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tv   [untitled]    February 24, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm EET

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thank you very much for your attention, see you tomorrow, and now anna yevamelnik will tell you what is happening in ukraine and in the world, and it will be called news on espresso tv. ukraine signed security agreements with italy and canada, what does this mean for our country? memories of the people of mariupol, rescue and a new life in another country. through forests, mountains and rivers, what do they do to escape from ukraine? greetings viewers of espresso, with you anayeva melnyk and the news team will talk about the most relevant events for today. a 35-year-old woman was killed occupiers in the kherson region. the man is wounded, according to
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the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokudin. the occupiers set fire to beluzerka. another 30-year-old local woman, who was at home with her one-year-old child at the time of the shelling, was wounded. fortunately, the child was not injured. during the day, the russians shelled the nikopol district of the dnipropetrovsk region. the enemy struck 11 times with kamikaze drones, and also struck with artillery, aiming at nikopol, marganetska, pokrovska and miriv communities. damaged 15 private houses, 12 farm buildings, cars and power lines, the head of the region, serhiy lysak, said. fortunately, there were no casualties or injuries. at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, mariupol was the hottest spot on the map of ukraine. the city was regularly shelled by russian troops. those who got out of there say that people found themselves in a situation of a humanitarian disaster in... there was no
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electricity and communication, there was not enough food and medicine, the bodies of the dead were just lying on the streets, and mass graves appeared in the yards of houses, such she also experienced horror the makukh family, how they managed to get out of hell and start life in another country, let's see. when i start to remember, well, it's more like a feeling of anger and some desire for revenge is present in me, it doesn't subside. pavlo, a 60-year-old resident of mariupol, painfully remembers the terrible russian invasion of his hometown . before the start of the great war, pavel and his wife svitlana had a happy life, he taught physical education at school and was a martial arts trainer. the wife had her own business.
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on february 24, 2022, a new life countdown began. paul says: those whom he considered his own friends, turned out to be traitors and looters. they were so actively trading in this loot. and with such joy, i wonder where they got it from. this joy, you haven't seen that we have, we follow the european, civilized path. the path of development, traitors, these are traitors, these are the denerchiks, these are the former donetsk region, who took up arms and went to kill us, and then they already pulled up the regular troops , they already pulled up the equipment, they pulled up not just modern equipment, they started mockingly hitting like this will get there the house is on fire, they will go there, what was the need, god knows, the city was constantly bombarded with shells, the russians dropped bombs from airplanes, cannons and
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howitzers did not stop, pavlo remembers the day when he and his wife miraculously survived, and a pillar fell on my house and broke the roof , all the windows were blown away, the doors inside were blown away, so that i was wearing a sports cap, i was outside at that time, well, i didn’t see it, i was looking at what my cap was doing on the tree, then i started to ... so the makukh family lived for three months in the besieged mariupol, after all, she could not leave svetlana's bedridden old mother. all those who remained in the city had to pass a mandatory check, the so-called filtering. the couple helped the local and ukrainian military. pavlo was also on duty at... his school one day
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svitlana, together with other people, hid in the drama theater, which was soon destroyed by the russians. she stayed there, and the woman came to the demo theater, thought, thought, i will be left alone with my mother-in-law, it is hard for me there, she is leaving this drama theater, which is 13-15 kilometers away, going under bombings, he returns home, at the end of may there was already a corpse stench on the streets, pavlo and his wife were afraid that the city would be closed due to the risk of cholera spreading in... the couple managed to leave mariupol on may 31, 2022. two days before leaving , svitlana's old mother died and pavlo decided to bury her in his yard. i dug in the hope that in september, we had such information that we
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would release something in september. i buried it in myself. and when we were already leaving, the saint said, well, now at least someone will look after the house. husband and wife have been living in germany for less than two years, for the first time during this time they met their relatives here in ukraine. svitlana and pavla's son and grandson left mariupol in march. 12-year-old maksym lives with his mother in drohobych, lviv region. his father
