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tv   [untitled]    February 24, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm EET

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club every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko, now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with help. phone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. two years ago, russian troops entered the kyiv region and in a few days they succeeded to occupy the entire north of the region. zarvniks rode in columns as if on parade, even with uniforms that had been prepared and hoped that they would be met, greeted with flowers in the villages.
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but instead, they encountered the people who resisted very actively, civilians surrendered enemy positions to our artillerymen, helped partisans and even captured enemy equipment themselves. this was the case in the village of dymer, which was under occupation for a month and a half. the story of a brave ukrainian pensioner, further. the village of dymr was one of the first to appear under occupation. at 7 a.m. on february 25, enemy equipment broke into the village, and at that time the russians did not yet know what kind of people they encountered. the internet was full of such videos at the beginning of the full-scale invasion. ukrainians simply stole their equipment from under the noses of the occupiers.
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glory to ukraine, so did valentyn, a pensioner from dymyr. and they drove in, from there, i lowered it, they broke a single tree, and left it there. they covered him with a tarpaulin, two wires, mines, and that's all, he just stood there. during the occupation of dymir, he was with a neighbor managed to steal a russian gasoline truck, hid it in a ravine, pumped out fuel for the needs of our fellow villagers, collected it in canisters, carried it in a car and drove it, gave it to people, well , this is the school that stayed with it, we, the georgians , went there, and that’s further no, because it was already empty. the russians even launched helicopters in search of the gas truck but did not find it, and valentin still had a trophy as a souvenir.
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well, it’s from a gas truck, i took that one, and what else was there, the headquarters of the occupiers was not far from his house, the man recalls, the russians could not to believe that this is how they live in a ukrainian village, i asked how you came here, who gave you orders or what, no, they were going to organize a parade and back, they all hung out in military vehicles, they were surprised how we live. he says, what kind of garden? i say, no, this is a village, he says, the road to you, i say, this is a horse village, bears walk in our village. the occupiers stood in the chimney for a month and a half, and for valentin these weeks seemed like an eternity. racists robbed, beat and tortured civilians. they took what they wanted, flash drives , telephones, whatever was available.
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looted everything, there was some money there, and they took it out, the whole thing, not for nothing, they are not like that, but when i was in captivity, the woman told me that everything was turned upside down, due to the theft of a gas truck and the reluctance of the locals to cooperate, the occupiers staged purges, on in the local factory , the invaders kept civilians, someone looked at them as they were moving here somewhere, i was taken for the fact that i went to our side, and was on this side to surrender positions where ours is. in this room, up to 33 people were kept at the same time, on cold concrete, without light and fresh air and this is what was visible, whether it was day or night, we were in such darkness... the enemies
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beat valentin and asked him for information about our soldiers, his husband did not give his men to the russian cats, he still forgot to show how he was... this is all that remained of the base of the occupiers in the village, ukrainian troops squeezed them out of there and liberated dymer at the beginning of april 2022. there was a warehouse of ammunition and equipment, there was quite a lot of it here. nowadays, the inhabitants of the village are learning to live normally, but the horror brought by russian measures has remained with valentin forever. you succeeded recover from what happened two years ago? how do you feel well, the rest is a residue, of all that was, there is a residue and
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it will be there for a long time. artem lagutenko, andriy verstyuk, espresso tv channel. two years of the war, the great war with the russian federation and already 10 years of the war with the russian federation, in general ukraine is celebrating today, and now we will talk about one of the biggest, one of the biggest pains, for example, this, this date, is how quickly it ended up surrounded by mariupol, a city that was de facto the heart of ukrainian... its own and about what a great price was paid to keep him later , petro andryushchenko, adviser to the mayor of mariupol, will be in touch with us now, mr. petro, mr. peter, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, i saw that
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yesterday on your telegram channel you posted a photo of a photo of the year 23.022 and... these were the last photos, the last photos of still peaceful mariupol, where there is a cup of coffee with the inscription mariupol and the sun is rising , over the still peaceful city, there were literally fewer days, less than a day before it all started. what were the feelings then? i know that there was just an action, you also wrote about it before that already under the drama theater, and there was a feeling that the war was near. you know, i wouldn't say that there was a feeling that the war was close, but honestly, everyone is trying to talk about it now, it was really restless, in mariupol, well, in principle , the war had not gone anywhere for the last 10 years, and eight years before that, and we constantly heard her, felt her, and maybe a little differently, as it was
