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tv   [untitled]    February 25, 2024 5:00am-5:30am EET

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politicians who will gladly compromise the interests of some state that they consider to be unimportant there, far from them, in order to preserve relations with the russian federation, this is an objective reality, and therefore we need to think over plan b and plan s. maria, but tell me why, in your opinion, during the last two years, since the great russian invasion of ukraine, there is no unity among our... western partners, what should be the end of putin's russia, that is, putin's russia? oh, sergey, you asked the question, of course. i think, that the whole world has been searching for answers to this question for at least two years. but speaking of why there is a lack of unity? well, simply because the democratic world is very slowly coming out of its shell of comfort and slowly evolving into thoughts. that
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russia in its current form should cease to exist as a russian empire, we know that western leaders are extremely afraid of this, for one reason or another, due to the presence of nuclear weapons in putin, due to the fact that civil war may begin in russia a war that will lead to unprecedented consequences to the whole world, that this country is unpredictable and so on, but you have to, i think, accept that... those risks are still less in any case than continuing to watch the russian hordes devour free europe , piece by piece, and if we talk about whether volodymyr zelenskyi was able to convince americans that sundays on espresso, from recently, at 3:30 p.m. and 10 p.m., my program about politics , about the world, in which i communicate with polish, european. politicians, this
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week you can watch a fresh interview with the representative of the polish government on the restoration of ukraine, pawel kovel , koval says and has already repeatedly noted that without the united states, europe, at least in the near future, will not be able to cope with standing up to putin, with all his tools and with all the means and powers of this satanic . of the state and pavel koval talks about the fact that now the task of both polish and ukrainian politicians, leaders from various circles, and not only political, but also cultural, economic, scientific circles, to go and convince senators, members of the house of representatives, american politicians and representatives of those circles to which they are tangential.
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certain leaders who can influence them in the fact that it is necessary to help ukraine, it is important and worthwhile to help ukraine, and it is in the interests of america itself. what can be said about the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi himself? of course, this is his direct duty, and this tool, in my opinion, was effective enough to apply it. let's hope it's, well, at least some a brick will be placed against this wall. we build between our education and our values ​​in our defense against the aggressive appetites of russia. thank you, maria. colleagues, we need to take a short break, after which we will talk about how the ukrainian delegation came to the polish border, ukrainian-polish, and no one met them there, and what is happening in general in ukrainian-polish relations during even the last three or four months. not even in the last week, literally. in a minute of events, events that
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are happening right now and affect ours life, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat on sunday at 10:10. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. this is the verdict program, we continue our work live, today we have maria gurska and maryna danylyuk yarmalayeva as our guests, and today we are discussing a possible campaign, a second campaign for the presidency of zelensky, we ask, dear friends, should zelensky run for the presidency of ukraine again, everything is quite simple on youtube, yes, no, if you watch us on tv, take your smartphone or phone and vote if you think it is necessary to run again... for the presidency of ukraine
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zelensky 0800 211 381 no 0800 211382 all calls are free for you, call us at the end of the program and we will sum up. his vote, and ukrainian-polish relations, we are observing that now the peak is probably the misunderstanding during the last even a few decades, not just the last few weeks or years there, even six months, it would probably be wrong to say, today the ukrainian delegation led by denys shmyhal went to the polish border, as volodymyr zelensky announced yesterday, and wanted to meet with government officials. poland, but polish government officials were not there, because in fact, donald tusk clearly said that we will meet on march 28, we have a meeting planned, we will meet and talk about everything. shmygal, on the other hand, said that ukraine
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has developed and is offering poland a plan mutual understanding, regarding the unblocking of the border, it consists of five steps, but the issue of the deblocking border must be resolved earlier. march 28, otherwise ukraine reserves the right to apply mirror measures at checkpoints. let's first talk about how it looks from the side of the ukrainian border. first of all, marina, what does shmyhal's trip look like, and why did it happen, why did they go there, why, i can't understand, if no one was waiting for them there, and then they took a group photo at the border, they said, well, no one came . we we we do not know at all what the poles want, i think that we will best discuss this topic with maria, on one side and on the other side of the border, i can tell you how it looks from the ukrainian side, in fact, i am a supporter of the fact that all such things are commercial there wars, trade
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preferences, future stories that will concern both of us and poland and ukraine, they were decided at boring intergovernmental meetings with... because our government delegation went to the border, well done, but, for example, i, as a journalist , i monitored information for a long time, searched there are the statements of the ukrainian foreign ministry, the ukrainian government, what is being done there, at what stage are all these conversations with the poles, and i did not often find answers for myself, what is happening there, and as a result, the lack of this, again, dialogue with the ukrainian. society that is happening on the polish border, and this section of the ukrainian border with poland is very important for the western borders, because it is not only trade, not only, not only there is a sign of our grain, but also a huge amount of military aid,
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so that because of, well, it's not a secret that because of these all the blockades, de-blockades, unfortunately, very often even those military cargoes that were waiting for, for example, our ukrainian artillerymen, were late. there were such complaints, by the way, from serious ukrainian volunteers who are specifically engaged in this topic, so i would like not photos, i would like solutions, i would like agreements, and obviously a little earlier than march 28, because march 28 - it's still a month, and we understand that in the conditions when american aid sags for a certain time, when everything is not so rosy with the supply of weapons, when in the west people there say, oh, well, maybe there in ukraine... there won't be any shells in the spring, it doesn't look very good, in terms of what happened, i actually really liked it, today there was an article from the financial times, which actually well, it very well prescribes what kind of economic problems the poles have,
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what their relations with the european union are, and what they are doing there now. well, the european union unblocks that financial aid in the amount of 137. and it actually explains very well why exactly this happened. plus, let's take into account that very soon there will be local elections in poland, and so will we we understand that the representatives of these small , small patriotic parties, which arranged all these performances on the ukrainian border, they will just rush and try to become local deputies, so for them this is a great pr for their local voter, to show how we... we protect our polish interest, we saw, for example, in the example of the last action, when these guys in such vests came out and unscrewed a wagon with ukrainian grain there, well, this action lasted there for about 20 minutes, they removed the content, obviously for their pages, and left.
