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tv   [untitled]    February 24, 2024 6:00am-6:30am EET

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laparoscopic racks, not computer tomography racks, but i had a chair with me, but i hung it up. after the beginning of russian aggression in crimea, military doctors dispersed to hospitals in different cities of ukraine. hryhoriy prokhoranko continued his service in lviv. we were just expanding our arsenal. well, that is, if we performed, let's say , laparoscopic appendectomies or chalcystectomies in peacetime, then we began to introduce laparoscopy in military trauma. vascular surgery, traumatology, severe injuries with soft tissue damage, i.e. they needed a review of tactics, i.e. the use of reading devices, fixation, the material base was improving, i.e. new research methods appeared . ultrasound devices, portable ultrasound devices, endoscopic studies, x-rays, digital x-rays, which allowed taking pictures, immediately
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the images could be had the opportunity consult them with specialists, let's say, being in a mobile hospital, those in the center or in kyiv. there are constant evacuations to us, from us, these are new patients, new injuries that need to be examined, monitored, to help, to operate, and these operations are not the same as for pendicitis, you operated, prescribed staged surgical treatments, which constantly need to be repeated, reassess the situation, remount the same vacuum systems, look for debris, but for traumatologists, this is a dep wound, this is work with stumps, this is work with stomachs, breasts and so on, that is, a... and one patient,
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unfortunately, he does not have the opportunity to recover from one surgical intervention, this is a set of measures that must be carried out in order to stabilize them, to enable this wounded man get on your feet all efforts on the part of the wounded and the surgeons, and the nurses and all the staff. did not give a positive result, we now have a boy who came to us at the beginning of the 22nd year with an amputated limb with a severe wound in the abdomen, and we struggled with complications from the abdomen for quite a long time, then he went through a long path for prosthetics, this is the upper third of the thigh, it is quite high, but now he has a biomechanical prosthesis. he
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continues his service, he has now come to us, we steamed him for a hernia, which developed after abdominal surgery, and he is very motivated to serve, and he does not plan to stop his work in the army. it happened that surgeons were working. 24 by 7, then in principle it continues now, especially those surgeons who are now directly near the contact line in the east, they really work there, you don't have time to rest, you don't have the opportunity to go out, firstly it's dangerous, and secondly, at any moment a situation may arise when your help will be needed, which is why these guys and girls work.
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literally every second, there were several mobile hospitals under my command, especially surgical ones, and that was it, that it was both practical work, and again , organization, and rotations, evacuations, admissions of seriously ill patients, provision of other... here is the personnel policy, again, that is , life in cages, the assistance provided in mobile hospitals is of a high level, the modern equipment we have here is often also available in mobile hospitals, we are talking about x-ray complexes, we we are talking about endoscopic racks, about laparoscopic equipment, about an artificial kidney, that is, about cell savers that allow you to take blood, filter it and give it back to the patient. in certain conditions, stapling
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devices, modern suture material, instruments, microvascular surgeries, vascular surgery, again, traumatology. the difficulty is that, firstly, we have a lot of this work, and secondly, you never know what you will encounter, that is why it is difficult to predict the nature of the injury, and when a difficult patient comes to you, you have... short time in order to get oriented and not much time to help him, to stabilize him, if we are talking about mobile hospitals, amazing surgical teams, then he helped, stabilized, evacuated, and this
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happens all the time, that is, this is the work here, ah , accepted patients, looked, and again we are not able to prove them. to the logical conclusion, to the removal of the suture, we have to stabilize them again, make sure that everything is more or less okay with them, and send him to other hospitals, someone comes, swears, well, because he thinks that he cannot serve, and according to our canons, he is fit for military service. someone comes with thanks, the most important thing is that they get in line, for us this is the greatest comfort. thanks to extensive experience in military surgery, hryhoriy prykhorenko's team was able to set up successful work in the hospital
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during the war, and thus save hundreds of lives of our soldiers. khrystyna porubiy, nazar malnyk, espresso tv channel. there are discounts on pector one plus 10% in podorozhnyk pam and oskad pharmacies. there are 25% discounts on emolium in podorozhnyk pam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on the room soothing 10% in pharmacies plantain you and save. there are discounts on zypelor 10% in pharmacies, plantain, pam and savings. a separate set of unmanned aircraft complexes sapsan of the state special service of transport appeals to the viewers of the espresso tv channel with a request to join the collection of crowns and
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technical equipment for our unit. thank you, glory to ukraine! heroes! glory! exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and... other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us, the country must get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's make up stories, they help us
