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tv   [untitled]    February 24, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EET

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greetings, it's news time on the spresso tv channel, kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the head of the government of italy giorgia maloy arrived in kyiv. the purpose of the visit is to demonstrate solidarity with ukraine on the second anniversary of the russian invasion. the reuters agency also reported on the visit to kyiv of canadian prime minister justin trudeau and the head of the belgian government alexander de croo. it is also known about the arrival of the president of the european commission, ursula funderlajen. the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, oleksandr syrskyi, is convinced that russian planes will be on fire even more. on the anniversary of the full-scale
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invasion of russia, he thanked our defenders who repel attacks and destroy the enemy, he also remembered the doctors, rescuers, volunteers and everyone who brings our victory closer. in dnipro, rescue operations were completed at the site where shahed was hit in a high-rise building. according to the state emergency service , a man and a woman were killed, their bodies were found under the rubble, seven more residents of the building were injured, two of them, two of them are in the hospital. the drone of the occupants in... in a nine-story residential building yesterday at night in the city today is a day of mourning. one person died, two more were injured due to enemy shelling in donetsk region. during the day , the occupiers shelled more than 20 settlements in the region, reported the head of the region , vadym filashkin. a resident of mornograd became a victim of russian aggression, and the victims are residents of siversk. at the beginning of a full-scale invasion. mariupol was
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the hottest spot on the map of ukraine, the city was regularly shelled by russian troops, in particular residential areas, those who got out of mariupol say that there was no electricity and communication, there was not enough food and medicine, mass graves appeared in the yards of houses, see the story of the makukh family, which survived the horrors of the war, in the plot. when i start to remember, well, this feeling of anger and some desire for revenge is present in me, it does not subside. pavlo, a 60-year-old resident of mariupol, painfully remembers the terrible russian invasion of his hometown, before the beginning of the great war, pavlo and his wife svitlana had a happy life, he taught physical education at school and was a coach.
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martial arts, the wife had her own business. on february 24, 2022, a new life countdown began. paul says that those whom he considered his friends turned out to be traitors and looters. they traded this loot so actively. and with such joy, i wonder where they got it from. this joy. haven't you seen that in our country, we follow the european, civilized way.
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bombs, cannons and howitzers did not stop . pavlo remembers the day when he and his wife miraculously survived, and a pillar fell on my house and broke the roof, all the windows were blown out, the doors inside were blown out, i was wearing a hat sporty, i was on the street at that time, well, i didn't see it, i was looking at what my hat was doing on the tree. then i began to analyze, it was my mistake, it was worth it, it was decisive, how did i stay alive, it was a millimeter, 2 mm, the woman was in the house at the moment, the icons saved her. so, the makukh family lived in the besieged mariupol for three months, because they could not leave svetlana's bedridden old mother. all those who remained in the city had to pass a mandatory check, the so-called filtering. the couple helped local people and ukrainian military. pavlo and...
