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tv   [untitled]    February 24, 2024 7:30am-8:00am EET

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and everything else has unfortunately increased in our country, because children are constantly at the computer online, they lead a sedentary lifestyle, and of course it is necessary to increase these areas and pay even more attention to this, you know, yesterday, on the eve of the second anniversary of the attack full-scale russia on ukraine , the latvian president, edgard edgard edgard renkewitz, he exhibited... such, such, such a caricature, in fact, also a latvian cartoonist, ah, and there are depicted, in fact , two, relatively speaking, worlds, we are a lot saw such similar drawings in the last sometimes, that is, on the one hand, there are ukrainians somewhere in those trenches, trenches, who say that hold on, it’s not that we can’t get tired, but on the other side there are some... ordinary people who see
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the news, and they have already made him terribly tired, and he says : i can't see it anymore, i 'm too tired from all this, and actually the residents of nikopol are those people who suffer from shelling every day, every day, for two years, surely there have not been such and such, such two days in a row, so that there was not at least something in the area, so the people of nikopol were tired from this war? i always say that we have a lot of different crises in the country today, but the biggest crisis is the crisis of fatigue, because when europe gets tired of us, it affects the aid to ukraine, when we get tired every day, having, let's say, a lot of different there are humanitarian projects, er, from what is happening around, it affects the fact that we become less effective, in terms of helping the armed forces of ukraine, helping... people in
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different directions, so of course, we all motivate ourselves about , that no matter how we don't got tired, the guys who protect us on the front line, they get tired the most, and that's why we don't have such a moral right to have, let's say, such psychological fatigue, and we have to find positive moments, positive moments in certain successes, in certain emotions that surround us, these here are the small businesses that come back, just in joy. which is around us in communication with relatives, and we are sure that, as our classic said, even on the renewed earth, thirst will not be matched, there will be a son and there will be a mother, and there will be people on earth, then everything will be fine, thank you very much , mr. dmytro, dmytro bychkov, the head of the nikopol district council was with us and everyone, how can i say it, to all residents of the nikopol district, may this day be peaceful, may this day... no no no reminds
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of the events of two years ago, so that you can distract yourself and find some of those little joys that keep us alive for the second year now, and that must keep us going for the next year, because the war goes on and the struggle goes on, and besides of all that, i remind you that it continues, continues... help for our army, and please keep an eye on our teroms, we will announce our collection, it is about to be completed, and this is gratifying, in fact, this is something that also somehow does not let you give up, the fact that you , our viewers, i don't know how the viewers of other tv channels are, but i am sure of the viewers of the espresso channel that you do not need to look for any special arguments why you should support our army, i understand...
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that life is more difficult for everyone now , earning money is more difficult, expenses are more, more challenges, but still find an opportunity to donate to our army, so please join the collections, whether it is ours or others, but nevertheless, remember those who need our special help, these are our guys who are now defend our country, well, today we remember actually... february 24, 22, today we will remember how it happened in the peaceful kyiv region, er, thousands of residents of the northern part of the region were trapped by the russians, among them the resident kacha, who had to survive the occupation, leave, and later return to continue the work of her life and her story, she shared with our journalist kateryna galko. see
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you could see where the war started, how the first helicopters flew here, karina lives on the 13th floor in the very center of buchi, a prestigious high-rise building with an incredible edge. from the window on february 24 , 2022, it became an observation deck of a terrible disaster, from here you could see the first explosions, black smoke, the airfield in gostomyla, the girl dared to drive away closer to the evening, sat down
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into the car in the parking lot, my car was alone, the security guard looked at me, called me a brave girl, at first i decided that i would leave the dog at home, i would come back for it tomorrow, i left the entrance and literally went to the boulevard nearby just as a plane arrived, i jumped back into the elevator, took the dog and realized that we were going for a long time. karina comes from luhansk region, from alchevsk, so she knows well what war is like. she started preparing for the big invasion a month in advance, she knew that she would go to her friends in nemishaeve, in the kyiv region. usually the way there is 12 minutes by car, however, on february 24 drove for an hour and a half, the woman saw how he pushed on the road. russian tanks, and when i was leaving the track, it seemed to me that we would be relatively safe, because at that moment all the tanks were driving exactly along the warsaw track, but i did not know that the field behind us, what on this field will be so much
