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tv   [untitled]    February 24, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EET

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greetings, it's news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. ukraine is standing because it is strong and courageous, and because it has friends in europe and around the world. the leaders of western countries recorded a joint appeal to ukraine, they expressed their support for our people and confidence in victory. we are proud to belong to these friends, today and in our common european future. we will be with you, whatever it takes, and for as long as it takes. i want to pay tribute to courage and the determination of the ukrainian people who continue to defend sovereignty and freedom.
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your country spain is with you as long as necessary. the czech people will continue to support you in the fight for freedom and peace. you are part of the european family. and we will not leave you. former british prime minister boris johnson came to support ukraine on the day of the second anniversary of the full-scale invasion of russia. he announced this on his pages in social networks. according to him, it is a great honor for him to be together with the ukrainian people. at the same time, the politician expressed confidence in the victory of ukraine, but on the condition that the allies will continue to support it. let me remind you that boris johnson became the first leader of the g7 countries to visit ukraine after the start of the full-scale invasion. there will be even more russian planes on fire, assures the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr. syrian
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on the anniversary of the full-scale russian invasion. he thanked our defenders who repel attacks and destroy the enemy. he also mentioned medics, rescuers, volunteers and everyone who brings our victory closer. in the first days of the full-scale war , the russians invaded irpen. the occupiers sought to capture the city and blockade kyiv. one of the shellings hit the romanivsky bridge, which connects bucha and irpinis. today , our correspondent kateryna galko works in a place that was called the road of life two years ago. katya, congratulations, you have a word. i congratulate katya, i congratulate the viewers of the tv channel. so, indeed, now we are near the so-called road of life, which saved the lives of 40 thousand citizens, and we have the opportunity to talk with the mayor of the city irpenya by mr. oleksandr. mr. oleksandr, i... tell me, please, how irpin
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met the great war, well, the very beginning of the war, of course, everyone did not expect that it would begin and, but expected that it would begin a little later, we met, held an urgent session where created our headquarters of territorial defense and made two important decisions, to make defensive lines, urgently, to prepare for battle, and the second - to evacuate our territory. city, and so it happened, then they started to do, we had utility equipment, to do defense lines, and the other part of our territorial defense began to prepare the townspeople and our residents for evacuation, and of course we began to arm, i received weapons, passed them on to our guys and we began to arm our territorial defense, i was appointed commander of the territorial defense and... ... and we began to defend the city,
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actually, how did the evacuation take place, how did we manage to save the citizens? well, our city is a city of 100,000 people, and some of the people organized themselves, our bible church helped to organize, they left by cars through stoyanka, this is a large number of people, we escorted other people through our railway station, i ordered trains and twice a day... the train took our residents to kyiv, but on the third day, when the train drove for people for the second time, with the plane, the train was bombed, the train derailed, the tracks were bombed and it was no longer possible to evacuate people through our railway station, and it was through this bridge, this road of life, that we evacuated 40,000 of our residents, kyiv regional military administration provided buses on that side, we transferred people to the buses, they got on and
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went to the railway station in the same way, and in the evening military units already entered through this bridge, we brought in weapons, food, and wood. and also took out the wounded. how difficult was it to evacuate through this crossing? well, she was constantly under fire. and you see, candles were lit today, children, women and our boys died here. of course, it was a risk, people just hid under this bridge when there was heavy shelling, but thanks to this bridge, thanks to this crossing, she saved many people, and... and thanking god, i guess, that we were able to do it, 95% of the city was evacuated, because it was in irpin that there were fierce battles, because it was in irpin that the fate of the capital was decided, because from irpin to the capital is 5 km, and
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it was in irpin that the first victory of the armed forces took place, and our president gave a high status to our city, the hero city of erpin, and it is deserved, we thank you for it. and i thank you, so this romaniv bridge really saved the lives of more than 40,000 citizens of the city of irpen , it became such an outpost, it did not allow the enemy to pass to capital, so here today we honored the memory of all our heroes and fallen citizens, lit memorial candles, hung symbolic angels, honored everyone with a moment of silence, and all this thanks to now, even in the second year of the great war, we can do it, we can remember them thanks to their... feat, that's all the information, as of now, katya, so i'm passing the ether to you. thank you katya. let me remind you, it was our journalist kateryna galko, she visited the site of the romaniv bridge connecting bucha and irpin with kyiv. and in dnipro they finished rescue work at the place where shahed was hit in
