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tv   [untitled]    February 25, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EET

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during this month, the battles were so wiped out that 30-40% remained. was it a surprise to you that they left? first of all, it was a surprise for us, because we thought that they would still go to the end. as they say, there was no step on their part to withdraw the troops, there was a panic flight to our territory. in my opinion, simply by analyzing the strength of the means they have at that time. and it was necessary to choose what to do, whether to finish the operation in the east, or to concentrate everything on kyiv, but since they could not finish the east, because it was the main goal that was declared was the liberation, as it is called, of luhansk and donetsk oblasts, therefore all resources were thrown there, and those units that were withdrawn from kyiv oblast after regrouping for staffing also. went there, and some of
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the east went there, then he was more or less capable of fighting. did you have any estimate of how long you could hold the defense, given the supplies you had? you know, we, in principle, understanding that a full-scale invasion is very likely, and with active hostilities, well, several months were possible hold on, that's how it is in principle and you. it was around may, we began to run out of soviet-style ammunition, which was in our stock at that time, and therefore we hoped that help from the west would come very quickly, unfortunately, it was not so, and we lost many of the most trained guys, who kept the enemy with their lives when there was insufficient ammunition. we, if we received
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ammunition in time, these losses were much less, as now, when we again have a certain problem in ammunition, for each the day we receive less aid is the day we lose our heroes, so the leadership of the country is doing everything to ensure that as much as possible for... to ensure that everything is done to ensure that the troops receive ammunition, if you look at the armies that are in europe, i don't think they are capable of taking such actions against such an army, and everyone hopes for collective security in the nato system, that's why the security of our country has become such a problem that there is no... it does not have what we
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need , when millions of ammunition are needed ukrainian in order to deter the enemy, and even more so to conduct appropriate opening actions, you already mentioned that there is a need for ammunition, but what, you communicate a lot with foreign representatives, what they say, do they have understanding, that support is needed for a long time and a large amount of resources, at least in terms of communication, and are you ready? is it to provide? and i will say this: we communicate both with the military and with civilians, and the understanding of all partners is that ukraine needs to be helped, that in the fate of the entire civilized world is decided in ukraine, and how the war in ukraine ends depends on the future, the future life, of europe. the future world order
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, that is why there is a vision that ukraine should be helped , the second issue of capacity is another, to what extent it will be able, to what extent there are relevant necessary resources, this issue is being resolved, we are working all over the world to find the resource that our armies need, to paraphrase, can you say approximately when it will become easier on the... road, well, given the lack of ammunition, unfortunately, i would i would like to receive such an answer, it does not depend on us, the war is moving into another phase, a phase where unmanned vehicles fight, and without a human, there will be no success, there will be no real action, without a soldier who will not fulfill his task, won't come
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the enemy position will not be destroyed by all who are there, while the drones can contribute as much as possible to this means, but the percentage of destruction. is very different from what it was at the beginning of the war and now, in recent months, the percentage of destruction by unmanned means in general about 70% intact, but again there is also ammunition, the biggest problem besides anti-aircraft defense and equipment, especially artillery, that is why there are a lot of requests, given that we are... new units, we must constantly replenish those units that lead hostilities , so there are a lot of requests, unfortunately, we cannot provide everything, this is not an opportunity, not only for our country, our partners, and
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one clarification regarding the bill on mobilization, within the framework of the ministry of defense , the ministry must provide, and obviously intensifying the mobilization, since it does not stop, will require more resources. from the side of the ministry of defense, are there stocks, let's say, to provide for several hundred thousand people, this is equipment, equipment, weapons and such other demopodii? the ministry of defense is working on this issue, i think that not a single mobilized person will go to the combat zone, unequipped, unprepared, unsecured, we are very meticulous about this, especially now to the training of personnel, people. which goes to war must gain experience, practice to be ready for action. regarding the issue of equipment and weapons, the question does not stand at all, so i think we will solve this issue. the second question is about technology, about large-caliber ammunition,
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these are the questions we are studying and working on. sure, thanks, that's all. thank you for the interview. thank you. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about the war, about ukraine, about the world, and about our victory. today in the program. payment for aggression and murder. usa. introduced more than 500 new sanctions against russia for the war in ukraine and the death of navalny. the european union also announced its package of sanctions. new missiles and upgraded nuclear weapons. the kremlin threatens the west with nuclear war, and ukraine with the capture of kyiv and odesa. how far
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can putin go? transnistrian separatists can ask russia. moldova is concerned about the preparation of an appeal to putin from the self-proclaimed republic. about this and other things. over the course of the next hour , we will speak with the diplomat and former ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america, valery chaly. in the second part, we will have a journalist club of maryna danylyuk yarmalayeva, maria gurska and yanina sokolova. however, before we start our big conversation, i suggest you watch a video of how hymers restores order in the kherson region, near the settlement of mykhailivka. all air reconnaissance units adjusted their fire on the russian strela-10 air defense system and the 9a331 combat vehicle of the tor m1 complex. let's see.