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based on that moment of the occupiers. not mishaev, the russians occupied it already on march 2. there were tanks, we remember the number 38, we counted them and the task... was to sit in the basement so quietly that no children, no dogs, no cats the military heard, because we understood that this could be the last sound in this basement. on march 8, it became unbearable, 50 cars left the colony, without green corridors. we got into the car, and in the rear-view mirror i saw the father who serves in this church, our column, he baptized, it was visible in... the rear view and at that moment it seemed that nothing would work, it seemed that we would have to leave we ca n't they managed to leave. the column before and after them was shot. women were sheltered in poland, but they are still the safest there i wanted to go home. 33 days of occupation of buchi, 33 days
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of obscurity and obscurity, but on march 31 , the blue-yellow flag flew over the city again. the first thing i was waiting for was easter, i knew that i had to celebrate easter in bucha, it didn't work out, because there was no light or water, then some panicked eyes started talking again about the offensive on may 1, i had a date of may 16, when i have to leave buch, by the way, photos, even a hand-drawn calendar, i crossed out the days until we left for home, and i couldn't stand the 13th, we got into the car. in at that time , the world shuddered from the horrors and atrocities of the russians in buch, but it was not easy to prepare for what was seen. the scariest thing to see in me is my kitchen windows overlooking the church, under which there was a mass burial, and
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i couldn’t imagine how you would sit in the kitchen drinking your morning coffee and look at this view, although at the time of buying this apartment , this view there was a window, i counted a lot. despite everything, the residents of buchi are rebuilding their city. karina, the founder of a real estate agency, modestly calls herself a manager from sales she knows how most of the houses in bucha, irpen, hustomil were built, she knows many people who bought apartments there. it was very difficult to survive at the time of a full-scale invasion. you know every house, how it was built, who built it, what construction technology was used. and if you can call it that, then there was such a game during the occupation, you knew that if there was an attack on this house, then it would stand, if there was no attack on this one, or if it was nearby, then there might be moments. she admits that she was unsure whether she would be able to return to work, but the city
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comes to life and becomes a home for new residents, from mariupol, berdyansk, kharkiv, but the houses, like the cities, were wounded by the war, some houses are still there. without windows, doors and facades, the scariest part was accepting what you've been doing all your life, every house you know is there, brick by brick, how it was built, you... didn't know if those people survived , who once got their dream home with my help, and in some places, what we sell still looks like this. kyiv region is recovering, children are walking again in bucha, the house is in nemishaevo repaired after being hit by a projectile, an exotic garden is even planted there. a new bridge was built across the irpin river, life goes on, but no one. and will never be able to forget what happened here in february-march 2022.
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10 years of war, the war for freedom from... the revolution of dignity to today's battles, if something happens to me, if nothing happens to me, then i know that i died for the truth. 10 years of war, the war for our existence, this is the path that changed us. in the conditions of the occupied territories to the occupied territories, we have losses of the order of potential 7 million hectares of land, which have not been cultivated for 2 years. 10 years of war, war for the future, what price do we pay for it? of our citizens were taken to russia, depopulation is not inevitable. intellectuals,
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experts, patriots about challenges, threats and our future in a special project for the 10th anniversary of the beginning of russia's armed aggression against ukraine 10 years of the war for independence from february 18 on espresso. we continue our roll call, continue to mention two. february 24, two years ago, and now we will move to kherson oblast, first deputy chairman of the kherson oblast council, yuriy sobolevskyi , will tell us about how that night passed, mr. yuri, we congratulate you, i congratulate you, how kherson oblast slept, traditionally restless, because the enemy does not want to let our residents sleep, at night there were actually a lot of airstrikes, shelling was in "
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do you remember mr. yuriy on february 24 , 2022, well, it's impossible to forget, because i think that every ukrainian will spend his whole life... welcome there every minute of that day, what were your thoughts that day, were you prepared for the fact that an invasion was inevitable after all, and no, it was a shock, it really was a shock and the amount of information that was available that day about the advance of the enemy forces, they very quickly, unfortunately, she moved around the kherson region, and it was a very, very difficult day. for now we don't know the answer to how quickly the enemy was pushed so, so fast and so
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far, or if we'll ever know why it happened, or if it's really gone now. does it matter, no, it does matter, because it is impossible for us to have such a situation ever again, even after the victory of ukraine in this war, russia, unfortunately, will not go anywhere, and the threat from her side, as we see, she constantly exists for centuries, therefore ukrainians are obliged to take all measures to make it simply impossible, i i understand correctly that... on the first day of the war , which was actually full-scale, the inhabitants, for example, there oleshok, others, there henicheska had a few hours to be on the right bank, how it happened, maybe you were a witness, and there is, and in addition, most of them did not even have this time, if we are talking about genichesk, because the first hours of the invasion, these are constant