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was on duty at his school. one day , svitlana, together with other people, hid in a drama theater, which was soon destroyed by the russians , and the children had already thought about it. that she stayed there, and the woman came to the theater, thought, thought, said, i will be left alone with my mother-in-law, it is hard for me there, she leaves this drama theater, and 13-15 kilometers, walks under bombings, returns home, at the end of may, already on the streets there was a corpse smell, pavlo and his wife were afraid that the city would be closed due to the risk of spread. cholera, however, the couple managed to leave mariupol on may 31, 2022, two days before the departure , svitlana's old mother died, and pavlo decided to bury her in his yard, i dug it myself, it's not very deep, i dug it in the hope that in september,
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i'll have something we had such information that we would be released in mariupol in september, well , that year, but i hid it in myself when we were already leaving, the saint says, well now at least someone will want it. to look after, we arrived at the customs office, well, men, there, there was a blanket, there were several buses, we were taken to the room, everyone was divided into underpants, they looked at each other, he said, so we will offer you a job here, stay, don’t go anywhere, and i also answer that to their questions, that i will not stay anywhere, i need to figure it out in myself, in all the events that happened, and the woman is asked , where are you? in ukraine. the son and grandson of svitlana and pavlo left mariupol in march. 12-year-old maksym
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lives with his mother in drohobych, lviv region. his father went to serve in the army. the boy remembers those humiliations and the long journey to the territory controlled by ukraine. there was a large column, all seats were seated. were occupied, we drove standing all night, and then, well, at night, we arrived at the russian checkpoint, there was a gas station, and at that time we were told that we would not go any further, and we stood there empty-handed for two days, on the next morning they brought us water from the sewers, which was not possible to drink, then they threw a loaf of bread at us on the whole bus. except that we just ate, on the day when they brought us that water, there was just a vehicle driving in front of us, well, a russian military vehicle, we saw it, and we were not allowed to pass because of this, that they just drove the vehicle over. difficult circumstances and the war separated the makukh family, each of them dreams of one thing,
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when they reunite and return to their native, ukrainian mariupol, i dream of rebuilding my home, this is my dream, and... and i perfectly understand that they will return there , it will be replaced, the border is 40 km from russia, for a while we will not destroy this rashka, we already have a team of mariupol officials who enter at once, only dekupats enter and everyone does their own thing, doctors, education, utilities, well, what is needed for a full-fledged life cities for now, that's all the news for this hour.
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congratulations, this is a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the atp tv channel, together, beraber, my name is khrystyna yatskiv, i congratulate ayder muzhdabayev, selyam aleikum, khrystyna khanim, aleikum salaam, and today we are talking about the second anniversary of the large-scale invasion of the russian federation into ukraine and about and about... 10, in principle, is already the anniversary, the dates do not match, but it is simply about days, the 10th anniversary of the actual beginning of the war against ukraine, the beginning of the occupation of crimea, and we don't know about it, we have to remind
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everyone, including our foreign partners, that everything started in crimea, and everything must end in crimea, as our colleague sevilno said. its all a long, long time ago, but it's true, uh, uh, really, 10 years, full-fledged armed aggression of the russian federation against ukraine. and it is still quite difficult for me to accept this new language of ours from two years ago, a large-scale invasion or a full-scale aggression. what the russians did in crimea is an act of military aggression, and for those who lost their homes in crimea and who are now under occupation, for them this large scale is measured, perhaps not by bombs and missiles. until recently, but nevertheless, exile, yes, violation of rights, slavery, etc., and i, you know,
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it's actually good that you asked, because, and i raised this topic because someone calls it a full-scale invasion, someone a total invasion, and for myself i define it as a big war, well, it's just big in scale, and the essence of it is war, it's the 14th year, a big war is... . 22nd year, i think that in principle, in general, it is correct, i don’t know if you will agree with me, but i say so, absolutely, and in fact, let’s recall that ukraine continues to effectively resist the russian occupier, we have colossal successes in the context of destroyed russians, destroyed russian equipment, and we really want these successes multiplied, we also want... the lives of our soldiers to remain as valuable as possible, and here, ayder, it is probably
