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tv   [untitled]    February 24, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EET

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the year of the great war. litakopad does not stop, how vulnerable the aviation of muscovites has become and the blockade of checkpoints has gone beyond the grain issue. what does ukraine offer to unlock the border? my greetings, annaeva melnyk is with you, and the espresso team will tell you about the most important thing for the week. 730 days of full scale invasion. today , the president of ukraine met world leaders at the destroyed airport in gostomel. that is where i will land russia. landing with the aim of capturing kyiv, then the whole country in three days, and today ukrainians continue to fight for their freedom and prove to everyone: we are independent, free and proud, everyone wants the war to end, but no one will allow ukraine to end, - volodymyr zelenskyi said in an address on the occasion of the second anniversary of the full-scale invasion of russia. we are 730 days closer to victory. someone is waiting
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for some soothsayer to tell them when it will come, and millions of ukrainians simply remember the words of kobzar: fight, overcome, and they have been following this for 730 days, and today each of us will call our relatives to hear voices, to wish each other what we are so waiting for, and today each of us, unfortunately , has, has someone about whom... to keep silent and honor the memory, and all together we bow our heads before 730 days of pain, but at the same time 730 days of hope for the highest justice, which is that we all have different stories of the beginning of the war, but there must be a single end to this war, and there will be victory. 10 years... two years
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of full-scale aggression, 730 days of pain and heroism, like any war, the russian-ukrainian confrontation on the battlefield does not lend itself to analysis and forecasts. western politicians and analysts went from the victory of the russian federation in a few days to the fact that the struggle could last for years. so with what assessments and moods among partners we begin the third year of the great war. in the first days of the general invasion , generals from the pentagon declared that kyiv would fall in a matter of days, already at the beginning of 2023 they predicted that the armed forces of ukraine would reach crimea, the reality turned out to be different, now everyone is more careful in their forecasts. while the world may have been too optimistic in in 2023, it is important that in 2024 we do not become too... pessimistic, the ukrainians
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managed to oust the russians from almost 50% of the territory occupied since the beginning of the war. another advantage is that they are capable of deep strikes and destroying key russian capabilities. today , most western analysts are rather pessimistic, uncertain about american aid, prospects. the return of donald trump to the white house, the weakness of the european military-industrial complex, the ineffectiveness of the sanctions policy and the supply of weapons to russia from iran and north korea, all this gives reason to assume that in 2024 the war will not develop according to the ukrainian scenario. the first bell has already rung: avdiivka, which was an impregnable fortress for 10 years, has fallen. within months, ukraine could. to hold off russian
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attacks until it began to run out of ammunition, especially the artillery types of ammunition needed to prevent russian forces from reaching ukrainian defense lines and capturing those positions. the decision to leave avdiivka is not related to the fact that that the ukrainian forces, they say, are not brave enough in their struggle, or lack military command, tactical courage or combat skills. we warned the congress that in case of its inaction, ukraine would suffer losses on the battlefield, which... happened. the confusion of western leaders also affects public opinion. on average, only 10% of residents surveyed in 12 european countries believe in the victory of ukraine. the most optimists are in poland, portugal and sweden. instead, twice as many are convinced that russia will win. and most often it sounded the answer is that the war will somehow end with negotiations and compromise. however, during two years of full-scale war, ukrainians learned the truth well. voiced by kyiv native golda
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maire. it is impossible to negotiate peace with someone who came to kill you, so you just have to be optimistic. after two years of the great war, 89 people believe in the victory of ukraine, while the majority are definitely convinced of this, according to a survey conducted in february by the kyiv international institute of sociology, about the vital need to win victory on the battlefield in an interview with the american tv channel fox news this week, the president also spoke, although he admitted that the priority for 2024 is defense. defending is the number one task. our successful history on the black sea. we will do it. i won't go into details, but they, the russians, get surprises. south is important. the defense of the east, where they have more than 200,000 soldiers, is also very important. and, of course, we will prepare a new counteroffensive, a new operation. of course, i
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am not saying that we will just stand there, it depends on many things. factors that will affect the course of hostilities in 2024. there is really a lot to say, whether the united states will approve the aid package for ukraine, whether europe will fully launch its military-industrial complex, whether collective action will finally be decided to defeat russia, but there are things that depend on ukraine: increasing its own production of weapons, manufacturing the promised million drones, construction of fortifications, mobilization and reform of the armed forces, this is the minimum that must be done to survive in 2024, the russians killed a 61-year-old woman in zaporizhzhia region, during the shelling of the city of gulyai pole, she was in her own yard and she was hit by debris - said the head of the region, ivan fedorov. next to