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strikes, constantly, these are missile and artillery strikes. they started with this at a large number of objects, they massively covered all military objects with everything that there were them, and then the advance of their troops began, it was very dangerous for people to go out on the roads, because no one knew which of them were safe, where the advance of the russian military was, and unfortunately, we had cases when they shot cars that drove by with civilians, they... destroyed one ambulance along with its crew from their military equipment, they fired at this vehicle, so it was a very difficult day for all our people, and today there are not so many people left in kherson as before
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was, and i watched interesting reports about how the hairdresser, bakery and so on work there. all the same, the people who remain, the people who are now staying in kherson, what hopes do they have for this third year of the war, which we are starting now? well, of course, we are all very much looking forward to the liberation of our entire territory, all of our people, because the absolute majority of people who now remain in kherson and in other settlements have relatives and loved ones who are currently under temporary occupation under constant... in the language of russians, and in fact, how no matter how difficult it is for us under constant shelling, it is much more difficult for the people who are currently under occupation, and we understand this perfectly, because we ourselves went through this hell, and everyone perfectly understands that there is nothing worse, russian occupation does not exist in the world, the people who are under occupation in the kherson
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region, they are waiting for the arrival of ukraine, we know that , andriy recently had a conversation... everything, he had a conversation with a taxi driver, who himself is from kherson, who was not a farmer, but became a taxi driver, because he has to to somehow earn a living, for his family, and found himself now in lviv, all his, what he is earned, gained, everything remained in the occupation, but he talks about the fact that the people who remained there, because he still managed to escape, but those people who remain there, these ukrainians, they are waiting for ukraine to come and drive away the enemy. but there is less and less news from the towns from the occupation, and they are very similar to each other, that life is getting worse, that the russians are tightening the screws, nevertheless, there are sometimes such glimpses, i think that for those people , who are waiting for the arrival of ukraine, this news from henichiv district, for example,
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she added a little optimism, because a russian su-34 fell in the kherson region. mr. yuriy, do you know something, maybe there is something in public that people are talking about it, or is there even a small feeling of a holiday? well, we do not comment on any information related to the actions of our armed forces, including confirmation of the destruction of individual locations or targets, that in general, every success of the armed... forces, it greatly supports our people in the occupation , and you know, here is the phrase "i believe, we believe in the armed forces, it is for people who are under occupation, it and it was the same for the residents of kherson, when kherson was under temporary occupation, and therefore, of course, every
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successful action of our armed forces is very supportive of our people. i read that from several settlements 69 children left for temporary residence in romania, this is a settlement that is constantly under fire and it is impractical for children to stay there, in particular, these are the residents of zhorianivka, eastern, new kaluga, olgany and so on, ingulets, shiroka balka and kherson itself, and that is there are 69 children went to romania, will these children return and when do you think, well, in fact, such a blessing. there are a lot of them, and our children are constantly on vacation either in the countries of the european union, or even simply in other regions of ukraine,
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of course, then they return, that is , it is not about evacuation, it is about self-healing, it is cultural exchange, there are such programs, they are active in parallel with the evacuation programs, there is something else, families are already leaving for temporary residence there, and... they are leaving from the most dangerous settlements, and i am also i know that mr. yuri, you usually avoid commenting on military news, well, but saldo wrote again about the fact that the krynks were taken, what is happening there every day, he has been writing about it for the past two weeks, well, what does he need to write about, they they are preparing for their show there, they need some good news, at least some, yes, because... people see there, well, what the conditions are now under occupation, they perfectly understand that what they are being chased by telegram channels, that it is real does not respond to any
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improvements, repairs, etc equipment that is imported, so some kind of victory is needed, i can only say once again that you need to trust only official sources, our military officially, they denied this information, they said that... they are holding the bridgehead, there are actually a lot of attempts to knock them out from these positions, but they hold them. what challenges does kherson region face at the beginning of the third year of the full-scale invasion? well, the task is the same, in fact, the main thing, in my opinion, is to preserve it in our people, because human life is the greatest value, therefore... and work with shelters for local administrations, it must be continued so that there are as many of them as possible, not only in the city of kherson, in which there are a large number of them, but also in other
