will present what will happen today in his information and analytical program verdict, the verdict program will come out literally there for an hour with pennies, glory to ukraine, serhiy, glad to see, tell the story, glory to the heroes, the program will be in 8 minutes, and we will start with valeriy. dear diplomat, these will be the foreign policy results of the week, let's talk about the new sanctions of the united states of america against russia, about the statements of medvedev and putin about nuclear war, in a word about everything, everything, everything that happened this week. in the second part of our program, there will be three of my colleagues, they are maria gurska, please, maria gurska will be there, yanina sokolova and marina danylyuk yarmalayeva. let's talk about... about two years war, more precisely about 10 years of war and about two years of the great war, about volodymyr zelenskyi's new interview with the american television company fox news and about what
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the president of ukraine said to the americans, we will discuss in sufficient detail and also mention the ukrainian-polish misunderstandings, the peak of which fell just on this week, we see that the government delegation led by shmyhal left. to the border with poland, but donald tusk and his government officials did not come to the meeting, well, it 's a strange situation, what does this mean and why did it happen. in short, we will talk about it all literally in 7 minutes, and antin burkovsko's big broadcast continues, antin, you have a word. thank you, thank you sergey, well, let's see, literally in about 6 minutes and 30 seconds. serhii rudenko live on the espresso tv channel. well, a meeting with the polish government. did not take place at the border today, prime minister of ukraine denys shmyhal reported this, although this story was expected,
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the corresponding signals were received from the polish side, but now i will quote our prime minister, who arrived at the border with a delegation of vice - prime ministers, month therefore, in kyiv, prime minister donald tusk spoke about the fact that ukraine and poland are the most reliable and important allies of ukraine in this deadly battle with evil. a month ago we agreed. blocking the border harms our countries and that it is important to prevent similar incidents, a month has passed and we have returned to this point again, only now we see open provocations, shmyhal reminded that the president of ukraine offered the leadership of poland a platform to negotiate and find a compromise , well, we will to hope that it will help to find an appropriate compromise, clear, transparent, understandable, the head of the european commission, ursulov. yes, which is about to arrive in kyiv, well, we are waiting for her tomorrow, well, what will be the weather now, synoptic,
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hello to all, dear ukrainians, you and i, of course, today we will talk about what the weather is expected to be like for the next day, or rather, even the next weekend, and for now we continue ours. er, such an excursion into the mythological dictionary, mythological figures and various information on meteorology, and today we will talk about the wind rose. wiwind rose from english and german is written and read in the same way, it is a vector diagram that characterizes in meteorology and climatology the wind regime in a given place for a certain period, that is, it is for many years of observations, it can be a month, a week, a season and also much more years, well , it looks like a polygon, i think that many of you have seen how it looks, it really looks like a rose, it is already
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called a rose. winds and the length of the rays are obviously different, because different, different wind speeds are observed and diverge from the center of the diagram in different directions, in the directions of the horizon, in rhumbs, and in proportion to the recurrence of the winds in these directions, from where the wind blows. by the way, let me remind you that if you hear, for example, the south wind is from the south, the northwest wind is from the northwest, from the northwest, that is, the direction of the wind is where it blows from, and it is clear that... there is no night-south wind, well , for example, the wind rose, why is it important and where is it used, it is taken into account during the construction of runways, in that including airfields, roads , roads, of course, the planning of settlements is mandatory, the assessment of the mutual location of residential areas and industrial zones, i don't know what the construction rules are, but at least that's how it should be done, and also all
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kinds of economic ones. such measures are used, it is used both in agrochemistry and in horticulture, park and forest gardening, in ecology, of course, etc., the wind rose is built according to real data of observations, it allows you to detect the direction of the dominant or prevailing wind, we have already talked about this, this is how it is beautiful, a rose of winds and very useful and necessary, such a meteorological concept. we go further, we rise a little in the upper latitudes of the atmosphere, although there is also wind there, but we will ... we will look at the magnetic activity of the earth today and tomorrow we will observe a fairly calm situation, homogeneous, no magnetic storms are expected, any such influential ones, so we let's move on to the weather forecast for the next day on february 24, so tomorrow in the western regions of ukraine, in most of them there will be no precipitation, but from the carpathians and a little rain may pass in the carpathian regions, rain, because after all...
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the air temperature will be very high, well , in comparison, of course, for february it is +7 +11° and in zakarpattia it can be even higher. it will be cloudy and windy in the north of ukraine, gusts from the south and southeast will reach 15-20 m/s. be very careful, the air temperature will also be quite high +6 +11° even in the north of ukraine. in the eastern part of ukraine it will be cloudy with clearings, sunny clearings are possible, it is a little cooler there, the maximum is only +2. 5, the nearest at night and to the minuses, but strong winds will also be observed. in the central part of ukraine, windy weather will cover the entire territory from vinnytsia to dnipropetrovsk region. the air temperature will be quite high +6 -11°. precipitation in the center is unlikely. in the south, there will also be a dry air mass with sunny clearing. the air temperature, well, is so restrained as for the south, but quite comfortable, plus 7 - 11°.
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and in kyiv, in the capital, tomorrow , february 24, it will be windy, without precipitation, and the air temperature will fluctuate between 10-12°c. later on sunday, for example, the warm weather will hold without precipitation , a slight decrease in air temperature is expected during the week, but the degrees will be quite comfortable, around +4, +9, +5, +10° and in the coming days, the coming week, without significant precipitation. this is the nearest synoptic. ukrainian perspective, thank you natalka didenko, and dear tv viewers , today the president of ukraine, former viktor andriyovych yushchenko, 70 years old, is visiting his hometown, so what, be strong, god give him strength, and i will now pass the word to my colleague to serhiy rudenko, i say goodbye to you,
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rest in peace. good evening and good night, see you soon! good evening, we are from ukraine! glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy ordenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about the war, about ukraine, about the world and about... our victory. today in the program. payment for aggression and murder. the us has introduced more than 500 new sanctions against russia for the war in ukraine and the death of navalny. he also announced his package of sanctions european union new missiles and upgraded nuclear weapons. the kremlin threatens the west with nuclear war, and ukraine with the capture of kyiv and.


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