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tv   [untitled]    February 24, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EET

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because now this year will be very important from the point of view of the struggle in another space, in the space of narratives, messages, these fakes, that is, we have our model, and the true model, now clearly form again, as a whole, and in this model, the illegitimacy of putin has play one of the key roles. thank you, mr. valery, for the conversation, it was a diplomat. this is the former ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america, valery chaly. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those, who is watching us live there now, please do not forget to put a favorite so that this conversation progresses in the trends of youtube and facebook. well, vote in our poll. today we ask you the following question: should zelensky run again for the presidency of ukraine? yes, no, everything is quite simple on the youtube channel. now we
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see the interim results of the poll on tv 8% yes, 92% no. on the youtube channel , we have a ratio of 94%, no, and yes 6%. the same survey will also be heard in the second part of our program, which will begin in 15 minutes. we will have a journalism club, maryna danylyuk yarmalayeva, maria gurska and yanina will be in it. sokolova, wait for this broadcast, it will be interesting, there are discounts on pector one plus, 10% in pharmacies psylsnyk, pam and oskad, there are discounts on helpex 20% at pharmacies psylsnyk, pam and oskad, there are discounts on hepargin - 10% at pharmacies psylsnyk , memory and savings. exclusively on
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the air of our channel. greetings, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis in border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities, analysis of processes changing the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let fiction help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. project for... those who care and
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thinkers politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. greetings, friends, the tv channel is live. the second part of the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, is being released today. endless february, two years have passed since the beginning of the large-scale invasion and 10 years of the russian-ukrainian war. how has ukraine changed? bilateral security guarantees. zelenskyi explained what a diplomatic end to the war should look like. key points of the fox news channel president's interview. blockade of grain cargoes. polish farmers plan to intensify their protests. embargo on ukrainian agro. products can be expanded.
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friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us on these platforms, please like this video and take part in our vote. today we ask you the following question: should zelensky run again for the presidency of ukraine? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own opinion, please write it in the comments. if you watch us on tv. smartphone or phone and vote if you think that zelensky should run for president again 0800-211-381, not 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, call, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. today we have journalists, my colleagues, a traditional journalism club every friday. so, today we have. on the air
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maria gurska, journalist, host of the espresso tv channel and head of the sister project, mrs. maria, i congratulate you and thank you for being with us today, congratulations, serhiy, thank you for... the opportunity join the ether. maryna danilyuk yarmalayeva, journalist, political commentator, author and host of the youtube channels of the bisisyky show and centronet. marina, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. hearty congratulations to the entire audience. and yanina sokolova, a journalist and tv presenter of the fifth channel, should also join. we are waiting for inclusion, so far she is not in touch. come on, maria and marina, let's start our conversation with the bliss poll, as we... ask our tv viewers whether zelensky should run for the presidency of ukraine again? i i think that he himself has not yet decided and is thinking about it. let's tell him whether he should run for president again or not. marino. i like facts and i want to remind you that
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in mr. zelensky's campaign program, when he was still a presidential candidate, it was written about one term. plus , you can find his public interviews on the internet, i don't remember which publication it was in, but for sure he was wearing such an emerald sweater, and he said that friends, i'm only going for one term. and the third such moment, recently there were sociological polls, and more and more ukrainians are inclined to the opinion that mr. zelensky should limit himself to one term, and not because people there are against or opposed to zelensky or hate him. but simply it looks absolutely adequate, because the person had such a term of one yes, which probably cannot be compared to four in terms of the saturation of events. thank you, maria, what do you think, should the president
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go for a re-run, i wanted to say a second round, but for a re-run of the presidency? you know, serhiy, from warsaw a little about... i asked, where did the discourse about the second term come from, in fact, these days, because everyone is absorbed in the blockade of the polish-ukrainian border by polish farmers, everything that is happening in this section in the political plane, i know that we will talk about it again talk, but if there is already such a discussion, then first of all, let's say that i am in one term. all the more so since it will clearly turn out anyway, probably longer than planned, well, and secondly, after all, well, here i would like to focus on democratic countries, in which, somehow, less often it happens when
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the same people hold this office for two, three, four and five terms in a row, of course, according to the ukrainian constitution, this term should be held for two terms. in a row it is possible, yes, but we understand that now there are objective reasons for this that make it impossible, and i think that we should still first of all concentrate on winning our victory as soon as possible, and then holding elections. maria zelensky was asked about the election by fox news, and bret bayer, who took a long interview, and this night, last night... was this interview published, just as zelensky was talking about the fact that he has the most support from the people, if elections were held, they would elect me - zelensky said, so it is not necessary to say that i am trying to stay in power, i would have won the elections if they had been held - said
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zelenskyy, so he admits in his answer that he can win the elections a second time. let's return to this interview, because in principle... it turned out to be a landmark and so far the only one on the eve of the second anniversary of russia's great invasion of ukraine, and in this interview, on the american television company fox news, zelensky tried to emphasize how he sees the war, how he sees the current situation and what will happen next, we will go through this quite briefly, because it is very important, tomorrow, february 24, and exactly two years that's why the big war started and... this week it's 10 years since the russian-ukrainian war, but what does zelensky say in an interview with an american television company, he says that the ratio of losses of the ukrainian military to russian is one to five, and what exactly said the president of ukraine, let's hear.