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in the 14th and 15th years, but she is definitely nowhere was happening, but i certainly didn't expect what happened, in fact, we were all very sure that even if... that there would be a war, that we would stand up, because, well, apparently, you know, there were such conversations between us that in order to take mariupol, it is necessary to simply wipe it out into the airspace, who could have thought then that it would happen like that, because it is the 21st century, well, it’s just something, and really, really, no one could have thought, i think, that it is not that there will be a war, but that it will acquire such inhumanity, and this is just something. that's really a cup of coffee over there just where is this photo from, facebook deleted my accounts all because of russian complaints there in the first month of the war, of course, but it was such a calm story for the fact that here we are, we look every morning, i went out, took photos, said: "well, there is no more
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of these russian amphibious ships at our sea, we can see that they are calmly starting to work, already on the 24th, it is clear that it was not clear before that, well , but, but again..." i will say, yes, there was no such air , it constantly reminds me of the beginning of the first world war, they also write everything on the one hand, that war was in the air, in fact, nothing was in the air , for the most part, there was anxiety, but everyone was relatively calm, i remember the morning of mariupol after the shelling, then a couple of hours, as people, someone was driving from the city, someone stayed , but for the most part it was like this, you know, no one could understand at all what was happening and what... what to do now, for example, if you compare the city from august 24 with the day of independence, when the russians entered novoazovsky and went to mariupol, oh then there was panic, then there was a traffic jam from mariupol to vasylivka, by the way, it is almost 200 km, that is, we have seen
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such panic when people flee from the city, it was not here, it was somehow here, well, we need to do something, we just need to understand what to do, this feeling is more, 20 days in mariupol. the documentary has already won, won the bafta award and in general is walking so triumphantly through festivals, and surely many people will see this film, will see the truth. well, now, according to very rough estimates, up to 800 people, from 800 people died during the bombing of the city, direct bombing, while it remained under siege, that's only civilians. in fact, how far off the real death toll do you think this number could be? a distant, very distant, official figure that we calculated together with... the military administration with the regional military civil administration, it was with our specialists, primarily from the point of view
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of burials, as sad as it sounds, but it sounds more accurate, it at least 25,000 mariupol residents, and as a result of the blockade and bombardment of mariupol, have already been buried in all the mass graves that we have established in and around mariupol, and even this the number is not final and how accurate it is. how much more, i think, it is possible to find out in reality only after, after the de-occupation, this is a very sensitive number, and the number is russian, in fact, the russians have a certain record , almost a complete record, at least of everyone who passed through their hands, through exhumation, burial and reburial, there is such a database, but that database, it is not even connected, no computer is connected to the internet, it only exists in ... mode, that is, they guard it like a nuclear button, we are already several they even tried to buy it out several times
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her, the only thing we were able to buy was a database of children who died, and the verified number of children is known exactly to this day, verified, because it was verified by us and verified by the data received from the russians, bought from there, we are talking about 164 children , who died in mariupol during these sad... actions during the siege of mariupol, and these are given with the surname and patronymic name, if it was possible to establish it, if not, then at least with the city, place, where the dead child was found, and again this is tentative data, that is, these are all data without regard to how many people simply burned alive or died under the rubble, under this rush, well, that's why i think that all the official figures are an order of magnitude lower than reality, and it's just... she said that
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after navalny was killed she understood that putin's regime is no better than hitler's regime, and i thought that these 25 thousand mariupol civilians and children who died from these bombings did not convince her of this during the two years of the war, why the world is so weak. actually reacts to this city suffering, but i don't know, if i say so pragmatically, but purely pragmatically , mariupol gave a lot of help to ukraine with its sacrifice, and i simply remember how it was, how there was a certain and informational stupor, let's say that, yes, and then we got through thanks to our old friends... . in the information field , let's say so, yes, they reached foreign
