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tv   [untitled]    February 25, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EET

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you have the numbers clearly in front of you, that is, these are the losses, these are the hundreds of billions that russia has lost, these are the hundreds of billions that russia will lose, they just don't understand it yet, but these losses are already laid, the sanctions do not work so quickly, we want them to work faster, we require our partners to act faster, but already now the level of sanctions we have, well, these are actually world records in terms of quantity and quality. structure and depth of sanctions. thank you. thank you very much vladyslav. i will now ask, by the way, to display a slide with the network of friends of ukraine. and, because we have a video that we want to show you, and we need to explain first why we want to show it. so, over the past two years, we have created a number of international working groups in the office. these are very different groups, from the sanctions group, to the security guarantees group, to the return group. children
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to the group grain from ukraine - the group on food security, this is a presidential project, to the group recently created by mr. yarmak and mr. rasmussen, and of course we have a group on the environmental consequences of the war, so we are waiting for you to include this slide, and this group, as well as the group on children, these two last groups on ecology, on children, they were created much later than, for example, the sanctions group. oh, finally here you can see our groups, and kocheriv, andrii, andrii yermak, who, together with him, lead these groups. what is the idea anyway? the idea was to create a network of influence in ukraine through our so-called friends of ukraine, because each of these people, there, for example, take mr. mcfaul, or take baroness kennedy, who, together with
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mr. children, she is an outstanding lawyer who is a very titled, very well-known human rights defender, each of these people also has their own network of contacts through which they can advocate, lobby, deliver some messages, promote ukrainian ideas, and in this way, step by step , over these two years, we have made such a powerful network as we call it friends of ukraine. important in this entire history, in this entire structure, there is an international group on ecology, we launched this group not so long ago, but it became our bridge to the global rooster, andriy borisovych, since you, it is yours idea, i would like to comment a few words here before i include a video about this group, yes, i will be very brief, so that we still have time for dear journalists to ask questions, regarding... the environmental group, indeed, with
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margot wallström, we created this group, it has already presented its first document, which concerns crimes and the assessment of these crimes and recommendations on what to do with it, specifically on environmental issues, and this is, i would say, a roadmap for ukraine's actions. on assessing the responsibility of the aggressor country and restoring ours ecological system, and what is very important , that really, i agree with mr. dmitry here, unfortunately, all these issues are global, they turned out to be not, sorry for the word, not up to the teeth of the existing international infrastructure, and that's why really, well.. . it's hard to believe, but this
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, this is the fact that not a single red cross representative has reached any of our captives, captives, i think that's the verdict, as far as this organization is concerned, the exact same situation as far as our children are concerned, and unfortunately, the same situation, you know, is happening in many different forums on environmental issues questions, but in... most of them are focused on what could happen in the future, here we already have environmental disasters, well, first of all, after the destruction of the kakhovskaya station, and today, well, it turned out that no one knows , there are many countries, and indeed we have many friends, we have an unprecedented situation in terms of support, but unfortunately... there is no such
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recipe today, what should be done, how should be done and so on, and indeed today we are ukraine all this , unfortunately, during this tragedy, it works and... works not only for himself, but also for others, unfortunately, tragedies and conflicts that may arise in the future. thank you, i suggest watching the video now, start it, please. from the fields, when forests are burned and destroyed, the crime finds its name, its name is ecoside. from the first day of the full-scale war, 3,300 environmental crimes have been
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documented. the total damages have soared to the clouds, over 56.7 billion euros. the attack on the kahovka hydroelectric. power station is the largest act officer side in recent decades. the amount of water we lost equals a 2-day supply for all humanity. the chernobyl nuclear power plant was under occupation for over a month and russians still control the largest npp in europe, the zaperasian nuclear power plant, blackmailing the world with the nuclear winter. so the world can... no longer stand by. environmental protection is one of the cornerstones of the ukrainian peace formula. at the initiative of the office of the president, an international environmental group was created to address the environmental consequences of the war. it is
