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tv   [untitled]    February 24, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EET

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[000:00:00;00] the potential to try to advance deep into our territory precisely at the expense of the accumulated equipment, personnel and the main advantage in aviation, because the use of aviation is preserved both in this area and in other areas where the enemy is now trying to put pressure on our defense, well what serhii, let's move to the south, on the one hand extremely high activation of the enemy's direction of work, well, on the other hand, the situation with the bridgehead on the left. on the banks of the dnieper, our fighters are there and extremely fierce battles are being fought. shoigo already lied more than once, and here he once again reported to the führer about how they, so to speak, destroyed this bridgehead, well, it was a lie, but the battles are going on, the battles are difficult. the effect, pushing our units out of the areas that we captured during the offensive, the robotin wedge is such an area, so to speak, it's
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10 by 10 km, which for... it is thought by our military, last week and this week the enemy carried out offensive actions on the robotin from the west from the south, from the west, he probably advanced there by 400 by 500 m, but just yesterday there were counterattacks by our military on this area, and actually one of the strongholds that was captured by the enemy there was returned to our control, so that, relatively speaking, this... the second day, which is happening now, they are more related to the counterattacks of our units, and in fact we understand , that, by the way, we have a sufficient amount of air artillery in this area, we have seen many examples of the use of sufficiently effective means of impression, which just leads to significant losses of the enemy, and we understand that, after all, the enemy will continue
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to try in some way. .. create conditions, for us to leave this area, he tried to do it at the expense of flanking strikes, but probably the military leadership of ukraine made certain conclusions, and the flanking directions around the operation are quite firmly fortified, he then resorted to frontal strikes artificially, but as we can see, the results were positive for the enemy no, there are positive results for our armed forces. krynyk, krynyk, cossack camps, i understand the intensity there, how difficult the situation is there. the key story, in addition to fire support, is also logistical support, so we understand that the enemy works with artillery, works with aviation , works with drones, accordingly, we also work with uav artillery, well, with aviation it is much more difficult for us, but supply to our fighters? really, absolutely accurately wrote the situation that concerns the specifics of maintaining our bridgehead in the krinka and in other directions
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related to... this segment, now the enemy is primarily trying to complicate logistics, he is trying to read at night for those periods when we use our catamarans for overturning reinforcements to our marines, trying to drown these cathars, and in fact, it is one of those, well, vulnerable elements connected with the defense of this bridgehead, but now the marines are still getting plots on and on in the krynyk, yesterday there was... information that torem-1 was destroyed there, in particular , and osa-10, i.e. those models of equipment that the enemy tried to pull up there to ensure his air defense against our drones, and in fact now this is such a systematic duel using our potential from the right bank first of all and artillery and drones and means reb allows our marine
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infantry to hold this extremely difficult. section of the front, we also know the story of the letter, which happened literally there yesterday, when, due to strikes by hymers , an attack was made on a concentration of russian troops who were training there on the oleskiv sands, training on this training ground, there were significant losses of the enemy, and then they were supposed to go just in time for the attack on krynyk, now we see that then the potential from the right bank of hymers allows us to significantly reduce the potential of the enemy, how long we will be there. this a bridgehead, it is still of significant importance from the point of view of restraining a significant force of the enemy, although we understand that after shoigu 's lie that the krynyk was captured, now teplinsky and other military leaders must certainly bring reality to shoigu's lie, and this creates an expectation of risks that now the enemy will still try to intensify attacks on this area and try
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to push our infantrymen into... into the river, but this is not the first such threatening situation that has occurred in this area, and our soldiers heroically endured even more difficult periods in the received. this bridgehead. yes, serhii, so what, i would now like to go to the beginning of the third anniversary of the full-scale russian invasion. tragic mistakes, we understand that few took the kremlin's threats seriously. first there was the kremlin ultimatum, later there were kremlin communications at various levels, starting from the president of the united states, ending there , we won't list all of them, but a third. a year of full-scale invasion, full-scale heavy, extremely unprecedented in the history of europe after the 45th year of the war. accordingly, now medvedev, so to speak, who does not occupy any significant position, but
