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tv   [untitled]    February 24, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EET

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that the us congress will vote to allocate funds for ukraine, ukraine's prospects will only improve. thank you very much, mr. ambassador, for this extremely important conversation on the air of the espresso tv channel, i want to remind our tv viewers that daniel fried, the former coordinator of the united states state department for sanctions policy, an american diplomat with more than forty years of experience, was working for them. there are 10% discounts on bronchalik in the psaryznyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. usual tasks become unreal, heavy bags are not for my patient back, for back pain, try dolgit cream. dolgit cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility, with dolgit cream you want to lift. dolgit is the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. the average price is uah 82. 15% in pharmacies
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political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club, every saturday on espresso. general alnur musaev, former head of the national security committee of kazakhstan, ex-adviser on national security issues of the president of kazakhstan, will be working on espresso tv channel. glory to ukraine, mr. general, salam alaikum. glory to the heroes, aleikumal. an extremely important story, the murder of a russian defector in spain, we understand that...
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considerable powers of the federal security service, possibly the foreign intelligence service of the russian federation, were involved, which they were able to organize there are a lot of similar questions, why exactly he ended up in spain and so on and so forth, but i understand that it fits into certain textbook moments and accordingly i would ask you to analyze this motor case. first of all, it should be noted that kuzminov violated all elementary rules personally. security, did not even violate it, gave the most complete amount of information in order to lose security and die from enemy bullets. there are several ways to ensure personal safety in such cases. the first and main bunker method. as we call it in the special services. this the method was used by putin before the hot phase. the war in ukraine in the first year
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of this war, this is the complete concealment of the whereabouts, the maximum reduction of contacts, private contacts in the case of putin, the absence of the use of technical means of communication and all the things that completely hide a person from the outside world, this is what putin used . according to the special services, this method is practically ineffective in modern... conditions. people who do not have the amount of protection that putin has, cannot use this method in modern times conditions, but there are general rules that anyone can use. these are primarily two ways: legending one's actions, stay and contacts. and the second, complete restriction of contacts with sources, with one's connections.
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which can expose the conditions of a person's stay, but access to a nato country, an armed group, whether they used, for example, their own, i don't know, local... in kazakhstan, we had such a leader of a criminal group, rudy almaz, nesiba
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nasenov. he had a conflict not only with the law enforcement agencies of kazakhstan, but also with the soltsev group of the russian federation. and was forced to flee abroad. he chose spain. we then sent a special employee under deep cover to find a way to extradite him and thereby save his life. the employee, viktor ovyarshin, whose last name can now be revealed, was next to the red diamond. but the conditions of the country and the conditions of personal safety of the redhead. these are beaches, walks, calling women to him for entertainment, all this was easily exposed by the sonnev group, and he was shot, as well as kuzminova. such
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there are many cases when people neglect personal safety. you have had such cases in ukraine. on the territory of russia, it is generally frequent and dense. some cases , such as the assassination of the violinists in great britain, there the violinist from the secret service of great britain provided a sufficiently large amount of personal security for skrepal, but the daughter's call there , the arrival of the daughter, of course, exposed the location, and with the help of the newcomer, an attempt was made on his life a former employee of the special services of the russian federation, therefore, the russian special services in spain. and numerous sources criminal structures were quickly identified there, which carried out this attempt and ultimately the murder of kuzminov. this is all connected and shows that people who have a threat to their personal safety should take at least elementary
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measures to ensure their personal life. dear mr. general musaev, i wanted to ask you how it might look. well, relatively speaking, there is a certain, so to speak, special service. x, which is trying to do something bloody and terrifying on the territory of another state, well, for example, there we take ukraine, the same and we understand that the enemy can use not only its personnel, but can use these or other so-called dormant networks or dormant structures, so, well , accordingly, in your opinion, what directions should be worked out in order not to allow to use this... murder tool for sleeper agents, it is rather a series of american and russian films. it is probably not worth calling it a textbook way of carrying out reconnaissance and subversive activities. sleeping agents
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are used very rarely. very much for ukraine was dangerous in the period before the hot phase. there was such a number of sleeping agents. prepared within the framework of the future aggression against ukraine, and a very large number of them are revealed, especially at the first stage, by the special services of ukraine, the sbu and the gur, they worked very effectively at the first stage, but the further, the more difficult it is, what appears is not what is dormant agents, and hidden persons who support russia in its aggression against ukraine from among the citizens of ukraine. therefore, special attention should now be paid to the strengthening of all related processes within the limits of martial law with the detection and prevention of threats that are part of the fifth column, it is better to be called that than a sleeper agent. dear mr.
