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tv   [untitled]    February 24, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EET

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each other, share useful information and learn new things, together we grow, join us, become part of our enable me ukraine family with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine enable me ukraine. greetings to all viewers of espresso, i'm from melnyk and it's time to learn about the latest news. 730 days into the full-scale invasion today, the president of ukraine met world leaders at the destroyed airport in gostomel. it was there that the russians landed, the russians landed a landing party with the aim of capturing. further and
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the whole country in three days. and today, ukrainians continue to fight for their freedom and prove to everyone: we are independent, free and proud, anyone wants the war to end, but no one will allow ukraine to end, - volodymyr zelenskyy said in an address on the occasion of the second anniversary of the full-scale invasion of russia . we are 730 days closer to victory. someone is waiting for some soothsayer to tell them when it will come, and millions of ukrainians simply remember the words of kobzar: fight, you will overcome, and they are already following it 730 days, and today each of us will call our own, hear our native voices, wish each other, what we are so waiting for, and today each of us, unfortunately, has, has someone, about whom...
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to keep silent and honor the memory yes, and all together we bow our heads before 730 days of pain, but at the same time 730 days of hope for the highest justice, which is that we all have different stories of the beginning of the war, but there must be a single end to this war, and there will be victory. terrible statistics: 528 children were killed by russia in ukraine, more than 1,200 were injured - the first said lady, olena zelenska. in order to save themselves, more than 2 million young ukrainians left abroad. during the two years of the war, children from the frontline areas spent almost seven months in bomb shelters. due to constant russian shelling, they cannot recover from war-related injuries. millions of ukrainian schoolchildren have problems with access to education, and also do not have the opportunity to study
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at all, unicef informed. at least half of the children aged 13-15 faced psychological consequences. this is the third time at a polish railway station the poles dumped ukrainian agricultural products in dorohosk, the ministry of infrastructure of ukraine reported. today, around 9 am, unknown persons damaged freight cars with women. the department on... emphasized that the systematic destruction of ukrainian agricultural products is similar to planned sabotage. ukraine defends itself and survives, in particular thanks to farmers. therefore, those who committed these crimes are not interested in the peace and victory of the civilized world. ukrzaliznytsia appealed to law enforcement agencies in poland. ukrainian agricultural machinery shot by the occupiers. her brought by ukrainian farmers.
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our correspondent natalya starapravo was also seen by a special transport vehicle at the kraków resident korchova checkpoint to show the polish protesters the conditions under which farmers work in ukraine. my friend, i congratulate you, tell me how the poles are reacting to this destroyed equipment and in general, what is the situation on the border now? i congratulate anna eva, i congratulate our viewer. behind me , destroyed agricultural machinery, these are trucks, tractors, everything that blew up on mines or was fired upon by russian the occupier, this technique, our farmers used this technique in the fields during work, where they died, we have very sad statistics, for this year alone we know about 20 people who were blown up by mines during work, we also know about those who died while working.
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work in the fields, now we are here at the krakiwiec-korchów checkpoint, where ukrainian farmers installed, made an installation from this destroyed equipment to show, in particular, to polish colleagues, at what price ukrainians collect ukrainian grain, ukrainian grain, and what it costs, i i now invite oleg khomenko , the initiator of this action, the director of the ukrainian club of agrarian business, to speak , mr. oleg, please tell us about the message you want to convey with this installation, good day, well, actually this technique, this is our appeal to our polish colleagues, this is an appeal. from the ukrainian club of agrarian business and the all-ukrainian agrarian council regarding the fact that there is no need to allow the blockages that are happening now. we all saw the events that took place from the 20th, we saw the scattered grain from the trucks, from our wagons, what was going, and we wanted
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to remind our partners of the price of this grain that was scattered there. if you communicated with polish colleagues, farmers, something? do they compromise and how do they react to this situation? well, in fact , the situation looks as follows: our polish colleagues have a slightly wrong , wrong vision of what is happening. ukraine has not imported or exported agricultural products to poland for a long time. it's coming transit actually. if we analyze the figures that we have, which are given by the state customs service, then in december. in the 23rd year, ukraine already exported nothing but grain through the polish borders, if we analyze already the month of january in the 24th year, then this indicator has halved, it is 250-260 thousand tons of grain through the polish borders, and therefore we do not