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regularly voices the kremlin’s darkrooms, well , if not darkrooms, then at least voices the position that he was delegated to voice, and now he is talking about odessa and kyiv again, well and people is getting tense accordingly, so we understand that the situation is difficult, kyiv is a border city there, let's say , taking into account what is happening in belarus, odesa is under regular shelling, heavy fighting is going on in the south, the third year of the war, well, this is all medvedev's delusion, on the one hand, you can spit on medvedev, so to speak , i don't know, criticize, on the other hand, well, he expresses a hostile position, but what are the realities? well, indeed, we have entered the third year of the active phase, the hot phase of the war with the russian federation, the situation on the front line is not easy, the front line within 850
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km is the most active, and in fact the enemy is trying to carry out offensive actions along all these areas, this is actually the third attempt of such an active offensive, and this third offensive can be counted from last october year, when... the attacks on avdiivka just began, now the enemy has an advantage, primarily in manpower and equipment, but when we talk about the ability of the enemy to conduct some more powerful offensive operations there, either on kyiv or on odesa, i think that this is a significant exaggeration. currently , the forces that the enemy maintains on our territory are 470,000 personnel, if you do not count the guardsmen there, they are mainly directed at three in the first place. captured territories and conducting offensive operations, but the rate of destruction of the enemy is now such that in in principle, we have somewhere up to 30,000 enemies destroyed per month, and in fact the same
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number of enemies are mobilized, that is, now there is a certain parity in manpower capabilities, and one way or another , we understand that the main risks are more likely. regarding the fact that it is necessary to ensure the support of our armed forces at the expense of ammunition and equipment, which depends on our partners, and with regard to ukrainian society, it is a matter of mobilization, but everyone associates the strengthening of our armed forces only with the start of the new law on mobilization, it is not that's right, because the current law on mobilization is in effect now, and our troops are being replenished with mobilized troops, there are brigades that are already being formed, the main issue is that these brigades are equipped with the necessary weapons, and this is just such a complicated process against the background of the fact that indeed the supply of foreign weapons is slowing down a bit, but today and this week we already have many such positive
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moments related there and with promises from germany, there and with denmark's decision, and canada's decision to buy munitions, with the statements of the czech president that there are 8,000 munitions that... must be bought, so that in any case the conditions are there to ensure that our armed forces are not only supported by manpower our soldiers, but at the expense of weapons technology, which is no less important. nuart shells are an extremely important thing, so we understand that the british promised us 200 units of brimstone missiles, this is important, these are anti-tank missiles, so at one time stormshadow also did, they did more than one small, but actually huge. thus hitting certain military targets of the enemy, but the key story is the pace, the pace, that is , the hundreds of thousands of shells promised there, when they are promised, when they start to be produced, delivered and so on, now we have a really
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serious situation on the battlefield, yes the same thing that applies to manpower resources, we understand when we compare the available, the available number of personnel on the front line is one. history, but there is still a question, so to speak, of the mob reserve, well, and accordingly , the population in the russian federation, well more mathematically simple, let's not pretend, and answer. accordingly, we need some additional decisions, it would be very useful, maybe there, i don’t know, heavy armored vehicles or something else, well, when we talk about decisions, they have actually been discussed, it is about the fact that we should spend this year in first, in conditions of active defense, when we have to ensure a sufficient level of fortification, which is what is happening now, and secondly, to ensure containment. territories where the enemy is trying to attack and ensure losses
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the enemy is at a sufficient level, and under these conditions, if this year we can not give up the territories that the enemy is currently trying to bite off in various areas, it will actually be a success this year, but this success this year must also be supported by the pace, absolutely true, arms supply, and i now hope that, conditionally speaking, these 800,000 shells that peter pavel is talking about will be, let's say, well... an important factor if our partners find money, and i really hope for the unblocking of the american help, because we heard statements from representatives of the pentagon that atcams with a longer range and other types of weapons will be transferred there, by the way, there are 3 million cluster munitions that we can get from the americans, but this is still a decision blocked by this general framework of political battles in the united states, so in any case, the potential for emergency aid in ukraine is there, we hope ... that we can really, well, keep it in the
