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tv   [untitled]    February 24, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EET

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russian aggression. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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greetings, it's news time on espresso tv channel, kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the president of the european commission, ursula funderlejen, arrived in kyiv. she dedicated the official visit to the second anniversary of russia's full-scale war against ukraine. funderlein published her photo from the kyiv railway station on the x social network, and also wrote that today , more than ever, the eu countries are firmly standing by ukraine, financially and economically, militarily and morally. earlier, she showed a photo of the building of the european commission in brussels, which she decorated. by
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the colors of the ukrainian flag. according to preliminary information, three leaders of western countries also arrived in kyiv at night. we are talking about italian prime minister giorgia maloney, canadian prime minister justin trudeau, as well as the head of the belgian government alexander de croo. this is reported by the reuters agency. according to the publication, all three arrived together by train from neighboring poland. the purpose of the visit is to stand in solidarity with ukraine on the second anniversary of the russian invasion. the world must not look away. united nations diplomats also expressed their support for ukraine. the un security council gathered for a meeting dedicated to the anniversary of the russian invasion of ukraine. the usa and britain, in particular, once again called to stop the aggressor's army. and secretary general antonio guterres emphasized that the war in u'.
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two years and a decade after russia's attempted illegal annexation of the ukrainian autonomous republic of crimea and cities and sevastopol, the war in ukraine remains an open problem in the heart of europe. the time has come for peace, a just peace based on the united nations charter, international law and resolution. general assembly. ukraine wants peace more than any other country. however, we will never accept any offer to surrender or cede our lands and liberties. this was stated by ukrainian foreign minister dmytro kuleba during a meeting of the un security council. he once again reminded of the only demand for russia - to stop the aggressive war and withdraw its troops from our territories within internationally recognized borders. when
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future generations look back on this moment and read the records of our meetings, they will wonder why the world did not take action in such an obvious case? when one country tries to destroy all international peace and security. if you sincerely want to lower this price and give peace a chance, send us about... american diplomat kurt walker noted that ukraine is not able to change the situation with the allocation of aid by the american congress our state, because such a decision currently depends only on internal political processes in the states. at the same time, volker noted that we should continue public diplomacy and... and communicate directly with
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voters and congressmen. these are two different things. there is no reason for the delay in the congress. common with ukraine, so you can't influence it: it's about the us southern border, legal migration, fentanyl coming into the us, and the measures we're taking to control the situation at the border, that's about what is being said, and it has nothing to do with ukraine. at night, our defenders of the sky destroyed all 12 shaheds with which the russians hit ukraine, this was reported in the air force. the enemy also attacked with two iskander-m ballistic missiles and three kh-59 guided aircraft. the last occupiers entered the temporarily occupied territory of the kherson region, two of them were destroyed by the ukrainian armed forces. anti-aircraft defense worked in kirovohrad oblast, odesa oblast and mykolaiv oblast. one
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person died, three others were injured as a result of an enemy drone attack on odesa, oleg kiper, the head of the region, said. he noted that all three wounded... are in serious condition. in particular, summer hours. she has thermal burns on 40% of her body, and the woman was buried under rubble with almost two fractures of her arms and legs. let me remind you that the occupiers are attacking odesa with shahedes for the second night in a row. racists injured two people in zaporozhye. at night, the enemy broke into a private house in the village of tavriyske. a young married couple was injured. the couple is in the hospital. this was reported by the head of the region, ivan. fedorov, in general, an enemy for a day inflicted 614 strikes on 11 settlements in the region. they survived the occupation, left, but returned home. the horbel family met a full-scale invasion in their hometown of balaklie in kharkiv oblast. it was captured
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by russian troops in the first days of the month of birch. how did the family manage to escape and why did they return? the heroes of our next story share memories with espresso. this is anna's former office, she worked at the local cultural center for more than one year, she remembers the last holiday organized with her colleagues, the day of unity on february 16, two years ago, it was such, you know, a feeling of pride, unity for one's country, and at that time it was never thought that... it would happen like this, well, such tragic events, the life of the horbel family changed radically already on the morning of february 24, they and their neighbors moved to live in a shelter nearby , the city was shelled by the invaders from the first days of the great war, you had to run to bathe
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or wash, but it was shelled here and it was even scary to run out, this shelter is now open, it is warm, clean and there is peace here. this is where we constantly charged our phones, folks they brought, you know, united, and everyone did everything they could, someone cleaned, someone brought extension cords to charge phones, there were a lot of sockets, anna walks through the basement and remembers every corner, who lived and slept where. we sat here, there were more chairs here. from this building, we lived here, it was our home, for about a month, we spent the night here, spent the day here, because it was scary to be in the apartment after the airstrikes, but after a couple of weeks it became scary to stay in the basement, anna recalls,
