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tv   [untitled]    February 23, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EET

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zelenskyi, zelenskyi for export, and we have all now agreed to consume this zelenskyi for export a little bit, because the war is going on, and we are much less critical of the government, we criticize, in particular, the president and the supreme commander-in-chief, and again, for now , we agree with the fact that some basic messages that we also expect. we will get an explanation from our authorities from such interviews as volodymyr zelenskyi's interview with the fox news tv channel. if we talk about this interview in general, i will say that in my opinion it is very good that zelensky is on he went and did it in such a dignified way, from the front line, as if emphasizing the cowardice of putin and his henchmen, putin, let's recall, sat during the interview with tucker carlson in a comfortable. chair, and
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looked like a real criminal and tyrant, but who at the same time manages, gives instructions from the office. volodymyr zelenskyy looked like a responsible leader who is where his people are, and actually addressing an audience of americans who may not understand the need for help in ukraine, who are supporters of donald trump. of the isolationist policy of the united states of america is a unique chance, and perhaps not everyone will change their opinion after this interview, but if even every tenth viewer out of 3-5 million thinks that he still likes something about this guy, i it seems that it was definitely worth it, because in developed democracies everything is decided by society, and politicians follow their lead , and this is actually the biggest flaw of democracy in my opinion today. because an increasing
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number of members of these societies are people primitive, uneducated, and if they rule the world, then with such a history we actually risk ending up in the cave age. well, what else we can say is that, in principle, yes, currently the president communicates with society primarily through his daily video messages in the format of a blog, which are enough. effective and good such a way of communication during the war, but the main thing is that it does not turn into a habit, because this way of communicating with society does not give the opportunity to ask questions, and before that, after the war, it is important turn. well, we ask questions on our broadcast, we ask, friends, whether zelensky should run for the presidency of ukraine again? everything is quite simple on youtube, yes no, if you watch us on tv, 0800 200. 11 381, if yes, no,
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0800 211 382, ​​if not, leave your comments under the video on our youtube channel, and since not all of them are obvious our viewers watched this video interview of zelenskyi, we will go through two more points of this interview in order to have an idea of ​​what zelenskyi actually said to the western world first, and it is good, of course, that he appeared on the tv channel. fox news, where there was a boring two-hour interview of putin, where he tried to present a pseudo-history of ukraine and russia. volodymyr zelenskyi was more precise in his statements and said that putin is an inadequate person who poses a threat to the whole world, in particular to nato. let's listen to what zelensky said. putin violated all red lines, he is an inadequate person who threatens the whole world. and claims that
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he will destroy nato, and he will try to do it. so, when the world understands that, well, then that's it. so, at this point the war will end. well, in another fragment, he specified that a diplomatic end to the war is possible only on the basis of the ukrainian peace formula under the condition of the liberation of all the territories temporarily captured by the russians. let's listen to this fragment. we do not want to repeat the minsk agreements, but regarding the other part of our territory, no new frozen conflicts. we don't believe that, and i don't trust him. regarding the negotiating table, when we prepare, when there will be a document based on our peace formula, our main document, and when we will have the support of the world, then we will be able to look for ways to talk with representatives of russia. maryna, do you think that
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the world and the united states of america, in particular, have heard the clarity of ukraine's position, and that it will not be any other way, because... literally half an hour ago , i had valery chalilei on the air, he is talking about the fact that in november, december, some american circles held talks with moscow about the possible peaceful solution to the current situation, moscow insisted exclusively on what ukrainians have, not even ukrainians, but what the united states of america must recognize the new territorial reality, as the russians say, that is, recognize these territories that are now temporary. occupied and recorded even in some agreement? well, zelensky's words are completely understandable, because he always says a similar message at all international platforms and in all his interviews, but here we should not forget that the western elites,
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including the american ones, were formed in the system that he invented recently the late henry kissinger, yes, henry kissinger, he... decided to build bridges with china, he was loyal enough to the ussr, and then to russia, and there called putin a good leader, a conservative, and you understand when the world exists, the western elites existed there for 70 years in one paradigm, it is very difficult for them to readjust later on the other hand, something else, unfortunately, the current american elites are people of an older generation who are used to... the russian federation being a part of the western world. yes, this western world in the form of russia, it was specific. russia waged aggressive wars against its neighbors, which it believed to be these are my colonies, i have the right to wage these wars here, it also applied to moldova, it