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worth reminding about the gathering, which, thank christ, you always remember, and thank you to all the viewers for remembering are you referring to the fact that we in this program every time call for donations for a specific collection for a specific unit, for the 48th separate assault battalion named after noman chilibijakhan, whose commander is... director, head of the tv channel ruslyamov, now he is a captain of the armed forces of ukraine and a commander this of the assault unit , the so-called crimean unit, it is the only large crimean unit, ukrainians, crimeans and foreigners are fighting together there, even those who do not care, do not care about the fate of ukraine and the fate of crimea, but we are collecting right now, we must close the collection, there are two-thirds with almost a little even. more collected, for night drones you can see all the details and numbers and
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qr codes and paypal, absolutely everything you need, for night drones, that is, for fpv drones with thermal, as it is called, thermal imaging cameras, i apologize, i am a nerd, but i know for sure that they are very necessary, very useful now... each of these drones, they serve to protect, protect our fighters and strike enemies, strike their equipment, these drones are a little more powerful than ordinary ones, they cost more than 30 hryvnias , but it is effective and it saves the lives of our soldiers and officers and allows us to hold on where you know, to hold on sometimes seems almost impossible, because the open space of our... southern direction, there is water and steppe, and very few even
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forests and trees , it's very difficult there, and these drones, they decide a lot of things, all the time the program will have this qr code and card number, join the gathering, it is noble, it is right, if we are talking here about crimea and ukraine and about our ongoing war, we are reminding for 10 years already, huh, and it will probably be logical yes just to say that... this week, while you and i did not see each other on the air, a rather large-scale all-ukrainian gathering for sea drones, which have already been called see babyby, was launched, now the whole of ukraine is actually gathering for them, why are we mentioning them, because it is about the black sea itself, it hints to us trouble for the black sea fleet of the russian federation, which has a base in crimea, and of course in our brb project. we can't do that, it's a cool thing, because in fact , the biggest successes, here i agree with all
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the experts, well, who am i to agree, or not in the expert sense, but it's just visible even to such an expert in quotes like me, which is the most effective, the most effective this past year was in the liberation of the black sea, a sea that they considered to be almost their internal sea, that is, they were already there, i don't know, raiding there on... nato countries felt free there, now they are a little less free and thanks to these drones, which are very effective, by the way, there are no analogues in the russian army. such a terrorist drone is this know-how, in fact, and the british are already learning from us , the matter is a little different that the russians are actually trying to get along and promise to start serial production of not only unmanned aerial vehicles, but also naval drones, unmanned aerial vehicles, but right now, as they say,
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all the salt is in the skill of application, and that's it a combination of moves in the use of different... weapons, this is cool, and so far only the defense forces of ukraine can do this, cool, you know, what else i want to add, if it was about drones, we did not prepare, i did not know whether the best military an expert in this studio can be there at all, we will now involve a really professional military man, but well, for me the best military expert, the closest military expert to me, ms. khrystyna yatsikiv, started this conversation, there is such a one recently... the so-called shoigu, this ghoul, appeared before putin, he reported, he lied to him about the fact that they cleared plasdar on the left bank of the dnieper there, he just lied and lied, and he said that there is a special feature, that is, there is such a feature that the ukrainians use heavy drones for supplies ammunition
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for and also for the evacuation of couples, he didn’t say that, i think, but... i know about that too , yes, that is, drones are used, they are bombing, heavy drones, they are also used to supply the necessary products, water and shells, mines there, grenades, cartridges, etc., i'm very proud that the company, one of the best companies that manufactures these heavy drones, is a company that i call gurzu in defense, and you know why, because my friend, pavlo filblum, who founded this company, uh , and he found like-minded people, inventors , very cool, who made this really cool drone, heavy shot, you can watch, read, go to the facebook pages, etc., subscribe to the channel, there are interesting shots, by the way, always gurzuv defenses, ugh, and why was he rushing, because pavel and i had agreed
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to meet there, it was the last time we saw each other in the crimea there, that's why ukrainian drones are the same beauty and strength as khrystyna yaskiv in our studio. thank you, thank you ayder, very nice. and you say that i am a military expert. he just talked about super drones, about which, perhaps, somewhere in the public space there was not enough information. but let's generally try to assess the military situation around the black sea and crimea with serhiy brachuk, the spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army south. mr. serhiy, congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, glory to the armed forces, welcome to the studio, glad to see you, friends. i will allow myself. the people's deputy of ukraine reported yesterday that there was a vote in favor of a recommendation to provide ukraine with long -range systems for delivering pinpoint strikes deep in the rear of the russian aggressor. cherniv says that we are talking about the taurus, although, in my opinion,
