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tv   [untitled]    February 25, 2024 1:00pm-1:29pm EET

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which, unfortunately, we have thousands of in the temporarily occupied territories, in the de-occupied territories and in the territories under our control, where russia is shelling our cities every day. critical infrastructure: as early as next month, we will launch the water supply system in dnipropetrovsk oblast in full, and by the end of the year we should restore the supply of drinking water to mykolaiv. here we cooperate with our partners, with the government of denmark, with all exporters. as i already said, our export task is to ensure sustainable pre-war indicators, for this we will strengthen alternative transport corridors, this year we plan to open several automobile checkpoints with poland, moldova and hungary, this week the appropriate decisions were made by the government on the opening and conversion of the luzhanka checkpoint with hungary, trucks will also pass through it, that's all for us, all of these measures are important, especially... in the world
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of blocking the border of poland by polish farmers. we also have a program for the development of railway border crossings with slovakia and romania. on the base, on the base of our ukrainian-danube shipping company we collect and launch multi-ton barges. in the next few days, we will launch containers for transportation across the danube in the direction of the port of constance, and a little later upstream of the danube to ours. partners to countries to austria to germany, and later we also expect the first container shipments through the ports of great odesa, we are also working on the localization of production, and this year ukrzaliznytsia, together with ukrainian manufacturers, will receive new passenger cars for passenger transportation, of course, they are also cargo carriages of domestic production, we are conducting consultations with the american... and
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european safety regulators on the opening of aviation space, a complex process, but ukraine is already taking the first formal steps, it is in these weeks that we submit official risk assessment statements to the relevant regulators, no one can name the terms it definitely won't be, there are complex security issues here, and it is important for us that european and american security regulators confirm our algorithm of actions in this direction, and... transparency of the process we will ensure recovery by applying the principles of procurement according to the rules of donors and ifis plus the use of the dream ecosystem. of course, the ministry of recovery almost has an extensive network of partners. the main ones are the american development agency usad, the world bank, the european investment bank, the european bank for reconstruction and development, the german financial institution kfv, the financial institution of the nordic countries nefka, and the japanese agency for international cooperation jica. today, we have
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a number of initiatives and projects for restoration housing, development of the transport sector, critical infrastructure, all of them are about the restoration and modernization of ukraine, about the fact that we are definitely not alone, and together with our partners we are building our ukraine. thank you for your attention, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. thank you, mr. vice prime minister. and we already had the international, national dimensions of the panel, and what remained was a regional history, precisely in relation to the regions. alexei kuleb , the deputy head of the office of the president of ukraine, is invited to speak. good afternoon, dear chairman of the verkhovna rada, dear prime minister, dear members government, dear journalists. yes, now about the main thing, about the regions. two years of full-scale invasion, extraordinary challenges. extreme difficulties for all our
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people who live throughout ukraine, in all our cities, towns, and we are rebuilding , we help, the government at all levels helps people, but nevertheless, the further the war goes on, the more difficulties there are, the more we have more problems, i want to say about the main... such a factor, which the president of ukraine always highlights, is about communication, about coordination of actions, and today, february 25, 3 years, as a congress of local and regional authorities was created on the initiative of the president, it is a platform for interaction and communication of absolutely all representatives of the authorities, in the conditions of a full-scale invasion, such interaction, such communication, it acquired a completely different.
