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tv   [untitled]    February 24, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EET

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[000:00:00;00] the propaganda is happy, the kremlin officials are happy, who can earn good dividends from this in front of putin, putin is happy, that is, the effort to create such a holiday is great, but those who took part in this massacre are not happy at all, they say that those losses, well, well, they are multiples of bakhmutskyi, that is, what they suffered, that the ukrainians, the military were able to leave, they were not crushed, as they themselves say, and despite everything, despite the fact that, unfortunately, we... are, well, among our there are losses of military personnel, when they left, they were abandoned en masse by our groups at night from drones with a night vision device, they threw grenades, there are people shot, captured, wounded, unfortunately, this is all there is, but they are not satisfied with the fact that there are no russians, that there are no columns of burned ukrainian equipment, that there are no thousands of killed ukrainian soldiers, because they were simply, as they say, allowed to leave, and what is next, they themselves will ask such a question
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that... what is next to go again to these lines of fortification, again to lose many of their fellow soldiers there, as you say, and so on, i.e. once again, there is no great joy there, but still we can say that there are some points where most likely they will make an effort, however you evaluate them, where you, i'm not ready to say again, it will be a finger in the sky, we don't know where it is will be, once again only the military can tell, only scouts and then on their maps, because once again, well, i don't want to. ottoman from your viewers and you personally? then let's say a little about something else, where or what we should pay such urgent attention to when we look at the actions of the enemy, so that we have the opportunity to predict some of these actions, are some of their movements specific, or what? well , listen, wait, you don't need to pay attention,
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we... can't have any influence at all on where they move, it's important for our military, well, okay, they moved, for example, from the zaporizhzhia region to avdiivka, well, if we are talking to you, then it is clear that our military saw it, i don’t know yet, there a week ago, or as soon as they started loading, or received information from interceptions there mobile communication or something else, that is, they understand it, we talk about it after the fact , we need to pay attention to many other things, to the line of fortifications, fortifications, that they just... started to be built in separate directions, they were not there before, your colleague yuriy butusov, from the head of censorship, constantly draws attention to this, says, well, listen to what is happening there, in general, there is some, i apologize, mess with these fortifications, the russians were able to make just crazy fortifications there in 3-4 months buildings, we've had it for almost two years and that's it this did not come to fruition, last week there was a scandal in the zaporizhzhia region that there was no money for fortifications in the budget,
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or rather... it was not allocated, then in what seems like a day and a half, there was a message again, all the money is there, just a second, yes , there is money or there is no money, well, it is not completely clear what prevents the construction of concrete structures, we need to pay attention to this, because this is the main thing now in order to prevent possible advances of the russians, we understand that sooner or later they will try to protest again on the strength of our concrete structures, well, how about me they are already doing it, so here it is now about it. it's happening, okay, we have a need to go to commercial now, let's go to commercial, and then we'll continue the conversation a little bit and we'll have another guest join us. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our
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future. every saturday at... 11:10 a.m. with a repeat at sunday at 10:10. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. we continue the chronicles of the war and i want to ask you to join our collection, which we are currently doing, it is a collection for the 25th separate sicheslav airborne brigade, which needs a vehicle to perform combat missions, they are constantly under the gun, constantly on the front lines. every day they try to storm, but despite everything, our defenders firmly hold the line in the eastern direction, so we ask everyone who cares to join the collection of these funds for cars, please do not stay away, because every hryvnia is important here, and our goal is 300,000 hryvnias, we have already managed to collect most of it, well, we really hope that with your help we can
