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tv   [untitled]    February 25, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EET

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and we have this volunteering, it is a set of different decentralized organizations, teams, more precisely, not organizations, rather, but rather teams of volunteers, or semi-volunteers, or in some state, practically every force structure has its own unit for offensive cyber operations, but the problem here is decentralization - this is good, because there is no single center, but what is not... a center is also a weakness, because the single center is intended for coordination of efforts, that is , we must somehow combine this model, and we must combine decentralization with a clear coordination, because very often there are cases when some groups interfere with the work of other groups, hit their own targets, well , uncoordinated, the effect is not what it should be, and each of these offensive groups, it... has some achievements
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, but he very often exaggerates sometimes , well, that is, they really reported about a powerful attack on the tax system, but the tax system did not really notice it, and the same with another, and there are cases when really serious achievements, they are not enough brightly, vividly communicate there and people just about they are not known, although in fact very serious achievements... that's why we don't have a single center for coordination, decision-making, strategy development, coordination of tactics, coordination of actions between different units, we have 7 minutes left, i have a number of questions, and i want us to have at least three questions clearly: first , the situation is related to the fact that the accounts of our media resources began to be actively hacked.
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there is liganet, ukrainian truth, partially espresso, and there is information that is placed there in fact, well, it was connected with the fact that we apparently unsuccessfully retreated from avdiivka, these actions, they are carried out by whom on the russian side, and how can we defend ourselves if our media resources cannot defend themselves, who should they turn to for help, but the point is that we have media resources - well, i think one of the keys. elements of critical infrastructure, because through the media it is proven, well, some public opinion is formed, and some important critical important news is proven, so russians always value the media - it is one of the main ones, along with by state bodies, along with the military and military facilities, the media is also included in the top ten key goals, and here you have to rely on your own strength, because...
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unfortunately, state structures will not help much, although they can harm, but engage , to develop its own cyber security, the media should have at least a few specialists who will deal with this, and you also need to study, a very serious contribution, this is a cyber genius for every employee, everyone who is in the media, no matter how important, is a presenter there rating show or ordinary. an employee, an employee, an accountant, ah, i don’t know , a manager, everyone who has access to internal resources must necessarily take some basic courses in cyber hygiene, in which they will be told, the basic rules, thanks to which, well, because in effective cyberattacks by the russians , they are still based on principles, but if you investigate and find out where it all started, then everything starts with something banal, this is a short password 1 2 3 4 5 this is
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a clicked link that came in the messenger, this is the lack of vpn connection or something else, well some very simple banal, primitive things, that's why cyber science, cyber education and simple education among media workers is a simple, cheap, but very powerful tool, and because everything is based on this in principle, and accordingly specialists and personnel training, these are two key directions on... which should be focused on, we heard you, and one more question, how do you feel about the fact that this application "army plus" will be created in action, that is, in the phone for the military, where these documents will be, complaints, reports, it became known literally there, well, i saw this information the day before yesterday, how do you feel about such an initiative, are there positive aspects here, or is there more to it. what are your evaluations of such
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proposals? the question is controversial and unclear, there is not enough information to give an assessment, because it depends very much on what kind of application it will be, with what functions. which data it will take, where it will be processed, how it will be transmitted, well , there are many technical details that are clear, as far as i know, the military already uses several different applications there for different tasks, let's say, and there are quite a few of them, ah, each of them has some specialized function, there are some there for drones, some there are for artillery, some for personal spl, for guns. there for internal reporting, for reports , there are many different ones, that there is another army plus this application that has been announced, it is not entirely clear what it will be used for, what functionality, first of all, the functionality must be determined already with the technical