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the occupiers had already entered the city , they are here where the usurper is, this is where they rebelled, that's how it is they folded their hands like that and waited, and what were they waiting for? i don't know what they stood for, i don't know , they did, they didn't touch, they didn't, on the contrary, they said: "leave, we came in peace, we won't touch you, go home, don't suffer, don't sit here, people went to their homes, but the houses continued to be shelled already in the evening of the same day , the light, water and heating were all gone," the heroine recalls. anna's family decided to leave the city, she says... but in the first weeks , the russian military still let them through quite easily through roadblocks, and he and his family were able to break through. anna and her children lived in the west of the country for more than a year, but still decided to return because she wanted to go home. when you see all this live, when you come back and see
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the destruction of your city, what the enemies have done here. the heart bleeds, when they returned, the woman got a new job, now she is waiting for her husband konstantin from the war, at the very beginning of the full-scale invasion, he... volunteered for the front. i wouldn't say that it was a shock, that, in principle, somewhere in the depths of my soul, it seemed to me that it would still be like this, well, knowing him, so if i reacted not as emotionally as possible, my wife would have to, but i supported him, vanna's most important wish is victory, and for her husband to return home, and for the family to be together. this is the main dream, well, in principle, the same as
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my husband's, because he says that if he did not see how his daughter grows, and for now, he is bringing victory as close as he can, from kharkiv for the espresso tv channel. espresso tv channel continues assembly of fpv drones for a separate platoon without... pilot aviation complexes sapsan of the state special service transport cypriot soldiers are actively conducting combat operations in the donetsk direction, attacking and restraining the enemy. thanks to drones, they successfully destroy a lot of russian equipment, fortifications and manpower. so we have a goal to collect uah 1 million for flying weapons. we already have more than uah 660,000 in our accounts. the best investment in our freedom is a donation to the armed forces of ukraine. that's all the news right now. at this hour, dear friends, we are back,
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the icespress marathon, today continues throughout the day, this is the final hour of the first part, andriy will return to the air later saichuk will continue from the 14th hour, in this hour we will talk about aviation. an expert with a political technologist, we will talk about the successes that ukraine is currently having in connection with the fact that russian planes are leaving for their last flight, we will talk about it for bohdan dolinets, in the meantime, i want to remind you that our collection is ongoing in our country, 900 hryvnias, you and i have collected almost 10,000, dear friends, we need to... collect a million 10,000 - this is what was added this morning, however, the amount is already
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much larger and more serious, more than 800 75 00 it is definitely already there, maybe even already 880 , we are approaching 900, the 900 mark, i hope that we will be able to achieve this goal today, i will tell you a little later, i will actually summarize the results of this morning, sometimes you now see qr codes on your screens and card numbers, write them down, or take your phones and scan qr codes, on the right, the qr code is scanned using the 24 application, open it, if you usually have it, and find the qr scanner function, click on this function, it appears square, and this square is where you enter the qr code itself, which right, if facing the screen. the qr code of monobank is on the left, it is much easier to scan it using the camera on the phone.
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well, we continue to talk with our guests, bohdan dolin, an aviation expert, is already with us. mr. bohdan, we congratulate you. good morning. mr. bohdan, this week seemed quite successful, could you have imagined that ukraine would destroy a plane with... such a russian two years ago on february 24 , 22, when we all woke up to russian missiles, planes, helicopters that circled over our country. well, see if if we talk specifically about aviation, it is clear that during hostilities, each of the parties suffers one or another loss, here, but together with the fact that within a fairly short period, that is, several months, it will be destroyed, for example, immediately. two a50 planes, this is actually a very big achievement, because
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the russian federation has all the planes, it is a very expensive piece of equipment, that is , we are talking about more than a hundred million dollars for each unit, in principle, russia simply cannot build such planes quickly, in the conditions sanctions, in fact not even the a50, not a conditional future version of it and it is not possible to create it, because this aircraft requires a large number of ... modern defense components , including components for the production of its rather expensive and complex radar, which can see targets there at a distance of 400 or more. depending on the parameters, or we are talking about the sea surface, the earth surface, etc., but in fact, the huge success of air defense, that’s how it is, one plane after another, already i don’t know, forbes there calculates that at this rate russian planes will run out in 6 months, is that
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correct at all, so to speak, yes, that’s extrapolating, well , look, we have to understand that after the loss of the first... plane the russian federation has slightly changed tactics, because the first plane was destroyed by an a-50 over the territory of the sea of ​​azov, here is the second plane, we see, it was already destroyed over the territory of the krasnodar territory, or at least not far from the coastline, and most likely, if we are talking about further strategy, then these planes, of course , will try to drag them back even further, and of course at some point they will still leave the affected zone. how the ukrainian air defense system can destroy such aircraft, except, of course, when these aircraft remain in a sufficiently small number that they will cease to be used directly near the front line or in the russian war, because these aircraft, they are also an important component of the general air defense system
