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tv   [untitled]    February 25, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EET

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we will have more shells, at least now my colleagues have calculated, which i also trust as experts, including that this amount will be enough for us there today, well, for about 150, 160 days to defend ourselves. we are not talking about offensives now, these are about inflated expectations, it goes without saying that tomorrow we will receive these shells and be near moscow, unfortunately this will not happen, but actually there is a different situation, when there are a lot of military facilities on the territory of the russian federation . you can beat them, i am generally a strict supporter of the fact that you should beat them, actually i think, like you, and my enemy, even jend stoltenberg, the secretary general of nato, says that if ukraine receives in 16, then actually working on the territory of the russian federation is absolutely, as they say, legal for our country, absolutely true, and actually i'm talking about this, so you see, we and the nsec of nato, as well as you , move in our thoughts, at least in common such things. in the joint goal, yes, mr. serhiy, i
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still can't help but ask, in fact, such dubious information has appeared, as the ukrainian military is already refuting, well at least they say that they do not observe any superactivity there, the so-called transnistria, and this is february 28, when they allegedly, perhaps, should have turned to the russian federation, about joining there, you are a person who knows our ukrainian, odesa region very well , in particular, yes, this, well, that is, you and i have talked about this many times, what is this throw in for, because it is actually also about the proximity to our black sea in general, about the situation in the northwestern part of the black sea, about odeschyna, about our ukrainian south, why in your opinion, such information appears, and as far as it is possible, well, in my opinion , it is quite logical. strangely enough, and
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it is quite simple to explain, these informational throws are for raising, again, the degree of information, because, as far as the battlefield is concerned, we can see that the degree has already been raised to the maximum, by the way, i will now mention such a medvedev's house, no matter how we feel about it, we understand very well that it is through his mouth that putin's thoughts and dreams are voiced there, again for odesa. they mentioned this topic of odessa again, again transnistria, unrecognized, which is the occupied territory of the republic of moldova, in fact , informationally, this degree is increasing, i can even admit, although there are no such confirmations and our main intelligence agency said about it that there will be a meeting of these deputies, it is unclear who they are there, thieves in law or something, that they will make decisions there, well, they will make decisions, they will shout... there putin will enter vaiska, i
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say the opposite, we said in the 22nd year, please, there will be an landing on teraspil , how it will end, we perfectly understand, ours the capabilities of air defense systems will simply go astray, that's why the situation is really informationally heated, we don't notice any special movements here in the south, in fact, to reassure everyone, my dear friends, you understand, from our side the situation is the first to be controlled in ukraine. enough forces and means to respond to any provocation, including an armed one, and ukraine has acted and will act within the framework of international law, this is also clear, and moldova also wishes to resolve the issue with its temporarily occupied territories, in what way, this is an internal matter of the republic of moldova, but they have, i think , normal, adequate consultants who can tell you how to act and most importantly...