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format that it is, and help will come in time. thank you thank you. serhiy zgurets, director consulting company defense express about the most important, so extremely important topics. thank you serhiy. well, and important news, good news came to the polish schizophrenic, well , by chance he was still working as a farmer, suspicions were announced for rude provocative slogans painted on banners during the border blockade, and that, so to speak. the patient is accused of inciting an aggressive war against poland, praising russian aggression and propagating communist ideology, you see how poles are fine with legislation, well, he called on putin to make things right with ukraine, brussels and the polish government, well, everything reacted accordingly, the prosecutor's office of the city of gliwice suspects this dude of inciting an aggressive war, and the police detained the tractor driver, conducted a photo... video recording , removed the rules banners, well, already today
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he was summoned for questioning and accordingly preventive measures were applied in the form of police supervision and property bail, he faces a penalty of up to 5 years of imprisonment, well, let's hope that the polish court will also be the most humane court, the courts of the world and he will not be given less than five years, but jokes are jokes. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is korabelny district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two
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hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. now it's news time, anna and eva melnyk, now will present all the most important events today, really a lot. anya is glad to see, well, inform the tv viewers of espresso. i will tell antina about the most important thing at the moment, be with espresso. the body of a man was recovered from the rubble in the dnipro, said serhiy lysak, head of the regional military administration. the search for a woman who was probably at home at the time of the drone attack continues let me remind you that tonight the russians hit a residential high-rise in the city of dnipro. the elimination of the consequences of the strike
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is still ongoing. about 500 tons of grain were destroyed by the russians during the night shelling of the kramatorsk district of donetsk region. the enemy attacked the territory of the agricultural enterprise with shahedas. destroyed warehouses, workshop, garage and damaged machinery. also, part of the stock for sowing is spoiled. this is already the third attack on the enterprise during the war, the regional military administration noted full during the large-scale invasion of donetsk region , the russians destroyed 3,500 pieces of machinery and equipment. more than 330 enterprises were damaged, the amount of losses already amounted to 4 billion. 4000 hryvnias fruitful work in lviv. president zelenskyi recorded another video message where he talked about meetings with the prime minister of denmark and the us delegation. with the latter, the state leader discussed
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support for ukraine. democracies should not remove themselves from the historical process, from the process of protection. of all those values ​​that defined our modern world. i informed senators about the situation on the battlefield now about the direct connection between what weapons our soldiers have and what results our common enemy achieves. sufficient artillery, sufficient long-range are key things for us, for our defense forces, and of course, we are working very actively to deprive russian aircraft of the opportunity already this year. to dominate the skies near the front, as well as over joint defense production projects, discussed the relevant priorities with the american delegation. and the agreement on cooperation in the field of security and long-term support was signed by president
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volodymyr zelenskyi and prime minister of kadania mete frederiksen. this year, the kingdom's military support will be at least 1 billion. 800 million euros. the document contains provisions regarding support for ukraine's future membership in the eu and nato. and also denmark guarantees cooperation in the field of defense industry. it will help to integrate f-16 fighters and develop the fleet and provide high-tech weapons, the president's office said. validity period - 10 years. denmark is the first country that is not a member of the group of seven who signed such a document. this is a guarantee of forces that are already working and will remain available to ukraine until our country joins nato. the agreement with denmark provides for comprehensive defense, political, aid, and diplomatic interaction. for the period up to the 28th year, the danish fund to support ukraine