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went to serve in the army. the boy remembers those humiliations and the long journey to the territory controlled by ukraine. there was a large column, all seats were occupied. we drove standing all night and then at night we arrived at a russian checkpoint there was a gas station and at that time we were told that we would not go any further and we stood there in the spit for two days , the next morning they brought us water from the sewers that we couldn't drink , then they threw a loaf of bread at the whole bus. so that we could just eat, on the day when that water was brought to us, there was just a vehicle driving in front of us, this, well, a russian military vehicle, we saw it, and we were not allowed to pass because of this, the fact that they just drove the vehicle over, difficult circumstances and the war separated the makukh family, each of them dreams of one thing,
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when they reunite and return to native, ukrainian mariupol, i dream of restoring my home, that's my dream, and it's wonderful. he understands that they will return there, he will be replaced, the border is 40 km from russia, we will not destroy this rashka for a while, we already have a team of officials from mariupol who enter immediately only to pay for themselves, enter and everyone does their own thing, doctors, education, housing and communal services, well, what is needed for the life of a full-fledged city. in march, he will present the general framework conditions
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for the start of negotiations with ukraine on joining the eu. this was announced at a press conference in the president of the european commission, ursela funderlajen, is in kyiv. according to her, membership would be the best step for change. security of ukraine. currently, the process of analyzing the compliance of our legislation with the european one has been started, funderlein emphasized that her visit to the capital proves unwavering support from the eu. powerful support. ukraine signed security agreements with italy and canada. today in kyiv, president volodymyr zelenskyi met with italian prime minister giorgia maloney and canadian prime minister justin trudeau. appropriate documents on... cooperation will be valid for 10 years, they approved a plan for cooperation in the defense sphere, exchange of information, determination of current and future needs and requirements of allies, and other things. in addition, tava will provide kiev with more than 3 billion canadian dollars in macro-financial and defense assistance, and italy will continue to
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contribute to the eu's military assistance mission to ukraine by training military personnel. in order to achieve victory and... expel the russians from our land, we must help the army. espresso tv channel continues assembly of fividrons for a separate group of unmanned air systems sapsan of the state special service of transport. gypsies soldiers are actively conducting combat operations in the donetsk direction, attacking and restraining the enemy. thanks to drones, they successfully destroy a lot of russian equipment, fortifications and manpower. our goal is uah 1 million for flying weapons. the account already has more than uah 660,000. the best investment in our freedom is a donation to the armed forces. next on the air is the saturday politclub with khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov. and i will meet with you already at 21. in the news, in the results.
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congratulations, friends, the saturday political club program is on the air, khrystyna, me. vitaly portnikov and the second anniversary of the russian federation's large-scale invasion of ukraine. in general, this week we are talking about 10 years of russian armed aggression against our state, which started on february 20, 2014 in crimea. and of course, we will talk about the situation at the front, about the main trends on the front lines and about new approaches that are effectively used by our defense forces for that to work behind enemy lines, that is why we invite to the conversation ihor
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romanenko, the founder of the charity fund we will close the sky of ukraine, the deputy chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine from 2006 to the 10th year, lieutenant general. congratulations, mr. igor, i congratulate you. so, let's start with the attacks on the novolipetsk metallurgical plant, because this is such a high-profile news of a plant far from the borders of ukraine. 500 km, it seems. major damage as we know it. what is the expediency and how did it succeed? succeeded due to the fact that powerful , the development of unmanned aerial vehicles, in this case aerial vehicles, but not only aerial vehicles, is taking great strides, because drones are developing and operating, as we can see, both at sea, and there is development on land and under water, the tests of such unmanned aerial vehicles have already passed, we we see the result. that is, i generally form it as such a triad of the russians , the nuclear is a triad, that is, strategic
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bombers, submarines, submarines, boats , nuclear and mines with missiles, and we have unmanned aerial vehicles, a missile program, this is the second and third, there are structures of special forces, sbu, special operations forces, and in this case we see how it is combined, that is, the actions of unmanned aerial vehicles that direct. well , first of all, gur and the sbu, we can learn about how and what the special operations forces are doing or did after our victory. in this case, this is a very powerful plant of oxygen production, and you can see how oxygen ensures that the appropriate particles are hit, where it is, it works on military orders. sichen, there is a friend-comrade of putin, the third most powerful