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meanings, in the 23rd year we completely rethought and changed the approach to holding the congress, which is very important for us. the level of holding such congresses in the regions so that every headman, every head of a territorial community could communicate with a representative of the government, with the governor, with by various branches of government, and we held more than 30 such meetings in 2023 alone, the year people are talking about. meetings, very different issues are raised, sometimes these are very local issues that can be resolved at the level of the head of the regional military administration or the head of the city, unfortunately, mostly these are issues of a national
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scale, for example, this is the strengthening of critical infrastructure, etc., and therefore it is very important that these the issue then... is raised at the national congress, and we also pay attention to bring it to the national level issues are very different, thanks to the national congress, the issue of creating additional groups for demining in the kherson and kharkiv regions was resolved, minister klymenko mentioned this in his report, the work of modular heating boilers was established in the kharkiv region. and after that, this project was scaled up in the neighboring region, together with the ministry of education and international partners , thousands of children were provided with computer equipment, changes were also made, practical changes were made in the work of the commissions that
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worked on eliminating the consequences of the events kherson hpp. discussion. it always has and will continue to have a state level, for us, it is very important, at the end of march we will announce the holding of a national congress, we are looking for a new format, and i want to advance what to announce, that it will be a new format, according to which we will add even more interactivity and opportunities to ask each other questions. one more, one more task set by the president, which we will implement within the framework of the congress, is patronage between ukrainian and european settlements or countries. today in each regional offices of international cooperation work in the region, which in fact is
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an entry point for international partners in matters of understanding how and what our regions live in. what do these offices do? firstly, they accumulate absolutely... all information about the specific needs of communities, secondly, regional offices are a coordination platform for cooperation with partners, in fact they are a bridge between the partners' desire to help ukraine and real needs, a real result. we have successful examples of cooperation, as i mentioned today vice prime minister kubrakov, cooperation between denmark and the mykolaiv region, estonia, the baltic states and zhytomyr oblast. nizhny novgorod region with france, and literally yesterday several important decisions were announced regarding the patronage of italy over odesa and belgium over kharkiv, it is very important what goal we are pursuing, it is an element
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of the integration of ukrainian society into the european union, and vice versa, we have the same values, we have unique experience, we have our own technologies that we can share. this is very important, both for our communities and for international partners. more i want to tell you about one initiative that we started in the 23rd year and will definitely continue in the 24th, this is the implementation of the presidential initiative to restore housing in the de-occupied communities of the kherson region, side by side 12 regions of ukraine took under the patronage of individual kherson communities. regions helped people to restore their housing, for example, dnipropetrovsk region rebuilt the villages of olhyne and starelissia, kochubeyiv community restored rivne region, regions independently allocated resources, allocated
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their specialists, and all summer of the 23rd and autumn in the 23rd year, we worked so that more than a thousand families of the kherson region... were able to spend such difficult times in winter under normal conditions, already in the 24th year, in addition to the kherson region, we will scale up. and go to other regions that need help. it is important to say that this is side by side, it is not only about reconstruction, it is about unity, it is about people, about mutual help and about our stability with you, it is about what makes us able to be together, it is about what after shelling in the dnipro, or in lviv, any populated place, absolutely everyone, neighbors , volunteers, rescuers, the authorities, work together, come out and help those who need it now,
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without slogans, without politics, under one single flag, ukrainian, this is when hundreds of communal workers from all over the country went to kherson to liquidate catastrophic consequences of the terrorist attack on kakhovskaya ges, from zakarpattia, volyn, ternopil oblast, vinnytsia, people risked their lives to travel. to save the life and livelihood of other ukrainians, this is when all regional and city military administrations, communities continuously for two years transfer anti-tank weapons to hot spots, very quickly, literally within a day or several days, this is when brigades from ternopil oblast, lviv oblast are building fortifications in sumy oblast, this is when brigades from ivano-frankivsk... oblast , cherkasy, khmelnytskyi, chernivtsi oblast are building defenses in donetsk region. this is
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a daily big work, which, unfortunately, is not always visible, but it is very necessary for us and it is very noticeable precisely in those communities where active hostilities are taking place. it's about our children, because everything we do is for them and for them. at the end of the 23rd year,... we launched a sports project on the initiative of the president, school sports leagues, and today more than 300 thousand children take part in team sports in order to win together, supporting each other, and confidently go to the goal, to our victory . i am convinced that in the 24th year, the word side by side will become a new identifier for ukrainians, a word by which... we will be recognized, wherever we are, as at one time, you remember, there was a word
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polyanytsia, and this very word helped us to find out where our own and where the enemy, wherever we are were, side by side, a difficult but definitely victorious path ahead, we have already won, for the sake of ukraine, for the sake of the worthy memory of our heroes, ukraine. for our children, for our future, thank you all, thank you for your attention , glory to ukraine, thank you mr. oleksiy, i know that we have extended the time, but we still have a short question and answer session, now the chairs will take the stage, four short questions, answers, because there is something to inquire from mr. prime minister, mr. speaker, no, mr. speaker, no, that's it. so i will now ask mr. prime minister, yulia sveredenko, oleksandr kubrakov and mr. oleksiy kulebu should also