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the only thing, you know, for ukrainians who have experienced the famine and not one, but three at once, who now understand the price of that... it is very unpleasant for us to see such things even in the performance of people friendly enough to us, a country friendly enough to us, like poland because trade wars. when it ends, we will still be forced to sit down at the same negotiating table, this government delegation, the next one, our government delegation and our polish colleagues, and solve the issue of quotas, who trades agricultural products, when ukraine will already fully join the european union, that is, we will not run away from this, it's just things like that, they create those conflicts that should not be between our peoples, because i will remind you when... i gave an interview to tucker carlson, he mentioned poland, well, i personally counted 36 times
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, but for example, my colleague from kharkiv, who counted more carefully, he said that poland was mentioned 54 times, and you understand when putin mentions two countries in a row like this, ukraine comes first, followed by poland , here it is worth reminding ourselves, russians, putin, always they say that we are going to take berlin, so i propose to remember... through which two territories, through which two countries , russia must pass in order to get to berlin, these are precisely ukraine and poland. thank you, that's why i would advise mr. shmyhal, less selfies, more work in the offices. thank you, thank you, marina. maria, you definitely know a lot more about what is happening on the other side of the border, and you can say why it happened, why our people left, no one was waiting for them there, and why, why our people don't listen and don't do anything, that's right. diplomacy when this is really diplomacy , when they agree, when they consider each other's interests, and
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not just that they didn't want to, that they came, and you didn't expect that you won't even drink tea, you will return to lviv again, well, explain the logic in general, what is poland's way out in this situation ? neighbors, both from the side of poland and from of ukraine, and despite everything, do not fall for the rhetoric of hate and mutual accusations, because what is happening now in social networks, both from the polish side and from the ukrainian side, well, this is actually the least we need and the most the kremlin needs right now, secondly, try to understand each other, what i will explain. now polish politicians. polish farmers are not fighting against ukraine, they are fighting
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against extremely high demands from the european union, sometimes unfavorable market conditions for them, which are formed as a result of one or another, then one or another situation on the market, in particular the drop in grain prices in principle, and thirdly, these people simply... demand additional finances, subsidies, subsidies for their business, as polish politicians claim, wait ukrainians 10 years, and you will be in the place of polish farmers, you will demand preferences, subsidies and financing of your businesses in the same way as the poles are doing now with regard to grain, as polish politicians explain, agricultural products are scattered, scattered all over... . once everywhere, this is the european style, in spain they crush tomatoes, in the squares, in
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poland and in ukraine, this is grain, so again, this is not an action against ukraine, but this is such a tradition now in these farmers' protests. polish politicians are now appealing to those people who take part in the actions and say: "please, there is no need to throw away ukrainian grain", it is achieved. it is difficult, it is obtained with blood, and in order to send it further, to import it to the eu countries with which ukraine has agreements, and why the poles actually against the ukrainian transit, despite the fact that ukraine does not trade grain directly with poland, but this ukrainian grain still enters the polish market and competes with it, as a result, these people actually have less profit. conditions and actually problems with the survival of one's own businesses, what
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should be done here, fight, demonstrate responsible leadership, throw all one's strength into pumping, firstly, the actual language of dialogue, and secondly, well, for example, such arguments as dirty russian grain, which, about which polish ones farmers simply do not know that it is actively entering the european market and significantly. more than ukraine's grain, it is not subject to sanctions, it goes, in particular, in huge quantities to spain, italy, and polish farmers actually on... it would be much more logical now to find out the relations with these countries, how russian grain gets to european markets, it is precisely this, in our opinion, that poses the main threat to polish farming, this needs to be clarified, and at the same time it is necessary to refute the thesis about low-quality ukrainian grain, which is pumped, in particular, by russian propaganda, well, i,
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for example, manage this portal for temporary military migrants and for thinking ukrainians, poles, sisters. yes , for those people who want to fight for a free europe, we are now putting all our efforts into doing it, creating such materials, distributing them and projecting them in both languages, polish and ukrainian, if we talk about this unsuccessful, unsuccessful visit, unsuccessful meeting on the border, when someone wants to meet, they actually meet, so i don't really i completely understand who this picture was intended for, it seems to me that it was intended more for the internal audi. actually, because, for example, when people want to talk , they agree on a meeting, and they talk, for example, we mentioned the head of the committee on foreign affairs of poland, the polish diet, pawel kowal, he wanted to meet with his colleague, the co-chairman of