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we know about tens of thousands of people killed, tens of thousands of children were deported. we know about it. if you compare the number of dead soldiers, i would say the ratio is one to five. for one ukrainian soldier who died in battle, there are five. russian soldiers, these are approximate statistics. i have only one question, colleagues, and why is he saying this to an american journalist and an american television company, and not to some ukrainian tv channel, conditional or single telethon, or inter tv channel, or 1+1, and why all these statistics, well, you can calculate how much it is if one to five and look at the statistics of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. you can roughly understand the number of casualties during this war,
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and rahamiyyah once said that it should not be kept a secret at all, it should be talked about because people need to know. maryna, how do you assess the fact that zelensky is always oriented to a western audience for some reason and always rebroadcasts everything that is important within the country to western tv viewers? well, because i will remind you that at the very beginning of his presidency mr zelensky decided not to treat his own voter as an adult, and this was very clear, for example, it was followed in the format of new year's addresses to the ukrainian people, you remember, once there was an address when zelensky went to kindergarten and there in the background, children, who were four, 5-6 years old, talked about what awaits us next year, and unfortunately, during... a war, a full-scale war, when ukrainian society needs information, needs
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trust in the ukrainian authorities, for some reason mr. zelensky decided to choose such formats conversations, and so, unfortunately, we learn about such most key decisions from interviews, foreign publications, or about the resignation of a servant, it was, for example, the italian public counterpart, or, for example, such a very such a triggering, screaming statement that concerned social... assistance to ukrainian refugees, it sounded to the german audience, at that time, at the same time, there was no such thing for ukrainians. why did mr. zelensky go to give an interview to the fox news channel. according to my information, in principle, it is publicly there also wrote in separate media. about four months ago, the office of the president of ukraine finally decided that they were not communicating enough with american voters who support the republican party, not only this trump bunch, but republicans in general. and since then, they've decided
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to push their message more actively through fox news, and fox news is such a huge mouthpiece specifically for the republican audience. given the fact that mr. zelensky has been unable to communicate with trump for a long time, on the second anniversary of the second anniversary of the full-scale invasion, he decided to give this one. interview, i will immediately point out that the format in which this interview took place was quite successful, mr. zelensky went to the city of kupyansk, there literally a few kilometers from the front line, and here we see in such a living nature, there was a bonfire, even in some shots it was lit, but zelenskyy tells how ukraine lives, there were even very good shootings with... drones, yes, how does the city look like now, that is, the picture is not bad,
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it seems to me that this form was chosen not by chance, but this is such a message, which is the answer saw a fox news viewer after that famous interview with putin and kerr carlson, well, the only thing, you know, my eyes are running, it's obvious that this mr. journalist brad bayar, who came to take this interview, he was not very prepared for the trip. precisely on the front line near the city of kupyansk, because you know right away, his white jeans catch my eye, but from the statements that mr. zelensky did not tell there, well, i can say that a good statement was about financial assistance from the united states states of america, will ukraine survive without the support of congress, of course, but not all of us, the price of help now is less than if putin succeeds in ukraine. is this statement true or correct? she is realistic, did she understand such a laconic statement to a potential american
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taxpayer, who now essentially found himself in such an inter-election struggle of his own in the 2024 presidential elections, about trump, yes, if he came to ukraine, he would see everything with his own ears and hear with my own ears there too, i am happy to welcome any of the presidential candidates, anyone who is the leader of the houses, glory to you too, lord. a normal message, finally, maybe the ukrainian authorities understood this mistake of theirs, which was not only there after, during the early zelenskyi, but also the previous presidents, that it is impossible to do. all bets are exclusively on one presidential candidate, who is running for the position of president of the united states of america, well, and definitely about the elections, about the elections for well, it was zelensky's own statement, you know how it is for me as a citizen of ukraine, it is not very pleasant, because one feels that mr. zelensky is not
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very correctly reads all these trust ratings that are given to him, or certain people that bring these ratings... they are not quite interpreted correctly, because i would win the elections if they were held, well, zelensky's trust figure is high, but i always correct everyone who says: oh, zelenskyi has a great rating there, and i say: look, this may not be a personal rating of mr. zelenskyi as an individual, but of the institution, the president, as a person who won the democratic elections in 2019 and received a huge mandate trust from of a ukrainian voter, these are slightly different things, and one feels that mr. zelensky still does not fully understand what this figure is, 64% of support, according to the latest poll, which was published just a few days ago by a sociological , especially marina, this rating trust of the president of a country at war, that is, it is not