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how effective serhiy is, let me ask you a short question, don't you think that they simply in this way further distract the attention of our command and simply keep us from keeping more, more troops there, for example, i will answer very simply, and we understand that including, uh, thank you, thank you very much, serhiy bratchuk, spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer of the southern army, was in touch with us about the situation in general in the south of ukraine, a person who knows crimea and the situation well. to the black sea, i will only add that the enemy continues to use the north of our occupied peninsula for concentration and transfer of forces, for work on the front line in the mainland south , wagnerites were spotted in dzhankoya, and we are very grateful to the atesh movement, which regularly informs us about quite interesting things and trends in the russian army, so they are partially integrated into it, are also civil. activists,
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public activists who covertly conduct surveillance, wagnerites in jankoi regularly go to the front line , probably in order to... mythically take the blame, this is what shaigu told putin himself, although i don’t understand what this lie was for, listen , they live in their own world, you will never understand this, because such lies are welcome here, and there are such lies, in principle, maybe they will declare that they returned kherson in this way, well, that is, i in general, i really don't understand, i'm sorry, she still knows english, it's not possible, by the way, we we follow let's say so, according to the new norms of the law on language on television, and therefore we do not apply too much, exclusively ukrainian, and well, by the way, we will also mention the international mother language day on february 21 after the break, but for now we will rest a little and
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give it to you. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the korabelny district of kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. we continue the joint project of the tv channel and. we are talking about the atr tv channel together beraber crimea is still occupied. today we are talking about the second anniversary of the russian federation's large-scale invasion of ukraine. today we are talking about the 10th anniversary of the actual start of russia's armed aggression against ukraine. it all
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started in crimea on february 20, 2014. and on february 21, ukraine not only celebrates the international mother language day, but also for many people. in our native country there is not only the ukrainian language, for crimean tatar friends, it is definitely the crimean tatar language. when we talk about crimea in general, it is important not to forget that karaites and krymchaks are considered to be indigenous peoples there, the preservation of their languages ​​now actually requires maddening efforts, sometimes these efforts are made exclusively by that small, extremely small circle. people who are representatives, well, you know, we have the bitter truth to say that during the stay of crimea under the power of the russian empire, the crimean people, well, to be honest , in principle, these are crimean-speaking peoples, and the languages
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​​are very similar, there are nuances related to religious differences, and so in principle, for example, the karaite language is known by 25 people in the world, that is, in fact... in fact , she was killed, i read a book, well, as i read, i saw a book in ukrainian, with latin graphics, and it is actually similar to the south coast dialect or a variant of the crimean language, that is, i, unfortunately, have never read texts in the krymchak language, but my grandmother has vosfia, who was 15 years old when they were exiled. well, it’s clear when and how, and so karasov bazaar, which currently has the name biloghirsk, and many karaites lived there, crimeans, crimeans, they lived together and they spoke, they did not speak russian, that is , in big cities it was like this, in their small city
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they did not, they communicated with each other in crimean terms, in fact it was the only one, i say only with some religious nuances, and to revive in the principle is necessary, that is , the revival of the crimean language. the revival of the crimean and krymchak languages, and here we just need to publish books that will mention some nuances, historical, cultural, cultural heritage, and most interestingly, what concerns the karaites through the peculiarities of the settlement of the karaites in ukraine, in general, and i will remind you that the buildings of the karaite cinemas can be found both in kyiv and in western ukraine, but the karaite language had both a crimean dialect and a galician dialect, and galician is actually considered dead. among other things, she takes care of the preservation of the crimean language, and they had a cell in melitopol, which is interesting, well, we understand, we got caught again,
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well, listen, i want to tell such a story, maybe the audience will be interested too, i know one of the most, with one with me not i know how to say it correctly, the most experienced. of female diplomats of lithuania, this is mrs. halyna, i just forgot her last name, you can go for a walk, she was the first lady ambassador in finland and in estonia, lithuania became independent after. before the soviet union, i was at her house, and i was at her house, by the way, she is a karaim woman , absolutely, absolutely without, well, just a karaim woman there in some generation, and there are several hundred of them living in lithuania, and among them there are people who don't speak much but speak the karim language and she translated the little prince anton desentura, in retirement there is a polish grant, translation of translations into the languages ​​of small nations. and she made this translation, i actually saw it and spoke with her, she is from the crimea, that is, the lithuanian crimean karaimos, they
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all got there at the same time at the invitation of vytautas a long, long time ago, and this is absolutely, that is, the lithuanians are not for nothing, our fraternal people, they are first of all, by the way, and because of the crimea and the relations with the kyiv principality, this was also the case and even before the foundation of kyiv, they were lithuanians, so we don't know much. we are so connected in fact, it's crazy simple, crazy, i know, i saw grisya remember about this mother tongue day, i want them, there is no one alive anymore, i want to apologize to my great-grandparents, parents, grandmothers, great-grandmothers, great-grandfathers, then because i don't know the crimean language well, i almost don't know it, that is, i know the words, i understand what it's about, but i can only say the simplest sentence, well, i can say something good about mrs. khrystyna, about telekt. ..
