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tv   [untitled]    February 25, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EET

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are watching this program, and i 'd like to explain what it's all about. so, in reality, there are several groups of agricultural producers in poland, which are influenced by several factors. and first of all, it is about the entry of ukrainian grain into the market, especially in the first wave, because now there is less of this grain, and secondly, the general drop in grain prices affects them, and they felt discomfort, and then fear, and then it turned around to such a degree, such a wave, so to speak, of protests, and even then they joined them. and maybe even saboteurs, but i would like, even if someone does not agree with us, to understand that there is some truth in all this. i mean, these people are very afraid for their future, for their farms, that is why they go to such forms of protests, first of all, this is a protest against the european commission, and ukraine is only an aspect of this protest, but it is really so, and for this is a big problem for us, because it is about blocking the border, and this is a bad reputation for poland, but no one can for...
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she apologized to warring ukraine and noted that she does not believe that this is the work of her real compatriots. actually, what do the poles say?
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people's deputy of ukraine, co-leader of the group on inter-parliamentary relations with poland, mykola knyazhytsky, was in poland immediately after the munich conference, and for the 1000th day we talked only about this. i understand the feelings of ukrainians, i try to explain and lower the level of emotions a little, but this does not change the fact that there is a problem, and i return to it again. let's not let ourselves be convinced that everything in the world is one big thing special operation, there is a real problem that some farms in poland are suffering. we are trying to solve this problem as a new government, although i am not in... we are also looking for solutions in consultations with the european commission, some of these solutions will be found, but it will take time, during this period there will be protests, i wanted my fellow farmers would like to convince you of only one thing: i understand you, i understand that you may be nervous, i understand that not everything in the world markets turns out to be the best for producers grain, just don't scatter this grain anymore , and this is my sincere appeal, i also come from a family with roots in the village, i think we shouldn't do that as poles, just because of our traditions. and respect for our
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culture, i am ready to understand the scattering of something else, if it is necessary to scatter, i don't know, some products, whether it be cabbage or something else, but in principle it is better not to throw away food, because someone can eat it. there are other effective forms of protest, also sharp enough, because i understand that the participants of the action wanted to make the protest sharp, okay, i would voters, since i represent the party in power , so that there would be no protests, and if they have to be, then let them take place as far as possible from the border, the better and... in our regions, i am talking especially about subcarpathia, galicia, this is always a bad signal, it's just better not to give it. all the more so when ukrainian grain is transiting to germany or lithuania, as was the case last week. and this is a question that now arises even among those who are cold.
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of course it was, and i know it too, and i began to report it, but there was a moment when i did not realize it, so all the more so, that is i understand these farmers, i understand that this means that one year their grain costs them, the next half less, it becomes difficult for them to feed themselves and their families, i also understand the ukrainians who stayed in ukraine and are fighting, i just share these emotions, but sometimes i also ask, i ask people for understanding , because sometimes in our relationship it is very necessary, maybe we need
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to rename this program and call it cold heads, you understand, not everything is a special operation, sometimes people explode in different ways emotions, including ones that just make them feel like they're at a disadvantage. sometimes they also don't know what the import and export structure is. yes, many farmers in poland maybe didn't know about it, probably they don't realize it either now, so we need to talk about it too. that is our role, and of course you can join those who are scared and tearing their hair out today, but i would not want us to join them . i myself do not want to be in this group. i want to at least try to solve it problems quietly, quietly and calmly. and i know that many people in the polish government are trying to solve them. i would like it to end and remain in history, so that it does not turn out that in the end poles and ukrainians quarreled over an issue that is not so important for the entire economy, because i am not talking about these
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specific farms, for them it is so important, but for the whole economy, for all polish-ukrainian relations, because let's say clearly that this would be completely untrue, my god, let's think about whether this is even true if we characterize today's polish-ukrainian relations through the prism of this problem, although this is a real problem, well no, because these relations should actually represent the millions of ukrainians who passed through our country, and many of them still live here, every day we do business together , people are implementing programs together, as we are now, by the way , and other things, this is a real picture of polish-ukrainian relations, and this, for example, is a very good export of polish products to ukraine, so that we do not reduce all this to pictures from the border. but still would like to understand how this russian grain enters the polish market, because the 13th package of sanctions against russia has been adopted, we will talk about the sanctions separately, but at the moment we see that these products, especially agricultural products, still end up on the shelves, how is this possible? not all products
