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tv   [untitled]    February 25, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EET

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a separate platoon of the sapsan unmanned aircraft complexes of the state special service of transport appeals to the viewers of the espresso tv channel with a request to join the collection of crowns and technics.
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greetings to all viewers of espresso, yana yavomelnyk and the news team are ready to talk about the most important events at the moment, starting with the situation in the regions of ukraine. the russians fired s-300 missiles at kostiantynka in donetsk region. the woman received minor injuries. she was injured by the blast wave as a result of the broken window glass. from the victim refused hospitalization. the city suffered a lot of damage, the railway station building, a church, two private and 12 apartment buildings, 21 shops, three educational institutions, two administrative buildings and a post office were destroyed , the regional police reported. at night, the enemy hit the khmelnytskyi region with mortars, damaging the infrastructure object, the regional military administration reported. there is no information about the victims. in total, russia attacked ukraine at night with 18 missiles, 16 of which were destroyed by anti-aircraft forces. air defense defense
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worked in kyiv, khmelnytskyi, mykolaiv, kirovohrad and kherson regions. the enemy launched drones from primorsky-akhtarsk and temporarily occupied crimea. the attack was repelled by mobile groups, anti-aircraft missile units and aviation, the air force said. in the mykolayiv region, the wreckage of the downed shahed damaged power lines, knocked out power in five settlements. energy engineers are working on. restoration of electricity supply, the head of the region vitaliy kim said. there are no casualties. and the russians also attacked at night sleeping area of ​​kherson. an enemy shell hit an apartment building. things caught fire on the balcony of one of the apartments. the state emergency service was notified. firefighters quickly extinguished the fire, no injuries were reported. the situation in many directions. is complex and requires
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constant control, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces oleksandr syrskyi and the minister of defense rustem umyerov visited the command posts of military units on the front lines. the enemy carries out regular assaults on our positions, the situation carefully analyzed and discussed steps for the future, in particular maneuver and positional defense. the decision to strengthen individual areas was made without delay in order to improve combat capability and stability. and the espresso tv channel continues the assembly of fpv drones for a separate platoon of the sapsan unmanned aviation complexes of the state special transport service. these courageous soldiers are actively fighting in the donetsk direction, attacking and restraining the enemy. thanks to drones, they successfully destroy a lot of russian equipment, fortifications and manpower. so we have a goal - to collect uah 1 million for flying weapons. more than 7,000 hryvnias are already in the accounts.
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join our gathering, you can see all the details on the screen. they survived the occupation, left, but returned home. the horbel family met a full-scale invasion in their hometown of balaklia in the kharkiv region. it was captured by russian troops in the first days of march. how the family managed to escape and why they returned , the heroine of our next article shares her memories with spresso. this is anna's former office in the local cultural center worked for more than one year, she remembers the last holiday that she organized with her colleagues, the day of unity on february 16, two years ago, and it was like that, you know, a feeling of pride, unity for one's country, and at that time one did not even think what would happen... . these yes, well, such tragic
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events, the life of the horbel family changed dramatically already on the morning of february 24, they and their neighbors moved to live in a shelter nearby, the city was first... days of the great war began to be shelled by the occupiers, they had to run to bathe or wash, but it there was shelling and it was even scary to run out. it the shelter is now open, it is warm, clean and there is light. this is where we constantly charged phones, people brought, you know, united, and whoever could, did everything and... and did, someone cleaned, someone brought extension cords to charge phones, there were a lot of sockets here. anna walks through the basement and remembers everyone around the corner, who lived and slept where. we sat here, there were still chairs from this building. we
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lived here, it was our home, for about a month, we spent the night and day here, because it was scary to be in the apartment after the airstrikes. but in a couple of weeks it became scary in the basement to stay, anna recalls, the occupiers have already entered the city, they are here where the occupier is, here they were rebelling, like that, and they folded their hands like that and waited, and what they were waiting for, i don’t know what they were standing for, i don’t know, they did, they they did not touch, they, on the contrary, said , leave, we came in peace, we will not touch you, go to... do not suffer, do not sit here, people went to their houses, but the houses continued to be shelled already in the evening of the same day, on top of that, the light, water and heating disappeared, - the heroine recalls. anna's family decided to leave the city to leave, she says, then, in the first weeks