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implementation, where , how the servers will be deployed, what will be the architecture, some technologies, how they are interconnected, or on how is it possible for the enemy to get the data, or? and stopping the operation of such an application or transferring malicious files there or spying and so on, that is, while this is a declaration, on the basis of which it is extremely difficult to draw any conclusions, that is why i have no answers to these questions. and we literally have 3 minutes, maybe even less, i think that the answer to your question of mine, which you will ask now, i think will still be an occasion for our further conversation with you, i would like to find out and understand what is the point... relatively speaking situations when there are a number of these software solutions for the armed forces, there is a delta, there are nettles, but they are not adopted due to certain nuances in the relations between the state special communications and the ministry of defense, the impression is that the state special communications acts as a certain monopoly
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for the certification of those things that are developed for the military themselves, and there is a certain misunderstanding between these two structures, is this really the case, if so, then the main benchmarks... points of this confrontation, in the following programs we will continue this topic with you, as he says, on the most interesting our guest is at the place, our communication was interrupted there, now we are restoring it, yes, i am here, that's great, did you hear my question, should i repeat it, yes, no, i understood, where is the special communication, we have such a regulator. a monopolist on everything that allows or prohibits the use of various applications, and including its effect extended to army systems, this is modern war, it requires rapid development of technologies, which absolutely
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without fail involves the use of high-speed internet, cloud technologies, cloud storage, exchange data in the mode real time very very fast. without this , we will not win, we simply will not win in any way, but the regulatory base of the state special communications, it , i'm sorry, stopped its development somewhere in the 90s, and it operates with very outdated norms, guests and everything else, it tries there to change, but unsuccessfully, plus the structure is extremely corrupt, and we can see this from the arrest of the head and deputy head of the state special service, on suspicion of embezzling funds for the construction of information systems, and as a corrupt structure, it also tries to influence the military systems, on the army, on the armed forces , on the ministry of defense, and accordingly, well, they have little understanding of the value of these systems for waging war, but they perfectly understand their
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interests in not allowing, forbidding to impose any restrictions that slow down the system, well, that is they do not understand, do not want to understand important things. this for the armed forces, that is why the law 1062 was adopted by the verkhovna rada, which can be placed, well, that is , this is not a revolution, but such a significant step forward in the development of military systems, which will allow the military to determine the information protection requirements and implement them themselves, and this mr. konstantin, thank you very much for these comments, we will definitely continue this topic with you, because it is an extremely important topic, and these nuances. we will talk about them in more detail in our next issues, i will remind our viewers that these general trends are related to cyber security, kostyantyn korsun, an expert in the field of cyber security, a person with considerable professional experience in this field, explained to us, therefore, to speak
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briefly, in fact, despite the technological ones work, there are still a number of bureaucratic procedures and complications that do not allow us to realize the potential of our companies in the most efficient... by our executive bodies. or political power, stay on the espresso channel, there will be a lot of interesting information in various components, congratulations, this is a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the atp tv channel, together, beraber, my name is khrystyna yatskiv,
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i... and today we are talking about the second anniversary of the large-scale invasion of the russian federation into ukraine and about the tenth anniversary in principle, the dates do not match a little, but it is simply about days, the 10th anniversary in fact the beginning of the war against ukraine, the beginning of the occupation of crimea. and we are nobody about it, we have to remind everyone, including our foreign partners, that everything started in crimea, and everything must end in crimea as well, as our colleague sevil musaeva said, a long, long time ago, but it's true, ugh, really, 10 years of full-fledged armed aggression of the russian federation against ukraine, and it's still quite difficult for me to accept. and this new language of ours from two years ago,
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a large-scale invasion, or full-scale aggression, what the russians did in crimea, this is an act of military aggression, and for those who lost their homes in crimea and who are now under occupation, for them this the large scale is measured, perhaps not by bombs and missiles until recently, but nevertheless by exile yes. violation of rights, captivity, etc., and i know, it's actually good that you asked, because you brought up this topic, because some call it a full-scale invasion, some call it a total invasion, and for me i define it as a big war, well, it's just big in scale, but the point is the war, this is the 14th year, the great war is the 22nd year, i think that in principle, in general, it is correct. i don't know if you will agree with me, but i say so, absolutely, and actually,