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a high-rise building. according to the state emergency service , a man and a woman died. their bodies were buried under the rubble, seven more residents of the building were injured, two of them are in... the hospital. the occupants' drone hit a nine-story residential building last night. today is a day of mourning in the city. and in the kherson region , a 38-year-old resident of baryslav was injured due to an attack by an enemy drone. he has a head injury and a contusion. the man went to the hospital on his own. doctors assessed his condition as moderate - reported in the regional military administration. the occupiers threw explosives at the man the night before. but he was near the store. racists injured two people in zaporozhye. at night, the enemy moved into a private house in the village of tavriyske , and a young couple was injured. the couple is currently in the hospital, the head of the region , ivan fedorov, said. in total, during the day, the enemy made
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614 strikes on 11 settlements in the region. in the russian capital, a fire broke out on the territory of the sukhoi aircraft manufacturer. the local telegram channels write. backfilling allegedly arose in one of the company's hangars. let me remind you that this plant is engaged in the development, production and training of pilots for combat and civil aircraft, in particular of the su type. meanwhile, the russian invaders have confirmed that they have lost an a50 long-range radar detection aircraft. our scouts intercepted negotiations between the crew members of the su-35 cover, one of the russian pilots. the radio station reports that he observed the work of the air defense system, first saw the flash and heard the explosions. this was reported in the main intelligence office. according to their data, the plane a50 was shot down near the city of primorskyi-akhtarsk on the sea of ​​azov. australia introduced additional sanctions against russia. financial and
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visa restrictions apply to 55 individuals and 37 organizations involved in russian procurement networks in belarus, iran and north korea. australian department of foreign affairs. russian officials involved in the deportation of ukrainian children were also subject to restrictions. in total, australia has already imposed more than 1,200 sanctions in response to the full-scale invasion of ukraine by the occupiers. i never tire of reminding you inform tv channel espresso continues collecting for fpv drones. for a separate platoon of unmanned aerial systems sapsan of the state special service of transport. these courageous soldiers are actively fighting in the donetsk direction, attacking and restraining the enemy. thanks to drones, they successfully destroy a lot of russian equipment, fortifications and manpower . so we have a goal to collect uah 1 million for
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flying weapons. we already have more than 600 thousand hryvnias in our accounts. remember, the best investment in our freedom is a donation to the armed forces of ukraine. this is all the news for now, see you glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy ordenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about the war, about ukraine, about the world, and about our victory. today in the program. payment for aggression and murder. the us has introduced more than 500 new sanctions. against russia for the war in ukraine and the death of navalny.
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the european union also announced its package of sanctions. new missiles and upgraded nuclear weapons. the kremlin threatens the west with nuclear war, and ukraine with the capture of kyiv and odesa. how far can putin come in? transnistrian separatists can ask russia. moldova is worried about the preparation of an appeal to putin by the self-proclaimed. about this and other things, during the next hour we will talk with the diplomat, former ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america, valery chaly. in the second part, we will have a journalism club: maryna danylyuk yarmalayeva, maria gurska and yanina sokolova. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest you watch a video of how hymars brings order in the kherson region, not far from mykhailivka settlement. fighters of the air reconnaissance unit. adjusted fire on the russian strela-10 air defense system and the 9a-331 combat vehicle of the tor m1 complex.
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let's see.
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and literally just now there was a message that another russian a50 plane was shot down over the sea of ​​azov, literally a month ago, you remember, by our air force. they shot down a similar plane, this is a flying radar plane, you see a russian plane burning in the krasnodar territory, it fell just on the other side of the sea of ​​azov, and such a gift, the main control intelligence, the ministry of defense and the defense forces did to the russian occupiers. friends, in the course of our program, we are conducting a survey and today we ask you about the following: should we run for the presidency of ukraine again? yes no. please vote on youtube,
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everything is quite simple there, either yes or no, leave your answer option or your comment, please under this video. if you 're sitting in front of the tv watching us live on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think that zelensky should run again for the president of ukraine 0800 211 300. 81 no 0800 211 382 all calls to these numbers are free, call and we should be in touch with valery chaly, diplomat, ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america in 2015 -19 years, chairman of the board of the ukrainian crisis media center, mr. valery, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. so, mr. valeriu, today the united states of america announced the introduction of over... 500 sanctions, well 500 points, i mean, sanctions against the russian federation
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and new export restrictions against almost 100 organizations on the eve of the second anniversary of russia's large-scale invasion of ukraine and after the death of alexei navalny, and the sanctions are aimed at making putin pay an even bigger price for his aggression abroad and repression at home, said the statement of the president of the united states of america, joseph biden, which was released by the white house. what, in your opinion, mr. valery, the sanctions could be too painful for russia, and why are they still too painful? sanctions have not yet been introduced by the united states of america against the russians. if we talk about the introduction of sanctions, this is one of the elements of pressure on the economy of the aggressor country, and it is connected with the fact that, this is what we hear in stages, some separate ones, with the fact that in general it is a violation of the charter and the second