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a sign of equality for zelensky, but for the institution itself. president of ukraine during the war. maria, as zelensky, in your opinion, looks inside the state and for export, is there a difference, here is the export version of zelensky and the domestic one, to what extent do these two images match, you can and you know both images and you can also say about them, how does it look for export now, these days, when we are there... well, let's talk about what, i understand, i will only say that , which i will briefly note here that yes, these are two completely different images, the internal zelensky, the zelensky for export, and we have all now somewhat agreed to consume this zelensky for export, because the war is going on,
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and we criticize the government much less, criticize, in particular president... supreme commander-in-chief, and once again, we currently agree that the main messages that we also expect, as an explanation from our authorities, we will receive from such interviews as volodymyr zelenskyi's interview with the fox news tv channel, if we talk about this interview in general, i will say that in my opinion it is very good that zelensky attacked him and did it in such a ... dignified way from the front line, as if emphasizing the cowardice of putin and his henchmen, putin, let's remind , sat during an interview with tucker carlson in a comfortable chair, and looked like that as a real criminal and tyrant, but who at the same time rules, gives instructions from the cabinet.
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volodymyr zelenskyi looked like a responsible leader who is where his... people are, well, actually, to appeal to an audience of americans who may not understand the need for assistance to ukraine, who are supporters of donald trump and the isolationist policy of the united states of america, is a unique chance, and perhaps not everyone will change their opinion after this interview, but if even every tenth viewer out of 3-5 million thinks that something he likes this guy, i... it seems that it was definitely worth it, because in developed democracies everything is decided by societies, and politicians follow their lead , and this is actually the biggest flaw of democracy, in my opinion, in the modern world, because an increasing number of members of these societies are primitive, poorly educated people, and if they rule the world, then with such a history we
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actually risk ending up in the cave age, and what else can we say that... in principle, yes, for now the president communicates with society primarily through these daily video appeals in the format of a blog, which are quite effective and a good way of communication during the war, but the main thing is that it does not become a habit, because this way of communication with society does not give the opportunity to ask questions, but what about after all, after the war, it is important to return. and we ask questions on our broadcast, we ask, friends, whether zelensky should run for the presidency of ukraine again? everything is quite simple on youtube, but not if you watch us in teleferi, 0800 2011. this is 381, if yes, no, 0800 211 382, ​​if not, leave your comments under the video on our youtube channel, and
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since obviously not all of our viewers watched this video of zelensky's interview, we will go through two positions of this interview in order to have an idea of ​​what zelensky actually said to the western world, and it is good, of course, that he spoke on the tv channel. fox news, where there was a boring two-hour interview of putin, where he tried to present a pseudo-history of ukraine and russia. volodymyr zelenskyi was more precise in his comments statements and said that putin is an inadequate person who poses a threat to the whole world, in particular to nato. let's listen to what zelensky said. putin violated all red lines, he is an inadequate person who threatens the whole world. and claims that he will destroy nato, and he will try to do it. so, when the world understands that, well, then that's it. so, at this point, the war will end. well, in another
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fragment, he specified that a diplomatic end to the war is possible only on the basis of the ukrainian peace formula under the condition of liberation all territories temporarily captured by the russians. let's listen to this fragment. my signal - "we don't want to repeat the minsk agreements, but for the rest of our territory, no new frozen conflicts, we don't believe that, and i don't trust him, about the negotiating table, when we prepare, when there will be a document that will be based on our peace formula, our main document, and when we have the support of the world, then we can look for ways to talk with the representatives of russia . the united states of america, in particular , here is the clarity of ukraine's position, and
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it will not be any other way, because just half an hour ago i had valery chalilei on the air, he says that in november and december, some american circles held negotiations with moscow , about the possible peaceful solution to the current situation, moscow insisted. exclusively on the fact that ukrainians have, not even ukrainians, but that the united states of america must recognize a new territorial reality, as the russians say, that is, recognize these territories that are now temporarily occupied and fixed even in some agreement. well, zelenskyi's words are completely understandable, because he always speaks a similar message at all international platforms and in all his interviews, but here we should not forget that the western elites... including the american ones, they were formed in the system that coined by the recently deceased henry kissinger, yes henry kissinger, he