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general musaev, well, the use of criminality, which is known to be international, for the implementation of certain orders from the outside. of the special services, so i know that there were, for example, at least two attempts on you, how this case looked, this is practically the main rule, when unofficially. in my case, there were two attempts, one armed, which was organized by the special services of the russian federation, in particular the fsb, at the request of the leadership of kazakhstan, and specifically nazarbaeva. at his request, the special services of russia organized an attempt at the beginning of 2008. they tried to carry out an armed attack, injured my wife, and
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tried to eliminate the opponent of the kazakh regime in my person. if you refer to this example, you can say that in this particular case i used all the necessary normal personal safety measures, that is, i predicted this one. it was clear, he kept in touch with his contacts, who informed about the preparation of this attempt. not being able to apply the bunker method, i have restricted all possible connections. my only mistake was that i allowed such an attack to happen, but given that i was prepared for such an attack, i acted in advance and physically resisted the attackers. it helped to save. i can't
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say the structure, from croatia, five people who exactly carried out the last phase of the attack from two sides on our car. after i physically resisted, austrian special services literally identified all of these persons a day later. they were arrested, and through diplomatic channels austria protested to kazakhstan, precisely kazakhstan, because the order was from there, and the austrian president refused a planned state visit to kazakhstan in connection with this attempt. it was a powerful diplomatic blow that affected the subsequent actions of the kazakh authorities towards me. as for
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russia, of course, no diplomatic actions are effective today, the government there is completely frozen, they will act against ukrainian citizens on the territory of ukraine, on the territory of europe, and where they consider it effective to kill ukrainian citizens. the country and strengthen it there are their political positions, but someone has to give an order, as far as i understand, in writing, and in this way license this attempt, we understand that after the start of the war , certain rotations took place in the russian special services, perhaps a regrouping, so to speak, of the internal structure . in my opinion, all measures are so aggressive, intelligence-subversive. the activities of the russian special services are used to the maximum extent today. in all areas, those
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structures that were active earlier are involved. and experience gained in previous events is taken into account. all these things were reformatted into a certain rigid scheme for the execution of reconnaissance and subversive actions. all this in a complex is connected precisely with the tasks that the russian federation is currently performing. in relation to ukraine, the use of the fifth column. a special unit has been allocated for it, which analyzes and works in this regard on a daily basis. new divisions within the gru and fsb, and even more so within the svr, are not being created on this issue. those structures that were created on the eve of the hot phase of the war and in general are involved as much as possible. the only thing i
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noticed is that it is quite large the number of employees of the special services seeks to transfer to other areas of work due to fears about working in ukraine. service on the ukrainian line is associated with personal safety, the threat of death and the threat of harm to health. in particular, some employees were transferred to the line of central asia, kazakhstan. we know this from the situation in the kazakh special services. at the central one. many people move there practically openly and with great pleasure work on the fifth columns that are in central asia, on the citizens of the central asian states, particularly in kazakhstan, and this line is the most attractive for them. financial support is the same, but in ukraine death awaits them, to put it bluntly. that is why there are such changes, and
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the strengthening of the work of special services, especially the svr, in relation to measures. work on the svr line has been strengthened. there is no relaxation in ukraine, despite the expansion of the activities of the special services. that is why it is necessary to take the most severe countermeasures against the intelligence and subterfuge terrorist activities of russia's special services against ukraine. death. navalny was diagnosed with a blood clot in the zone even before the autopsy, and so on. we understand that all these diagnoses are bogus, but in any case, we also understand that sechin's son died mysteriously, and a blood clot was also diagnosed. i will dwell on only one thing, in which i am clearly aware: how
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the process of control and containment of a political opponent takes place. who is in prison. an interdepartmental commission is created. navalny's level is putin's number one adversary. the commission includes many departments and structures, first of all vsin, the ministry of internal affairs, the fsb, the ministry of emergency situations, the ministry of health and many others. imagine working like this commission. the goal is unclear to her, but the commission understands it perfectly. goal. and the commission is working on this goal. the commission is headed by the deputy head of the federal penitentiary service. as we imagine, it is not the most important structure in the hierarchy of the russian federation.
