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tv   [untitled]    February 25, 2024 1:00am-1:30am EET

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congratulations, on february 21, russian propagandists rejoiced at the news, which once again proves that organizing famines is such a real scrape of the russian dimension. the russian state duma also broke the soviet agreement with great britain regarding fishing, but the motivation is interesting, it is not to do something useful for the russians, the main thing that... pleases all the propagandists, is to leave the british without food. deputies of the state duma adopted a law on financing the agreement with great britain on fishing, which allowed the sailors of the kingdom to engage in fishing in our waters, seas. they led for almost 70 years, only last year they caught more than half a million. millions of tons of cod alone are used to prepare the main british dish, fish and chips.
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putin returned the crimea to russia, and he will forever go down in history as the president who returned our territory, protected novorossiya, and this is him again, this is his decision, exclusively, and returned our fish to us, because what, 68 years, hardly the english are unscrupulous they announced sanctions on us, and... they themselves form 40% of their diet, menu, fish, from our cod, now let them lose weight, well, it is interesting here, of course, that the speaker of the state duma, you know, it seems that he is already waiting for some kind of gagakh tribunal, and just in case he says: it wasn’t me at all, it wasn’t us who voted here with all our minds, it’s personal, that’s all decided putin, no
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, friends, it won’t be like that, you voted for it, so of course , the termination of the international agreement is a big hello to all those who believe that the russian federation is such a successor of the soviet union, and it should be treated like that there, here you go a place in the un security council, no, you have to, you know, people from with this tie with a seat in the un security council as well, russia is no successor for a long time, you see, it breaks agreements for which it should... be responsible, violates international law, well, that is, the russian federation is a separate one, you know . but only to show something to the british, so that they really eat less there, well, i say rejoice, rejoice about this. what
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finally, finally, from london, where now there will be no russian white fish, in 1956 for some reason we allowed london to fish in our waters, fish, why, how much of our fish did the british eat during this time, how much during this time the europeans and even the same british fired the russian. gas, oil, well, you understand, a country that sells only resources, well , at the same time, to tell how many fish someone ate there, well, it's funny, just funny, but that's the way it is, i'm saying, there's only one conclusion from this, russia cannot be considered a normal country that simply normally cooperates with others, it is an absolute violator now, and should be treated exactly like that, that is, excluded from everywhere. they will expel him from everywhere,
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and in the end, again, i think that the british will finally understand that maybe it's time to start transferring russian assets that are in britain to ukraine, because actually there is nothing to lose that much, and it's time to punish russia for real, and not in some such limited only limits, well, that's it for this week one such very significant event for russia happened, it... was not discussed mainly there in any such broadcasts, but it was very actively discussed among, i would say so, that part that directly participates in the war and in the aggression against ukraine, and on the very morning of the same february 21, you know, this day in general was such a star-studded one for russia, several sources immediately reported that such a... andriy morozov, who
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worked under the nickname murs. this is one of the most famous general war dogs of russia, war propagandists, he himself fought. well, in the eyes of the occupying russian armies, he fought long enough, by the way, and he committed suicide, and explained it by the fact that he was harassed from above because of his critical posts about the losses of the russian army near avdiivka, avdiivka. morozov's suicide note was posted on his telegram channel, they are writing to us from yanina, and they inform us that morozov shot himself and all in the same suicide note he wrote that... he was baited by political prostitutes led by volodymyr solovyov. what exactly happened: february 18 morozovo published a post in which he mentioned the death of 16 thousand russian soldiers in the battles for avdiivka, since the beginning of october. the publication
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caused a huge scandal and discussion among russian propagandists, because they said that there were no deaths there, as usual. well, they immediately began to harass him. let's see. unian, a ukrainian news agency, takes a screenshot of a post by murza, a great friend of tetyana montyan and her favorites. he writes that since october , 16,000 irretrievable losses have been incurred from the nevelsky don veselivka our side and about 300,000 units of scrapped equipment. and the enemy, having conducted defensive actions and suffered in the best case for us irreversible losses of 5-6-7. thousand says an article about the discrediting of the armed forces of the russian federation? is it good-bye and knocking, does it not fall under the category of incitement against the soldiers of the armed forces to go and write denunciations to their command, you understand that this is