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are subject to sanctions, they are different, there was grain, but what the grain regulation looks like, i don't remember, we can come back to it, if necessary, i will prepare. need to check, i'm not ready to talk about it now. i read that it enters the eu through intermediary firms, for example, from lithuania. exactly. but in addition to that, some agricultural products from russia are not subject to sanctions because, as the previous polish government said about it, i remember such statements and analysis that the world is facing a food crisis, it is dictating its terms, and the world is trying to these calls to respond. therefore, there are certain products that enter the markets, even from russia. especially grain and vegetables, it seems that russian grain in general was considered in the context of russia's agreement to allow ukrainian grain through the black sea as part of the negotiations, no, i i just don't remember how it was, and i have this rule too, and i like it, because usually politicians are famous for their willingness to comment expertly on any
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topic, if i don't know something, i just don't remember, we can go back to this topic, about the sanctions mechanism, i would like to say two words, if i may, the thing about sanctions is that they are never perfect, there are quite a lot of quirks. literature that i know about sanctions, and it all points to one thing: if you want to stop a country with sanctions, you have to keep imposing new packages or new sanctions, because the state, as a large organism, especially such a large and strong organism as russia, has a natural tendency to circumvent sanctions, that is , some sanctions are accepted, and they come up with different ways around them: sometimes a lithuanian company, then sanctions are imposed on grain , grain also enters the market only in the form of flour, and these are just a few examples of how this can happen: countries that are subject to sanctions always have... a huge ability to resume their activities in other forms and to find loopholes where sanctions can be circumvented, which means we just need to keep improving sanctions, that's how it works, that's the nature of sanctions, there's no such thing as deterrence and everything, and they work, you just have to keep trying new things , continue
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to watch how they get around it, only here i would also like to appeal to polish farmers, well, if the polish market already needs a certain amount of imported grain and other agricultural products. probably, it is worth looking at it so that instead of buying products from russia in one form or another, it might be better to just stop fighting ukraine instead of actually funding putin's weapons that are aimed at both our countries. i would say that this is too sharp wording, it is not a struggle with ukraine for these people. i know it looks bad in the end, and it really does. i just got back from a conference in munich and saw how many people were telling me about it. i know it's a problem, but i also know. that it is not in accordance with nature of the polish-ukrainian dialogue, neither from the polish nor from the ukrainian side , to explain something calmly and patiently, because everyone prefers to exaggerate and exaggerate, and i think that we can try a little differently, especially since it will be useful in the future during ukraine's negotiations on joining the eu. i understand that many people do not
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agree with the polish farmers, with this group of farmers, because not all of them, but only a group of producers, in this case of grain, in the other case of corn, they are the producers, or let's say poultry farmers, it will be easier to find there solution, although this one is not exact. but let's try to understand it and then we'll have a better conversation, because at least we'll know what the difference is and we won't accuse each other of bad intentions, but i don't rule it out and i want to say that i shouldn't be considered naive when we talk about... information sphere, it is clear that even if the protesters have good intentions, this is an objective fact. if we talk about this poster, about these appeals to putin, where does it come from and how many poles really think like that? the banner was so terrible that if there were more such banners, we would have known about them for sure, because someone would have photographed it and put it on the internet, so again, if you use your cold mind and logic, there was probably one such banner, then no one noticed the others, well thank god. we started the banner with him, it's just a disaster, but in conclusion, let 's turn on critical thinking for a moment
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, there were not many such banners, probably he was the only one, the prosecutor's office, as reported by the minister of internal affairs martinsky, began an investigation, everything is in action, because may be further with the people who initiated such slogans? well, if someone calls for a crime or spreads hate speech, usually the criminal code applies, the law must be followed. on all sides it means that if someone says they want to demonstrate then they have the right to demonstrate, well sorry even if we don't like it i also think that blocking the border is a big issue for security reasons but it's also right, and this is taken very seriously in poland. this law is especially important in view of the times of communism, when it was prohibited, but also if someone protests and abuses the law in some other way, the law works for him in the same way, which means that he usually has to be watched by the prosecutor's office, he is...