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decided to build bridges with china, he was loyal enough to the ussr, and then to russia, and called putin a good leader there, a conservative, and you understand that when the world exists, the western elites existed there for 70 years in one parade. it is very difficult for them to adjust to something else, unfortunately, the current american elites are people of an older generation who are used to considering the russian federation as part of the western world. yes, this western world in the form of russia, it was specific. russia waged aggressive wars against its neighbors, which it considered to be my colonies, and i have the right to wage these wars here. it also applied... it also applied to georgia and now it applies to ukraine, yes already the 11th year has passed, and therefore the western elites must, must be given a couple more options, okay, if we
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do not return crimea there right now, what other options can we have? of course, we should not give in to our geopolitical aspirations there, it is obvious that we should not sign some crap that we were offered to sign there, for example in istanbul, where in fact ukraine... tried to destroy the armed forces of ukraine, de-nazify the ukrainian population, how to de-nazify it, i i think everyone understands to put in prisons the most riotous people, yes, those people who have always been there drivers of the maidan, revolutionary changes, reforms , such options are not suitable for us, but we have to understand that there is a lot of current in the world, there are a lot of political forces and politicians who will gladly give in to the interests of some state, which they consider. there is unimportant, far from them, in order to preserve relations with the russian federation, this is an objective reality, and therefore we need to think about plan
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b and plan s. maria, but tell me why, in your opinion, during the last two years, there is no big russian invasion of ukraine unity among our western partners, what should be the end of putin's russia, that is, putin's russia? oh, sergey, well, you asked the question, of course, i think that the whole world has been searching for answers to this question for at least two years. but if we talk about why there is a lack of unity, well, it is simply because the democratic world is very slowly coming out of its shell of comfort and is slowly evolving to the idea that russia in its current form should cease to exist, like the russian empire, we we know what this is western leaders are extremely afraid for one reason or another because of putin's presence of
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nuclear weapons. due to the fact that a civil war may start in russia, which will lead to unprecedented consequences for the whole world, that this country is unpredictable and so on, but it is necessary, i think, to come to terms with the fact that these risks are still in any case are less than continuing to watch the russian horde devour free europe piece by piece, and speaking of whether vladimir could be persuaded. of americans every sunday on espresso, fr 15:30 and the 22nd my program about politics about the world, in which i talk to polish and european politicians, this week you can watch a fresh interview with the representative of the polish government on the restoration of ukraine, pawel kovel, that's what kovel says and already more than once noted that without the united states, europe, at least
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in the near future... will not be able to stand up to putin, with all his tools and with all the means and powers of this, uh, satanic state, and pavel koval says that what actually now the task of both polish and ukrainian politicians, leaders from various environments, and not only political, but also cultural, economic, and scientific. circles to go and convince senators , members of the house of representatives, american politicians and representatives of those circles to which these or other leaders are connected, who can influence them , that ukraine needs to be helped , that it is important to help ukraine, it is worth it, and it is in the interests of america itself , what can be said about the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi himself?
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of course, this is his direct duty. and this one the tool, in my opinion, was effective enough to be used , we hope that it will at least add some bricks to this wall that we are building between us in our defense of our world and our values ​​from the aggressive appetites of russia. thank you, maria, colleagues, we should go for a short break, after which we will talk about how the ukrainian delegation came to the polish... ukrainian-polish border, and no one met them there, and what is happening in general in ukrainian-polish relations during even in the last three or four months, not even in the last week, literally in a minute, there are discounts on pshyk, 10% in the pharmacies psychnyk, pam and oskad. there are 10% discounts on hepargin in travel pharmacies. there are
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10% discounts on quiet soothing in psyllium bam and oskad pharmacies. every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm , the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pawel koval. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what are they saying? about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive statements? european politicians and what our accession to the eu will look like in the project about politics about the world with maria gurska every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in cooperation with seestre eu. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events.


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