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damage. they also go on stream and tell: all the projectiles released by the ministry of defense of the russian federation are released into the ground. he understands that in the times of hotly adored comrade stalin, he would be presented to the wall without a last word, for such a post, for such a punishment, after this monologue, some people will say, well, how can you believe the ministry of defense , here we have morozov, he is a light, he opened everyone’s eyes, this is the real man, they lost navalny, they got morozov, and for that you have to beat them with the foot, there is such a thing... who work for solovyov, they arranged all this, but of course they did not limit themselves to that, because you know what just happens some streak, but constantly,
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for example, the same nightingale there is something about it others say, well, it does not lead to anything in particular, but here in this case it simply, you know, literally undermined the foundation of everything. of russia's propaganda narrative regarding their capture of avdiyivka, because they said that there were no casualties, they said that literally thousands of the ukrainian army lost and were captured there, that's where murs comes out and says, you know, they just got together and washed up, we i didn't even manage to capture anyone in particular there, well, some single people who happened to be and whom i just couldn't. to get out, but the cauldron , which russian propaganda talked about for so long, did not happen, here they are trying to tell it, moreover, even in foreign media, the russians threw it all away, and here again a russian propagandist comes out and says: none of this it was, they didn't just start taking an interest in him,
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the superiors with whom he worked, well, he's a military serviceman, besides, they literally started harassing him, they're that unit. with whom this murs worked, threatened that they would not supply them with shells, anti-aircraft guns, nothing would happen supply, no equipment , you will fight the hell with shovels, they threatened him , well, as i understand it, in general, to leave somewhere, to kill something else, as a result, he decided to self-clean, well, for us, in principle, it is not bad, because the person was straight, let's say active, and maybe if he shouted more, they would start... correcting some mistakes, but nobody fixes anything, well, on february 20, he deleted this post, wrote a post that literally this, that , that he is being forced, that he is being ordered, that there is some varich-colonel who is putting pressure on him, a lot there, he complained, complained, and actually
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shot himself, well, another fighter just like him, such a soldier, also about him there... he literally made a whole song of crying. andriy mursa, a member of the russian spring militia, a front-line soldier, one of the first to volunteer, shot himself today. like all the things that happened to him, i believe that soloviev, vytyazev and all these people can be safely blamed for his death. i believe that the investigative committee should initiate a criminal case for inciting suicide. and you know, this is a sign of such a thing absolute difference between the reality that is and what is happening not only on tv, but judging by everything. in general, in the head of the russian leadership, because literally at the moment when he
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was shooting there, they met with sheigu, with putin, where , what he told him, that literally without losses, that they captured, captured everyone , destroyed everyone, surrounded everyone, immediately, well, literally , other venkors, who at least somehow have some idea of ​​what was happening there, said, well... the exact opposite, and besides, well, it’s not just this unfortunate murs, in fact everyone, somehow enough, and with such , you know, skepticism about this epic victory, which they tried to tell the russians on tv, the avdiiv operation, the avdiiv operation lasted a little less than four months, it started on october 10, i am not a fan of estimating large numbers in ukrainian losses
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the authority of the russian armed forces, because he says that it turns out that the ukrainians are sitting in the wells, and this is at the moment when the same shoigu comes and tells, everything, everyone was kicked out of the wells, with these wells, well, also
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such an interesting story came out, and shuigu also decided to tell putin that we won not only in avdiyivka, but also in krynyk, and now we will show you how it happened, because what to tell is that they told how they were hanged there flags, but you will be able to ... how it looked from a ukrainian copter, let's take a look at everything, we marines of the 810th guards brigade, together with our paratrooper brothers, officially declare that the krinks are ours, and the krinks are not cleaned, as of today is not only there observation points, troops are stationed there.