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to be protected a little bit, because it is known that completely it will not be possible to protect ourselves, but
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to protect a little bit the producers of certain goods , which are produced cheaper in ukraine, because there is better land, and this is the happiness of ukraine, because there is more sun, and this is the happiness of ukraine, but still, because there are larger farms there and the products are cheaper, because this is how the rural system is arranged farms in ukraine, which most often refer to large farms of the richest people, but also because of this the products are cheaper. therefore , ukrainian grain is cheaper, because in ukraine you can use, for example, other means of plant protection. requirements from the eu are not so strict. yes, these requirements are not as big as those of polish manufacturers, and in this regard, when we collect all these factors, we will see, firstly, ukrainians can produce cheaper, secondly, it may be so, that this is not always the case, but it may be that they produce at a lower price standards, because they do not have all obligations. which polish farmers have. thirdly, in general, grain prices fell. fourthly, when
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this grain enters the european market, the facilities for polish grain will inevitably decrease. fifth, part of this grain remains on the polish market itself, for example, sometimes due to some illegal actions. and sometimes it is difficult to calculate, because it simply enters the general european market. because, in general, ukraine does not trade grain with poland. the grain in question is intended to fulfill agreements with... other countries, it is not absolutely, because it is already a single market, it cannot be completely separated, i think it is necessary, i don't know, just like that, it seems to me that it is what needs to be done, and there are such financial instruments from the eu, there are such financial opportunities, it's to help those farmers who just don't have time, i don't know, to change , for example, the type of seed that they sow, or to change something else, because people are in this situation, so they need help now, but the polish have farmers already received certain subsidies from the eu? yes, they are partially received, partially still receive, must receive in the eu by agriculture, it
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looks like this. polish farmers received 4 billion euros in subsidies from the government and the european union. yes, if they want more, and they have a right to it, then they should get more. and ukrainian farmers will quickly learn this, because in 10 years ukraine will be in the eu. and indeed, at least from this point of view , it is necessary to refrain from such a frontal attack on each other. ukrainian. various protests await, better times will come, when there will be no more war and ukraine will be in the eu, and ukrainian farmers will receive various subsidies and money when something threatens them, for example, i don't know, transport from kazakhstan or something else, but there is also a factor of war, so the consul general of poland in lviv eliza dzvonkiewicz calls it stabbing
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a neighbor in the back who is fighting for freedom, but i don't understand one thing, i mean. i can also sharply comment on all elements in polish-ukrainian relations, but why, for example, should i do this, because today number of people do it. if i 've dedicated my whole life to making this relationship better, it's at these difficult times that it's tested, and that's when i have to hold myself back and not let myself explode. it means searching for dialogue. at such moments, i always remember this unfortunate voivode kisel, whom everyone in ukraine knows from history, who tried to reconcile the cossacks with the poles. i 'm trying to get everyone to at least... these phenomena, to explain them, i don't always have to agree, we've talked about it before, and i 'm trying to find people who will listen and they will say, well, then maybe let 's try to combine it like this, or maybe like this. today, the situation is that these farmers need to be helped sporadically , but ukrainian farmers will have similar problems, because they will be brought, for example, wheat from kazakhstan, 100% it will be like that
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soon, in about 10 years, when you will be in the eu, after all, polish farmers and producers also need to be given some time. perhaps they will find a way to buy grain cheaper in ukraine, and then process it and sell it as a finished product to the same ukraine or somewhere else. it will all fit. by the way, we have not yet talked or discussed how this situation will affect the polish economy, because this crisis can cause a breakdown in communication, a lack of understanding, and maybe even such consequences that some of the ukrainian seasonal workers who could come in the future , as it was before. first of all, of course, women will not come every year. the polish economy needs workers from abroad for the functioning of certain industries, and ukrainians may not want to do this in the coming years. and who will take their place then? migrants from africa? there is such an undefined category, which is formulated as the atmosphere in