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it would be possible to argue whether this is exactly what the bundestag meant in its recommendations, but... i will just remind you that it is the taurus that is currently considered as one from the main shock forces, which can cause really noticeable and long-lasting damage kerch bridge, which remains the logistical artery of russians to crimea. mr. serhiy, do you place your hopes, in particular, on a similar type of weapon, or is it possible that you, in particular, as a person who already knows military affairs, have a different vision. what to do with the bridge? well, what to do with the bridge, here we clearly have a common assessment, it is an illegal structure that should be destroyed, demolished, who is so pleased, it pleases my ear more when we say that it is destroyed. actually, if we are talking about taurus, of course, i don't want our viewers to understand that this is some kind of a miracle is a military toy that will appear on
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the battlefield and the war will end immediately, well, first of all, we are really talking about... what recommendations were voted, as a military man, i always love the result, you know, i will compare it with the famous saying of valery vasiliovich lobanovskyi about the fact that the game is forgotten, the result remains, actually i am about the result, about the fact that when the enemy feels the blows, including tausami in particular, we will of course be happy about it, we will of course talk about it, and actually, you know , saw a lot today, even let's say this, the armed... menu, which is necessary to destroy the crimean bridge, well, first of all, they don't talk about it out loud, in fact, if they already said, then how many taurus are needed, how many atakams. and so on and the like, actually, i wouldn't be in such a hurry, this is, first of all, because war is war, war is a cruel and serious matter, so no one will talk about it, what will destroy
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the bridge, but the most important thing is that it will be destroyed in due time, and actually returning to taurus, of course you want to as soon as possible they were used, especially if we are talking about our native, temporarily occupied crimea, we understand very well that we are talking not only about the bridge, we are talking about the points of administration. command and control points, we are talking about secret objects that are quite important in the system of the defense capability of the russian occupier in the temporarily occupied territory of crimea, we are actually talking about the black sea fleet, which needs to be finished, there is actually a lot of work, so of course the taurs will not harm us, they will come in handy because they are team members points, and there are also underground ones, they must be destroyed, and it would be good such a weapon, but everything must be in a complex, and actually the enemy must feel... this work of these missiles, everything must be really in a complex, and there must be drones, both heavy and light, which we are talking about, well, actually, as the saying is already known
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by now, there are not many drones, so we will wait for the result, we will wait for the votes , the decisions of the relevant ones, in particular the chancellor of germany, but one more time i would like to remind the audience, possibly experts, colleagues as well, that tauruses are not... for example, to meet there will be no orchestra, they will start working, then we will really know about it, it is absolutely right. and if we are talking about our sea, then the enemy is certainly monitoring that we may have something new there, and i hope that all this in the complex will help us really bring the stage of demilitarization of crimea to its logical conclusion, it is currently happening, and we we are talking about what is right in crimea, in particular in chornoy. ukraine conducts offensive, i emphasize offensive actions, this is not a counteroffensive, a counteroffensive is a response to the relevant offensive actions of the enemy, in the black sea we are attacking, and you see
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, the rich arsenal that we have today is being used, which we could only dream of in the 22nd year, and in fact , without inflated expectations, there is still a lot of work, there is a constant missile threat, missile carriers, they are at sea, even in novorossiysk, there is a lot of work, but god willing, there will be taurus and everything else. and then we will meet in gurzuf, i agree and want to join you too. oh, sergey, i invite you, i even know where, approximately, there, there is such a beautiful embankment. yes, there is a view great friends, let's just be careful, because we already had people who wanted to buy coffee on the embankment, we still have to be more careful in our statements, we're not talking about that right now. so. serhiy, listen to what i wanted to ask about novauros, of course, it's not some guy out there like vundar. but here already, in principle
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, f-16, multi-purpose aircraft, which are not supposed to change the course of the war, but at least... well, this week there was a meeting of the president, there was a bet dedicated to precisely the f-16 for their future use, terms of delivery there and terms of their service there, and i would like to hear from mr. serhiy what, in fact, how the situation changes along the front line, or maybe with... on it, in the due to the fact that , in fact, once again president zelensky said that there will be no air superiority in russia, after, even local,