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led by former swedish foreign minister and ex-european commissioner margo walstrom and andrew. the head of the office of the president of ukraine. the group has developed an environment. compact for ukraine, which focuses on three main tasks: assessment of environmental damage, punishment for committing these crimes, restoration of nature and remediation of the damage caused. this formula is meant to become a practical action plan and guarantee of lasting peace, which cannot be achieved without restoring justice and environmental safety. before that , let's move on to the questions of the hall, very briefly, two questions, the first i will have for andriy borisovych, andriy borisovych, the process of signing security guarantees is now in full swing , it all started with the vilnius declaration, and i have questions for you, which guarantees that
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the villeneuve declaration will not become the new budapest memorandum? well, as i once said that this president will never have minsk-3, so will the president. and there will never be budapest, we took all , you know, drew all the conclusions from our mistakes of our country during this entire period, and that is why today we believe in specifics, we believe in legal obligations, and this is what the treaties that we already concluded with six countries, yesterday there were two new agreements with... nada, italy, i think that several more countries will sign these agreements in the near future. i want to say that today we have already covered almost the entire european union with these agreements. igor, there are four left
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countries, right? four countries of the european union and three countries of nato, with which we have not yet concluded. that is, you understand that when we , we will close these issues,... then we already have each of these agreements, it contains, among other things, i think that it is available, so i will not stop, everyone can read it, it contains absolutely under the confirmation and support of the future of ukraine both in nato and in the european union, therefore we consider this as an intermediate stage before full membership in nato, but this is already concrete work. regarding our accession to nato, because once again, each, each of these agreements contains the confirmation of the country to support us on this path, and the adaptation of legislation and our military industry and military potential to
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nato standards. therefore, this is a process, i think so, the signing of these agreements is already an open process of ukraine's accession. you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use it for carpentry work , it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1499, also a reliable battery is included, just call now and order, there is an opportunity free delivery, check with consultants, cut branches, cut timber, chop firewood, you can do it all in one movement with the strong saw, just look how quickly it copes with even... those branches once and for all, and unlike standard saws , it is so convenient to use in hard-
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to-reach places. the set includes a powerful battery, a key and a screwdriver, as well as a charger. call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 149 with the possibility of free delivery. check with consultants: a powerful strong saw is what you need, call. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics causing resonance in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change
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the country and each of us. ukraine should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: us boring, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent, they help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrible. a project for those who care and think. politclub, there is no point in talking about what happened in those years, but what i want to say is, first of all, and this is very important, that there is bipartisan support for ukraine, and we are constantly working on this bipartisan support. therefore, our communication, it is with both
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parties, both party representatives, they come here, we are there, and there is always this contact, it does not stop , secondly, we have a very strong, and we follow it, support of the american people in particular, i know that there is a very strong reaction to the last interview of the president... and zelensky, which you have seen which happened not in the palaces, as in some, but happened on the front lines, and i know that there is a very, well, a good reaction and a change in the position even of some representatives of the republican party, as far as speaking, you know, during political no need to race... compare rhetoric during companies of political and concrete actions.