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business. when we talk about this atmosphere in business, it is not clear exactly what we are talking about, but the fact is... it should be a good atmosphere, because the consequences of this can affect, for example, the comfort of selling polish products to ukraine, i i wouldn't want it, because i see how many jobs in poland are connected to sales to ukraine, almost every day i meet someone who sells products to ukraine, and in poland many people say that ukrainian products a lot, but the statistics show that there are quite a few , but not that many, so we also trade with each other, different things are happening, there will be some big investments that we make, it's just that ... together everything is not to sink all the projects and not make it so that no one trusts anyone anymore, maybe it's actually much easier to realize that there is a specific problem that is a significant irritant and causes disapproval in ukraine, and people are also constantly under the stress of war, in addition to their have their own feelings they have relatives dying at the front, i don't even want to say it, i'm just aware of it, i
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understand it, and i want to show now that i understand that someone is annoyed, but to be honest, i am much less. understand those people who are responsible for polish-ukrainian relations, i don't know, for example, i really appreciate teras kachko, but he always resorts to some sharp comments on twitter every time, does it change something, or from my sharp comment, if someone annoys me, will the problem be solved more easily? there is also a question here, because while anti-ukrainian hysteria is being fanned by the russian special services in social networks, and how they work, we saw on the example of the usa many years ago, didn't we? we should pay attention to the ancient works of the kremlin ideologues, dugen and ilyen, that the conquest of europe will begin with the polish-russian conflict. so, how can we keep our heads cool now, and while tires are burning in polish cities, not lose our common sense and be guided by the slogans of jerzy gedroyc and other architects
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of polish-ukrainian understanding. simply to do this, i appeal with one thought now to everyone who has influence, if you are negotiating, if you are a politician who is responsible for these relations, for some aspect economic, cultural and so on, then you must avoid, this is an element of professionalism, you don't radicalize, because that makes it worse to conduct negotiations, because the fact that someone makes some sharp post in social networks, which happens often, does not improve the atmosphere of these negotiations, nothing good will definitely come of it. so let everyone begin with themselves, i will not teach anyone just because i am i deal with polish-ukrainian relations, especially because in general i have this nature in principle, but especially because i don't make a drama out of it. each country, each nation, has its own elements that are particularly emotional for it, and on the polish side there are also things to which polish public opinion is very sensitive because of history, which says something about
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the behavior of ukrainians, but i always say, let's not exaggerate, let's just take it easy on these comments. and now it is in the hands of responsible leaders, responsible media and responsible citizens of both countries. everyone can have a different opinion than me, but... this is my advice, i think it should be. we'll end this interview with a recap. this weekend marks the second anniversary of the war in ukraine, and two years ago, on the first day of the invasion, you and i shared the warsaw-kyiv stream. we talked online about what's next, what to expect, what 's happening in kyiv. i talked about the events from my apartment in kyiv. what do you think about this anniversary and the moment we find ourselves in, where we start this third year of war and what's next? wait, i don't even remember that moment, so for me they all came together like one long canvas, those first few weeks, i remember our conversations, i remember that i
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tried, that in the beginning i there was a feeling that you yourself did not understand then what to do next? the most important thing was to provide as much information as possible, i wanted us to communicate, even on twitter, on instagram, wherever possible, i just joined in, informed about the consequences of putin's attack on ukraine, i don't like that we continue speak... about two years, because i think we need to be reminded all this time that it's 10 years, because it's also the 10th anniversary of the invasion of crimea, and it's 10 years of a massive war that just got a lot more intense two years ago. putin decided to kill more ukrainians, he tried to use very sharp tools, because now we are used to such a positional war, you can say classic, but let's remember that it all started with the genocide north of kyiv, and there was an attempt to use very cruel ones. tools which cannot be counted in, i don't know if there is such a thing as a classic war, but it was definitely not a classic war. putin played very hard and the key for us was
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to mobilize the entire western world for support and we did that. i believe that every vote, every post, every inclusion online was a brick in the construction of this wall against putin. well, now that so much time has passed, at the beginning of this year, we 're counting on responsible leaders, again, and even...responsible nations, we hope that the united states are mobilizing, and in spite of everything , europe is mobilizing, since it is in its hands and will that the future of our world now lies. there is a thing in europe where it mobilizes when faced with some terrible acts. the last such symbolic act was putin's assassination of navalny. suddenly, in two or three days, everyone mobilized, as if they saw putin's true face again, because you and i knew what he was like, and suddenly everyone started loudly demanding. for this russian money to be frozen in western europe, there is a certain paradox here that not only in ukraine, sometimes not only in poland, but also in the west, only when someone dies, or something