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i speak a lot of ukrainian, i.e. even 20% 10 does not have that possession that speaks the native language, forgive me my ancestors, i will make amends someday, well, now we will talk, more precisely, raise a number of issues with the legal back, i will probably start with the topic that we promised you in the last issue of the special project. raber about the former governor of occupied sevastopol, dmytro ovsyannikov. i will simply remind you that already in 2022, when russian aggression was large-scale against ukraine, he somehow managed to get the sanctions of the european union lifted and his withdrawal from this sanction list. he got there, obviously, because he was a representative of the occupation administration of sevastopol, and the most interesting thing is that... the court motivated its decision by the fact that, well, he ceased to be one. well, he also took into account the fact that he is ukrainian, he is
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a citizen of ukraine. he didn't come here with the passport that was given to him in crimea, right? i don't know what he went with, but he was detained in great britain, and literally on february 20, a meeting was held to elect him what is called a preventive measure in our country, so i will remind you that royal court of the district. zerk at the court hearing, in fact found out that in addition to russian, he also has british citizenship, such an ex-governor, a russian patriot, as they say, under the terms of the bail that was assigned to him, the british and russian passports remain with the law enforcement officers, samsyanikov has observe a curfew from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m., stay at home with an electronic bracelet, and report to the police every day. in britain, i.e. not in the european union, he is in principle suspected of violating sanctions,
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i apologize, i must have confused him, he was not a citizen of ukraine, is this ovsyannikov or not? you know, if i was, if i was, they all kept, kept their ukrainian passports, they know how everything will end, they disguise themselves, mimic things there, that is, we know this type of people, the governor of sevastopol, he was from 17 from the 19th to the 19th year, that is, for two years, it is obvious which state and political figure expelled from the united russia party in the 20th year was removed from office after the scandal at the izhevsk airport well, what are the scandals at the katsapsky airports, my god , i have no idea, i am worried about our ukrainian crimea, i am worried about the person who actually carried out the russian occupation, served her and she actually got out of any european punishment. that khrystyna is not a british judge, i am sure that the british do not give up, but there is, the question is big. let's
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talk now about other topics, in particular about the ongoing oppression in crimea. unfortunately, we are talking about lotvi yazodieva, who this week presented a very neat column for newsweek edition, thank you, by the way, to this publication, which is interested in crimean topics in general, but if. lotvie is in crimea, she is a human rights activist with crimean solidarity, an educated, intelligent person. who, to the best of her ability, tries to fight for people who are experiencing oppression, and now she obviously needs support as well. viktoria nesterenko, project manager of the human rights center zmina, is in touch with us. congratulations, victoria. glory to ukraine. words to the heroes. a few words about the case and maybe about some information that we have
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regarding lotvii azodieva, she just wrote that she has to ... sleep dressed, always have her things packed, because she really cannot rule out that russian security forces, law enforcement officers will not come to her one day and do what they are doing in relation to ukrainians and crimean tatars for 10 years in crimea, and it happened, and it happened, what can we say about this case? unfortunately, unfortunately, it is so, and it is not the first time, because yesterday these people from the counter-extremism center visited her. and before that she had already been detained twice and this one had been awarded to her twice administrative administrative fines, and yesterday actually it was supposed to be an inspection, but in fact they searched her home, unfortunately, during the search, they took some
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things there, it's a recorder, video surveillance, all phones, flash drives and... a laptop and also during this search, her lawyers were not allowed, that is, they came, but , unfortunately, they were not allowed, eh, and lutfiya was also given two protocols, one protocol for the fact that in one of the posts on facebook she did not indicate that hisbut tahrir is terrorist the organization is recognized in russia, and there is a different protocol where it... referred to the rfe/rl article, it did not indicate that this organization is a foreign agent, because a few days ago in russia this organization was put on the list of undesirables, uh, that is, ms. victoria , what do you think they lead to and how you can, well , i don't know, it's an occupation, it's clear that it's a big risk, it's a great honor and respect for