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prepare. we will now go through briefly. it's literally two minutes, and then we'll have a coffee session, followed by the third panel. the question of the economy is a question of the economy. so, there is mr. prime minister, mr. speaker, ms. vice-speaker, mr. vice-speaker, yulia svorodenko, oleksandr kubrakov, and mr. o'. and kuleba, my god, i'm sorry, yes
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, the panel of prime ministers and deputy prime ministers, please, we will be brief, so i will ask you to answer the questions briefly, i will also ask them briefly, oh, even i have a chair done, great, thank you, so gentlemen , i will ask you to be brief, because time is really pressing, mr. prime minister, let's start with you... you were the first to speak and voice the 37 billion that we lack this year, in your opinion and according to your feelings, how long ukraine can count on financial support from partners in general, because... they say that we will count on it for as long as necessary, but how long it will be necessary and how long we count on it. thanks, two aspects, does the microphone work? yes, it works. so, two aspects: the first is financial support for ours military needs. the second is direct budgetary financial support. with regard to military needs, we understand, after signing already
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six security agreements on guarantees for ukraine, that we have four. years from each of the countries that sign such agreements , a financial resource, in addition, these agreements are signed for 10 years, there will be many of these agreements, that is, we expect all the g7 countries, and plus all the partners who joined the vilnius declaration after the vilnius summit, so in terms of military defense support finances, weapons, technologies, we have a perspective of 10 years, as the signed agreements, they are in principle open-ended, but in each agreement there are four. we already see concrete financial commitments and promises from our partners regarding direct budget support, the following must be said here: we have an unprecedented four-year wartime imf program in ukraine, the program itself provides for $15.6 billion in funding for four years, but this program of the imf, it is
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supported and guaranteed by the g7 countries, too for four years in the amount of 122 billion us dollars for the duration of this program, that is, we understand that for four years we have support from the imf and our partners. in addition, we have the ukraine facility mentioned today from the european union also for four years for 50 billion, 38 billion of direct budget support, a large part of which is project financing, restoration, plus support for institutional reforms. so, we understand that the next four years are guaranteed to be written in ours. international obligations, in ours programs are active, so we feel confident, we are moving forward, this year is practically closed for us, we are now waiting for the united states, we understand that the political discussion within the congress does not concern the principled support of ukraine, but we expect support for internal issues and in fact we will close the need for financing
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budget deficit, but we are not standing still, we are also working with other countries, and i am convinced that we... will definitely close the budget financing this year, we are already working on the next year. the last thing i have to say is a big one the work we mentioned today on the confiscation of frozen russian assets. this is a huge source for the support of our country during the war, and for the restoration of our state. 300 billion dollars of russian assets should be used for the needs and for the restoration of our state, that is , these are the three directions we are working on, in which... we see the prospect and feel quite confident, so we will move forward to victory. thank you. thank you. mrs. sverdenko, you emphasized this action and the program of the government support of the ukrainian producer, ukrainian goods. what else can be done in order not to depend so much on the specifics of foreign markets, to rely more on yourself?
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i will emphasize once again that it is very important, very important to develop the private sector, to facilitate. development of entrepreneurship, so all our programs are aimed at this, to create jobs, to have more deductions, we now want to focus, when i talk about what was done in ukraine, i still mean more emphasis on the production of goods with added value, y our percentage of recycling is very low, 8% of gdp, if we look at developed countries, we always take ocd countries as a benchmark, there it is at least 20%, we have room to grow. because if we have such a clear understanding that everything we earn inside the country, we can only direct it to the maintenance of the army, of course, there we need to look for ways to produce goods with added value, how to exploit goods with added value, so all our programs, they are permeated with this idea with such a red thread, it goes just right the development of processing, this is the development of small and medium-sized entrepreneurship, which
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showed great resistance at the beginning of the war, and it is precisely all this that is united by, i would say, a big idea... made in ukraine, the stimulation of ukrainian entrepreneurship. thank you. mr. kubrakov, when you spoke, you emphasized. this, we will connect our railway with the european network, that is, this is the first project, we will build it this year together with our again european partners and donors. the danube cluster, this is how we continue to develop it, i would like to to remind that in the first two years of the war , more than 20 new terminals were built there, by the private sector, different forms of ownership there, different and... different for the export of various goods and for the import of various goods, many projects will also be completed and new ones will be built this year, we have liberalized everything as much as possible, decisions are made within a day by... there local authorities, the government, about the possibility of construction there, and of course, our main achievement is, again, thanks to all the united defense forces, this
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the black sea corridor is ours, there is still work to be done, to make it more efficient, we are working on it, and i hope that in the near future we will once again remove some barriers that will allow us to to export more of our goods, which now are primarily grain products of the metallurgical industry. and we will also start export-import of containers as soon as possible with the help of containers and container terminals that will be operational again on the black sea. thank you. thank you. mr. stefanchuk, you said that the parliament implemented all the tasks of the government for joining the eu, and now the question of negotiations, the negotiating framework. and what are the economic tasks the government is setting before the parliament, what is on the agenda, what should you do most important? well, first of all, we have already adopted three laws. but which are extremely important, it has already been mentioned, they make it possible to fulfill our obligations to the world bank and to attract one and a half billion dollars to ukraine, in addition to this, we are currently working separately, by the way, with