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tragic happens, everyone says, hey, that's how it is, and on the other hand, everyone starts to believe that the world is not one big special operation, sometimes there is real oppositionists, people who, i don't know, from my side, i would just like to say a few words about navalny, because i also saw that he was terribly criticized in ukraine, criticized. the attention paid to navalny, and i think it was important that he wrote his manifesto a year ago, changed his views, demonstrated it, returned to russia, to prison, not out of naivety, because he did not assume that he would be killed, he just assumed that something would happen, he would be able to change russia, but for me this is some kind of position, on which is worth paying attention to, and then remember that there are also real oppositionists in russia, even if someone still thought that... in russia it's all putin's game, now it's clear that sometimes things are serious. well then, the fate of russia is now in the hands of these real
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oppositionists, it's time to act. in the hands of a small a group that is weak, but maybe it will also gain some strength. death sometimes gives strength to others, so i would like khodorkovsky, kasparov, to have more strength in what they do, because kasparov, for example, really does a lot to support ukraine in the war, and he, for example, always was. opposition to putin, i hope that no one has any doubts here, but i am also concerned, for example, in a human way, about kara murza, for example, who is currently in prison, i know him, we are friends, this is also important , i know what it is can criticize, i understand that someone in ukraine, when they hear this, says that more than 100 people die in our country every day, maybe more, i understand that, but i think that it is also worth considering those who are in russian prisons, and that somehow they they must also contribute to victory, let... empires are built for a long time and they fall quickly, sometimes
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one person can pull out the first domino, which will later destroy the whole house. we also hope for this, although we do not count on it, because ukraine, to be honest, does not expect anything from the russian oppositionists, so probably we and evaluated navalny's activities only after his death. i see these reactions to navalny very sharp at times, but for example, i understand such radicalism and it is not criticized at all, because one of our mutual acquaintances, a very respectable and brave person from kharkiv, i do not know if she would want i mentioned her name, although i probably did her name, because in principle she... wrote about it publicly, this is nataliya zubar, whom i respect very much, i saw that she published such a post on social networks with a photo when she vomited from the bomb, you're still talking about navalny, huh i don't care, i'm just worried about what happened here, i think i understand such emotions, but i don't agree with it, i think that the death of navalny can also contribute to the fact that the bomb funnel will become smaller, because it politics influences, well, we'll see, but i want
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to say that... what natalia zubar is doing is wonderful, her position is simply extremely important to me, it is close to politics, close to the world, pavel koval and maria gurska, thank you, see you next week, thank you, there are discounts on citramondarnitsa, 10% at pharmacies psyllium, bam and oskad. there are discounts on emolium 25% in psarynsky, bam and oskad pharmacies. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uro helped me, thanks to the natural components of feminost uuro , it helps to restore control over urination both during the day and at night. feminonost uro - urination under control. ask at pharmacies. there are 10% discounts on paracytamoldarnytsia
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aircraft. the psapsan complex of the state special transport service. we appeal to the viewers of the espresso tv channel to participate in the collection of defense funds and technical equipment for our unit. thank you, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. 10 years of war, the war for freedom, from the revolution of dignity. until today's battles, if something happens to me, if nothing happens to me, then i know that i died for the truth. 10 years of war, war for our existence, this the path that changed us. in the conditions of the occupied territories, de-occupied territories, we have losses of the order of potential 7 million hectares of land, which have not been cultivated for two years. 10 years of war, war for the future, what price do we pay for it? 200. of our citizens
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were taken to russia, depopulation is an inevitable thing, intellectuals, experts, patriots talk about threats and our future in a special project for the 10th anniversary of the beginning of russia's armed aggression against ukraine 10 years of the war for independence from february 18 on espresso. greetings, dear viewers, this is news, i am anaeva melnyk and starts this edition with such a forum ukraine 2024 continues in the capital, almost 30 top officials answer the questions of journalists, our correspondent dmytro didora is also at the event, he is with us
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live. oleg, my congratulations and tell.


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