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journalists, and they reached and sounded quite quickly, if you look now, blinkin announced on duty, remember, it was, they went to the white house briefing every day, regarding war in ukraine, right there first it was said that there was a terrible tragedy in mariupol, and then a photo from assoshad press appeared quite quickly, which confirmed our words, and for the first time... we departed from our own practice, by the way, human rights, human watch rights, from the fact that without confirmation from the city and well, that is, their own yes, they began to count our victims, that is, well, in fact , mariupol contributed a lot to our victory with its own sacrifice, and from the first days, but well, it’s really very strange, sometimes, well, you can’t live with this pain, clear thing, and i don't know, i honestly don't know, it seems to me that the world is really still did not underestimate the depth of this crime
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that is taking place, it does not end, yes, first there was mariupol, then there was bahmud, then now avdiyivka, marinka, bucha, all this, it is clear that mariupol is the biggest just a city, and, but that's all they, and the first thing, yes, they tested everything in mariupol, bombing, chemical attacks on zovstal, on our defenders, they tested here... the pressures are such that, well, the current of a concentration camp with a gas chamber is not enough, for a complete analogy with the nazi regimes of germany, and that's how everything was, and i... i will say that mariupol did not suffer such destruction during the nazi occupation, even when the russian army liberated it and bombed it, and bombed it, turning it into hell, and it didn't even come to that, and what the russians did is just plain terrible, absolutely in short, regarding this question, how
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did it happen in the end that the russians were able to encircle mariupol so quickly, advanced to... is it still necessary to think about it now, or will we ever only think about it? and i would think now, well, if, i understand, the first ones we were silent for six months, a year, i understand, we were silent, it’s time to say who is guilty, well, it must be guilty, well, let’s be honest, the russians marched from the crimean isthmus to mariupol itself in three days, i ’ll just give an example, the russians from the north through the village of sartana, from the side of donetsk, they are the village of... sartana, in which up to 10 thousand people live there, well, that is, it is incomparable, yes, the territory, they advanced there for three days and could not pass, our marines were standing, from the eastern side , where, in particular, azov held the defense and our border guards, and they were also there for 3 days they could not occupy the left bank region, standing in fact all eight years close to the city, here
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, well, if 500 km were almost trampled and... that's all, and i 'm sure that if mariupol hadn't ended up in the ring so quickly, well, it wouldn't have been 86 days, and it is not at all known how everything would have ended, because what denis prokapenko showed, how he managed the defense and what about azov and all our units, well, excuse me, there you could fight and fight ad infinitum, in fact, we have to know who is guilty, well should be guilty, especially now, it's just gone it is necessary for... everyone's motivation, because i hear it from mariupol residents constantly discussing various issues, it is not very pleasant there to be deprived of aid, the issue of mobilization is inconvenient , etc. on that side of mariupol in three days, where are the guilty, why are they not punished, this is the truth, we have, we have and
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we must, it will be fair, thank you very much, mr. peter, petro andryushchenko was with us the adviser of the city mayor. we will go now for a short break and come back, stay. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uro helped me. thanks to the natural components of feminost uro, it helps to restore control over urination both during the day and at night. feminost uro - urination under control. ask in pharmacies, there are discounts on pairs of villages, 20% in pharmacies plantain you and save, there are discounts on zippel, 10% in pharmacies, plantain, pam and save. and what do you think about lacalot fix? fixes reliably, my dentist advised me. yes, and particles food does not get under the prosthesis. and the price is good,
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seestre au. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts give their assessment and forecast of development based on facts. events , want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company. favorite presenters, presenters who have become akin to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for
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intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. you know that today, in order to support solidarity with the ukrainian people, ursela fondelaien arrived, and just an hour ago, the prime minister of italy and the prime minister of belgium, justin, also spoke in kyiv. trudeau, prime minister... of canada, in a word, the world shows support for ukraine. meanwhile, ukrainians who are now also organizing large actions abroad, and ukrainian politicians appeal to them to do the same, and the world congress of ukrainians actually launched an action called stand with ukraine, it actually lasts longer, but it has been going on all this year while the great war with russia continues. in a word, this promotion will be open to everyone. in 700 cities in 65 countries of the world, on all continents, even in antarctica, there will be, on february 24, a record-breaking, global