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let's recall that ukraine continues to effectively resist the russian occupier, we have tremendous success in the context of the destroyed of russians, destroyed russian equipment, and we really want these successes to multiply, we also want life to remain as valuable as possible for us. our military, and here it is certainly worth reminding about the collection that we will support, you always remember and thank you to all viewers for remembering that we in this program every time call to donate to a specific collection for a specific unit for 48- th separate assault battalion named after noman chilibijakhan, whose commander is the director, head of the tv channel slyamov, now he is the captain of the armed forces of ukraine and the commander of this assault unit , the so-called crimean one, he is the only large
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crimean unit, ukrainians, crimeans and foreigners are fighting together there, even those who do not care about the fate of ukraine and the fate of crimea, but we are gathering just now, we must close the gathering, there are two thirds of almost a little even more collected, you see on the drones of the night. all details and numbers and qr-codes and paypal and everything absolutely necessary for night drones, that is, for fpv drones with e-e thermo, as it is called, thermal imaging cameras, i'm sorry, i'm not a fikvet, but i know for sure that they are very necessary, very useful, now each of these drones, they serve to protect... protect our fighters and hit the enemies, hit their equipment, these
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drones are a little more powerful than ordinary ones, they cost more than uah 30, but it is effective and it saves the lives of our soldiers and officers and allows us to hold on where you know, holding on sometimes almost seems impossible, because the open space of our southern direction , there is water and steppe. and very little even forests and trees, it's very difficult there, and these drones, they decide a lot that throughout the program there will be this qr code and card number, join the collection, it's... noble, it's right, if we're talking here about crimea and about ukraine and about our war, which, we remind you, has been going on for 10 years. ugh. and, probably , it would be logical to also say that this week, while you and i did not see each other on the air, a fairly large-scale all-ukrainian collection for sea drones, which have already
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received the name cbaby, was launched, now the whole of ukraine is actually collecting for them, why we about them we remember because it's about the black sea itself, it hints at trouble for the black sea fleet of the russian federation, which has a base in crimea, and of course, in our beraber project, we can't help but say that, it's a cool thing, because in fact , the biggest successes are here i agree with all the experts, well, who am i to agree that the experts don't, but it's just that even an expert in quotes like me can see it, which is the most effective. whether this past year had been most effective in liberating the black sea, a sea which they considered almost their own, domestically, that is, they are already there , i don’t know, they raided nato countries there, they felt free there, now they are a little not so free, and thanks to these drones, which are very effective, by the way, there are no analogues
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in the russian army such a terrorist drone , this is the know-how, in fact, and the british are already in... learning, it is a slightly different matter that the russians are actually trying to get along and promise to start serial production of not only unmanned aerial vehicles, but also naval drones in particular, drones, but right there yes, as they say, all the salt is in the mastery of application, and here is the combination of moves in the application of various means, this is cool, and so far only the defense forces of ukraine can do it. cool, you know, one more thing i want to add, if it's about drones, we didn't prepare, i didn't know if the best military expert in this studio could even be there, we're going to bring in a really professional military man, well, for me, the best military expert , the military expert closest to me, mrs. khrystyna yatskiv , conducted this conversation, and there is such a recent shoigu
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this so-called ghoul performed. in front of putin, he reported, he lied to him about the fact that they had cleared plasdar there on the left bank of the dnieper, he just lied and lied. and he said there that it is special, so there is such a feature that ah, the ukrainians use heavy drones for supplying ammunition for and also for evacuation, he didn’t say that, i think, but i also know about it, yes, that is, drones use their own. they are bombers, heavy drones, they are also used to supply the necessary products, water and shells, mines, grenades, ammo, etc., i'm very proud that the company, one of the best companies that make these heavy drones, is a company called gurzuve defense, and you know why, because