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will amount to 8.5 billion. and this is noticeable. we have already announced the 15th aid package for ukraine. they started preparing the next one. we understand you need our support to save lives. military aid includes weapons, drones, as well as demining systems. minister of defense rustem omerov together with the commander-in-chief of the armed forces oleksandr syrskyi visited the first recruiting center for the ukrainian army in lviv. according to umierov , the employees of the center told about the first success stories and about fears. individual visitors, whether they will issue a summons here, so the official assured: the recruiters are not military personnel and do not have the authority to hand them out, they select vacancies, provide consultations and accompany candidates on the way to the appointment. there will be such centers later
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more, - added the minister. the russian occupiers continue to press on the bakhmut direction in the area of ​​bohdanivka. ivanivskyi, the enemy is trying to capture the positions of the ukrainian defenders and move closer to the temporal ravine. this city is constantly bombarded by the invaders with artillery, anti-aircraft guns and even small arms. heavy brigades of the kholodny yar told the correspondent of the reuters agency that they are observing with the help of reconnaissance drones the endless attack of the enemy, and they could push back and destroy the putinists, and due to the lack of ammunition advantage so far. on the side of the enemy, it happens that you get fed up with everything there, that you don't have the strength anymore, and then somehow you pull yourself together, pull yourself together, i don't know, only what we hold on to, well, we hold on, here my wife cheers me up, the kids cheer me up, then it helps itself, and then you continue to work, and i don’t know if
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it would continue, we are alive, the most important thing is, yes, yes, but they won’t get us, a group of ukrainian ministers headed by... roman denis shmegalem will be on the border with poland today, where farmers are blocking the checkpoints, whether polish colleagues will come there, it is not yet known - president volodymyr zelenskyi said. this should be poland's decision. ukraine has openly declared its readiness to hold a meeting and has already developed some steps. the products blocked by farmers are not taken to the polish market, but are transited through poland. so actions on the border, outside of european legislation. a wolf is not afraid to go to the border, in odesa , a young man tried to enter moldova illegally, but the wolves prevented him, so he climbed a tree and wrote in the... chat trust of the state border service, in this way called for help, the law enforcement officers detained him on the tree, the evader admitted
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his illegal intentions, but this did not help him avoid responsibility. unity saves the world, this is the name of the new commemorative banknote issued by the national bank, it is vertical, with a denomination of 50 hryvnias, the circulation is 300,000 pieces in the souvenir shop. packaging, the design was created by the artist volodymyr taran, on the front side there is a stylized outline of ukraine, which is associated with its heart, in the background - the image of a girl in a military helmet, looking into to the west, on the background of the globe, the image of europe, from whose countries vessels seem to depart, that is, help to ukraine. the text on the banknote is in ukrainian and english. you cannot influence this, american diplomat
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kurt volker noted that ukraine is unable to change the situation with the allocation of aid to our state by the american congress, because such a decision currently depends only on internal political processes in the states. at the same time volker noted that we should continue public diplomacy and communicate directly with voters and congressmen. these are two different things, the reason for the delay in congress has nothing to do with ukraine, so you can't influence it: it is about the us southern border, legal immigration, fentanyl coming into the us, and the measures we are taking, to control the situation on the border, that's what it's about, and it has nothing to do with ukraine. an auction exhibition was organized in the museum of the kyiv fortress. we sketch the war. teachers and students of children's art
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school number 7 in kyiv united to raise funds for drones for the military. the price of the entrance ticket is symbolic - uah 30. painted helmets, tubuses, shell casings and other military trophies can be purchased until march 6. on weekends, the organizers hold charity concerts, film screenings and workshops. you can learn more about the project. find out on his facebook page, this exhibition, it is very important to convey to people, to show how important it is to live the war now and help our soldiers, because it is very difficult for them there now, the children are like an example of how every conscious citizen needs himself behave in this situation, feedback of life, they will be alive, it will be a bulletproof vest, it will be a drone. everything is fine, maybe this piece of metal , painted with paints by my hand,