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finish it this week. this collection and our fighters will have something to ride on the front, so i am asking you very much, look, there is a map number, there is a qr code that you can go to... please join, and we also have a new guest appeared, this is andriy huk, captain of the medical service, burevy offensive guard brigade, neurosurgeon, candidate of medical sciences, i congratulate you, mr. andriy, i congratulate you, i congratulate all our listeners, and well, as far as i know, you are located, well, relatively speaking, in the lyman direction, tell me, has the character there somehow changed now? do you feel any increase in the efforts of the russians, or are they, well, because there were periods where there were more offensive actions, there were less, now how is it happening, well, the whole thing is prepared, so i
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will say this is the line bakhmut marinka lysychansk-north kurakovo ughledar stepove kupyansk avdiyivka. today, i will not be positive, i will be negative, because those are floury the commanders who, you know, are blind kittens like thieves, who do not know what the situation is at the positions themselves, and are in charge of the headquarters somewhere, they shut up some such nonsense that i simply feel sorry for our boys, who simply give their lives and health, this should end, well, i don't see it. if there is a quick or imminent victory , while we will be commanded by such people , well, you are very critical, very critical, i am just mega critical,
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because you understand, and this reminds me of an anecdote from the soviet union, when there is a slippery road, hololot, as they say, a truck that sprinkles goes. the inspector stops him, says, fellow driver, you have sand falling from your body, he says: yes, it will freeze, i will sprinkle it, two hours pass, it changes again, again some dovben stops, and stops again, and says: listen, well, it’s raining on you , he says, i’ll also explain to you, and so every time our fighters are in positions, they don’t change, they’re there all the time, but the teams change, rotation only exists for commanders, in our for... rotation for personnel does not yet exist, but for commanders, there are no questions, well, i remember when you and i spoke last time, it was a few months ago, there was also a problem, we also complained, you complained about the rotation, that
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there is no fighters are exhausted, and somehow, judging by that , what you say, the situation has not eased in this regard, absolutely not only has it not eased, but it has become more acute, because... as you can see, the enemy has started to use more and more caps, just so that we understand from the realities of life, the zabas of the kabs against the enemy is endless, from the word just never endless, there are so many of them that there will be enough for another 10 years of war, i am not sure that we will have enough personnel for 10 years of war, well, i would think that it is not a matter of personnel, but rather an issue of air defense protection. directly, no, this, this, this is the matter of commanders, i tell you again, we change commanders, we change commanders in chief, but we do not change how any commander can influence the enemy's use of kabs, for example, but how , tell me, please, how
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the two units, gur and sbu, decide on us, they decided themselves, without ground troops, they decided, and without air defense, they decided the issue of black destruction. of the navy do you think that it is necessary to follow the same path, in fact, yes, it is necessary to find non-mirror soviet approaches. i understand that all our generals who are leading now are all graduates of soviet schools, and i am too, unfortunately, i did not study to be a soldier, i studied to be a doctor. but the question of what to look for is not a mirror, and no, it should not be repeated after the enemy, you understand? well , we don't have that many cabs, so we have to think about that, so, well, you say what it is with cabs, i would say that we don’t have cabs at all, because in order to use cabs, we need to use aviation, we practically don’t have it, well, yes, you are right, i agree,
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we don’t have the opportunity to use cabs, which is proposed by the general staff , which our generals have proposed to oppose the cabals, i should like to hear, no one will tell you about it. well, you see, so far we have seen the downing of seven planes over the last few days, of which, in principle, three were precisely the carriers of these cabs, yes, they have... planes, how many will we have to shoot down seven planes, we multiply by the number of successful days when we can shoot them down, that is , the question is, look, you can make a million fpv drones, but it will all be in vain if a million cabs fly at the expense of the operators, you understand, that is, we are waiting for non-mirror answers , unusual answers that are not yet available. i understand that what, what is simple, you, you too must now have felt
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the increased bombardment of these stinking munitions in recent weeks, of course, so this story is not only about avdiyivka, it is apparently about your direction as well, so let's go back to kaby once more, yes, for how many months we have been hearing what you proposed. but to attack airfields at a distance of several hundred kilometers, all airfields where tactical aviation is based, which can drop drones on us, remember how much we have already talked about this, well, every day we also see attempts to attack them with drones, and in order to to attack them with missiles, for that at least you need to have these missiles, b - well, to have... the opportunity to use them, because