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the deceased was a 32-year-old man, he was injured and was hospitalized. during the day, the russians shelled the nikopol district of the dnipropetrovsk region. the enemy made 11 hits. with kamikaze rifles, and also hit with artillery, aimed at nikopol, marganytsia, pokrovska and moriska communities, damaged 15 private houses, 12 farm buildings, cars and power lines, said the head of the region, serhiy lysak. fortunately, there were no casualties or injuries. five injured in kherson region. a 35-year-old woman died. the occupiers shelled biluzerka, according to the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokudin, all the injured were hospitalized. and to the consequences of enemy attacks on kharkiv oblast. at night and in the morning, the russians shelled kupyansk from a rocket salvo system. private houses and farm buildings were damaged, the regional prosecutor's office said. the occupiers also attacked the village
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vilkhuvatka the enemy hit the premises of the summer kitchen of a residential building, previously fired with artillery. russian soldiers... failed to take kyiv in three days, the small village of moschun in the kyiv region became an outpost to the capital, it was the battles on its outskirts that managed to hold back the enemy onslaught, and even more, reduce the lists of elite russian units. our correspondents spoke with the participants of those terrible events. about what cost the capital stood in our material. edward still remembers the events of two years ago with horror. the man was one of many
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heroes thanks to whom kyiv region survived. he agreed to show us the line of defense near moschun, a village that became the main outpost that helped... to win the battle for the defense of kyiv, now we are in these cities, where not long ago the enemy was here, well, we held out, held our capital, and the enemy did not advance further, at the cost of our own lives, at the cost of our health, we did it. at the small village of moshchun, a strategic point that the russians desperately needed to take in order to reach the capital, the enemy threw qualifiers. troops and all possible weapons, barrel and reactive artillery, mortars, aviation, positions had to be held, because already behind the mortar there was a forest of voditsa and kyiv , it remained to kyiv, if they did not hold on to the mortar, the battles began already in puschevodytsia and further on in
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kyiv, the urban development, in the urban development, much more difficult battles and more difficult, to the defense of the powerhouse. well-trained soldiers, national guardsmen, fighters of the foreign legion, special forces from the sso group were involved. local volunteers immediately came to protect their homes. one... on march 13, russian troops launched a massive assault on moshun of all sides, the so-called shaft of fire, they also managed to enter from the flank, our defenders took a hard fight. we were on the mountain a little higher there, where sasha was, behind the middle, we were the first to see and hear this allah akbar, the shots, and it turns out that we were the first to accept the fight there, and they were already going down, and then it turned out that then , well, the guys were injured, killed a lot of people, in the following days nearby. muschuna was especially hot, very painful and to this day it
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twists everything so much, it was when it was march 13, that almost my second birthday, the enemy came from the mars position through the pontoon crossing and went around to us in the body, the guys from the national guard did not have time to warn us, here they are en masse. the pirates hit our position, and the central position here was called lalya, it was they who had a strong attack on this position, at least 20 ukrainian heroes from eduard's company were killed that day. eduard himself received a severe shrapnel and bullet wound. however, he prefers not to tell about them, because he remained alive, he... lived thanks to my brothers and sisters, thanks to them,
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i say it directly, and i have never hidden it, i am alive. the amazon laid out the first aid kits by position, one of them saved eduard. the day before, chacha had driven an evacuation bus, which was used to take out the wounded. moment then temporarily performed the duties of company commander and left the soldiers in that area. such a happy coincidence of circumstances saved more than one life. on the approaches to muschun, thanks to these guys and mazonka, i will leave everything alive. since then, eduard has been carrying a positive call sign a special mission: not to let the world forget about each and everyone, thanks to whom we live. i miss them to this day. i communicate with parents, i do the best i can, i... shows parents that their children are not forgotten,
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no one has forgotten about them, and i remind you once again, as long as i am alive, i will remember them , and i will remind everyone about them. on march 21, 2022, the armed forces of ukraine completely liberated the village of mushchun from the russian invaders. during these battles, at least a hundred russian soldiers from elite units were killed. it is small a village near kyiv. became his great shield, the capital was held at the cost of hundreds of lives of ukrainians who defended the country with weapons in their hands. kateryna galko, oleksandr nikolenko, espresso tv channel. powerful support. ukraine signed security agreements with italy and canada. today in kyiv , president volodymyr zelenskyi is with the prime minister of italy giorgia maloney and the prime minister of canada justin trudeau. the relevant