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settlements, there are plans to start education in a mixed format in those communities, there where there is no, there are no arrivals that are not close to the dnieper, but yes, there are nuances, yes, that is , it is necessary that the storage facilities in... they meet all the standards so that it is safe for children to study there, uh, there are plans for reconstruction, that is , the program continues side by side, and there, where there are no constant strikes, there a significant number of facilities have already been rebuilt, but you know, well, the main goal is to help our armed forces now, because in fact, our main problem is the russians and this war, as soon as this problem is solved. .. it's finished there, yes, then everything else will be solved much easier. well, thank you, mr. yuriy, yuriy sobolevskyi, the first deputy chairman of the kherson regional council, was with us and
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we talked about what is really happening now in kherson, in the kherson region, and what kind of mood the people there really have meet today, let me remind you, all of ukraine celebrates a sad date, that is, the second anniversary of the full-scale invasion of the russian federation. which , in particular, became so fatal for the left bank of the kherson oblast, because people literally had almost no time to evacuate, and some, like in genichevsk , did not have such time, in principle, here, well, people there, for example, only had time to evacuate those who literally threw everything on the same day, threw something, who had a car in the trunk and just drove like that, the rest were already getting out hard, long and difficult, there is a beautiful performance by the way. of the kherson drama theater , which they use to tour ukraine and tell, just everyone tells their story, their family, they
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have already left occupied kherson, i can’t stay after that, that’s the name of this play, not in parentheses, because everyone was faced with a choice of what to do, and this is real, each of the actors comes out on stage and shares their memories, and these are moving stories, because you see these people, you understand that this is not fiction the story, this is the story of this particular person, this is his experience, and now these actors from... from the kherson drama theater, they were also scattered around ukraine, but they are going and are with this play, it is difficult, of course, but it is very necessary, and of course it would be necessary first of all, and i don't know, maybe someone would sponsor the actors with this play to go somewhere abroad and share their testimonies with the foreign audience, because we, we know what is happening, we read it
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in the news, we read... it's in some social networks, someone's testimony, someone's memories, someone's experience, we see it in one way or another, but the world no longer has such testimonies, and sometimes people in some countries say, what about you, the war is still going on, and actually how reminder, so maybe you have some extra hryvnia, maybe someone is watching us, you can sponsor this tour. in fact, with this performance, this is the moment when art can speak and can do a lot, can change the opinion of the viewer, can bring him back to reality, and it can be helpful for the country, you can’t stay, that’s the name of this show, gentlemen, well , in principle, we will also
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talk a lot today about... about the super story, if it were, about the downing of the second a50 by an airplane, and another one, this is a very large russian a long-range reconnaissance aircraft that can track up to 60 aircraft at the same time, which shot down that radar aircraft and literally did it on february 23, when muscovites celebrate the day of the creation of the red army, this is such a nice gesture, of course they gave it to them there as well, as some correctly write commentators that so far the muscovites have not... they admit, shoigu is silent, as if he has typed in his mouth, i don’t know what, well, he says that he found himself in a very stupid situation, because to say that the ukrainian army shot down, well, somehow, it doesn’t come out either, to say that they shot down their own, it's also somehow strange, well, they are silent, and for now they would make it up but, no, so far, yes, the first reports were about this content in the russian media, somewhere near rostov in the kuban, unknown flying objects fell. fell,
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now the special services are working there, in short, they shot down a ufo, who shot down what, in short, everything it is already clear, we will talk about it today, we will have bohdan dolins, an aviation expert, whoever it might be, we will know soon, here, well, i also want to say that today one way or another we will talk a little about this, about this the second anniversary of the war , what we found ourselves with and what lies ahead, dear friends , there will be a news broadcast on our airwaves right now, kateryna shirokopoyas is ready to tell us what happened in ukraine and the world in the last hour, and we are ready to listen and watch it, katya, congratulations, you have a word, congratulations, colleagues, in a moment i will tell you about the reasons for the visit of the president of the european commission ursula fonderline to kyiv, as well as the consequences of the night attack on ukraine.
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greetings, time of news on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shirkopoyas works in the studio. two years into the great war, on february 24, 2022, around four in the morning, kremlin dictator vladimir putin announced the start of a so-called special military operation in ukraine. actually, wars. ukrainian cities woke up for the first time from booms of russian rockets, convoys of armored vehicles drove openly on the territory of ukraine, the occupiers invaded near kharkiv, kherson, chernihiv and sumy, entered from the territory of the russian federation, belarus and the occupied crimea. kyiv declared martial law and general mobilization in ukraine, the world was shaken by the atrocities committed by the invaders in the first days of the war.


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