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the parliamentary friendship group with poland, mykola knyazhytskyi, the people's deputy of ukraine, they met in warsaw, they sat and worked all day, it was literally less than a week ago, and i will tell you that responsible polish politicians , as well as ukrainian ones, go to the border and actually go quite often, without making such a big deal out of it century, they just constantly work there, once in a while they do this work on the border, and not only that. politicians go to the border with ukraine, they also go to ukraine, like pavel koval himself, like polish prime minister donald tusk, like the head of the polish foreign ministry radoslav sikorskyi, and it seems to me that the main news this week is not even the visit of the prime minister of ukraine to the border, and this unsuccessful meeting, but what the prime minister of poland donald tusk said,
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despite the proximity of local elections in poland, which my colleague mentioned. maryna danylyuk yarmalayeva. polish prime minister donald tusk clearly stated that border crossing points with ukraine will be considered critical infrastructure to ensure the passage of aid. and actually, tusk is on it insisted, despite all the respect for the protests of polish farmers, which are actually an element of such and also a side effect of democracy, and the poles themselves explain that these protests. are so carefully guarded to never, never allow a repetition of communist times, that is why it is important for them, but you need to understand that these are not protests against us, these are protests of business itself, this is their competition, struggle, and as the poles claim, in it is also ahead of us,
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and there is still a very long conversation ahead, so you need to sign up with strong nerves and look for the language of dialogue. thank you. on this optimistic note, we will end our conversation as our program time comes to an end. maria gurska from warsaw, maryna danylyuk yarmaleva from kyiv, serhiy rudenko from lviv, and we talked about what is actually happening in ukraine, and not only in ukraine. thank you to my colleagues for the conversation, and during this whole broadcast, we conducted a survey, friends, we asked you about whether zelensky should run for the presidency of ukraine again. so, the results of the television question. 8% yes, 92% no, on youtube 7% yes, 93% no. here are these the results of today's survey, i'm with you, friends, goodbye until monday, until 8:00 p.m., come, it will be interesting, we will have a two-hour broadcast again, starting from 8:00 p.m. until the 22nd. now i wish you a good weekend,
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take care of yourself and your loved ones, health and prosperity. everything will be fine, goodbye, welcome to the espresso channel. today in the war and weapons program we will talk about the confrontation with the enemy in two dimensions: primarily in the air, where russia and ukraine are in a deadly race for... to increase number and improvement of drones for various purposes, now our ministry of defense and minister of statistics say that the most favorable conditions for development have already been created in the country. companies that manufacture drones and to stimulate new technological solutions. but, in my opinion, it is important to understand whether such
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assessments are shared by the heads of the companies that develop and manufacture these strike drones. and the second dimension of confrontation with the enemy is a war in cyberspace, and here cyber security specialists will have questions about whether russia will repeat the attacks on our mobile operators, as it was. with kyivstar, why the main intelligence agency considers the telegram messenger dangerous and whether the decision of the ministry of defense to introduce such an action for the military for a relationship called army plus is risky. so find the answers by talking to the experts in our war and weapons program. my name is serhiy sgurets, i am the director of the information and consulting company defense express, which, together with spresso channels, strives to cover. the most relevant trends in the field of security and defense, and now the first guest joins us, this is the chairman of the board of the alliance new energy of ukraine, the commander of the special unit of strike
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drones of the russian air force, valery borovyk. let me remind our viewers that a number of companies that are now part of the new energy of ukraine alliance were actually pioneers in the development of attack drones back in the 14th year, in the form that has now almost become classic. since then, this company has developed a number of other models that are now used by our armed forces. mr. valery, congratulations, glad to see and hear you on the espresso channel. greetings, serhiy, very happy too. your disembodied complexes are already actively used on the battlefield , they have been used by our military for a long time, but the war of the 14th year is not like the war there of the 22nd year, the 23rd and 24th years are just as different, because... that our approaches there and the tactics of the enemy in countering our unmanned systems are actually changing, and i would like to start by asking you how these changes have affected
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the improvement of your systems and what your team is currently focusing on, when it comes to both development and production shock system? well, look, in fact, the development is constant. for example, one of our last forays there in the zaporizhzhia direction led to the loss of several drones, we arrived and are changing our approaches there so that we can change the frequency in the air, so that we can use more and more interesting models and more interesting solutions to counter the enemy’s drones there, but it's a chase, it's constant, and you know, those decisions that yesterday were cool there for six months. three months ago, which means that they may no longer work in some areas, or they may not work at all to work, although they were very, very