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again, discussions with our allies regarding the use of actually foreign, well, foreign-made missiles on these objects, well, i tell you once again, another, another option is to have our own, our own such capabilities, we have them, well, i don't know if we have them or not, i'm not a fan , i'm not a special services fan, but again i 'll mention gur and the sbu, somehow they can... strain themselves and make a large number of good quality naval drones that impress and seriously impress, right? we can't make 100 missiles that will hit and seriously hit airfields? and i think that the question is in the organization and in the management. this is my opinion. well, you see, neither i nor you are specialists in this, unfortunately , we cannot do anything, i have already become a specialist, because i communicate with... drone operators, i
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communicate with combat medics, i am here, i feel and see how it all happens, the lack of organization, and you know, we have the impression that our managers are seals and seals who lie and just look and read the channels there, you know, the mongoose star, well , that's what he's called, forgive me, i think , with ether, i will not be punished for this, or a lawyer miller, they just sit and read. and instead of sitting and reading, we need to develop new approaches to the conduct of our war, that's all, and any commander of a combat unit that works in order will tell you this, mr. andriy, well, we are constantly talking about the fact that there is not enough artillery there, that's all, but you still practice medicine, tell me what is actually happening with medicine in our country, that is, what is happening with so medmed. what is going on
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with the supply of this, is there anything to say, how is it now? well, just with medicine here it is demonstrably good, why, because again in medicine it is a little easier , a little easier, because the role of volunteers is a little bigger, you know, if volunteers can't buy cabs, then believe me, volunteers are already buying armored cars and... somewhere, for example, at the beginning of march, our unit expects a modified armored vehicle for evacuation from the front line of fire, which will be handed over to us by volunteers. therefore, i want to say that we also had a very good consolidation, for example, with different components of the defense force, i mean. armed forces of ukraine, i mean the national guard,
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i mean the special operations forces, the police, and why, because now we don't need to separately open, for example, stabilization points for each type of military. we have joint medical services, which, for example, i am currently at one of the points in azov, ah, ours. my brothers are also now at another stabilization point, closer to the front line, they are also in one of the stabilization points of the armed forces of ukraine. and with takmed, the situation is as follows, in principle struggle, you know, maybe it’s a good thing, that again today i’m just criticizing the commanders for their inaction and lack of initiative, and already the heads of the units, starting from rotny, themselves
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understand that knowledge of takmed is their life, and it’s an opportunity victory, because, excuse me, put it as the russians can put it. 30, 40, 50% of our personnel and consider that they have taken avdiivka, we cannot afford it, why, because we need it, victory will come when we really defeat the enemy and return and be to build our lives further, because then it will be a victory, well, you said that, in principle, there is a large participation of volunteers, but , well, for half a year, we have basically a constant kind of... blocking of at least the polish border and something constantly at the border is happening , the border has been completely blocked there for a few days now , has it somehow affected, well, do you feel that it has somehow affected the supply of medical supplies, or maybe you just heard from colleagues
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about something that is happening there, or is everything being missed? do not miss what they say about this, well, what i'll tell you is happening, you know that politics... is built in such a way that it's a political game, it's a political game, because if we talk about the fact that poland is a friendly country to us, i can't do anything to say helps a lot, but there is a dependence and a very serious dependence on our enemy, and it is precisely through this dependence that this blocking of this border takes place. er, the current leaders of poland are not yet strong enough in political terms to explain intelligibly and enter into a dialogue, for example, with the same farmers, and our politicians are not strong enough, unfortunately, to prove that this, this, this