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the parliaments of other countries on the development of legal and legislative mechanisms regarding compensatory mechanism, and plus we will work depending on the economic tasks that we will work on with the government, all of them will find support in the parliament. we have time, left bank, please pass the microphone. thank you, and to mr. prime minister, the question is very specific, very short, currently three ministries in the cabinet of ministers have temporary acting heads, will they be replaced by full heads in the near future, and if so, who exactly? we are working on it and it is obvious will take place thank you, politics. thank you, i am fine, thank you very much, i wanted to ask about poland, well , some of you were at the border, where
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the polish representatives did not come, i also did not fully understand that if 90% of ukrainian exports go by sea, only technical grain goes there, why are they so, why did the protests look so terrible, are they really ukrainian companies? some violate the laws of poland, do you know such cases, as well as what compromises ukraine is ready to make in order to settle this issue with the poles, does it mean pushing us out of polish market? thank you for your question, it is relevant, we were really at the border, we talked with our transporters, in particular with the boys, the drivers who were returning from europe with reports from europe, protests. take place against the background of russia's war in europe in a hybrid format, we must not forget that, that is, there is support for radical and pro-russian political forces
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throughout the european union, in particular in poland, of course, this creates these terrible things that we see when spill the beans when they act illegally, the polish government reacts, we are in contact, they react adequately, appropriate cases are initiated, the police reacts, the first violations. who have already appeared before the court, they face up to 5 years of imprisonment, that is, all these steps are taken by the polish side from our side, we announced five very specific points to them, we also discussed this with the president of the european commission, with the european commission, and now we will implement the five points literally very quickly, we will work on a daily basis, we also announced about the compromises, we already introduced the verification mechanism on september 16 control for four groups of cereals. and we are also ready to proceed with the introduction, so to speak, of the level of exports for eggs, meat, chicken
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and sugar at the level of 23-22 years, these are quite large volumes, we are ready to fix them and move within these limits, i.e. these are the steps that we as a state announced to our partners. to your question, ukraine. did not violate, there is an official confirmation this week from the deputy minister of agrarian policy that ukrainian grain, ukrainian agricultural products do not enter the polish market, this it's already official, that is, this rhetoric is from two or three months ago, it has not been confirmed in any case, so the voice meters, the microphone, i'm sorry, thank you so much, thank you very much. questions about financial support. ukraine received a long list of demands from the united states and the european union, which. must
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be satisfied before receiving financial assistance, there are certain specifics, something must be completed by march, are you sure that you will be able to fulfill all the conditions set, together with the world bank, we made a new a tool called the matrix of reforms, more than 400 reforms are combined, identified and prioritized, according to the letter of proposals that we received. from our partners, from the united states, it is included in this matrix of reforms, it overlaps in many cases with the reforms that are prescribed in the imf memorandum, in the agreements with the world bank, in our ukraine facility, that is, these are the things that ukraine needs, and we will implement them no matter what, because these are the reforms that determine our path to the european union, these are the reforms that determine our way to improve the business climate, to improve the rule of flow in
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the state, so we... will definitely implement it, here the parliament is our huge partner, we are moving in the same direction, the president, the parliament, the government, and all these reforms will undoubtedly be implemented in ukraine, because they are needed primarily for our state, for us. thank you. a short announcement from the organizers, we're going to go straight to the third panel now, but before you, when it starts, we still have literally, well, a few minutes, there's still the possibility of a question, yes, please. thank you very much, turkish journalist, i have some questions for mr. prime minister: firstly, how do you assess the role of tourism companies in the reconstruction of ukraine after the war, and secondly , how do you assess turkish-ukrainian economic relations in general, and thirdly the question of when the free trade agreement between turkey and ukraine will be confirmed. thank you.
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i will start with the conclusion, we are ready, we have been ready for a long time to sign a free trade agreement with turkey, we are ready to move forward, i hope that this year, the ministry of economy is working, yulia anatolivna will confirm, this year we are ready, we are ready and we are waiting for its ratification so that it begins to act, the first part of your question, i will start with the fact that turkish business is already working in ukraine, there is a lot helps our state. doing a lot of infrastructure rebuilding contracts, a lot of things turkish companies did when the full-scale invasion started, helping to build fortifications, helping to do whatever was necessary to protect our state, we will continue in the same perspective, turkish business absolutely has all the opportunities and conditions to participate in reconstruction projects, you know, a corresponding
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large plant is being built. on the production of barektars in ukraine by a turkish company, these are all vivid examples of our cooperation and our such powerful business and trade activity. thank you. thank you. cnn. thank you. mr. prime minister, you mentioned all this cooperation with international partners, western countries. how much are you? still believe in what is to come aid from the united states, and what are you going to do if that aid doesn't come from the united states this year, $11.8 billion in aid, that's what we agreed on, that's what's going to help us close the funding gap, and we are deeply convinced that...


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