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understand the present and predict the future. second presidency for the world trump will be terrible. a project for those who care and think. political club, every sunday. at 20:10 at espresso. events events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m. studio zahid with anton. verdict with serhii rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, more more top guests, foreign experts , inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback,
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you can express your opinion at the end of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhiy rudenko , stay every day. from 20 to 22 for espresso. welcome to the channel. espresso. today in the war and weapons program we will talk about confronting the enemy in two dimensions. first of all, in the air, where there is a deadly race between russia and ukraine, for good reason increasing the number and improvement of drones for various purposes. now our defense ministers and figures say that the country has already created the most favorable conditions for the development of companies that manufacture drones, and for the stimulation of new ones. technological solutions , but, in my opinion, it is important to understand whether
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such assessments are shared by the managers of the company that develops and manufactures these attack drones, and the second dimension of the confrontation with the enemy is a war in cyberspace, and here already there will be questions for cyber security specialists about whether russia will repeat the attacks on our mobile communications operators, as it was with kyivstar, why the main intelligence agency considers... mesengzher telegram dangerous and whether the decision of the ministry of defense to introduce such an action for the military for the relationship called army plus is risky. so find answers in conversation with experts in our "war and weapons" program. my name is serhiy sgurets, i am the director of the information and consulting company defense express, which, together with espresso channels, strives to highlight the most relevant trends in the field of security and defense. and now the first guest joins us, this is the chairman of the board of the alliance new energy
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of ukraine, the commander of the special unit of attack drones of bela rel, valery borovyk. let me remind our viewers that a number of companies that are now part of the new energy of ukraine alliance were actually pioneers in the development of attack drones back in the 14th year, in the form that has now almost become classic. since then, this company has developed a number of other models. which is currently used by our armed forces, mr. valery, welcome, glad to see and hear on the espresso channel. congratulations, sergey. very happy too. your disembodied complexes are already actively used on the battlefield , they have been used by our military for a long time, but the war of the 14th year is not similar to the war there of the 22nd year, the 23rd and 24th years are just as different, because actually they change and our approaches there and... the enemy's tactics in countering our unmanned systems, and i would like to ask you at the beginning how these
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changes have affected the improvement of your systems and what is the main focus of your team now, when it comes to the development and production of strike systems, well, look, in fact, the development is constant, for example, one of our last ones there... in the zaporozhye direction led to the loss of several drones, we arrived and are changing our approaches there so that the frequency can be changed in the air, so that there can be more and with more interesting models and more interesting solutions to counter the enemy's guys, but this is a chase, it is constant, and you know, those solutions that yesterday were cool there six months, three months ago, so they may... no longer work in some areas, but they can to not work at all, although they were very
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, very promising and they allowed us to solve the tasks that were needed, but right now we have guys, i just called my deputy at the training ground, they are also adjusting some points that have experience have arrived the same with drones from the zaporozhye direction, so i am changing... it is necessary to change the approaches, change the frequencies, there we also work on ltmodems, which means that this work that you say is happening constantly, and the one who will not do it, one who will not have feedback from the front line, who do not have such opportunities, there, if the manufacturers, for example, released, gave, and then the soldiers, there others, for example, units use, and they do not have such close cooperation with the front line. then this will constantly affect the fact that we will remain in yesterday's day and
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will have problems with the use of drones, they are still very important, but we need to change them this way, so that we can have a good influence on those means of impression that are in the enemy and not only there with reconnaissance and adjustment of artillery, but also with the impression of drones the kamikaze we make. mr. valery, now that we are talking about the approximation of the positions of the military and developers there, how has this process been affected, or may it be affected in the future, by this decision to create a new one. branch of the armed forces that will take care of unmanned systems, have you already felt any impact of this process on your work, if not, what do you feel, do you have any advice for the leadership of this branch of forces to really provide some, well more effective synergy between developers and those who uses these complexes on the battlefield?