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the most important thing there is a clerk, a full-time employee of the presidential administration. a member of this commission, unequivocally, the fsb is present there. investigative committees of the ministry of internal affairs are much higher in status, but they are all members of the commission, and vsin heads it. and in this person's place, it is very difficult to develop direct indications of hope. they sit continuously for a long time, they meet every month, take measures to limit connections with the outside world, and most importantly - to try to to guide his political views, that is very important, and to ensure, as i said at the beginning, a natural death. all these actions were visible in the process. at first , they tried to cause natural death due to hunger, restrictions on the distribution of food. in the end, when navalny took on the guise of
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a buchenwald prisoner at the end of last year, this method was rejected. because the issue of the body in the form. the skeleton will immediately show that he was starved, this method was abandoned and they began to feed him a little, and he more or less became a stranger. as you know, the change in his political views yielded practically nothing, so the main goal remained murder. they tried to implement it in various ways, but for a long time nothing worked and did not work. in the end... he was killed in the same way, hanged, whether he was tripled as a novice, whether a blood clot was artificially created with the help of drugs, it is not so important, the murder was carried out, and at the same time this bureaucratic commission, the system did not achieved its goal, which it set for itself, they perfectly understand that the main interest
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is putin, and they have to fulfill his tasks, as they did. today we know that this is a clear murder, and despite the fact that the head of the commission received an award from putin in a brazen way to show that no, we know how to work, we did everything competently, and putin highly appreciated our work, all this has no meaning, the very fact of the murder is clearly visible, and it will be used both by western countries and in order to put pressure on the russian federation. and inside country, it manifests itself as a factor that destabilizes public opinion. dear mr. general, i would like to ask you about the vision of the further actions of the russian federation, in particular it is said. about preparation, possibly for new strategic activities against ukraine. finally, biden has openly said that putin is mentally ill, and due to his
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insanity and the presence of a nuclear button, the behavior of the west and the united states is corresponding. the changes that are possible or not possible after the elections, in my opinion, depend on many things. first of all, putin himself driven into those conditions. if he had everything right in his head, he would find a way to freeze the conflict, how to get out of the conflict with the least political and economic losses, but due to his schizophrenia, he is not able to do this, so everything depends primarily on ukraine and western countries. from their actions in the future. russia, of course, has some great military potential. the military-industrial complex works at its maximum. a great
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deal of money and opportunity has been expended to introduce this insane war of aggression. and they have the ability to wage this insane aggressive war for a certain period. the measure's actions regarding ukraine are based on that. what biden said about the nuclear button in the hands of a mentally ill person. how do such actions usually occur? when the negotiator persuades this madman with a gun, he resorts to certain psychological influences. all the activities of the west in relation to russia and in relation to putin are connected with a gradual increase in pressure, without causing. some sharp movements of a crazy person, this is a gradual transition of red lines, their sunset gradually moves away. and in the event that
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trump is even elected in the usa, the actions of the west will move within the framework of the gradual strengthening of ukraine's capabilities to oppose a crazy, aggressive war against its homeland. ukraine has been performing a feat for two years. the whole world is shocked. we forget about this, that the very first effect of ukraine's victories is somehow smeared today in the wake of some successes of the russian army in avdiivka, the same kuzminov, the same navalny, go to the scraper of threats that are coming from the side of the russian federation, therefore the lowering of mood that is happening in the world and first of all in ukraine is, of course , temporary, certain changes are not far off. look, the wave has been going on for two years, then one side wins, then the other. today, i agree, the armed forces of both sides have faced
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a stalemate. i really do not like the term war of attrition, this term is a favorite in the russian federation. as he once said, industrious is a dead end. yes, the impasse corresponds to the situation that has developed today. and this wave-like movement. gradual does not mean pacification, but gradual influence to the crazy head of the russian federation, it is crazy today, and tomorrow there will be some movement and violation of red lines, this issue is being resolved gradually, slowly, with aviation, with the strengthening of long-range missiles in ukraine, if we stop at russia, as you asked, yes, there the potential is huge, according to the estimates of many military experts and... cities, they will have enough finances and activities of the military industry for another one and a half to two years. yes, these two and a half to two years must be survived and survived first of all
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by ukraine itself. many objective assessments give that the larger volume depends on ukraine itself. faster training of pilots and other specialists, strengthening of unmanned aviation, which have shown themselves well and many other things. and such successes, similar. liberation of kharkiv region, kherson, black sea territories will definitely be in ukraine. everyone accuses me of being too optimistic. i say such things, but i just see concrete facts. recently, in one tv appearance, it seems that gordon said that he had bought shares in the military-industrial complex of the west. i personally purchased a small one number.
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and this is an important indicator that the prospect of winning this war. now we are not talking about the fact that there is a victory, just be there and dictate your terms in the case of peace negotiations, it is better in ukraine. if today we are saddened by some small successes of the russian armed forces, then this situation will change in the near future. thank you very much, dear mr. general musayev, for this extremely interesting and informative conversation, i want to remind our viewers that general alnur musayev, the former head of the kazakh of special services, former adviser to the president of kazakhstan on national security issues. well, the time of our program is over, stay with the espresso tv channel. my colleagues will inform you about all the most important
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