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of the russian federation and a component precisely the coordination of the work of strategic aviation, because in the event that... all such aircraft are lost, the possibility of effective use of strategic aviation aircraft there not only for launching tactical missiles will be reduced, and it may also affect the ability of the russian federation in general to use such so-called strategic nuclear weapons, which can be launched, including from those aircraft. you know, let's talk about this a50, already the second in our air defense account, which fell yesterday. there here is an interesting point , there are still unverified data claiming that it was some kind of a50 in, something like that, there is some taganrog modification, if this is really so, then there are already pictures of the crew of this plane, and it’s actually a bunch of people there, there’s something the crew , a few dozen people of such a plane can
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make up, there are a bunch of people who maintain all those, all those satellite things, we can, if we can... that the biggest loss is a very experienced crew, because there are simply the highest professionals, who, as someone spoke there, it is not possible to replace by guest workers from asia, in a word, a big loss for the russians and what could theoretically shoot it down, is it really the s-200? yes, look , if we talk specifically about the crew, then we understand that there is a crew, the so-called flight crew, it's five people, that is, it's the pilots, it 's the flight engineers who fly this plane, and there's also the so-called tactical crew, that's that 10-12 people, directly the personnel who already manage and maintain the operation of the relevant radar systems and
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communication systems, here are these 10 people who are from the tactical crew, they are very long, expensive and difficult as a rule, these are very highly experienced specialists, so their loss will be very painful, because it is very difficult to even replace such phages in principle, on the other hand, if we talk about the plane itself in principle, then as far as i know in general, it was not just about the a50, but about the a50u, that is, the so-called improved version, that is, it has a slightly better radar station, that is to lose it. will be painful, and if we talk about the means of destruction, today it is said that this stage could be destroyed like this the so-called s-200 angara, which, by the way, were decommissioned in ukraine in 2013 , when the relevant persons connected with the russian federation were in the defense sphere
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of ukraine, and they hurriedly removed these systems in... . in principle, from weapons, because if we are talking about the s200, then this is a missile that was developed specifically for the destruction of anti-aircraft defense aircraft, radar systems, as well as long-range damage to the enemy, that is, it is a specialized complex that was developed and created specifically for the destruction of targets on long distance this is its key feature, if we talk about the s-200, then it is clear that during the 15-16 and following years there was... a plan to restore, return a certain part of these weapons to the armed forces of ukraine, here, but at least if we talk about the plans that were there for the 18-19th year, we were talking about the fact that there was a target for... that is, at least three such complexes, because they have a long range, there was a certain number of these missiles in warehouses, which, in principle, ukrainian enterprises could service and return
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to operation, because as of the 13th year, all the complexes that were in service in ukraine, they were all in the so-called state of combat duty, that is, they were all serviced, they could all perform all the necessary tasks, so it is clear that there is only a question of availability. a sufficient number of missiles for this complex, trained personnel who are capable of managing such a complex, and of course, it is in principle necessary to carry out certain or other regulatory works for the maintenance and support of this air defense system, the russians have not yet confirmed the downing of this plane, they say that a flying object fell, which caused large fires and explosions, however... less, to what extent, that this is basically changing now, that is, it was shot down 170 kilometers from the front in general . yes, if we talk
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, for example, about a simple angara missile, it is capable of destroying targets at a distance of up to 250 km, here, if we talk about how it will affect the air component of the russian federation itself, then there are two important components here, the first is the weight component, those planes and those crews that remained, they are probably after losses of the second plane, they will already stop believing in the russian propaganda that tells them that it is an accidental property of the air defense system, the plane was shot down, well, but we must not rule out that there may still be some not very intelligent pilots who still continue listen to propaganda and it works for them, and of course no reasonable people, in principle, will not try to fly further into the zone of damage of certain means, because they simply... will either refuse such flights, or if they are somehow forced to take off, then they will take the greatest possible distance from certain areas, giving
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the possibility of losing the plane, or at least being destroyed, this is how it will affect the capabilities, i.e. increasing the distance from the front line, the flight of such an aircraft, it will lead to a decrease in the amount of intelligence that this radar can collect, if we are talking about the a50. tiu, then there we are talking about the possibility of detection, for example, of equipment columns, about detection some large clusters of one or another means of communication, means of warfare, at a distance, as a rule, from 250 to 400 km, that is, even the greater the range of the aircraft, the less unbelievable that it will be able to detect any equipment at all, or in principle will be able to effectively determine its location or its movement, that’s it, of course , this is very... good information, the second important component, if we talk about the possibility of attracting these aircraft, such a50 aircraft were used for the so-called