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see that big export, which our polish partners and our polish friends complain about, so we need to come out, we need to negotiate, we need to clarify the situation, voice our position, voice the polish position and sit down for joint negotiations, develop a joint position, both along the lines of intergovernmental channels of communication, and between connections between businesses and between associations. mr. oleg, thank you, i will also remind our viewers that it was at this krakiwiec-korchów checkpoint that yesterday the ukrainian delegation of ukrainian ministers led by denys shmagal arrived here, where they wanted to. to meet with polish government officials, this meeting did not take place, and denys shmagal really emphasized what ukraine is currently planning, has developed and offered to poland concrete steps to reach a compromise for the unblocking of the ukrainian-polish border, and the same installation that we see behind
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me will continue and will be here until the border issue is resolved. and i will pass the floor to the studio. thank you for your work, thank you for the information, natalya. starapravo correspondent of espress about the situation on the border and the reaction of poles to the destruction of ukrainian agricultural machinery by muscovites. polish protesters temporarily stopped the blockade of the zosyn checkpoint in steluh in connection with the anniversary of the beginning war in ukraine. this was reported by the western regional department of the state border service on february 24. the passage of cargo and light vehicles is carried out according to the established procedure for entry and exit. 112 humanitarian aid applications have already been issued . at other checkpoints on the polish side of the border, protesters continue to block the movement of trucks. with that, i'll see you at 3 p.m. and my colleague andriy saichuk will work for you from then on.
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salt for the sake of victory. novus supermarket chain set such a goal. back in may 2023, they started the project "sil volya" itself, which should provide the military with modern fpvidrons. the symbol of the project artemsil volya from soledar mines. in the course of the initiative, buyers have already purchased almost 41,000 packs, which is more than 5,600,000 uah. all proceeds from the sale were transferred to drones for the hottest points of the front, in particular for the needs of the third separate assault brigade of the azov regiment. now we have received another batch
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of drones, this time they are fpv drones that were purchased with money from the same power that for sale in novus, in order to become... part of the initiative, it is enough to buy volya souvenir salt from the mines of soledar for 200 hryvnias. this can be done both in-store and on novus online. it is this salt that is converted into... buyers at the novus supermarket say they are happy to join such a project, and if i can get some 200 hryvnias, which i can hardly buy anything for, and it will be a great help to our boys, why not, if if we all buy at least one packet of this salt together, it will be a great help, my grandson is also at the front, if they sell salt and for some kind of help or purchase... drones or some other, well, equipment for soldiers, then why not buy,
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why not help? the funds raised from the sale of volya salt go to the needs of the charity funds suport azov and faith in ukraine. so far, benefactors have concentrated on the purchase of fpvidrons, the military, which have already received copters, are grateful for such support. we, the fighters of the third separate assault brigade, thank the people. of ukraine for the trust, for the support, by buying the same salt, you help us bring the common one closer victory glory to ukraine, to the heroes, glory, the purchase of drones is an important mission for the company, because copters are the eyes of the military. thanks to them , fighters can see enemies in advance or neutralize their equipment. the project gives a minimal opportunity for people to join this collection, that is, there is such a flow. it does n't force, it doesn't force you to do anything, it's very easy, you come here, take it, but you already
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invest a piece of yourself and a piece of your help for ours, for help for our country. in the supermarket, novus are encouraged to join the collection, because even the smallest one the contribution now helps to hold the defense and salt the enemy. yulia zubchenko, oleksandr nikolenko, spresso tv channel. well, gentlemen, let's continue our telethon , let me remind you that today all of ukraine is celebrating such a sad anniversary date, the second anniversary since russia invaded our territory with all its powerful troops, and in fact, since then, 90% have actually already been destroyed. nevertheless russia. as you know, to carry out a large mobilization, and now russia is trying to advance again after
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our not very successful counterattack in the summer, well you all you know this of course, here, well, but what you don't know, i don't know, i actually , even our interlocutors don't know, is when this war will end, how it will end, nevertheless, when we discuss the news, when we discuss it expertly , then we have a better understanding of what steps will lead us to the desired victory, and that's why right now... analyst of the national institute of strategic studies, mr. oleksii, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, mr. oleksii, let's quickly discuss current news , just now in lipetsk in russia is on fire the largest steel casting plant, a successful drone attack, what can you say about this, how far, such long-range attacks on strategic military objects will take place this year. there will be more of them, it is obvious, and not only because