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article of the un charter behind him, the third, he essentially drags behind him. embargo, that is, it is a complete ban on trade, due to the fact that russia, which has no right to be in the un now, therefore that we know that it seized this place after the soviet union, it blocks all this, and therefore there is no embargo, and here we see such constant introductions of some packages there, dedicated to something, firstly, it is positive that it is, and after all, sanctions play their role. the second point is that the policy on sanctions has not really changed, you see, they are introduced in packages, they foresee some kind of response, in fact, it is precisely the timing of sanctions to some subsequent violations, well, in this case, they really tied it to part of the sanctions in connection with by murder navalny's political opponent in russia,
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by the way, if anyone didn't care, but this is a serious... signal for the whole world, which should already lead to recognition in the usa, at least in russia, as a sponsor of terrorism, and in general, well, it's about time that is, if they said no before, there is something that will create problems, i think that such an action would be much more significant than all these sanctions, why? because the sanctions have been introduced , many of them are avoided, we can see it by what comes to us, and unfortunately, there is one of its own. chip deliveries, fresh parts, incl american , so the most important, more important task now is to close the loopholes in those countries that allow the russians to circumvent sanctions, this is, firstly, secondly, still such countries as, well, in particular india, for example, which receives russian oil products, then it processes and sells in
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the usa in the form of already processed, and sells oil, oil products, well... such things must be closed somehow, because i think that everyone perfectly understands that these holes must be closed, well, there are still such in the usa has certain exceptions that it does not want to introduce, therefore that it hits not only the aggressor, but also very strongly hits some sensitive sectors in them, well, for example, they still get it and uranus from there, and a lot of things, so i would say, here the question is not to change the approach , it is necessary not to add timing, but... if there are really any subsequent violations, it is necessary to conduct an anticipatory policy of maximum blocking, where you have already prepared, there are really no, well, there are economic losses, we understand that, but we, ukrainians, ukraine invest more to counter this aggression in europe, i.e. people's lives, that's why all of them the explanation should already be left in the past,
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that we are losing economically there, we should be there where we are ready without really such serious losses. it is necessary to press one's side there as much as possible and concentrated in time, therefore it is necessary to change approaches, to change the timing, scope, and introduction of sanctions, well , it is already ripe for nuclear energy, russia is developing, rosa feels very easy there in all directions, that is, it is ripe for that's why there are lnzh in europe, well, there are many such things that should have been introduced yesterday, well , unfortunately, unfortunately, there are problems here, but that's all we must say that nevertheless, signals are being sent to moscow in such a way that there will be no deviation from such a policy, well, mr. valery, you mentioned india, which processes russian oil, and then transports oil products to the united states states of america, it
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's not a secret for the americans, i understand correctly, they clearly understand what kind of oil it is, and well, i think that they accurately count the amount. of produced oil in the world and perfectly understand who forms this market, that is, well, they deliberately buy from india's petroleum products, which are actually russian, there, in my opinion, 13 million tons of oil or something like that per year, if i'm not mistaken, well , you know, i, as a ukrainian, would like to change all this, well, at least the explanation is always that that what is not covered by the sanctions policy is allowed. what is not forbidden is allowed, well, this is the story, it should be absolutely the opposite, i say that such and such an attack in europe on a sovereign country and previous ones. the decision of the un and the un security council is a complete embargo without any exceptions, without country exceptions, a global embargo, unfortunately, it was not possible to achieve this, and for this we
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have such a gradual line, russia, let's face it, they are adapting to this, so the situation there is not improving, but two years of adaptation, in two years of a full-scale war, they have already adapted found workarounds, took cover somewhere there... with their production, and this will destroy their economy in the medium term, but we don't have that many years, there are three to five, we need solutions this year, and it's already starting, you know, to not really be as effective as concentrated in time, therefore, everyone understands everything, but look at how long, how long they have been leaving russia, or not even all of them... have left russian business until now, they are still there and large funds, unfortunately, did not leave there immediately either, so these corporations and rosa there, gazprom
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, huge amounts of foreign investors were invested there, well, today i can say that they have decided strategically, they are leaving russia, but this is happening over a long period of time, we know cases of such an open nature, where trade networks or some kind of production, then... somehow there, explaining their line, they continue to make money, in fact, on such a war, in fact, they make money on this market, from which others have left, for them it is actually a monopoly, some companies are western there, which remain, and i do not i will say that we have the usa here more than anything, there to pay attention, the usa, on the contrary, is the leader of the consolidation of the sanctions policy, in fact. mr. valery, on the eve of the introduction of united states sanctions. america vs. russia joe biden met with the wife of a russian opposition figure oleksiy navalny yulia and his daughter dasha. this is how he commented on this meeting.