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grain, it is strategic for our struggle, why, this is a very deep problem. i would not like to touch on it now, because, unfortunately, ukraine does not receive the funds that others pay, we are not talking about that now, i am interested in the practical impact, do you feel it on the medical field, we do not feel it, we we do not feel, because we have learned to work in different conditions, and when it comes to providing humanitarian aid, i don't know, the border, but it was the slovak border, literally my colleague. well, one of our volunteers passed yesterday without any problems, uh , well, that is, it is possible to rebuild more flexibly here, excuse me, i will say a very similar phrase now, well, if poland disappears from the map of europe, well, i think nothing will happen, but if ukraine disappears , it will happen, well, you understand what
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i'm talking about, no, well, i'm telling you about this, that poland, in economic terms , is a state completely pumped up by donors, which did not have its own... production for a very, very long time, well, but for us, this is actually the biggest route , in fact, the transportation of everything, well , that is also not possible, because next to us is hungary, which simply blocks the supply of military cargo, and the border with romania, well, is not so big, so frankly speaking, well okay, well, i will say it in literary language, poland wants to swing, let it swing, i think that this will not last more than two or three weeks, tell me... please, you have already said that there is quite good cooperation here, but what exactly there, well, stabilization points, and how about you you evaluate this, it is an influence, well, they changed the medical, well, the responsible people in the ministry of defense were changed for this medical field, they changed
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something else there, this is the result of these actions, or , well, that is, is there a direct correlation here? well, so far, so far i cannot say that this is a direct correlation, but, well, at least, can you say what those needs are expressed by those people who are directly in the military and in the ministry of defense in the general staff will listen to whether the connection is really direct, so it is possible to convey one's point of view. here i can say that definitely yes, the changes that have taken place, they have taken place for the better, especially in terms of health care, why, because first of all we have... there is, i would say, an absolutely direct connection with those that i still knew from the revolution of dignity, even before
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the revolution of dignity, who now work in the ministry of defense, and with whom we can communicate directly and talk about our problems, you know that there is and remains the problem of write-offs, material values, lost values, now this problem is being solved, because forgive me making a paper army is also a kind of delay process in order to always, always find the culprits for one or another - the delay of deliveries, the most important thing for us now is that deliveries take place constantly, er, that there is a simplified system of replacement and rotation, which does not exist yet, and i would say that on issues, for example, the same educational programs, trainings, now i do not see any problems. so many trainings have already been developed together with the ministry of health and the ministry of defense,
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including on tactical medicine, that there would be a desire, i recently checked for myself, one of my co-workers wanted to undergo training in tactical medicine and medical aid, she did it without problems, successfully passed the exams and received a certificate, well, that's nice to hear, at least there is an area where we can say that we somehow... well, effectively we are moving and effectively something is happening, well, thank you at least for this, this is good news, thank you, it was andrii huk, the captain of the medical service of the burevy offensive guard brigade, i will remind you once again that we have a collection for a car for the 25th separate airborne syacheslav brigade, look, this is the card number, qr code, so attach it. we don't have much left to collect there, we would really like to do it, so please
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help, literally any, any help will be great, well then we have news, so please stay with us, news. greetings, we are asking for your help in the search for two children who disappeared in the temporarily occupied territory. this girl's name is niyola doglyada. she is 12 years old and disappeared in november 2023 in temporarily occupied donetsk. what with what happened to her and where she is now is unknown. also in temporarily occupied donetsk, 13-year-old renat tuktarov went missing at the end of last year. i am asking everyone. anyone who sees this video should carefully look at the faces of miyol and renat. if you know any information about these children, call
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the hotline of the child tracing service at 11630. calls from all mobile operators are free. and as always, i encourage you to repost on your social networks. sharing can help find the missing boy and girl faster. it is possible, that like many children from the temporarily occupied territories. and the girl could be taken away or deported to russia. however, even in such difficult situations, we do not lose hope and do everything possible to find the child, in particular, we use osint methods of information search. in short, the essence of the investigation is the search and analysis of information available in open sources, for example, in zmi, on forums, sites, in messengers, and, of course, in social networks. yes, it was with the help of autumn specialists that the search service for children succeeded. know a lot important information about the missing sisters sasha and nastya liponova. the girls disappeared in mariupol in the first days of the full-scale invasion, and