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cooperation documents will be valid for 10 years. they approved a plan for cooperation in the defense sector sphere, exchange of information, determination of current and future needs and requirements of allies, etc. in addition, tava will provide kiev with more than 3 billion canadian dollars in macro-financial and defense assistance, and italy will continue to contribute to the mission. on providing military aid to ukraine by training military personnel. ukraine will receive 4.5 billion euros in march, this is the first tranche of aid within the framework of the ukraine facility initiative. the program provides financing in the amount of 50 billion euros over four years. further steps in the initiative were discussed by prime minister denys shmegal and president of the european commission ursula fonderlein. the meeting took place today in kyiv, and the parties also raised issues regarding the situation on the ukrainian-polish border. ukraine
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presented its plan. the european union will hand over 170,000 shells to ukraine by the end of march. in the future, europe will work on increasing the volume of supplies - said minister of foreign affairs dmytro kuleba after a meeting with the high representative of the eu, josep berel. the diplomat thanked for the constant help and support and noted that there are still many important decisions ahead. almost 11 million dollars of humanitarian funding, so many types. in the country of great britain. the country's ministry of foreign affairs notes that more than 7.5 million will go to support the red cross. more than 3 million to finance the ukrainian humanitarian fund. in london, it was emphasized that almost 15 million people in ukraine need help, that is about 40% of the population. people remain without homes, access to water, food
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and electricity. another daring act destruction of ukrainian agricultural products on the territory of poland. this week, the poles dumped ukrainian grain from trucks and trains at least three times. these cargoes were not transported to the polish market, they were transited to germany. the ukrainian side emphasized that such actions on the border are outside european legislation. on february 20, during another protest, a polish farmer called on putin to restore order in poland, ukraine and brussels. he hung a poster with the inscription on his tractor. the polish police have already opened a criminal case for inciting hatred. the country's government has assured that it is against it measures will be taken against the author of the poster. during an external meeting of the government on friday, the prime minister of ukraine denys shmegal said that the cabinet of ministers is preparing clear steps and specific
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proposals to the polish side regarding the unblocking of the border. one of the suggested steps has already been taken. government of poland. recognized checkpoints and railway approaches to the ukrainian border as objects of critical infrastructure. therefore, military and humanitarian goods must cross the border without delay. that day, a group of ukrainian ministers led by the prime minister ukrainians arrived at the border with poland, the president of ukraine offered the leadership of poland to meet at the blocked checkpoint in order to negotiate and find a compromise. however, such a meeting with polish government officials did not take place. instead, the prime minister of ukraine denys shmegal talked with ukrainian truck drivers who were stuck due to the blockade of the border from the polish side. according to him, the blockade went beyond the grain issue, and it harms not only ukrainian producers, but also the european markets for which these products were intended. ukraine does not sell
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own corn, sunflower seeds, rapeseed in polish. market. on september 16 last year, our government made a decision to license the export of a part of agricultural products, that is, it is now impossible to export grain, corn, rapeseed and sunflower to the polish market without permission from poland. currently , there are no such permits, and accordingly there is no export either. ukraine sends an appeal to the european commission with a proposal to conduct an urgent screening, that is, an analysis of clusters 4 and 5, which include agrarian policy and. transport, it is necessary for that forever remove manipulations regarding the quality of our agricultural products, as well as whether the support of our farmers meets the standards of the world trade organization. the issue of trade between ukraine and the eu will be resolved with the eu itself, and not at the level of individual countries. the price of the work of ukrainian farmers near
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the krakivets korchova checkpoint, where agricultural machinery was installed, was destroyed. eight occupants. burnt tractors, kamaz trucks, combines were brought from the de-occupied territories. this is how ukrainian farmers want to show the polish demonstrators in what conditions they have to work in ukraine. according to the initiators of the action, the shot special vehicle will stand at the border until the protests end. let me remind you that this week the poles dumped ukrainian grain from trucks and trains at least three times. this is just a reminder that we have, in fact, to the classic cost of growing agricultural products, to grain to seeds of goods and means of protection, we also have irreversible losses in the form of the blood of our defenders, in the form of tears, their relatives and friends, and in the form of of that metal which
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in fact it has no price anymore, we understand who is the ultimate beneficiary of this... all this blocking and who is benefiting from all this blocking and what can it really lead to? the eighth plane in a week. on february 17 , the defense forces destroyed three enemy aircraft, two su-34 fighter-bombers and one su-35 fighter in the eastern direction at once. and already on sunday morning, another su-34 successfully returned to the base, albeit with scrap metal. on monday, the plane crash in the occupiers continued. the next su-34 and su-35-s have been landed forever. eternal flight too it happened to the bird on wednesday as well. and on february 23 , a modernized russian one was added to the fleet. and k-50, it was destroyed by ukrainian intelligence and air forces over the sea of ​​azov. this is an air command post that the aggressor state used for long-range