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also applied to georgia, now it applies to ukraine, and the 11th year has already passed. and that's why the western elites need to be given a couple more options. okay, if we don't return there. crimea right now, what other options do we have? of course, we should not give in to our geopolitical aspirations there, it is obvious that we should not sign some crap there, which we were offered to sign, for example in istanbul, where in fact ukraine was offered to destroy the armed forces of ukraine, to de-nazify the ukrainian population, how to de-nazify it, i think everyone understands, put in prisons the most riotous, yes, those people who have always been. drivers of the maidan, revolutionary changes , reforms, such options do not suit us, but we have to understand that there is a lot of current in the world, there are a lot of political forces and politicians who will gladly give in to the interests of some state, which they consider there
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to be unimportant, far from them, in order to preserve relations with the russian federation, this is an objective reality, and therefore we need to think over plan b and plan s. maria, but tell me why, in your opinion, during the last two years, since the great russian invasion of ukraine, there is no unity among our western partners, what should be the end of putin's russia, that is, putin's russia? oh, sergey, well, you asked the question, of course, i think that the whole world has been searching for answers to this question for at least two years. but if we talk about why there is a lack of unity, well , it is simply because the democratic world is very slowly coming out of its shell of comfort and is slowly evolving to the idea that russia in its current form should stop
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its existence as the russian empire, we know that western leaders are extremely afraid of this for one reason or another, because of putin's presence of nuclear weapons. due to the fact that a civil war may start in russia, which will lead to unprecedented consequences for the whole world, that this country is unpredictable and so on, but it is necessary, i think, to accept the fact that these risks are still in any case less than to continue to watch the russian horde devour free europe piece by piece, and speaking of whether he was able to persuade. americans, every sunday on espresso since recently , at 3:30 p.m. and on the 22nd, my program about politics, about the world, in which i communicate with polish and european politicians, this week you can watch a fresh interview with the representative of the polish government on
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the reconstruction of ukraine, pawel kovalem, that 's what koval says and has already repeatedly noted that without the united states, europe, at least in the near future... will not be able to stand up to putin, with all his tools and with all his means and powers this one of the state, and pavel koval says that it is actually now the task of polish and ukrainian politicians, leaders from various circles, and not only political, but also cultural, economic, scientific circles, to go and convince senators, members of the house of representatives, american politicians and representatives of those circles to which these or other leaders belong, who can influence them in the fact that it is necessary to help ukraine,
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it is important to help ukraine, it is worth it, and it is in the interests of america itself. what can i say about myself president of ukraine volodymyr zelensky? of course, this is his direct duty, and this tool, in my opinion, was effective enough to apply it. we hope that this, well, at least adds some brick to this one. the price we build between, in our defense of our education and our values ​​from the aggressive appetites of russia. thank you, maria, colleagues, we should go for a short break, after which we will talk about how the ukrainian delegation came to the polish border, the ukrainian-polish border, and no one was there met, and what is happening in general in ukrainian-polish relations during even the last three or four months, not even during the last week. literally in a minute, damn stairs, my legs
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08021382, all calls to you are free, call, we will pick you up at the end of the program the results of this vote. well, and ukrainian-polish relations, we are observing that now the peak is probably the misunderstanding over the last, even several decades, not just the last few weeks or years, but... it would probably be wrong to say six months. today, the ukrainian delegation led by denys shmyhal went to the polish border, as volodymyr zelensky announced yesterday, and wanted to. to meet with the polish government officials, but the polish government officials were not there, because in fact, donald tusk clearly said that we will meet on march 28, in our a meeting is planned, we will meet and talk about everything. shmygal, on the other hand, said that ukraine has developed and is offering poland a plan of mutual understanding regarding the unblocking of the border, it
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consists of five steps, but the issue of the border. the blockade must be resolved before march 28, otherwise ukraine reserves the right to apply mirror measures at checkpoints. let's first talk about what it looks like from the side of the ukrainian border, first marina, i, how does this trip of shmyhal look like and why it turned out that way, why they they went there, why, i can't understand, if no one was waiting for them there, and then they took a group photo at the border. they said, well, no one came, we, we do not know at all what the poles want, i think that we would best discuss this topic with maria from one side and from the other side of the border, i can tell you how it looks from the ukrainian side, in fact, i am a supporter that all such things, there are trade wars, trade preferences,