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for a long time nothing was known about their fate. we suspected that sasha and nastya were no longer in ukraine and ended up in russia, and this version was confirmed during the autumn investigation. we managed to find out that the girls are really in russia. before the war , the sisters studied in one of mari's boarding schools. after a full-scale invasion, they ended up in donetsk. here is a photo from social networks, on which sasha and nastya actually are in temporarily occupied donetsk. this is most likely the spring of 2022. and already in the summer of 2022, they were taken to nizhny novgorod. again , there is a corresponding photo on social networks, and here the sisters are still together. however, after that, joint photos of sasha and nastya did not appear again. we found out. that sasha liponova lives in the city of lukhovitsa, moscow region, and on september 1, 2022
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, she even joined the local technical committee. and here, for example, is a photo of sasha with a diploma. about an award in a poetry contest, here is a girl reads poems in one of the city squares. there is also information that sasha lives in a foster family or in a local hostel. as for her sister nastya, thanks to the autumn search , we learned that she most likely lives in the city of kasli, in the chelyabinsk region. and here, for example, is her photo, which nastya posted on may 30, 2023 on her page in the social network. and this photo was published earlier, namely on july 24. in 2022. of course, everything we learned about the girls we immediately passed on to the police, but until this data is officially confirmed, sasha and nastya will be considered missing. but the most important thing is that the received information inspires hope that the girls are alive, healthy, and everything is fine with them. currently , we do not know under what circumstances sasha and nastya
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lipunoviya ended up in russia and did they become direct victims of deportation? in general, the deportation of children is a component of the crime of genocide, so i want to note that if you personally know about any crime against a child, in particular about abduction or deportation, do not remain indifferent and immediately report it to the police, or report to our site stopcrimeua, you can do it even anonymously. and finally, please go to the website of the child tracing service. all these boys and girls are missing, so if you recognize any of them, please inform us on the hotline at the short number 116.30, calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time. just go to the site and
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let us know, and we'll run everything possible mechanisms for... criminal. stup cream ua. he left crimea in 2014 and saves ukrainian soldiers in a hospital in lviv. hryhoriy prykhorenko, leading surgeon of the military medical clinical center of the western region. he served in sevastopol until march 2014, and when the russian aggression began, he remained loyal to ukraine. we met with the command. uh, the russians, well, with their doctors, the head of the medical service, i don’t know what that group is called, well, it was bigger than crimea, so i think it was the southern district or something like that, there was a georgian colonel, and when we talked with them, he said that, in principle, the situation was similar to the one that existed at the time
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of the collapse of the union, when everyone chose the side for which he would... serve in the future, where he will remain, ukrainians in ukraine, russians in russia, or vice versa, and then i was simply asked in a conversation how he would behave if such a situation happened exactly the other way around, we offered him to go over to the side of ukraine, he remained silent and more there was no conversation on this topic, the russians denied their involvement in the war. in those events then there were their tamnets, yes , there were little green men, but, well, we had security at the checkpoint, we were not able to take out any equipment, equipment, etc., but russian, yes, well, i understand that they were russian servicemen, but without
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identification marks, we were not able to take the laparoscopic racks, the computer, or the tomograph. i had some kind of chair with me, and when the russian aggression began in crimea, the military doctors went to hospitals in different cities of ukraine. hryhoriy prokhorenko continued his service at lviv we were just expanding our arsenal. that is, if we used to perform laparoscopic appendectomies or chalicectomies in peacetime, then we began to introduce laparoscopy in military trauma, vascular surgery, severe wounds with soft tissue damage, that is, they required a review of tactics, the use of fixation devices became obsolete, the material base improved, i.e., new research methods appeared. ultrasound devices, portable ultrasound devices, endoscopic studies, x-rays, digital x-rays that allowed taking pictures


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