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after we receive these f-16s and our pilots return , yes, but at the same time i read such information that russia has at its disposal are 100, well, there are planes for... fighters, there are attack planes, etc., well , small ones, i don’t mean transport ones, there are even more of them, together with them, but, that is , we are not supplied with so much, even , if everything, everything that was promised, will come on time , and the service will be good, there will not be so much, as in the russians, as, in what way do you think, sergey, we will dominate the air and squeeze russia out of it, well firstly, from the day tension, i am sure of it, again, without rushing forward, everything should be and take place on the battlefield , in fact, then we will see the results , the russian aviation will be pushed back, they really
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have a lot of it, so... and the air force is doing a huge job, they are destroyed practically every day, if you take russian planes on average, and they are quite modern, quite powerful, yes, they have a lot of them, and even 7-10 destroyed planes there, unfortunately, do not fundamentally affect the situation with russian planes, but on the other hand, we are talking about the line of combat, we are talking about the fact that those cabs, which are used, in fact, that's another thing two trump cards actually in russia with... of course, it's aviation and it's cannon fodder , there's a lot of it, it's what russia uses, and in this way pushes us out of our certain territories, that we are forced somewhere, as in the example of avdiyivka withdraw to some other positions and have tactical advances in other directions, unfortunately, including, again, this is without betrayal, here it is a war, the situation is dynamic, it changes, actually and literally these minutes
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, including, so displacing. we reduce the pressure on enemy aviation precisely with aviation weapons, precisely by those kabs who simply wipe out everything on the ground, hit our positions, and accordingly these are our losses, both in technology and most importantly in people, when there will be such parity, even if we get close to it, it is strikes by our aviation on the front edge of the enemy, i hope these will also be strikes a little deeper to the rear , let's say, base points, today it is happening, but this is not enough, and air battles actually, our pilots have proven since the 22nd year, here, in particular, in the south, they can even use those old soviet planes to destroy enemy pilots and enemy equipment in the sky, i hope it will be like that this time, it will still be easier, in any case , the direction is absolutely correct, and you need to move it a little, you need more, you need to be timely,
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this is the most important thing. so that the situation with artillery shells does not repeat itself, that promises are empty, in fact, today we have, accordingly, an artillery famine in one direction or another, this is really a problem, it is good that the generals took up the matter, i am primarily talking about the general, who also fulfills responsibilities, including that of the president of the czech republic, peter pavel, he found the solution very quickly, or it matured in him, let's say, canada, as far as is known, and money. will be financed and we will have more projectiles, at least now my colleagues have calculated, which i also trust as experts, including that this amount will be enough for us there today, well, about 150, 160 days in order to defend ourselves, we are not we are talking about offensives, this is about inflated expectations, it goes without saying that tomorrow we will receive these shells and be near moscow, unfortunately this will not happen, but actually there is another a situation where there are a lot of military
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facilities on the territory. the russian federation, you can attack them, i am generally a strong supporter of the fact that they should be attacked, in fact , i think the same as you, what can i say, even jend stoltenberg, the secretary general of nato, says that if ukraine receives f-16, then actually work on the territory of the russian federation and absolutely, as they say, legal for our country. it's absolutely true, and that's what i'm talking about, that's why, well, you see, nato's ensec and i, like you, are on the same page, at least in common. such movements in a joint forward, yes sir serhii, i still can’t help but ask, in fact , such dubious information has appeared, which the ukrainian military already denies, well , at least they say that they are not observing any superactivity there, the so-called transnistria, and this is february 28, when they supposedly had would you like to contact the russian federation about joining there? a person who knows our
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ukrainian, odesa region well, in particular, yes, this, well, that is, you and i have talked about this many times, why this throw-in, because it is actually just as much about proximity to our of the black sea, about the situation in the northwestern part of the black sea, about odesa, about our ukrainian south, why does such information appear in your opinion, and to what extent is it possible? logically, oddly enough, and it is quite simple to explain, these are informational throws to increase, again, the degree of information, because as far as the battlefield is concerned, we see that the degree has already been raised to the maximum, by the way, i will mention it here now a certain dima medvedev, no matter how we feel about him, we understand perfectly well what his mouth is saying...


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