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look, in fact, there is an entry of those people who will come to rule. the armed forces in this direction, because some of the people, some of the people, it was, well, in this process before, but some of the people are coming new, they have to figure out how it works, how the procurement goes, how the equipping with combat parts goes , how to make requests and so on, that is, so far it has had an effect. only that they took a break, yesterday i spoke with the representatives there, they took it a pause to understand how the system that was yesterday works, and this has its own negative, and it has its own positive, because there is hope, we always have producers, there is hope that the new team, or shall we say yes, those
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people whom we knew there from the vanguard, they will do it... more transparently, more clearly with those means that really hit the enemy, and because there is a problem in procurement, in the volumes of procurement of products that are currently being produced, which the state is currently doing, there 70-80% of the funds are spent on the purchase of fpv drones, and today it is no longer a secret, and i am talking about it said constantly that the efficiency of fpv. it is 30 maximum, if a very good division of percentages, the other 70% is a furnace, it is burning, because they are simple, they are not protected from reb, even excavated reb, and really because of the fact that they are cheap, they are taken by the shaft, there
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they take 500-700 dollars there up to 100 dollars, but when you look at the efficiency, you need to move on to... other, other stages, you need to make bombers, you need to do it with an expensive system of proof, anti-reb, security, well, on why we concentrated we, personally, were the first to show it to the previous commander-in-chief, the hard-working one, i was the first to show it, he saw it first, and we showed this impression with our team, he was delighted then and said: give me the whole area, we will now build some area there front , i say, we cannot give it, we are just starting to use it, no one has used it yet, it is not certified, there are no pilots, and then it, we wrote the concept, gave it, gave it to the commander-in-chief, and then this development went in waves, yes
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but these are cheap drones, their time is passing , that's why i've been talking about this for a long time, because i'm saying it again, we need developments that oppose the reb, that can lead to the target without the use of a person, that can already speak fully , that these are military drones , then the question arises, are there any samples that meet the criteria that you said that it would be a cheap drone, not very effective, or moderately effective, compared to more reliable, really, let's say, samples, which are guaranteed to perform tasks on the battlefield with less stress on the operator what do you do, if you can say so generally in this direction, and are there any samples that really meet these requirements? i can say what we are doing, apparently, that the teams are also seriously engaged in this, to make a conditional combat mavic
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that can fly on a mission, use hangs, resets, turn ... back, again we complete its warheads and work on what the front line, what is behind the front line, what is far for special special operations in the rear, the enemy's rear, we are engaged in this, we are engaged in this with special units that understand the value of this particular complex , it is the osa complex, which, of course, is more expensive, but there are special targeting systems, there are systems that work under rebo, systems that work with other, let's say, forms of communication, that is, which hang , which fly on a mission. this is a different type of drone and this is a different history of bombers, which must be effectively developed, it is not being developed today
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, everyone rushed into the fp buckets, everyone collects them with screwdrivers there, i had a best man come from nizhyn yesterday, they collect girls sitting in this in organizations different in they collect in schools, it’s all interesting, it’s all cool, it needs to be done, but it is necessary to move or in parallel develop the military system in a different direction, on a different and different basis, eh, well, this is something like that, well, that is , in fact, when the minister of federa talks about , that the standardization of drones is necessary , in fact these are processes that rather affect already on... today and a little on the past, yes, because relatively speaking, we are already standardizing this flow of cheap drones, and the other component is to raise the bar of requirements , and here, probably ministers from the ministry of defense, there
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with the new commander of the armed forces, must raise the bar of requirements for manufacturers, which they have to step up to and really provide those samples that will be much more effective than the various shafts of these cheap drones that we are currently trying to provide for score. any options, this is how it turns out, it turns out even more difficult, because now, in fact, with combat drones , the ministry of defense is taking on more, more contracting powers, which means the general staff, which gives requests, but there another problem is that it is not clear where the point of making a decision about which companies to contract is... understood by someone, uh, no, not to everyone, even to the new, new agency that purchases according to the procurement of the ministry of defense, the new team, too
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sometimes they are surprised that requests come, for example, from the general staff, it is from the previous ones, probably from the previous iteration, maybe even now, but for now they are working out the previous iteration of contracts, where the companies do not know at all, sometimes it even happens that ... the company receives a request for contracting with the company for a drone that has not even passed certification, which does not have access to the operation of the nato code, and these issues are being resolved for him in an urgent manner. let me remind you of our conversations that we spent three to four months just for access to the operation of all these documents that used to be there, now they have been changed to the creation. there is an experimental unit, which was at the forefront six months earlier, it was access to exploitation, and part of the companies are allowed