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and finally, i want to say that i once said in the 19th year and not only said, but it was and is, remains the principle position of the president and the entire team, we have never interfered, we will not interfere and we will not allow anyone to interfere in... in the internal affairs of other countries and we will not allow anyone to interfere in the internal affairs of our country, this is our principled position. thank you, forbes ukraine, please. dear friends, good day to everyone who has just joined us, this is the espresso marathon, olesya vakalyuk, andriy saichuk, we are working for you today , we started a little later today, because as
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you can see, the representatives of our government decided to work today on sunday, so... decided to hold the ukraine 2024 forum, it was announced that it would be a broad, serious conversation of such different groups, so to speak and society in general, the authorities, about the future, about how we will stand this year and in the following years, what strategy, in general, and so on, the dialogue should have been, so far it looks more like such a rather warm bath for the conversation of people with office the president and representatives of the government, in short , let's give it, these are our impressions, so to speak , from the first, and what are the impressions of the political scientist oleg lisny, now we will ask him, we will add him to our broadcast, mr. oleg, have a good day, good and you, do you follow this forum, which has been going on
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for quite some time, how long has it been there, it has been going on for several hours, well more. three hours, if i'm not mistaken, it's already in progress, followed one panel in its entirety, this is the panel that was dedicated to the peace formula, uh, that's me and to the press conference, which you also started, well not a press conference, but before communication with journalists, so i can analyze this segment, let's try to talk about the peace formula, this is basically a key moment, and what new did we hear there, was the actual dialogue successful and or not? was he open and frank enough? well, here is the only moment that is new, simply, taking into account most of all the fact that journalists are there, the head of the office explained step by step what the peace formula is in
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his vision, and how it should end, and what has been done and what is planned . by large account, there was an interesting moment for me, at what stage russia could hypothetically be included in this formula, and i am satisfied with this, because according to this logic, russia must be confronted with the fact, and it must demonstrate its predatory face again, most likely it will do so, but what has always been said, why don't you call russia, why don't you call her at these stages? well , it is clear that at these stages it cannot be called , because it violates international law, and by and large this panel, not only yermak, but also lubints, was emphasized the following points, which are very important, with which i am in solidarity, that international law has been attacked, and it is necessary to work out new
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rules, the return of the force of international law, and not physical or military force. especially since i am in solidarity with mr. lubents in that he clearly pointed out the weakness, not to say worse, of the same international red cross, which for 10 years cannot find an opportunity to get to the place where our soldiers are being tortured, and again the thesis was sounded , which is unpleasant for the world, but it is objective, actually absent all... let's say yes, the mechanisms for the protection of human rights, and this is very important, and one cannot turn away from this problem, it is not only ukrainian, the russians have committed, as one of the participants of this panel said, in fact, all the war evils, war crimes that were possible, and the world should offer us a new formula
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for a tribunal like nurberg, but the world is waiting for us to... make this scheme, so it is a very difficult panel, as for me, because there are a lot of challenges here and in the sense of sanctions as well , and it is clear that we have certain successes there, but there is an awareness the spokesperson, who takes care of sanctions, said about this that it is not enough, the speed is not enough and the grounds are not closed enough, therefore , in the grand scheme of things, it was probably not about dialogues, but about... the presentation of these problems that i voiced, just these problems, they are not there are new ones, they are not some unknown in general, moreover, if you include the only... the only news, then the same speakers, the same news, or the same problems are basically voiced, i'm just trying to understand what is the value of this
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conversation, and what, if there is no dialogue, why is she in general, who are these people on the stage , what are they talking about, well, first of all, it is not entirely correct, who are these people on the stage, because the same pen lubinets put a lot of effort into returning our military and... children , so it is impossible, i think , to talk about it in this way, because people there are all busy with business, and this is their area of ​​responsibility, i don’t know if a dialogue was foreseen, but still there are mass media, including international ones , and they should hear these accents, as far as i'm concerned, it's not only inside society, because that's how we are somewhere we understand, somewhere we share these problems, but not everyone abroad shares these problems. that's why i believe that it is also for the international audience, well, we very often see all kinds of interviews of people from the authorities for
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foreign media, and in fact, maybe an honest dialogue is taking place between the foreign press and the ukrainian one, it is happening significantly, significantly, it is happening rarely, it should happen, is this an honest conversation in your opinion, by the way, there is also ukrainian media, when we were involved, there ukrainians also asked questions about of the united states, look what a moment, i'll just interrupt you, excuse me for a second, you say that you can't say that, ask the question, who are these people on the stage, look, in fact, here is the block now, one of the most important, is represented by the head the president's office, the head of the president's office is a person without any authority, at least on paper, it's just an office, people who ensure action. there can theoretically be two people there, theoretically there can be a budget there, i don't know 10 00 hryvnias per month, well, but that's actually a multi-billion budget and a huge