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well, ours ran to a certain point, hung two flags and ran away somewhere far, far away to a landing site across the road, somewhere else, well, i will tell you that even later they destroyed this point also with these flags, but shuigu is probably not aware of that. reported er, well, judging by everything that he did not inform putin, and about what happened again in the same week, when on february 20, from the impact of two high mars missiles, at the training ground near the village of trudivske, donetsk region, it not far from volnovaga, was liquidated, well, the last one the figure i heard is 67 transbaikalia troops, but it is interesting that the blow was struck inside. on the day when russian servicemen of three motorized rifle brigades lined up on the training ground, that
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's about 200-400 people, waiting for the arrival of the commander of the 29th army of the eastern military district, major general oleg moiseyev, and of course, this also literally caused a scandal right away, because it turned out that it is not so easy to hide, gentlemen, front-line soldiers, maybe someone is not aware... you know, i will explain everything to you now, general moiseev, 65 people died yesterday, this there were losses only in the morning. by the evening the number was already different, i don't know the exact number at the moment, the fact is that damn, just a huge number of guys, damn, died because some idiot decided to build a building and as a result didn't get to it. well, this is such a beautiful story, and what do you think, well, they started talking about it in general,
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because there were videos with these killed people, which we show you a little bit, but you are unlikely to see there... what we have to wash that's all, because well, it really is there are just corpses and everything lying in a heap , really a lot of people, and here is what is interesting that such a story happened, well , we also had such stories, the truth is, and we also have this, well, no one was happy about it and tried to find out how it happened, what, and they have their propaganda. what she first started to tell was solov'ov, who was constantly interviewing, and not so, by the way, a long time ago with this same oleg moiseyev, a major general, how beautiful, wonderful he is, when it happened, the main thing is that confused and what caused solovyov's people to publish the video, more he is not interested in anything, the video was just published, well, it arrived, people
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died, whose fault is it, whose fault is it, if photos appear after that. why do we have enemies, when we have such friends , well, really, why do we have such friends, if we are enemies, and the main thing here is to write, write, you want stalin, that’s how under stalin you are already, ruffians, montanans, and all the rest, they would have been in the zone a long time ago, they would have found themselves at that moment. well, literally a day passes and solovyov's friend alaudinov is forced to admit that there was such a story. i take off a video about the gloomy events that happened in our area in the donetsk direction, about the fact
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that the future dead were brought from the 328th airborne assault regiment, the 810th. the 81st regiment, and there they all got to know the hymarses, but i think we should support gentlemen like alaodinov and and even solovyov, more catch those who publish something about the russian military leadership doing something bad, more catch them, then they will more often just collect such buildings, and we will go there more often, of course we will be our highmars throw... or something else like that, so we won't interfere, let them work, catch those who can still shoot a couple of their warriors, this will also help us a lot, but you know, in general, if we say in general, why is it all , why such rhetoric, why such aggression and such official
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propagandists against anyone who, from among the same russians, tries to reduce the mortality rate of the russian occupation army, and everything is simple, because in my opinion, in russian in general propaganda environment formed, you know, such a certain social, as if like a contract with the russians, they, well, not that they do not feel sorry for their military there, no, on the contrary, they welcome their more and more destruction, because mostly it is advertised in every way. let 's gather prisoners into the russian army, let's gather some criminal criminals, people who are drinking in some remote area somewhere, and let's recruit them all into the army, and these people are stupidly pitiful. and this is actually what russian propaganda somehow, you know, subconsciously tries to convey to russians
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masses, what does the russian propaganda tell you, to worry that they killed some regular... several thousand russian soldiers, yes, who are they? if they return home, they will rob, rape, kill someone again, as is always the case there, if you read the russian criminal chronicle, there are some reports every other day, a svo fighter came on vacation and killed someone, because he had already killed before, he came, he raped someone, because he always does that, that's why he was imprisoned, or some kind of robbery, a robber on... that's why people call them russian propagandists, it is profitable for you, more will die there, you know, in ukraine, less will reach russia, and judging by that. after all, there are some, you know, it became, some such idea is formed there, and the further it goes, the more, that's why solovyov's position is so popular,
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why literally catch someone who, well , listen to someone, who is trying to correct some defects, let it be better that these russian soldiers die in large numbers, well, we can only support this point of view, we also believe that the russian... should die in large quantities, let's do it together literally, see you. there are discounts on penherpavir and herpavir, 15% in psyllium pharmacies, you and savings. there are 15% discounts on rezi table in the psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations,
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friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on... the border between ukraine and poland, topics that resonate in our society: drone attacks on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, attacks drones to moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's make it up. they help understand the present and predict the future for the world, trump's second presidency will be a terrible project for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:10 on espresso.