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and literally just now there was a message that another russian a50 plane was shot down over the sea of ​​azov, literally a month ago, remember our ... air force shot down a similar plane, this is a plane, a flying radar, you see a russian plane on fire in the krasnodar territory, it ... fell just on the other side of the sea of ​​azov, and such a gift, the main intelligence office, the ministry of defense and the defense forces did to the russian occupiers. friends, in the course of our program, we are conducting a survey and today we ask you about the following: should zelensky run for the presidency of ukraine again? yes no. please vote on youtube, everything is quite simple there, either yes or no, your choice answers, or please leave your comment under this video, if you are sitting in front of the tv and watching us live on
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tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think that zelensky should run for the presidency of ukraine again (0800-211-381 ), no 0800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, call and valery should be in touch with us. diplomat, ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america in 2015-19 , chairman of the board of the ukrainian crisis media center. mr. valery, i am you congratulations, thank you for being with us today. i congratulate you. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. so, mr. valery, today the united states of america announced the introduction of more than 500 sanctions, well 500 points, i mean, sanctions against the russian federation and new export restrictions against almost 100 organizations the day before. on the second anniversary of russia's large-scale invasion of ukraine and after the death of alexei navalny,
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the sanctions are aimed at making putin pay an even greater price for his aggression abroad and repression at home, the statement said of the president of the united states of america, joseph biden, which was released by the white house. in your opinion, mr. valery, what sanctions could be too painful for russia, and why are they so? at the time , the united states of america had not yet imposed painful sanctions against the russians. if we talk about the introduction of sanctions, this is one of the elements of pressure on the economy of the aggressor's country, and it is connected with the fact that, this is what we hear in stages, some separate ones, with the fact that in general it is a violation of the statute and the second article of the statute the un is the third. i am essentially dragging along an embargo, that is, a total ban on trade,
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due to the fact that russia, which has no right to be in the un right now, because we know that it took over this place after the soviet union, it blocks it all, and therefore there is no embargo, and here we see the constant introduction of some packages dedicated to something, firstly , it is positive that it is and... still, sanctions play their role, the second point is that the policy on sanctions has not really changed, you see, they are introduced in batches, predict some kind of answer, in fact exactly that tying the sanctions to some subsequent violations, well, in this case, they actually tied it to part of the sanctions in connection with the murder of a political opponent in russia, navalny, by the way, if anyone didn't mind... but this is a serious signal for everything of the world, which should already lead
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to recognition in the usa, at least in russia, as a country that sponsors terrorism, and in general, well , it’s about time, if earlier they said no, it will create problems there, i think that such an action would be would be much more significant than all these sanctions, why, because sanctions have been introduced, many of them are circumvented, we can see this from what is coming to us. and unfortunately, there are fresh shipments of chips, fresh parts, including american ones, so the more important, more important task now is to close the loopholes in those countries that allow the russians to circumvent sanctions, this is firstly, secondly, after all to such countries as india in particular , for example, which receives russian petroleum products, then processes and sells them in the usa in the form of already processed oil, and sells oil, petroleum products, well, such things must somehow be closed, because i think
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that everyone perfectly understands that these loopholes must be closed, and there are certain exceptions even in the usa that they do not want to introduce, because it hits not only the aggressor, but also hits very hard some sensitive sectors in them, well, for example, they still get this uranium from there and many other things, so i would say that the issue here is not a change of approach. it is necessary not to add time or any subsequent violations, it is necessary to conduct an anticipatory policy of maximum blocking, where you have already prepared, there is really no in, well... there are economic losses, we we understand this, but we, ukrainians, ukraine invest more in countering this aggression in europe, i.e. people's lives, so all these explanations should be left in the past, what we are losing there economically, we need to be where we are ready without really such already serious if you lose your side, you need to exert maximum pressure there
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and concentrate on time, therefore you need to change approaches, change before the introduction of time, volumes. the introduction of sanctions, well, they are already overdue for nuclear energy, russia is developing dew there, it just feels very easy for in all directions, i.e. it is ripe for the same lng over there to europe, well, there are many such things that should have been introduced yesterday, well, unfortunately, unfortunately, there are problems here, but all the same, we must say that, after all, there are no less signals are sent to moscow in such a way that there will be no... intervention from such a policy, well, mr. valery, you mentioned india, which processes russian oil, and then transports oil products to the united states of america, for the americans it is no secret , i understand correctly, they clearly understand what kind of oil it is, and well i think that they accurately calculate the amount of oil produced in the world and perfectly understand who forms this