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mrs. lutfie, that she can actually be in danger, and that... we what to do in fact, this is another attempt by the russian occupation authorities to intimidate, as well as lutfia and other law enforcers in crimea, because we see that at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the occupation authorities in crimea are trying to put pressure on law enforcers, to put pressure on lawyers, several lawyers have already had their lawyer's licenses taken away and they cannot. to carry out advocacy activities, and actually, what we should do is only testify to all these cases, talk about them, speak at an international audience, call on the international community to put pressure on the occupation authorities, and on the authorities in russia, so that to stop and force to stop these
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persecutions of civil society, which is against the occupation, and... you know, after what putin did to his opponent there, he actually killed alexei navalny, we do not treat him very well, but this political murder and the murder of a political prisoner, yes, that is , there are several dozen in the same conditions, almost no one mentions them, well, except for us in the world, but there are hundreds of such people, and much less is written about them. uh, they say, etc. and i don't know how to raise this topic of the crimean people there are even more political prisoners at the international level, maybe it will be done there, i don't know, on february 26 in connection with the anniversary of the day of resistance to the occupation of crimea, but i am very, to be honest, afraid for our people, and now they are
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just , i apologize for such a long preface. that in fact the reich has already been built there and no one is ashamed to do anything, in fact a person who falls into their hands falls into the hands of absolute power over himself, there are no safeguards there, what do you think? in fact it is, and it seems to me that this one the dynamics of repression and persecution will continue to intensify, because of course these are all persecutions. during these 10 years of occupation, law enforcement officers recorded many different violations of human rights and violations of international law in the occupied crimea, and at the expense of... political prisoners, we all know the conditions they are in, these are terrible inhumane conditions, this is inhumane treatment , this is torture, torture,
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this is not the provision of medical assistance, in fact, this is a continuation of the genocide of the crimean tatars, which happened a long time ago, because, as far as we know, since the beginning of 2023 , two political prisoners have died in places of non-freedom, and the occupation authorities of russia are trying to further imprison elderly people, people with disabilities, for rather long terms, that is 15-18 years of imprisonment, that is, people are still in such conditions, and they simply may not live to the moment when they will be released. please tell me, actually we have been for some time. we live after the international court of the un in the hague announced the decision in the case in which ukraine accused the russian federation of violating of two international conventions
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on the fight against the financing of terrorism and on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination, and to be honest, we still did not understand until the end what basic assessment can be given to this decision, it is very half-hearted, and not everyone like us from ukraine the positions of the demands of our country were absolutely fair. taken into account , please tell me exactly what practical consequences this decision will have, if possible, briefly. actually, i'm not an expert in international law, but we're all realists, and i think it's obvious that these decisions of the international court, they did not live up to the expectations that our diplomats and our lawyers were counting on, so... i think that it is not appropriate at all, and maybe our diplomats will take it into account in the future and will look for some
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other mechanisms to to influence russia in some way and to bring it to justice, because that viktoria, thank you, viktoria nesterenko, the project manager of the center for human rights zmina was in touch with us, and i would like to... just add for sure , relying on and often blaming our international partners, international courts , in some decisions we have to pull our own legal strap, as they say, sometimes and not forget that we have fundamental obligations to indigenous peoples in particular, and here the cabinet of ministers of ukraine is delaying the decision a little ryfat chubar says about establishing the legal status of the medjalis of the crimean tatar people as a representative body of the indigenous people. the head of the mezhelis, that is, in fact, the mezhelis operates, it exists, but there is a legal basis for it functioning is a shameful situation, it is ancient
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and shameful, it does not become less shameful because of the term that continues, let's try to talk about it next time and invite mr. rifat personally, maybe he will be able to, thank you for your attention, thank you, it was a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the atp tv channel. together, beraber, we will continue to keep our finger on the pulse, be with crimea. so, oleksandr pavlyuk, first deputy minister of defense, lieutenant general, hero of ukraine. congratulations. good evening. since we are recording our conversation shortly before on the second anniversary of the full-scale russian invasion, i wanted to start with the following retrospective question: and when you, because you