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the stand with ukraine company , in a word, of course, this is how ukrainians demonstrate that they are, they should be visible, and the world, the western world and not only the world, where such values ​​as democracy, as freedom, as what... people's rights are important and important countries should support ukraine so that this war does not become a global war. tatiana kozareva, journalist, investigator, who is in london, where this action is also taking place, is already with us. tatyana, i congratulate you, i congratulate you. can you tell us how this promotion actually works in london? i will nat because we i have known tatyana for a long time, actually. yes, nothing . to hide, it must be said that the action has not yet started in london, it will start in half an hour, approximately, and it must be said that these protest actions or actions in support of ukraine,
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actions of solidarity, they take place not only in london, in at least nine cities , because it must be said that there are currently 174,000 ukrainians in great britain, they are concentrated not only in london, but also scattered throughout great britain. and it must be said that great britain is one of the largest, perhaps the countries with the largest support of ukraine, and this support, it must be said, began not a full-scale invasion as early as 2014, when the annexation began, when the annexation of crimea took place, and military operations in eastern ukraine also began. yes, that is, from 2014 to the present day, great britain trained more than 60 thousand ukrainian soldiers, and also provided
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ukraine with more than 12 billion pounds of support, and it must be said that at least 4 billion of these funds went to non-military support, so that is economic support, humanitarian support. and it must be said that great britain also helped ukraine with weapons from the very beginning, and when at the beginning of the war i had to go to places such as pisky, where the most intense battles took place, from the beginning of the full-scale invasion , i could see such, well, british weapons , that is, anti-tank anti-tank systems, which. .. work like american javalins, and at every checkpoint, when we traveled with colleagues from british publications throughout ukraine, we were...
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told god bless the queen, or god save the queen, and, that is, we need support to say, and so, she is leaving great britain, she was noticed by ukrainians, and it must be said that since february 24, 22, many british people have opened their homes to ukrainians. and that is, the program for the reception of ukrainians in great britain is extremely hospitable in the sense that, despite the fact that great britain is not an accessible country in terms of, for example, housing rent, local residents, they opened their homes, they invited ukrainians, through a special program , yes,
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that is, they all... came to check, they everyone gave their data, in order to support ukrainian ukrainians who had to leave their homes due to the invasion of russia, and perhaps it is worth noting that of these 74 thousand ukrainians who are currently in the uk, 70% are women, and it is worth noting and... it should also be noted that 174,000 ukrainians are only 4% of all ukrainians who have left ukraine since the full-scale invasion, but it must be said that events or such actions of solidarity are only such, you know, a tip of the iceberg, as they say great britain, that is a small part of what is happening now
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in support. in ukraine, in london and in great britain, in general, the last whole week, here in london, there are a lot of actions and also events that explain and tell the british what is happening in ukraine, for example, what is the progress in sanctions against russia, how is the freezing process going assets of the russian federation, how the return takes place. concerts of ukrainian children from the territory of russia to the territory of ukraine take place in the most prestigious concert halls, including with the participation of svyatoslav vakarchuka, well, different genres or different kinds of events in different genres in order to accumulate, you know
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, donate to support ukraine . yesterday, for example, she was at an event called stand up for ukraine . meaning, stand up in support of ukraine, but also stand-up in terms of comedy, uh, in support of ukraine, and, that is, a lot of things are happening now in the uk and these rallies, which will start today at, as i said, nine cities, at least in... them yes, well, we hope that ukrainians will be visible today on, in particular, the streets of london, and if there are 174, even every tenth, if they come to london today and stand with the ukrainian flag, then there will already be a serious big demonstration, well, thank you very much tetyana kozareva, an investigative journalist from london, was with us, but in the meantime, we have time for news, and anna eva melnyk takes over.
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i have an air relay, congratulations, andriy, thank you for your work, the news team will work further, we will tell you about the most important things, stay with us. they gave their lives so that ukraine could live forever. the president of ukraine together with international partners honored the memory of the bravest people who fought for ukraine and freedom. the head of state and foreign guests laid flowers and wreaths at the memorial wall on mykhailivska square in kyiv. eternal glory and gratitude.


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