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some future stories that will concern both of us, and poland and ukraine, and they were decided at... boring intergovernmental meetings, because our government delegation went to the border, well done, but, for example , as a journalist, i monitored information for a long time, looked for statements from the ukrainian foreign ministry, the ukrainian government, what is being done there, at what stage are all these conversations with by poles, and i didn't often find answers for myself about what was happening there, and as a result , the lack... for this, again, of a dialogue with ukrainian society that is happening on the polish border, and this section of the ukrainian border, precisely with poland, for the western borders, it is very important, because it is not only trade, not only, not only there is a sign of our grain, but also a huge amount of military aid, because because of, well, it is not a secret that because of all these blockades,
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where blockades, unfortunately, very often even those military cargoes that i was waiting for were late... for example, our ukrainian artillerymen, there were such complaints, by the way, from serious ukrainian volunteers who are specifically engaged in this topic, so i would like not a photo, i would like solutions, i would like deals, and obviously a little earlier than march 28th, because the 28th march is still a month away, and we understand that in the conditions when american aid sags for a certain time, when everything is not so rosy with the supply of weapons, when in the western countries there... they say, oh, well, maybe there in ukraine already in the spring and there will be no shells, it does not look very good. in terms of what happened, i actually really liked the financial times article that came out today , which actually, well, spells out very well what economic problems the poles have, what their relationship with the european union is, what they're there,
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now, well, the european union is unblocking the financial one. 137 billion euros, and this actually explains very well why exactly this happened, plus let's take into account that very soon there are local elections in poland, and we understand that the representatives of these small , small patriotic parties, who arranged all these performances in ukrainian border, they will just rush and try to become local deputies, so for them it is a great pr for their local... voter to show how we protect our polish interest, and we saw, for example, on the example of the last action, when these guys in such vests came out and unscrewed a wagon with ukrainian grain there, well, this action lasted there, well, 20 minutes, they removed the content, obviously for their pages , and left, the only thing you know is for the ukrainians who experienced
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the experience the famine and not one, but three at once, who... now understand the price of that grain, it is very unpleasant to see such things even in the performance of people friendly enough to us in a country friendly enough to us, like poland , because when the trade wars end, we will still be forced to sit down at the same negotiating table, this government delegation, our next government delegation and our polish colleagues and solve the issue of quotas, who trades agricultural goods and how. products, when ukraine will already fully join the european union, that is, we will not escape from this, just such things, they lay the foundations for those conflicts that should not be between our peoples, because... which i will remind, when putin gave an interview to tucker carlson, he mentioned poland, well, i personally counted 36 times, but for example, my colleague from kharkiv
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, who counted more carefully, he said that poland was mentioned 54 times, and you understand, when putin mentions two countries in a row like this, ukraine in the first place, and then poland, here it is worth reminding ourselves: russians, putin always says that we are going to take berlin, so i suggest... to remember through which two territories, through which two countries russia has to pass in order to get to berlin, these are precisely ukraine and poland. thank you, that's why i would advise mr. shmyhal, less selfies, more work offices thank you, thank you marina. maria, you definitely know a lot more about what is happening on the other side of the border, and you can tell why it happened, why our people left, no one was waiting for them there, and why, why our people don't listen and don't do anything. well, proper diplomacy , when it is really diplomacy, when they come to an agreement, when they consider each other's interests, and not just
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that they did not want to, that they came, and you did not expect that you will not even drink tea, you will return to lviv again, well that is, explain the logic in general from which poland proceeds in this situation, i'm telling you how to fit so many messages, well, i'll try, so let's start with the fact that the most important thing that we... leaders from various fields can and should do now is to first of all demonstrate a friendly attitude towards our neighbors, as with from the side of poland, as well as from the side of ukraine, and in spite of everything, do not fall for the rhetoric of hate and mutual accusations, because what is happening now in social networks, both from the polish side and from the ukrainian side, well, this is actually the least we need and the most necessary now the kremlin. second, to try understand each other. this is what polish politicians are explaining to me now: polish farmers are not fighting against ukraine, they are fighting against extremely high demands from the european union, sometimes unfavorable