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my friend, pavlo filblum, who founded this company, and he found a consensus. subscribe to the channel, there are interesting shots, by the way, i always go to defense, ugh, why gorzov, because pavel and i agreed to meet there, we last saw each other in the crimea there, that’s why ukrainian drones are the same beauty and power , as khrystyna yaskiv in our studio, thank you, thank you ayder very much. nice, and you also say that i am a military expert, he just told about super drones, about which, perhaps, somewhere in the public space there was not enough information, but let's generally try to assess the military situation around the black sea, around the crimea with serhii brachuk, the spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army of the south. mr. serhiy, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, glory to the armed forces, welcome to the studio,
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glad to see you, friends, greetings. i will allow myself to begin with the news, a very cautious one, which comes to us from... the german bundestag, yehor cherniev, people's deputy of ukraine , reported yesterday that there was a vote on the recommendation to provide ukraine with long -range systems for delivering pinpoint strikes deep in the rear of the russian aggressor. cherniv says that we are talking about the tauris, although, in my opinion, one could argue here whether this is exactly what the bundestag had in mind in its recommendations, but i will simply remind you that it is the taurus that is currently considered as one. of the main shock forces, which can cause really significant and long-lasting damage to the kerch bridge, which remains the logistical artery of the russians in... crimea, mr. serhiy, do you place your hopes, in particular, on a similar type of weapon, or is it possible that you , in particular, as a person who already knows
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military affairs, have a different vision of what to do with the bridge? well, what to do with the bridge, here we clearly have a common assessment, it is an illegal structure that should be destroyed, demolished, who is so pleased, it pleases my ear more when we say that it is destroyed. actually, if we are talking. about tauros, of course, i don't want our viewers to understand that this is some kind of out there a miracle is a military toy that will appear on the battlefield and the war will end immediately, well, first of all, we are really talking about the fact that the recommendations were voted on, as a military person, i always like the result, you know, i will compare it with the saying of the famous valery vasilievich lobanovsky, about the fact that the game is forgotten, the result remains, actually i am about the result, about the fact that when the... feels the blows, including the tauros , we will of course be happy about it, we will of course talk about it, and actually , you know, today i saw a lot, even
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let's say, the armed menu, which is necessary in order to destroy the crimean bridge, well, first of all, they don't talk about it out loud, in fact, if they already said, then how many taurus are needed, how many atakams and so on and so forth, actually, i wouldn't be in such a hurry. this is, first of all, because war is war, war is a cruel and serious matter, so no one will talk about it, how the bridge will be destroyed, but the most important thing is that it will be destroyed in time. and actually, returning to taurus, of course, i want to as soon as possible they were used. moreover, if we are talking about our native, temporarily occupied crimea, we understand very well that we are talking not only about the bridge, we are talking about control points, command control points, we are talking about secret facilities. quite significant in the defense capability system of the russian occupier in the temporarily occupied territory of crimea. actually, we are talking about the black sea fleet, which really needs to finish a lot of work,
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then of course the taurs will not harm us, they will come in handy, because command points, and there are also underground ones, they must be destroyed, and it was a good such weapon, but everything must be integrated, and the enemy must actually feel this work of these missiles, everything must be real. and there should be drones , both heavy and light, about which we are talking , well, actually, as the saying is already known by now, there are not many drones, so we will wait for the result, we will wait for the votes, the decisions of the relevant authorities, in particular, the chancellor of germany, but still once i want to remind the audience, perhaps also experts, colleagues, including that no taurus is on the border, for example, to meet with there won't be an orchestra, they will start... to work and then we will actually find out about it, this is absolutely correct, and if we are talking about our sea, then the enemy is certainly monitoring that we may have something new there, and i
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hope that this all together , it will help us to really bring the stage of demilitarization of crimea to its logical conclusion, it is currently taking place, and we are talking about the fact that in crimea, in particular, in the black sea, ukraine is conducting offensive, i emphasize, offensive actions. this is not a counterattack, a counterattack is a response to the corresponding ones offensive actions of the enemy , we are attacking in the black sea, and you can see that we are using the rich arsenal that we have today, which we could only dream of in the 22nd year, and actually without inflated expectations, there is still a lot of work, there is a constant missile threat , missile carriers are at sea, even in novorossiya, there is a lot of work, but god willing , there will be taurus and everything else, and then we will meet in gurzuf, i agree... and i want to join you too, oh, sergey, i invite you, i i even know where it is, there is such a beautiful embankment there, and you are friends there, just let's be careful, because