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the guidance of cruise missiles , that is, it means that the accuracy of the guidance of missiles that carry out the so-called air launch, it may decrease, because in principle some missiles will not be launched at all, that is why it is also important to assemble the aircraft , in principle, it has... a communication system in connection with fighter and strike aircraft and can be used, for example, to coordinate the work of a group of aircraft, for example, a separate squadron, for their mutual coordination, i.e. also then these tasks will either be difficult to perform, or, for example, if we are talking about the use of these aircraft directly near the front line, then some means, some types of coordination work or, for example, the guidance of air missiles, they can in principle be. impossible at all, and then, relatively speaking , the capabilities of this fighter plane will be limited exclusively to on-board electronics, on-board radar, that is , we are talking about about 160 km to 180 km, in
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contrast to the conditions when the plane may not see another plane enemy, launch a missile and for with the help of a long-range radar reconnaissance aircraft, as soon as this missile leaves the range of the on-board radar, it can continue the attack... we have had this composure for some time regarding massive missile attacks on ukraine, we already know that russia likes to time some attacks to certain dates , we also understand that these aircraft losses are exactly putin. rages and says: let's now arrange so that they do not rejoice and do not take comfort there very much on this occasion. the security service of ukraine found confirmation that
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russia... is using missiles against ukraine, which it received from the dprk, iran denies that it has provided russia with ballistic missiles, nevertheless, what stockpile of missiles does the russian federation currently have? yes, look, if we talk about stockpiles of missiles, we remember the pace of production, which, for example, was during the 23rd year, and it is about 70 - 100 missiles every month, that's why, of course, the reduction was used. of those stocks that were in warehouses, it leads to the so-called accumulation of them, here is the second important component, this is the purchase of missiles from the so -called partner countries of the russian federation, in the first in turn, we are talking about north korea, iran , and at least it is known about the supply of a small number of missiles from north korea, fragments of such missiles have already been discovered. the second is important, it is about the fact that it was possible to supply
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a certain number of up to... 300 missiles from the side of iran. here. at the same time, today it is said that these missiles, which, for example, were supplied either from north korea or from iran. their technical characteristics are slightly different from passport ones. here, in the first in turn, precisely related to the rather low accuracy of these missiles, which also use western components, on the one hand, on the other hand, they are quite critically dependent on the western system of global navigation, such as gps, that is, in principle, the impact on the operation of this system during, for example, the launch of certain missiles, it affects a substantial decrease in accuracy and the ability to express certain goals of the russian federation, but at the same time, this is a fairly large number of missiles, if we are talking about delivery of at least 400 missiles from iran, and there is also a certain amount, it is not known exactly, there
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may be up to a hundred, possibly more missiles from... north korea, then in principle, these are the quantities that can be equal to a total of 50 percent or more of the stock of those missiles for which the russian federation had its own production. here. in addition, if we talk about the possibilities of further production of these missiles, we still see that the use of western and other components in them will make it difficult to maintain the pace of these productions, after the remains of those the missiles themselves, for example, of iranian production, of which certain components were discovered. of western electronics, it will lead to the fact that these spare parts supply chains will still be studied in more detail, found and possibly some additional sanctions will be applied in order to limit the possibility, including iran , to produce such devices in the future. made public, president zelenskyy made public a video of ukrainian f-16 pilots training at a military base in denmark, and there
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is also an interview with monfisch, known. a ukrainian pilot, and mm, actually, how much have we been talking for two years about the fact that the f16 is actually a complex system, that each plane is a whole, i don’t know, a factory that needs to be serviced, here, but nevertheless, all the time the question that people have is the question of why so little is given, why it takes so long to transmit, what is taught for so long, well, and the question of why again so little, well, that is, there is an expert. as far as i know, there was a consensus that we needed, for example, 100-200 f16, this would really change the situation at the front and give ukraine has an advantage, why not give us 200 f16s , or we simply don’t have the capacity for it, but look, there are several components here, if it’s about the quantity, the first component, in order to get such a quantity, it will be necessary to train the necessary number of pilots, that is, if we are talking about one plane, then
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as a rule, it is up to... three changing crews, that is, for 200 aircraft it is necessary to have 600-700 trained pilots. the second important component, in addition to the flight crew itself, is the so-called ground crew technical personnel, i.e. the appropriate flight engineers, etc., who are able to maintain, carry out the appropriate routine work to maintain the operability and repair of these aircraft, and here we can refer to roughly 200 aircraft there, as a rule , there are several thousand, maybe even 1,500 specialists of various types, with different skills, here, and then of course we can talk about the possibilities in principle of managing such a number of aircraft, but the second important component, in addition to personnel, is the need to have appropriate air bases where these aircraft will be based, it is necessary to have a certain stock of spare parts and components, which are also not cheap enough, which must...


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