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market, that is, well, they deliberately buy from india the oil products that are available. in fact, by russians, there, in my opinion, 13 million tons of oil or something like that per year, if i am not mistaken, well , you know, as a ukrainian, i would like to change all this, well, at least the explanation is always that what is not falls under the sanctions policy, it is allowed, what is not prohibited is allowed, well, this is the story, it should be completely the opposite, i say that such such an attack in europe on... the country and the previous decisions of the un and the un security council, this embargo is complete without any exceptions, without the exception of countries , a global embargo, unfortunately, it was not possible to achieve this, and for this we have such a gradual line, russia, let 's face it, they are adapting to this, so the situation there is not improving, but
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two years of adaptation, in two years of a full-scale war, they have already adapted, found workarounds. somewhere there they took cover with their production, but in the medium term this will destroy their economy, but in our there are not so many years there three to five, we need solutions this year and it's already starting to, you know, not really be as effective as concentrated in time, so everyone understands everything, but look how long, how much... get out of russia , not even all of them have left the russian business until now, they are still there and large funds, unfortunately, did not leave there either immediately, so here are the corporations and ros, there is gazprom, huge amounts of foreign investors have been invested there, well, today i can to say, strategically they have decided, they come out of of russia, but this happens over a long
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period of time, we know cases of such an open nature, where... networks or production of some kind, that is, somehow explaining their line there, continue to earn, in fact, on such a war, in fact, earn on this market, with which others have left, for them it is actually a monopoly, some western companies there, which remain, and i will not say that we have the us here more than anything else, pay attention there, the us , on the contrary, is the leader in the consolidation of the sanctions policy, in fact, mr. valery, on the eve of its introduction. sanctions of the united states america vs. russia joe biden met with the wife of russian opposition leader alexei navalny yulia and his daughter dasha. this is how he commented on this meeting. this morning i had the honor of meeting with the wife and daughter of alexei navalny. obviously, he was a man of incredible courage. and it's amazing how
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his wife and daughter follow suit. we will announce sanctions. in the west, there was a rather sharp reaction to the murder of oleksii navalny by vladimir putin, and there were many statements and assessments of what happened in the russian federation, but we know that part oppositionists are in prison in russia, some are somewhere in europe, in lithuania, latvia. in particular, that is, outside of russia, in your opinion, is the russian opposition in exile able to change russia? of course not. unable, because we have seen it in history, this already happened when its authoritarian regime was dictatorial, well, i will remind you and the same
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period was fascist in nazi germany, that is, at first the repressions unfolded gradually, they first concerned political opponents in fact, then the jews. roma, these are different groups of minorities, people of non-traditional orientation, and so on, and it all started with this, first concentration camps were created for such people, then it turned into systemic politics, and in russia , in principle, the same period was when a lot of them left, well, we can say millions , yes, they left, so in principle , even internally, there are already those forces that were there when they were on bolotnay, at least... it was supposed to be, there is no such thing anymore, and externally they still have no certainty about the strategy, they had
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such a position, i look at it like this, the main one, here putin, his ukraine will break, because in this unjust aggression, well, after that, when putin is defeated, we will return to russia, we will build a new russia, it absolutely does not work in the current... conditions, i am grateful to those russians by the citizenship of those who fight on the side of ukraine, the armed forces of ukraine, and in principle, this is the only effective option that can be said today, even for those who surrender themselves as prisoners and then take up arms, realizing what russian propaganda has done to them, everything everything else is in exile, it is needed, because everything it is still early or... some kind of replacement of the russian regime will be needed, but i will say that there is less hope that changes will take place in the regime itself now, more in such a situation now, well
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, is there any hope for some kind of forecast, it is hypothetical, very small at the moment in let's say the percentage of credibility, but rather now, i think there will be some fragmentation in russia itself and because of... the ineffectiveness of the regime's actions and the inability to withstand the challenges of society on this treaty that as long as we pay you there and you buy products, we can wage war, which we also want to carry out propaganda, but until this model breaks down, i think it is unlikely that these oppositionists in exile will change anything, although i say once again that they are still doing their part of the work, you see... well, well , if i, for example, as a citizen of ukraine, i would like the president of the united states, who is helping ukraine, who is currently promoting the decision from