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we already had people who wanted to drink coffee on the embankment , we still have to be more careful with our statements, we're not talking about that now, but serhiy, listen to what i wanted to ask, of course, it's not something like that wonder weapon, so nothing is a wonder weapon. and such hopes, they are a bit childish, but here, in principle , f-16, multi-purpose aircraft, which are not supposed to change the course of the war, but at least this week there was a meeting of the president, was soon to fly to us together with our pilots ... a rate which f-16 was dedicated to their future use, terms of delivery there and
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conditions of their service there. and i would like to hear from mr. serhiy what, in reality, the change in the situation looks like along the front line, and maybe behind it, in connection with the fact that, actually, once again, president zelenskyi said that dominance in the air in there will be no russia after we get these f-16s, even locally. our pilots will return, yes, but at the same time i read such information that russia has at its disposal 100 planes, fighters , attack planes, etc., well, small ones, i don’t mean transport ones, there are even more of them, together with them, but that is, we are not supplied with so much, even if everything that was promised comes and on time and will service well,
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so much. it won't be like the russians, because , in what way do you think, sergey, we will dominate the air and squeeze the russians out of it, well, first of all, we will relieve the tension, i am sure of it, again, without rushing ahead, everything should be and take place on the battlefield, in fact, then we will see the results, the russian aviation will be pushed back, they really have a lot of it, that is why the air force is doing a huge job, they are actually being destroyed. for every day, if you take russian planes on average, and they are quite modern, quite powerful, then they have a lot of them, and even 7-10 destroyed planes there, unfortunately, do not fundamentally affect the situation with russian planes, but on the other hand, we we are talking about the line of battle, we are talking about the fact that the cabins that are used, actually, these are two more trump cards in fact in russia, of course, this is aviation and this
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cannon fodder, a lot of it. this is what russia uses, and in such a way pushes us out of our certain territories, that we are forced somewhere, as on the example of avdiyivka, to withdraw to some other positions, and have tactical advances in other directions, unfortunately, including, again , this is without treason, this is war, the situation is dynamic, it is changing, in fact, literally these minutes, so by pushing back enemy aviation, we reduce the pressure of the weapons themselves. aviation, precisely those cabs that simply erase everything is on the ground, they are hitting our positions, and accordingly, these are our losses, both in equipment and most importantly in people, when there will be such parity, even if we get close to it, these are also the strikes of our aviation on the front edge of the enemy, i i hope it will also be strikes and a little deeper to the rear, let's say, base points, today it
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is happening, but it is not enough. well , in actual air battles, our pilots have proven since the 22nd year, especially here in the south, that they can destroy enemy pilots and enemy equipment even on those old soviet planes for heaven's sake, i hope it will be like that this time , it will still be easier, in any case , the direction is absolutely correct and we need to move it a little, we need more, we need to be timely, this is the most important thing, so that the situation with artillery shells does not repeat itself. that tsetsyanka's promises, in fact today we have , accordingly, an artillery famine in one direction or another, this is really a problem, and it is good that the generals took up the matter, i am primarily talking about the general who is still performing his duties, in particular the president of the czech republic, peter pavel found the solution very quickly, or he has it mature, let's say this, as far as we know, canada will give money, finance it, and we will have
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more shells, at least now... my colleagues calculated, which i also trust as experts, including that this amount is enough for us today there, well, about 150 , 160 days in order to defend ourselves, we are not talking about offensives now, these are about inflated expectations, it goes without saying that tomorrow we will receive these shells and be near moscow, unfortunately this will not happen, but actually another situation, when there are a lot of military facilities on the territory of the russian federation, you can hit them, i am not... in general, a strict supporter of the fact that they should be hit, in fact, i think, like you, that there is an enemy, even stoltenberg, the secretary general of nato says that if ukraine receives f-16, then actually working on the territory of the russian federation is absolutely, as they say, legal for our country. it is absolutely true, and in fact, i am talking about this , so, well, you see, we and the secretary general of nato, as well as you, move with blowers, at least in common such movements.


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