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the paths have already been paved and it is clear which objects need to be destroyed, well, first of all, of course, it is the export of oil, this is something that greatly affects defense production, but also an important the new factor, the new weapons that ukraine is getting, will most likely be less political restrictions, there was already an official statement that, that... there are targets, certain targets on the territory of russia are legitimate, this is a statement from the nato secretary general, and this means that not only drones will be used this year, but also more powerful weapons, although no, not on all objects, probably it will be rather launchers, for example, missile launchers, if they are close to the territory of ukraine. in russia , there is such a little, so to speak... high spirits after taking the audiobook, they have a lot of optimism in politicians, in particular on various political shows, but,
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for example, russian experts are more sober military, well, there is such a pretender, a retired colonel, whom i follow a little, and for example, they say that it is too early to uncork the champagne, that ukraine will most likely get these long-range systems this year, in particular such there may be, there may be taurus, although so far germany seems not ready to hand them over, as well as f-16, even if... there will not be many, a russian military expert claims, they will carry very long-range missiles up to a range of 1000 km, and this may become a very serious new factor in this war. so of course this will become a serious factor, and if there were already f-16s, then avdiivka would probably hold out, the main weapon is there, well, the taurus that is being shown now may not be, or maybe it will be, well, but if there were f-16 planes now, then avdiyivka would
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probably stand, because the last blow, with which russia still crushed the fortifications that were there in general. actually destroyed the city, these are aviation, well, guided bombs, which are, well , winged bombs, so you can say, which fly there for dozens of kilometers, and those planes that were striking from the occupied territory on avdiivka, on the garrison in avdiivka, on this bridgehead, which allowed for the quick de-occupation of the donetsk agglomeration, did not reach them. with our long-range missiles, of course , they would not fly up and strike, and well, most likely, the garrison would resist even, even with the numerical superiority of the russians, therefore, of course, in principle, the waves that russia feels, they are very happy , who took avdiivka and they don't notice what they
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are losing now, that's why it's possible for us it's even good, well, so be it. rejoice, we understand that the balance, all the same, the balance of forces is in our favor. today, the new commander-in-chief syrsky declared that now, more than ever, we all need unity, at the same time syrsky himself came, led the ukrainian armed forces with an ambiguous reputation, he was credited with the willingness to sacrifice troops to achieve goals, and although this is also in his first comments, in his... first interview when he got this position, he immediately stated that his priority is the life of every soldier, nevertheless, we still have completely classified data about our losses, and president zelensky in this very important interview for fox news live, live the journalist's question also evaded the answer, he only said that it is a loss of one to 5, it has one side effect that
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the military talks about, which is that, relatively speaking, if somewhere in some important... in some important battle in our country, we we lose whole, whole battalions, then no one bears any responsibility for this responsibility, because if there were no official losses on paper, it would be so difficult to assess when the citations would be losses were appropriate, and it would be so difficult to build the same unity and trust that mr. syrskyi talks about, which should change our attitude towards losses and discussion of the results certain operations? in my opinion, it is wrong during the war to discuss any, well , details, where and what was lost, it just allows the enemy, including making it worse for him, making it easier for him, to strike further if he is somewhere good, good hit, then he can
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hit again, this is a normal practice that during the war is not discussed in full. losses, after all, there is no such situation here that losses are generally, at all, rejected , after all, the president said that they are simply fewer, but he said that they are, and by the way, after all, syrsky withdrew the troops from avdiyivka, although well there were other, different opinions about it , and the thing about trust is really an extremely important thing right now. faith, i think, in fact, it is much smaller, well, this is simply visible from the readiness for mobilization and for well, with the adoption of new steps by society and any attempts of such a forceful mobilization, it is simply, well, absolutely not accepted, but whether the discussion of losses will allow us to better
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restore this trust, i do not think that this is the best way to restore it. trust is needed, greater openness from the side, from the side of the armed forces and the political leadership, this is all necessary, but it seems to me that it is still not a matter of public numbers about losses to talk about it, uh, uh, about the next year of war, and recently asked medvedev, which are finite, the ultimate goal of this war, and in fact we can see that over these two... years the wording has changed a little, this time medvedev said that we might be able to reach kyiv, and well, as far as i'm concerned, there are also some real adjustments positions as for our whole, they remain unchanged, this is the liberation of all territories, including crimea, which, if this is an unattainable goal, for example, in the next 10 years, or