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radar detection of control and targeting of strikes on ukraine with missiles from strategic aviation. and this is already the second downed a-50 since the beginning of this year. knocking down such powerful goals is already the second such goal, about which one could only dream. air force just a year ago, it's really a landmark event for everything of the world, this is a really powerful special operation, like others, as well as the destruction of objects, in particular in crimea. the air force already participated in the destruction of the headquarters of the black sea fleet, ships, and a submarine with cruise missiles, so this is all the result of the joint work of the air force and other components of the defense forces of ukraine, in particular, the main intelligence department. it is necessary to look at the intelligence data - said the head of gur kyrylo budanov, that there were eight planes. before that, and of them, not all of them were working, not all of them were modernized, so there were many of them on the fingers of one hand. 9.5 million passengers and 76,000 flights passed through
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boryspil metropolitan airport in 2021 . but on the morning of february 24, 2022, the airport was attacked by enemy missiles, so civil air traffic was stopped. it has not been restored to this day. what do the main ones look like now. the air gates of the country in the exclusive material of dmytro didora. thus, at the height of the russian-ukrainian war, on december 19 , 2023, a technical overrun of an airplane without passengers and cargo was made from boryspil. since the beginning of the great war, the entire airspace of ukraine has been closed to civilians canvases ukrainian airports, the main air gates of the country, remain closed for... and the international airport boryspil also does not accept travelers and civilian regular flights from february 24, 2022. at
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that time, exactly this plan was put into effect, passengers were evacuated accordingly, they were evacuated from the planes, they were evacuated from the terminal, the runway was blocked in between. further actions, already with the armed forces of ukraine, all necessary actions were carried out in order to ensure safety and security. because of the full-scale war in ukraine the airport lost about 12 billion hryvnias. in order to resume flights , several factors need to coincide: first and foremost - aviation safety, then - the restoration of flight permits. if, for example, we are told that we need to fly. during what time the airport boryspil is ready to serve flights on a regular basis, and according to our calculations, this period is about three weeks, that is, in order to be fully
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ready to serve flights that will be performed according to the schedule. for one-time use flights, of course, we are ready and now precisely because we support the qualifications of the personnel, we support the equipment that is available. currently , the main areas of work are the support of the airport infrastructure. and staff skills. every day, airport employees service the entire airport complex and clean the premises themselves. boryspil also continues to train employees and cooperates with airlines. during 2023, the airport management held a number of meetings with international and ukrainian partners to implement a comprehensive security architecture aimed at ensuring the necessary standards of aviation security and flight safety. after opening. airspace in ukraine, in addition , we cooperate with israeli colleagues who have relevant experience of flying in
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a country where there is actually a war, and only the armed forces, here it is undeniable, without their participation it is impossible, and a complex series of measures aimed at to develop a strategy in which it is possible to recover according to... assess how much it is possible under certain conditions, about 80% of the staff are now idle, but boryspil airport continues to pay them 2/3 of their wages. also, during the full-scale war, the company paid about half a billion hryvnias of taxes from its own funds to the state budget. back in december 2023, the resort ran out of funds to continue paying salaries. then it was possible at the expense of the state treasury. now the situation is even more critical, because , unfortunately, boryspil airport's own resources
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have run out. airport. boryspil is currently actively working on improving its architecture of flight safety, maintains certification suitability. we support staff training, certification, we support certification directly of the airport, we support all licenses that are necessary for the operation of an aviation enterprise, environmental permits. boryspil international airport is able to prepare its infrastructure for flights in three weeks. the road to recovery. airport operations will be open as soon as an appropriate risk assessment has been carried out and flight permits have been issued. dmytro didora, oleksandr burlevich, espresso tv channel. this is how the espresso team saw this week. we keep an eye on everything that is happening in ukraine and the world, and we will inform you about everything. and you can always read more about important things on our espresso tv website. subscribe to our channels on social networks, and all
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without food. deputies of the state duma passed a law on financing the agreement with great britain on fishing, which allowed the sailors of the kingdom to engage in fishing in our sea waters. for almost 70 years, they have been leading, only last year they caught more than half a million, millions of tons of cod alone, it is this, as well as haddock fillet, that is used to prepare the main british dish fish and chips. putin returned crimea to russia, and he will forever go down in history as a... the president who returned our territory, protected novorossiya, and this is him again, this is his decision, exclusively, and returned our fish to us, because what, 68 years , barely the british unscrupulous announced sanctions on us, and they themselves have 40% of their walkie-talkies.


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