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can really help with something, i just hold out hope, i don't believe, i hold out hope that really all these works are not done for nothing. in memory of those who gave their lives for ukraine in lviv , rays of memory were launched into the sky over the lychakiv cemetery, and our correspondent kateryna oliynyk saw them. katya, i congratulate you, tell me if there are many people gathered for such a memorable event? i congratulate anna eva, i congratulate all viewers of the espresso tv channel. approximately half a thousand lviv residents came to the lychakiv cemetery today to honor the memory of those ukrainians who gave their lives for our homeland. so in the sky behind me i can see the rays of memory. lit , in particular, on the field of honorable burials number 76, also number 86a and also on the field of honorable
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burials number 67, where the heroes of the heavenly hundred are buried. i want to say that all lviv residents who gathered here also lit lamps memory now we hear how the prayer honoring all soldiers and fighters sounds, and the orchestra has already played a soulful song. so we managed to communicate. at 35 years old, now this is my main road here
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for the rest of my life, today i came to the cemetery to see my third cousin, who for... last year, came to commemorate, well , in principle, we often come, but today is such a special day , the rays are very beautiful, made, well, such an event that i wanted to come, so such a ceremony of honor, so such a ceremony of honor that will continue approximately half an hour, i want to note that our viewers also remain indifferent and on... such a day, on the eve of the second anniversary of the full-scale invasion of russia into ukraine , also remember those, thanks to those fighters, thanks to whom our ukraine remains free, independent, who defend our borders every day and also honored all the dead with a prayer. annoyeva, i give you the floor. kateryna oliynyk, espress correspondent , organized a commemorative event in lviv: eternal
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memory and glory to all those who gave for independence. the future of ukraine is the most expensive own life. that's all for now, i'll see you tomorrow, i'll see you in this studio at 2:00 p.m., but the big broadcast continues, so antin borkovskyi will continue to work. thank you, thank you, well, brilliantly, you covered the most important events of this day extremely well. i would like to add that the funeral of a hero of ukraine, a deputy of the verkhovna rada for several terms. ukrainian dissident stepan khmara's farewell will be held this sunday , february 25, on maidan nezalezhnosti in the conservatory , 1311 arkhitektor horodotsky street, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. later burial at the skoldova grave and burial at the baikovo cemetery.
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calling kyivans and residents of kyiv. and in general all those who can properly honor the hero of ukraine stepan khmara. it will be this sunday, february 25. so what, today was also supposed to be a meeting in the case of former people's deputy and chairman of the association of defense enterprises serhiy pashynskyi. yes, and he commented on the case before the court session, i am now quoting the former people's deputy. i have repeatedly stated that there is only one desire to arrest me in this case, why now we will establish in court. i am worried that this arrest will harm our country. well, the espresso tv channel will also monitor this extremely high-profile case, because mr. pashinsky was one of those people who, at critical moments, began to establish coordination and the production
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of weapons. and an important signal from'. of the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, and this was later confirmed in the photo materials, the prime minister of ukraine and his team arrived at the polish-ukrainian border. too big unfortunately, more likely, the bilateral meeting with the head of the polish government and his ministers will not take place, although this was announced publicly, but the key story is the prime minister of ukraine, he made sure, he saw the situation on the border, i don't know if there will be a moment of transition border. well, yes, in order to communicate with our blocked carriers, but the key story is to involve brussels in these negotiations between kyiv and warsaw, and the process is moving in this direction, because this is a story about hundreds of millions, and possibly billions of subsidies for, in particular, polish farmers, well, but
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, as they say, we'll wait, we'll see, well, now the solemn moment is coming: conversations about major international news and my colleague yuriy fizar will now present everything the most important, yes , the world about ukraine, glory to ukraine, yurko is glad to see you again i am glad to see you again , that is, for someone it could be a secret, yes, but for the last minute we were sitting with yuri next to the hero, thank you antin, i am also glad to see you again, i congratulate everyone who joined today , in particular, on such a real sanction day orbán again'. calls for peace, but again calls simply to stop giving weapons to ukraine, well, the americans returned for a month about this and other things already in a moment in the column world about ukraine. well, let me start with this: the united states of america has introduced a very large package of anti-russian sanctions. it consists of


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