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the aid package, to meet with the wives and husbands of our fallen soldiers and women and children, who died i would really like it to be navalny, well, with all his roles there, well, he, compared to what... is happening in ukraine, it is completely, completely not the same story, maybe it is hyped up, but individually, yes, it is very hyped up, he has already made his own contribution to history, but the fact that against this background, well, somehow it is not just a tragedy that is being forgotten, what is unfolding is that even more killing of people is unfolding in ukraine, in fact a genocide is being created, even though the international court did not recognize it there, but we see. official russian statements to destroy the ukrainians in essence, that is, to destroy the country, to destroy the ukrainians, i believe that it's much more threatening than
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what's being discussed right now in the white house, these meetings, although they're necessary because in america, you know, there's attention to these individual stories, and we need to think about it, i'd really like now president joseph biden met with our brave women. who are fighting, well, if it is possible there from the point of view of the situation, i think it is possible to find a solution, with our wounded, who , including in the united states, are being treated, that is, such, such, in my opinion, balance impressions are not enough now , you already mentioned the statements, which testify to the intentions of the russian leadership to destroy ukraine and ukrainians, and this week there was also a statement. from dmitry medvedev, the deputy head of the security council of the russian federation, who said that kyiv is a russian city and
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that they will take it sooner or later. odesa is a russian city and we don't understand what kind of state ukraine is and it's not clear who ukrainians are, if someone is there to be against their policy, then they can get nuclear weapons and hit kiev and berlin and around london, that is he said a lot, and putin continued medvedev's rhetoric in greeting the so -called defender of the fatherland, the russian dictator declared that russia has almost 100% upgraded its strategic nuclear weapons. let's listen to what putin said. taking into account real combat experience, we will continue to comprehensively strengthen the armed forces, ensure their constant technical re-equipment and modernization. today , the share of modern weapons and equipment in the strategic nuclear forces has already reached 90.
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tests of other shock weapons are being completed complexes by the way, joe biden once again called him a son of a bitch, a madman who went mad, and is there, in your opinion, mr. valery, some... who will avoid this madness and the implementation of these crazy ideas that putin has and medvedeva. well, if we talk about these statements again there with a nuclear club, then the first thing i will say is that what makes bears is a completely different story, it is the story of the formation of a parallel world, and there is its own theory of management, when he, he performs
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a specific role in the information spacious, it's... different, well, sometimes they send some signals, but not ukrainians, so, frankly speaking, there is not much of that, well, if he was named, it seems that the official spokesman of the euro commission already said that he needs to see a psychiatrist, well already, if in brussels they say that medvedev needs to see a psychiatrist, then, unfortunately, there is nothing for us to discuss here either, but regarding what putin declares, first of all, let the specialists speak, but... we have already seen this story in the 22nd year, this is the unfolding of all these threats. the first thing i'll tell you is no being a great detailed expert in nuclear weapons, i can definitely tell you, and not only these specialists know that, without tests, nuclear warheads, or any, as he says, one hundred percent re-equipment is out of the question, there were no tests, for well,
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if i don't wash'. since 1996, if i am not mistaken in the world, therefore, without this, without the fact that there was first a test of a nuclear warhead on some test site, well, there, in russia, it is impossible to talk about the fact that there is any effectiveness there, if he is talking about carriers , about rockets, then there too the problems are serious in them, which means that his statements that sounded there many years ago, he thinks that we already know. he bluffed in some ways, lied in some ways, but there was some truth in all of this, so do not underestimate the fact that russia invests resources, which, unfortunately, we talked to you about, they have financial resources, unfortunately, this also happens with strategic bombers, that is, they do it , they continue to produce, i emphasize it again, the media, i can see from the media that some things are happening, especially in
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the preparation of the war ee... in ukraine large-scale, to talk about the fact that they have changed something radically in terms of the ability to threaten specifically with nuclear warheads, strategic, tactical, well , unfortunately, for them and fortunately for us, we do not have to, so we do not need to participate in the promotion of this new stage of threats from russia. first of all, we know that there were collusive conversations between the chinese leader and the russian and china, it is not beneficial for china to deploy such things, even to prepare nuclear weapons, because china is surrounded by nuclear countries in its region, and some of the are of great concern to china itself, so in this regard, although it may be a consolidated position, it is firstly, and secondly, look, we were told...


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