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market conditions for them, which are formed as a result of one or another, then one or another situation on the market , in particular, the drop in grain prices in principle, yes and thirdly ee... these people are simply demanding additional finances, subsidies, subsidies for their business, as polish politicians claim, wait 10 years ukrainians, and you will be there polish farmers, you will demand preferences, subsidies and financing of your businesses in the same way as the poles are doing now. as for grain , polish politicians also explain that agricultural products... fall apart, are conspicuously scattered everywhere, this is the european style, tomatoes are pressed in spain, so on the squares in poland and ukraine,
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this is grain, so again this is not an action against ukraine , and this is such a tradition now in these farmers' protests. polish politicians are now appealing to those people who take participation in promotions and they say: "please don't throw it away." ukrainian grain , it is achieved with difficulty, it is achieved with blood , and in order to send it further, to import it to the eu countries with which ukraine has agreements, and why are the poles actually against ukrainian transit, despite the fact that ukraine does not trade grain directly with poland, but this ukrainian grain still enters the polish market and competes with it, as a result, these people actually have less favorable conditions and actually have problems with their own survival businesses, what needs to be done here, to fight , to demonstrate responsible leadership, to throw
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all our forces into pumping, firstly, the actual language of dialogue, and secondly, well, for example, such arguments as dirty russian grain, which, about which polish farmers simply do not know, that it is actively entering the european market and in much larger quantities than ukrainian grain. it is not subject to sanctions, it enters in particular in huge quantities in spain, in italy, and polish farmers are actually much more logical now relations with these countries were clarified, how russian grain gets to the european markets, it is this, in our opinion , that poses the main threat to polish farming, it needs to be clarified, well, at the same time. it is necessary to refute the thesis about low-quality ukrainian grain, which is pumped , in particular, by russian propaganda, well, for example, i manage this portal for temporary
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military migrants and for thinking in... ukrainians, poles, sisters, yes, for those people who want to fight for a free europe, we are now putting all our efforts into making it to do, to create such materials, to distribute them and project them in both languages, polish and ukrainian, if we talk about this unsuccessful, unsuccessful visit, unsuccessful meeting at the border, when someone wants to meet, he actually meets, so i really don't fully understand who i was looking for calculated this calculated this picture, it seems to me that it was still... hidden more for the internal audience, actually, because, for example, when people want to talk, they arrange for, yes, a meeting, and they talk , for example, we mentioned the chairman of the committee on foreign affairs of poland, the polish sejm, pawel kowal, he wanted to meet with his colleague, the co-chairman of the inter -parliamentary group of friendship with poland, mykola knyazhytskyi, the people's deputy
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of ukraine, here they are. met in warsaw, they sat and worked all day, it was literally less than a week ago, and i will tell you that responsible polish politicians, as well as ukrainian ones, go to the border and actually go quite often, without making such a big deal out of it huge promotion so century, they they just work there all the time, once in a while they do this work on the border. yes, and not only polish politicians go to the border with ukraine, they also go to ukraine, like pavel kowal himself, like polish prime minister donald tusk, like the head of the polish foreign ministry, radoslaw sikorski. and it seems to me that the main news this week is not even the visit of the prime minister of ukraine to the border and this unsuccessful meeting, but what the prime minister of poland donald tusk said, despite the proximity of the local elections in
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of poland, about... and my colleague maryna danylyuk yarmalayeva noted, the prime minister of poland donald tusk clearly stated that the border crossing points with ukraine will be considered critical infrastructure to guarantee the passage of aid, and tusk actually relied on this despite with all due respect to the protests of polish farmers, which are actually an element of such and also a side effect of democracy, the poles themselves explain that... these protests are so carefully guarded to never, ever allow a repetition of communist times, therefore, it is important for them, but you need to understand that these are not protests against us, these are protests of business itself, this is their competition, struggle, and as the poles claim, we also have this ahead of us, and there is still a very long conversation ahead, so you need to sign up strong
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nerves and search. the language of dialogue. thank you. on this optimistic note, we will end our conversation. our program is running out of time. maria gurska from warsaw, maryna danylyuk yarmaleva from kyiv, serhii rudenko from lviv. and we talked about what actually happens in ukraine, and not only in ukraine. thanks for the conversation with my colleagues. and during this entire broadcast, we conducted a survey, friends, we asked you about whether zelensky should run for the presidency of ukraine again. so. tv poll results 8% yes 92% no on youtube 7% yes 93% no, these are the results of today's poll, i say goodbye to you friends until monday at 8:00 pm, come, it will be interesting, we will have a two-hour broadcast again, starting from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m., now i wish you a good weekend, take care of yourself and your relatives, good health to you
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