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such a goal prevents us then from strategically building our steps not only on at the front and in the rear, well, it changes the strategy of the war and changes it the strategy of relations with our partners, in principle, you said 10 years, well, 10 years... this is the period for which europe has already committed itself, that for 10 years there will be intensive assistance specifically in the war, because if you help for less than 10 years , then it is simply unprofitable for the defense industry to work at a shorter distance, but in principle now we were like this for the first two years of the war, well, the first one and a half years, maybe until the summer of last year there was such a vision that here... a recovery package is being prepared, it will be launched after ukraine recovers its territorial integrity, peace will begin and reconstruction will begin
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, calculations were made for this, various programs were prepared, now the situation looks like that plans must be revised and reconstruction must begin, even before the entire territory is de-occupied, and that's exactly what it's all about the question is not... what, what will the end of the war be like? the end of the war, well, it may not be for a very long time, the formal end of the war, contractual, but the intensity of hostilities may change, it may be that the war is at the front, and most likely it will be, the line the front will move little, but the air war and naval war will be very intense, the russian aviation will be driven away from our borders and, accordingly , the black sea will be freed from blocking various russian actions, but this very fact is what
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needs to be started recovery and already those territories of ukraine that can recover, live a peaceful life, well, they should already accept this aid for recovery, and not for war, that's what it is... there is a problem, in principle, it is being discussed here, it seems to me that such a production is a little artificial the question is whether peace is for right now , or the continuation of the war, the question is not that way, but the question is whether the whole country should remain in such a state of strict mobilization, or whether i should, or should, well, a different strategy, when the front is the front , and the restoration of life and... and the economy is the restoration of life and the economy, well, it depends, including on our partners, because not all money can come to ukraine while
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the war is going on, but on the other hand, no one , well, no one will come, even simply, if it is about a formally declared peace, they will come when they feel security of investments, security of the help we will receive. for this , it still seems to me, what is needed is not a piece of paper from putin, who will say that we will not attack again, but real security with the help of the armed forces and means of anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense. well, mr. oleksiy, thank you very much, there is half a minute left, very briefly, does this also mean that we cannot send, put on pause, some, for example, processes with the improvement of democratic labor institutions for... after the war and for signing there some fair peace, yes, is it possible to bet, i apologize, whether ukraine, for example, is now in the last in the last index of freedom
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of democracy in the 91st position between honduras and now i can’t remember any african country, we are a hybrid, we are a hybrid regime, not a democracy, can we put democracy on pause for how long, in your opinion, very briefly, well, half a year, a year about... this is what our partners told us last summer, that a year and a half pause in democracy , there being no elections, well, this is absolutely acceptable, in the end, what do we need it for? democracy, in order for us to live more comfortably than to show someone outside, our partners say that they are now satisfied with the political situation that exists and will be satisfied for a year or a year and a half, this is possible, but if we ourselves are not... well, it is already a question that politics is born even in conditions of war, it is unlikely that these processes will be artificially
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slowed down, but... to accelerate these processes under the pretext that someone demands democracy from us, no, none of us now, i now, i now, i am now talking less about elections than as the ultimate manifestation of democracy, precisely the electoral manifestation, but rather about the existence and functioning of democratic institutions, when, well, conditionally speaking, the government is the government, the office of the president is the office of the president, when the work of judges improves, when the parliament works and so on. further, i.e. about the fact that if we have a war for a very long time, whether we should have democracy, whether we should have wartime, it won't happen, it won't happen, like in sweden, that's understandable, that's understandable, of course, thank you very much for this conversation, oleksiy ezhak , an analyst of the national institute of strategic studies, was with us research, we will now take a very short break and return with the next news.
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channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, war on in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that cause resonance in our. society, drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attack on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's make it up. they help to understand the present and predict the future. trump's second presidency will be for the world
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terrible project. for those who care and think , politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express. your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. two years ago, russian troops entered the in a few days, they managed to occupy the entire north of the kyiv region. the attackers rode in columns as if for a parade, even with the uniforms that had been prepared.


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