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financial oligarch of the russian federation holds, it is secondly, firstly, it is definitely a military object, which thanks to the appropriate quality of reconnaissance of unmanned aerial vehicles, our forces were able to reach and deliver a powerful blow, accordingly, by the way, about the forces we have formed. the tour of unmanned forces, which will organize production and use within the state, is a very right step. please tell me, mr. igor, that downing is the second one this year, in the past two months, the downing of an expensive and very important for russians a50 plane, which exists on the lake. not very massive in their defense forces, let's put it mildly, all this became possible
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thanks to the work of the defense forces, namely the air force and the main intelligence agency, details are emerging little by little, of course military analysts put forward their theories, those who carried out this operation reveal something to us, but can we really to talk about a complex, complex story, but still ... with the use of the well-known s-200 complex. perhaps other tools were used in addition to it. your view. i really like your description. my favorite complex the s200, which i studied for, on which i served not out of duty, back in the sweet century, just in case, and its range is 240-250 km at medium high altitudes, well, comparable to the patriot, the french-italian type itself, or
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the frankinsam integrated complex, they have up to 150 km. in the distance, yes, that old one, that transportable one, if it weren’t so mobile , but, as they say, the means are foreign, for a couple of years, how some forces in ukraine are trying to convert it into a land-land complex, how the russians did everything with 300 and with 400, that's it they made progress somewhere there, maybe it is being improved, but now, it means, there is a version that used it... for its direct purpose, that is, it is a kind of long-range complex, it was developed as a complex that was supposed to act on long-range reconnaissance detection planes and control, collects information and transmits information to il-22 accordingly, and pressure is thrown on ground targets, and on ground means of attack, ground,
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so this is a very important impression, elements of the reconnaissance-strike complex. such modern system, which includes elements that scout targets, and in the air, on the ground and on the water, submit this information to the leadership, they make decisions about the attack and then in the current time apply their means of attack, which are currently ready, and in this case this pair is the application of the action controls well, such aircraft as the su-34, which are carriers of guided aerial bombs, and we see how the russians used them there in a day up to 60, more than dozens, even more in avdiivka, and not only, and that is why, in principle,
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an attack was made on such an important element, and i emphasize the question once again not only in the prices there... the 50th is especially improved in this, which means that it costs up to 350 million dollars, plus or minus in terms of equipment, and the equipment is the last modernization that they have, but oh and the plane il 22, about 50 million, if, but this is an important element of control, and the control system increases the effective use of means of destruction in... the enemy, as we have seen, and to knock out in a short period of time, twice this couple, this is the achievement of a high level of action of the command of the air forces, together with the main administration of the ministry of defense. and tell the truth, i understand correctly that there are not so many such pairs that can
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be assigned to perform these combat tasks, and in principle it may be so, well, in the future, as with the black sea fleet. there, in principle, the black sea fleet has many more ships, but the destruction of the most important ones seriously reduces the actions of the fleet in the black sea, and so here, if we destroy a few more pairs of such aircraft there, it will mean that the air force, military air space forces of the russian federation, that's what they seem to be officially called, they will simply not be able to carry out certain combat tasks, but this is exactly how it looks to us , that is, relatively in the air, a50s killed with... a dozen, and somewhere 3-4 of them have a50s and somewhere six a, on the contrary, a50s, but just 3, 4, а6 а50ху, and already during this time we inflicted damage on one in belarus and destroyed two airs here, this is
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very significant, and destroyed possibly two, even before that il20. the others, this is important, plus the syrians helped us with friendly fire in syria, they shot down their own allies on the il-22, we also know about the fleet, the black sea fleet is somewhere 80 battleships, and 30 of them have been attacked, sunk, or damaged, that is, these are positive results of actions in the air and at sea. last year, unfortunately , it still didn’t work out that way in sukhadol, and now the situation at the front is not easy, but still there is a prospect of supplies and... the city of supplies for shells and ammunition has already moved, well, there are other supplies of other equipment and the americans have already announced relative to the f-16 and