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headed the headquarters of the joint forces operation in the east two years ago, it became clear that a full-scale war was inevitable, that is, it was possible some kind of telegram or other communication , how was it? and combined forces, i was appointed back in july of the 21st year. well , after conducting the analysis, already in the autumn there was a very high probability, we understood that there would be a full-scale war, its scale was still difficult to understand, but that it was at least will seize the territory of the luhansk donetsk region, it was obvious, because we also analyzed the actions of the enemy, his corresponding preventive measures, his intelligence functions that he performs. are they on the territory along the entire line of contact, along the border, well, all the signs were that we would meet the enemy and
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not only the tsr. as well as from the territory of russia, that is why we already started in the autumn or so to carry out certain actions in order to successfully meet and make the maximum impression on him, understanding that the ratio of forces and means was and will not be in our favor, but we have everything there were absolutely no options, we had to persevere, because the whole of ukraine was behind us. therefore, for five months we were roughly preparing to repulse a full-scale aggression , already in january and february we received relevant telegrams from the main intelligence agency, where it was assumed that such an option was possible, and for the month of february we did, i think , as much as possible to meet one the enemy, in principle, all positions were strengthened as much as possible, calculated and... all
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possible options of action were lost, all reserves were moved , we conducted training twice at least full -scale, already the day before, despite the fact that a lot of such local training was carried out, and this in principle played its possible decisive role, that on the first day, when the attack was made on all the command centers, on all the control points, on all the places , where there was supposed to be a concentration of our troops and warehouses, they passed into an empty place. in the first days, the general staff informed that 90 battalion-tactical groups had entered the territory of ukraine. if you remember, which part of these forces was used exactly in the area of ​​your responsibility. well, i certainly don't i will say that in addition to the first and second army corps, lpr, dpr, there were also units of the first
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tank army. of the 20th tank army and the eighth combined arms army of the enemy, that is , the advantage was huge, there is information in open sources that the grouping of the first or second army corps was about 35,000, and according to your estimates, in fact, how many tens of thousands of people personnel units, which were engaged against you at the time, how many of them there were, if we take only the grouping of the first or second corps, 3,500 it was before the mobilization began, they called up at least as many, who went to what i have already told you, to strengthen the front line in order to constrain our actions, everything that was in them capable of combat, which during the eight for years, it conducted combat operations and was capable of active combat, it was the backbone of those strike groups that struck in
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the luhansk region and in the direction. we actually talked about the capabilities of these hulls with you when we spoke two years ago in an interview, and then you said that these hulls by themselves are not capable of carrying a significant threat, and i would like to ask already after two years, what has turned out in practice, how have they performed, perhaps in comparison with the russian troops, what can you say about them? i will say yes, they did not live up to the trust. on which they relied on the russian occupation troops, even when they were reinforced directly by russian regular units, they could not fulfill all the tasks set, but they fought it quite powerfully, and i will say that it was not easy for us, given the huge advantage and
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complete control air. you yourself understand that to hold the line of defense when you are being beaten from all sides, and you expect a 360° attack, it is very difficult, well, i will say, our people did a miracle, they did a real feat, because no one expected that in such a state, with such we will be able to withstand the advantage and... we still hold a lot of things that were at the beginning of the war. the most dangerous thing was the luhansk part of our defense, because the enemy was advancing from the south, from the north, and from the east, and those brigades were surrounded, because in reality the forces of means to stop there was no onslaught from three sides, but those reserves that were, we put forward along the border...
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that's just luck.


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