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, the russian military was still quite easy to pass through checkpoints, and she and her family were able to break through, anna and her children lived in the west of the country for more than a year, but she still decided to return, because... she wanted to go home, when you see this is all live, when you come back and see the destruction of your city, what the enemies have done here, your heart bleeds. when they returned, the woman got a new job, and now she is waiting for her husband konstantin to return from the war. at the very beginning of the full-scale invasion, he left a volunteer to the front. i wouldn't say that it was a shock, that in principle, somewhere in the depths of my soul, it seemed to me that it would still be like that, well, knowing him, so if i reacted uh, not as emotionally as i probably should have
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to his wife, but i supported him, vanna's most important wish is victory and for her husband to return home, and for the family to be together, that's... this is the main dream, well, in principle, the same as my husband's, because he says that if he had not see how his daughter is growing, and for now, as best he can, he is bringing victory closer, from kharkiv region for espresso tv channel. and then about the losses of the mozkovites, another 770 occupiers will no longer fight. on our land, they were destroyed yesterday by ukrainian defenders. in general, since the beginning of the invasion, the russian army has already lost 409,000 of its soldiers in ukraine. according to the general staff of the armed forces, our defenders also knocked out eight tanks, a dozen and a half armored fighting
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vehicles and 36 enemy art systems during the day. two anti-aircraft systems and 28 tanker trucks were eliminated. also, the soldiers of the armed forces managed to destroy the plane and three dozen drones. the data are approximate, declared in the general staff. and about the situation at the front. the occupiers are storming the positions of the armed forces in the mariinsky direction. over the past day, the enemy tried 44 times to break through the defense near georgiivka pobida and novomykhaivka in donetsk region. this is reported by the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. in total, 84 combat clashes took place at the front. the enemy carried out more than a hundred missile and air strikes. 141 shots from multiple rocket launchers,
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i have everything on this ottoman, i’ll see you at 12. and right now , the press conference is starting president volodymyr zelenskyi at the ukraine year 2024 forum was summoned to a meeting with journalists by the military. the political leadership of the country, so let's see live: each of the institutions has its own form, but this technique will be reflected in the general report on the assistance provided to the security forces, now it will allow to study the experience and effectiveness used. of this aid, and secondly, it is clear reporting for our international
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partners. another important point is that we have created a ukrainian logistics point. in addition to the synchronization of processes in the provision of military assistance, accounting, monitoring and control, we also arrange logistics supply. prior to that , the activity of ukrainian staff at the international hub of partners was not regulated in any way, it created. financial, administrative and organizational difficulties. now all the work on the reception and transportation of goods, and the work of moving the ukrainian military abroad will be clearly coordinated. also , the ministry of defense is a supervisory body, we started with ourselves, started an audit of the structural divisions of the ministry of defense, an audit of armed forces is also being conducted forces of ukraine. we have to effectively and expediently use our internal ones. sources another important point: at the end of last year , a joint inspection of the end
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-use of allied weapons began, together with the united states of america. the general inspectorate of the ministry of defense actively cooperates with the general inspectorate of the pentagon. transparency, reporting and close coordination with our partners is a very important priority for us. and the team of the ministry conducts constant inspections of food supplies. military units. only in recent months we discovered violations worth tens of millions of hryvnias, that is, what is it for, i say that we are fighting and checking and listening to everyone. here, we work together with the national police in these matters, coordinate actions to prevent violations in the supply of material property and food. and there is also very joint work, active work with the security service of ukraine, gpu, br nabu to identify corruption schemes in the defense forces, and together we
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clean up this system, in this matter, as i said before, corruption during war is worse for me than terrorism , no winning with those who steal from our soldiers, from our society, the society will not have, and the work continues, will be information. regarding these topics in the future, we, in order to avoid such issues , corruption issues in the future, we created a procurement system, built it according to nato principles, we formulate policies, consolidate the need and control, and as you know, we created an agency for lethal procurement and non-lethal procurement, uh, the last one is probably the kind of track that... everyone hears but doesn't know the details, it's fortifications, we're coordinating construction work
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fortification, there is a joint group with other ministries that coordinates this, in our country, the state service of special transport, as well as the command of the support forces of the armed forces of ukraine, deal with this. now we have equipped more than several thousand support points, not to mention how many. that the positions of the firing positions, so we will continue to work on these tracks, everyone says that our actions speak better, our actions speak for our results, we are doing everything possible and impossible to make a breakthrough. 2024 is already there, we are we don't talk about him publicly, he is powerful
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, he is strong, he gives not only hope, but will give results in the 24th year, that's why we work together with all the components of the security and defense forces, grateful to each and every one, in order to achieve the goal, thank you, glory to ukraine!