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promising and they allowed us to solve the tasks that were needed, but right now we have guys, i just called my deputy at the training ground, they are also adjusting some points that are experience, theses also arrived with... drones from the zaporizhia direction, so i will change, change approaches, change frequencies, we also work on ltmodems there, so that is why this work, as you say, is happening constantly, and whoever will not to do it, the one who will not to have feedback from the front line, who does not have such opportunities, there, if the manufacturers, for example, released, gave, and then, the soldiers there , other units, for example, use it. and they do not have such close cooperation with the front line, then this will constantly affect the fact that we will remain in yesterday and have problems with the use of drones,
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they are still very important, but we need to change them this this approach so that we can well it is good to influence those means of impression that the enemy has and not only there with intelligence adjustment. march, and with the impression of kamikaze drones that we make. mr. valery , now that we are talking about the approximation of the positions of the military and developers there, how has this process been affected, or in the long run will this decision to create a new type of troops in the armed forces, which will take care of unmanned systems, have an effect, have you already felt any the impact of this process on your work, if not, how do you feel, do you have any advice for ... the leadership of this kind of troops, to really ensure some, well, more effective synergy between developers and by those who use these complexes on the battlefield? look, in fact, it is now going on...
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the entry of those people who will come to manage this direction of the armed forces into work, because some people, some people, it was, well, in this process before, but some people are coming new, they have to figure out how it works, how procurement comes in, how combat parts are assembled, in what way... to make requests and so on, that is, so far it only affected the fact that they took a break, but yesterday i talked with representatives there a pause to understand how the system that was yesterday works, and this has its own negative, and it has its own positive, because there is hope, we always have producers, there is hope that the new team, or shall we say yes, those
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people whom we have... are there on the front lines, they will do it more transparently, more clearly with those means that really hit the enemy, and because there is a problem in the purchase in the volumes of the purchase of products that are currently being produced, which the state is currently doing, there 70-80% of the funds are spent on the purchase of fpv drones, and today it is no longer a secret, and i am talking about it's... said all the time that the efficiency of fpv drones is 30 maximum, if a very good division of percent, the other 70% is a firebox, it's burning, because they are simple, they are not protected from reb, even from trench rebs, and really due to the fact that they are cheap, they are taken in bulk, there are $500-700, there they
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are taken in bulk up to $100, but when you look at... efficiency, then you need to move on to other, other stages, you need to make bombers, it is already necessary to do with the expensive system of proof, anti-reb, security, well, what did we concentrate on, we, i personally was the first to show the previous commander-in-chief zaluzhny, i was the first to show, and we were the first he saw. showed this impression, he was delighted at the time and said: listen, give me a whole area, we will now build a section of the front there, i say, we can't give it, we are just starting to use it, no one has used it yet, it is not certified, there are no pilots, and then it, we wrote the concept, gave it, gave it to the commanders in chief, and then this development went in waves, yes,
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but these... cheap drones, their time is passing, that's why, and i've been talking about it for a long time, because i'm saying it again, we need developments that oppose the reb, that can lead to the target without the use of a person, that can already say fully that these are military drones. then the question arises, are there any such samples that meet the criteria that you said that it is not a cheap drone, not very effective or conditional. effective compared to more reliable, really, shall we say, models that are guaranteed to get the job done on the battlefield with less operator stress, what do you do if you can in general, to say in this direction, and are there any samples that really meet these requirements, i can say that we are doing, apparently, that the teams are also seriously engaged in this, to make a conventional combat mavik
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that can fly in place. and use hangs, resets, turn back, again we complete his warheads and work, what is on the front line, what is behind the front line, what, what is far for special special operations in the rear, the rear of the enemy, we do this, we do this with special units , who understand the value of this particular complex, this the wasp complex, which, of course, is up to... more, but there are special targeting systems, there are systems that work under rebo, systems that work with other, let's say, forms of communication, that is, which hover, which fly mission-wise, that's a different type of drone, and that's a different story.


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