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verdict with serhii rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, more more important topics, even more top guests: foreign. inclusion experts from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 for espresso. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who will make sense of it. and comment on the most relevant public discussions which it is the news that will analyze the guests of the project this week and actually who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, clearly, the topics
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will be relevant, the guests will be special, their own names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 17:10 on espresso. welcome to the espresso channel. today. in the war and weapons program we will talk about confrontation with the enemy in two dimensions: first of all in the air, where between russia and ukraine there is a deadly race to increase the number and improvement of drones for various purposes, now our the ministry of defense and the ministry of statistics say that the country has already created the most favorable conditions for the development of companies that manufacture drones and for the stimulation of new technological solutions. but, in my opinion, it is important to understand whether such assessments are shared by the managers of the companies that develop and manufacture these strike drones. and the second dimension of confrontation with
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the enemy is war in cyberspace. and now cyber security experts will have questions about whether russia will repeat the attacks on our mobile operators, as it was with kyiv-old man, why does the main intelligence department consider messenger telegram not... safe and is it risky the decision of the ministry of defense to introduce such an action for the military for a relationship called army plus. so find the answers by talking to the experts in our war and weapons program. my name is serhiy sgurets, i am the director of the information and consulting company defense express, which, together with spresso channels, strives to highlight the most relevant trends in the field of security and defense. and now to us. the first guest joins, this is the head of the board of the new energy of ukraine alliance, commander of the white rel special unit of strike drones, valery borovyk. i would like to remind our viewers
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that... the companies that are now part of the new energy of ukraine alliance were actually pioneers in the development of attack drones back in the 14th year in the form that has now become almost classic. since then, this company has developed a number of other models that are now used by our armed forces. mr. valery, congratulations, glad to see and hear you on the espresso channel. congratulations, sergey. very happy too. your disembodied complexes are already active used in the field? battle has been used by our military for a long time, but the war of the 14th year is not similar to the war there of the 22nd year, the 23rd and 24th years are also different, because our approaches there and the tactics of the enemy in countering our drones actually change complexes, and i would like to ask you at the beginning, how these changes affected the improvement of your complexes and what now?
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your team makes the main bet when it comes to both the development and the production of percussion systems, well, look, in fact, the development is constant, for example, there is one from our last forays there in the zaporizhzhia direction led to the loss of several drones, we arrived and are changing our approaches there so that we can change the frequency in the air, so that we can use more and... more interesting models and more interesting solutions to counter the enemy's drones, but this the chase, it is constant, and you know, those decisions that yesterday were cool there six months, three months ago, uh, so they may no longer work in some areas, or they may not work at all, although they were very , very promising and they allowed it to solve the tasks that are needed,
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but right now we have... guys, i just called my deputy at the training ground, they are also adjusting some points that have experience, they also came with drones from the zaporizhzhia direction, so i am changing it is necessary to change approaches, change frequencies, there we also work on ltmodems, which means that this work that you say is happening constantly, and the one who will not do it, the one... who will not have feedback from the front line, in who do not have such opportunities there, if manufacturers, for example, released, gave, and then, the soldiers there are other, for example, the units use, and they do not have such close cooperation with the front line, so this will constantly affect the fact that we will remain in yesterday and we will have problems with the use of drones, they and now they are very important, but eh...
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they need to change this approach, so that we can have a good influence on those means of impression that the enemy has, and not only there with reconnaissance , adjustment of the marta, but also with impression, kamikaze drones, which we do mr. valery, ot now, when we talk about the approach of the position of military developers there, how has this process been affected, can this decision to create a new type of troops in the... forces, which will take care of unmanned systems, have an impact in the future, have you already felt any impact of this process to your work , if not, how do you feel, do you have any advice for the leadership of this kind of troops, to really ensure some kind of more effective synergy between the developers and those who use these complexes on the battlefield? look, in fact, there is now an entry of those people who will come to manage this direction
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with... no strength in work, because...


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