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i invite oleksandr komyshen, minister of strategic industries. wish you health. last year, our defense industry
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produced three times more than in the 22nd year. our capacity for the 23rd year is six times more than last year, as of today we have about half of these capabilities are contracted for the 24th year, we are working together with the ministry of defense and the defense forces on further contracting. in general, oboronka is 500 enterprises that work on the design, production, repair and maintenance of everything that helps. for our defense forces to make more russians good russians, these are about 100 state enterprises, about 400 private ones, these are 3,000 designers, working professions, and scientists who work for our defense industry. over the past year, we have significantly increased production
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ammunition, this is the main position, the main nomenclature that our front awaits today. they started learn new positions in artillery ammunition, and for this year we are also multiplying production in this position, although it is worth noting that no matter how much we increase production in ukraine today, the needs of our front are greater than the production capabilities of the united states of america and the european union taken together, we continue to build up. in conditions of scarcity of resources, the correct calculation becomes important. the first year we lived in a paradigm of courage, for the second year, we lived in an iron paradigm. for the third year, it is important for us to focus on efficiency, and we carefully calculate everything we
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produce. for each position we produce, we calculate, for example, an indicator that allows us to evaluate. the price of a good russian shekel, we count many other indicators, but in the end it is an indicator that allows us to evaluate and compare our various choices. i would like to note separately that thanks to the teamwork of the entire cabinet of ministers, all the forces that work for security and defense, we will be able to further reduce some products the price of a good russian, i'm sure it's not much, it will be close to a thousand dollars, for example, if last year at the beginning of the year you tried to buy something made in ukraine from drones, you would hardly have bought anything. the recognized large manufacturers who were able to produce at that time were contracted until the end of the year, and all of us, primarily volunteers,
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fought for the supply of imported positions, maviks and others to ukraine, today i am... grateful to everyone who purchases made in ukraine, you can buy today from from millions to tens of thousands of strikers and to thousands of long-range strikers. i am grateful to everyone who buys ukrainian products, this is what helps us to further grow our economy. separately, i would like to note that last year our village defenses began to work on strategic goals in the depths of russia with weapons manufactured in ukraine. last year we saw it in action on a large scale, in the air. drones, we've seen them at sea, this year is going to be the year we're going to see them on land, it's going to be a rock year where you're going to hear more about ground systems, about robotic systems.
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the development of air defense takes many more years than we have today, but we have found an opportunity, how, together with our partners... to start producing hybrid air defense, these are old soviet systems and western missiles, these are western systems built into our systems , are various hybrid models that allow us today to have solutions that work on the battlefield. today, we have the ability to produce several positions together with our partners. first, it's a collection. bmp and apcs with german by the rain metal company, and secondly, it is the production of a light 105-caliber howitzer together with british partners.
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other factories are also being built that will enable foreign manufacturers to produce in ukraine, as the minister of defense said, we have the shortest innovation cycle, and foreign companies are looking for such an opportunity. defenses are another important element. economic growth, economic recovery of the country, last year with 5% gdp growth, one and a half is defense, the most important program for our country is the missile program, but i will not say about it more than my president said that we had our long-range weapon that hit a target at 700 km. thank you.
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thank you, mr. oleksandr, literally in a minute and a half, we will invite our next speaker to the stage, and i just want to remind you once. that we have questions that you will have after all the speeches, all the speakers will be on stage and you can ask them, well , as far as time will allow us by itself, so what ah, we still have a minute, ah , you can, yes, that's all, then i invite you. to the stage of the vice-premier, the minister of digital transformations, mykhailo fedorova. please.