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this morning i had the honor of meeting with the wife and daughter of alexei navalny. obviously, he was a man of incredible courage. and it's amazing how his wife and daughter follow suit. we will announce sanctions against those responsible for it. death, and i understood that julia intends to continue to fight, go to the end and not give up. in the west, there was a rather sharp reaction to the assassination of oleksii navalny by vladimir putin, and there were many statements and assessments of what happened in the russian federation, but we know that part of the opposition is in prison in russia, part is somewhere in europe, in lithuania, latvia, in particular, well... that is, outside of russia, in your opinion, is the russian opposition in exile capable of changing russia ? of course, no, unable
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, because we have seen it in history, it already happened when the authoritarian regime, dictatorial, well, let me remind you, and the same fascist period, in nazi germany, that is, at first the repressions unfolded gradually. they related at first well there political opponents in essence, then jews, roma, various groups of minorities , people of non-traditional orientation, and so on , and it all started with this, first concentration camps were created for such people, then it turned into systemic politics, and in russia in principle, there was also a period when you... a lot of them, well, you can say millions, and they left, so in principle , even within the same forces that were there, when at least 70 thousand were going to the marshland there,
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that’s already no, but from the outside they are still there there is no certainty about the strategy, they had such a position, i see the main thing, here is putin, his ukraine will break, because it is unfair. and aggression, and we will later , after that, when putin is defeated, we will return to russia, we will build a new russia, it absolutely does not work in the current conditions, i am grateful to those russians for their citizenship there, who are fighting on the side of ukraine, the armed forces of ukraine, and in principle, this is the only effective option that can be said today, even to those who surrender. and then takes a weapon, realizing that with russian propaganda did it, everything else, this is all in exile, well, it is necessary, because sooner or later some kind of
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regime change will be needed. but i will say that there is less hope that changes will occur to the regime itself now, more in such a situation, now, well , is there any hope for a forecast, it is hypothetical, very small today in terms of, say, the percentage of reliability, but rather now, i think, it will some fragmentation in russia itself, due to the ineffectiveness of the regime's actions. and the inability to withstand the challenges of society on this agreement that as long as we pay you , you buy products there, we can wage the war we want and wage propaganda, but until this model is broken, i think it is unlikely that these oppositionists in exile will change something, although i say again, that they are doing their part of the work, you see, well...
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how would i, for example, as a citizen of ukraine, i would like the president of the united states, who is helping ukraine, who is currently promoting the solution from the aid package, met with the wives and husbands of our dead, well soldiers and women and children who died, i would very much like navalny, well, despite all his role there, well, he, compared to what is happening in ukraine, is completely, completely. not the same story, maybe it is hyped up, so individually, yes , it is highly hyped up, he has already made his own contribution to history, but what is against this background, well , somehow, it is definitely not just a tragedy that is being forgotten, but what is unfolding now in even more killings of people are unfolding in ukraine, in fact genocide, which creates, even if the international court there does not recognize it, but we we see official russian statements to destroy.
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of ukrainians in essence, that is, to destroy the country , to destroy ukrainians, i believe that this is much more threatening than what is being discussed, these meetings are now in the white house, although they are necessary, because in america, you know, there is attention to such individual stories , and we have to think about it, i would really like president joseph biden to meet right now with our brave women who are fighting, well if it's... we can there in terms of the situation, i think we can find a solution with our wounded, which including the united states states are being treated, that is, such , in my opinion, impressions of the balance are not enough now, you have already mentioned the statements that testify to the intentions of the russian leadership to destroy ukraine and ukrainians, and this week there was also
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a statement from dmitry. the deputy head of the security council of the russian federation, who spoke about what was next, that kyiv is a russian city, and they will take it sooner or later, and odesa is a russian city, and that we are not at all unclear what kind of state ukraine is, and not it is clear who the ukrainians are, if there are any there, against their policy, they can get nuclear weapons and hit kyiv, berlin, and london, well, that is... he said a lot, and putin continued medvedev's rhetoric in greeting the so-called on defender of the fatherland day, the russian dictator announced that russia had almost 100% upgraded its strategic nuclear weapons. let's listen to what putin said. taking into account real combat experience, we will continue to comprehensively strengthen the armed forces,
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ensure their... nuclear forces have already reached 95%, and the naval component of the nuclear triads almost 100%. serial production of new zircon hypersonic missiles has begun, tests of other strike systems are being completed, by the way, joe biden called it another su'. the son of a madman there, who has gone mad, and is there any mechanism for you, mr. valery, to avoid this madness and the implementation of these crazy ideas that putin and medvedev have? well, if we talk about these statements again there with a nuclear club, then the first thing i will say is that what medvedev is doing is completely...


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