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staff of people, and in fact it is such a, well, if not the second order, then such a back government for sure, in fact the first, everyone also understands, but in this case, if in our country yermak officially speaks about the peace formula and he presents it, so i'm in such a... he wants, for example, to sit on the stage and his deputies, for example, oleg tatarov, who would comment on why there was such a vision, for example, of the reforms of the economic security bureau, why even in the faction of servants of the people found people, who found the courage not to vote for him, why they opposed him, for example, the ambassadors of j7, and how do we communicate later about the increase in aid, if we try to push through these so-called. forms of bep, well then it is some kind of serious and adult conversation, agree with me, then i begin to understand why these people are on stage, because then they
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come out and say, but we do not have official powers, but in the construction that is in country, we have the real power, and we then take responsibility for this power, see first of all, this panel was not devoted to the question you talked about, maybe there will be a future there, but at the same time we need to go through ... who are sitting there, i am saying this incorrectly, you understand, because mr. budanov is also sitting there , you want to say that he also does nothing and he just sits there like that, or mr. lubinets, no, let's be correct, i just want to say, let's call it then, if we, if we have people who are there are with unclear powers, then explain their powers, firstly, secondly, i say again, if there are serious problems, let's talk about them , just... there are 10 points of zelensky, they appeared not yesterday, everyone knows everything about them, it's just that there are serious problems in the country, a crisis in the country, a crisis of confidence, it is not clear in the country
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that is happening with the mobilization , they cannot pass the law, it is already clear that the spring will be terribly difficult, due to the fact that the mobilization has not been carried out, and the russians will have to be restrained, at the same time some delusions are happening on the subject of counterattacks, for example, although we understand that we don't have any available resources for... this, but about what are we basically saying on this stage, if this is really an important adult conversation, then between who and who? i understand that there will be zelensky's press conference at the end, and maybe someone will be able to ask a question there, but not, for example, yuriy butusu, well, first of all, we don't see it, on the other hand, i wouldn't underestimate the role of the peace formula , because it is about the world order and its restoration, because of this the war took place. when it broke down, the misfire, as you say, of the counter-offensives, military experts clearly say that you can talk about it, so that there are staff games and this is sewn
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into any... and actions of the ukrainian army, therefore we cannot throw out this component from the construction of the future actions of the ukrainian army, but we also need the help and understanding of our partners, so here, if i'm not mistaken, at the end the agreements that were signed by the security were also discussed, so maybe this one, well, i 'm analyzing now only this panel, i told you right at the beginning what i saw and that i'm analyzing what happened before... unfortunately, i didn't see that, what will happen next, we'll see, that's why i cannot be responsible for the organizers , what they wanted, how they wanted, i analyze what i see, you may like it, how i analyze, you may not, but these are my opinions, i have the right to them, i have no complaints against you , of course, mr. olezh, i would not like you to take this at your expense, in any case, and i apologize if you interpreted it that way, i am only expressing the same questions to which we
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do not have a good answer, that is, it was organized: a big serious conversation. conversation means dialogue. and you very rightly noted that there was a dialogue a bit. dialogue means that various clusters in politics, in the economy are included, you know, conventionally speaking. because everyone has problems, and everyone, everyone has questions that most of the time have no answers. and we can't even announce them to the whole country. having such an opportunity. mr. oleg, thank you for your comments, thank you for the analysis of one panel. oleg lisny, political scientist. was in touch with us, dear friends, stay with us, our marathon continues, i remind you that you can also donate, we still have 56 00 left collect so that there is 1 million for the 141st brigade, which is currently in the orihiv direction and needs our help, if you did not see the qr code on our air, you can go to the website and find the section espresso volunteers and find all the necessary information, all qr-codes and card numbers. thank you for being with
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alohol, it protects the liver and... bile. hello hall with care and respect for the liver and gallbladder. greetings to everyone from espresso. time to learn about the most current events. i'm naeva melnyk and i'm starting this issue with you. lastochkane is not occupied by the russians, there are heavy battles on the outskirts of the settlement, this was reported by the spokesman of the operational and strategic group of tavriy troops, dmytro lykhova, in a comment publication ukrainian truth. according to the military, the defense forces withdrew to the western region of lastochkino. there they took prepared defensive positions. however, fierce fighting continues. the russians use all types of weapons.


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