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long-range missiles, what are they called missiles, although the range there is 300-500 km, and where there are thousands - these are short-range missiles, up to a thousand, here there are statements, but they are waiting for the decision of the congress, the americans, the germans, if in the parliament. they also conducted long-range missiles, and this is the taurus, they really did not accept that they would transfer the tauras, that is, the approaches, but the implementation is when these weapons will be in our defenders, mr. igor, we understand that now we are talking about decisions that , which of them are approved, and some of them are still maturing, about discussions, but nevertheless, until the moment when they are really the weapons samples will appear in the hands of the defense forces. it will also take some time, the announcement was made this week david arahamiya, in particular, that if our partners do not hurry up with the transfer
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of weapons and relevant assistance to us, then we will have to do without people, and the mobilization may be larger. do you confirm, as a military man, that the lack of weapons can be covered by the number of people. if so, isn't that what the russian federation is doing in this war? not just people, this is such a wording, formation, maybe a bit harsh, but there are objective laws of war that say that we, or anyone, which state, is fighting a smaller number servicemen, not just people, but servicemen, that is, trained people, that is. more weapons, fewer military personnel, which lacks modern weapons, then it is possible to solve problems of this level, to have such potential
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at the expense of having more military personnel, with the weapons that the state can provide them, and other things, this is not invented by us, not now, it was both hundreds and thousands of years ago, if you like, it exists now, so it is urgent... it is necessary to solve the issue of mobilization in order to servicemen to provide and replenish our brigades, which are currently conducting heavy combat operations on the front line, and on the other hand, it means that there should be supplies from allies and work as an enterprise of our military-industrial complex, that is, our homeland in the first place, uh, if we talk about how in principle can ukraine act now after... after the russians killed the pilot who, one might say, delivered this mi-8 helicopter to us, that person was killed, all these other russian pilots
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also see it, who might want to take participation in this company, what should we do after this story? to work further, well, that is, some opportunities were provided, they were closed, he was there under a different name, last name, and... but the very line of behavior, well, it should be borne in mind that the kgb, as a result of the fsb, just like that, not this story, it it was clear from the very beginning, and this person himself had to be very careful, and there the line of behavior was different, and that is why, unfortunately, it ended tragically in this way, that is, do not overdo this history, war, experience, in that including negative, that's what you have to keep in mind and work on. thank you, mr. igor, igor
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romanenko, the founder of the charity fund zakryye nebo ukrainy, deputy chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine in 2006-2010 was on our air, it was our first talk show in this saturday polyclub, which is dedicated to the second and second gloves. so to speak, i think it is the second arm of russia's big attack on ukraine, we will now take a break for literally a couple of minutes, but please do not switch, because we have important conversations, problems with forehead joints restrict movement, it is unpleasant and painful, strengthen them with the help of dolgit joints, these are bags with collagen and vitamin c for recovery. articular cartilage. dolgit joints contributes to the normal functioning of the joints and has a positive effect on bone health. dolgit joints - improves motor
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the first days widely. of the large-scale invasion , the generals from the pentagon declared that kyiv would fall within a matter of days, they predicted that the armed forces of ukraine would reach crimea within a year, the reality turned out to be different: the capital was protected, the battles in the kyiv region restrained the enemy onslaught and shortened the lists of elite russian units. the village became an outpost to kyiv moschun at the price of one's own life, at the price of health. the russians have an aircraft carrier. the defenders destroyed eight enemy birds in a week. but boryspil airport is able to prepare its infrastructure for flights in three weeks. the road to resuming operational activities of the airport will be open as soon as the appropriate risk assessment is carried out and flight permits are issued. exclusive material. about this and
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much more, watch espresso at 21: we continue the saturday political club and our guest today is the head of the kyiv security forum , the prime minister of ukraine-16 years arseniy yatsenyuk, congratulations, good evening, good evening, well, let's start, considering what we are saying on the day of the second movement of russia's attack on ukraine, the first months were months. and tragedies of enthusiasm at the same time, because there was a huge help for civilized education, it increased, increased, increased, increased every month, and now it seems that the reverse process has started, and the question arises, how to overcome this trend, well, it is true, that the reverse process took place, and in principle, vitaliy, this is a natural history, i am only just starting that so the manuals of a full-scale war, only the beginning of the war was on february 20, 2014.


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