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to receive these accesses to exploitation, conditionally speaking, for a long time road, and some of the companies that don't even have a certificate, for some reason there are requests for their contracting, it doesn't come to mind at all. that is, in fact, now , as i understand, we partly have the inertia of the past, and your company just fell under this inertia of the past, where you were simply exhausted by unnecessary procedures, instead of ensuring procurement, now the situation has changed a little, but we see that the newly created agency is still working out the rules, and in particular, the more powerful of the company, structures, who have money, in particular. state communications. i am told that for two months, actually, the contracts through the ministry of special communications have not been signed with the vast majority
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of suppliers, although about 40 billion hryvnias, actually, these are the ministry of statistics and state special communications, they are certain monopolists in terms of the volume of purchases of these drones. the question arises for you, do you have contracts with the state intelligence service with or from the new left part. after all, there are volunteer funds and partly the ministry of defense for this, now there are none, and exactly what you said is happening, i.e., we provided all the information of derspetzvyazuk, the head of derspetzvyazuk, we know him, a good, decent guy, yura, he called me there on the weekend of the past or the past, as with your father, whom we show, they are ready, ready to contract, but i don't know why we don't sign a contract, there is a request for... the one that will provide supplies for the national guard for this year, we already closed the contract for the national guard last year, you can ask
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those who came to us, who we are for. .. taught pilots and so on, their impressions, they are very satisfied with the complex, which means that even now, well, we are ready to enter into a contract in full, we, unfortunately, withdraw investor funds and volunteer funds for our own money, we are currently doing 500 boards there, we will have them for a week, that is, we can already contract and supply from 200 to 1000 boards, depending on the complex. doci per month, and we are ready to do it and are ready to contract with the state special forces, why there is no contract now, i still don't understand, all the data has been provided, a new team and the general staff have arrived in the ministry of defense, there in the ministry of defense, for example, there is its own procedure, so , but there i say again what i said there in response to your previous questions about...
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that the new team is dealing with the procedure, how it will do it, i will say as i see it , and this coincides with some theses that mykhailo fedorov said there, and now the new head of uav management, volodya kupriy, wants to do there, that is, they should actually give technical tasks, that is, the parameters that the drones should meet, not... horses specifically to indicate, to remove this corrupt component, yes, that someone finished there, somehow there was able to enter into this relationship, the contract, no, technical parameters, the agency has to purchase the ministry of defense to evaluate and look at the criteria that meet these parameters, price parameters, technical parameters and contract with specific companies, then this separation goes.
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responsibility for decision-making, and of course, the divisions must already define their, let's say, vision from the front line, and this is a constant, and there must be such a connection between these three components, without this there will be constant lobbying of those companies that for example, now even after last year and or this year there is a... part of the companies, from those ordered by the general staff, they either cannot fulfill or do not want to contract with the state, because the state is more problematic, and it is better with volunteers, i.e. such issues already arise that are determined for them, they cannot fulfill it, and again the procedure takes place in a new way, and at the same time everything is delayed, and this is because of these procedural moments that are not settled.
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or somewhere someone didn't sign, there is a delay, for example, state special communications according to my data there, there on the sbu, there on the ministry of defense, there or on the guru , they signed up, for example, on the national guard, for some reason they bypass them, they haven’t signed up yet , maybe i’m not right, that’s what they say, people involved in contracting with the state special forces say, that’s why you know, when there are companies that can't do it yet, or can't do it in such volumes. to do, but they have orders and they are contracted, and there are companies like ours, i know, there are many of them, we will meet here with kaiton here on the weekend, they, for example, are contracted for 15% of the production capacities, and they are the most, shall we say , more contracted, the air reconnaissance spoke with vadym yunik, he says that i am about 5% contracted for this year, why are there so many
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delays already almost in march? it is , well, it is a problem, so it is necessary to quickly contract such companies that are ready, we have our drones on staples, ready, and those that can, that can now deliver, well , this is actually, we see that it is already the second month of this 24 of the year, and we are again following the rake that is still left from the previous year, that is, there is no order, which is interesting, first of all, companies that have serial used products, they have less. orders than these startup companies that appeared last year in large numbers, some absolutely illogical situation, and one more question of a technical plan, we literally have two minutes, eh, is it true that there is already a problem, that many of these of various fpv drones create a shortage problem.


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