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good day everyone, glad to see everyone. i will continue the topic of technology. today , both the minister of defense and the minister of strategic industries spoke about the importance. technology, that this is a war of innovation, technology, it is true, in ukraine today technologies are being born that change the situation on the battlefield, which are an example for and essentially writing modern doctrines of war in real time, and i would like to start with what you all have seen is the kamikaze boats, they are an asymmetric attack on black sea fleet, er, this is our style, the style of our war today, to invent such products that change. the situation on the battlefield, you see several products that were produced in the 22nd, 23rd year in ukraine, they did not exist at all before that, that is, ukrainians are able to quickly find answers to questions
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that arise on the battlefield, only yesterday , for example, the collection ended, where the whole world gathered through united24 for all the babies, these are the komikaji boats, which struck the black sea fleet, or rather the black sea fleet and the crimean... bridge and what is important that technologies, they not only protect the lives of our ukrainians today on the battlefield, they are not only an asymmetric strike against the enemy, but they also attract the attention of the whole world to the war in ukraine, because when 120 countries contribute their funds one dollar each, 100 dollars each, it doesn't matter, they are involved in the process of lightening, which is happening in ukraine, which is happening on the battlefield, and our quick response is technological. it has led to the fact that 90% of all uavs in use on the battlefield today are uavs that are produced in ukraine, this is very important, and
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it is important to understand that this process itself. it does not appear by itself either, a large team is working on it, a team of government officials, a team of business, a team of the public sector, who popularize technologies that influence the fact that there are more technologies in ukraine, only last year we adopted more than 20 normative - legal acts, these are both laws and government regulations, which essentially created the best conditions for conducting technological business in the direction of military technologies in the world precisely in ukraine, we have the largest margin where... military companies that do business receive, we have no taxes on components, we basically have a fast-track cross- border passage of all components in order to produce products in ukraine, and basically this policy making, it led to the fact that the increase of investments in the production of modern weapons, it led to the fact that last year in the 23rd, in fact, there was 120 times more production, if we speak on
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the example of uavs, then upl'. and there were more than 3,000 purchases and contracts, in this year, this process of policymaking, uav investment and production will continue to scale. what is also important to say when we talk to you about technology, about innovation, that today is important data, and in real time, every minute, every second, datasets are being collected today. in ukraine, situational systems about business, such as delta, are being developed by the ministry of defense, and the minister of defense is now actively supporting the development of this product, and it is important that there is such a technological, innovative synchronization in the direction of the development of modern technologies, and similar systems and the collection of information in real-time mode allows you to calculate just the mathematics of war, which the minister of strategic industries spoke about today, and this affects
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what product to produce, how much to produce, what is the most effective, and it is very important, how we can change today's technology in order to respond to changes on the battlefield, because a drone that yesterday could still fly in a certain area of ​​the front, today already may not fly, because the russian rep works on these frequencies, because, for example, communication needs to be updated urgently, and all this also affects the logistics itself, and that is why the restructuring begins actively. logistics itself, to which part of the front, which technology, which drone, with which communication is needed today, and it essentially affects how quickly we make decisions, and i believe that our competitive advantage is that we, led by the president, the government team, the armed forces, today see an equally technological war, everyone understands that speed and reaction, it is extremely important to win asymmetrically on
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the battlefield because... we will never have as many people as the russian federation, but we have 300,00 engineers, we already have 200 companies that produce only uavs, in every field and ground drones, and in rebit these companies are appearing almost every day, and so this is our advantage that needs to be scaled, and speed is our competitive advantage, and there are still a lot of problems that it is necessary to decide, and today after me vadym sukharevskyi will speak at the same time, and he will also certainly talk about it, i don't know if he will talk, but i know that for sure... he started to decide, as soon as he became the deputy commander-in-chief, precisely from these directions. technology affects logistics, technology affects radio frequency planning, technology affects the introduction of certain positions on the battlefield, technology affects how we need to enable people, the military to develop within the armed forces, and so our response must not only be technological, change policies , more invest. our reaction, it should also be in how we teach people.
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and how should we make a certain kind of lift within the armed forces so that people who are capable have the opportunities, they receive these flexibility to implement, to destroy the enemy, and president zelenskyi, at the end of last year, he announced a plan that will be developed this year more than a million drones, and the whole government team is working on it, and now in january is happening in february, there have been active, contracting and already hundreds of thousands of drones for... contracted, and this goal will be fulfilled this year, and their pv drones alone will be more than a million, in general in every direction, not only fpv, but also reconnaissance aircraft, and attack copters and long-range, er, kamikaze , uavs, and boats , and ground platforms, and rap, there will be more of all this this year, and indeed, as the minister of defense said, today the reaction of the armed forces to the formation is fast.


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